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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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SATAN'S VEHEMENTLY UNMERCIFUL HATRED IS VERY DEEP ROOTED IN THE EVIL DNA OF MANY CURSED RACES OF NON-INDIGENOUS MANKIND GENETIC HYBRIDS - MOSTLY ONES WITH THE RECESSIVE MUTATIVE SNOW WHITE LEPROUS CURSED MARK/HIGHLY CORRUPTED GENES/EVIL SEED OF HIS MURDEROUS BLOODTHIRSTY SON CAIN WHO KILLED HIS INDIGENOUS BROTHER ABEL (Sounds Very Familiar, Huh Sleepyheaded Sheeple?!?), PLEASE REMEMBER GENE-SIS 3:15! THEY WON'T CHANGE SO THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL WILL SUPERNATURALLY BURN THEM ALL OUT INVOLVING THE IMMINENT COMPLETE ERADICATION/ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FIERY HELLISH WRATHFUL EXTERMINATION OF ALL NON-INDIGENOUS SATANIC-FALLEN ANGELIC-DEMONIC GENETICALLY HYBRIDIZED CELLULAR PARASITES KNOWN AS TARES, PLEASE REMEMBER MALACHI 4TH CH. + ISAIAH 30:26 + ZECHARIAH 14TH CH. + 2ND PETER 3RD CH. + THE BOOK OF ENOCH + 2ND THESSALONIANS 2:8-9 + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN!: Please Watch Out For Yourselves And Others My Precious Indigenous Brothers And Sisters Because Many False Flag Terrorist Attacks Are Imminent And The Vile Agents Of The SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO (Primarily Consisting Of Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Worldwide Crime Syndicate Involving His ISIS TERRORIST GROUP-THE ROGUE UN NONPEACEKEEPERS-THE OTHER VILE ALPHABET AGENCIES CRONIES Under His Murderous Commands And The Sinister White Jew-ish Imposters Of The FAKE Nation Of Israel Known As The Synagogue Of Satan Who Are Secretly Allied With The Snow White Leprous Cursed Monstrous Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran KENITES/Evil Descendants Of Satan's Bloodthirsty Murderous Reptilian Shapeshifting Son CAIN Who Was The First Of His Perpetually Cursed-MARKED Kind To Temporarily Exist On Earth) Including The Sinister Reptilian Republicans Of Vehemently Hateful Unmerciful Fear Mongering *RACIST GROUPS* Are All Going To Falsely Blame Our Black People - Melanated Humans - People Of Color Who's Numbers Are Currently Low Throughout The Earth Due To Many Years Of Slavery/Bondage, Inquisitions, Mass Slaughters, Murders, And Massacres Done By Primarily The Cursed Wicked White Races Of Heathens/Evil Bloodlines/Vile Generations Of Wicked Ones, Please REMEMBER GENE-SIS 3:15 Concerning The Root Of Ancient Hatred Being In Their Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic EVIL SEED DNA That They Have Embedded Deep Within Their Many Racist Groups, Who Are Purposely Targeting And Blaming PRIMARILY THE INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HOLY SEED BEARING HEBREWS-NEGROES-PRIESTS-KINGS-YISRAELITES AND SECONDARILY THE INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED GENTILES-OUR SERVANTS IN HUMBLENESS-OUR FUTURE SPIRITUAL CHILDREN For Many Things That Our Long Time Enemies Will Actually Be Covertly Doing - Like In The Times Past - Cunningly Devised To Deceptively Frame Our Innocent Indigenous People With High Level Crimes That We As A People Didn't Commit, Sounds Very Familiar Huh?!? Please Be Aware That Primarily White Dunce Hat Wearers (The KKK - The GOP - The NEO NAZIS) Have Cunningly Planned To Deceptively *INCITE A MAJOR RACE WAR*, But As Aforementioned Many Other Sinister Dystopian NWO Groups Will Also Be In The Mega-Chaotic Mix Secretly Executing Murderous Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 Population Control Protocols Including Other Vile Plans-Agendas-Protocols-Missions Of Death And Destruction Primarily Against Us Indigenous People. PLEASE BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING - TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE BECUASE *EMP-LOSION* OF THE DOOMED DOUBLE PORTION CURSED GODFORESAKEN USA/MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT IS CERTAINLY IMMINENT AND THE MONSTERS ARE DEFINITELY DUE ON MAPLE STREET, PLEASE REMEMBER 2ND ESDRAS 15TH/16TH CHS. (Which Foretold The Social-Civil-Governmental Chaotic Breakdown And The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress Flocking To Their Own Racial Groups - Ethnic Groups - Class Of People As Sinisterly Insane Demonic Marauders, Bandits, Thieves, Robbers, Pillagers, Murderers, And Rapist Cause Much Fear And Panic Including Death And Destruction Of Many People Just Trying Hard To Survive The Rapidly Intensifying Manifold Severe Troubles That Will Certainly Befall The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens In Massive Numbers. However, Have No Worries - No Fear - No Panic, PLEASE REMEMBER PSALMS 91ST CH. Supernatural Protection Of The Righteous Faithful Few) + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN!  (THE WICKED WORLD BULLY ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE GOVERNMENT OF ESAU WILL CERTAINLY *CRASH AND BURN*)! PLEASE WAKE UP - TAKE HEED - BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Time Is Definitely Getting Short, TIK TOK - TIK TOK - TIK TOK, PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! PLEASE WAKE UP - TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE - BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Many Of You Are Witnessing And Erroneously Taking Part In The Most Massive Widespread Eugenics Program In Human History, With The Exception Of The Ancient Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion Being Spread Throughout Many GENE-RATIONS Due To Adam's And Eve's Sinful Temporal Fall From Their Celestial State Of Glory, But Thank THE MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL For HIS FREE GIFT Of HOLY SALVATION Spiritually Given To Us Indigenous People Through HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH. PLEASE REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION PEOPLE, BUT FIRST YOU ALL NEED TO READ JEREMIAH 11TH CH. (WE MUST BE RIGHTEOUS MY PRECIOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HOLY SEED BEARING BROTHERS AND SISTERS, REPENT) + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1ST JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9TH CH., GET READY TO VIGOROUSLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

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SATAN’S VEHEMENTLY UNMERCIFUL HATRED IS VERY DEEP ROOTED IN THE EVIL DNA OF MANY CURSED RACES OF NON-INDIGENOUS MANKIND GENETIC HYBRIDS – MOSTLY ONES WITH THE RECESSIVE MUTATIVE SNOW WHITE LEPROUS CURSED MARK/HIGHLY CORRUPTED GENES/EVIL SEED OF HIS MURDEROUS BLOODTHIRSTY SON CAIN WHO KILLED HIS INDIGENOUS BROTHER ABEL (Sounds Very Familiar, Huh Sleepyheaded Sheeple?!?), PLEASE REMEMBER GENE-SIS 3:15! THEY WON’T CHANGE SO THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL WILL SUPERNATURALLY BURN THEM ALL OUT INVOLVING THE IMMINENT COMPLETE ERADICATION/ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FIERY HELLISH WRATHFUL EXTERMINATION OF ALL NON-INDIGENOUS SATANIC-FALLEN ANGELIC-DEMONIC GENETICALLY HYBRIDIZED CELLULAR PARASITES KNOWN AS TARES, PLEASE REMEMBER MALACHI 4TH CH. + ISAIAH 30:26 + ZECHARIAH 14TH CH. + 2ND PETER 3RD CH. + THE BOOK OF ENOCH + 2ND THESSALONIANS 2:8-9 + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN!: Please Watch Out For Yourselves And Others My Precious Indigenous Brothers And Sisters Because Many False Flag Terrorist Attacks Are Imminent And The Vile Agents Of The SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO (Primarily Consisting Of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Worldwide Crime Syndicate Involving His ISIS TERRORIST GROUP-THE ROGUE UN NONPEACEKEEPERS-THE OTHER VILE ALPHABET AGENCIES CRONIES Under His Murderous Commands And The Sinister White Jew-ish Imposters Of The FAKE Nation Of Israel Known As The Synagogue Of Satan Who Are Secretly Allied With The Snow White Leprous Cursed Monstrous Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran KENITES/Evil Descendants Of Satan’s Bloodthirsty Murderous Reptilian Shapeshifting Son CAIN Who Was The First Of His Perpetually Cursed-MARKED Kind To Temporarily Exist On Earth) Including The Sinister Reptilian Republicans Of Vehemently Hateful Unmerciful Fear Mongering *RACIST GROUPS* Are All Going To Falsely Blame Our Black People – Melanated Humans – People Of Color Who’s Numbers Are Currently Low Throughout The Earth Due To Many Years Of Slavery/Bondage, Inquisitions, Mass Slaughters, Murders, And Massacres Done By Primarily The Cursed Wicked White Races Of Heathens/Evil Bloodlines/Vile Generations Of Wicked Ones, Please REMEMBER GENE-SIS 3:15 Concerning The Root Of Ancient Hatred Being In Their Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic EVIL SEED DNA That They Have Embedded Deep Within Their Many Racist Groups, Who Are Purposely Targeting And Blaming PRIMARILY THE INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HOLY SEED BEARING HEBREWS-NEGROES-PRIESTS-KINGS-YISRAELITES AND SECONDARILY THE INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED GENTILES-OUR SERVANTS IN HUMBLENESS-OUR FUTURE SPIRITUAL CHILDREN For Many Things That Our Long Time Enemies Will Actually Be Covertly Doing – Like In The Times Past - Cunningly Devised To Deceptively Frame Our Innocent Indigenous People With High Level Crimes That We As A People Didn’t Commit, Sounds Very Familiar Huh?!? Please Be Aware That Primarily White Dunce Hat Wearers (The KKK – The GOP – The NEO NAZIS) Have Cunningly Planned To Deceptively *INCITE A MAJOR RACE WAR*, But As Aforementioned Many Other Sinister Dystopian NWO Groups Will Also Be In The Mega-Chaotic Mix Secretly Executing Murderous Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 Population Control Protocols Including Other Vile Plans-Agendas-Protocols-Missions Of Death And Destruction Primarily Against Us Indigenous People. PLEASE BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING – TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE BECUASE *EMP-LOSION* OF THE DOOMED DOUBLE PORTION CURSED GODFORESAKEN USA/MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT IS CERTAINLY IMMINENT AND THE MONSTERS ARE DEFINITELY DUE ON MAPLE STREET, PLEASE REMEMBER 2ND ESDRAS 15TH/16TH CHS. (Which Foretold The Social-Civil-Governmental Chaotic Breakdown And The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress Flocking To Their Own Racial Groups – Ethnic Groups – Class Of People As Sinisterly Insane Demonic Marauders, Bandits, Thieves, Robbers, Pillagers, Murderers, And Rapist Cause Much Fear And Panic Including Death And Destruction Of Many People Just Trying Hard To Survive The Rapidly Intensifying Manifold Severe Troubles That Will Certainly Befall The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens In Massive Numbers. However, Have No Worries – No Fear – No Panic, PLEASE REMEMBER PSALMS 91ST CH. Supernatural Protection Of The Righteous Faithful Few) + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN!  (THE WICKED WORLD BULLY ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE GOVERNMENT OF ESAU WILL CERTAINLY *CRASH AND BURN*)! PLEASE WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Time Is Definitely Getting Short, TIK TOK – TIK TOK – TIK TOK, PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! PLEASE WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE - BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Many Of You Are Witnessing And Erroneously Taking Part In The Most Massive Widespread Eugenics Program In Human History, With The Exception Of The Ancient Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion Being Spread Throughout Many GENE-RATIONS Due To Adam’s And Eve’s Sinful Temporal Fall From Their Celestial State Of Glory, But Thank THE MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL For HIS FREE GIFT Of HOLY SALVATION Spiritually Given To Us Indigenous People Through HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH. PLEASE REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION PEOPLE, BUT FIRST YOU ALL NEED TO READ JEREMIAH 11TH CH. (WE MUST BE RIGHTEOUS MY PRECIOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HOLY SEED BEARING BROTHERS AND SISTERS, REPENT) + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1ST JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9TH CH., GET READY TO VIGOROUSLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH  


Donald Trump Is Trying To Incite A Race War, Says Former Appointee

The Racist in Chief is inciting a race war while the Republicans remain silent. Trump had tweeted that morning to boast that Secret Service agents were “just waiting for action,” and prepared to meet protestors with “the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons.”. Scaramucci has consistently criticized Trump throughout the events …

White Supremacists Embrace “Race War” | ADL

The concept of “race war” is gaining popularity among white supremacists. In July, 2019, police officers responding to a racist graffiti incident in Baltimore County, Maryland, encountered swastikas, as well as a phrase new to them: “Race War Now.” In New York, the DMV canceled a Queens resident’s vanity license plate in November 2018; the plate read “GTKRWN,” an acronym for …

FBI: Two Virginia Men Planned to Incite a ‘Race War’ by Bombing Black …

Yet another attempt to spark a “race war” was foiled on Sunday, when the FBI arrested two white supremacists who allegedly planned on bombing black churches and synagogues in Virginia …

Waging a Racial War | Facing History and Ourselves

Historian Raffael Scheck writes that their treatment echoed German behavior in Poland in 1939 and foreshadowed the massacres of millions of Soviet prisoners of war that began in the summer of 1941. 1. Perceived differences between “German” and “foreign” blood also often determined how civilians fared under the Germans.

White Power Grid: The Fumbled Neo-Nazi Plot to Incite a Race War by …

White Power Grid: The Fumbled Neo-Nazi Plot to Incite a Race War by Turning Off America’s Lights. Three young neo-Nazis recently plead guilty to domestic terrorism charges after planning to take …

Donald Trump Is Trying to Start a Race War – Rolling Stone

The Insurrection Act is that authorization. And it is broad and vague: “Whenever the president considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the …

Neo-Nazi Militant Group Grooming Teenagers to Incite a Race War

The FBI has described the group as seeking to unite white supremacists around the world and incite a race war. The recordings were passed to U.S. civil rights organisation, the Southern Poverty Law Center, before some were shared with BBC One’s Panorama. Read more at the BBC

The Race War The Left Wants – The American Conservative

The Race War The Left Wants. May 24, 2019. |. 4:24 pm. Rod Dreher. I posted something earlier today about a progressive Baptist pastor praying at a Baylor graduation ceremony that “straight …

Joey Badass Thinks The Government Is Trying To Incite Race War – HipHopDX

Joey Badass is known for his socio-conscious views and the Brooklyn rap star took to Instagram Wednesday night (July 6) with his own thoughts. He posted an image of a man’s profile kneeling in …

The President is trying to incite a race war! | Political Talk

Y’all make up your damn minds. Diversity is our strength. Look at those expensively manicured claws. And the amusement on those soldiers’ faces. No thanks. She sounds like the type of women I don’t want to listen to. Not surprised. Another retard saying retard things. Diversity is our strenf.

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Construisez d’immenses armées et vivez des batailles épiques dans Travian : Legends! Construisez un empire avec de nombreux villages, recrutez une armée puissante, et battez-vous pour la suprématie à Travian !

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Prepping for a race war: documents reveal inner workings of neo-Nazi …

The same infiltrator took control of The Base’s telegram channel in the early hours of Saturday morning, US time, and posted multiple memes mocking the group’s founder, Rinaldo Nazzaro.


plans of the Illuminati by which they could slowly dissolve the Old World Order, replacing it with the New World Order, including the appearance of Antichrist. We encourage you to read this above previous article, for we consider it “Smoking Gun Proof” that the Illuminati had planned the attacks of 9/11 many years before that terrible event.

White Supremacists Embrace “Race War” | ADL

The concept of “race war” is gaining popularity among white supremacists. In July, 2019, police officers responding to a racist graffiti incident in Baltimore County, Maryland, encountered swastikas, as well as a phrase new to them: “Race War Now.” In New York, the DMV canceled a Queens resident’s vanity license plate in November 2018; the plate read “GTKRWN,” an acronym for …

Illuminati – Deus Ex Wiki

The name “Illuminati” is the plural of the Latin word illuminatus, meaning “enlightened”. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to establish a New World Order which will allow them to govern the world without opposition. The Illuminati influence the world from behind the scenes and ensure that their existence remains a secret.

How the Illuminati Stole the Mind, Soul, and Body of Hip-Hop

There really was a secret society called the Illuminati, and it really did aspire to transform society by surreptitiously placing its members in positions of influence. The group was formed in 1776…

Mahathirism, fremasonary and the order of the Illuminati – Malaysia Today

The more-than-diabolical Illuminati-Freemason order has had the world’s economy under its heels since the late nineties. The Rothschild dynasty’s manipulation of world trade and currency markets has torched billions of dollars in recent times, leaving investors wrong footed and bringing the Mexicans to heel.

ET Council – War With Grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is Won – No False Flag …

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with a human representative-contactee of the extraterrestrial governance council known as the Andromeda Council it has been revealed that the war of liberation against a 4 th dimensional Orion Grey and Draco reptilian alliance has been won by the forces of the Andromeda Council as of the 3 rd quarter of 2011.

The Illuminati… – Dismantle the Central Intelligence Agency – Facebook

The recent economic crash in the far-eastern countries is in reality an assertion of the Illuminati’s economic power, an expression of economic dominance. The Illuminati now control 10-15% of the Japanese economy. This is public knowledge, that is what has been bought at bargain prices.

Mear One’s Brick Lane Street Art: Is Mural Anti-Semitic? [VIDEO]

The painting depicts caricatures of wealthy Jewish men playing Monopoly, using the backs of hunched people as their table. In the background is a pyramid with an eyeball in it – synonymous with the…

The blasphemy of Franklin Graham – Baptist News Global

According to the newspaper in his father’s hometown of Charlotte, N.C., Franklin Graham thinks the 10 Republican congressional leaders who voted to impeach President Trump were like Judas, who betrayed Jesus. “The House Democrats impeached him because they hate him and want to do as much damage as they can,” Graham posted on Facebook on Jan. 14.


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I Had A Very Vivid Prophetic Endtime Dream That Major Events Started Close To A Full Moon, But Worldwide Situations Will Get Much Worse In *RAPID FIRE* Succession On And After The Full Moon Known As *The Beginning Of Sorrows* Because “I See A Bad Moon Rising, I See Many Severe Troubles On The Way!”, TAKE HEED Sleepyheaded Sheeple WAKE UP.: Star Wars/Flase Flag WW3 Starts First Within InnerSpace Above – Please REMEMBER “The Fall Of Hyperion – Check Out The Cryptic Predictive Programming Illuminati Movie” (Kamala Harris/The Pawn Will Die Around This Critical Time And Forked Tongue Smooth Talking *Joe Biden* Will Be Assisted By The Highly InFLUential Insanely Idolatrous O- Blood Type TARE *Oprah Winfrey* Who Will Cunningly Deceive Many Indigenous People To Unwisely Take The Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 While Imprisoned Within SINISTER ROGUE UN NON-PEACEKEEPING GIANT FEMA CAMP CORRALS OF MUTATIVE DEATH. But Also Keep In Mind That Joe Biden And Oprah Winfrey (The Bible Burner) Will Also Perish Within A Short Span Of Time As The Doomed Double Portion Cursed Godforesaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Is Being Supernaturally Destroyed By Many Different Means). Please Be Aware That The Moon Is About To Take A Major Hit On The Front Side/Involving A Giant Asteroid Strike And On The Backside Via A Highly Advanced Energy Weapons Strike Executed By The Wicked World Bully US EAGLE Government’s High-Tech Space Force Purposely Aimed At Russian, Chinese, And German Bases Causing The Impervious Crystalline Moon Shield Like Structure To Be Forcefully Knocked Out Of Its Current Orbital Position A Few Degrees That Will Cause The Electromagnetic Tides To Become Highly Unstable And The Seas/Waves Will Be Catastrophically Roaring, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING, PLEASE REMEMBER LUKE 21ST CH., AHMAN. Please Be Aware That 2/3rds Of Our Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Are Wickedly Fast Asleep In This Temporal Satanic Fallen Veiled World Dimensional MATRIX Of Mass Deceptions-Delusions-Illusions-Lies-Attacks And THEY Still Stubbornly REFUSE To Righteously WAKE UP Leading To Their Horrific Nightmarish Demises, Please REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11TH CH + ZECHARIAH 13TH CH. + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION Because Only The Holy 1/3rd Remnant Of Our Righteous Indigenous People Known As The Holy Wheat A.K.A. The Holy Chosen Elect Will Make It Out Alive Through Manifold Tests-Trials-Tribulations-Troubles-Persections And Supernaturally Come Out As Pure Gold, Please REMEMBER To Righteously Faithfully Endure To The End, AHMAN! PLEASE WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Time Is Definitely Getting Short, TIK TOK – TIK TOK – TIK TOK, PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! PLEASE WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE - BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Many Of You Are Witnessing And Erroneously Taking Part In The Most Massive Widespread Eugenics Program In Human History, With The Exception Of The Ancient Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion Being Spread Throughout Many GENE-RATIONS Due To Adam’s And Eve’s Sinful Temporal Fall From Their Celestial State Of Glory, But Thank THE MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL For HIS Free Gift Of HOLY SALVATION Spiritually Given To Us Under Covenant Through HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH, PLEASE REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, BUT FIRST YOU ALL NEED TO READ JEREMIAH 11TH CH. (WE MUST STRIVE HARD TO BE RIGHTEOUSLY PERFECT LIKE CHRIST MY PRECIOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HOLY SEED BEARING BROTHERS AND SISTERS, REPENT) + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1ST JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9TH CH., GET READY TO VIGOROUSLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Thu, July 7, 2022, 15:20

Please Be Aware That 2/3rds Of Our Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Are Fast Asleep In This Satanic Fallen Veiled World Dimensional MATRIX Of Mass Deceptions-Delusions-Illusions-Lies-Attacks And They Still Stubbornly Refuse To Righteously WAKE UP To Their Horrific Nightmarish Demises, Please REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11TH CH + ZECHARIAH 13TH CH. + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION Because Only The Holy 1/3rd Remnant Of Our Righteous Indigenous People Known As The Holy Wheat A.K.A. The Holy Chosen Elect Will Make It Out Alive Through Manifold Tests-Trials-Tribulations-Troubles-Persections And Supernaturally Come Out As Pure Gold, Please REMEMBER To Righteously Faithfully Endure To The End, AHMAN! PLEASE WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Time Is Definitely Getting Short, TIK TOK – TIK TOK – TIK TOK, PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! PLEASE WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE - BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Many Of You Are Witnessing And Erroneously Taking Part In The Most Massive Widespread Eugenics Program In Human History, With The Exception Of The Ancient Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion Being Spread Throughout Many GENE-RATIONS Due To Adam’s And Eve’s Sinful Temporal Fall From Their Celestial State Of Glory, But Thank THE MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL For HIS Free Gift Of HOLY SALVATION Spiritually Given To Us Under Covenant Through HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH, PLEASE REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, BUT FIRST YOU ALL NEED TO READ JEREMIAH 11TH CH. (WE MUST STRIVE HARD TO BE RIGHTEOUSLY PERFECT LIKE CHRIST MY PRECIOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HOLY SEED BEARING BROTHERS AND SISTERS, REPENT) + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1ST JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9TH CH., GET READY TO VIGOROUSLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Wed, July 6, 2022, 23:07

With Big Tears Falling From My Eyes And A Very Hurt Heart, I Feel Extremely Sad For Our Indigenous People Who Have Been Satanically Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused-Pilled-Repeatedly Tested Because They Unwisely Threw Their Precious Lives Away For Noting! Many People Are Already Going Wild With Evil Spiritual Aggression And Many Are Becoming Demonically Gay. Please Be Aware That Both Serpentine Energies Are Rising And One Will Take Complete Precedence Over The Soul That’s Focusing With Decision Making Willpower Supernaturally Sent Through Metaphysical Flow Channels Either In A Righteous State Or In An Unrighteous State Involving The Condition Of-The Primary Focus Of Which Tuned Vibratory *SPIRITUAL ENERGY* (Good Or Bad) Is Metaphysically Flowing Through Their Resonant Spiritual HEART Located Within The Back Of The Head That’s Energetically Connected To The Resonant Spiritual EYE That’s Located Within The Front Of The Head-Forehead All Metaphysically Connected To The Spinal Nervous System-Resonant Chakrahs Which Sends Out Spiritual Energy Signals Of GOOD Or BAD Actions Vibrating Throughout The Resonant Elemental Flesh Temple-Vessel-Body-Brain-Cells Which Positively Or Negatively Causes Agreeable Or Disagreeable Responses Involving Good Or Bad Deeds/Righteous Fruits Or Unrighteous Fruits Actively Coming Forth. Please REMEMBER The “Double Dragon” Cryptic Coding Concerning This Dual Serpentine Waveform Spiritual Energy That’s Gradually Metaphysically Rising Up The Spinal Nervous System Chakrah Pole To The Seat Of The Righteous Or Unrighteous Piloting Navigating Soul Which Will Operate Through Either One, HOPEFULLY THE SPIRIT OF THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Will Be Focused Through The Soul And Not The Rebellious Spirit Of Satan-Fallen Angels-Demons, It’s Your Willpower Choice To Make. As I Type This Time Sensitive Post, Many People Are Having More Trouble Controlling The Wayward Flesh That’s Currently Infected By The Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion Which Receives Power To Disharmonically Resonate From The Earth’s *FREE ENERGY* That’s Temporarily Under The Vile Sway Of Satan Which Causes Wickedly Wayward Rebellious Malfunctions Involving Spiritually Unwise-Ignorant-Gullible-Feeble Minded Sleepyheaded Unrighteous Sheeple Who Don’t Try To Faithfully Maintain Righteous Control Of Their Soul Vehicle-Temple-Vessel-Body. However, Please Don’t Give In To Satan’s Sinful Wayward Rebellion Because This Fallen Serpentine Waveform Energy-Dragon Can Be Righteously Controlled Through The Uncorrupted Serpentine Waveform Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Energy Of THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Our HEAVENLY FATHER Of LOVE-TRUTH Through HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH With ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH, Which Will Take Complete Precedence Over The Whole Resonant Elemental Flesh Temple-Vessels-Body-Brain-Cells-Chakrahs-Spiritual EYE-Spiritual HEART Of The Righteous Faithful Few Who Will Eternally Flow With *FULL SPIRITUAL POWER* With Satan No Longer Having Any Negative Influence Over The Earth’s Serpentine Waveform Spiritual FREE ENERGY That Metaphysically Powers The Resonant Elemental Flesh Temple-Vessel-Body-Brain-Cells!: GET READY FOR WORLD WAR Z…..Near Future Speaking…..Prisons Are Going To Suddenly Erupt With Extreme Demonic Violence, LA Los Angeles Is Going To Be Horrifically *BURNT TOAST* Due To Giant Methane Pockets Being Artificially Ignited With Mega-Earthquakes + Major Land Deformations And Houston Texas (Also Remember That The MIAMI Sound Machine And Many Other Vile Cities Of Satanic LOW VIBRATIONS Including NY CITY) Is Going To Experience SO-FI Mind Control Extremely Demonic Violent CRIME WAVES Covertly Activated Via *LOW VIBE* Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Of Mutative Death Modulated Via Satan’s Disharmonic Negatively Tuned Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale Being Powerfully Transmitted By Sinister Fallen Angels’ Highly Advanced Resonant Elemental TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies That Will Sinisterly Affect Satanically Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-Injected-DNA Infused-Pilled-Repeatedly Tested-Infected People Embedded With Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Graphene Hydroxide Vibratory Carbonic Nanoparticles Nanotechnologies Secretly Lurking Within Them Including Many Other Doomed Evil Major Cities Mostly Populated By LOW VIBE Unrepentant Heathens Being Adversely Affected By Many Extremely Troublesome Events Which Will Soon Intensely *FLARE UP* Throughout The Doomed Double Portion Cursed Godforesaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great That Will Soon Horrifically Fall Extremely Hard And Never Rise Again Due To Supernaturally Controlled Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements (THE WICKED WORLD BULLY ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE GOVERNMENT OF ESAU WILL CERTAINLY *CRASH AND BURN*)! PLEASE WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Time Is Definitely Getting Short, TIK TOK – TIK TOK – TIK TOK, PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! PLEASE WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE - BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Many Of You Are Witnessing And Erroneously Taking Part In The Most Massive Widespread Eugenics Program In Human History, With The Exception Of The Ancient Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion Being Spread Throughout Many GENE-RATIONS Due To Adam’s And Eve’s Sinful Temporal Fall From Their Celestial State Of Glory, But Thank THE MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL For HIS Free Gift Of HOLY SALVATION Spiritually Given To Us Through HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH, PLEASE REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, BUT FIRST YOU ALL NEED TO READ JEREMIAH 11TH CH. (WE MUST BE RIGHTEOUS MY PRECIOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HOLY SEED BEARING BROTHERS AND SISTERS, REPENT) + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1ST JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9TH CH., GET READY TO VIGOROUSLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Wed, July 6, 2022, 22:49



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    • Jen the pen

      Bless it be AHAYAH ASHOR AHAYAH, we are living through biblical times. The sins of the white race forefathers will be the future of the white race serpents

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