Please Be Aware That The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO DEMONCRATS Covertly Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama - The Sinisterly Gay Muslim Terrorist Ringleader Of ISIS And Other Wicked Alphabet Agencies Cronies Of His ROGUE UN Non-Peacekeeping Worldwide Crime Syndicate Are Up To No Good!: Amid False Blame Being Cunningly Heaped Upon North Korea For EMPs Beginning On The West Coast And China Being Falsely Blamed For Cyber Attacks On The Archaic US Electrical Power Grid, Please Be Aware That Russia Will Also Be Falsely Blamed For Destruction Of Vital US Communications Satellites-Systems-Networks, The ISS Mega-Disasters, And The Failure Of Banks Via So-Called Hacking And Cyber Attacks. Please REMEMBER The Dystopian NWO Illuminati Main Stream Media Deceptively Setting The Stage For False Blame By Them Cunningly Broadcasting Previously That Russia Destroyed An Old Satellite And The Debris Field Is Still Lurking Around In A Decaying Orbit Up In InnerSpace That Could Hit Vital US Satellites Including The ISS International Space Station, But DON'T Believe Their Lying Hype Because Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating Cosmic Radiation Will Soon Be Vigorously Emitted From Spectacular Ultra-Bright Sequential SUPERNOVAS As The Extraordinarily Energetic Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Shining With Glorious Spiritual Light Are Supernaturally Opened Up Including The Beginning Of Extraordinarily Energetic Multiphase Amplifications Of The SUN Of Righteousness That Will VIGOROUSLY SHAKE THINGS UP Above And Below As Necessary Corrective Transformative Ultra-Catastrophic Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Suddenly Ramp Up When The Metaphysical First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth's First Main Energy Vortex Is Supernaturally Opened Up By ISHI-ISHIAH Eternally Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH That Will Spiritually Trigger-Jumpstart-Induce-Facilitate The Ultra-Cataclysmic "Beginning Of Sorrows/Our Spiritual Labor Pains" Events As We Righteous Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Are Supernaturally Awakened While Undergoing Our Extraordinary Spiritually Powered Multistage Rebirth-First Resurrection-Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension-Glorification Process, Please REMEMBER LUKE 21st Ch. + MICAH 3rd Ch. + AMOS 8:9 + MALACHI 3rd/4th Chs. + REVELATION 12th Ch. + MATTHEW 24th Ch. + MARK 13th Ch. + 2nd ESDRAS 15th/16th Chs. + ENOCH 80th Ch. + HOSEA 4th Ch. + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + AMOS 8:9 + ECCLESIASTES 12:2 + EZEKIEL 32:7-8 + ISAIAH 13:10 + JOEL 3:15 + JOEL 2nd Ch. + ACTS 2nd Ch. + 2nd PETER 1:19-21 + ISAIAH 24th Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + The BOOK Of ENOCH + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE MAYAN-AZTEC (The Indigenous Hebrew-Negro Tribe Of Issachar - The Endtime Prophetic Celestial Time Keepers) *SIRIUS/THE EXTRAORDINARILY SPECTACULAR "DAY STAR" SUPERNOVA/THE GLORIOUS SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN/HOLY REDEMPTION AND FIERY GENE-SIS ASCENSION* "GEMINI APOCALYPSE" IS IMMINENT....GET READY TO START YOUR METAPHYSICAL ENGINES BECAUSE OUR CELESTIAL SPIRITUALLY POWERED RESONANT ELEMENTAL FLESH TEMPLES-VESSELS-BODIES WILL BE GRADUALLY BROUGHT ONLINE WHILE THE SPIRITUAL MANHOOD/THE DEVINE GOD-MAN/THE HOLY MIND OF CHRIST COMES FORTH FROM DEEP WITHIN US AT THE SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD BEARING LEVELS AS GLORIOUS METAPHYSICAL INFUSIONS OF THE HOLY LIVING WORD FILLS UP OUR FLESH CELLULAR DNA BEARING GENES WHILE WE ARE BEING SUPERNATURALLY HEALED FROM THE INSIDE OUT BY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER - THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL FAITHFULLY WORKING THROUGH HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH, PLEASE REMEMBER PSALMS 82:6 + MALACHI 3rd/4th Ch. + REVELATION 12th Ch. + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + HOSEA 6th Ch. + 2nd PETER 1:19-21 + LUKE 17th Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + ISAIAH 60th Ch. + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH
Please Be Aware That The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO DEMONCRATS Covertly Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama – The Sinisterly Gay Muslim Terrorist Ringleader Of ISIS And Other Wicked Alphabet Agencies Cronies Of His ROGUE UN Non-Peacekeeping Worldwide Crime Syndicate Are Up To No Good!: Amid False Blame Being Cunningly Heaped Upon North Korea For EMPs Beginning On The West Coast And China Being Falsely Blamed For Cyber Attacks On The Archaic US Electrical Power Grid, Please Be Aware That Russia Will Also Be Falsely Blamed For Destruction Of Vital US Communications Satellites-Systems-Networks, The ISS Mega-Disasters, And The Failure Of Banks Via So-Called Hacking And Cyber Attacks. Please REMEMBER The Dystopian NWO Illuminati Main Stream Media Deceptively Setting The Stage For False Blame By Them Cunningly Broadcasting Previously That Russia Destroyed An Old Satellite And The Debris Field Is Still Lurking Around In A Decaying Orbit Up In InnerSpace That Could Hit Vital US Satellites Including The ISS International Space Station, But DON’T Believe Their Lying Hype Because Extraordinarily Energetic Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating Cosmic Radiation Will Soon Be Vigorously Emitted From Spectacular Ultra-Bright Sequential SUPERNOVAS As The Extraordinarily Energetic Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Shining With Glorious Spiritual Light Are Supernaturally Opened Up Including The Beginning Of Extraordinarily Energetic Multiphase Amplifications Of The SUN Of Righteousness That Will VIGOROUSLY SHAKE THINGS UP Above And Below As Necessary Corrective Transformative Ultra-Catastrophic Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Suddenly Ramp Up When The Metaphysical First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth’s First Main Energy Vortex Is Supernaturally Opened Up By ISHI-ISHIAH Eternally Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH That Will Spiritually Trigger-Jumpstart-Induce-Facilitate The Ultra-Cataclysmic “Beginning Of Sorrows/Our Spiritual Labor Pains” Events As We Righteous Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Are Supernaturally Awakened While Undergoing Our Extraordinary Spiritually Powered Multistage Rebirth-First Resurrection-Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension-Glorification Process, Please REMEMBER LUKE 21st Ch. + MICAH 3rd Ch. + AMOS 8:9 + MALACHI 3rd/4th Chs. + REVELATION 12th Ch. + MATTHEW 24th Ch. + MARK 13th Ch. + 2nd ESDRAS 15th/16th Chs. + ENOCH 80th Ch. + HOSEA 4th Ch. + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + AMOS 8:9 + ECCLESIASTES 12:2 + EZEKIEL 32:7-8 + ISAIAH 13:10 + JOEL 3:15 + JOEL 2nd Ch. + ACTS 2nd Ch. + 2nd PETER 1:19-21 + ISAIAH 24th Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + The BOOK Of ENOCH + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE MAYAN-AZTEC (The Indigenous Hebrew-Negro Tribe Of Issachar – The Endtime Prophetic Celestial Time Keepers) *SIRIUS/THE EXTRAORDINARILY SPECTACULAR “DAY STAR” SUPERNOVA/THE GLORIOUS SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN/HOLY REDEMPTION AND FIERY GENE-SIS ASCENSION* “GEMINI APOCALYPSE” IS IMMINENT….GET READY TO START YOUR METAPHYSICAL ENGINES BECAUSE OUR CELESTIAL SPIRITUALLY POWERED RESONANT ELEMENTAL FLESH TEMPLES-VESSELS-BODIES WILL BE GRADUALLY BROUGHT ONLINE WHILE THE SPIRITUAL MANHOOD/THE DEVINE GOD-MAN/THE HOLY MIND OF CHRIST COMES FORTH FROM DEEP WITHIN US AT THE SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD BEARING LEVELS AS GLORIOUS METAPHYSICAL INFUSIONS OF THE HOLY LIVING WORD FILLS UP OUR FLESH CELLULAR DNA BEARING GENES WHILE WE ARE BEING SUPERNATURALLY HEALED FROM THE INSIDE OUT BY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER – THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL FAITHFULLY WORKING THROUGH HIS FIRST BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH WITH ETERNAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH, PLEASE REMEMBER PSALMS 82:6 + MALACHI 3rd/4th Ch. + REVELATION 12th Ch. + MATTHEW 24:27-36 + HOSEA 6th Ch. + 2nd PETER 1:19-21 + LUKE 17th Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + ISAIAH 60th Ch. + THE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH
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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Thu, April 28, 2022, 0:17