Reminder... While we Celebrate... Our Enemies Plot...
[original email:
also dropped today: /science-and-technology/2024/12/btssp-earth-bowl-donut-flat-sphere-lets-examine-3071241.html]
Hello special TERROR STRIKES book INSIDER.
First, saddens me deeply we have so many in harms way and ongoing operations that this News breaks on Christmas Eve and many prepare for a wonderful Dinner and if have Young Children especially preparing to put them to Bed for the Celebration around the Tree in the AM. Some still not aware of Troops deployed still in Syria (as all that overthrow of Assad still unfolds), some still in Somalia, and so many other locales that many thought we’d pulled Forward-Deployed Forces from long ago.
But once again the harshness of GOOD vs EVIL ongoing struggles around the Globe interrupt our preferred “Peace” time.
Next, I have to input Thank God, all our US Service Personnel (at least in regard to this incident) are OK. But our US Navy shot-down one of our own Aircraft (again, all OK, thankfully our Air-Crew were able to Eject moments before Aircraft hit by Ship-born-defense struck it).
After Air-Strikes on Enemy Terrorist forces two US Aircraft were returning to their Carrier Strike-Group in order to land when a support Ship launched protection measures mis-identifying our returning craft as hostiles approaching.
Now, dear Friends, again, let us be thankful all our Service Personnel are indeed OK but this incident raises a few Questions – and not to be “rough” on our Men/Women maybe NOT the Questions you might think. Of course, investigation into Crew and Weapons procedures will occur – but reality is in the heat of battle, fog of war, etc., it is very sad but these kind of things can happen.
The major “other” Questions no have to be contemplated over the safety/security of the entire Fleet and especially Strike-Groups in the Hot-Zones. So one anti-aircraft defense of our Ships did work as expected (and, again, cannot express enough, THANK GOD and quick reaction of Pilot, those on-board Aircraft were able to Eject safely before the Fighter was struck and destroyed). However, if it was Enemy incoming Aircraft what might we be talking about in terms of damage and Lives lost as the 2nd (of the 2) Fighters was able to evade our own Defense mechanism. So the real Question is when we are actually coming under fire or in battle “just how often does our Ordinance NOT take out a target?”
Again, Praise God all on our side SAFE! But REAL QUESTIONS now beg Answer – this could be a whole worse than “a mistake” story today and us mourning many Dead and Injured (“potentially” still other Defenses likely would have kicked in had it indeed been incoming Enemy and we sure all Hope/Pray our folks protected (as best our Human frailties and our Humankind made “tools of War” (both Offensive and Defensive, and PeaceThruStrength deterrence) allow/afford) and noting our Enemies are NOT going to rest or “give us a break” for our Holiday and therefore we too, rather some on our behalf, have to be that tip-of-the-sword even today) if an Enemy Aircraft indeed be allowed get “too close” to our Strike-Group formations.
also related:
Plus, of course, and still, as all Western Nations remain on High-Alert, as what happened just a few days ago in Germany reminds, part of our Christmas Wishes must remain/continuing include Prayer for “Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward Humankind!”
Take Care, God Bless! Happy Holidays! and if you’ve not seen my CTP episodes of late ( I’ve reminded: HAPPY HOLIDAYS is not an attack (nor is “Merry X-mas (“Merry Xristos-Mass”)). Remember: HUBRIS is a Sin – not all and ever only ALL ABOUT US AND OURS and as stated above Thanksgiving just passed, Hanukkah and Christmas coming, as well Happy New Years Eve – HAPPY HOLIDAYS (not just about us).
INCLUSION, the proper use, and USA E Pluribus Unum (will have an upcoming piece on that coming soon) and it from Latin FROM MANY ONE and USA is the most Diverse/Inclusive Nation on the entire Planet. Our great MELTING POT (not appropriation) and from many Heritages our own unique BLENDED Culture. So, again, INCLUSION is NOT a four-letter-word when properly applied – not like Leftist WOKEist manure actual #IdentityPolitics division, separation, segregation, etc…. So, I, hope you, HAPPY to INCLUDE so many other Friends of other Faiths or whatever other kinds of Backgrounds in Wishing HAPPY HOLIDAYS (whichever all are on your/their Calendars).
————————— OLDER NEWS ————————
from my (JLenardDetroit) social-media postings few days ago….
#FBI now CLAIMS to have FOILED/INTERCEPTED a suppose TERROR PLOT to be launched on #Election2024 day (Nov. 5)…. Been saying not matter IF but WHEN, but doesn’t then necessarily mean I BELIEVE THIS (I have ZERO trusted Sources saying anything about this) or just #DeepState now trying PRETEND they’re doing what they should after 3.5 years of TARGETING AMERICAN CITIZENS for sham investigations and harassment!!!
And as I reported just the other day in the “Can We Believe Anything This Administration Says” email – “supposedly” a plot just the other day. Real, or bluster in response to Germany attack to try “make the masses feel at ease” that our DeepState is actually now working to Protect US Citizens rather than Spying on us, Plotting to Persecute for bogus Charges Citizens, et al…
OK, pardon, sorry to intrude, but sadly if I do not Report these things some people just will never, ever, know – WE THE PEOPLE are the Bosses but the THOSE IN DC (esp. DeepState) want us IN DARK (no transparency).
related: We The People Demand List
Remember Contract With America? Well Here I started “We The People (post-election) Demand List” (WTPDL) article and Petition…
Saturday, November 9, 2024 12:31
WHAT’S MORE… while Terror Strikes deals with some Christian themes, now comes a book specifically to/for fellow followers of Jesus Christ.
In June 2023 Joseph M Lenard launched the “ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast” (aka: CTP) which drops via Buzzsprout every Saturday.
CTP is also carried via Amazon Music, Apple podcasts, Deezer, Google podcasts, iHeartRadio, iTune, Listen Notes, PlayerFM, Podbean, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Podtail, Spotify, Stitcher, and even more carriers coming very soon – if your fave not listed ask them to add CTP (SUBSCRIBE to CTP: As well as the associated book dropped August 2023 AND CTP2 BOOK COMING JUNE 2024 (Amazon exclusive release). AS REPORTED JUST HAPPENED ABOVE (Softcopy version coming soon).
And, yes, still available is ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics “the book” as well as out as of June 2024 CTP2 books (plus more)…
More about CTP podcast show and companion CTP book…
The Jefferson letter about “Separation of Church and State” was/is just about that the United States Federal Government shall never officially adopt a particular Church over others. PERIOD! It does not mean “Freedom From Religion” as some want a “Separation From Church To State” and indeed that as John Adams said “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” and therefore U. S. Christian need be involved in Government and Politics in general or as Reagan said “Freedom is but one generation from extinction” and we must remain “The Shining City on a Hill.” Voting Biblically through a Christian based U. S. Constitutionalism lens – ChristiTutionalist Politics! Join the ChristiTutionalist following/movement (listen to the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast weekly on Saturdays (and during Weekdays (either Tue and Thu, or Wed) Guest appearances releases).
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE (with all your Friends, Family, Neighbors), AND SUBSCRIBE to help keep CTP on-air and growing reach.
Tomorrow, yes on Christmas, will be VERY ODD CTP episode.
On our big Christian BELIEF day, rather than an expected (never expect me, for expected, LOL) Having my usual Wed. Guest appearance day drop – but this time on “other beliefs” (some will find intriguing, others “controversial” and “upsetting”) like FlatEarthDave talking “Flat Earth theory” opinion VERY BIBLICAL!
Can see the BTS/SP article and Video at:
BTS/SP — Earth: Bowl? Donut? Flat? Sphere? Let’s examine…. |
Science and Technology | Dec 24 2024 12:57
Terror Strikes book is intended for all audiences – young, old, and everywhere in-between (in fact written in a manner so-as to be giftable to High-School students to get Historic information to challenge their Indoctrination is leaving out); male, female, not just for macho shoot-em-up, blood and guts, fair; religious, non-religious; political, non-political. However, it is impossible to address the topics and why they want to kill us without delving into some religious texts and politics. The Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran, all addressed and more…
TERROR STRIKES is a Constitutionalist Conservatives book.
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