PLEASE BE AWARE THAT *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* EXTRA-SOLAR HEAVENLY CELESTIAL-COSMIC BRAIN STORMING IS IMMINENT, BECAUSE IT'S ALMOST TIME TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN!: PLEASE REMEMBER MALACHI 3RD/4TH CH. (Concerning Extraordinarily Energetic *MIND BENDING* Ultra-Bright Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Cataclysmic Spectacular Sequential SUPERNOVAS-The Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Supernaturally Opening Up/The Spiritual Firing Up Of Our InnerSpace Brain Including Multiphase Amplifications Of The SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS/Our Sol-Souls As We Spiritual Awaken With *EARTH SHAKING* Worldwide Effects Above And Below), BECAUSE OUR 4TH DIMENSION SHIFTING SPIRITUAL EYE*HEART OPENING VIGOROUSLY BEGINS IN THE MORNING TIME BEFORE DAWN, SO PLEASE GET READY FOR AN ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC ARCTIC COLD-WAVE WITH BLIZZARDS IN THE MIDDLE OF JUNE (Millions Of People Being FLASH FROZEN In The True Southern Regions Of The Earth) WHICH RAPIDLY INTENSIFIES AS IT GETS TROPICAL HOT IN THE TRUE NORTHERN REGIONS OF THE EARTH WHILE QUICKLY MELTING THE VAST ICE CAPS IN JUST A FEW MONTHS WITH WORLDWIDE INUNDATIONS OF VULNERABLE COASTAL REGIONS INCLUDING LOWER ELEVATION ISLANDS?!?: The MAY-AN APOCALYPSE Is Not Over, So Get Ready For EXTREME MAY-HEM, MAY-DAY MAY-DAY MAY-DAY.....S.O.S.....Please Be Aware That We Are Still In GEMINI From June To July Due To Zodical Calendrical Shifts, REMEMBER The OPHIUCHUS Constellation That Also Shifts The Time Forward Past What THEY Deceptively Taught Us And Many Days That Were Cunningly Taken Away From The Perceived Timeline Temporarily Obscured Through The Use Of Satan's (Backwards And Upside) Calendar Under The Evil ROMAN EDOMITES' Highly Corrupted Gregorian Calendar, That's Heavily Erroneously Accepted And Used By The More "Backwards And Upsidedown" Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Western World (The Eastern World Is A Little Less Corrupted, REMEMBER The Two Hemispheres Of Your Thinking Brain, The EARTH Is A Supernatural Model Of Us That Also Metaphysically Changes As We Change Especially Mentally Due To Us Being Primary SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing CYMATIC Projectors Of What We Believe In Causing The Dimensional Fabric Of Space-Time To Change, Good Or Evil Depending On How Many PRIMARY SPIRITUAL PROJECTORS Are Strongly Focused On Strong Beliefs In The Same Things, Which Will Be The HOLY LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH That Will Gloriously Manifest Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven On Earth, PLEASE REMEMBER THE BOOK OF ENOCH + ISAIAH 60TH CH. + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION), Don't Forget To READ DANIEL 7TH CH. + 1ST MACCABEES Concerning The Highly Deceptive Changing Of Times, Seasons, Laws, And Ordinances Involving This Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic CORRUPTION Being Written Down And Cunningly Pushed Upon The World As Unholy INDOCTRINATION Purposely Devised To Get Us (Real gods In A Temporal Comatose Fallen State Of Spiritual Amnesia) Rare AB+ Blood Type Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites To Supernaturally Project Satan's Mass Deceptions-Delusions-Illusions-Lies Negatively Manifested Onto The World Stage. However, The Spiritual Projection Of The HOLY LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH Will Tear Down Satan's Temporal Fallen Veiled World Dimensional MATRIX Of Mass Deceptions-Delusions-Illusions-Lies And We Will Witness The TRUTH Of All Matters, REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN!: (Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Are Going To Be Horrifically Shattered-Destroyed Like) GLASS ANIMALS - HEAT WAVES - ARTIC WAVES ARE GOING FAKE PEOPLE OUT (Most People Are Not Going To Know What's Really Happening, But I'm Here To Tell You All That It's SUPERNATURALLY CONTROLLED, WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN!), PLEASE REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. (Concerning The Spiritual Triggering Of Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Cataclysmic Supernaturally Controlled APOCALYPTIC Events Foretold By The Mayans-The Aztecs-The Indigenous Hebrew-Negro Tribe Of Issachar/The Celestial Time Keepers-Prophetic Warners Of The Endtimes Concerning *LIFE CHANGING SIRIUS TRANSITIONS* Above And Below Involving The Unavoidable Sudden Amplification Of Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Which Is Primarily Due To The Unstoppable *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* Metaphysical First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth's First Main Energy Vortex Opening-Triggering-Jumpstarting-Inducing-Facilitating Of Our Necessary Extraordinary Metaphysical Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Healing-Repairing-Rebirth-Purging-Refining-Purifying-First Resurrection-Metamorphosis-Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension-Renewal-Glorofication Process) + LUKE 21ST CH. + MICAH 3RD CH. + MALACHI 3RD/4TH CHS. + REVELATION 12TH CH. + ENOCH 80TH CH. + HOSEA 4TH CH. + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + MARK 13TH CH. + 2ND ESDRAS 15TH/16TH CHS. + AMOS 8:9 + EZEKIEL 32:7-8 + ISAIAH 13TH CH. + ECCLESIASTES 12:2 + JOEL 3:15 + MATTHEW 24:27-35 + HOSEA 6TH CH. + PSALMS 82:6 + 2ND PETER 1:19-21 + ISAIAH 24TH CH. + THE BOOK OF ENOCH + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION. ALSO PLEASE TAKE HEED BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 Is Imminent, Due To FURIOUSLY FIRE UP Before The True Ancient GENE-SIS Summer-Cold-Seedtime Seasonal Transition - Before AUGUST Involving The SUN'S Solar Transit Through The CANCER Constellation That Ends With The Sun Transitioning Into The LEO Constellation From About Mid-August To Mid-Septemberrrrrrrrr, REMEMBER THE BOOK OF OBADIAH BECAUSE IT'S GAME OVER FOR THE WICKED WORLD BULLY ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE GOVERNMENT OF ESUA-THE EVIL MALE BLOODLINES OF EDOM-THE EDOMITES-THE IDUMEANS-THE DUKES-THE REPTILIAN SHAPESHIFTING SOCALLED ROYALS-THE WICKED ONES UPON MOUNT SEIR-THE MODERN DAY ROMAN EMPIRE-THE BRUTISH BRITISH KINGDOM, WHICH SHALL SURELY FALL EXTREMELY HARD NEVER TO RISE AGAIN AS A DOMINANT WORLD POWER! SELAH
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* EXTRA-SOLAR HEAVENLY CELESTIAL-COSMIC BRAIN STORMING IS IMMINENT, BECAUSE IT’S ALMOST TIME TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN!: PLEASE REMEMBER MALACHI 3RD/4TH CH. (Concerning Extraordinarily Energetic *MIND BENDING* Ultra-Bright Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Cataclysmic Spectacular Sequential SUPERNOVAS-The Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Supernaturally Opening Up/The Spiritual Firing Up Of Our InnerSpace Brain Including Multiphase Amplifications Of The SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS/Our Sol-Souls As We Spiritual Awaken With *EARTH SHAKING* Worldwide Effects Above And Below), BECAUSE OUR 4TH DIMENSION SHIFTING SPIRITUAL EYE*HEART OPENING VIGOROUSLY BEGINS IN THE MORNING TIME BEFORE DAWN, SO PLEASE GET READY FOR AN ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC ARCTIC COLD-WAVE WITH BLIZZARDS IN THE MIDDLE OF JUNE (Millions Of People Being FLASH FROZEN In The True Southern Regions Of The Earth) WHICH RAPIDLY INTENSIFIES AS IT GETS TROPICAL HOT IN THE TRUE NORTHERN REGIONS OF THE EARTH WHILE QUICKLY MELTING THE VAST ICE CAPS IN JUST A FEW MONTHS WITH WORLDWIDE INUNDATIONS OF VULNERABLE COASTAL REGIONS INCLUDING LOWER ELEVATION ISLANDS?!?: The MAY-AN APOCALYPSE Is Not Over, So Get Ready For EXTREME MAY-HEM, MAY-DAY MAY-DAY MAY-DAY…..S.O.S…..Please Be Aware That We Are Still In GEMINI From June To July Due To Zodical Calendrical Shifts, REMEMBER The OPHIUCHUS Constellation That Also Shifts The Time Forward Past What THEY Deceptively Taught Us And Many Days That Were Cunningly Taken Away From The Perceived Timeline Temporarily Obscured Through The Use Of Satan’s (Backwards And Upside) Calendar Under The Evil ROMAN EDOMITES’ Highly Corrupted Gregorian Calendar, That’s Heavily Erroneously Accepted And Used By The More “Backwards And Upsidedown” Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Western World (The Eastern World Is A Little Less Corrupted, REMEMBER The Two Hemispheres Of Your Thinking Brain, The EARTH Is A Supernatural Model Of Us That Also Metaphysically Changes As We Change Especially Mentally Due To Us Being Primary SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing CYMATIC Projectors Of What We Believe In Causing The Dimensional Fabric Of Space-Time To Change, Good Or Evil Depending On How Many PRIMARY SPIRITUAL PROJECTORS Are Strongly Focused On Strong Beliefs In The Same Things, Which Will Be The HOLY LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH That Will Gloriously Manifest Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven On Earth, PLEASE REMEMBER THE BOOK OF ENOCH + ISAIAH 60TH CH. + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION), Don’t Forget To READ DANIEL 7TH CH. + 1ST MACCABEES Concerning The Highly Deceptive Changing Of Times, Seasons, Laws, And Ordinances Involving This Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic CORRUPTION Being Written Down And Cunningly Pushed Upon The World As Unholy INDOCTRINATION Purposely Devised To Get Us (Real gods In A Temporal Comatose Fallen State Of Spiritual Amnesia) Rare AB+ Blood Type Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites To Supernaturally Project Satan’s Mass Deceptions-Delusions-Illusions-Lies Negatively Manifested Onto The World Stage. However, The Spiritual Projection Of The HOLY LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH Will Tear Down Satan’s Temporal Fallen Veiled World Dimensional MATRIX Of Mass Deceptions-Delusions-Illusions-Lies And We Will Witness The TRUTH Of All Matters, REMEMBER THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN!: (Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Are Going To Be Horrifically Shattered-Destroyed Like) GLASS ANIMALS – HEAT WAVES – ARTIC WAVES ARE GOING FAKE PEOPLE OUT (Most People Are Not Going To Know What’s Really Happening, But I’m Here To Tell You All That It’s SUPERNATURALLY CONTROLLED, WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN!), PLEASE REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. (Concerning The Spiritual Triggering Of Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Cataclysmic Supernaturally Controlled APOCALYPTIC Events Foretold By The Mayans-The Aztecs-The Indigenous Hebrew-Negro Tribe Of Issachar/The Celestial Time Keepers-Prophetic Warners Of The Endtimes Concerning *LIFE CHANGING SIRIUS TRANSITIONS* Above And Below Involving The Unavoidable Sudden Amplification Of Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Which Is Primarily Due To The Unstoppable *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* Metaphysical First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth’s First Main Energy Vortex Opening-Triggering-Jumpstarting-Inducing-Facilitating Of Our Necessary Extraordinary Metaphysical Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Healing-Repairing-Rebirth-Purging-Refining-Purifying-First Resurrection-Metamorphosis-Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension-Renewal-Glorofication Process) + LUKE 21ST CH. + MICAH 3RD CH. + MALACHI 3RD/4TH CHS. + REVELATION 12TH CH. + ENOCH 80TH CH. + HOSEA 4TH CH. + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + MARK 13TH CH. + 2ND ESDRAS 15TH/16TH CHS. + AMOS 8:9 + EZEKIEL 32:7-8 + ISAIAH 13TH CH. + ECCLESIASTES 12:2 + JOEL 3:15 + MATTHEW 24:27-35 + HOSEA 6TH CH. + PSALMS 82:6 + 2ND PETER 1:19-21 + ISAIAH 24TH CH. + THE BOOK OF ENOCH + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION. ALSO PLEASE TAKE HEED BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 Is Imminent, Due To FURIOUSLY FIRE UP Before The True Ancient GENE-SIS Summer-Cold-Seedtime Seasonal Transition – Before AUGUST Involving The SUN’S Solar Transit Through The CANCER Constellation That Ends With The Sun Transitioning Into The LEO Constellation From About Mid-August To Mid-Septemberrrrrrrrr, REMEMBER THE BOOK OF OBADIAH BECAUSE IT’S GAME OVER FOR THE WICKED WORLD BULLY ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE GOVERNMENT OF ESUA-THE EVIL MALE BLOODLINES OF EDOM-THE EDOMITES-THE IDUMEANS-THE DUKES-THE REPTILIAN SHAPESHIFTING SOCALLED ROYALS-THE WICKED ONES UPON MOUNT SEIR-THE MODERN DAY ROMAN EMPIRE-THE BRUTISH BRITISH KINGDOM, WHICH SHALL SURELY FALL EXTREMELY HARD NEVER TO RISE AGAIN AS A DOMINANT WORLD POWER! SELAH
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