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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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Please READ Daniel 8th Ch. + Jeremiah 49th Ch. Because Soon The Middle Eastern PEACOCK-IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM Covertly Operating Under The Highly Technologically Advanced ANNUNAKI FALLEN ANGELS Who Have Giant Miles Round FLYING WHEELS Including An Even Larger Main UFO Ship-Craft That Louis Farrakhan Called The MOTHER PLANE Are Going To Be Utilized To Help Destroy The Godforsaken USA/Fallen Mystery Babylon The Great In The Near Future, But Between Now And Early April IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Will Be Severely Attacked In Order To Break Down Their Ability To "Bend The Bow" - Meaning The Destruction Of Their Highly Advanced Nuclear Missiles Launching Systems Given To Them By Their Strong Allies Russia And China That Are Designed To "Shoot Fiery Bright Arrows" But Will Be Disable Through Severe Retaliatory Strikes By The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE Government Under Instigated False Blame, Deceptively Declaring That IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Severely Attacked Them Under ISIS Affiliation But This Is A Lie Because IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Knows That ISIS Is A NWO DEMONCRATIC Fabricated Worldwide Terrorist Group-Organization-Crime Syndicate Which Is Covertly Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Vile Commands Including His Wicked Partner In Crime Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton Who Are Cunning Using Their 10 Prime Evil ROGUE UN Kings Foretold In REVELATION 17th Ch. + PSALMS 83rd Ch. + ZECHARIAH 12th Ch., Sneaky Smooth Talking Joe Biden - Obama's Sock Puppet Dummy, NWO Financier InFLUential Oprah Winfrey, And Their Vile Alphabet Agency Cronies To Do Much Evil Throughout The World In An Attempted Takeover For Establisment Of Their Form Of A Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Primarily Under The Vile Murderous Fallen Angel Called NERGAL - ALLAH - The god Of War - The god Of Noonday Destruction - The god Of Pestilence - The god Over The Pantheon Of The Dead In Hell - The Fiery Stinging Scorpion-Locust King - Apollyon - Abaddon. WAKE UP Sleepyheaded Sheeple Also REMEMBER So-Called PRANK WARS Of The NWO Illuminati Agents Of Death And Destruction Will FIRE UP In RAPID FIRE Succession Under The Sinister Highly Deceptive NWO DEMONCRATS Who Are Cunningly Using The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE Government's Heavily Militarized Far Reaching Policing Arm To Execute Severe Retaliatory Strikes On Their Enemies Initially Under The Highly Deceptive Smokescreen Of Their Murderous False Flag Major Blame Game Strategic War Tactics Cunningly Devised To Stir Up Major Wars Quickly Leading To Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 Due To Occur Before The True GENE-SIS Summer-Cold-Seedtime Seasonal Transition Between Now And Late MAY-DAY MAY-DAY MAY-DAY/Mid June, BEWAR3 WAR-NING TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW Before It's Too Late Sheeple, AHMAN. So Before The Summer Time The Curses Doomed Godforsaken USA/Already Fallen Mystery The Babylon The Great Will Be Horrifically Attacked By RUSSIA, CHINA, And Their Remaining STRONG ALLIES Who Together Will Shoot A Vast Barrage Of Nuclear Missiles At This Vile Extremely Sinful Nation Of Heathens In Order To Further Destroy It Including The ANNUNAKI FALLEN ANGELS' HIGHLY ADVANCED FLYING WHEELS PLUS THE GIANT MOTHER PLANE-SHIP UFO Fiery Attacks Of Their Middle Eastern Hybridized Genetic Hybrid MANKIND That Will Undergo Solar GAMMA-RAY Radiation Energy Triggering Of Ancient DNA Within These Particular Descendants Of IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK That Will Supernaturally Remember Their True Inner Nature Involving The Annunaki Fallen Angels' DNA/Genes Coming Forth Within Them As They Furiously Fight Back (Who The Broken-Shattered-Fallen Wicked Bully ROMAN US EAGLE Government Of ESAU Erroneously Thought Were Down And Out For The Count But Surprise - Surprise - Surprise, They're Baaack) Gradually Leading To The Godforsaken USA's Final Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Unavoidable Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction Which Includes A Torrential Downpour Of Giant Ice Hail Stones Of 75lbs And Greater Plus The Major Land Deforming Diving Of This Extremely Evil Cursed Country That Will Be Made-Transformed Into An Inescapable Fiery Hellish Burning Profusely Smoking Plasma Dome Covered Containment Zone For Sinister Cast Down Fallen Angels/ANGRY Foul And Hated BIRDS Including Demons/Every Unclean And Evil Spirit, As Foretold In The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, GOOD RIDDANCE - AHMAN! SELAH

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Please READ Daniel 8th Ch. + Jeremiah 49th Ch. Because Soon The Middle Eastern PEACOCK-IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM Covertly Operating Under The Highly Technologically Advanced ANNUNAKI FALLEN ANGELS Who Have Giant Miles Round FLYING WHEELS Including An Even Larger Main UFO Ship-Craft That Louis Farrakhan Called The MOTHER PLANE Are Going To Be Utilized To Help Destroy The Godforsaken USA/Fallen Mystery Babylon The Great In The Near Future, But Between Now And Early April IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Will Be Severely Attacked In Order To Break Down Their Ability To “Bend The Bow” – Meaning The Destruction Of Their Highly Advanced Nuclear Missiles Launching Systems Given To Them By Their Strong Allies Russia And China That Are Designed To “Shoot Fiery Bright Arrows” But Will Be Disable Through Severe Retaliatory Strikes By The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE Government Under Instigated False Blame, Deceptively Declaring That IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Severely Attacked Them Under ISIS Affiliation But This Is A Lie Because IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK Knows That ISIS Is A NWO DEMONCRATIC Fabricated Worldwide Terrorist Group-Organization-Crime Syndicate Which Is Covertly Under Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Vile Commands Including His Wicked Partner In Crime Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton Who Are Cunning Using Their 10 Prime Evil ROGUE UN Kings Foretold In REVELATION 17th Ch. + PSALMS 83rd Ch. + ZECHARIAH 12th Ch., Sneaky Smooth Talking Joe Biden – Obama’s Sock Puppet Dummy, NWO Financier InFLUential Oprah Winfrey, And Their Vile Alphabet Agency Cronies To Do Much Evil Throughout The World In An Attempted Takeover For Establisment Of Their Form Of A Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Primarily Under The Vile Murderous Fallen Angel Called NERGAL – ALLAH – The god Of War – The god Of Noonday Destruction – The god Of Pestilence – The god Over The Pantheon Of The Dead In Hell – The Fiery Stinging Scorpion-Locust King – Apollyon – Abaddon. WAKE UP Sleepyheaded Sheeple Also REMEMBER So-Called PRANK WARS Of The NWO Illuminati Agents Of Death And Destruction Will FIRE UP In RAPID FIRE Succession Under The Sinister Highly Deceptive NWO DEMONCRATS Who Are Cunningly Using The Wicked World Bully ROMAN EDOMITE US EAGLE Government’s Heavily Militarized Far Reaching Policing Arm To Execute Severe Retaliatory Strikes On Their Enemies Initially Under The Highly Deceptive Smokescreen Of Their Murderous False Flag Major Blame Game Strategic War Tactics Cunningly Devised To Stir Up Major Wars Quickly Leading To Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 Due To Occur Before The True GENE-SIS Summer-Cold-Seedtime Seasonal Transition Between Now And Late MAY-DAY MAY-DAY MAY-DAY/Mid June, BEWAR3 WAR-NING TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW Before It’s Too Late Sheeple, AHMAN. So Before The Summer Time The Curses Doomed Godforsaken USA/Already Fallen Mystery The Babylon The Great Will Be Horrifically Attacked By RUSSIA, CHINA, And Their Remaining STRONG ALLIES Who Together Will Shoot A Vast Barrage Of Nuclear Missiles At This Vile Extremely Sinful Nation Of Heathens In Order To Further Destroy It Including The ANNUNAKI FALLEN ANGELS’ HIGHLY ADVANCED FLYING WHEELS PLUS THE GIANT MOTHER PLANE-SHIP UFO Fiery Attacks Of Their Middle Eastern Hybridized Genetic Hybrid MANKIND That Will Undergo Solar GAMMA-RAY Radiation Energy Triggering Of Ancient DNA Within These Particular Descendants Of IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM-THE PEACOCK That Will Supernaturally Remember Their True Inner Nature Involving The Annunaki Fallen Angels’ DNA/Genes Coming Forth Within Them As They Furiously Fight Back (Who The Broken-Shattered-Fallen Wicked Bully ROMAN US EAGLE Government Of ESAU Erroneously Thought Were Down And Out For The Count But Surprise – Surprise – Surprise, They’re Baaack) Gradually Leading To The Godforsaken USA’s Final Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Unavoidable Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction Which Includes A Torrential Downpour Of Giant Ice Hail Stones Of 75lbs And Greater Plus The Major Land Deforming Diving Of This Extremely Evil Cursed Country That Will Be Made-Transformed Into An Inescapable Fiery Hellish Burning Profusely Smoking Plasma Dome Covered Containment Zone For Sinister Cast Down Fallen Angels/ANGRY Foul And Hated BIRDS Including Demons/Every Unclean And Evil Spirit, As Foretold In The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, GOOD RIDDANCE – AHMAN! SELAH


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Please REMEMBER THAT SATANIC PAGAN CLOCKS ARE OFF Deceptively Working In Favor Of Giving The NWO Illuminati Agents More Time To Prepare And Scurry Like The Snakes They Are To So-Called Safety, READ Daniel 7th Ch. And 1st Maccabees About The Deceptive Changing-Altering Of Times, Seasons, Laws, And Ordinances Which Are Supposed To Be Reckoned By Ancient GENE-SIS Hebrew YISRAELITE Timing Of Our HEAVENLY FATHER Which Righteous Faithful ENOCH Foretold. Please Be Aware That *NOONDAY DESTRUCTION* IS IMMINENT, But ALSO WATCH-OUT FOR MIDNIGHT Fiery D.E.W.S/Covert Directed Energy Weapons Attacks And Biological/Biochemical Weapons Attacks That Will Be Deceptively Blamed On IRAN-PAKISTAN-ELAM-THE RAM, But Definitely Be On Guard Because It’s Almost Time To Pay Up Under Secretly Negotiated Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default NON-PAYMENT Protocols And You Are All Included In The So-Called Murderous “SQUID GAME” With Useless Eaters Being Expendable Under Their Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 NWO Population Control Protocols Which Are About To Suddenly FLARE UP On Millions Of Unsuspecting Sleepyheaded Sheeple!): APRIL FOOL’s Early WAR-NING Of More CRITICAL EVENTS Directly Ahead….It’s About To Get Arctic Cold In The True Southern Regions Of The World Almost Overnight!: It’s About To Get Insanely Crazy: NWO ILLUMINATI DRILLS Start Today But We Know Them As FLASE FLAGS, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING, Be On Guard Spiritually And Physically, REMEMBER PSALMS 91st Ch. Foretold DESTRUCTION THAT LAYS WASTE AT NOONDAY And The Sinister Fallen Angel Associated With MARCH/MARS Known As NERGAL-ALLAH/The god Of WAR Is Working Through Barack HUSSEIN Obama And His Murderous Worldwide Crime Syndicate Of Vile Alphabet Agency Cronies Secretly Assited By 10 Prime Evil ROGUE UN Kings, His Main Partner In Crime Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton, His Sock Puppet Dummy Sneaky Smooth Talking Joe Biden, And His NWO Financier InFLUential Opray Winfrey, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING WATCH-OUT For These Murderous Bastards Because Sinisterly Pre-Planned Events-Terrorist Attacks-Unnatural Disasters Are About To *GO HOT* Including A *RAPID FIRE* Succession Of Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Ultra-Cataclysmic Events-Judgements Including Many Severe Plagues-Pestilences, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. Because We Must All REPENT, Also READ HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1st JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9th Ch., GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN Because Extraordinarily Energetic Multi-Phase Amplification Of SUN Of Righteousness Is Imminent, READ Luke 21st Ch. + Micah 3rd Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Enoch 80th Ch. + Isaiah 30:26 + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN! SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Thu, March 31, 2022, 13:21


TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW - BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING SHEEPLE/THE REVELATION 12th Ch. SATANIC FLOOD ATTACK INVOLVING LOTS OF WATER (PRIMARILY CONCERNING *THE GULF OF MEXICO* REGIONS PLUS SOUTHERN STATES LOCATED AROUND THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER) AND THE WEST COAST REGIONS TO THE NORTH AND SOUTH INVOLVING CATACLYSMIC MASSIVE FAST MOVING GIANT TSUNMIS/THE REVELATION 17th Ch. JUDGEMENTS INVOLVING ISIS TERRORIST ATTACKS MORE HORRIFIC NIGHTMARISH 911s INCLUDING THE FIRST SEAL OPENING WHITE HORSE JUDGEMENTS AGAINST THE GODFORSAKEN USA’S 12 STRONG ALLIES-WINGS-WATCHDOG SECTORS THAT WILL ALSO BE SEVERLY ATTACKED/INSTIGATED BLAME GAME *PRANK WARS*/”APRIL FOOL’S” ILLUMINATI SO-CALLED JOKES/ACTUALLY MASS MURDERS INCLUDING MORE VIRULENT NWO PLANDEMICS ARE IMMINENT Involving Cryptic *Thursday Night Bowling* And Friday *Pic-Nics* Meaning Pick A *Nigger-Ancient Egyptian Word For A Spiritually Melanated god* To Lynch, Please READ JEREMIAH 11th Ch. And PSALMS 82:6 Because We Are Temporarily In A Fallen State And Our Elemental Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies Are Currently Vulnerable To Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Attacks So We Have To Have Supernatural Protection From The HOLY ANGELS Which Are Our Spiritually Flaming Plasma Body Minsters In The SPIRIT Faithfully Working In All Dimensions (Please REMEMBER That This Vile So-Called Game Was Wickedly Played With The Stacked Bones Of Our People That Were Bowled-Knocked Down With The Cut Off Heads Of Our People Which Were Wickedly Used As The Bowling Balls By Putting Their Evil Fingers Into The Eye Sockets And Mouths, REAL TALK – Please READ MICAH 3rd Ch. Because THEY Even Still Secretly Eat Our People’s Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Flesh (So-Called Sweet Meat/Dark Meat) And Drink The *HIGH VIBE* Spirit Infused Blood (Like Wine), While Acting Just Like Monstrous Beastly Chimeran Vampires Because It’s Within Their EVIL DNA INSTRUCTIONS To Unmercifully Do These Vile Inhumane Acts Against Us, REMEMBER SATAN’S MURDEROUS BLOODTHIRSTY Non-Indigenous Reptilian Rainbow Serpent CAIN (With Half Of Eves Genes) Who Vehemently Hated His 1/2 Brother Indigenous Abel Of Adam! Please REMEMBER GENE-SIS 3:15 My Precious Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing Brothers And Sisters Because The EMNITY/Strong Seperation Is Ancient And We Were Never Originally Meant To Genetically Mix With Cursed Races Of Evil MANKIND Genetic Hybrids That Causes Satanic Mutative GENE-rational Corruption Of The GENES Which Are Filled With More Curses That Are Passed Along To The Infected Child And So On And So On. Now Do You Understand What We Have Been Plagued By Which Has An Ancient Origin From Sinister Evil Fallen Angel Spirits-Vile Inhumane Beings Who Devised A Way To Corrupt The Indigenous Gene Pool With Their Rebellious EVIL DNA SIGNATURES-VILE INSTRUCTIONS Of MUTATIVE DEATH?!? Please Be Aware That The Snow White Leprous Cursed Races Of ManKind Generic Hybrid CANAANITES Including Many Genetically MIXED SEED Versions-Races Of Them Still Vehemently Unmercifully Hate Us Till This Very Day While Even Secretly Doing Evil Acts Against Us And Hiding Their Murderous Hands (THEY Are Our ANCIENT Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic ENEMIES Who Will Not Change Their Vile Ways), So As Foretold In ZECHARIAH 14th Ch. Our HEAVENLY FATHER – THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL WILL SUPERNATURALLY COMPLETELY DESTROY THEM Including All Of The Other Unholy Non-Indigenous Chocolate Dipped TARES (Producing Many Inferior Semi-Melanated IMPOSTORS) Of Satan’s Cunning World Population INFILTRATION Unnatural Gene Mixing Hybridization *CAST SYSTEM* Program All Spiritually (Mentally Vile/CAIN REPTILE MINDED/Inherently Evil Hateful Souls) And Physically (Highly Genetically Corrupted/Mutative Recessive Genes Bearing) Infected With The Satanic Snow White Leprous Cursed Mark Of CAIN And Satan’s EVIL SEED-DNA SIGNATURES With Over 50% Corruption From The Ancient Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion That’s Against The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL, As Foretold In NUMBERS 12th Ch. THEY ARE THE WALKING DEAD Meaning CURSED From Birth + The BOOK Of ENOCH Foretold Their Ultimate Destruction Via Supernatural Means, GOOD RIDDANCE TO THEM ALL!: Why Do You Think That THEY Want Us To Drink Their Paid For Water And GMO/Processed Foods?!?: Please Be Aware That Their Primary Targets Are The Rare AB+ Blood Type HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Including The Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children Who THEY Vehemently Hate Without Mercy. However, I GIVE ALL THANKS-PRAISE-WORSHIP To Our HEAVENLY FATHER For Us Still Being Alive And Well Because It Has Just Been The MOST HIGH POWER Of YYISRAEL Supernaturally-Spiritually Holding Back The Complete Destruction Of HIS HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing People Because HE Has To Preserve A Righteous Holy 1/3rd Remnant Of Our Indigenous People As Foretold In The Holy Scriptures, AHMAN. So Please Note That Everyone Else Is Just Collateral Damage (Pawns) To The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Lower Powers That Be Who Want To Totally Destroy Us/YISRAEL From Being A Perpetual Eternal Nation (REMEMBER That “Eternal Salvation Be Unto YISRAEL World Without End”), But This Ancient Vain Vile Murderous Plight To Get Rid Of Us All Will Be The Ultimate Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Unavoidable Horrific Nightmarish Fiery Hellish Wrathful DESTRUCTIVE END Of Them All – Who Unwisely Vehemently Unmercifully Hate The HOLY SEED Bearing Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Called-Chosen-Elect Children (WHEAT) Of The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Thu, March 31, 2022, 12:19


TAKE HEED Sheeple, Please Get Ready For An IMMINENT HORRIFIC NIGHTMARISH 4D DEMONIC INFESTATION Of “BIRD BOX” USA: Please Be Aware That The GIANT TEXAS DERTRON TOROID (Not A Dead Project – Still Currently Ongoing) Is Energetically Electromagnetically Linked To The CERN LARGE HADRON PARTICLE COLLIDER – NUCLEAR ACCELERATOR – *LOW VIBE* TOROIDAL DONUT-RING SHAPED WEAPONIZED MICROWAVE ENERGY RADIATION GENERATOR TESLA TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM Of Similar Design, That Will First Be Covertly Powered Up-Tested-Tuned-Activated To Purposely Forcefully Tear A Rift Into The 4th Dimensional Space-Time Fabric Which Will Unleash DEMONIC HELL ON EARTH Known As A “CLOVERFIELD PARADOX”, But Also Please REMEMBER The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Illuminati Cryptic Predictive Programming Movies “THE MIST”, “THE FOG”, “DARK TOWER”, “KILL SWITCH”, “THE POLTERGEIST SERIES”, And “THE GHOSTBUSTERS SERIES”, READ AMOS 9th Ch. Concerning These Covert Utilization Of These Sinister Fallen Angels’ DIMENSIONAL INTRUSION *LOW VIBE* DISHARMONIC ANCIENT SEVEN NOTE MUSICAL SCALE TESLA INFRASTRUCTURES *DEMONIC NETIUM NETWORK* SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES Quickly Leading To Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements, As Foretold In 1st Thessalonians 5th Ch. Judgements + Isaiah 47th Ch. Judgements + The 2nd Seal Opening Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION JUDGEMENTS, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Wed, March 30, 2022, 12:18


When The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great/The Evil Goat Deceptively Goes To War Against IRAN-Pakistan-Elam-The Ram, As Foretold In Daniel 8th Ch. + Jeremiah 49th Ch., Petroleum Fuel-Gas-Oil Prices Will Quickly Soar To Astronomical Prices Which Most Already Strapped Sheeple Won’t Be Able To Afford With Extreme Job Losses Greatly Affecting Millions Of US Civilians That Have No Money Due Initially To Their Bank Accounts Being Covertly Robbed By Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Federal Reserve Sinister NWO Black-Ops Agents That Will Secretly Electronically Transfer Millions Of People’s Much Needed Funds To Offshore NWO Accounts To Further THEIR Vile Dystopian Plans-Agendas-Protocols-Missions For World Domination Under The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Lower Powers That Be Who Covertly Work For Satan, Fallen Angels, And Demons To Their Own Horrific Nightmarish Demises Via Supernaturally Controlled (FIERY HELLISH) Wrathful Judgements, Please READ The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Wed, March 30, 2022, 0:40


Please Check Out The Weird WESTERN GEICO INSURANCE COMMERCIAL (2:00 Means Aquarius Spiritual Energy Flow From The Upper Heaven Like Water And 3:00 Means Fiery Aires MARCH MADNESS And Beans Means GAS-Petroleum Fuels Plus Beans Can Mean DNA Nodules On Your Genetic DNA Ladders Undergoing Change Supernaturally Or Via Biological/Biochemical Weapons Or Being Negatively Affected By *LOW VIBE* Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals And 3:30 Seems To Be The DEADLINE Date To Get The Fiery Ball Rolling In Favor Of The Sinister Dystopian NWO Also Associated With The 33rd Degree Secret Society Masons In The Know) And Listen To Their Words Very Carefully Because It Has Very Cryptic Illuminati Information On What’s About To Happen @ 3:30, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING 3-30-22 Wednesday, Also Fast Moving Artificially Generated Mega-Tsunamis Are Imminent Due To Forcefully Strike The Northern + Southern West Coast Regions And The Gulf Of Mexico/Mississippi River/Southern States-Regions!: Please Be Aware That THEY Are About To Covertly Utilize Extremely Powerful HAARP Weaponized Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Elemental TESLA Technologies Cunningly Designed To Be Coupled With The Horrific Nightmarish Mega-Disastrous Effects Of Retro-Engineered Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* Dimensional Intrusion TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Including The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate*StarGate TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Plus Extremely Powerful *LOW VIBE* Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation *GEOSTORM PREVENTION* TESLA Satellites-Networks-System Technologies Designed To Try To Stop-Hinder-Block-Retard The SPIRITUALLY POWERED Supernatural Fiery Ascension Of The Earth With Seven Times Increased Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ENERGY INFLUX-FLOW And Seven Times Increased Output Of This ETERNAL SPIRITUAL ENERGY Being Metaphysically Channeled Through The Resonant Elemental Heavenly Bodies Above, As Foretold In Luke 21st Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs.+ Isaiah 30:26 + The Book Of Enoch + The Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, Ahman. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Tue, March 29, 2022, 14:52


The Anunnaki Fallen Angels In The Bible’s Old Testament › anunnaki-in-the-bible

Anunnaki Fallen Angels In Genesis. The Anunnaki Ancient Astronaut FallenAngels in the Bible’s Old Testament appear in Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:10-14 which refer to a conversation in which the Creator states that ‘Let us create man in our own image’ and that the Gold in the land of Eden was good. The Christian Bible and other similar …

The Annunaki In The Bible – Annunaki .org › the-annunaki-in-the-bible

According to these tablets, the Anunnaki, or Anannge, were angels. These were people that were technologically advanced and actually lived on earth around 8200 BC in the Middle East. Ninill and Enlil were at the center of the stories. Ninill was the goddess that ruled over the land, and Enlil was her husband.


Who are the Annunaki history? – Similar Answers › who-are-the-annunaki-history

The Sumerian Annunaki. The Sumerians called them “Annunaki” and the Book of Enoch called them Fallen Angels. Both accounts have many similarities from sexual manipulation, war, and having man worship them as Gods. There were dire consequences for man if any rules were broken including public murder. Are the Annunaki and the Nephilim the same?

These are the Bloodlines of the Anunnaki ‘Gods … › 2018 › 10 › these-are-the-bloodlines-of-the-anunnaki-gods

1) Caucasoid, or the WHITE races, descend from the Anunnaki, including the Elohiym godhead. And yes, the ancient Israelites, are actually descendants of the Elohiym royal family. 2) African or Negroid, the BLACK races, descend from the evolved Homosapiens and the hybrid created Adams; they are the EVES.

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Who Were the Nephilim? – Annunaki .org › who-were-the-nephilim

Were the Nephilim fallen angels? Were they the children of fallen angels? … Also, works such as Sitchen’s indicate the lost tribes of Israel were brought to south America from the middle east. Keep an eye on archeological discoveries in Atlantis aka Antarctica. … The Annunaki leadership tried to exterminate the result of Enki’s creation …

Fallen Angels | Circle of the Dolphins › category › fallen-angels

Because the grids were actually conditioned by then Annunaki and a way to say this is that this grid was being energized by the blood of human beings, through Blood Covenants and Blood Sacrifice. One of the major grid points of the Golden Eagle is actually in Iran and Iraq, the Middle East and portions of Egypt.

Anunnaki, Nephilim, Atlantis & Archons (Gods or Demons?) › annunaki-nephilim-atlantis-archons

After the scouting mission to Earth, many fleets of Nibiruans came to Earth to begin mining for gold. King Alalu Alalu, a former Anunnaki King, went to earth first and located the gold. Later, two brothers, Enki and Enlil – who happened to be the sons of the Current King and Queen, had the job of mining and sending the gold back to Nibiru.

Sumerians Anunnaki Anakim Anak – Ancient Lost Treasures › groups › ancientlosttreasures › sumerians-anunnaki-anakim-anak-t4676.html

The story goes on and takes you to a time when the Annunaki began to intermarry with the new enhanced Adams and later to the time of a world wide flood, from which only a few survived. These Annunaki were considered gods to the Sumerians. ——————————————————————————– But who were they?

Is there a connection between the Anunnaki and the … – Quora › Is-there-a-connection-between-the-Anunnaki-and-the-Nephilim?share=1

The Anunnaki were a fully human tribe of man that grew unusually tall because of imperfect human genetics and organ functions, probably a congeal pituitary anomaly that allows for excessive growth. The Nephilim were hybrids, thus sterile, born to women from their materialized angelic partners. All Nephilim died in the global flood.

The Anunnaki in the Bible – Humans Be Free – Humans Are Free › 2017 › 08 › the-anunnaki-in-the-bible.html

According to these tablets, the Anunnaki, or Anannge, were angels. These were people that were technologically advanced and actually lived on earth around 8200 BC in the Middle East. Ninill and Enlil were at the center of the stories. Ninill was the goddess that ruled over the land, and Enlil was her husband.

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    Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

    Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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