WTPDL part 2 - Time we get back to Constitutional Republic - not "change" but "Restoration" (#ROAR - #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic)
[This is now going to be my, every B4IN article, standard opening (as of Dec. 19, 2024):
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WTPDL part 2 – Time we get back to Constitutional Republic – not “change” but “Restoration” (#ROAR – #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic) – not “Hope” (Hope is great, Hope is needed, but Hope is NOT a Strategy) but ACTIONS….
OK, First, cannot pass on my #JOKEsterJOE (of Savaged Unfiltered) side: When I/we say ROAR we do not mean Katy Perry FanBoy of her basically SoftCorePorn Music Video for that tune basic homage/follow-up to Helen Reddy’s “I Am Woman” song – we mean Restore Our American Republic (#ROAR)!!!!
In this episode, Derek Stone joins Host Joseph M. Lenard to discuss a variety of political topics from a Christian and Constitutional perspective. They talk about issues such as high taxes, property taxes, education system reforms, voter integrity, corruption in Congress, and the importance of restoring Judeo-Christian values in education.
Stone expresses frustration with the high taxes in Michigan, particularly auto insurance rates and property taxes. He advocates for lower taxes across the board. Lenard highlights the need for tax reductions, especially for seniors who struggle with property taxes despite owning (not really, you still Rent/Lease via property taxes from Govt) their homes.
The conversation also touches on the need for school choice, dismantling the Department of Education (under proper Constitutional Authority and 10A return to States and Localities). They criticize the indoctrination of progressive ideologies like critical race theory in public schools and emphasize the importance of instilling Judeo-Christian values and work ethic in young Americans.
[additional Summary, Key Takeaways, Key Quotes, and more, down-thread]
WTPDL part 2 – Time we get back to Constitutional Republic – not “change” but “Restoration” (#ROAR – #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic)….
Below follows Primary Summary, Key Takeaways, and Quotes, as well as other materials (based upon the associated CTP S2EDecSpecial4 episode) generated by/with #DeepCastPRO (with a few added in cross-references to additional TLB fare…
- DeepCast.fm episodes digests direct: https://deepcast.fm/podcast/christitutionalist-tm-politics
- DeepCastPRO for Podcasters: https://tinyurl.com/DeepCastPro4Podcasters (Claim FREE listing)
Advocate for significant reductions in taxes, including property taxes, auto insurance, and income taxes.
Reform the education system by dismantling the Department of Education (return rightful authority/powers/control back to States #CommieFasciSocies-ocrats illegally Federalized (violation of 10A)), promoting school choice, and incorporating Judeo-Christian values and a biblical focus.
Criticize the indoctrination of progressive ideologies like critical race theory and diversity, equity, and inclusion (as, we, USA, E Pluribus Unum, from many one, are the most diverse/inclusive (actual dictionary definition, not warped Left application there-of) Nation (The Great Melting-Pot) on the Planet already) in public schools.
Support voter integrity measures and address corruption in Congress, such as insider trading by elected officials.
Prioritize border security and construction of a border wall to prevent illegal immigration.
Promote the restoration of traditional American values, work ethic, and sportsmanship.
Address the divisiveness in American politics and the need for civil discourse and actual FREE SPEECH vs Leftist Censorship and Cancel Culture tactics.
Emphasize the importance of legal immigration and the historical role of diversity in the nation’s founding (again: as, we, USA, E Pluribus Unum, from many one, are the most diverse/inclusive (actual dictionary definition, not warped Left application there-of) Nation (The Great Melting-Pot) on the Planet already).
“First and foremost I’d like to see much lower taxes. We are taxed up the yin yang, especially here in Michigan. We’ve got the highest auto insurance rates in the country if I’m not mistaken or if not one of the highest. And property taxes are out of control and income taxes, medical taxes, they’re all way too high and I would like to see much lower costs or elimination of a majority of these taxes.” – Derek Stone
“There needs to be a biblical focus now in education to get much better, to get to be able to create much better citizens out of kids as they go into adulthood. Because there are just too many kids, too many teenagers right now in the US who aren’t prepared to deal with the real world and they Just don’t know what it’s like to face how to handle disappointment.” – Derek Stone
“The public schools have gotten way out of control with their critical race theory and diversity, equity and inclusion and stuffing all this progressive ideology down the kids throats that there needs to be a Judeo Christian form of education in this country.” – Derek Stone
“And that’s why I support the border wall at the US Mexico border. I want all of the illegal migrants to not be coming into the US and possibly bringing or bringing their mob like mentality, their criminal like behavior or any third world diseases they might be carrying. Because we are, we are an exceptional nation and I wanted to stay that way.” – Derek Stone
“There needs to be a Judeo Christian form of education in this country. Because that’s what we were formed on back in 1776. Not all of the founding fathers were devout Christians, but they believed in the Christian method for education.” – Derek Stone
In this week’s episode of the ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast…
Host Joseph M. Lenard returns for a powerful follow-up discussion on his ‘We the People Demand List’ – a comprehensive policy platform aiming to restore Constitutional principles and curb government overreach. In this hard-hitting exchange with guest Derek Stone, the two dive deep into the urgent need for sweeping tax reforms, ending insider trading by politicians, and restoring civics education in our schools.
One of the podcast’s central themes is the critical issue of property taxes – a burden that often forces seniors out of their lifelong homes. As Lenard eloquently states, ‘Supposedly own their home, but no, you’re still renting it from the government via your property taxes.’ Stone echoes this sentiment, noting that if you stop paying property taxes, ‘the government will come in and seize it.’ The hosts agree this represents a direct assault on the foundational American principle of private property rights.
Expanding on this, the pair lament how the expansion of voting rights without corresponding responsibilities has eroded the original intent of the franchise. As Stone observes, ‘only landowners could vote’ in the early days of the republic, ensuring a vested interest in the system. The hosts argue this has paved the way for a ‘MOBocracy’ (or INEPTocracy and CLEPTocracy) where the unproductive majority votes to tax the productive minority, a dynamic they vehemently oppose.
Lenard and Stone also take aim at the rampant self-enrichment of career politicians, decrying the ‘RINOs and progressives’ who have turned public service into a means of personal gain. They condemn the insider trading that allows legislators to profit from advance knowledge of policy changes, and demand strict blind trust requirements to prevent such abuses.
Turning to education, Stone and Lenard bemoan the removal of civics curricula from schools, lamenting that young people today lack a fundamental understanding of how our government is supposed to function. They call for a return to Judeo-Christian values in the classroom, arguing this is essential for producing citizens prepared to navigate the real world. As Stone passionately states, ‘there needs to be a biblical focus now in education to get much better, to get to be able to create much better citizens out of kids as they go into adulthood.’
The far-reaching implications of this agenda are clear. Restoring fiscal responsibility, protecting property rights, and re-emphasizing civic values would fundamentally reshape the social and political landscape. Lenard and Stone’s vision is one of empowered citizens reclaiming control from an entrenched political class – a bold, unapologetic challenge to the status quo.
Importantly, Lenard/Stone frame these issues through a Christian and Constitutionalist lens, drawing on scriptural principles and the Founders’ original intent. This perspective sets their platform apart, offering a uniquely principled alternative to the prevailing (#CommieFasciSocies) progressive ideologies. As the political landscape continues to shift, the ‘We the People Demand List’ stands as a clarion call for a return to America’s timeless ideals.
Listeners familiar with the ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast will recognize the host’s unwavering commitment to these themes. Yet even newcomers will find themselves captivated by the intellectual rigor and moral clarity on display. This is a must-listen episode, brimming with insights that challenge conventional wisdom and point the way towards a more just, prosperous, and free society.
As the nation heads into a pivotal election cycle, the stakes could not be higher. Joseph M. Lenard and Derek Stone (of WAAM Radio, Producer to many Shows there including his own “Stone Cold Sports Truth” (and not Derek’s first appearance on CTP, nor will be his last – will be returning soon for another “Occasional Breaks needed” Sports edition of CTP)) have laid out a bold vision for reclaiming the American experiment – one that transcends partisan divides and speaks to the timeless values that have sustained this great republic. This is a conversation that deserves the widest possible audience, for the future of our nation hangs in the balance.
Whether you’re a longtime listener or discovering ChristiTutionalist Politics for the first time, this episode will leave you energized and inspired. Tune in, share with your friends, and join the growing movement to restore America’s founding principles. The time has come for We the People to take back control, and this podcast is leading the charge.
Above Primary Summary, Key Takeaways, and Quotes, as well as other materials (based upon the associated CTP episode) generated by/with #DeepCastPRO
- DeepCast.fm episodes digests direct: https://deepcast.fm/podcast/christitutionalist-tm-politics
- DeepCastPRO for Podcasters: https://tinyurl.com/DeepCastPro4Podcasters
(Claim FREE listing)
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