The Wicked World Bully *Roman Edomite - Brutish British - Draconian Reptilian Republican Racist Allied* US Eagle Government Of ESAU Is Like The Titanic Of Economic Fraud (But Now With No More Credit Issuance From China - The Biggest Investor-Creditor-Lender Who Is Expecting To Takeover The Godforsaken USA Under Covertly Negotiated Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default Non-Payment Protocols Which Were Evilly Set Up By Barack Hussein Obama And Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton, Remember That They Are Not Going To Fully Pay China Back For The Insane Amount Of Credit-Debt (Also Please Be Aware That The Superbowl Umbrella Corporation Resident Evil Ritual Blood Sacrifice Performance By Their High Paid Minion Rihanna Sybolically Showed That Soon Fire Will Be Coming Down From The Sky Including Arctic Snow Suit Blizzard Conditions In The True Southern Regions Of The Earth Involving Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Above And Below Which Are About To Suddenly Ramp Up As We Near FEBRUARY 20TH 2023 NEW MOON PASSOVER Involving The Apocalyptic Opening Of The Metaphysical First Seal-The 1st Chakrah-The Earth's First Main Energy Vortex Opening Including The Ultra-Bright Supernovas-Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Opening Up With Greatly Increased Influx-Flow Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial Cosmic Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Energy With Greatly Increased UV Light Energy Radiation Via The Gradually Amplifying Sun Of Righteousness That Will Supernaturally Energetically Inductively Induce The Beginning Of Sorrows/Spiritual Labor Pains As We Undergo Our Extraordinary 2nd Greater Exodus With Many Extremely Severe Plagues And Pestilences Befalling The Wicked Ones Who Are Against Indigenous Humanity (Which Are "GOODTIMES" For Us Righteous Faithful Few Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People-Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Including The Righteous Indigenous Gentiles, But Will Be A Rapid Fire Succession Of Quickly Worsening Manifold Troublesome Perils For The Non-Indigenous Cursed Races Of Snow White Leprous Heathens Who Are Like Satan's Son Cain Classed As Unholy TARES Including EVIL SEED Bearing White Men That Cunningly Dipped Themselves Into Chocolate So To Speak - Spawning Many Evil Mixed Seed Genetic Hybrid Mutants - Who Deceptively Look Like Us And This Aforementioned Destruction Includes The Wicked Ones Among Our Indigenous People Who Evilly Choose To Live Vain Worldly Pagan Idolatrous Sinful Abominable Abhorrent Asinine Vile Lifestyles Like Them Cursed Non-Indigenous Bastards Including *GAYDOM*, Please REMEMBER GENE-SIS 19TH CH. Because It's Certainly Coming Around Again Because Of Unrepentant Sins!: "DYNOMITE" - EXTREMELY BAD TIMES ARE AHEAD SHORTLY AFTER THE SATANIC-FALLEN ANGELIC-DEMONIC-PARASITIC *SKULL AND BONES* ILLUMINATI SECRET SOCIETY SUPERBOWL/SUPERBLOW BLOOD SACRIFICE RITUALS DEDICATED TO VEHEMENTLY UNMERCIFUL HATEFUL EVIL SPIRITS AGAINST INDIGENOUS HUMANITY, But They Lose And We Win, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CHRIST'S GLORIOUS TRIUMPHANT RETURN IS CERTAINLY IMMINENT As We Righteous Faithful Few Indigenous People Undergo Our Final Stages Of *Suffering For The Good* Involving Necessary Earth Trails-Testing-Tribulations-Troubles-Persecutions For The Spiritual Building Of Our Most Holy Faith In Our HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL, AHMAN. But Please Remember Jeremiah 11th Ch. - We Must All Righteously REPENT Now Before It's To Late Because The Modern Valentine's Day Massacres-Slaughters-Murders (Horrific Nightmarish Larger Scale 911$) Are Imminent Concerning Diabolical Pre-Planned Mass Casualty Events Of Massive Widespread False Flag ISIS Related Mega-Terrorist Attacks Involving Fire (Various Directed Energy Weapons Called D.E.W.s Plus Various Bombs And Biological/Biochemical Weapons/Multiphase Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Induced "Flip Of The Switch" Multi-Mode Modulated So-Fi Mind Control *Demonic* Zombie Vaxx Plagues Plandemics Of Sinister Dystopian NWO Genetically Engineered Ancient Anthrax Including Tesla Technologies Powered Unnatural Mega-Disasters Which Are About To Go Extremely Hot), Please REMEMBER The Revelation 17th Ch. Judgements + Psalms 91st Ch. Concerning Our Supernatural Angelic Protection Because Of Major Attacks Being Executed By A Vast Number Of Vehemently Unmerciful Hateful Enemies Who Are Against Indigenous Humanity + The First Seal Opening White Horse Judgements, Please REMEMBER The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, Ahman. SELAH › super-bowl-an-analysis-of-the-occult…Super Bowl: An Analysis of the Occult and Illuminati Symbolism Ritual
Let us consider the basic ideas behind the timing of the Super Bowl that most people overlook. The Super Bowl (and most all NFL footballgames) occur on Sunday. I believe this is done on purpose in order to
. › r › conspiracy › comments › 7vas0m › til_nfl_was…TIL NFL was founded by 2 Skull and Bones members. (Walter Camp … – reddit
It’s not the fact they were Bonesmen, it’s that they had a lot to do with getting organized professional football into the mainstream, but zero to do with launching the NFL, which is what OP’s headline claims. 9 › prophecy › 2022 › 02 › valentines-day-is-not…VALENTINES DAY Is Not What You Have Been Deceptively Indoctrinated To …
VALENTINES DAY Is Not What You Have Been Deceptively Indoctrinated To Believe, The True History Of It Involves The Massive Widespread Murders-Massacres Of My Indigenous Ancestors, Do Your Own Research On Saint Valentine Who Was Encouraging Marriage And THEY Murdered Him For It, Evil Pagan Roman Edomites Of Cursed Mixed Races Of Esau – Vile … › … › article › saint-st-valentines-dayThe origins of Valentine’s Day (It wasn’t always about love) – Culture
The earliest possible origin story of Valentine’s Day is the pagan holiday Lupercalia. Occurring for centuries in the middle of February, the holiday celebrates fertility. Men would strip naked… › articles › valentines-day-belongs-to-godValentine’s Day Belongs to God | Desiring God
Valentine was a saint and Eros is not Cupid’s domain. It’s God’s! Christians should be the most unashamed, exuberant celebrators of romantic love there are, and the strongest guardians of God’s design and boundaries, because God made it for us to enjoy ( 1 Timothy 6:17 )! And God, the greatest romantic in existence, has designed it to › topic › Valentines-DayValentine’s Day | Definition, History, & Traditions | Britannica
Although there were several Christian martyrs named Valentine, the day may have taken its name from a priest who was martyred about 270 ce by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus. According to legend, the priest signed a letter “from your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and, by some accounts, healed from blindness. › culture › article › where…Where Valentine’s Day is unloved—and forbidden
For decades, February 14 was just another day in Saudi Arabia, which banned Valentine’s Day as antithetical to Islamic notions of propriety. Though some people cautiously exchanged gifts and… › bible-verses-about-valentines-day50 Inspirational Bible Verses About Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day on February 14 is celebrated in many countries around the world as a special day for love – generally romantic love – but also friendship. School children enjoy preparing cards and little candies or other treats for their classmates. Couples buy flowers and chocolates for their partners and often plan a special night out. › 2016 › 01 › 27 › 10-simple-but-powerful…10 Simple but Powerful Reasons Christians Should not Celebrate …
A quick look at any encyclopedia or history book will reveal that Valentine’s Day is an ancient Roman festival. It is originally known as Lupercalia which is celebrated every February 15. Lupercalia is celebrated to honor not God, but pagan gods namely Lupercus (god of fertility), Juno (goddess of marriage and women) and Pan (god of nature). › article_3bcfe8ad-7fbf-5c6c-a400-46…Some religions don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is the traditional day on which people express their love for each other; however, some religions refrain from celebrating Feb. 14 as a holiday because the origin of the holiday is not of their faith. While Christians celebrate this holiday, other religions feel the need to shun it. › europe › articles › these-countries-have…Valentine’s Day Doesn’t Exist in These Countries – (Here’s Why)
By the 18th century Valentine’s Day had become a time for lovers to exchange letters and gifts to display their affection to one another. The original Saint Valentine is said to have offered a card to a young woman and signed it ‘Your Valentine’, which inspired the tradition of exchanging ‘valentines’, or cards expressing fondness. › reasons-valentines-day-dumb7 Valid Reasons Why Valentine’s Day Is Dumb – The Odyssey Online
Most of the time, Valentine’s day results in couples doing things just to do them. That means spending money that you wouldn’t normally spend. If you’re in a serious, long-term relationship, there’s no need to spend the extra money when you’re most likely saving for your future together. 3. Chocolate & flowers › topic › Skull-and-Bones-YaleSkull and Bones | History, Presidents, & Facts | Britannica
Skull and Bones, secret society of senior (fourth-year undergraduate) students at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, that was foundedin 1832. Male society members are called Bonesmen, and many have ascended after graduation to positions of prominence in business or government. Three of them—William Howard Taft, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush—became U.S. presidents. › r › conspiracy › comments › 7vas0m › til_nfl_was…TIL NFL was founded by 2 Skull and Bones members. (Walter Camp … – reddit
Harvard and Yale were both big football schools in the late 1800s. It’s not surprising that the Skull and Bones would have had members associated with football, because lots of Ivy Leaguers were associated with football. 1 graysond • 5 yr. ago Which is part of the reason the games are scripted using the language of Gematria. 1 [deleted] • 5 yr. ago › skull-and-bones-alumni-2011-2The 15 Most Powerful Members Of ‘Skull And Bones’ – Business Insider
The most famous secret society in America, Skull and Bones was co-founded at Yale in 1832 by the father of a future president and has come to signify everything that attracts and repulses the … › wiki › Skull_and_crossbones_(fraternities…Skull and crossbones (fraternities and sports) – Wikipedia
Barbarians team that faced Exeter, April 1891 In sports, the symbol wasfirst adopted in the 1870s and was popular across many footballsports in Great Britain and is still widely used by modern sports teams. The earliest teams to adopt the skull and crossbones were rugby union teams of the time. › skull-and-bones-societyThe Secret History Of The Skull And Bones Society – All That’s Interesting
Bush, along with several co-conspirators took the skull and two bonesof the famed Apache leader back to Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, where they’ve been on display at the headquarters of one of America’s most mysterious secret societies. Wikimedia Commons The official logo of the Skull and Bones Society. › wiki › Skull_and_BonesSkull and Bones – Wikipedia
The association was founded by Russell and Daniel Coit Gilman, a Skull and Bones member. The first extended description of Skull andBones, published in 1871 by Lyman Bagg in his book Four Years at Yale, noted that “the mystery now attending its existence forms the one great enigma which college gossip never tires of discussing.” › news › secret-societies-freemasons-knights…5 of History’s Most Mysterious Secret Societies – HISTORY
Secret societies have flourished throughout history and count Founding Fathers and royals among their ranks. Members (most often men) have been tapped to join The Knights Templar, the… › us-presidents-who-were-in-secret…20 US presidents who belonged to secret societies – Business Insider
Secret society: Freemasons, Skull and Bones Taft probably found entrance into Skull and Bones rather easily. His father, former Attorney General Alphonso Taft, cofounded Skull and… › skull-and-bones-secret-society7 Dark Facts about the Skull and Bones Secret Society
The alumni organization that owns the properties and supervises Skulland Bones’ activity is known as the Russell Trust Association (R.T.A.), named after a Skull and Bones’ founding member. It still exists today only at Yale and has evolved into a more organized entity dedicated to the success of its members after leaving the collegiate world. › 311983 › fact-check-is-there-a-black-secret…Fact Check: Is There a Black Secret Society Of Elites Called … – Moguldom
If you’ve never heard of the Boulé, that’s probably because it’s by design. Officially known as Sigma Pi Phi, the Boulé was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1904 by Dr. Henry McKee Minton and five of his colleagues. Among the group were doctors, dentists and a pharmacist. It is the nation’s first Black Greek organization.
Discover the Deals › topic › Skull-and-Bones-YaleSkull and Bones | History, Presidents, & Facts | Britannica
Skull and Bones was formed in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. According to some accounts, the society wasformed after a dispute over elections to Phi Beta Kappa. Other sources conjecture that Russell modeled the society after European groups he encountered while studying in Germany. › wiki › Skull_and_BonesSkull and Bones – Wikipedia
The association was founded by Russell and Daniel Coit Gilman, a Skull and Bones member. The first extended description of Skull andBones, published in 1871 by Lyman Bagg in his book Four Years at Yale, noted that “the mystery now attending its existence forms the one great enigma which college gossip never tires of discussing.” › wiki › Skull_and_crossbones_(fraternities…Skull and crossbones (fraternities and sports) – Wikipedia
Barbarians team that faced Exeter, April 1891 In sports, the symbol wasfirst adopted in the 1870s and was popular across many footballsports in Great Britain and is still widely used by modern sports teams. The earliest teams to adopt the skull and crossbones were rugby union teams of the time. › most-powerful-members-yale-skull…The 13 most powerful members of ‘Skull and Bones’ – Business Insider
In 1832, Yale students — including future President William Howard Taft’s father — founded one of America’s most famous secretsocieties: Skull and Bones. Each year, only 15 juniors are… › skull-and-bones-societyThe Secret History Of The Skull And Bones Society – All That’s Interesting
William Huntington-Russel and Alphonso Taft took it upon themselves to create the society, and along with 12 other members, formed the inaugural class. Since 1832, every spring the society chooses fifteen new members from the junior class, including women in the process only since the early ’90s. › news › secret-societies-freemasons-knights…5 of History’s Most Mysterious Secret Societies – HISTORY
Skull and Bones founder William Huntington Russell was inspired by an occult society he’d visited in Germany. His co-founder was Alphonso Taft, future Secretary of War under President Grant… › the-10-most-powerful-members-of…The 13 Most Powerful Members of ‘Skull and Bones’
McGeorge Bundy — Class of 1940. Yale University Archives. Before becoming one of JFK’s “Wise Men,” Bundy may have relied on his big brother to help him get into Skull and Bones. William Bundy … › list › skull-and-bones-secret-society-facts › …The Rumors Are True: Inside Skull & Bones, The Elite Secret Society …
Every year, 15 Yale University seniors are tapped to enter the ranks of Skull and Bones, one of the most mysterious secret societies on the planet. Skull and Bones, as Esquire writer Ron Rosenbaum puts it, is “ devoted to converting the idle progeny of the ruling class into morally serious leaders of the establishment.” Skull and Bones dates back to 1832 when William H. Russell, a student … › skull-and-bones-secret-society7 Dark Facts about the Skull and Bones Secret Society
Skull & Bones society is the Brotherhood of Death organization in America based at Yale University. The secret society is also known as “Chapter 322” and “Brotherhood of Death.” The symbol is simple, a skull that sits on a couple of crossed bones, bearing the numbers “322” or the Bonesman number. › blog › 3391348 › was-the-cia-born-and…Was The CIA Born And Run By A Yale Secret Society?
The CIA is an organization that was founded by a member of the Skull& Bones. This guy, James Jesus Angleton. Harvey Georges. Shutterstock Images. James Angleton was the Chief of Counterintelligence from 1954-1974. 20 years at the peak of the Cold War and US interventionism abroad.
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