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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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Amid The Covert Utilization Of The Tokyo Japan SKYTREE Dimensional Intrusions LOW VIBE Resonant Elemental Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation TESLA Technologies System In Connection With The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation Jumpgate-Stargate Dimensional Intrusions TESLA Technologies System In Connection To The Giant Texas Desertron 54+ Miles Round Toroidal Donut-Ring Shaped LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Generator-Particle Collider-Nuclear Accelerator In Connection With LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation TESLA Telemetry *Beam Down* Technologies Systems Involving Resonant Elemental Skyscrapers-Giant Towers-Antennas-Transceivers, You All Will Witness Freakish Horrific Nightmarish Inductive Thunderless Plasma Arc Lightning Bolts With Catastrophic Electrifying Effects As The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Black-Ops Diabolical M.A.D. Scientist Cronies Covertly Under Barack Hussein Obama's/The Evil Modern Day Nimrod/The Vile Black Zeus/The Wicked Wizard Of OZ Execute Their Mega-Disastrous Plans-Agendas-Missions-Demonic Zombie Vaxx Plandemics-Protocols Involving Evilly Broadcasting "SKY NET" Involving Satan's Disharmonic Negatively Tuned Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale Scalar Soundwaves Modulated LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Induction Signals Cunningly Designed To Try To Vainly Keep Our Indigenous Earth In A Low Powered Fallen State Of Corruption Via Satan's Extremely BAD VIBES While She Temporarily Falls Into LOW VIBE Spasmodic Convulsions As Her Metaphysical Nervous System Energy Grid Network Of Flowing Watery Elemental Ley Lines - Energy Vortexs - Deep Underground Resonant Crystalline Relay Junctions - Energetic Intersection Points - Electromagnetic Axioms Get Negatively Shocked-Inductively TASERED By The Temporarily Embedded Aforementioned LOW VIBE Dimensional Intrusions Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Resonant Elemental TESLA Technologies System Interconnected Giant Circuit Components Which Are Evilly Plugged Into And Piggybacking Upon Key Ancient Sacred Sites Involving The Earth's Gargantuan Metaphysical Circuit Board Nervous System Communications Network Dynamic Energy Grid Which Will Temporarily Cause LOW VIBE Scalar Soundwaves Modulated Mega-Disasters As The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Black-Ops Diabolical M.A.D. Scientists Cronies Covertly Under Barack Hussein Obama Evilly Begin The Vile Powering Up-Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of The Secretly Retro-Engineered Interconnected Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* Mega-Terraforming Mega-GeoEngineering *Dimensional Intrusions* LOW VIBE Negatively Tuned Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Broadcasting Resonant Elemental TESLA System Technologies Giant Circuit Components Involving The Aforementioned Interconnected "Witty Inventions" Of Sinister Fallen Angeles And Demons Who Negatively Influenced Their Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Black-Ops Diabolical M.A.D. Scientist Cronies To Evilly Design And Wickedly Construct Various Weaponized Low Frequency Resonators To Vainly Try To Keep Our Indigenous Earth And Us Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People (Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites And Indigenous Gentiles Servants) From Undergoing Extraordinarily High Vibe Holy Gene-Sis Fiery Ascension Up The Heavenly Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Ladder Into Our HEAVENLY FATHER'S ETERNAL STATE OF GLORY Concerning The Glorious *Spiritually Powered* Supernatural Metaphysical Manifestation Of CHRIST And THE HOLY SPIRITUAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Vigorously Coming Forth From Within Us, Please REMEMBER Saint Luke 17th Ch. + Psalms 82:6 Because We Are Gradually Spiritually Ascending + Amos 9th Ch. + Luke 21st Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Micah 3rd Ch. + Revelation 12th Ch. + Matthew 24:27-36 + Acts 2:17 + Joel 2:28 + Isaiah 30:26 + Hosea 6th Ch. + 2nd Peter 1:19-21 + Enoch 79th/80th Chs. + Isaiah 24th Ch. + Daniel 12:3 + 2nd Thessalonians 2:8 + Malachi 4th Ch. + Zechariah 14th Ch. + 2nd Peter 3rd Ch. + Daniel 10th Ch. + Isaiah 2:4 + Isaiah 60th/61st Chs. + The Apocalypse Of Baruch + The 70 Missing Verses Of 2nd Esdras Apocrypha Texts + The Entire Book Of Enoch + The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, Because CHRIST-THE HOLY SPIRITUAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN WILL CERTAINLY BE GLORIOUSLY APOCALYPTICALLY SUPERNATURALLY METAPHYSICALLY REVEALED WHICH IS OUR HOLY DESTINY And There's Absolutely Nothing That The Doomed *Low Vibe* Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Lower Powers That Be Can Do To Try To Vainly Stop-Hinder-Block-Retard Our EXTRAORDINARILY *HIGH VIBE* VIGOROUS REVITALIZING APOCALYPTIC REVELATION OF HOLY RENEWAL CONCERNING THE SPIRITUAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN BEING GLORIOUSLY MANIFESTED ON EARTH INVOLVING ORIGINAL GENE-SIS RESETTING BACK TO THE BASE-X BUT WITH SEVEN TIMES AMPLIFIED INFLUX-FLOW OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL'S ETERNAL SPIRIT WHICH BEGINS WITH THE AMOS 9TH CH. ENDTIME PROPHECY LEADING TO APOCALYPTIC REVELATION 22ND CH. CONCERNING THE GLORIOUS COMPLETION OF ANCIENT GENE-SIS FIERY ASCENSION, ALL PRAISES AND ALL WORSHIP BE UNTO THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL OUR HEAVENLY FATHER THROUGH HIS GLORIFIED SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HEBREW NEGRO FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH-YISHI-YISHIAH (Remember Hosea 2:16 Concerning True Christ) WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT, AHMAN. SELAH

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Newest Stories (Please REMEMBER Psalms 91st Ch. Involving Evilly Devised Targeted Major Attacks Against Primarily Us Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People + The Revelation 17th Ch. Judgements Involving False Flag Massive Widespread ISIS Related Mega-Terrorist Attacks Of Mixed Larger Scale 911s And Tesla Technologies Powered Unnatural Mega-Disasters Including A Massive Widespread False Flag UFO/ALIEN Invasion Targeting The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great And South America As Foretold In Zechariah 5th Ch. Involving Apocalyptic Full Disclosure + The First Seal Opening White Horse Judgements Involving Major Attacks Targeting The USA’s 12 Strong Allies-Wings-Militarized Watchdog Sectors Who Will Also Fall Extremely Hard During Manifold Perils Which Are About To Go Extremely Hot, So You Will Certainly Need Our HEAVENLY FATHER’S Holy Angelic Supernatural Protection In Order To Make It Through All Of What’s Surely Coming Soon, Please REMEMBER So-Called “Bloody Black Sunday” Involving *NOONDAY DESTRUCTION* Amid Covert Forceful Dimensional Intrusions As The Proverbial Nuclear Clock Strikes “12 MIDNIGHT” And We Journey Through An Extremely Troublesome *DARK WINTER* Season Which Will Get Progressively Worse In Blazing Rapid Fire Succession For The Cursed Doomed ILL-FATED Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Classed As Unholy TARES, But All For The Apocalyptic Supernatural Spiritual Betterment Of The Righteous Faithful Few Of Indigenous Humanity Of LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-CHRIST UNITY Which Is ETERNAL For Those Who Faithfully Endure To The Apocalyptic Climactic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Ultra-Cataclysmic End Of This Temporal Satanic Fallen Veiled World Matrix, Which Is Our Glorious New Beginning. SELAH)


AT THE MIDNIGHT HOUR (Please Remember The Revelation 17th Ch. Judgements And The Revelation 12th Ch. Satanic Watery Flood Attack Mega-Tsunami Gulf Of Mexico Cataclysm, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE!: Covert Bank Robberies By The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Black-Ops Feds Secretly Under Barack Hussein Obama’s Diabolical Commands Are Imminent, But Also It’s Almost Time To Pay Your D.E.W.s – Please Be Aware That The Retro-Engineered “Star Wars Program” Fiery Directed Energy Weapons Will Be Murderously Utilized On Millions Of Unsuspecting Sleeping People Most Of Which Least Expect It And Iran-Pakistan-The Ram Of Elam-The Peacock Will Be Deceptively Falsely Blamed For These Fiery D.E.W.s Attacks That Will Seem Like Nuclear Bombs Have Been Detonated, But REMEMBER That Fiery Directed Energy Weapons Leave No Lingering Radioactive Signature And No Extremely Harmful Nuclear Fallout, Which Is Why These Tunable Extremely Powerful Type Of Of Resonant Elemental TESLA Technologies Are The Modern Day Weapons Of Choice That Will Make It Easier For The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Black-Ops Rogue UN Non-Peacekeeping Satanically Vaxxed Demonic So-Fi Mind Controlled Troops-Soldiers-Agents To Quickly Rush Into Many Decimated Major Cities And Forcefully Roundup The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress Who Will Be Sorted By Age-Race-Ethnic Group-Blood Type-DNA-Genes With The Use Of Retinal Scans Which Can Read Energetic DNA Vibrations Through The Eyes Which Are The Windows To The Soul And Then Hurriedly Transported To Giant “$QUID GAME” Debtors Prisons/Satan’s Giant FEMA Imprisonment Reconditioning Reprogramming Camp Corrals Of Highly Mutative Death Involving His Highly Deceptively Emergency Executive Order Mandatory Enforced Requirement *BIOMETRIC* Nanotechnologies Embedded Final Phase Vaxx Of ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION Extreme Transhumanism Which Will Be Cunningly Fast Tracked-Pushed-Implemented-Administered As An Extremely Deceptive FAKE So-Called Miracle Universal Cure-All For All That Ails You Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Elixir Which Is Satan’s Irreversible CURSE-ALL, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because You Have Been Warned, Again Please REMEMBER Revelation 13th/22nd Chs. Concerning Our HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Warning Us Not To Evilly Unwisely Erroneously Willfully Take Part In Satan’s Extremely Deceptive Irreversible Extensive (Genetic + Mental) Reprogramming *BIOMETRIC* Emergency Economic Recovery System Of His Temporal Sinister Dystopian NWO Which Will Kick Into High Gear During The *DARK WINTER* Season Of Horrific Nightmarish Perilous Times As Apocalyptic Endtime Prophecies Supernaturally Manifest, Please REMEMBER The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Sat, February 18, 2023, 23:23


By SHEILA VITALE on Sat, February 18, 2023, 22:52

TO THE CHURCH AT EPHESUS – PART 1, Session 1 (Sheila Vitale Preaching @ LEM/CCK Conference 2/18/23)

By SHEILA VITALE on Sat, February 18, 2023, 22:44

Dangerous Words and Spiritual Warfare

By Marlene* on Sat, February 18, 2023, 21:37

New SGTReport: The Children of Darkness Vs. the Divine aka God Himself

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 15:40

We Are One And We Are Free Feb 2023

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 14:57

Toxic Chemical Rain & Exposure All the Way to NYC & Boston! How Bad Is This Really? 250 Million?

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 14:55

US Soldiers Slaughtered at Hands of Foreign Telecommunications Entity Feb 2023

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 14:46

New SGAnon Reveals! False Flag or War! Fake Biden SOTU! Wrap Up!

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 14:23

Shocking: National Security Threat Feb 18 Warning!

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 14:21

New Gene Decode: Underground Dumbs War Intel Feb 18, 2023..

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 13:59

Warning Antarctica Disclosure Is Happening! This Satellite Just Sent Out A Message Warning That Something Is Melting Out Antarctica’s Ice Sheet

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 13:53

New Derek Johnson Situation Update Feb 18, 2023 ~ The Storm Is Upon Us

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 13:12

New ShariRaye Shocking News February 18, 2023

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 13:04

Enjoy the Show – Director’s Cut Documentary

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 13:01

New Clif High: Saboteurs! Ohio Forever Chemicals! RFK Jr. Demcracy at Risk! Breakdown via Farmer Jones

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 12:58

New Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 46: Ask the Inspector Feb 2023

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 12:52

Major Arrests Latest Intel 2/18/23 > The End

By Jeffery Pritchett on Sat, February 18, 2023, 12:47

People Are Going To Be Horrifically Nightmarishly Astonished-Shocked-Blown Away At What The Sun Is About To Do Before The February 20th Pre-Dawn Opening Of The Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Bright Supernovas-Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Opening Up Involving The Supernatural Opening Of The Metaphysical First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth’s First Main Energy Vortex That Will Induce The Beginning Of Sorrows/Spiritual Labor Pains/Our Multiphase Deep Spiritual Awakening-Rebirth-First Resurrection-Completion Of Holy Gene-Sis Fiery Ascension-Metamorphosis-Glorification-Spiritual Manhood Of CHRIST-The Glorious Apocalyptic Revealing Of The Holy Spiritual Kingdom Of Heaven From Deep Within Us At The Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Levels, Please REMEMBER The Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Cataclysmic Start Of The Imminent Sudden Amplification Of Necessary Corrective Transformative Ultra-Cataclysmic Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Above And Below That Will Supernaturally Gradually Destroy The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Genetically Hybridized Non-Indigenous *CAIN LIKE* Evil Seed Bearing Mutated Recessive Genes Bearing Doomed Races Of Mostly Snow White Leprous Cursed Man-Kind Heathens Classed As Unholy TARES Who Are Fit For The Fire, But The Righteous Faithful Few Look Forward To THE MAY-AN APOCALYPTIC 5TH SUN ASCENSION As We Who Are Holy Gradually Near SOUL-UR/SOLUR/SOLAR MAXIMUM, As Foretold In Amos 9th Ch. + Luke 21st Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Micah 3rd Ch. + Revelation 12th Ch. + Isaiah 30:26 + 2nd Peter 3rd Ch. + The Book Of Enoch/79th-80th Ch. + The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, Not Solar Minimum Like Satan’s Highly Deceptive NASA Space Agency Cronies Would Have You All To Foolishly Believe, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because As Foretold In Micah 3rd Ch. And Zechariah 5th Ch. The Sun Will Suddenly Go Dim And The Sky Turn Dark, Also Please Listen To The Cryptic Predictive Programming Iluminati Computerized IBM Speech Synthesizer Intro Song To The Movie Battle Los Angeles “The Sun’s Gone Dim And The Sky’s Turned Black” Involving An Imminent Massive Widespread False Flag UFO/ALIEN Invasion Concerning *Apocalyptic Full Disclosure* Firing Up In February And Quickly Growing In Intensity With A Rapid Fire Succession Of Unstoppable Endtime Prophetic Apocalyptic Events With Many Horrific Nightmarish Perils That Will Suddenly Befall The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because *Bloody Black Sunday* Is Almost Here Including Extremely Troublesome Communications Failures And Massive Widespread BLACKOUTS Amid Insanely Violent Weather Phenomenon Anomalies Caused By The Clashing Of Satan’s Disharmonic Negatively Tuned Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale Scalar Soundwaves Modulated LOW VIBE Weaponized Electromagnetic Microwave Energy Radiation Induction Signals Butting Heads With The Supernatural Unstoppable Influx-Flow Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial Cosmic Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Inductive Extraordinarily HIGH VIBE Energy With Greatly Increased Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating UV Light Energy Radiation That Will Make The Old “Carrington Event” Look Like A Wet Firecracker In Comparison With Ultra-Cataclysmic *EARTH SHAKING* Effects Above And Below, So Please Righteously REPENT In Order To Properly Prepare For The APOCALYPSE Of REVELATION As We Undergo The Completion Of Holy Gene-Sis Fiery Ascension, Please Remember Psalms 82:6 Because We Will Live Eternally (Read Hosea 2:16 About The True Savior Sent By Our HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Who Has Given Us Indigenous People A Glorious Future And A Hope Concerning Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven On Earth) Under CHRIST’S Unbreakable Peaceful Dominion With Eternal Empowerment Through THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-CHRIST UNITY + Remember Saint Luke 17th Ch. + The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation Because It’s All About What We Indigenous Spiritually Melanated People/Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites And Indigenous Gentiles Have Inherently Within Us Which Is Our HEAVENLY FATHER’S FREE GIFT INHERITED ETERNAL *HOLY SEED* OF HIS SPIRITUAL HOLY LIVING WORD-DNA OF LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-CHRIST UNITY, REMEMBER THAT THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL IS ALL AND HE’S SPIRITUALLY WITHIN ALL OF HIS INDIGENOUS CREATIONS WHICH WILL CERTAINLY BE FAITHFULLY RIGHTEOUSLY APOCALYPTICALLY REVEALED, AHMAN! SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Sat, February 18, 2023, 12:37

The Blood and God’s Armor: The Protection of the Most High

By Rapture and End Times on Sat, February 18, 2023, 12:01

Puting on a brave front and trying to look on the bright side for the home land and the world

By Болеслава on Sat, February 18, 2023, 5:02

A WEEKEND OF TERRORS…..GET READY FOR THE DIABOLICAL “$QUID GAME” INVOLVING THE SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO DEMONCRATS COVERTLY UNDER BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S AND HILLARY ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH CLINTON’S EVIL FRAUDULENT COMMANDS TO SIDE SWIPE CHINA WHO COVERTLY CALLED IN THE INSANELY HIGH AMOUNT OF CREDIT-DEBT UNDER SECRETLY NEGOTIATED EMINENT DOMAIN CREDIT-DEBT DEFAULT NON-PAYMENT PROTOCOLS WHICH THEY ACTUALLY DIDN’T PLAN ON PAYING BACK IN FULL TO CHINA IN THE FIRST PLACE, WHO THEY CUNNINGLY USED TO ECONOMICALLY FURTHER THEIR VILE PLANS-AGENDAS-MISSIONS-PLANDEMICS-PROTOCOLS FOR THE DIABOLICAL ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SINISTER SATANIC-FALLEN ANGELIC-DEMONIC-PARASITIC DYSTOPIAN NWO, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because You And Your Physical Properties Are Fraudulently Up For Grabs And Barack Hussein Obama And Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton Have Evilly Planned To Get First Dibbs Via Their Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Black-Ops Rogue UN Non-Peacekeeping Forceful Takeover Of The Doomed Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Which Is About To Experience *SIRIUS* Troubles Of Mass Destruction And Millions Of Deaths, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because You Are About To Experience The Horrific Nightmarish So-Called “$QUID GAME” During The Extremely Troublesome *DARK WINTER* Season Leading To Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 As They Evilly Fight For Control Over The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress, REMEMBER That The Chief Antichrist/Barack Hussein Obama’s Satan Spirit Infused Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Clone Is Nothing Without People To Rule Over While They Unwisely Erroneously Fearfully Evilly Wickedly Praise And Worship Him, REMEMBER The Critical War-Nings Of Revelation 13th/22nd Chs. Concerning Satan’s Diabolical *BIOMETRIC* Nanotechnologies Ultimate Eugenics Program Final Phase Vaxx Of Highly Mutative Death Which Many People Will Fall Extremely Hard For To Their Horrific Nightmarish Demises Involving Supernatural Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements, Please REMEMBER The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation Because We Are Certainly In The Prophetic Endtimes With Many Perils That Will Befall The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Classed As Unholy TARES, But REMEMBER Jeremiah 11th Ch. And Also REMEMBER Hosea 2:16 + John 3:16 + 1st John 1:9 + Amos 9th Ch., Ahman! SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Sat, February 18, 2023, 4:32

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    Total 3 comments
    • Gordon

      I find it difficult to even think of reading your articles, because it reminds me of someone trying force a concept on me. Kinda like the vaxx agenda!. Treat your article header in the same way everyone else does (maybe 19 words) and I will read and comment on what you have to say: maybe even fellowship with you.

    • JesusAlready

      This entire post is filled with useless blather.

      • Gordon

        That’s too bad; thanks for the heads up.

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