Left: don't know, don't want to know, cuz they do know enough that if really knew their Delusion would burst....
The Left: They don’t know, they don’t want to know, cuz they do know (deep down) enough that if really knew their Delusion bubble (or their false narratives) would burst….
Oh boy… If you missed MAVERICK NEWS tonight, you missed a lot… but what follows is all about the last hour (maybe 1.5 hours) or so and the call-ins (one particular 3x caller, needing to deflect about comments (missed broader points) the 2nd and 3rd times)…
[and to think, I used to be so "mild-mannered" before I started CoHosting too much with SAVAGED, LOL (earlier today on SAVAGED UNFILTERED (video)) -- also related: "No More Mr. Nice Guy" (Official Alice Cooper): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE1vGT-hlLI]
Trump Insults Canada…AGAIN! (and OFF THE RAILS with Callers) | Maverick News Top Stories
[I am obviously the WORLDS WORST TRUMP CULTIST (as accused by Caller set all below off), as I lost track, maybe as you watch you can COUNT all the times I call out Trump on the "SO UN-NECESSARY" and "JUST STOP" attacking TruDONT (cuz peeps seeing it as attack on Canada itself, NOT Justin, and backfiring)!! As well occasionally call him out on other Shows, including my own!!! #PrinciplesNotPersonalities - I will CALL OUT ANYONE at times IF think warranted. No-one is PERFECT, none of us, certainly NOT ME. Therefore, we are bound to have disagreements from time to time, or ONE IS NOT PRINCIPLED BUT INSTEAD A SHEEPLE/CULTIST!!! And, nor, as discussed here-in and elsewhere, I do not abide DERANGEMENT SYNDROME vs Trump, TruDONT, nor BiDUMB, or even #Kackles The #KAMALunist - and, yes, ZERO ISSUE calling them names as the #CommieFasciSocies Leftists (US, UK, Canada, WHERE-EVER) have zero issue endlessly calling us (with ZERO MERIT, zero ability to back with facts) us Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Islamaphobic, whateveraphobic, etc. BUT I can and do back up from there WITH FACTS, REALITY, NOT DELUSION, verifiable evidenced items, their bullshit. #PrinciplesNotPersonalities!]
Email I sent Rick (well, all that email, and then more added here-in just cuz I got on a roll and have the space LOL) as a follow-up after the Show…
At the several times employed “literal” defense … in abstract response to avoid Personal FEEWINGS come into play…
Whether one does not “get” the broader point or knows cannot refute the broader point, either way employ Alinsky tactic of DEFLECTION and GO LITERAL.
I didn’t say “AND” I said “OR”
Doesn’t matter if said “this and that” or “this or that” everyone KNEW the point was destroyed, but since cannot go back and defend the “and” or the “or” instead go on offense and attack via THE LITERAL deflection.
And, OK, for those that cannot grasp the analogy, keep reading, REALLY NEED ME SPELL IT OUT – I WILL LATER…. But first another analogy and/or metaphor. No, scratch that, I am WAY TOO CLEVER for metaphors – I USE #METASIXES! (yes, that’s #JOKEsterJOE (another #JoeOriginal Joke) joking (see related #SelfReflect and HUBRIS discussions (also DEFLECTION discussion) in/at (follow-up to show with Trudy Beerman over on/at PSI-TV): /promotional/2024/12/ctp-listener-feedback-can-you-selfreflect-3497.html)). And I know what a THESIS is, as well as how to properly, Doctorial rigor fashion, write one (as evidenced by my countless online articles over decades going back (since I am an IT guy, well former one) to before the Internet (when you would have your PC dial over phone lines another PC via the standard phone cooper-wire landlines, yes long before even AOL was invented; and I have had a couple dozen different ISP company accounts (heard of, let-alone used, CompuServe back when? COVAD, Voyager, I cannot even remember most of them now long gone), equipment, services, over the decades) and then was (more continually inter-connected and therefore) called the Internet (back writing them on PC (IBM SAM, or WordPerfect, then came along MS-WORD), printing; in my many decades of Political involvement since 1978; running off on copier to share in physical print)) where-as Left cannot spell THESIS (they only have THEIR FEEWINGS)! #FactsDontCareAboutYourFeelings
Like Grammar Nazi’s online. YOU’RE WRONG, cuz that “,” is in the wrong place! DEFLECTION.
When they can’t refute your points, they resort to deflection tactic of attempting to attack the Source (or Grammar, or word-choice, or Spelling, or whatever other distraction they can think… | Opinion | Dec 20 2018 22:42
Who was it said GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH and I say (paraphrasing) GIVE ME LIBERTY OR YOU’LL HAVE TO KILL ME. — no, he didn’t say that. People UNDERSTAND that the broader point IS SAME but you could NOT attack that so DEFLECT with THE LITERAL.
And, really, are we CERTAIN he said the former and not the latter, and someone said we’ll quote you in the Paper as saying it the latter way cuz sounds better OK – OK, sure, sounds better. REGARDLESS, SAME DAMN POINT but those who cannot deal in the POINT again have to go with the LITERAL critique.
Again, sadly, way my OCD Brain works, it will NOT stop on this! LOL Cuz sadly I did NOT think of the needed response and clear mention needed be made. Now, hopefully, I can put it TO BED so I can LITERALLY (LOL, see what I did there?) go TO BED and hopefully get to Sleep!
Will be PRAYING that the (3x) Caller sees some relief as well as sees the Light!
And we never, ever, got into the whole COMMUNITY (and Free Will, Charity (https://TerrorStrikes.info/charity)) vs COMMUNISM (forced, redistribution) the greater convo kinda needed go into. Doesn’t matter if LITERALLY “CNN” or “CBC” or “Little town Leftists Gazzette” #ENEMEdia (Leftists in Media, covering for fellow Leftists in Govt) they are peddling the Talking-Points from, often Lies debunked OVER AND OVER AGAIN (surprising Caller didn’t try repeating the Charlottesville LIES Left’s been spewing for near a decade now (as just like Trump’s JAN 6 SPEECH “to Peacefully March and Peacefully Protest” (as is our Constitutional Right of regress), as well as Trump’s later comments FOR FOLKS TO GO HOME, one can find Trump’s entire DOT Pressor the Charlottesville comments were made he said THREE FUCKING TIMES “not talking about White-Supremecists nor Neo-Nazis” on video (vs “very Fine People” on “both sides” of the “Statues as part of teaching History” despite LEFT wanting DESTROY HISTORY, rewrite it, not Teach anything but anti-americanism Cultural Marxist and/or WOKE shit)) - they show they from where (in general, not specifically) they are getting their DELUSION from!
AGAIN: “Left: don’t know, don’t want to know, cuz they do know enough that if really knew their Delusion would burst….”
Not know Truth makes one Ignorant, not wanting to know Truth makes one a Leftist!
And while I created meme about “Can Lead Liberals To The Facts, But You Cannot Make Them Think!” (yes, play on “Horse to water”) – apologies, Dennis Prager (as I lay out in the opening of my ChristiTutionalist Politics book (the original, part 2 in series dropped earlier this year and CTP3 likely coming Summer 2025) opening, Dennis) was/is correct and I STAND CORRECTED (I was WRONG, and ADMIT my mistake) there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between a Classical Liberal (fooled into supporting Left most time) and a complete LEFTIST! That meme should have said LEFTIST not LIBERAL. As evidenced by so many RED-PILLED and joined the Lexit, BLEXIT, WalkAway, other RUN FROM THE #CommieFasciSocies-ocrats Party movements – like: Brandon Straka, Tammy Bruce, Leo Terrell, Candace Owens, Guy Benson, even Alan Dershowitz has fled the Left and declared as INDEPENDENT, and that list is far too long to mention them all here – but, of course, most famously of late: Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr.
#CommieFasciSocies Leftists EVERYWHERE (not limited to The #KAMALunist or #AWALZ)
We are to WANT TO (in our God given Free Will and Christian DUTY) to Be Our Brother/Sisters Keeper – NOT BE FORCED (and so Judged when the time comes).
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people.. PRAY.. TURN FROM WICKED WAYS.. hear.. heal land..
that means AN ACTION, WE at least try TURN OUR LAND FROM WICKED WAYS by OUR ACTIONS/DEEDS not just whining/words, then #GOD WILL HELP!!! NOT, wave magic wand, HELP US — IF we Act!!
COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will, Freedom), Charitable (from/with own Blood and Treasure), lift UP, etc.) Biblical
COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT
more in my 2 CTP #books (CTP2 just dropped on June 1st 2024)…
… and as referenced many times in my #CTP #podcast ( https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist ) #Show episodes.
(just discussed with Christopher Armstrong Stevenson, episode (Special) dropped Oct. 2nd; as well as Book of Revelation discussion, if we HASTEN it (and inaction, is still an action, as songs says: Choose not to Decide, Still have made Choice) we are complicit in the #EVIL there-of/there-in)
As even JFK (D) knew, spoke on, and part basis of/for his (Laffer Curve, before Laffer coined/explained the Economic reality) MASSIVE TAX CUTS (repeated to same effect by Reagan, GW, and Trump (all resulting in MORE MONIES IN TREASURY as there were then less loopholes and/or many feeling NEED to skirt the Taxes)).
CTP S1E52 NOTES ( listen (Jun 15 2024 and after) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/15254064-christitutionalist-politics-s1e52-rising-tides-lift-all-boats )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E52) “Rising Tides Lift All Boats” (Pre-Recorded May 11)
Brief look at “circulation of dollars” within the various Communities, and the even bigger/broader “Rising Tide” concept and the real question of Why is one Community lagging behind (doesn’t just hurt/harm them, but all) other Communities of recent (Ron Edwards, Nationally syndicated snippets) “Edwards Notebook” raises. With 2 Black (not that we on Right care, they could be orange with purple polka-dots, The Left obsesses about/over Race) Conservatives (that Joe Biden accuses of “You Ain’t Black”) turning Left #IdentityPolitics on its head.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: CTP BiDUMBnomics part 2 (Show transcript)
Not the same, but… related in LEFT deflections from Reality arguments…
And as to that #DefundThePolice (in name of false narratives about White Cops killing Black Citizens, when stats show things so very different) somehow helps Black Communities by making them less protected?!?!
and again to the LITERAL DEFLECTION point… Left will IGNORE cuz of the GRAMMAR issues of the meme.
S2EListenerFeedbackDec2024 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Mon. Dec. 9 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/episodes/16250811-ctp-s2elistenerfeedbackdec2024-listener-feedback-dec-2024 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2EListenerFeedbackDec2024) “Listener Feedback – Dec. 2024″
Thank you all to those that tune-in and especially those that provided Feedback. This Listener Feedback is NOT in response to a specific CTP episode but instead I was on with Trudy Beerman (PSI-TV) and that YouTube Video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnN4swWrMnI ) and need to #SelfReflect discussion which garnered some comments so I wanted to share them and my responses.
Reach out to CTP/Joe at: https://JosephMLenard.us/contact
Listen, Like, Share, Subscribe, help grow the Show!
BTS/SP Video first dropped: https://dai.ly/k42ThoYiFUpuZ8C1z9U (available 4 other Video Channel (BitChute, Brighteon, Rumble, YouTube) outlets)
(S2EListenerFeedbackDec2024 Audio: 40m 36s, Mon Dec 9 2024)
Their PRO Service (which is important to me, as I have Health Issues, therefore time but not always ENERGY to do things) has helped me cut my Show Promotion time by like 75% and yet while with their Tools I have access to 200% more usable Promotional material to easily share.
And let’s talk POOR. POOR in AMERICA (USA and/or Canada, even many parts of Mexico or further South they “claim” come from (even though many can be traced to Flights from overseas (people from 150+ Nations on entire Planet interceded) to Mexico to then Walk across our Border, including many on Terrorist Watch-Lists from Terrorist Nations)) is NOT REALLY POOR nor REALLY SUFFERING. And, btw, by example, while some LITERALLY starving to death with NO FOOD AT ALL let’s examine the ILLEGALS we are supposed to want put over our own Citizens (in Homeless camps) many, maybe most, coming across Border (ILLEGALLY) on Camera can be seen with NEW looking Clothes, NEW looking Sneakers (they sure didn’t walk 1,000 miles in those), many (let’s be kind and say) certainly NOT under on the BMI scale, holding and talking on NEW I-PHONES with INTERNET CONNECTION plans, and can afford Cigs they are seen CHAIN SMOKING!!! PRIORITIES, maybe ditch the Smokes and the Phones/Internet and YOU ARE NOT SO BROKE AFTER ALL!!! But, hey, they’re NOT in Africa so THEY ARE ENTITLED to luxuries!!!
And as I always say: THINGS COULD ALWAYS BE BETTER BUT COULD OFTEN BE WORSE! Whole lotta whiney Bitches/Bastards in the “Free World” (constant complainers)! related (despite the following in “African American” category, and Elon Musk and Charlize Theron actual “African Americans” others claim such NOT REALLY, has ZERO to do with SKIN-TONE, just that it was/is a response to an incident at an Eatery and JUST SO HAPPENED to involve a Black Women in that case, while other Blacks there-at were also looking at her like “Bitch, Please” we come here all the time (and I know they do, they are Regulars there as am I, see them there and chat with them all the time) there is NO RACISM manure going on at this particular establishment): /african-american-news/2023/09/victimhood-2468376.html
also related (with Founder, and a Black Man, of AllBlackLifeMatters):
[CTP (S2EtbdSpecial, 2024tbd) Kevin McGary of EveryBlackLifeMatters BTS/SP Video]
SO, do they (Leftist whiners, wanting STEAL MORE from others, than actually be allowed KEEP MORE OF THEIR OWN CASH (Cut Taxes, across board, including GST, since talking Canada here) or PRIORITIZE. And, again, back up to RISING TIDES, which then creates UPWARD PRESSURE ON WAGES so they can MAKE MORE too and/or CREATE MORE JOBS which then gives “OPPORTUNITY” (in our Free Markets, Individual not Collectivist Rights society, provide Right of/to OPPORTUNITY not OUTCOME) to then find A BETTER AND HIGHER PAYING JOB! Not this EQUITY (of outcomes) dodge BS – as, again, over and over people FAIL to learn (tacet cursory reading) any History (Communism Fail on our own Soil back when) let alone actually GRASP/UNDERSTAND it (/power-elite/2024/08/its-why-many-do-not-want-history-taught-in-u-s-schools-they-might-learn-from-bradford-colony-early-failure-if-full-truth-taught-2453688.html); instead they gloss over it with the usual #CommieFasciSocies cry of HUBRIS that somehow THEY ARE PERFECT AND WOULD DO IT BETTER/RIGHT.
“If there is not equality of outcomes among people born to the same parents and raised under the same roof, why should equality of outcomes be expected—or assumed—when conditions are not nearly so comparable?”—Thomas Sowell
Again, in this case, cuz of the Show (in Canada) and the particular 3x Caller (from Canada) how about the #CommieFasciSocies always CLAIM to CARE about Poor people (complete bullshit, just want the “foolish perception” to sucker folks for Votes and/or the more direct attempts to BUY VOTES (but like I said during episode – ACCOUNTING 101 if they pay you $5 while steal $5 from your other pocket; THEY DIDN’T HELP YOU, it was/is BAIT-AND-SWITCH and SMOKE-AND-MIRRORS both sides of Accounting Ledgers matter). They talk TAX THE RICH, but again WORDS VS DEEDS (intent (falsely stated, cuz Barnum said: SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE), vs method, vs RESULTS) as they TAX EVERYONE some way shape or form – ELIMINATE and MAKE EXEMPT anyone/everyone making less than $30k (or whatever the number) from GST?!?!?! Let 3x Caller KEEP MORE OF HER OWN MONEY. Let 3x Caller have MORE to put to Food rather than TAXING HER PURCHASES. These basic realities NEVER, EVER, OCCUR to those under the #CommieFasciSocies DELUSIONS grip. Letting them, HELP THEMSELVES. Create a ECONOMIC BOOM that then affords MORE OPPORTUNITY that people can avail THEMSELVES OF to improve their Lives.
Oh, hey, realize here I better explain what GST is to folks never been to Canada. [Fed] Govt Sales Tax that goes ON TOP OF their Prov/State Sales Taxes (they have Income, Property, Prov/State, Federal, tax schemes along too with, obviously, other fees based money grab to then have to play with and redistribute).
And things would also COST LESS, especially CARS no-one can afford, if Fed. Regulations were cut – but Left WANTS to force things to be more expensive.
related: Government Regulations and Automobiles… Yes, ties to NWO/WEF/etc…. | New World Order | Oct 22
YOU LEFTISTS (whether #CommieFasciSocies in US, Canada, WHERE-EVER) really want to go down these rabbit-holes and deal in REALITY vs your DELUSION. And “Road to Hell paved with Good Intentions” we don’t give a DAMN about your FAKE INTENTIONS but SHALL BE KNOWN BY YOUR FRUITS and your FAILED RESULTS! Left if “we grant grace” about “intentions” OK – you may get an A-, but REALITY BASED RESULTS are you get a D- on “method” (Fasci-Federalism DC edicts/dictates, violations of Constitution, vs legit methods) and an absolute F on overall/total RESULTS every time! Like Michelle obaMAO “School Lunch” reform (tried, failed, what we hope RFK Jr can now accomplish, healthier eating) #EpicFail as Kids STOPPED EATING LUNCH ENTIRELY (as studies showed, sure NOT ALL, no broad brush here, but ONE NOT EATING AT ALL IS ONE TOO MANY due to DESTRUCTION OF ANY CHOICE (thought The Leftards are supposed to be about Choice?!?! LOL Only as a Baby-Murdering-Cult dodge) cuz of their #CommieFasciSocies-ocrats DICTATORIAL elimination of any/all Choice regarding) rather than Eat the crap She had dictated into the Schools (went TOO FAR, and them not eating at all, worse than them eating a Pizza-Burger or what-not)!! Vs Bill Clinton’s (again, put aside the DERANGEMENT bullshit and try #PrinciplesNotPersonalities) “Midnight BBall” program – intent A, method B+, results B+ (see not ClintonDerangementSyndrome, principle on that issue) and therefore I call for in #WeThePeopleDemandList (/opinion-conservative/2024/11/remember-contract-with-america-well-here-is-started-the-we-the-people-post-election-demand-list-3706876.html) that be RESTORED to get Kids up engaging in Hockey, BBall, indoor Soccer, WHATEVER, to get them MOVING and away from Video games 8 hours a night (though w/ Bill it was more an Anti-Crime thing to keep them away from Gangs, if out at night, side-BENEFIT was EXERCISE)!!!
And in the I AM THE WORLD’S WORST TRUMP CULTIST – #OperationWarpSpeed (Trump during #WuhanHysteria) Intent A, method F (UnConstitutional, Fed Govt redistribution from Taxpayers to Pharma, they could have under TaxCode R&D deductions methodology and them made immune from suit WHEN they produced FAULTY PRODUCT), results F (again, failed Jabs, NOT Vaccines, after Trillions of Taxpayer monies squandered). Yet another big Fed over-reach BOONDOGGLE Republican POTUS sellout and cave to DeepState!!! Did NOT produce VACCINES but VERY BAD (side-effects, far more dangerous than any minor benefits, if any actual benefits at all) Flu-Shots (esp. the mRNA bullshit ones, that even THE FATHER OF MRNA said was NOT READY and NOT FOR what this was). NOT a Vaccine, no-one is made immune from ANYTHING with these Wuhan-Hysteria-Jabs (like a REAL VAX like Polio, Measles, TB, etc.)!! PERIOD! STOP calling them Vaccines! They are FLU-SHOTS, and not good ones, you have to get EVERY YEAR, if you’re willing to take WUHAN JAB SIDE-EFFECTS RUSSIAN ROULLETTE!!! But, yes, they did NOT become MANDATORY and YOU MUST GET YOUR PAPERS FROM BIDEN GESTAPO OR YOU CANNOT WORK BiDUMB #CommieFasciSocies regime.
more in: https://tinyurl.com/VaxerChoiceRallyDownriver
As for Her comment about NOT BEEN TO GROCERY STORE comment – me, being on DISABILITY LIMITED/FIXED INCOME (I have mentioned it, but do not all the time, not trying to whine but sometimes important to point out, like here, just as FACT/REALITY, despite the DELUSIONS others may have of me and my Financial position JUST CUZ Publicly known as an Internationally Published Author (not all GET RICH doing so, some indeed the “struggling Artist” category) and just cuz they hear me on Radio/TV and what-not) myself in this time of #COMMUnomics Inflation, know what She was saying and getting at (related Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvO40-rG1xU).
Let me clarify. I TOO have NOT made an “official Grocery List” to go into Store to be able to Shop with/from to try get “stuff for Fridge” in any planned out for the next few days let-alone rest of week or let-alone 2 weeks worth of FOOD in the Fridge to select, prepare, Eat. I TOO, being on Limited Income, and again in #COMMUnomics #HyperINFLATION times have to cut corners (but, no, mind you, I do not claim to be completely destitute – and remember THINGS CAN ALWAYS BE BETTER BUT THEY CAN OFTEN BE WORSE, and there are really people STARVING TO DEATH some places on the Globe (and according to my BMI could stand to lose a few pounds, not from TOO MUCH FOOD but “not best (fat inducing) Food choices!”)).
I TOO, again understand what She was saying/meaning, don’t do the LIST and SHOP for a couple days worth of Food thing and indeed too have to make the TOUGH DECISIONS on a day-to-day basis what might I be able to afford to GET FOR THE NOW vs the what may be available financially tomorrow and the rest of the week! But, again, I am fortunate, I have ENOUGH that I can/do at least EAT ONCE A DAY (sometimes twice, rarely 3 actual “meals” a day (I know, BREAD is even kinda expensive, but a loaf can and does provide TOAST (at least something for breakfast) for and over MANY DAYS)) – may not be the greatest of Eating options/choices (for my bad Health situation already) but IS INDEED SOMETHING! #priorities #prioritizing #choices
AND by all means, feel free to FORWARD this email to anyone that did indeed NOT GET (hey, sometimes happens, we’re all Human and can miss something) the overall exchanges points vs those like I said clear Leftists just REFUSE (also deflect, or share with them too to call them out) “The Left: They don’t know, they don’t want to know, cuz they do know just enough that if they really knew (or admitted Reality) their Bubble would be burst (or false narratives destroyed!” — also, not literal, paraphrasing (adding a bit, expounding upon) my own point/quote from in Quotations chapter of my CTP2 book.
As for Left needing ECONOMICS 101 (or for Dummies) as well as ACCOUNTING 101 (or for Dummies) etc…
Is the number SIX always better than number THREE – just cuz 6 is bigger than 3?!?!
Economics and Politics | Sep 10 2024 17:29
This isn’t the 1930′s where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce’s and Franco’s Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA)…
LEFT is NOT PROGRESSIVE, they are REGRESSIVE (ever moving toward more TOP DOWN AUTHORITY over all, they way it was before introduction of Free Individual Rights based Republics (which, of course, just cuz a Nation calls itself a Republic and has a Constitution does NOT make it that, plenty #CommieFasciSocies “Republics” Constitutions outlines Govt Controls over People vs USA Protections of Individual GOD GIVEN RIGHTS of the People and limitations of the Government))
Left always trying take us back to time of all Governments run by RULING ELITES CLASS lording over all else.
Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering – and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.
irrefutable #FACTS in:
also related:
who back when Federalists indeed pushing for more Federal-centralized authority/power, but nothing like today’s full-on Fasci-Federalists
from an email responding to a friend:
The never ending WHINING #MASSholes as I call them just SETS ME OFF.
Yes, can always be better but can be so much worse!
[and, yes, just updated that piece again to mention that]
Leftards whine, moan, complain, how about we ship your ASSES to where people really HAVE IT BAD ALL THE TIME!
As bad as we FEEL things are from time to time, WE HAVE IT SO GOOD HERE compared to so many other places! Leftards never, EVER, appreciate ANYTHING – they WHINE of “others’ GREED” all the while they are ALWAYS DEMANDING MORE (and clueless to the irony)!!!
Let’s leave the serious stuff, and on for a #JoeOriginal #JOKEsterJOE #AMomentOfLevity Comedy break….
To Be, Or Not To Be,
really the Question,
Cuz if it’s To(2) Be(B)
I’m the knew Shakesjaveln!
Oh, speaking of the original William. Was he really ORIGINAL?!?!?
CTP S2ENovSpecial2 45m 20s before audio editing
CTP S2ENovSpecial2 NOTES ( listen (Wed Nov 13 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/episodes/16099293-christitutionalist-politics-s2enovspecial2-shakespeare-genius-or-fraud )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2ENovSpecial2) Shakespeare (Genius or Fraud)
See buzzsprout Transcript for fuller/extended Show Notes (inc. related links) and Transcript Bonus
Robert “The Boogie Man” Boog (LOL) joins to discuss all things SHAKESPEARE! Controversies (Food for Thought Speculations) all these years later. And APOLOGIES as there are some Audio issues here-in (NOT your equipment). But, hey, some days things go like that. LOL I do always say “your no muss, no fuss, high-productions items MAY come later” so yes you get the “low-key” lil ole me making mistakes not having an Official Professional Producer to help with things! LOL There is a prior segment covering Veteran’s Day just passed (as well as a few “other topics” rabbit-holes Robert and I go down, but primary focus of episode as Robert’s website Homepage says: “Uncover the Shocking Truth About Will Shakespeare!”
[ Addl. Copyright material here-in, Used With Permission ]
Transcript Bonus: “Music, Tv, Politics; and yes some more on Movies too” TheLibertyBeacon piece
- Initial/early BTS/SP Video (of this S2ENovSpecial2 episode): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-3GpZx8_-M [lots of good graphics/images inserts to see there over the audio only version]
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The Left: They don’t know, they don’t want to know, cuz they do know (deep down) enough that if really knew their Delusion would burst…. | Republican | Dec 10
ChristiTutionalist Politics Podcast: A Bold New Perspective on American Politics Through Christian Constitutionalism | Promotional | Dec 10
CTP Listener Feedback – can you #SelfReflect? | Promotional | Dec 10
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USA News Reporting: U.S. Politics through a Christian lens… | Nov 30
Christmas (and other) Music with both LuAnne Hunt and Chenille | Entertainment | Nov 27
Hope, is great – We need more Hope… | Religion | Nov 25
You a #Podcaster? Thinking of becoming a #Podcaster? You just a Fan of a #Podcasts?!?! You will wanna see this…. | Media | Nov 22
Buyer Beware Indeed Lots Of Cons Phishing Scams Etc (Quasi-PSA, from CTP, Joseph M Lenard) | Markets | Nov 10
Remember Contract With America? Well Here Is the started the We the People (post-election) Demand List | Opinion – Conservative | Nov 09
No You CAN NOT REST (part 3, B4IN exclusive)… WE THE PEOPLE have more work to do and pressure to apply…. | Republican | Nov 06
Music: DPB: Bringing GRACE and LOVE back to RAP…. | Entertainment | Nov 04
Just cuz Science makes it Possible, doesn’t mean it’s practical or even a Good idea…. | Beyond Science | Oct 22
The Profits (of The Left) behind MURDERING BLACK CHILDREN…. | African American News | Oct 19
Civil War (in USA) redux??? Already in COLD Civil War… might it turn HOT?!?! | War and Conflict | Oct 14
Ignorance Vs STUPIDity… difference… | Education | Oct 13
End really Nigh? Are you Fighting for Good or just complicit via inaction in the Evil??? [with Special Guest: Christopher Armstrong Stevenson] | Religion | Oct 02
Every Black Life Matters (All Lives Matter – All Lives have Value/Meaning) | African American News | Sep 21
Micro vs Macro | Green Living | Sep 21
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – time to Harden (Security in) Schools NOT confiscate Law Abiding peoples Guns | U. S. Politics | Sep 10
Charity (Community (Biblical) vs Communism) – Neighborliness (Free Will) part 2…. | Politics | Sep 07
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Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

A break from #Politics….
Welcome to #Detroit and #LostCausesArena (and you thought #LCA stood for #LittleCaesers #Arena, didn’t you? LOL) home to #NHL #DeadWings and #PistOFFS
#Wings need #FIRE #HeadCoach, and then beyond that if they do not get the (most usually) NEW #COACH BUMP and make the #Playoffs! Then….
the #YZERplan has be declared #YZERfail and he be #YZERfired!!!
As for the #PistOFFS? Well, sure y’all remember the #MaliceAtThePalace back when – did you see more recently what I coined #MeleeAtTheLCA (for same melodic flow, but too #DustUpInTheD or #DustUpInD, before that game was even finished across my social-media platforms) when #Stewart stood up to #LeMoronJames?!?!? We thought, hoped, PRAYED, they got a bit of #BadBoys Days spark back that would have them turn the Corner on them being one of several LaughingStocks of/in the #NBA – but, alas, NO, same-ole DUDS.
Hopefully #Lions stay on track to do something into #NFL #Playoffs, and of course too looking forward to IF the #Tigers (#MLB) can move FORWARD on the Miracle end of last Season to make Post-Season?!?!? Beyond that – not sure, does #Detroit still have a #RollerDerby team?!?!? According to #PWHL we are supposed get a Team in that League — will our Ladies be able get a #Title before #DeadWings ever do again?????