Please Note That I'm Only Scratching The Surface Of What's Coming Very Soon Concerning Extraordinary Endtime Prophecies! Please WAKE UP - TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE Because Major Events Will Suddenly Begin To *FIRE UP* Before Dawn (REMEMBER SUPERNOVAS)!: Bill Cosby Dead Via False Flag Suicide, Donald Trump Dead Via Assassin's Poisoning That Seems Like Alcoholic Drinks And Subsequently Being Pushed Down A Flight Of Stairs Head First He Suffers A Massive Subdural Hematoma Involving Fatal Bleeding On His Feeble Little Brain, People's Bank Accounts Read Zero Fund Available Due To Being Covertly Robbed By SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO DEMONCRATIC FEDS, The Dog Star Constellation Goes Supernova As The Spectacular Ultra-Bright Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Supernaturally Begin To Open Up, As Foretold In MALACHI 3RD CH.) That Will Greatly Affect Vulnerable Sensitive Electronic-Electrical-Resonant Elemental TESLA Technologies Above And Below (Please Don't Forget The Ultra-Cataclysmic Effects Of The AMPLIFYING SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, As Foretold In MALACHI 4TH CH.), GPS And Communications Satellites-Networks-Systems Inductively Fail With Catastrophic Extremely Troublesome Massive Widespread Effects, A TESLA Tractor Beam Steered Major Asteroid Strike Occurs In The Pacific Ocean Near The Dragon's Triangle Purposely Aimed At Deep Sea Ancient Pyramidal Harmonic Resonators Made Out Of Impervious Elemental Crystals Subsequently Generating A Fast Moving Mega-Tsunami Purposely Aimed At The Northern West Coast With The Activation Of The Cascadia Fault Line While Seattle Washington Experiences Ultra-Cataclysmic Destruction, The Hawaiian Volcanoes Get Artificially Blown Up Causing A Fast Moving Mega-Tsunami To Strike The Southern West Coast Region Hitting The Tri-City Area Extremely Hard, Ultra-Cataclysmic 2012 Like Events *FIRE UP* On The West Coast Region Including Mega-Earthquakes + Methane Gas Mega-Explosions + Major Land Deformations + Giant Sinkholes With Choking Hot Toxic Gases-Fumes, The Gulf Of Mexico Gets Artificially Blown Up Causing A Fast Moving Toxic Mega-Tsunami To Strike The Southern States In Proximity Including The Mississippi River Regions And The New Madrid Fault Zone Regions Becomes Highly Active With Devastating Mega-Earthquakes, The Weather Goes Totally Insane With Extreme Temperature Shifts + Giant Ice Blocks Falling From The 62 Mile High Crystalline Sky Barrier Foretold In Job 37th/38th Chs. And Extraordinary Powerful Giant Plasma Arc Lightning Bolts Blaze Across The Darkened Ominous Sky Striking Places With Great Force, Electromagnetic Spiraling Whirlwinds-Tornadoes-Hurricanes-Typhoons Reach Record Breaking Speeds With Multiple Outbreaks At Once In Many Locations, Beautiful Southern Auroras Are Witnessed, Harbinger Meteors Begin To Fall Including The ISS International Space Station Falling While Blazing Like A 3-Point Stars (Looks Like The Mercedes Symbol) Before It Catastrophically Crashes To The Earth And Other Malfunctioning Space Technologies Plus Space Junk Fall To The Earth With Explosive Effects Due To Unstoppable *SOLAR SHOCKWAVES* As The SUN Gradually Begins To AMPLIFY Its *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* UV Light Energy Radiation Output But REMEMBER MICAH 3RD CH. Because It Will Temporarily Go Dim And The Sky Will Turn Dark As Many People Erroneously Think That It's The End Of The World Prematurely (PLEASE REMEMBER THE IMMINENT BEGINNING OF SORROWS Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Change Events Above And Below) The Earth's Vast Nervous System Energy Grid Of Watery Oscillating Ley Lines-Deep Underground Resonant Elemental Crystalline Relay Junctions-Energy Votexes-Electromagnetic Axioms-Portals Become More Active With Strange Dimensional Anomalies As They Energetically Reconnect To Other Currently Hidden Locations Of The Gargantuan Earth With Strange Cryptid Creatures Emerging Into Our Dimension From Their Strange Dimensions, People Vanish Into Opening Portals-Energy Vortexes That Are Gradually Becoming Back Active From Their Dormant/Intermittent Semi-Dormant States And Other Things That Mysteriously Disappeared Years Ago Begin To Strangely Reappear Back Into Our Dimension, A Massive Widespread False Flag UFO Invasion Occurs, Instigated Major Blame Game Wars Flare Up In The Highly Volatile Middle Eastern Region, Petroleum Fuel-Oil-Gas Prices Rise Sharply To Unaffordable Prices For Most People (Over $20.00 Per Gallon), Many Sheeple Are Under Extreme Duress-Fear-Panic As Millions Of People Suddenly Drop Dead During The Deaths Of The First Born Plague, The *DEMONIC* Zombie Rage Apocalypse Weaponized Flu-Ebola-Rabies-Neurotoxins-Retroviral-MRNA-Vaccine Plague-Nanotechnology Cocktail Of MUTATIVE DEATH (One Of The SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO PLANDEMICS) Gets Covertly Activated At *THE FLIP OF A SWITCH* Involving Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic *LOW VIBE* Disharmonic Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale Negatively Tuned Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals And Vulnerable Computerized Vehicles Including Ones Made After 1976 Will Be Covertly *LO-JACKED* Leaving Many People Stranded-Unable To Get Out Of Or Flee From Doomed Major Cities, Millions Die Within One Month During *THE GREAT DIE OFF PERIOD*, No Pharmacies And No Hospitals Being Able To Function At Peak Capacity With Triage Ranking Of Who Gets Their So-Called Help Or Service Or Medical Care With Many People Dying In The Process, Extremely Large Numbers Of Sleepyheaded Sheeple Unwiwely Commit Suicide As Ultra-Chaotic Events Manifest In *RAPID FIRE* Succession, The Burdened Economy Severely Crashes Quickly Leading To Total Unrecoverable Economic Collapse After NY City/The Insanely Idolatrous Whore Of Babylon Gets Supernaturally Utterly Burned Down To The Ground Shortly Before The Rare 3 Days Of Worldwide *PITCH BLACK* Complete Celestial Darkness As Foretold In AMOS 8:9 + ISAIAH 13:10 + EZEKIEL 32:7-8 + ECCLESIASTES 12:2 + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + JOEL 3:15 Followed By The Sudden Spectacular Appearance Of The Brilliant Bright Blue "DAY STAR - SIRIUS" Supernova Event Known As The Sign Of The Son Of Man/The Star Of Our Holy Redemption/The Hopi Blue Star Kachina, The Godforesaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Gets Forcefully Put Under SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO DEMONCRATIC ROGUE UN NONPEACEKEEPING Control With National Martial Law Heavily Enforced + Militarized Quarantines-Curfews + Black-Ops Death Squads + The High-Tech Lockdown Of All US Borders With Terminator Style Weaponized Automated Robots-Drones-Machines Designed To Murderously Hunt Down People Becoming Semi-Immortal Due To Supernatural Metaphysical DNA/Genetic Activations While The Gradually AMPLIFYING SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IS VIGOROUSLY UNLEASHING SUPERNATURALLY TUNED EXTRAORDINARILY POWERFUL ULTRA-INDUCTIVE ULTRA-DEEP PENETRATING GAMMA-RAY ENERGY RADIATION SHOCKWAVES THAT WILL ACTIVATE ALL TYPES-KINDS-FORMS OF DNA/GENES BOTH NON-MUTATIVE AND MUTATIVE STRANDS-SEGMENTS-NODES-LADDERS WITHIN THE INDIGENOUS HOLY WHEAT AND THE NON-INDIGENOUS UNHOLY GENETICALLY HYBRIDIZED CURSED TARES, (Also Please Remember The *SQIUD GAME* Because Many Of You Will Be Forcefully Taken To "Debtors Prisons" Due To You All Being Covertly Sold Out By Barack HUSSEIN Obama The Vile 44th President And Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton The Secretary Of State Chief Witch Cunningly Done Under Previously Negotiated Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default Non-Payment Protocols) Millions Of Remaining Desperate Survivors Will Get Forcefully Rounded Up And Quickly Transported To Giant FEMA Camp Corrals Of Death For Complete *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Involving Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *BIOMETRIC* LOW VIBE Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Responsive-Controllable-Trackable-Scannable-Destructive Fiery Headburn Mode Nanotechnologies And Many Unfortunate People Will Be Evilly Indoctrinated With Mind Branding False Doctrines Under Satan's Covert Ultimate Eugenics Program Of HIGHLY MUTATIVE DEATH That Will Turn-Evolve-Mutate Many Spiritually Unwise-Ignorant-Gullible-Feeble Minded Sleepyheaded Sheeple Into Non-Human Snow White Leprous Cursed Monstrous Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeras, As Foretold In The CRITICAL WAR-NINGS Of REVELATION 13th Ch. Directly Connected To The 22nd Ch. Concerning Unwisely Tampering With Your Vulnerable Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes/Primary Record Book That's Only Supposed To Be Metaphysically Infused-Inscribed-Inscripted-Imprinted With THE HOLY LIVING WORD/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD BEARING INSTRUCTIONS OF LOVE-TRUTH/THE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE - RESURRECTION POWER/THE HOLY SEED WITHIN OUR SOULS AND BONES (REMEMBER THE *SPIRITUAL FIRE* THAT'S SHUT UP WITHIN THEM WHICH WILL SOON BE SUPERNATURALLY UNLEASHED AS THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY WATERED BY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL, PLEASE READ PSALMS 82:6 TO KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE + REVELATION 12TH CH. + MATTHEW 24TH/25TH CHS. + SAINT LUKE 17TH CH. + THE ENTIRE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. WE ALL NEED TO RIGHTEOUSLY TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE BECAUSE TIME IS CERTAINLY GETTING SHORT MY PRECIOUS INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HOLY SEED BEARING BROTHERS AND SISTERS, PLEASE REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. AND YOU ALL NEED TO READ JEREMIAH 11TH CH. (We Must All REPENT) + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1ST JOHN 1:9, AND THEN RIGHTEOUSLY FAITHFULLY GET READY TO SUPERNATURALLY VIGOROUSLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH
Please Note That I’m Only Scratching The Surface Of What’s Coming Very Soon Concerning Extraordinary Endtime Prophecies! Please WAKE UP – TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE Because Major Events Will Suddenly Begin To *FIRE UP* Before Dawn (REMEMBER SUPERNOVAS)!: Bill Cosby Dead Via False Flag Suicide, Donald Trump Dead Via Assassin’s Poisoning That Seems Like Alcoholic Drinks And Subsequently Being Pushed Down A Flight Of Stairs Head First He Suffers A Massive Subdural Hematoma Involving Fatal Bleeding On His Feeble Little Brain, People’s Bank Accounts Read Zero Fund Available Due To Being Covertly Robbed By SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO DEMONCRATIC FEDS, The Dog Star Constellation Goes Supernova As The Spectacular Ultra-Bright Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Supernaturally Begin To Open Up, As Foretold In MALACHI 3RD CH.) That Will Greatly Affect Vulnerable Sensitive Electronic-Electrical-Resonant Elemental TESLA Technologies Above And Below (Please Don’t Forget The Ultra-Cataclysmic Effects Of The AMPLIFYING SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, As Foretold In MALACHI 4TH CH.), GPS And Communications Satellites-Networks-Systems Inductively Fail With Catastrophic Extremely Troublesome Massive Widespread Effects, A TESLA Tractor Beam Steered Major Asteroid Strike Occurs In The Pacific Ocean Near The Dragon’s Triangle Purposely Aimed At Deep Sea Ancient Pyramidal Harmonic Resonators Made Out Of Impervious Elemental Crystals Subsequently Generating A Fast Moving Mega-Tsunami Purposely Aimed At The Northern West Coast With The Activation Of The Cascadia Fault Line While Seattle Washington Experiences Ultra-Cataclysmic Destruction, The Hawaiian Volcanoes Get Artificially Blown Up Causing A Fast Moving Mega-Tsunami To Strike The Southern West Coast Region Hitting The Tri-City Area Extremely Hard, Ultra-Cataclysmic 2012 Like Events *FIRE UP* On The West Coast Region Including Mega-Earthquakes + Methane Gas Mega-Explosions + Major Land Deformations + Giant Sinkholes With Choking Hot Toxic Gases-Fumes, The Gulf Of Mexico Gets Artificially Blown Up Causing A Fast Moving Toxic Mega-Tsunami To Strike The Southern States In Proximity Including The Mississippi River Regions And The New Madrid Fault Zone Regions Becomes Highly Active With Devastating Mega-Earthquakes, The Weather Goes Totally Insane With Extreme Temperature Shifts + Giant Ice Blocks Falling From The 62 Mile High Crystalline Sky Barrier Foretold In Job 37th/38th Chs. And Extraordinary Powerful Giant Plasma Arc Lightning Bolts Blaze Across The Darkened Ominous Sky Striking Places With Great Force, Electromagnetic Spiraling Whirlwinds-Tornadoes-Hurricanes-Typhoons Reach Record Breaking Speeds With Multiple Outbreaks At Once In Many Locations, Beautiful Southern Auroras Are Witnessed, Harbinger Meteors Begin To Fall Including The ISS International Space Station Falling While Blazing Like A 3-Point Stars (Looks Like The Mercedes Symbol) Before It Catastrophically Crashes To The Earth And Other Malfunctioning Space Technologies Plus Space Junk Fall To The Earth With Explosive Effects Due To Unstoppable *SOLAR SHOCKWAVES* As The SUN Gradually Begins To AMPLIFY Its *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* UV Light Energy Radiation Output But REMEMBER MICAH 3RD CH. Because It Will Temporarily Go Dim And The Sky Will Turn Dark As Many People Erroneously Think That It’s The End Of The World Prematurely (PLEASE REMEMBER THE IMMINENT BEGINNING OF SORROWS Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Change Events Above And Below) The Earth’s Vast Nervous System Energy Grid Of Watery Oscillating Ley Lines-Deep Underground Resonant Elemental Crystalline Relay Junctions-Energy Votexes-Electromagnetic Axioms-Portals Become More Active With Strange Dimensional Anomalies As They Energetically Reconnect To Other Currently Hidden Locations Of The Gargantuan Earth With Strange Cryptid Creatures Emerging Into Our Dimension From Their Strange Dimensions, People Vanish Into Opening Portals-Energy Vortexes That Are Gradually Becoming Back Active From Their Dormant/Intermittent Semi-Dormant States And Other Things That Mysteriously Disappeared Years Ago Begin To Strangely Reappear Back Into Our Dimension, A Massive Widespread False Flag UFO Invasion Occurs, Instigated Major Blame Game Wars Flare Up In The Highly Volatile Middle Eastern Region, Petroleum Fuel-Oil-Gas Prices Rise Sharply To Unaffordable Prices For Most People (Over $20.00 Per Gallon), Many Sheeple Are Under Extreme Duress-Fear-Panic As Millions Of People Suddenly Drop Dead During The Deaths Of The First Born Plague, The *DEMONIC* Zombie Rage Apocalypse Weaponized Flu-Ebola-Rabies-Neurotoxins-Retroviral-MRNA-Vaccine Plague-Nanotechnology Cocktail Of MUTATIVE DEATH (One Of The SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO PLANDEMICS) Gets Covertly Activated At *THE FLIP OF A SWITCH* Involving Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic *LOW VIBE* Disharmonic Ancient Seven Note Musical Scale Negatively Tuned Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals And Vulnerable Computerized Vehicles Including Ones Made After 1976 Will Be Covertly *LO-JACKED* Leaving Many People Stranded-Unable To Get Out Of Or Flee From Doomed Major Cities, Millions Die Within One Month During *THE GREAT DIE OFF PERIOD*, No Pharmacies And No Hospitals Being Able To Function At Peak Capacity With Triage Ranking Of Who Gets Their So-Called Help Or Service Or Medical Care With Many People Dying In The Process, Extremely Large Numbers Of Sleepyheaded Sheeple Unwiwely Commit Suicide As Ultra-Chaotic Events Manifest In *RAPID FIRE* Succession, The Burdened Economy Severely Crashes Quickly Leading To Total Unrecoverable Economic Collapse After NY City/The Insanely Idolatrous Whore Of Babylon Gets Supernaturally Utterly Burned Down To The Ground Shortly Before The Rare 3 Days Of Worldwide *PITCH BLACK* Complete Celestial Darkness As Foretold In AMOS 8:9 + ISAIAH 13:10 + EZEKIEL 32:7-8 + ECCLESIASTES 12:2 + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + JOEL 3:15 Followed By The Sudden Spectacular Appearance Of The Brilliant Bright Blue “DAY STAR – SIRIUS” Supernova Event Known As The Sign Of The Son Of Man/The Star Of Our Holy Redemption/The Hopi Blue Star Kachina, The Godforesaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Gets Forcefully Put Under SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO DEMONCRATIC ROGUE UN NONPEACEKEEPING Control With National Martial Law Heavily Enforced + Militarized Quarantines-Curfews + Black-Ops Death Squads + The High-Tech Lockdown Of All US Borders With Terminator Style Weaponized Automated Robots-Drones-Machines Designed To Murderously Hunt Down People Becoming Semi-Immortal Due To Supernatural Metaphysical DNA/Genetic Activations While The Gradually AMPLIFYING SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IS VIGOROUSLY UNLEASHING SUPERNATURALLY TUNED EXTRAORDINARILY POWERFUL ULTRA-INDUCTIVE ULTRA-DEEP PENETRATING GAMMA-RAY ENERGY RADIATION SHOCKWAVES THAT WILL ACTIVATE ALL TYPES-KINDS-FORMS OF DNA/GENES BOTH NON-MUTATIVE AND MUTATIVE STRANDS-SEGMENTS-NODES-LADDERS WITHIN THE INDIGENOUS HOLY WHEAT AND THE NON-INDIGENOUS UNHOLY GENETICALLY HYBRIDIZED CURSED TARES, (Also Please Remember The *SQIUD GAME* Because Many Of You Will Be Forcefully Taken To “Debtors Prisons” Due To You All Being Covertly Sold Out By Barack HUSSEIN Obama The Vile 44th President And Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton The Secretary Of State Chief Witch Cunningly Done Under Previously Negotiated Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default Non-Payment Protocols) Millions Of Remaining Desperate Survivors Will Get Forcefully Rounded Up And Quickly Transported To Giant FEMA Camp Corrals Of Death For Complete *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Involving Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *BIOMETRIC* LOW VIBE Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Responsive-Controllable-Trackable-Scannable-Destructive Fiery Headburn Mode Nanotechnologies And Many Unfortunate People Will Be Evilly Indoctrinated With Mind Branding False Doctrines Under Satan’s Covert Ultimate Eugenics Program Of HIGHLY MUTATIVE DEATH That Will Turn-Evolve-Mutate Many Spiritually Unwise-Ignorant-Gullible-Feeble Minded Sleepyheaded Sheeple Into Non-Human Snow White Leprous Cursed Monstrous Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeras, As Foretold In The CRITICAL WAR-NINGS Of REVELATION 13th Ch. Directly Connected To The 22nd Ch. Concerning Unwisely Tampering With Your Vulnerable Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes/Primary Record Book That’s Only Supposed To Be Metaphysically Infused-Inscribed-Inscripted-Imprinted With THE HOLY LIVING WORD/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD BEARING INSTRUCTIONS OF LOVE-TRUTH/THE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE – RESURRECTION POWER/THE HOLY SEED WITHIN OUR SOULS AND BONES (REMEMBER THE *SPIRITUAL FIRE* THAT’S SHUT UP WITHIN THEM WHICH WILL SOON BE SUPERNATURALLY UNLEASHED AS THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY WATERED BY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL, PLEASE READ PSALMS 82:6 TO KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE + REVELATION 12TH CH. + MATTHEW 24TH/25TH CHS. + SAINT LUKE 17TH CH. + THE ENTIRE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. WE ALL NEED TO RIGHTEOUSLY TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE BECAUSE TIME IS CERTAINLY GETTING SHORT MY PRECIOUS INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALLY MELANATED HOLY SEED BEARING BROTHERS AND SISTERS, PLEASE REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. AND YOU ALL NEED TO READ JEREMIAH 11TH CH. (We Must All REPENT) + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1ST JOHN 1:9, AND THEN RIGHTEOUSLY FAITHFULLY GET READY TO SUPERNATURALLY VIGOROUSLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH
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….. I was SURE they were gonna announce ” he has forgiven PENSE [ and they are still GREAT LOVERS ]
…. BUT MORE IMPORTANT on a GLOBAL SCALE — [ wait for it ] AMAZON PRIME DAY Beginning July 12th/13th
………… THANK YA JESUS !!!~!!~!~~!