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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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A Strange Electromagnetic LOW VIBE Mist-Fog Has Freakishly Enveloped Many Places In The Godforsaken USA And Throughout The World. What's Happening You May Ask?!? REMEMBER That Sinister Fallen Angels' Highly Advanced Low Frequency Resonance Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Generation + Transmission *Dimensional Intrusion* Demonic Netium Network TESLA System Technologies Will Be Covertly In The Powering Up-Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases, REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch. + The Cryptic Predictive Programming Illuminati Movies CLOVERFIELD PARADOX, THE MIST, DARK TOWER, KILL SWITCH, And GHOSTBUSTERS, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! The ENERGY CRISIS INVOLVES The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Powers That Be Covertly Utilizing Their *LOW VIBE* DIMENSIONAL INTRUSION + MEGA-TERRAFORMING/MEGA-GEOENGINEERING *GEOSTORM PREVENTION* TESLA Technologies To Try To Stop-Hinder-Block-Retard The Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Incoming FLOW-INFLUX Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ENERGY With Increasing UV Light Energy Radiation Being Projected From The Face Of The Gradually Amplifying SUN Of Righteousness That Will Vigorously Shake The Heavens Above And The Earth Below With Necessary Corrective Transformative Ultra-Cataclysmic Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes That Will Ultimately Supernaturally Manifest Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven On Earth During The Newly Transitioned Celestial Age Of Aquarius, REMEMBER MALACHI 3rd/4th Chs., LUKE 21st Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + 2nd PETER 3rd Ch. + The BOOK Of ENOCH + ISAIAH 60th Ch. + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. Please Let's All REPENT, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1st JOHN 1:9 +  AMOS 9th Ch., GET READY TO SUPERNATURALLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN Because SPIRITUALLY POWERED MULTIPHASE AMPLIFICATIONS Of The SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS Are IMMINENT (Which Is GOOD For Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People Known As The Chosen Elect WHEAT/Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Including Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children Who Will Be Supernaturally Suited To Be Able To Absorb The 7 Times Amplified Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ENERGY INFLUX-FLOW With 7 Times Amplified UV Light Energy Radiation, READ ISAIAH 30:26, Because All Melanin Deficient Degraded Unpure Highly Corrupted Feeble Snow White Leprous Cursed Elemental Flesh That Can't Spiritually Harmonically Resonate Will Be Supernaturally Burned Up-Dissolved-Atomized-Turned To Fine Ash Stubble That Blows Away Like Chaff In The Wind, As Foretold In Imminent Endtime Prophecies) And It Will Cause Extraordinary APOCALYPTIC *HIGH VIBE* Changes-Transformations Of Renewal-Healing Involving Spiritual GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension Throughout The Earth Above And Below As Our HEAVENLY FATHER Gloriously Fills Our Indigenous Earth-Land With HIS PURIFYING ETERNAL SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH Involving SIRIUS-ly Major AMPLIFICATIONS Of The Earth's Harmonic Resonance/Cymatic Good Vibrations In Order To Vigorously Shake Off/Burn Out All Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Non-Indigenous Snow White Leprous Cursed Highly Genetically Corrupted Fleshly Cellular Parasites Known As TARES During The Glorious Manifestation Of  Endtime Prophecies, Please REMEMBER ZECHARIAH 14th Ch. + MALACHI 4th Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + 2nd PETER 3rd Ch. + The BOOK Of ENOCH + 2nd THESSALONIANS 2:8 + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN! WAKE UP - PRAY - REPENT - WISE UP - BE RIGHTEOUSLY OBEDIENT UNTO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S HOLY WILL/LAWS/COMMANDMENTS + SHOW SACRIFICIAL CHARITABLE LOVE UNTO THE LEAST OF THESE/Our Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing Brothers And Sisters That Have Been Given The Free Gift Of HOLY SALVATION Through The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL'S First Begotten SON CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH, But We Must Focus To Be Faithfully Righteous, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. And DON'T Unwisely Live Wicked Sinful Pagan Idolatrous Vain Lifestyles Of Death Like Cursed Races Of Non-Indigenous Parasitic Heathens That Bear High Percentages (Over 50% Infection By The Ancient Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion)/EVIL SEED Rebellious DNA Instructions Like Satan's Vile Son Cain As THEY Parasitically Plague The Indigenous Earth And It's Indigenous HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Inhabitants, But Not For Much Longer. Please TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW Before It's Too Late My Precious Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Brothers And Sisters Because SOON HELL IS GOING TO WRATHFULLY COME DOWN UPON THE GODFORSAKEN USA/MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! Please Let's All REPENT, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1st JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9th Ch., GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN INVOLVING SUPERNATURAL MULTIPHASE AMPLIFICATIONS OF THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. SELAH

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A Strange Electromagnetic LOW VIBE Mist-Fog Has Freakishly Enveloped Many Places In The Godforsaken USA And Throughout The World. What’s Happening You May Ask?!? REMEMBER That Sinister Fallen Angels’ Highly Advanced Low Frequency Resonance Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Generation + Transmission *Dimensional Intrusion* Demonic Netium Network TESLA System Technologies Will Be Covertly In The Powering Up-Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases, REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch. + The Cryptic Predictive Programming Illuminati Movies CLOVERFIELD PARADOX, THE MIST, DARK TOWER, KILL SWITCH, And GHOSTBUSTERS, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! The ENERGY CRISIS INVOLVES The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Powers That Be Covertly Utilizing Their *LOW VIBE* DIMENSIONAL INTRUSION + MEGA-TERRAFORMING/MEGA-GEOENGINEERING *GEOSTORM PREVENTION* TESLA Technologies To Try To Stop-Hinder-Block-Retard The Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Incoming FLOW-INFLUX Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ENERGY With Increasing UV Light Energy Radiation Being Projected From The Face Of The Gradually Amplifying SUN Of Righteousness That Will Vigorously Shake The Heavens Above And The Earth Below With Necessary Corrective Transformative Ultra-Cataclysmic Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes That Will Ultimately Supernaturally Manifest Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven On Earth During The Newly Transitioned Celestial Age Of Aquarius, REMEMBER MALACHI 3rd/4th Chs., LUKE 21st Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + 2nd PETER 3rd Ch. + The BOOK Of ENOCH + ISAIAH 60th Ch. + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. Please Let’s All REPENT, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1st JOHN 1:9 +  AMOS 9th Ch., GET READY TO SUPERNATURALLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN Because SPIRITUALLY POWERED MULTIPHASE AMPLIFICATIONS Of The SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS Are IMMINENT (Which Is GOOD For Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People Known As The Chosen Elect WHEAT/Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Including Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children Who Will Be Supernaturally Suited To Be Able To Absorb The 7 Times Amplified Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ENERGY INFLUX-FLOW With 7 Times Amplified UV Light Energy Radiation, READ ISAIAH 30:26, Because All Melanin Deficient Degraded Unpure Highly Corrupted Feeble Snow White Leprous Cursed Elemental Flesh That Can’t Spiritually Harmonically Resonate Will Be Supernaturally Burned Up-Dissolved-Atomized-Turned To Fine Ash Stubble That Blows Away Like Chaff In The Wind, As Foretold In Imminent Endtime Prophecies) And It Will Cause Extraordinary APOCALYPTIC *HIGH VIBE* Changes-Transformations Of Renewal-Healing Involving Spiritual GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension Throughout The Earth Above And Below As Our HEAVENLY FATHER Gloriously Fills Our Indigenous Earth-Land With HIS PURIFYING ETERNAL SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH Involving SIRIUS-ly Major AMPLIFICATIONS Of The Earth’s Harmonic Resonance/Cymatic Good Vibrations In Order To Vigorously Shake Off/Burn Out All Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Non-Indigenous Snow White Leprous Cursed Highly Genetically Corrupted Fleshly Cellular Parasites Known As TARES During The Glorious Manifestation Of  Endtime Prophecies, Please REMEMBER ZECHARIAH 14th Ch. + MALACHI 4th Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + 2nd PETER 3rd Ch. + The BOOK Of ENOCH + 2nd THESSALONIANS 2:8 + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN! SELAH



By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Tue, March 22, 2022, 17:20


A Strange Electromagnetic LOW VIBE Mist-Fog Has Freakishly Enveloped Many Places In The Godforsaken USA And Throughout The World. What’s Happening You May Ask?!? REMEMBER That Sinister Fallen Angels’ Highly Advanced Low Frequency Resonance Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Generation + Transmission *Dimensional Intrusion* Demonic Netium Network TESLA System Technologies Will Be Covertly In The Powering Up-Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases, REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch. + The Cryptic Predictive Programming Illuminati Movies CLOVERFIELD PARADOX, THE MIST, DARK TOWER, KILL SWITCH, And GHOSTBUSTERS, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! The ENERGY CRISIS INVOLVES The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO Powers That Be Covertly Utilizing Their *LOW VIBE* DIMENSIONAL INTRUSION + MEGA-TERRAFORMING/MEGA-GEOENGINEERING *GEOSTORM PREVENTION* TESLA Technologies To Try To Stop-Hinder-Block-Retard The Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Incoming FLOW-INFLUX Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ENERGY With Increasing UV Light Energy Radiation Being Projected From The Face Of The Gradually Amplifying SUN Of Righteousness That Will Vigorously Shake The Heavens Above And The Earth Below With Necessary Corrective Transformative Ultra-Cataclysmic Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes That Will Ultimately Supernaturally Manifest Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Heaven On Earth During The Newly Transitioned Celestial Age Of Aquarius, REMEMBER MALACHI 3rd/4th Chs., LUKE 21st Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + 2nd PETER 3rd Ch. + The BOOK Of ENOCH + ISAIAH 60th Ch. + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. Please Let’s All REPENT, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1st JOHN 1:9 +  AMOS 9th Ch., GET READY TO SUPERNATURALLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN Because SPIRITUALLY POWERED MULTIPHASE AMPLIFICATIONS Of The SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS Are IMMINENT (Which Is GOOD For Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People Known As The Chosen Elect WHEAT/Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites Including Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children Who Will Be Supernaturally Suited To Be Able To Absorb The 7 Times Amplified Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ENERGY INFLUX-FLOW With 7 Times Amplified UV Light Energy Radiation, READ ISAIAH 30:26, Because All Melanin Deficient Degraded Unpure Highly Corrupted Feeble Snow White Leprous Cursed Elemental Flesh That Can’t Spiritually Harmonically Resonate Will Be Supernaturally Burned Up-Dissolved-Atomized-Turned To Fine Ash Stubble That Blows Away Like Chaff In The Wind, As Foretold In Imminent Endtime Prophecies) And It Will Cause Extraordinary APOCALYPTIC *HIGH VIBE* Changes-Transformations Of Renewal-Healing Involving Spiritual GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension Throughout The Earth Above And Below As Our HEAVENLY FATHER Gloriously Fills Our Indigenous Earth-Land With HIS PURIFYING ETERNAL SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH Involving SIRIUS-ly Major AMPLIFICATIONS Of The Earth’s Harmonic Resonance/Cymatic Good Vibrations In Order To Vigorously Shake Off/Burn Out All Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Non-Indigenous Snow White Leprous Cursed Highly Genetically Corrupted Fleshly Cellular Parasites Known As TARES During The Glorious Manifestation Of  Endtime Prophecies, Please REMEMBER ZECHARIAH 14th Ch. + MALACHI 4th Ch. + ISAIAH 30:26 + 2nd PETER 3rd Ch. + The BOOK Of ENOCH + 2nd THESSALONIANS 2:8 + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN! WAKE UP – PRAY – REPENT – WISE UP – BE RIGHTEOUSLY OBEDIENT UNTO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER’S HOLY WILL/LAWS/COMMANDMENTS + SHOW SACRIFICIAL CHARITABLE LOVE UNTO THE LEAST OF THESE/Our Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing Brothers And Sisters That Have Been Given The Free Gift Of HOLY SALVATION Through The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL’S First Begotten SON CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH, But We Must Focus To Be Faithfully Righteous, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. And DON’T Unwisely Live Wicked Sinful Pagan Idolatrous Vain Lifestyles Of Death Like Cursed Races Of Non-Indigenous Parasitic Heathens That Bear High Percentages (Over 50% Infection By The Ancient Satanic Thorn DNA Virus Of Rebellion)/EVIL SEED Rebellious DNA Instructions Like Satan’s Vile Son Cain As THEY Parasitically Plague The Indigenous Earth And It’s Indigenous HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Inhabitants, But Not For Much Longer. Please TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW Before It’s Too Late My Precious Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Brothers And Sisters Because SOON HELL IS GOING TO WRATHFULLY COME DOWN UPON THE GODFORSAKEN USA/MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! Please Let’s All REPENT, REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11th Ch. + HOSEA 2:16 + JOHN 3:16 + 1st JOHN 1:9 + AMOS 9th Ch., GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN INVOLVING SUPERNATURAL MULTIPHASE AMPLIFICATIONS OF THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. SELAH

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