THE FIRST SEAL - 1ST CHAKRAH - THE EARTH'S FIRST MAIN ENERGY VORTEX OPENING INCLUDING THE WINDOWS - WORMHOLES Of HEAVEN OPENING EXTRAORDINARILY ENERGETIC ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC EVENTS ARE IMMINENT: GET READY FOR APRIL FIERY COSMIC SHOWERS.....S.O.S. MAY-DAY, MAY-DAY, MAY-DAY, Barack HUSSEIN Obama Code Named MAYS, Illuminati Major Stock Investors Cryptically Say "Sell In MAY And Go Away"/The So-Called HALLOWEEN Indicator Involving The Satanic Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* Dimensional Intrusion TESLA Infrastructures Weaponized *LOW VIBE* Microwave Energy Radiation Technologies System Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama-NIMROD-ZEUS-THE EVIL GEMINI MAN-THE DIABOLICAL WIZARD OF OZ Covertly Intiating The Mega-Disastrous Powering Up-Testing-Tuning-Activation-Phases Of These Vile TESLA Technologies Under The Highly Deceptive 7 Year Paris Climate Change Accord-Pact-Agreement Also Involving *GEOSTORM* Prevention/Mega-Terraforming/Mega-GeoEngineering LOW VIBE TESLA Technologies Systems Covertly Linked To The Worldwide Tower Of Babel Network, *SIRIUS* MAY-hem, Endtime Prophetic MAY-an APOCALYPTIC REVELATION - THE APOCALYPSE - THE REVEALING - THE EXPOSING - THE PULLING BACK OF THE CURTAIN - THE FIERY DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPORAL SATANIC FALLEN WORLD DIMENSIONAL VEIL MATRIX OF MASS DECEPTIONS-DELUSIONS-ILLUSIONS-LIES/THE SPIRITUALLY POWERED REVEALING OF THE TRUTH Concerning Righteous Indigenous Fleshly Creations/The WHEAT And Unrighteous Non-Indigenous Fleshly Creations/The TARES. Please Be Aware That Our Indigenous But Fallen Sickened Earth Is Temporarily Infested With Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Fleshly Genetically Hybridize Cellular Parasites (Including Ones Wickedly Produced Through Selective Cross Breeding And Genetically Engineered In Sinister Dystopian NWO Government Funded Labs) Which Have All Kinds-Types-Forms Of Highly Mutative DNA/Genes Recessively Lurking Within Them As Currently *Hidden Monsters* That Are Also Corrupted Over 50% By The Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion Which Will All Be Exposed As *REAL MONSTERS* When The Gradually Amplifying SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS Begins To Suddenly Unleash Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep GAMMA-RAY Energy Radiation Specifically Tuned By The MOST HIGH POWER To Vigorously Vibrate DNA/Genes Into Action With Metaphysical Infusions Into The Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes That Will Cause Many Different Transformations Of The Resonant Elemental Flesh Bodies-Vessels-Temples Of All Living Things....Please REMEMBER The Cryptic Illuminati Predictive Programming Song Called "RADIOACTIVE".....REMEMBER They-Imagine Dragon's Said "Welcome To The New Age (Aquarius - The Celestial Age Of The Supernatural Outpouring Of The SPIRIT Upon All Flesh In Order To Make Everything Living Thing Become Full Grown At The DNA/Genetic Levels Including Both Non-Mutative And Mutative DNA/Genetic Activations And Transformations), Deep In My Bones Straight From Inside, I Feel It In My Bones Enough To Make My System Blow, I'm Waking Up, All Systems Go, I'm Radioactive!" Soon The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Will Do Something Extraordinary And It Will Be Truly An EYE Opening Experience Including The Supernatural Coming Forth Of What's Inside Of Every Fleshly Living Creation At The DNA/Genetic Levels Via SPIRITUALLY POWERED SHOCKWAVES Of Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep GAMMA-RAY Energy Radiation That Will Be Vigorously Emitted From The Gradually Amplifying SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS As We Faithful Holy Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Undergo Our Extraordinary Non-Mutative Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Rebirth-First Resurrection-Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension-Glorification Process Including Our Indigenous Earth-Land Which Shall Be Supernaturally Renewed And Filled With The SPIRIT As We Are Spiritually Filled Simultaneously, In Order To Gloriously Manifest Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven On Earth With No More Monstrous Genetically Hybridized Mutated (Snow White Leprous Cursed - Like Satan's Son Cain Including Many Other Sinister Fallen Angels' EVIL SEED Bearing Creations) Abominations Against Nature Classed As Non-Indigenous TARES (Under The Undesirable *2nd Resurrection* Horrific Nightmarish Mutative Process) Which Shall All Be Supernaturally Burned Away From Their Temporal Vain Wicked Existence And Experience Fiery Punishments In The Abyss Of Hell Forever, As Foretold In ZECHARIAH 14th Ch. + MALACHI 4th Ch. + Directly Connected To ISAIAH 30:26 + 2nd THESSALONIANS 2:8, Thus Completely Eradicating The Currently Ongoing Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Fleshly Genetically Hybridized Mutant Cellular Infestation Which Temporarily Plagues Us Indigenous Fleshly HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Elemental Fleshly Creations Of The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL, But Not For Long....Please REMEMBER ISAIAH 60th Ch., ALL PRAISE And WORSHIP Be Unto Our HEAVENLY FATHER, Also Please REMEMBER The BOOK Of ENOCH And The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. Time Is Growing Short - TAKE HEED - WAKE UP - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE - PRAY - REPENT - WISE UP - STAY SOBER - RIGHTEOUSLY SHOW LOVE Even Under Pressure, No Worries - FOCUS - READ PSALMS 91st Ch., AHMAN. Please REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1st JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9th Ch. + (Know Who You Really Are And How You Will Spiritually Awaken From Your Temporary Fallen State As gods With Amnesia) PSALMS 82:6 + MALACHI 3rd/4th Ch. + LUKE 21st Ch. + REVELATION 12th Ch. + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + HOSEA 6th Ch. + 2nd PETER 1:19-21 + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, REMEMBER That We Are The True *HOLY SEED* Bearing gods Of The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL - Our HEAVENLY FATHER Who Sent Our Eternal Souls Down From The Upper Heaven On HIS Holy Mission Of LOVE-TRUTH While Operating Within HIS Resonant Elemental Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies Not Made With Man's Hands. We Righteous Holy Chosen Elect Ones Will Not Fail While Faithfully Working Diligently (Striving To Be Perfect) Through Our HEAVENLY FATHER'S First Begotten SON CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH With Eternal Empowerment Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH, AHMAN. SELAH
THE FIRST SEAL – 1ST CHAKRAH – THE EARTH’S FIRST MAIN ENERGY VORTEX OPENING INCLUDING THE WINDOWS – WORMHOLES Of HEAVEN OPENING EXTRAORDINARILY ENERGETIC ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC EVENTS ARE IMMINENT: GET READY FOR APRIL FIERY COSMIC SHOWERS…..S.O.S. MAY-DAY, MAY-DAY, MAY-DAY, Barack HUSSEIN Obama Code Named MAYS, Illuminati Major Stock Investors Cryptically Say “Sell In MAY And Go Away”/The So-Called HALLOWEEN Indicator Involving The Satanic Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* Dimensional Intrusion TESLA Infrastructures Weaponized *LOW VIBE* Microwave Energy Radiation Technologies System Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama-NIMROD-ZEUS-THE EVIL GEMINI MAN-THE DIABOLICAL WIZARD OF OZ Covertly Intiating The Mega-Disastrous Powering Up-Testing-Tuning-Activation-Phases Of These Vile TESLA Technologies Under The Highly Deceptive 7 Year Paris Climate Change Accord-Pact-Agreement Also Involving *GEOSTORM* Prevention/Mega-Terraforming/Mega-GeoEngineering LOW VIBE TESLA Technologies Systems Covertly Linked To The Worldwide Tower Of Babel Network, *SIRIUS* MAY-hem, Endtime Prophetic MAY-an APOCALYPTIC REVELATION – THE APOCALYPSE – THE REVEALING – THE EXPOSING – THE PULLING BACK OF THE CURTAIN – THE FIERY DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPORAL SATANIC FALLEN WORLD DIMENSIONAL VEIL MATRIX OF MASS DECEPTIONS-DELUSIONS-ILLUSIONS-LIES/THE SPIRITUALLY POWERED REVEALING OF THE TRUTH Concerning Righteous Indigenous Fleshly Creations/The WHEAT And Unrighteous Non-Indigenous Fleshly Creations/The TARES. Please Be Aware That Our Indigenous But Fallen Sickened Earth Is Temporarily Infested With Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Fleshly Genetically Hybridize Cellular Parasites (Including Ones Wickedly Produced Through Selective Cross Breeding And Genetically Engineered In Sinister Dystopian NWO Government Funded Labs) Which Have All Kinds-Types-Forms Of Highly Mutative DNA/Genes Recessively Lurking Within Them As Currently *Hidden Monsters* That Are Also Corrupted Over 50% By The Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion Which Will All Be Exposed As *REAL MONSTERS* When The Gradually Amplifying SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS Begins To Suddenly Unleash Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep GAMMA-RAY Energy Radiation Specifically Tuned By The MOST HIGH POWER To Vigorously Vibrate DNA/Genes Into Action With Metaphysical Infusions Into The Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes That Will Cause Many Different Transformations Of The Resonant Elemental Flesh Bodies-Vessels-Temples Of All Living Things….Please REMEMBER The Cryptic Illuminati Predictive Programming Song Called “RADIOACTIVE”…..REMEMBER They-Imagine Dragon’s Said ”Welcome To The New Age (Aquarius – The Celestial Age Of The Supernatural Outpouring Of The SPIRIT Upon All Flesh In Order To Make Everything Living Thing Become Full Grown At The DNA/Genetic Levels Including Both Non-Mutative And Mutative DNA/Genetic Activations And Transformations), Deep In My Bones Straight From Inside, I Feel It In My Bones Enough To Make My System Blow, I’m Waking Up, All Systems Go, I’m Radioactive!” Soon The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Will Do Something Extraordinary And It Will Be Truly An EYE Opening Experience Including The Supernatural Coming Forth Of What’s Inside Of Every Fleshly Living Creation At The DNA/Genetic Levels Via SPIRITUALLY POWERED SHOCKWAVES Of Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep GAMMA-RAY Energy Radiation That Will Be Vigorously Emitted From The Gradually Amplifying SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS As We Faithful Holy Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Undergo Our Extraordinary Non-Mutative Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Rebirth-First Resurrection-Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension-Glorification Process Including Our Indigenous Earth-Land Which Shall Be Supernaturally Renewed And Filled With The SPIRIT As We Are Spiritually Filled Simultaneously, In Order To Gloriously Manifest Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven On Earth With No More Monstrous Genetically Hybridized Mutated (Snow White Leprous Cursed – Like Satan’s Son Cain Including Many Other Sinister Fallen Angels’ EVIL SEED Bearing Creations) Abominations Against Nature Classed As Non-Indigenous TARES (Under The Undesirable *2nd Resurrection* Horrific Nightmarish Mutative Process) Which Shall All Be Supernaturally Burned Away From Their Temporal Vain Wicked Existence And Experience Fiery Punishments In The Abyss Of Hell Forever, As Foretold In ZECHARIAH 14th Ch. + MALACHI 4th Ch. + Directly Connected To ISAIAH 30:26 + 2nd THESSALONIANS 2:8, Thus Completely Eradicating The Currently Ongoing Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Fleshly Genetically Hybridized Mutant Cellular Infestation Which Temporarily Plagues Us Indigenous Fleshly HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Elemental Fleshly Creations Of The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL, But Not For Long….Please REMEMBER ISAIAH 60th Ch., ALL PRAISE And WORSHIP Be Unto Our HEAVENLY FATHER, Also Please REMEMBER The BOOK Of ENOCH And The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. Time Is Growing Short - TAKE HEED – WAKE UP - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE – PRAY – REPENT – WISE UP – STAY SOBER – RIGHTEOUSLY SHOW LOVE Even Under Pressure, No Worries – FOCUS – READ PSALMS 91st Ch., AHMAN. Please REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1st JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9th Ch. + (Know Who You Really Are And How You Will Spiritually Awaken From Your Temporary Fallen State As gods With Amnesia) PSALMS 82:6 + MALACHI 3rd/4th Ch. + LUKE 21st Ch. + REVELATION 12th Ch. + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + HOSEA 6th Ch. + 2nd PETER 1:19-21 + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, REMEMBER That We Are The True *HOLY SEED* Bearing gods Of The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL – Our HEAVENLY FATHER Who Sent Our Eternal Souls Down From The Upper Heaven On HIS Holy Mission Of LOVE-TRUTH While Operating Within HIS Resonant Elemental Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies Not Made With Man’s Hands. We Righteous Holy Chosen Elect Ones Will Not Fail While Faithfully Working Diligently (Striving To Be Perfect) Through Our HEAVENLY FATHER’S First Begotten SON CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH With Eternal Empowerment Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH, AHMAN. SELAH
By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Tue, April 26, 2022, 20:05
Fireball spotted over southern Mississippi, NASA confirms › fireball-spotted-over-southern-mississippi-221742718.html
April 27, 2022, 3:17 PM · 1 min read. A meteor streaked across the sky in southern Mississippi early Wednesday morning, running parallel to theMississippi River. Officials with the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) confirmed reports of a fireball accompanied by a loud noiseover Claiborne County.
NASA releases source of fireball seen and loud sound heard … › 2022 › 04 › 27 › nasa-releases-source-of-fireball-seen-and-loud-sound-heard-over-mississippi
NASA releases source of fireball seen and loud sound heard over Mississippi. Published 4:51 pm Wednesday, April 27, 2022. By Vicksburg Post Staff. … “If people will call us and alert us to strange things that happen like this, it makes it easier to stop rumors from spreading.” …
Mysterious loud booms heard in 64 locations, NASA can’t … › technology › science › space › mysterious-loud-booms-heard-across-the-world-in-64-locations-and-nasa-doesnt-even-know-why › news-story › eb4d5b2a8117d05b00d15ffb51500c4c
Mysterious loud booms heard across the world in 64 locations and NASA doesn’t even know why MYSTERY booming sounds have been recorded in 64 different places across the globe, including Australia …
Nephilim Killer – Haarp Fallen Angel Technology!
*FALLEN ANGELS PLAY THIS HAARP* | Babylon’s Weather Modification (Full…
How HAARP and Chemtrails affect all life – Mirali › manipulation › haarp-and-chemtrails
HAARP ( H igh Frequency A ctive A uroral R esearch P rogram) is a US civil and military research program using radio waves to study the ionosphere in Alaska. People critical of HAARP claim that the system is the cause of the increase of global droughts, storms and other natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes.
Advanced Tech Hidden by Military Black Ops! Tesla and Haarp! › watch › advanced-tech-hidden-by-military-black-ops-tesla-and-haarp_BNja8yERCjIyv6g.html
The fallen angels also bred with 200 animal species, which are what’s known as “cryptids”. So there are many nephilim hybrid species. Check out Trey Smith’s channel on youtube and xtreme reality check on youtube.
Angels Play HAARP while Zapping Us with Electron Guns … › angels-play-haarp-while-zapping-us-with-electron-guns-based-on-particle-physics
haarp-the futuristic nightmare project which is currently in operation, researching a wide variety of effects and phenomena, as well as possible uses and applications for such, resulting from beaming massively powerful radio signals into targeted regions of the ionosphere; a project which has given environmental activists, constitutionalists, …
Project H.A.A.R.P Weather Modification – Lucifers … › today › technology-control › the-project-haarp
is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The HAARP program operates a major sub-arctic facility, named the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force-owned site near Gakona, Alaska.
HAARP | Waterfalls International End-Time Ministry › category › haarp
Remember, the fallen ones can appear as anything they want to be, and Satan often comes as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) Since there is a demonic hierarchy of angels, then perhaps the Nordics are of a higher level than the greys, only they are just as evil. I suppose they lie to get us to trust them more. Let me put this out there.
Fallen Angel Technology – Eye Opening Truth › category › fallen-angel-technology
AI SIMULATED REALITY, Cybernetic Hive Mind Matrix, Digital Twin Virtual Reality, Fallen Angel Technology, Fallen Angels, General Stuff, Internet of Bodies, LIVING HELL, Neuralink, Quantum Mind Control, REVERSE BRAIN SIGNAL MIND CONTROL, Sentient World Simulation, Starlink, Targeted Neuroplasticity Training, YOUR DIGITAL TWIN
20- ET-UFO-Aliens are Fallen Angels | Spiritual Warfare … › table-of-contents › 20-et-ufo-aliens-are-fallen-angels
Fallen angels created chemtrails, GMO foods, aid virus, deadly vaccines, human microchip implant, weather modification weapons (HAARP), etc. Their technology led to the splitting of the atom with the creation of nuclear energy and aberrations such as the Philadelphia Experiment.
Russia Warns – Prepare To Defend Earth From Fallen Angels … › russia-warns-prepare-to-defend-earth-from-fallen-angels-that-have-returned
In 2009, the occult scientists at CERN using the LHC and others using theHAARP technology opened a portal which was seen over Norway and Sweden by the whole world. Even President Obama flew over under the pretext of accepting the Nobel Peace Prize at the same time.
By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Tue, April 26, 2022, 20:05
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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.
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