BLACK SUNDAY - MANIC MONDAY - GODFORSAKEN ZOMBIE NATION Will Be Briefly Televized As The SUN Suddenly Amps Up Overhead Including Supernovas, Thus THEY Will Ramp Up The Power To Their LOW VIBE Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation TESLA Technologies To Try To Fight Against The *HIGH VIBE* Incoming INFLUX-FLOW Of HEAVENLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY!: Please Be Aware That SO-FI Stadium Has Giant Visual Model Of An Internally Constructed Graphene Hydroxide Nanotechnology Head Band That's Now Surrounding Most Peoples Vulnerable Brains Who Have Been Satanically Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused-Tested Repeatedly With Purposely Tainted Tests That Are Cunningly Designed To Cross The Blood Brain Barrier Through The Thin Membrane That's Present In Your Upper Nasal Cavity Which The Sinister Fallen Angels' Nanoparticles-Nanotechnologies Can Pass Through To Begin The Construction Process Around You Infected Brain Which Can Be Easily Controlled Via Weaponized 5G+ Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Signals (REMEMBER The Covert Activation Of The DEMONIC Zombie Rage Apocalypse Weaponized Flu-Ebola-Rabies-Neurotoxins Cocktail Retroviral NWO PLANDEMIC, Because Millions Of People's Vulnerable Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies-Brains-Cells Have Already Been infiltrated-Compromised-Infected By Satan's Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vibratory Carbonic Liquid Crystalline Graphene Hydroxide Negative Cellular Immunotherapy Nanotechnologies Covertly Put Into The Deadly Mutative Vaxxes-Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions-Tainted Tests-Tainted Masks Of The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be, Who Desperately Want To Have Perpetual Total Control Over You All Because THEY Know That We (Involving Primarily Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing People Of HOLY SALVATION With HOLY REDEMPTION Of CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH) Are Gradually Undergoing An Unavoidable Spiritual Awakening At The DNA/Genetic Levels Due To The Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Incoming Steadily Increasing INFLUX-FLOW Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ENERGY With Gradually Increasing UV Light Energy Radiation Which Is About To AMPLIFY To First Suddenly Unleash Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating X-RAY Radiation Energy SHOCKWAVES Followed About 2 Weeks Later By More Extraordinarily Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating GAMMA-RAY Radiation Energy SHOCKWAVES (The First Major Phase Of Solar Amplification Occurring From The First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth's First Main Energy Vortex Opening Through The Fifth Seal/5th Chakrah/The Earth's Fifth Main Energy Vortex Opening With The Opening Of Our Mind's EYE*HEART Including Increased SPIRITUAL POWER FLOW) That Will Have Enough Harmonic Vibratory Resonance Soundwave Energy Radiation To TRIGGER-JUMPSTART-INDUCE Our Currently Dormant 12 Strand SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing ROOT DNA Trees To Metaphysically ACTIVATE Within Our Plasma Energy Field Shielded Bone Marrow (REMEMBER As The Holy Prophet Jeremiah Said "FIRE IS SHUT UP WITHIN MY BONES" + The Book Of 2nd Esdras Apocrypha Texts Tells Us Briefly About The 12 Manners Of SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ROOT TREES Within Us Which Will Be Supernaturally Infused With The GIFT Of ETERNAL LIFE SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing DNA TREE That's Also Spoken Of In HOSEA 6th Ch. That Responds To Incoming HEAVENLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY SOUNDWAVES In Order To Faciliated Our Necessary Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Spiritial Rebirth-First Resurrection-Glorification-Holy Ascension Process) And Start Flowing Throughout Our Blood With Metaphysical Infusions Into Our Temporarily Feeble Degraded Breached Low Powered Fallen Flesh Cells That Need This Supernatural Healing So That We Can Metaphysically Transform While We Undergo Our Holy GENE-SIS Ascension Process Leading To Us Manifesting Our Glorified Indestructible Celestial LIGHT-SPIRIT-BODY Forms Of PURE LOVE, Thus Ultimately Having Complete ETERNAL UNITY With Our HEAVENLY FATHER - The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL, REMEMBER Luke 21st Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Revelation 12th Ch. + Matthew 24:27-36 + Hosea 6th Ch. + 2nd Peter 1:19-21 + Isaiah 30:26 + Psalms 82:6 + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of ENOCH, AHMAN. But The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Don't Want Us To Undergo These Supernatural Transformations Which THEY Are Trying Hard To Stop-Block-Hinder-Retard By Many Means Especially The Vaxxes And Low Frequency Resonance Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation TESLA Technologies, But We Faithful Few That Stay Strong For The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Will Still Spiritually Awaken Righteously Without Fail, But That Doesn't Mean Satan, Fallen Angels, Demons, And His Wicked Fleshly Cronies Won't Try To Go Through With Their Vile Plans For A Worldwide Takeover Of Our Indigenous Earth And Its Indigenous Inhabitants That Have Been Supernaturally Gifted By Our HEAVENLY FATHER With *GENE-SIS* EUGENES/GOOD Genes Of The The Holy Crossing Of HEAVEN And Earth Which Can Be Spiritually Infused-Inscripted-Imprinted-Filled Up With HIS ETERNAL HOLY LIVING WORD Of LOVE-TRUTH, Please REMEMBER Saint Luke 17th Ch. Because It's All About What's Inside Of Us Which Will Definitely Come Forth That The Evil Ones Greatly Fear! So Very Soon You All Are About To Witness The Most Massive Widespread *FLIP OF THE SWITCH* DIRECT CONTROLLED INDUCTIVELY TRIGGERED WEAPONIZED MICROWAVE CONTROLLED MIND CONTROL EVENT In Modern Day History, REMEMBER Horrific Nightmarish *LARGE SCALE DEMONIC RAGE* Involving Negative Fallen Angel Signals Being Covertly Inputed Directly Into Satanically Vaxxed Peoples' Already Infected Controllable Feeble Brains Via The High-Tech *SO-FI* Vibratory Carbonic Graphene Hydroxide Internal Headband + Bluetooth Jawbone Nanotechnologies Which Many Sleepy SHEEPLE Are Totally Unaware Of To Their Own Horrific Nightmarish Demises. Also PREPARE NOW For A Horrific Nightmarish Weekend Of Major Troubles....Port Cities Under Attack...LA Los Angeles Is Burnt Toast...Seattle Washington Suffers A Severe Disaster Then Major Troubles On The East Coast As NY City Takes An Extreme *SUPER BLOW* With Washington D.C. Experiencing Severe Strikes, REMEMBER There Are 4 Tyres (Oh Theres One More, The North Carolina Port) On The Archaic Gas Guzzling US EAGLE Government Jalopy That's Quickly Running Out Of Fuel, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! SELAH
BLACK SUNDAY – MANIC MONDAY – GODFORSAKEN ZOMBIE NATION Will Be Briefly Televized As The SUN Suddenly Amps Up Overhead Including Supernovas, Thus THEY Will Ramp Up The Power To Their LOW VIBE Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation TESLA Technologies To Try To Fight Against The *HIGH VIBE* Incoming INFLUX-FLOW Of HEAVENLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY!: Please Be Aware That SO-FI Stadium Has Giant Visual Model Of An Internally Constructed Graphene Hydroxide Nanotechnology Head Band That’s Now Surrounding Most Peoples Vulnerable Brains Who Have Been Satanically Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused-Tested Repeatedly With Purposely Tainted Tests That Are Cunningly Designed To Cross The Blood Brain Barrier Through The Thin Membrane That’s Present In Your Upper Nasal Cavity Which The Sinister Fallen Angels’ Nanoparticles-Nanotechnologies Can Pass Through To Begin The Construction Process Around You Infected Brain Which Can Be Easily Controlled Via Weaponized 5G+ Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Signals (REMEMBER The Covert Activation Of The DEMONIC Zombie Rage Apocalypse Weaponized Flu-Ebola-Rabies-Neurotoxins Cocktail Retroviral NWO PLANDEMIC, Because Millions Of People’s Vulnerable Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies-Brains-Cells Have Already Been infiltrated-Compromised-Infected By Satan’s Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vibratory Carbonic Liquid Crystalline Graphene Hydroxide Negative Cellular Immunotherapy Nanotechnologies Covertly Put Into The Deadly Mutative Vaxxes-Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions-Tainted Tests-Tainted Masks Of The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be, Who Desperately Want To Have Perpetual Total Control Over You All Because THEY Know That We (Involving Primarily Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing People Of HOLY SALVATION With HOLY REDEMPTION Of CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH) Are Gradually Undergoing An Unavoidable Spiritual Awakening At The DNA/Genetic Levels Due To The Supernaturally Controlled Unstoppable Incoming Steadily Increasing INFLUX-FLOW Of Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ENERGY With Gradually Increasing UV Light Energy Radiation Which Is About To AMPLIFY To First Suddenly Unleash Ultra-Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating X-RAY Radiation Energy SHOCKWAVES Followed About 2 Weeks Later By More Extraordinarily Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating GAMMA-RAY Radiation Energy SHOCKWAVES (The First Major Phase Of Solar Amplification Occurring From The First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth’s First Main Energy Vortex Opening Through The Fifth Seal/5th Chakrah/The Earth’s Fifth Main Energy Vortex Opening With The Opening Of Our Mind’s EYE*HEART Including Increased SPIRITUAL POWER FLOW) That Will Have Enough Harmonic Vibratory Resonance Soundwave Energy Radiation To TRIGGER-JUMPSTART-INDUCE Our Currently Dormant 12 Strand SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing ROOT DNA Trees To Metaphysically ACTIVATE Within Our Plasma Energy Field Shielded Bone Marrow (REMEMBER As The Holy Prophet Jeremiah Said “FIRE IS SHUT UP WITHIN MY BONES” + The Book Of 2nd Esdras Apocrypha Texts Tells Us Briefly About The 12 Manners Of SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing ROOT TREES Within Us Which Will Be Supernaturally Infused With The GIFT Of ETERNAL LIFE SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing DNA TREE That’s Also Spoken Of In HOSEA 6th Ch. That Responds To Incoming HEAVENLY SPIRITUAL ENERGY SOUNDWAVES In Order To Faciliated Our Necessary Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Spiritial Rebirth-First Resurrection-Glorification-Holy Ascension Process) And Start Flowing Throughout Our Blood With Metaphysical Infusions Into Our Temporarily Feeble Degraded Breached Low Powered Fallen Flesh Cells That Need This Supernatural Healing So That We Can Metaphysically Transform While We Undergo Our Holy GENE-SIS Ascension Process Leading To Us Manifesting Our Glorified Indestructible Celestial LIGHT-SPIRIT-BODY Forms Of PURE LOVE, Thus Ultimately Having Complete ETERNAL UNITY With Our HEAVENLY FATHER – The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL, REMEMBER Luke 21st Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Revelation 12th Ch. + Matthew 24:27-36 + Hosea 6th Ch. + 2nd Peter 1:19-21 + Isaiah 30:26 + Psalms 82:6 + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of ENOCH, AHMAN. But The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Don’t Want Us To Undergo These Supernatural Transformations Which THEY Are Trying Hard To Stop-Block-Hinder-Retard By Many Means Especially The Vaxxes And Low Frequency Resonance Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation TESLA Technologies, But We Faithful Few That Stay Strong For The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Will Still Spiritually Awaken Righteously Without Fail, But That Doesn’t Mean Satan, Fallen Angels, Demons, And His Wicked Fleshly Cronies Won’t Try To Go Through With Their Vile Plans For A Worldwide Takeover Of Our Indigenous Earth And Its Indigenous Inhabitants That Have Been Supernaturally Gifted By Our HEAVENLY FATHER With *GENE-SIS* EUGENES/GOOD Genes Of The The Holy Crossing Of HEAVEN And Earth Which Can Be Spiritually Infused-Inscripted-Imprinted-Filled Up With HIS ETERNAL HOLY LIVING WORD Of LOVE-TRUTH, Please REMEMBER Saint Luke 17th Ch. Because It’s All About What’s Inside Of Us Which Will Definitely Come Forth That The Evil Ones Greatly Fear! So Very Soon You All Are About To Witness The Most Massive Widespread *FLIP OF THE SWITCH* DIRECT CONTROLLED INDUCTIVELY TRIGGERED WEAPONIZED MICROWAVE CONTROLLED MIND CONTROL EVENT In Modern Day History, REMEMBER Horrific Nightmarish *LARGE SCALE DEMONIC RAGE* Involving Negative Fallen Angel Signals Being Covertly Inputed Directly Into Satanically Vaxxed Peoples’ Already Infected Controllable Feeble Brains Via The High-Tech *SO-FI* Vibratory Carbonic Graphene Hydroxide Internal Headband + Bluetooth Jawbone Nanotechnologies Which Many Sleepy SHEEPLE Are Totally Unaware Of To Their Own Horrific Nightmarish Demises. Also PREPARE NOW For A Horrific Nightmarish Weekend Of Major Troubles….Port Cities Under Attack…LA Los Angeles Is Burnt Toast…Seattle Washington Suffers A Severe Disaster Then Major Troubles On The East Coast As NY City Takes An Extreme *SUPER BLOW* With Washington D.C. Experiencing Severe Strikes, REMEMBER There Are 4 Tyres (Oh Theres One More, The North Carolina Port) On The Archaic Gas Guzzling US EAGLE Government Jalopy That’s Quickly Running Out Of Fuel, BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING! SELAH
Super Bowl LVI: The 1,000-ton Samsung screen bringing the … › 2022 › 02 › 11 › sport › super-bowl-lvi-samsung-infinity-screen-sofi-stadium-tech-spc-intl › index.html
TodaySoFi Stadium photographed on February 8, 2022 ahead of Super Bowl LVI. With 70,000 square feet of ultra-high-definition screen totaling 80 million pixels on its inside and outside surfaces, fans …
The 1,000-ton screen bringing Super Bowl LVI to the lucky … › en-us › news › technology › the-1-000-ton-screen-bringing-super-bowl-lvi-to-the-lucky-fans-inside-sofi-stadium › ar-AATJ8uz
The screen is a key feature inside SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, a massive, reportedly $5 billion facility shared by two NFL teams — one of which happens to be playing in this weekend’s…
SoFi Stadium and Samsung Reveal New Name for 70,000 Square … › sofi-stadium-and-samsung-reveal-new-name-for-70000-square-foot-videoboard-the-infinity-screen-by-samsung
The Infinity Screen creates an absolutely stunning presence inside SoFiStadium,” said Jason Gannon, managing director, SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park. “It is powered by the largest graphics control system in the history of sports and is already synonymous with the next-level fan experience at SoFi Stadium.”
Plan Your Visit – SoFi Stadium › planyourvisit
Plan Your Visit. SoFi Stadium COVID-19 Safety Protocols: In accordance with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health order (effective October 7, 2021) all individuals 12 and older must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have proof of a negative COVID-19 test conducted within 72 hours before event start time, along with a photo ID …
SoFi Stadium and the Super Bowl: 6 cool features of the … › travel › article › sofi-stadium-super-bowl-cec › index.html
Like the Super Bowl itself, the new SoFi Stadium is full of superlatives. It’s got a six-acre lake and an enormous videoboard hovering over the field. Find out what else makes it unique.
Home – SoFi Stadium
SoFi Stadium is an unparalleled sports and entertainment destination built in Inglewood, CA, by Los Angeles Rams Owner/Chairman E. Stanley Kroenke. The first indoor-outdoor stadium to be constructed, SoFi Stadium is the home of the Los Angeles Chargers and the Los Angeles Rams. The state-of-the-artstadium will host a variety of events year round including Super Bowl LVI in 2022, the College …
Agenda 2030 (aka New World Order) Decrypted – Humans Are Free › 2016 › 04 › agenda-2030-aka-new-world-order-decrypted.html
The United Nations released Agenda 2030, or what it’s calling a “new universal agenda” for Ryan CristianMany are calling this the first public declaration of the long feared “New World Order” or the beginnings of a totalitarian one world government.Whether or not one believes in the so-called…
How Mass Media Shapes and Molds Society | The Vigilant Citizen › vigilantreport › mind-control-theories-and-techniques-used-by-mass-media
- Steve Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States. It defines the norm and excludes the undesirable. The same way carriage horses wear blinders so they can only see what is Systematic desensitization is a method used to dissolve anxiety so the patient (public) is no longer troubled by a…
Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control – The Evolution of… › sociopolitica › esp_sociopol_mindcon02.htm
Hammond alluded to the Nazi connection, military and CIA mind controlresearch, Greek letter and color programming and Mark Phillips, a former electronics subcontractor for the Department of Defense, was privy to some of the top secret mind control activities…
10 Best Bone Conduction Headphones [2022] – Headphonesty › 2019 › 04 › best-bone-conduction-headphones
The entire process might sound more sci-fi than reality, but this technology has been around for over a decade. Bone conduction headphones (or bone phones) are widely used by individuals suffering from hearing loss, avid urban sports enthusiasts, and even by the military as an essential form of communication.
Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine: The New… — › article › 453851-Depopulation-and-the-mRNA-Vaccine-The-New-York-Times-predicts-massive-population-reduction-but-clearly-leaves-some-things-out
Isn’t this precisely what the Gates-Rockefellers-Kissinger et al clan has inmind? Is that why the mRNA-type injections – CDC’s emergency approval as “gene-therapy” – include anti-fertility and sterilization components? planting thoughts into the human’s head -e.g…
Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls… › science › neurophilosophy › 2016 › mar › 24 › magneto-remotely-controls-brain-and-behaviour
Mar 24, 2016Researchers in the United States have developed a new method for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviours, using genetic engineering to create a magnetised protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance.
Nanotechnology – Coronavirus – BioWeapon… – Stop 5G › us › nanotechnology-coronavirus-bioweapon-activation-by-5g-physical-genocide-misused-a-i
Nano-particles can be activated by 5G microwaves in the human body, so someone can influence them, control them, change our information field, quantum field or our DNA This is so call “Neural Mesh” or NanoCore network. All data are collected and algorithms
5g Telepathy Synthetic [YTJ2P9] › Synthetic_Telepathy_5g.html
First look into remote viewing, MK Ultra, synthetic telepathy, mind control, etc, etc. Synthetic Telepathy is the biosensor technology paired with Voice to Skull technology being used by psychopathic criminal humans and nonhumans to assault, threaten and take control of Targeted Individuals.
Control Towers 5g Mind [SUOXB8] › 5g_Towers_Mind_Control.html
The control grid is an interesting thing. That observation alone should give one pause, because F. 5g Towers Mind Control Well officially I suppose it could be considered “primitive” mind control but saying its complete controlor anything at that level is a joke. (Covid 19 Is A Name That is Given To The Pandemic Hoax!) There is No Pandemic.
Towers Mind Control 5g [8QRNX0] › 5g_Towers_Mind_Control.html
2002 – US20030171688A1 - Mind controller – The mind controller can induce a user’s brain waves into an alpha wave state or a theta wave state by sensing and analyzing human brain waves and then transmitting a mind control audio message suitable for the analyzed human brain waves to the user.
Mind Control Patent 5g [JZDLT0] › 5g_Mind_Control_Patent.html
The first Mind Control ability you get allows you to lower their willpower. AMD Patent Reveals Hybrid CPU-FPGA First AMD Ryzen. Implants and mind controltechnology are not simply the creation of paranoid conspiracy theorists, nor are they the stuff of science fiction based on imagination. Mind Control or Death KL-03 US Patent #8650327 is a …
Telepathy 5g Synthetic [9LSN2C] › Synthetic_Telepathy_5g.html
About Synthetic Telepathy 5g . According to the 20th century Neuroscientist Dr. Right out of the military, here are some samples of names that the same single weapons system 5G will be using has been listed under: Psi weapons, non-lethal weapons, cognitive modeling influencers, synthetic telepathy, directed energy weapons, EEG cloning, neural telemetry, biotelemetry, EEG heterodyning …
5g Patent Weapon [DOG4VA] › 5g_Weapon_Patent.html
5G causes COVID-19 symptoms (radiation sickness), seismic activity, the Hum sound, and the so-called waves August 21, 2021 During the 111th program of La Quinta Columna , Dr. Posted on April 15, 2021 by State of the NationNanotechnology Weaponized to Deliver Viruses. The Government Is Serious About Creating Mind-Controlled Weapons.
Weapon Patent 5g [B0S549] › 5g_Weapon_Patent.html
For the deeper background to 5G, read my 2017 article 5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast. The patent application was filed by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, headed by Bill Gates, back on 20 June 2019, and, on 22 April 2020, the patent was granted international status.
Weapon Patent 5g [UIPFR4] › 5g_Weapon_Patent.html
COVID injections plus a 5G network is an electronic control grid for humans. “All of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are bioweapons. For fifty-one years, I have been a victim of CIA, NSA, MI5, BND, & Illuminati mind control–a targeted individual who fights V2K, PROJECT MONARCH, & MK-ULTRA.
Mind Control by Cell Phone – Scientific American › article › mind-control-by-cell
Hospitals and airplanes ban the use of cell phones, because their electromagnetic transmissions can interfere with sensitive electrical devices. Could the brain also fall into that category? › news › muse-brainwave-reading-headband-mind-control-for-all
It never worked, but technology is getting us a little closer to the mind controldream. The Muse brainwave-sensing headband from Interaxon is a step in the right direction. The Muse uses two sensors on the forehead and two behind the ears.
PDF The vaccine death report › downloads › en › vaccines › vaccinereport.pdf
Ultimate mind control. Chilean president unveals diabolical plan. Is it so they can continually increase the presence of graphene oxide and othernanotechnology inside of We can all upload this PDF to an online printing service and have thousands of copies made, that we…
Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and… › science › neurophilosophy › 2016 › mar › 24 › magneto-remotely-controls-brain-and-behaviour
Mar 24, 2016Researchers in the United States have developed a new method for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviours, using genetic engineering to create a magnetised protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance. Understanding how the brain generates…
Mind Control Headband | Ben 10 Wiki | Fandom › wiki › Mind_Control_Headband
Cobra Kai Season 4 – The Loop. Do you like this video? Play Sound. MindControl Headbands are devices that appeared in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. MindControl Headbands are used to control minds › 2019 › 04 › best-bone-conduction-headphones
The entire process might sound more sci-fi than reality, but this technology has been around for over a decade. Bone conduction headphones (or bone phones) are widely used by individuals suffering from hearing loss, avid urban sports enthusiasts, and even by the military as an essential form of communication.
Rouge The Lab Rat: a mind control device – Writing.Com › main › interactive-story › item_id › 1555051-Rouge-The-Lab-Rat › map › 152
Rouge put the head band on. It was a little difficult because of her ears. Tails then picked up what looked like a Xbox controller with a antenna, and mini microphone. In fact, that’s exactly what it was. Tails had just modified it tocontrol this invention. He pressed a button on the controller and the lights on the head band glowed.
The Mind Has No Firewall (US Army War College 1998 … › 2009 › 12 › 02 › the-mind-has-no-firewall-us-army-war-college-1998
From Parameters [US Army War College] , Spring 1998, pp. 84-92. “It is completely clear that the state which is first to create such weapons will achieve incomparable superiority.” — Major I. Chernishev, Russian army[1] The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical…
NeoRhythm – Breakthrough in Brain Science | Indiegogo › projects › neorhythm-breakthrough-in-brain-science
Sleep better, de-stress and boost energy with this next-generation gesture-controlled | Check out ‘NeoRhythm – Breakthrough in Brain Science’ on Indiegogo
MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes… › watch?v=09maaUaRT4M
How a Global Community is Mind Controlled
matrix mind control 5g [LBFSN1] – › 5g_mind_control_matrix.html
Black Child / Matrix (Productions) 5G Grid 9-11 Truth A Call For An Uprising Mary40 Michael Jackson Military Mind Control Missing Books of the Bible MJ May 26, 2018 · The psychiatric Matrix: what you need to know by Jon Rappoport May 21, 2018 First of all, as I reported some months ago, 25% of college students in America have received a …
9 Films and TV Shows Inspired by MK-Ultra – Inverse › article › 18521-stranger-things-inspired-by-mk-ultra-the-manchurian-candidate-x-files
Mind control, brainwashing and coerced drug testing are among the favorite topics for thrillers and science-fiction films. As such, one of the most infamous IRL attempts to get a handle on the …
Ranma mind control: Akane learns hypnosis – Writing.Com › main › interactive-story › item_id › 1928067-Ranma-mind-control › map › 1153312
Take control of someone’s mind? I suppose i have a few but i dunno what you wanna use them for. I have a special headband than can clear someone of free will, as well as a few necklaces with the same effect and a collar that can make someone think they are any animal you choose BUT they are 70 thousand yen a piece.”
New Japanese Mind Control Tech for Gundam Robot | IE › japanese-scientists-create-mind-control-tech-for-gundam-robotñMind-controlled mecha. In order to control the Gundam robot toy via brain activity, the NeU team built a headband-like device that syncs with the robot. The researchers programmed their device to send brain activity data to the Zeionic Technica app, which…
Vaccines Deliver Graphene Oxide Nanotubes for 5G Mind Control › 2021 › 06 › 22 › vaccines-deliver-graphene-oxide-nanotubes-for-5g-mind-control
Vaccines Deliver Graphene Oxide Nanotubes for 5G Mind Control Tap News / Weaver June 21, 2021 Spanish researchers say that graphene oxide nanoparticles found in covid vaccines are compatible with neurons and other brain cells. Nanotubes of grapheneoxide search and become attached to synapses. by “A Marcher” (from Spain) ( Building on last week’s findings,…
nanotechnology | Brain-Computer (World CACH) › tag › nanotechnology
RNM works remotely to control the brain in order to read and detect any criminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possible perpetrator. Research studies have shown that the human brain thinks at a rate of about 5000 bits per second and does not have the capacity to compete with supercomputers performing via satellites, implants and …
5 Targeted Individuals Expose Shocking Electronic … › 2019 › 11 › 5-targeted-individuals-expose-shocking-electronic-harassment-and-torture
Another obvious example of the mind control-mass shooting connection is Aaron Alexis (who did the Washington Navy Yard shooting in September 2013). He also claimed that he was hearing voices in his head. You can read more about the link between mind control and mass shootings in a previous article here. Buy Book The Silva Mind Control Method
29 Mind-Bending Sci-Fi Movies That Will Make You Go “Huh … › content › 29-mind-bending-sci-fi-movies-that-will-make-you-go-huh-11721
A thief uses the device to enter people’s minds, when awake, and distract them with their own dreams and those of others. Chaos ensues. The trio – Chiba, Tokita, and Shima – assisted by a police inspector and by a sprite named Paprika must try to identify the thief as they ward off the thief’s attacks on their own psyches.
A Federal Vision for Future Computing: A Nanotechnology …
Scalar Waves – WHAT CAN SCALAR WEAPONS DO Tesla Shields can Clean Up and Sterilize any Gamma Radiation These concentric Tesla shields can also clean up and sterilize any gamma radiation resulting from an explosion of a nuclear warhead. (XMTR – Whittaker/Ziolkowski Transmitter Arrays – 8 to 20 harmonic wave pairs each). Shield Formed by Two or More Transmitters Sending Widened Scalar Beams
Secretly forced RFID chips brain implants – Global truth › secretly-forced-brain-implants.html
The electronic torture and attempted mind control did not stop at the border. After my return to the U. S., the terrorism continued. Based on advice that I found in various sources, I experimented with several methods of nullifying the effects of the electronic torture and attempted mind control. I encased myhead with aluminum foil while I slept.
Deeper Insights 6: THE USE OF ELECTRONICS & ELECTRICITY › sociopolitica › mindcontrol2 › part06.htm
Besides the mind-control aspect of things, the World Order set things up so that APTI has the patent (#4,686,605, Method & Apparatus for Altering a Region in the -Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere) for the HAARP project, so they are a natural shoe-in for the project.
GitHub – sindresorhus/awesome-scifi: Sci-Fi worth consuming › sindresorhus › awesome-scifi
Molecular nanotechnology runs rampant, replicating and reprogramming at will. Contact with extraterrestrial life grows more imminent with each new day.
I am being brutally tormented telepathically and others … › I-am-being-brutally-tormented-telepathically-and-others-hear-what-s-being-done-to-me-Are-these-really-actual-people-My-life-is-alarmingly-at-risk-and-I-don-t-know-what-to-do?share=1
Roughly 12 to 20% of the world’s seven plus billion population— roughly 840 million to about 1.5 billion people— have psychic abilities; low-level telepathy tends to run in psychic families. But how many functional telepaths there are in the world is anybody’s guess. Possibly as many as 45 million but no way to know for sure. Could be more.
The Fitness Device Revolution: From Wearable Fitness … › news › breaking-news › future-of-health › wireless-medicine
These devices use electricity-sensing leads to track the brain waves that might help calm you. Muse is a $299 headband full of sensors that works over Bluetooth with an app called Calm. It provides…
Nano- Bio- Textile Sensors with Mobile Wireless Platform … › article › 10.1149 › 2.012402jes
(2014 – present)Acta Phys. Sin. (Overseas Edn) (1992 – 1999)Adv. Nat. Sci: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. (2010 – present)Appl. Phys. Express (2008 – present)Biofabrication (2009 – present)Bioinspir. Biomim. (2006 – present)Biomed. Mater. (2006 – present)Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express (2015 – present)Br. J. Appl. Phys. (1950 – 1967)Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys.
How would Alchemy and Sorcery fit in a sci-fi universe … › r › scifiwriting › comments › hhruwk › how_would_alchemy_and_sorcery_fit_in_a_scifi
Even advanced Drexlerian nanotechnology isn’t up to the task, as it ultimately deals with the manipulation of atoms, not subatomic particles. Equivalent atomic technology, if possible, would function on principles that humans haven’t come up with yet. Hex may be the scientific knowledge that allows for these seemingly magical godlike powers.
NSA Nanobot Attacks on US Civilians-Pain generators, body … › forums › threads › nsa-nanobot-attacks-on-us-civilians-pain-generators-body-control-feeling-influencing.6625
they set up pain generators in the bone cortex around your body (base of thumb, acetabulum, medial malleolus), two shaking generators are located over the base of the skull which increase shaking positional sense, they also use nanobots to vibrate to simulate allergies, anxiety, fear, implant disturbing thoughts, stimulate problems in the …
List of Mind Control Symptoms (Mind Justice : Cheryl Welsh … › 2010 › 06 › 18 › list-of-mind-control-symptoms-mind-justice-cheryl-welsh-2003
NASA abstract in part stated, “A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwave.
Gamer (2009) – Gamer (2009) – User Reviews – IMDb › title › tt1034032 › reviews
Castle has developed a unique method of mind control involvingnanotechnology so that the players can live through their avatars. When the avatars are in the game, the players jack into their cortex and rule them. After the game concludes, the avatars are allowed to resume their normal lives.
Optogenetics – Li-Fi – Light Fidelity – Dangers of 5G LED … › us › optogenetics-li-fi-light-fidelity-dangers-of-5g-led-street-light-phototoxicity-smart-light
Optogenetics can Control Neurons in your Brain – Internet of Things and LED Bulb – Smart LED Bulb & Smart Street Lights can affect your Brain – Li-Fi - Light Fidelity – Industry always talks about Speed and ignores Biological Effects – Effects of Electric Light on our Circadian Rhythms – LED Devices emit 5 times more Toxic Light …
The Lilly Wave and psychotronic warfare … › r › TargetedEnergyWeapons › comments › 58zh91 › the_lilly_wave_and_psychotronic_warfare
In this paper, we focus on the nano-electromagnetic communication. It is based on the transmission and reception of radio frequency electromagnetic waves in the Terahertz band using nanomaterial-based antennas, in particular graphene-based antennas, and nano transceivers [4]. 6 9 comments share save hide report 5 Posted by Moderator 5 days ago Mind Masters: Awakening: 9798687709217 … › Mind-Masters-Awakening-Bridget-McQueen › dp › B08JLQLVMM
Paperback. $10.98 2 New from $10.98. Enhance your purchase. In a thrilling, science fiction novel, “Mind Masters” takes you to a world where no one can lie, not even to themselves. Your thoughts are no longer yours; your mind, no longer your private refuge. A world where radical scientists release viralnanotechnology that causes telepathy.
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Ultra Electronics Debuts the World’s First Mind-Controlled … › ultra-electronics-mind-controlled-drone
British defense company Ultra Electronics debuted the world’s first commercial mind-controlled drone prototype at a security expo in Malvern, England. Put simply, this system enables a person connected to a computer tocontrol the drone’s movements through their thought. How so? All the need to do is focus their gaze on specific circles on the computer screen for navigation. Read more for a …
“Mind controlled gadgets” | The UK’s Leading Brain … › tag › mind-controlled-gadgets
A non-invasive brain-computer interface (BCI) that allows humans to use thought to control the flight of a virtual helicopter in 3-D in real time, has been developed by researchers at the University of Minnesota Department of Biomedical Engineering. The researchers trained test subjects to control the flight of the virtual helicopters using EEG electrical signals from the scalp and decoding …
Are we close to making human ‘mind control’ a reality … › news › business-23994649
Technology firm Interaxon is marketing a “brain sensing headband” that it hopes will allow people to control devices with their minds. It is already widely used to help those with physical…
MindFlex Teardown | Hackaday › 2009 › 11 › 07 › mindflex-teardown
Similar to Uncle Milton’s Force Trainer, Mattel has recently released the MindFlex, a game that involves moving a plastic ball up and down through an obstacle course that you control using your…
EMF Shielding Garments and Clothing › personal.html
RF Shielding for Your Mind. Stretchy anti-radiation Silver-coated nylon skull cap with ear flaps is lightweight and breathes nicely. Comfortable enough to wear year-round while sleeping, thin enough to be worn under a conventional hat or all on its own. Stretchy, so it conforms to your head. Microwave Shielding Effect: >35dB at 1-10 GHz
List of Mind Control Symptoms (Mind Justice : Cheryl Welsh … › 2010 › 06 › 18 › list-of-mind-control-symptoms-mind-justice-cheryl-welsh-2003
List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the related technology by Cheryl Welsh, March, 2003 Thank you to those who sent me much of this information: Tessa Puglia, Harlan Girard, Margo Cherney, and John Ginter.Mind Justice Home Page Symptoms *…
ne Star Consulting, Inc. EMF/Microwave/RF Signal Jamming … › signal-jamming-emf.htm
We cannot include any mind control / body control electronics (as policy, we can only provide mind control and electronic attack detection devices and countermeasures) with The Ultimo “Montauk Chair,” but it does include itsmind control electronic function diagrams (no mind control circuit diagrams), and its transducers (eg: embedded coils …
Hack Your Mind: Use Biofeedback to Increase Resilience … › character › behavior › hack-your-mind-like-a-twenty-first-century-soldier-using-biofeedback-to-become-more-resilient
Hack Your Mind Like a Twenty-First-Century Soldier: Using Biofeedback to Become More Resilient. Two important skills for any man, and especially any would-be sheepdog are 1) managing stress 2) and remaining resilient in the face of extreme adversity. In our post about managing stress arousal for optimal performance, we broke down what happens …
Brain-Computer Interface – TV Tropes › pmwiki › pmwiki.php › Main › BrainComputerInterface
There’s also the mental images used to control the biological implants and drug glands. An ex-military space pilot in Katherine Kerr’s Polar City Blues has a (sealed over) port in her head from interfacing with the ships she flew. Michael Scott’s Gemini Game features the standard “big plug on the back of the neck” and headband-based videogame …
The remote control helicopter you can control with your mind › sciencetech › article-2234104 › The-remote-control-helicopter-control-mind.html
The £180 thought controlled helicopter that could help you stay calm. Specialheadband monitors brainwaves, and can trigger commands when certain states are met – such as the user being relaxed
Project MKUltra – Wikipedia › wiki › Project_MKUltra
Project MKUltra (or MK-Ultra) was the code name of an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The experiments were intended to develop procedures and identify drugs such as LSD that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.
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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.
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