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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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REMEMBER The Wilderness Faith Building Experiences In Other Dimensions * Going Through Doorways - Portals - Gateways - StarGates - JumpGates - Windows - Wormholes, Please Be Aware That Teleportation And Space*Time Travel Is Definitely Real Through Powerful SPIRITUAL Means And Via Less Powerful Evil Technological Means, Please REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch., AHMAN: From The Sinai Desert To The Sonoran Desert Wandering For 40 Years Not Being Able To Journey Out Until They Became Faithfully Righteous After Being Tested. The Children Of YISRAEL (Our Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing People) Have Been Through Hell And High Water, But More Is Yet To Come During Our Final Tests-Trials-Tribulations-Persecutions That Will Ramp Up With The Supernatural Commencement Of The Ultra-Cataclysmic First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth's First Main Energy Vortex Opening + The Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Opening "Spiritual Labor Pains/Beginning Of Sorrows" - Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Change Events Due To Take Place Weeks Before, (Within 75 Extremely Troublesome Days From The Blessed 1,335th Day Start Of The *Final Countdown* Of Our Temporal Time In This Satanic Fallen Veiled Dimensional World Matrix To The 1,260th Day, A Critical Span Of Time Involving 75 Ultra-Catastrophic Days During The Ending Of Which We Get Supernaturally Translated By Faith Into Higher Vibrational-Spiritual Dimensional Forms Without Dying Involving), Our Enochian Transition Of Ascension Into The 5th Dimensional Vibration Of Existence During The Seventh Seal/7th Chakrah/The Earth's Seventh Main Energy Vortex Opening "CATCHING AWAY Into The Wilderness Upon Mount Zion - The Pyramidal Metaphysical Old Ship Of Zion - Swing Low Sweet Chariot" Event Shortly Before The Start Of The GREAT TRIBULATION With More Horrific Nightmarish Supernaturally Controlled Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements Executed Upon The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Know As TARES Including Those Who Have Been Satanically Fully Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused, Please REMEMBER The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH

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REMEMBER The Wilderness Experiences In Another Dimension * Doorways – Portals – Gateways – StarGates – JumpGates – Windows – Wormholes, Space*Time Travel Is Definitely Real Through SPIRITUAL Means And Via Evil Technological Means, Please REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch., AHMAN: From The Sinai Desert To The Sonoran Desert Wandering For 40 Years Not Being Able To Journey Out Until They Became Faithfully Righteous After Being Tested. The Children Of YISRAEL (Our Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing People) Have Been Through Hell And High Water, But More Is Yet To Come During Our Final Tests-Trials-Tribulations-Persecutions That Will Ramp Up With The Supernatural Commencement Of The Ultra-Cataclysmic First Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth’s First Main Energy Vortex Opening + The Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Opening “Spiritual Labor Pains/Beginning Of Sorrows” – Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Change Events Due To Take Place Weeks Before, (Within 75 Extremely Troublesome Days From The Blessed 1,335th Day Start Of The *Final Countdown* Of Our Temporal Time In This Satanic Fallen Veiled Dimensional World Matrix To The 1,260th Day, A Critical Span Of Time Involving 75 Ultra-Catastrophic Days During The Ending Of Which We Get Supernaturally Translated By Faith Into Higher Vibrational-Spiritual Dimensional Forms Without Dying Involving), Our Enochian Transition Of Ascension Into The 5th Dimensional Vibration Of Existence During The Seventh Seal/7th Chakrah/The Earth’s Seventh Main Energy Vortex Opening “CATCHING AWAY Into The Wilderness Upon Mount Zion – The Pyramidal Metaphysical Old Ship Of Zion – Swing Low Sweet Chariot” Event Shortly Before The Start Of The GREAT TRIBULATION With More Horrific Nightmarish Supernaturally Controlled Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements Executed Upon The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Know As TARES Including Those Who Have Been Satanically Fully Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused, Please REMEMBER The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH


REMEMBER Righteous NOAH Who Tried Hard For 120 Years To Mercifully Warn The People?!? I’m Not So Crazy Afterall…Huh, Now You’re Beginning To Understand Or Comprehend What’s Being Posted As Things Begin To Quickly Manifest, Right?!? If You Think That The Zombie Virus Is New Then You’re DEAD Wrong Unwise Sheeple, Please REMEMBER Ecclesiastes 1:9 Because ”There’s Nothing New Under The Sun”!: Please READ Psalms 91st Ch., It’s Called The “Pestilence That Walks In The Darkness”, Also Known As The Ancient Black Death/Bubonic Plague That Severely Ravaged The Population Of The Ancient Roman Empire And Will Cause A Lot More Deaths In The Near Future After The Satanic Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Graphene Hydroxide Nanotechnologies-Vaxxes-Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Have Been Covertly Activated Via Weaponized Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Signals, REMEMBER The *DEMONIC* Zombie Rage Apocalypse Weaponized Flu-Ebola-Rabies-Neurotoxins Cocktail Retroviral NWO PLANDEMIC Under Sinister Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 NWO Murderous Population Control Protocols. Please Be Aware That Ancient Anthrax/Diseased Murrain/Blood Rust Dust That Rained Down From The Biblical Destroyer Known As Mars Of The First Exodus Plagues-Pestilences From Thousands Of Years Ago, Which Is Mixed In The Soil-Dirt-Layers Of Earth-Ice Layers-Desert Sands Throughout The Earth, Has Been Covertly Genetically Engineered Into Many Different Forms Of Biological Weapons And NWO Government Agencies Like The C.D.C. And W.H.O. Have Also Done Many Experiments With Various Forms Of It At The Plum Island Biological-Biochemical Weapons Facility. But Please Be Aware That You Are About To Witness The Biological-Biochemicals Weapons Genetic Experiments Kick Into High Gear Very Soon Because THEY Want To Cause Enough Fear And Panic As Cunning Tactics To Push The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress Into Willfully Accepting Or Taking The *FINAL PHASE* Of Satan’s FAKE So-Called Miracle Cure-All For All That Ails You Which Is Actually An Extremely Clever Disguise For Satan’s Irreversible LUCIFERASE-LUCIFERIN Glowing Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Negative Cellular Immunotherapy ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *BIOMETRIC* Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Responsive-Controllable-Trackable-Scannable-Internally Destructible HEAD BURN Mode Nanotechnologies, REMEMBER The CRITICAL WAR-NINGS Of REVELATION 13th/22nd Chs. Concerning Unwisely Satanically Reprogramming Your Vulnerable Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes With The Loss Of All Humanity Including The Being Cut Off From Our HEAVENLY FATHER’S FREE GIFT Of HOLY SALVATION, Thus Many Sheeple Who Erroneously Follow Evil Commands Of The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Will Experience Supernaturally Controlled Horrific Nightmarish Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements Which Greatly Intensifies In The Fiery Abyss Of Hell, REMEMBER The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. Please Let’s All REPENT, DON’T Live Evil Vain Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Lifestyles Like The Non-Indigenous Cursed Races Of Parasitic Heathens Known As TARES, READ JEREMIAH 11th My Precious Indigenous HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Brothers And Sisters Because We Have Been Given The FREE GIFT Of HOLY SALVATION By Our HEAVENLY FATHER – The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Through HIS First Begotten SON CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Empowered Through The HOLY SPIRIT Of LOVE-TRUTH, But We Must All PRAY, REPENT, And Faithfully OBEY The HOLY LAWS And COMMANDMENTS With LOVE, REMEMBER We Are Supposed To Be Our Brothers + Sisters Keepers (Known As The Least Of These In Matthew 25th Ch.), AHMAN. Also Please REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch. GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Sat, January 29, 2022, 0:45


FEBRUARY Is Looking Scary…Arctic Cold Shivering With Every Paper Being Delivered….BAD NEWS On The Doorstep….Bye Bye Ms American Pie…Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 Is Imminent! Please REMEMBER Daniel 12th Ch. Involving A CRITICAL COUNTDOWN From The Blessed 1,335th Day Involving The 1st Seal/1st Chakrah/The Earth’s First Main Energy Opening + The Ultra-Bright Windows-Wormholes Of Heaven Opening + The Glorious Start Of Our Initial Deep Spiritual Awakening-Rebirth-Resurrection-Glorification Multistage Ascension Process/Our Initial Spiritual Labor Pains/Beginning Of Sorrows Events Quickly Leading To The Ending Of The 7th Seal Opening “Catching Away Into The Wilderness” Events With The Commencement Of The GREAT TRIBULATION At The 1260th Day Countdown Mark. In Just 75 Days From FEBRUARY 2nd GROUNDHOG Day Pressing Foward With Extraordinary Endtime Prophecies Manifestating Through APRIL 17th (REMEMBER Noah’s Worldwide Ultra-Cataclysmic Flood Date, But This Time Around It Will Be Unstoppable FIRE) Concerning The Supernaturally Controlled Initial Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction Of The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great That Will Experience More Severe Judgements As The Time Clocks Down To The Grand Finale. Please Be Aware That In Just The Horrific Nightmarish First Phase (Initial 75 Days) Of Its Fiery Hellish Wrathful Destruction It Will Be Unrecognizable As Being A Dominant World Bully Power, All Praises Be Unto The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Who Will Execute Many Wrathful Judgements Against This Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Mostly Gay (Sodom And Gomorrah) Nation Of Parasitic Heathens. Also Please TAKE HEED – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING – WAKE UP SHEEPLE Because THEY Are VAXXING Many Of You To DEATH! Your Satanically VAXXED Children Including You Ignorant Gullible Feeble Minded Sheeple-People-Civilians Who Have Been Satanically VAXXED Will Gradually Mutate-Evolve-Turn Into Snow White Leprous Cursed Monstrous Beastly Vampiric Chimeras Under The Gradually Amplifying SUN That Will Soon Flow Vigorously With Extraordinarily Powerful Ultra-Inductive Ultra-Deep Penetrating GAMMA-RAY Radiation Energy (Beginning With The Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SHOCKWAVE Of Matthew 24:27 As The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL’S SPIRIT Is Supernaturally POURED Out Upon All Flesh, Involving The Healing FORMER-FIRST SPIRITUAL RAIN Of Hosea 6th Ch. Directly Connected To Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. Plus Isaiah 30:26 Endtime Prophecies Including The Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation) Which Will Supernaturally Activate All Types-Forms-Kinds Of DNA/Genes, Involving Both Non-Mutative And Mutative Strands-Branches-Segments-Ladders Becoming Active, So That Every Living Fleshly Creation Can Be Supernaturally Revealed-Exposed-Shown For What It Really Is As The Satanic Veil Is Gradually Destroyed During The APOCALYPSE, REMEMBER The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Fri, January 28, 2022, 17:53


The Horrific Nightmarish DROPS (Millions Of Unsuspecting Worldly People Will Suddenly *DROP DEAD* In Just One Ultra-Chaotic Day But Endtime Prophetic Events Will Continue To Intensify In RAPID FIRE Succession) Are Coming Amid Celestial Catastrophes: THE *DARK WINTER* GREAT DIE OFF PERIOD Is Imminent Beginning Around The Ultra-Cataclysmic Time Of The Supernaturally Controlled Deaths Of The First Born Plague Involving The Extraordinary 2nd Greater Exodus Events With Many Severe Plagues And Pestilences Including Extraordinarily Energetic Major Spectacular Signs In The SUN, Moon, Stars, And Other Resonant Elemental Heavenly Bodies Including The Ultra-Bright Lights Of The Firmament Of Heaven Involving SEQUENTIAL SUPERNOVAS With AMPLIFICATION PHASES Of The SUN As The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO Lower Powers That Be Ramp Up The Power To Their Weaponized Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation TESLA Technologies That Will Be Covertly Utilized To Activate Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vibratory Graphene Hydroxide Carbonic Liquid Crystalline Programmable Matter Nanoparticles Currently Lurking Within Billions Of Satanically Vaxxed-Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused People Who Will Go Insane With The Pre-Planned Activation Of The DEMONIC Zombie Rage Apocalypse Weaponized Flu-Ebola-Rabies-Neurotoxins Retroviral MRNA Nanotechnologies NWO PLANDEMIC Under Covertly Murderous Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 Population Control Protocols Designed To Make It Easier For NWO UN Non-Peacekeeping Militarized *Fully Vaxxed* Mind Controlled Cronies-Agents-Troops To Forcefully Round Up The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress And Quickly Transport Them To NWO UN Regulated Giant FEMA Camp Corrals Of Deaths For The *FINAL PHASE* Of Satan’s Multiphase Ultimate Eugenics Program Involving A FAKE So-Called Miracle Cure-All For All That Ails You Which Is Actually An Extremely Clever Disguise For Satan’s Irreversible LUCIFERASE-LUCIFERIN Glowing Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Negative Cellular Immunotherapy Retroviral MRNA ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION *BIOMETRIC* Disharmonic Low Frequency Resonance Microwave Energy Radiation Responsive-Controllable-Trackable-Scannable-Weaponized HEAD BURN Mode Internally Destructible Nanotechnologies, REMEMBER The CRITICAL WAR-NINGS Of REVELATION 13th Ch. + 22nd Ch. Concerning The Unwise Rebellious Willful Reprogramming Of Your Vulnerable Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes That Will Cause Billions Of People To Be Cut Off From Supernatural HOLY SALVATION Including The Loss Of All Humanity With Mutative Death, Thus Millions Of Satanically *Fully Vaxxed* Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress Will Gradually Mutate Under Intensifying Solar GAMMA-RAY Energy Radiation Into Monstrous Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeras With Completely Stoney Loveless Hearts All Fit For The Supernaturally Controlled Fiery Hellish Wratful Judgements Of The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Please Let’s All REPENT, READ JEREMIAH 11th Ch. My Precious Indigenous HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Brothers And Sisters, We Must REPENT And Be Faithfully Obedient To Our HEAVENLY FATHER’S HOLY LAWS And COMMANDMENTS With LOVE In Order To Be Righteously Included In The Holy Congregation Of The Righteous Faithful Few, AHMAN. Please REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch. GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Fri, January 28, 2022, 12:18


Please Research What Happen To The Ancient Roman Empire (In Multiple Ultra-Catastrophic Cycles Of Upheaval) As The So-Called Planets Mars, Venus, And Mercury (Known As Energetic Resonant Elemental Heavenly Bodies) Made Cyclical Close Passages With The Earth. The Wise Ancients Left Vivid Records For Future Generations Of What Happened In 701 B.C.E. Including Many Other Cycles Of Celestial Cataclysmic Events Above Which Greatly Affected The Earth And Its Inhabitants Below, Including The Cyclical Changes Of The Celestial Ages Involving Unprecedented 500 Year Zodiacal GEOSTORMS Which Is Nearing The 12th Strongest Cycle Of Horrific Nightmarish Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Above And  Below, Please TAKE HEED – PRAY – REPENT – WISE UP – FOCUS ON THE HOLY LIVING WORD OF LOVE TRUTH – STAY SOBER – SHOW LOVE, AHMAN. This Will Help You To Gain Some Critical Information On What’s Going To Happen To The Entire New Age Roman Empire Called The EAGLE/The Wicked World Bully Including The Godforsaken USA Known As Mystery Babylon The Great In The Very Near Future Which Is Definitely Going To Fall Ultra-Cataclysmically Hard Never To Rise Again As A Dominant World Power, GAME OVER! Please Let’s All REPENT, READ JEREMIAH 11th Ch. My Precious HOLY SEED/SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD Bearing Brothers And Sisters/Spieitually Melanated Rare AB+ Blood Type Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Yisraelites And Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children, AHMAN. Please REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch. GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, CHRIST The ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH Is Definitely Coming Back Soon And I Really Look Forward To HIS HOLY SPIRIT Empowered Glorious Return To Rule With All Dominion Including Unwavering Peace In Extraordinarily Bright Heaven On Earth, For More Insight Please READ ISAIAH 60th Ch. + The BOOK Of ENOCH + The 70 Missing Verses Of 2nd ESDRAS APOCRYPHA TEXTS About Hell And The Judgement + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, AHMAN! SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Thu, January 27, 2022, 22:38


Cyclically And Historically During Tax Season Amid Economic Problems And Around The Olympic Games In The Winter Season Towards The So-Called Spring, The Roman Empire Has Experienced Multiple Fiery Hellish Disasters Over The Course Of Hundreds Of Years That Almost Wipe It’s Sinister Kingdom Out, But This Time Around It Will Be Completely Destroyed Never To Rise Again As A Dominant World Power, REMEMBER FAT TUESDAY And ASH WEDNESDAY In Pagan Idolatrous Commemoration Of The So-Called Planet Mars Which Rained Down Hellish Fire From Its Highly Active Volcanoes Upon Close Approach-Passage With The Earth, And It Will Be Back In The Weeks Ahead But This Time It Will Appear, Break Up, And Fall In An Ultra-Cataclysmic Torrential Downpour Of Hell Like Wrath Including Fire From The Horrible Red Horned Star And Its Fearful Constellation Of Fiery Sparkling Radioactive Stones Of Fire, “Bye Bye Miss American Pie”, Please Watch Out For FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, And MAY!: Did You Know That The Wicked World Bully US EAGLE Government Is The Heavily Militarized Policing Arm Of The Modern Day ROMAN EDOMITE EMPIRE Of ESAU Under Guidance By The Main Middle Head Of The Sinister Eagle’s Worldwide Governing Body Which Is The Brutish British Kingdom/The Main Middle Governing Head, REMEMBER That The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Is The Strong Head To The Right And The Vatican-Rome + The Evil White Jew-ish Imposters Of The FAKE Nation Of YISRAEL A.K.A. The Synagogue Of Satan Is The Religious Head To The Left, Please READ 2nd ESDRAS 10:59 Through 12:38 APOCRYPHA TEXTS, But Don’t Worry Because The Whole EAGLE’S Body Will Be Severely-Utterly-Completely Burned By Supernaturally Controlled Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Thu, January 27, 2022, 20:45


DOOMED TO FAIL – The UNAVOIDABLE FATE Of The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic ROMAN EAGLE GOVERNMENT EMPIRE: IT’S DEFINITELY GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN, Possibly In 2022 Because Many Things Are Quick Shaping Up, Coming Together, And Manifesting Concerning Extraordinary Endtime Prophecies. Please Get Ready For Supernaturally Controlled Spectacular Major Signs In The SUN, Moon, Stars, And Other Heavenly Bodies Including SEQUENTIAL SUPERNOVAS + MULTIPHASE AMPLIFICATIONS Of The SUN Of RIGHTEOUSNESS Amid Major Wars Around The Illuminati Cryptic Timing Of The Ancient Olympic Games That Originated From Ultra-Cataclysmic Electrically Charged Plasma Arc Lightning Fiery Battles Of The So-Called Planets As They Made Ultra-Catastrophic Close Passage With The Earth Which Caused Destructions Of Ancient Rome, But This Time Around The NEW AGE ROMAN EMPIRE Involving The WICKED WORLD BULLY *ROMAN EDOMITE* US EAGLE GOVERNMENT Of ESAU Under The Currently Dominant BRUTISH BRITISH KINGDOM Will Fall Hard And Never Rise Again As Foretold In The BOOK Of OBADIAH + 2nd ESDRAS 10:59 Through 12:38 + 2nd ESDRAS 15th/16th Chs. + JEREMIAH 50th/51st Chs. + EZEKIEL 32nd Ch. + ISAIAH 13th Ch. + JOEL 3rd Ch. + The APOCALYPTIC BOOK Of REVELATION, “Come Out Of The Wicked Pagan Insanely Idolatrous Ways Of Babylon/The Whore Of Babylon/The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great, WAR-NING $ BEWAR3! Please Let’s REPENT, READ JEREMIAH 11th Ch. My Precious Indigenous HOLY SEED Bearing Brothers And Sisters, AHMAN. Also Please REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch. GET READY TO WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, AHMAN. SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Thu, January 27, 2022, 16:51 › Luke-22-10

Luke 22:10 KJV: And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.



Luke 22:10-25 – KJV – And he said unto them,Behold, when … › kjv › luke › passage › ?q=luke+22:10-25

Luke 22:10-25 10 And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. 11 And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?


12 Bible verses about Opening Heaven › topics › Opening-Heaven

Revelation 19:11. Verse Concepts. Righteousness Of Christ Faithfulness War Babylon Conquering Christ Judging Justification, Necessity Of Last Judgment Jesus Christ, Judge Animals Going To Heaven. Justice Animals In HeavenGod, Faithfulness Of Christ, Names For The Act Of Opening Horses Heavenly Vision Christ Glorified Overcoming Obstacles. And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.


ACTS 7:56 KJV “And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened … › Acts-7-56

- King James Version (1611) – View 1611 Bible Scan and he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” – New American Standard Version (1995) and said, Behold, I see theheavens opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. – American Standard Version (1901)


MATTHEW 3:16 KJV “And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up … › Matthew-3-16

Other Translations for Matthew 3:16. And Iesus, when hee was baptized, went vp straightway out of the water: and loe, the heauens were opened vnto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a doue, and lighting vpon him. – King James Version (1611) – View 1611 Bible Scan. After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove {and} lighting on Him,


Revelation 19:11-14 KJV – And I saw heaven opened, and … › passage › ?search=Revelation+19:11-14&version=KJV

Revelation 19:11-14 King James Version (KJV) 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. 12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.


MARK 1:10 KJV “And straightway coming up out of the water … › Mark-1-10

7 years ago Mershal Carpenter on Mark 1:10 First- Jesus was Baptized–Immersed. Second–God opened the Heavens. Third-God sent the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus in the same manner as a Dove would. Jesus was fulfilling all righteousness by letting John Baptize Him.


Matthew 3:16 KJV – And Jesus, when he was baptized, went … › passage › ?search=Matthew 3:16&version=KJV

16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: Read full chapter. Matthew 3:16 in all English translations. Next. Matthew 2.


GENESIS 7:11 KJV “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life … › Genesis-7-11

Genesis 7:11. “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”. King James Version (KJV)


Deuteronomy 28:12 The LORD will open the heavens, His … › deuteronomy › 28-12.htm

King James Bible. The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, theheaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. New King James Version. The LORD will open to you His good treasure, theheavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand.


REVELATION 15:5 KJV “And after that I looked, and, behold … › Revelation-15-5

5And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened:6And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles


Verse by Verse Study on Daniel 11-12 … – Blue Letter Bible › Comm › smith_chuck › c2000_Dan › Dan_011.cfm

In the book of Isaiah, chapter 16, the Lord says to Jordan, “Open up and receive My people. Bear them safely to Petra until the Great Tribulation is over.” And so the antichrist when he finds that the Jews are fleeing will send out an army against them, but the earth will open up and swallow the army


Verse by Verse Study on Revelation 16 … – Blue Letter Bible › Comm › smith_chuck › c2000_Rev › Rev_016.cfm

There is an interesting thing that he brings out about Lake Titicaca down in Peru high up there in the Andes, and how that there is a tilt and all on that thing that happened sometime during the period of man’s history upon the earth. “Earth’s in Upheaval” is a fascinating book also by this man filled with interesting research


Commentary on Lamentations 2 by … – Blue Letter Bible › Comm › mhc › Lam › Lam_002.cfm

In order to the swallowing up of her palaces, he has given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces, which were their security, and, when they are broken down, the palaces themselves are soon broken into. The walls of palaces cannot protect them, unless God himself be a wall of fire round about them.


The Book of Enoch: Book of Noah–a Fragment: Chapter LX › bib › boe › boe063.htm

But the male is named Behemoth, who occupied with his breast a waste wilderness named †Dûidâin†, on the east of the garden where the elect and righteous dwell, where my grandfather was taken up, the seventh from Adam, the first man whom the Lord of Spirits created. 9.


Behemoth – Wikipedia › wiki › Behemoth

In Jewish apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, such as the 2nd century BC Book of Enoch ( 60:7-10 ), Behemoth is the unconquerable male land-monster, living in an invisible desert east of the Garden of Eden, as Leviathan is the primeval female sea-monster, dwelling in ” the Abyss “, and Ziz the primordial sky-monster.

EtymologyBiblical descriptionLater interpretationsLiterary referencesThe Giant BehemothBehemoth (Novel)


‘Behemoth, which holds his chest in an invisible desert … › Behemoth-which-holds-his-chest-in-an-invisible-desert-I-was-reading-that-in-my-head-over-and-over-and-over-and-over-again-and-my-response-is-always-WTF-does-this-mean-Do-you-know-Because-I-dont?share=1

Let’s look at one of the oldest references to Behemoth: “And that day will two monsters be parted, one monster, a female named Leviathan in order to dwell in the abyss of the ocean over the fountains of water; and (the other), a male called Behemoth, which Continue Reading Kevin McElroy , Over a decade working in financial research


Behemoth – Occult World › behemoth

On that day two monsters will be parted—one monster, a female named Leviathan, in order to dwell in the abyss of the ocean over the fountains of water; and (the other) a male called Behemoth, which holds his chest in aninvisible desert whose name is Dundayin, east of the Garden of Eden, wherein the elect and the righteous ones dwell


LEVIATHAN AND BEHEMOTH – › articles › 9841-leviathan-and-behemoth

Both leviathan and behemoth are prominent in Jewish eschatology. In theBook of Enoch (lx. 7-9), Enoch says: ( Charles, “ Book of Enoch ,” p. 155; comp. ” the secret chambers of leviathan ” which Elihu b. Berakel the Buzite will disclose, Cant. R. i. 4 


Habakkuk, carried by an angel, brings food to Daniel in … › media › habakkuk-carried-by-an-angel-brings-food-to-daniel-in-the-lions-den-8cbfb4

Download Image of Habakkuk, carried by an angel, brings food to Daniel in the lion’s den. Free for commercial use, no attribution required. Topics:habakkuk, angel, food, daniel, lion, den, national library of netherlands, medieval, medieval manuscript, manuscripts


Elijah Fed by Angel. Gathering of Manna. Habakkuk Brought … › niki › index › 000002079.html

Cat source: ItFIOA. Author: Porta, Giuseppe, ca. 1520-ca. 1576. Title: Elijah Fedby Angel. Gathering of Manna. Habakkuk Brought to Daniel. Medium & Support: Fresco


Bible Verses About Wilderness › Bible-Verses-About-Wilderness

Bible verses related to Wilderness from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. Matthew 4:1-25 – Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into thewilderness to be tempted of the devil. (Read More…) Ezekiel 34:25 – And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely …


Why was Israel cursed with forty years of wilderness … › wilderness-wandering.html

Why was Israel cursed with forty years of wilderness wandering? Answer “Wilderness wandering” refers to the plight of the Israelites due to their disobedience and unbelief. Nearly 3,500 years ago, the Lord delivered His people from Egyptian bondage as described in Exodus, chapters 1-12.


40 YEARS IN THE WILDERNESS – It Could Have Been Worse › acts › acts13-40-years-in-the-wilderness.htm

And your sons shall be shepherds in the wilderness forty years, and bear the brunt of your infidelity, until your carcasses are consumed in the wilderness. According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty days, for each day you shall bear your guilt one year, namely forty years, and you shall know My rejection” (Number…


A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert (Arizona-Sonora Desert…) › Natural-History-Sonoran-Desert-Arizona-Sonora › dp › 0520219805

The Sonoran Desert is one of the most wildly diverse and fascinating regions in the world. Covering southeastern California, the southern half of Arizona, most of Baja California, and much of the state of Sonora, Mexico, this vast area is home to an amazing variety of plants and animals.


A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert by Arizona-Sonora Desert… › book › show › 433854.A_Natural_History_of_the_Sonoran_Desert

The Sonoran Desert is one of the most wildly diverse and fascinating regions in the world. Covering southeastern California, the southern half of Arizona, most of Baja California, and much of the state of Sonora, Mexico, this vast area is home to an amazing variety of plants and animals


Sonoran Desert Mushrooms › treehouses › ?treehouse_id=4535

Sonoran Desert Mushroom Hunting. Katja Schulz. Podaxis and Montagnea mushrooms grow in the Sonoran Desert even at low elevations. They are quite common in parks, yards, and other open spaces in Tucson


Sonoran Desert | One Earth › ecoregions › sonoran-desert

Sonoran Desert. The ecoregion’s land area is provided in units of 1,000 hectares. The Sonoran Desert is extremely complex biologically and was subdivided by the great desert ecologist Forrest Shreve into several relatively distinct regions based on vegetation.


Reflection: Vulnerable with God – JRS USA › story › reflection-vulnerable-with-god

Water sustains both body and soul. In today’s first reading, Moses cracks open a rock with a strike of his staff. Water gushes forth, quenching the thirst of thousands of Hebrew refugees on a great migration, the Exodus. Their fate in the Sinai desert 3500 years ago is far more fortunate than that of the migrants crossing the Sonoran Desert today


40 Years Wandering in the Desert | Books of Moses – Bible … › 2017 › 01 › 17 › 40-years-wandering-in-the-desert

God punishes them with forty years of wandering in the desert. The book ofExodus gives us the laws by which we are to live: The Ten Commandments. Chapters 1-11 covers Israel in Egypt, and the early life of Moses up to when he becomes the man who stood before the Pharaoh and told him to let God’s people go. Genesis 15:13-16 says, [speaking to ...


At the Border, Religious Beliefs Are a Tool—and a Weapon ... › article › considering-religion-in-immigrant-resistance-narrative

To this day, my dad's email address includes "Exodus 34:10," a verse in which YHWH promises Moses and his descendants prosperity in a new land. Like many migrants who traverse the Sonoran Desert's desolate mountainous trails, our border-crossing journey might be described as a religious one


Watch What Happens When You Partner With Holy Spirit ... › spirit › spiritual-growth › 44316-watch-what-happens-when-you-partner-with-holy-spirit

Living in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, I'm accustomed to seeing dry riverbeds. Most of the year, these desert washes have no water running in them. ... In Exodus 17:4 Moses cries out to God ...


When Bringing Water to the Thirsty Is a Criminal Act ... › articles › when-bringing-water-thirsty-criminal-act

I know why Moses hit the rock in a moment of desperation for water; I know why the people complained constantly. The Sonoran Desert is absolutely beautiful. It is also deadly. - Matthew 24, part 4 - Won't come in a desert › en › study › matthew-24-part-4-wont-come-in-a-desert

Sunset Peak is in the Sonoran desert Jesus will not come in the desert. ... The sign for Moses to start the first exodus (the Jews out of Egypt) was a mixture of a natural bush burning with a supernatural flame. This strange sight attracted the attention of Moses.


Third Sunday of Lent: Mar 24, 2019 - Catholic Women Preach › preaching › 03242019

Imagining Moses leading his flock across the desert reminds me of time spent in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, here in the United States. The desertlandscape is marked by signs of migration: worn out shoes and empty water bottles dot the unforgiving terrain.


Exodus — Bee Blog — The Bee Hive › blog › tag › Exodus

A few years ago my wife and I took a hike for my birthday. We enjoyed the beautiful Arizona morning, winding our way up into the foothills of the Catalina Mountains through the lush Sonoran desert. Creosotes, palo verdes, mesquite trees. barrel cacti, cholla, ocotillos, and saguaros sprang out of the mountainous terrain.


Habakkuk Brings Food to Daniel › Bibliotheque Nationale › Die Vier Historien › danielHabakkuk.html

Daniel and Habakkuk 1462 Woodcut in Die Vier Historien MS. Bibliothèque nationale de France Réserve des livres rares, A-1646 (2), 19r The woodcut illustrates Vulgate Daniel 14:33-38. In Judea, Habakkuk had prepared a bowl of bread and stew for his reapers, but an angel came and told him he must take the food to Daniel in Babylon, where he had ...


The Blue Stones of Atlantis - Ireland And The Lost Tribe ... › sumer_anunnaki › esp_sumer_annunaki13.htm

THE ARK AT TARA . There is a fascinating and powerful connection between the blue stones of E.A., Ireland, and the Ark of the Covenant, the golden vessel through which the bright Divine Light presence of God appeared to the Jews. According to Irish lore, the 'lost' Ark of the Covenant is hidden at Tara. Early in the 20 th century a group of Israelites, connecting tara with Torah, came to ...


Inside the 30-Year Quest for Babylon's Ishtar Gate › history › history-magazine › article › history-babylon-ishtar-gate-quest

Inside the 30-Year Quest for Babylon's Ishtar Gate Patience and perseverance paid off for German archaeologists who found the beautiful blue portal built by a king and buried by time. By Felip Masó...


The Lord of Quantum Mechanics and Orthodox Teleportation ... › blog › 2013 › 04 › the-lord-of-quantum-mechanics-and-orthodox-teleportation

Then Habakkuk shouted, "Daniel, Daniel! Take the dinner which God has sent you." And Daniel said, "Thou hast remembered me, O God, and hast not forsaken those who love thee." So Daniel arose and ate. And the angel of God immediately returned Habakkuk to his own place. (Daniel 14:31-39)



Daniel 14:33-36 NRSVCE - Now the prophet Habakkuk was in ... › passage › ?search=Daniel 14:33-36&version=NRSVCE

Daniel 14:33-36Open menuNew Revised Standard Version Catholic EditionOpen menu. 33 Now the prophet Habakkuk was in Judea; he had made a stew and had broken bread into a bowl, and was going into the field to take it to the reapers. 34 But the angel of the Lord said to Habakkuk, "Take the food that you have to Babylon, to Daniel, in the lions ...


Habakuk Bringing Daniel Food in the Lion's Den · Animals ... › items › show › 21

Habakuk Bringing Daniel Food in the Lion's Den. Galle Lion.jpg. Dublin Core. Title. Habakuk Bringing Daniel Food in the Lion's Den. Subject. Engraving ofDaniel. Description. This engraving is of Daniel, surrounded by lions, as in the Biblical story. Creator. Phillips Galle after Maarten van Heemskerck. Source. Harvard Art Museum. Publisher.


Philips Galle | Habakuk Bringing Daniel Food in the Lion's ... › art › collection › search › 629216

Habakuk Bringing Daniel Food in the Lion's Den, from The Story of Daniel, Bel and the Dragon, plate 8 1565


Torah, Torah, Torah: Habakkuk and Daniel › 2006 › 04 › habakkuk-and-daniel.html

Daniel Chapter 14 of the LXX (see link below) has a story about a very brief meeting of Daniel and Habakkuk while Daniel is in the lion's den. Suppose Habukkuk really did have a chance to visit Daniel very briefly--long enough only to leave him a verse or two as advice. Cite a couple of verses from Habakkuk that might have been particularly ...


Is Teleportation Possible and What Does the Bible Say ... › miltons-blog › is-teleportation-possible-and-what-does-the-bible-say-about-it

If you like this original Bible study, you can also check out my Patreon for more exclusive Bible studies, sermon notes, devotionals and eBooks that are not posted anywhere else. Teleportation is a fantasy for many fans of science fiction. You walk into a portal or machine, and BANG, a moment later you're at another location.


Does The Bible Support Teleportation? - HoldToHope › theology › too-deep › does-the-bible-support-teleportation

Possible Teleportation Devices: The Tower of Babel " 4 Then they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.' 5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built.


Is Teleportation in the Bible? Yes! But That's Not the ... › single-post › 2019 › 07 › 10 › is-teleportation-in-the-bible-yes-but-that-s-not-the-most-exciting-part-of-this-story

Have you ever been one way and then in the next moment you were transformed? Maybe it didn't happen in a moment, overnight, or even over a week; maybe your transformation took place over years. However it happened, or is happening, there are people in our lives who knew (or know) us before the transformation, and even we, ourselves, had no idea a transformation was (or is) coming! That is ...


Teleportation is in the Bible - Philippine Daily Inquirer ... › philippine-daily-inquirer-1109 › 20220111 › 282213719176369

Below is another clear example of teleportation which can be found in the King James Version, but not in the New Revised Catholic Edition of the Bible. Jesus in the boat In John (6:16-21), we find the following: "Now when evening came, His disciples went down to the sea, got into the boat, and went over the sea toward Capernaum.



Does Anyone in the Bible Teleport? - A Christian Philosophy › does-anyone-in-the-bible-teleport

Does anyone else teleport in the Bible? There are other stories in the Biblewhere teleportation may have taken place, but one place where some think the disciples teleported, I think they traveled through time. Many times in the Old Testament, the prophets are carried places in the Spirit.


2000 Years of Deception: Teleportation in the New Testament › 2011 › 07 › teleportation-in-new-testament.html

Teleportation in the New Testament So not only could Jesus teleport himself, but he could also teleport his mates and their boat. Later on in Acts, Philip teleported from the lake to Azotus. Teleportation, zombies, is there any craziness the Bible hasn't covered? John 6:16-21 16 When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, 17 where ...


What does the Bible say about telepathy or psycho-kinesis ... › Bible-telepathy.html

The Bible actually has quite a bit to say about knowing another's thoughts. Genesis 6:5 says, "Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.". In 1 Chronicles 28:9, David tells his son Solomon, "The LORD searches all hearts, and ...


Quantum Physics Concepts in the Bible - Heavenly Symbol › quantum-physics-concepts-in-the-bible

Quantum Teleportation: Teleportation involves de-materializing an object at one point and transferring the precise details of its configuration to another point location, where the object is then reconstructed. The Transfiguration: (Matt 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-13, Luke 9:28-36)


Transportation in the Bible (5 instances) › words › Transportation

Numbers 4:15 - "Aaron and his sons are to finish covering the holy objects and all their equipment whenever the camp is to move on. The Kohathites will come and carry them, but they are not to touch the holy objects or they will die. These are the transportation duties of the Kohathites regarding the tent of meeting


Mt Sinai + Mt Transfiguration | Tony Reinke › 2010 › 05 › 12 › mount-sinai-mount-transfiguration-jesus-moses

The most obvious is that Moses is present at both Mount Sinai and the Mount of Transfiguration (Ex, Mark 9:4) Both accounts take place on a high mountain (Ex 24:12-15, Mark 9:2) At Mt Sinai, Moses' face shines (Ex 34:29-35); at Mt Transfiguration, Jesus' clothes shine (Mark 9:3) The fear of the people in seeing Moses is paralleled by ...


Saddam Hussein, The Stairway To Heaven And The Return Of ... › exopolitica › esp_exopolitics_K_1.htm

The Shining Ones of Planet X were last here in 3760 B.C., which is the time of Anu's, the ruler of Planet X's, last visit. In a morning- time ceremony in which Anu departs Earth, E.A. and Enlil, two sons of Anu, await Anu at what is called the "golden supporter."


Fallen Angels (Aliens, The So-Called gods) Called ...

 › prophecy › 2019 › 04 › fallen-angels-aliens-the-so-called-gods-called-themselves-the-shining-ones-as-they-came-down-charged-up-from-the-ziggurats-cunningly-piggybacking-upon-natural-earth-ley-lines-energy-vortexes-2504881.html

Fallen Angels (Aliens, The So-Called gods) Called Themselves The *ShiningOnes* As They Came Down *Charged Up* From The Ziggurats (Cunningly Piggybacking Upon Natural Earth Ley Lines + Energy Vortexes - NaturalPortals, Functioning As Spiraling Electromagetic Energy Amplifier Structures Which Could Connect To Other Dimension Right Here On Earth


The Doorways to the Gods › 42stargate › 03files › Gateway_Gods.html

This gate was built by Nebuchadnezzar II, the same monarch who conquered Jerusalem in 586 BC. The Ishtar Gate foundations were discovered in 1899, and were reconstructed in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, from the glazed bricks and other material excavated by the Robert Koldeway expedition in the early 1900's.


Spectacular New "Tower of Babel" Discovery? - Not so Fast ... › 2017 › 05 › 24 › spectacular-new-tower-of-babel-discovery-not-so-fast

And they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly." And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. - Genesis 11:3 (ESV) Nebuchadnezzar's tower had a base measuring 300 feet on each side, with a 49-foot -thick wall of oven-baked brick.


The Magnificent Ishtar Gate of Babylon | Ancient Origins › ancient-places-asia › magnificent-ishtar-gate-babylon-001866

The magnificent gate, which was dedicated to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, was once included among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World until it was replaced by the Lighthouse of Alexandria in the 3 rd century BC. Today, a reconstruction of the Ishtar Gate, using original bricks, is located at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.


The Great Ziggurat at Ur - The Shining Ones › 390.php

The Great Ziggurat at Ur This mighty Ziggurat, the "Mountain of God" as Ur, was erected by Ur-Engur, a king of the Third Dynasty of Ur, about 2400 BC, probably on the site of an even earlier temple. The shrine in the centre was of blue glazed brick. The Ziggurat remained in this form until it was restored by Mabonidus in the 6th century BC,


What Is A Ziggurat, And Where Can You Visit One In Real Life? › what-is-a-ziggurat-where-how-to-visit-one

Ziggurats Today. Today one of the best-preserved ziggurats is Chogha Zanbil in western Iran near the Iraqi border. In ancient times, this area was Elam. Also in Iran is the Sialk Ziggurat which is one of the oldest known ziggurats dating from the early 3rd millennium BC. Age Of the Choqa Zanbil: Built Around 1300 BC



There are many books with the same title: THE SHINING ONES. However, only the book featured above contains information and insights relevant to our current condition. I, Robert Stanley , have been searching for this specific information since September 1985, when I had a face-to-face encounter with aShining One that told me he was my Father.


Fallen Angels, Gateways & Dimensions - Coast to Coast AM › show › 2007-07-17-show

Hines believes that the Nephilim were the offspring of fallen angels (who transported themselves here from other dimensions) and humans. These angels have been described cross-culturally-- there were beings with white hair and white skin known as Kachinas by the American Indians, and theShining Ones in the Middle East, he said


Widespread Pre-Planned Disappearances Of Many Powerful ...

 › prophecy › 2022 › 01 › widespread-pre-planned-disappearances-of-many-powerful-influential-people-are-imminent-as-they-covertly-execute-their-deceptive-escape-plans-to-slither-scurry-flee-into-their-hidden-semi-fortifie-2527391.html

Widespread Pre-Planned Disappearances Of Many Powerful inFLUential People Are Imminent As THEY Covertly Execute Their Deceptive Escape Plans To Slither-Scurry-Flee Into Their Hidden Semi-Fortified Locations Within The (Brief Warning Sign/Slight Calm Before The Storm) Days Just Ahead Of The Imminent Supernaturally Controlled Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Events Involving The Sudden ...









Cloverfield Paradox: Microwave Energy 4 Leaf Clover Shaped ... › prophecy › 2019 › 04 › cloverfield-paradox-microwave-energy-4-leaf-clover-shaped-electromagnetic-fields-ie-cloverfield-bewar3-war-ning-the-highly-destructive-testing-tuning-activation-phases-of-the-tower-of-babel-te-2504672.html

Cloverfield Paradox: E.L.F. * U.L.F. 4 Leaf Clover Shaped MicrowaveElectromagnetic Energy Fields - ie. CLOVERFIELD, BeWAR3 $ WAR-ning, The Highly Destructive Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of The Tower Of Babel Tesla Infrastructures Network System Is Imminent And The World Will Never Be The Same!!! Please Let's All REPENT, HOSEA 2:16. SELAH


Why Does The Illuminati Insurance Company GEICO ... › prophecy › 2021 › 12 › why-does-the-illuminati-insurance-company-geico-cryptically-focus-on-the-15-so-much-the-cryptic-quote-they-use-is-everybody-knows-that-cunningly-referring-to-their-own-secret-society-illuminat-2526740.html

Please REMEMBER The Horrific Nightmarish Effects Also Cryptically Shown In The Predictive Programming Illuminati Movie Called "CLOVERFIELDPARADOX", Which Was Named So Because Of The Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Shape Of The Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Field Geometry Known As A "CLOVERFIELD" Which Has The *Punch Through Power ...


It's Definitely Going To Be A "DARK WINTER" As The ... › prophecy › 2021 › 11 › its-definitely-going-to-be-a-dark-winter-as-the-remaining-desperate-survivors-under-extreme-duress-experience-a-horrific-nightmarish-ultra-cataclysmic-cloverfield-paradox-due-to-sinister-fal-2525840.html

It's Definitely Going To Be A "DARK WINTER" As The Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress Experience A Horrific Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic "CLOVERFIELD PARADOX" Due To Sinister Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Dimensional Intrusion Tesla Technologies: Situations Are Going To FLARE UP So Fast In Rapid Succession As We Undergo A Supernatural Strange Paranormal 4th Dimensional ...


The ISS International Space Station Will Be ... › prophecy › 2021 › 12 › the-iss-international-space-station-will-be-catastrophically-destroyed-and-appear-briefly-as-a-bright-3-point-mercedes-symbol-star-as-it-horrifically-burns-and-falls-to-the-earth-doing-much-damage-bel-2526241.html

The ISS International Space Station Will Be Catastrophically Destroyed And Appear Briefly As A Bright 3 Point Mercedes Symbol Star As It Horrifically Burns And Falls To The Earth Doing Much Damage Below. Please Take Note That Russia Will Be Deceptively Blamed For This Disastrous Event, But Also Watch "CLOVERFIELD PARADOX" And REMEMBER...


REMEMBER The MAYAN APOCALYPSE 12 Days Of Christmas Bad ... › prophecy › 2021 › 12 › remember-the-mayan-apocalypse-12-days-of-christmas-bad-omensharbingers-war-ning-bewar3-scary-christmasthe-real-halloween-of-attempted-dimensional-intrusions-b-o-b-o-b-o-you-aint-in-kans-2526361.html

REMEMBER The MAYAN/AZTEC APOCALYPSE 12 Days Of Christmas Bad Omens-Harbingers, WAR-Ning $ BeWAR3, SCARY CHRISTMAS/THE REAL HALLOWEEN Involving Multiple Attempted Horrific Dimensional Intrusions - B.O. B.O. B.O./Barack HUSSEIN Obama/The New Age NIMROD/Zeus/The Diabolical Wizard Of Oz - You Ain't In Kansas Anymore DOOR-othy - REMEMBER "CLOVERFIELD PARADOX": GET READY NOW FOR SPECTACULAR...


We Are About To Witness A Horrific Nightmarish ... › prophecy › 2020 › 02 › we-are-about-to-witness-a-horrific-nightmarish-cloverfield-paradox-remember-amos-9th-ch-concerning-highly-destructive-attempted-dimensional-intrusions-you-cant-escape-your-fiery-hellish-wrat-2510129.html

We Are About To Witness A Horrific Nightmarish Cloverfield Paradox, Amos 9th Ch., Concerning The Highly Destructive Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of The Worldwide Tower Of Babel Tesla Infrastructures Netium Network Plus Mega-GeoEngineering System And The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange StarGate*JumpGate Tesla Infrastructures System Technologies As THEY Attempt Ultra-Cataclysmic Dimensional ...


The Nightmare Before Christmas (The Real Halloween Event ... › prophecy › 2021 › 12 › the-nightmare-before-christmas-the-real-halloween-event-is-imminent-cloverfield-paradox-remember-amos-9th-ch-involving-the-covert-testing-tuning-activation-phases-of-worldwide-tower-of-babel-de-2526363.html

The Nightmare Before Christmas (The Real Halloween Event Is Imminent -CLOVERFIELD PARADOX), REMEMBER Amos 9th Ch. Involving The Covert Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network Tesla Infrastructures Technologies Including The Covert Activation Of The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate*StarGate Tesla Infrastructures Systems Plus The ...


The Real Halloween Event Is Imminent Involving A ... › prophecy › 2021 › 10 › the-real-halloween-event-is-imminent-involving-a-paranormal-4th-dimensional-shift-so-get-ready-for-the-sun-to-go-boom-as-the-extraordinarily-energetic-windows-wormholes-of-heaven-including-doors-port-2525155.html

The *Real Halloween Event* Is Imminent Involving An Extremely Strange Paranormal 4th Dimensional Shift With Very Powerful Poltergeist Activity. REMEMBER The Worldwide Tower Of Babel Tesla Infrastructures Technologies-Components-Networks-Systems Plus The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate StarGate Tesla Infrastructures Technologies-Components-Networks-Systems Which Will Soon Be ...


The Nightmare Before Christmas (The Real Halloween Event ... › prophecy › 2021 › 12 › the-nightmare-before-christmas-the-real-halloween-event-is-imminent-cloverfield-paradox-remember-amos-9th-ch-involving-the-covert-testing-tuning-activation-phases-of-worldwide-tower-of-babel-de-2526363.html

The Nightmare Before Christmas (The Real Halloween Event Is Imminent - CLOVERFIELD PARADOX), REMEMBER Amos 9th Ch. Involving The Covert Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network Tesla Infrastructures Technologies Including The Covert Activation Of The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate*StarGate Tesla Infrastructures Systems Plus The ...

  • .

The Nightmare Before Christmas.... Halloween On Christmas ... › prophecy › 2020 › 12 › the-nightmare-before-christmas-halloween-on-christmas-the-pagan-christmas-holiday-gives-undue-honor-to-the-sinister-demigod-nimrod-who-headed-the-first-ancient-halloween-event-when-the-dimensi-2516811.html

Jun 24, 2020 — Please Be Aware That The Holy Angels Utilize These Invisible Heavenly Gateways-Everlasting Doors-Portals-Stargates-Windows Of Heaven-Wormholes-Energy Vortexes Continously In Order To Supernaturally … › 2020/10 › this-… › prophecy › 2020 › 10 › this-halloween-they-will-try-to-open-up-portals-dimensional-gateways-and-use-stargates-plus-ultra-longrange-jumpgates-to-attempt-to-jump-through-the-supernaturally-opening-windowswormholes-of-heaven-2514987.html

This Halloween They Will Try To Open Up Portals-Dimensional Gateways And Use StarGates Plus Ultra-Longrange JumpGates To Attempt To JUMP Through The Supernaturally Opening Windows/Wormholes Of Heaven While Trying To Forcefully Intrude Into Higher Heavenly Dimensional Worlds, As Foretold In Amos 9th Ch.


The Fish Bowl Earth Full Of Aether Is Under Pressure Above ... › prophecy › 2022 › 01 › the-fish-bowl-earth-full-of-aether-is-under-pressure-above-the-62-mile-high-crystalline-sky-barrier-and-below-this-supernaturally-constructed-resonant-structure-which-has-portals-giant-gateways-window-2527003.html

TOP SECRET SERIES—PART 15: Traversable Portals and Gateways in theBible. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.


Ancient Angelically Constructed Highly Advanced Resonant ... › prophecy › 2021 › 11 › ancient-angelically-constructed-highly-advanced-resonant-elemental-technologies-devices-stargates-jumpgates-teleporters-energetic-weapons-systems-metaphysical-space-ships-ufos-electromagnetic-free-ene-2525555.html

Ancient Angelically Constructed Highly Advanced Resonant Elemental Technologies-Devices-StarGates-JumpGates-Teleporters-Energetic Weapons Systems-Metaphysical Space Ships-UFOs-Electromagnetic Free Energy Machines-Crystalline Pyramidal Resonator Amplifiers-Plasma Forcefields-Defense Mechanisms-Offense Mechanisms-Matter Manipulators-Resonance Stabilizer Structures-Portals-Gateways-Doors-Windows ...


Please Check Out The Predictive Programming Movie Called ...

 › prophecy › 2018 › 12 › please-check-out-the-predictive-programming-movie-called-skyscraper-starring-dwayne-johnson-fallen-angel-inspired-highly-advanced-tower-of-babel-system-componentstechnologies-have-already-been-c-2502217.html

Our Dynamic Living Cellular Earth Is About To Go Into Major Convulsions/Spasms Due To The Highly Destructive Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of The Tower Of Babel: Many Critical Warnings Have Been Sent Out Concerning This Mega-GeoEngineering Plus Intrusive Portal-Window-Stargate-Wormhole Opening Technology. Please Spiritually WAKE UP And Be Aware That Sinister Fallen Angel


Halloween Is Going To Come Early During The Horrific ... › prophecy › 2019 › 09 › halloween-is-going-to-come-early-during-the-horrific-nightmarish-beginning-of-sorrows-spiritual-labor-pains-remember-cloverfield-10-cloverfield-lane-and-cloverfield-paradox-because-the-real-h-2508106.html

halloween is going to come early during the horrific nightmarish "beginning of sorrows - spiritual labor pains": remember cloverfield, 10 cloverfield lane, and cloverfield paradox because the real halloween event is the highly destructive testing-tuning-activation phases of the worldwide tower of babel tesla infrastructures …


A MIND BENDING 4th Dimensional Mental Shift Is Imminent ... › prophecy › 2021 › 06 › a-mind-bending-4th-dimensional-mental-shift-is-imminent-including-the-real-halloween-event-involving-a-rift-being-torn-into-the-4th-dimensional-space-time-fabric-unleashing-demons-via-the-disharmonic-2522071.html

A MIND BENDING 4th Dimensional Mental Shift Is Imminent Including TheReal Halloween Event Involving A Rift Being Torn Into The 4th Dimensional Space-Time Fabric Unleashing Demons Via The Disharmonic Earth Destabilizing Testing-Tuning-Activation Phases Of The Worldwide Tower Of Babel Tesla Infrastructures *Demonic Netium Network* Plus Mega-GeoEngineering Mega-Terraforming System Technologies ..


John Fogerty - The Singer Of The Cryptic Illuminati Song ... › prophecy › 2021 › 04 › john-fogerty-the-singer-of-the-cryptic-illuminati-song-called-weeping-in-the-promised-land-knows-that-barack-hussein-obama-is-the-sinister-new-age-pharaoh-who-will-aid-in-a-large-portion-of-th-2519978.html

John Fogerty - The Singer Of The Cryptic Illuminati Song Called "Weeping In The Promised Land" - Knows That Barack Hussein Obama Is The Sinister New Age Pharaoh Who Will Aid In A Large Portion Of The Fiery Destruction Of The USA With The Subsequent Evil Establishment Of A Satanic Dystopian Temporal NWO Kingdom Full Of Uproar Beginning In July 2021.


OCTOBER SURPRISE 2021 PREPARE NOW Before It's Too Late ... › prophecy › 2021 › 09 › october-surprise-2021-prepare-now-before-its-too-late-the-real-halloween-event-comes-early-the-sinisterly-gay-muslim-terrorist-isis-ringleader-barack-hussein-obama-quickly-passed-an-executive-orde-2524311.html

the real halloween event comes early: the sinisterly gay muslim terrorist isis ringleader barack hussein obama quickly passed an executive order to attempt to stop the supernatural activation of indigenous metahumans in october 2016, concerning the highly deceptive paris climate change accord-pact-agreement worldwide tower of babel contingency …

. › claiming-sacred-ground-pilgrims-and-politics-at-glastonbury-and-sedona.html

ley lines, earth energies, and other mysteries I understood the power points on Mother Earth to be similar to the acupuncture points on the human body. The power points are precise geographic locations where there is a unique energetic dynamic which allows for a mutually beneficial relationship between the planet and humans.



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10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Portals And ... › 2016 › 05 › 20 › 10-ancient-sites-that-might-be-stargates-portals-and-wormholes

9 Abu Ghurab, Egypt, The Place Of The Gods. Photo credit: Roland Unger. The Abu Sir Pyramids, site of Abu Ghurab, has claimed to be one of the oldest sites on the planet. Within Abu Ghurab, lies an ancient platform made of alabaster (Egyptian crystal) and is said to be in tune with the "vibration" of Earth.


Strange Tales of Portals to Other Dimensions | Mysterious ... › 2017 › 05 › strange-tales-of-portals-to-other-dimensions

Strange Tales of Portals to Other Dimensions. Brent Swancer May 22, 2017. There has been more and more weight given to the idea that there are other realities and dimensions besides our own, which bump against us and even overlap us. With this idea comes hand in hand the notion that traveling between them could also be possible, and there are ...


Strange Tales of Portals to Other Dimensions | Mysterious ... › 2017 › 05 › strange-tales-of-portals-to-other-dimensions

This gateway was believed to be a direct link to the gods, and it was thought that not only could priests go through but whatever lay on the other side could as well. The legend says that this disk was found after it had fallen from the sky, and that at least one priest upon opening the portal went through it to never return.


Understanding Spiritual Gates And Doors - › article › 12078 › understanding-spiritual-gates-and-doors

Therefore, you become a door of revelation, thus a seer of God that sets the captive free from every earthly restriction. Again, spiritual portals are who we are; they are the eternal actions of our lives. People who continue to walk in faith, love, peace, joy, and righteousness become gateways for the kingdom of God to manifest.


 Miracle Deliverance › audio › newsletters › Angels, Demons, UFOs, Star Gates, and Vortexes 02-25-10.pdf

Vortex/Portals/ star gates and inviting fallen angels through these doorways. • Words describing Vortex: Eddy, whirlpool, and current. • Words describingPortal: Doorway, Gateway, Porch, Entrance, Entry, Threshold and Portico. Ps 78:23-24: "He opened the doors of heaven, and had rained down manna." It also denotes that God


Stories Dimensions Other To Portals [24HP89] › Portals_To_Other_Dimensions_Stories.html

Search: Portals To Other Dimensions Stories. About To Stories Other PortalsDimensions . Portals supposedly offer gateways to realms outside of this dimension and can be discovered naturally or opened through the performance of They hold together the third- and fourth-dimensional planes that connect to form the doors to other dimensions or realms.


Celestial Chariots of God – God rides upon the chariots … › celestial-chariots-of-god

The Gateway of the Gods was how the Gods entered into and left Earth’s atmosphere-Stargate. It was like a Wormhole or Vortex that allowed “highly advanced spiritual beings” from other worlds, star systems to come to Earth in a very short time instead of traveling hundred of light-years


Cern Fallen And Portals Angels [JQSPZ9] › Cern_Portals_And_Fallen_Angels.html

About Portals Fallen And Cern Angels . Saw some dude post about the “dimensional rainbow portals” CERN is experimenting with. Enoch also was shown an even more terrible place, a fiery prison house where fallen angels were detained forever (1 Enoch 21:10).

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