AN EPIC WAKE UP CALL IS IMMINENT: Your Distractive Pacifiers-Idolatrous Satanic Technologies-Fallen Angel Inspired "Witty Inventions"-Smart Cellular Phones-WiFi-Internet-TV Broadcasts-Most Radio Stations-Other Electronic Devices-Critical Satellites Involving Worldwide GPS Navigation + US Communications Networks Systems-Archaic Electrical Power Grids-Civilian Utilities-Vulnerable Newer Vehicles Will All Catastrophically Fail In This Process: Please Get Ready For Massive Widespread False Flag ISIS Related Mega-Terrorist Attacks Plus Sinister Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Low Frequency Resonance TESLA Technology Driven Unnatural Mega-Disasters/All Major Distractions While THEY Power Down Some Major Cities And Secretly Reroute Civilian Electrical Power Grids To Their Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Including The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate*StarGate TESLA System Technologies Including Low Frequency Resonance GEOSTORM Prevention TESLA Satellites-Networks-Systems-Technologies That Will Cause Disharmonic Violent Weather Phenomenon-Anomalies-Oddities Including Horrific Dimensional Instabilities With A Nightmarish Rift Torn Into The 4th Dimensional Space-Time Fabric Of Angelic Spirits And Demons Causing Paranormal Activities To Greatly Increase With Widespread Demonic Possessions Including Extremely Strong Poltergeist Activities, Spectacular Sequential SUPERNOVAS Occur Around The Same Time Causing A 4th Dimensional Shift In Our Spiritual Consciousness-Awareness-Perception As Our Spiritual EYE*HEART Gradually Opens Up Supernaturally Giving Us The Ability To Clearly Witness The Spiritual Interactions Of Angels And Demons, In The Dimensional Shift Transitional Process It Quickly Becomes Bitter Arctic Cold In The True Southern Regions Of The Earth With Hot To Tropical Temperatures In The True Northern Ice Covered Regions Of The Earth Causing The Vast Ice Caps To Melt In Just Months With Massive Widespread Inundations Of Islands And Coast Lines Throughout The Earth Including Major Land Deformations, The Earth's Electromagnetic Energy Fields Begin Shifting Including The Climate As Necessary Ultra-Cataclysmic Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Suddenly Begin To Ramp Up Above And Below As The SPIRITUALLY POWERED SUN Starts To Suddenly Amplify Its UV Light Energy Radiation Output, But The Satanic NASA Space Agency Will TryTo Counter Its Increased Intense Output By Covertly Utilizing The Parker Solar Probe Antimatter Triggered Dirty Elemental Fusion Bomb Weapon Detonation Due To Occur Shortly Targeting The Thinner Brighter More Vulnerable Higher Resonance CORONAL Edge-Ring Of The Pure Elemental Vibratory Carbon Solar Orb (Shield Shaped - Concave Backside - Convex Frontside) Celestial Energy Convertor Cosmic Loudspeaker Structure Known As The SUN, Subsequently The Spherical Nuclear Powered Giant L.E.D. Array Artificial Sun Structure Then Gets Covertly Activated In The Process When Our Sun Strangely Goes Dim And The Sky Wierdly Turns Dark In Broad Daylight Around Noonday, As Foretold In Micah 3rd Ch. (REMEMBER The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO "Dark Sky Project" Cunningly Designed To Attempt To Make The Indigenous Earth A Dimly Lit *Low Vibe* Low Powered Environment More Suitable For Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Highly Mutated Genetic Hybrids Including Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran People Who Have Been Fully Vaxxed, A False Flag Massive Widespread UFO Invasion Occurs, As Foretold In Zechariah 5th/6th Chs., And The HOLY ANGELS Will Be Sent Out To Supernaturally Protect The Righteous Indigenous People Located In The North Country/North America And One Located In The South Country/South America, But The This False Flag Massive Widespread UFO Invasion Event Will Be Coupled With The Covert Activation Of The "Project Blue Beam" Holographic Light Show Deceptively Implemented To Confuse Sheeple Into Believing In The So-Called Return Of The gods Including The Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Induced "god Speaker Technology" That Can Inductively Input godlike Voices Into People's Vulnerable Heads In Highly Deceptive Preparation For The Return Of The So-Called gods-Aliens Which Are Actually Cast Down Sinister Fallen Angels And Their Demonic Cloned Mutated Genetically Hbridized Extraterrestrial Biological Entities Known As E.B.E.s Who Wickedly Aid In Doing Their Dirty Work Including Piloting Various Larger Ancient Antediluvian UFOs-Electromagnetic FREE ENERGY Space Ships Including Smaller Lower Powered Modern Day Retro-Engineered Light Ships With Various Energetic Propulsion Systems, Also During This Ultra-Catastrophic Time In The Near Future Natural Earth Portals-Gateways-Doors-Wormholes-Windows Will Continue To Sequentially Open Up As The Earth Receives More Unstoppable Incoming Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL ENERGY Influx-Flow Originating From The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL In The UPPER HEAVEN, REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch..Involving The Unstoppable HOLY SPIRIT TRAIN, With This Greatly Increased SPIRITUAL POWER Gradually Increasing Its METAPHYSICAL FLOW Throughout The Earth's Vast Nervous System Energy Grid Network Of Vibratory Elemental Watery Oscillating Ley Lines-Energy Vortexs-Deep Underground Giant Resonant Elemental Crystalline Relay Junctions-Energetic Intersection Points-Electromagnetic Axioms With Once Dormant And Semi-Active Natural Earth Portals Gradually Becoming Fully Active Again As People And Things Get Swallowed Up Into Other Dimensions While Strange Cryptid Creatures Emerge Into Our Dimension Causing Much Terror Among Spiritually Unwise Ignorant Gullible Feeble Minded People Who Erroneously Listen To Their Sinister Government, But Keep In Mind That This Is Just "The Beginning Of Sorrows And The Star Of Our Necessary Spiritual Labor Pains" As We Righteous HOLY SEED Bearing Indigenous People Undergo Our Extraordinary Supernatural Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Rebirth-First Resurrection-Glorification-Ascension Process As The Earth Simultaneously Undergoes This Necessary APOCALYPTIC FIERY ASCENSION Process, REMEMBER The Entire Book Of REVELATION, Ahman. Please Note That I'm Just Scratching The Surface Of Many Extraordinary Endtime Prophecies Which Will Definitely Manifest In A Short Span Of About 4 Years As The Current Celestial Age Of Warring Pisces, (READ The Book Of Enoch And REMEMBER The Twelve 500 Year GEOSTORM Zodiacal Cycles Which Have To Be Completed In Order To Close Out Or Finish The 6,000 Years Of Our Temporary Fallen State), Ultra-Cataclysmically Transitions With An Epic Record Shattering GEOSTORM Of Horrific Nightmarish Proportions Increasing In Severity During The 3.5 Year/1260 Day Great Tribulation Of Supernaturally Controlled Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements Leading To The Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Celestial Age Of Aquarius With The Start Of The 7th Day Grand Sabbath Day Of 1,000 Years Of Holy Rest Including Further Spiritual Ascension Involving The GLORIOUS OUTPOURED HOLY SPIRIT Of The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Which Will Ultimately Manifest HEAVEN On Earth After She Is Supernaturally Renewed Above And Below, REMEMBER Luke 21st Ch. + Revelation 12th Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Matthew 24:27-35 + Acts 2nd Ch. + Joel 2nd Ch. + Hosea 6th Ch. + 2nd Peter 1:19-21 + Isaiah 30:26 + 2nd Peter 3rd Ch. + Isaiah 60th Ch. + The Book Of Enoch + The Entire Extraordinary APOCALYPTIC Book Of REVELATION, Ahman. Please Let's All REPENT, REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch., The WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN Is Definitely Coming Soon, AHMAN. SELAH
AN EPIC WAKE UP CALL IS IMMINENT: Your Distractive Pacifiers-Idolatrous Satanic Technologies-Fallen Angel Inspired ”Witty Inventions”-Smart Cellular Phones-WiFi-Internet-TV Broadcasts-Most Radio Stations-Other Electronic Devices-Critical Satellites Involving Worldwide GPS Navigation + US Communications Networks Systems-Archaic Electrical Power Grids-Civilian Utilities-Vulnerable Newer Vehicles Will All Catastrophically Fail In This Process: Please Get Ready For Massive Widespread False Flag ISIS Related Mega-Terrorist Attacks Plus Sinister Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Low Frequency Resonance TESLA Technology Driven Unnatural Mega-Disasters/All Major Distractions While THEY Power Down Some Major Cities And Secretly Reroute Civilian Electrical Power Grids To Their Worldwide Tower Of Babel *Demonic Netium Network* TESLA Infrastructures System Technologies Including The Hoover Dam Ultra-Longrange Teleportation JumpGate*StarGate TESLA System Technologies Including Low Frequency Resonance GEOSTORM Prevention TESLA Satellites-Networks-Systems-Technologies That Will Cause Disharmonic Violent Weather Phenomenon-Anomalies-Oddities Including Horrific Dimensional Instabilities With A Nightmarish Rift Torn Into The 4th Dimensional Space-Time Fabric Of Angelic Spirits And Demons Causing Paranormal Activities To Greatly Increase With Widespread Demonic Possessions Including Extremely Strong Poltergeist Activities, Spectacular Sequential SUPERNOVAS Occur Around The Same Time Causing A 4th Dimensional Shift In Our Spiritual Consciousness-Awareness-Perception As Our Spiritual EYE*HEART Gradually Opens Up Supernaturally Giving Us The Ability To Clearly Witness The Spiritual Interactions Of Angels And Demons, In The Dimensional Shift Transitional Process It Quickly Becomes Bitter Arctic Cold In The True Southern Regions Of The Earth With Hot To Tropical Temperatures In The True Northern Ice Covered Regions Of The Earth Causing The Vast Ice Caps To Melt In Just Months With Massive Widespread Inundations Of Islands And Coast Lines Throughout The Earth Including Major Land Deformations, The Earth’s Electromagnetic Energy Fields Begin Shifting Including The Climate As Necessary Ultra-Cataclysmic Corrective Transformative Worldwide Extreme Climate Changes Suddenly Begin To Ramp Up Above And Below As The SPIRITUALLY POWERED SUN Starts To Suddenly Amplify Its UV Light Energy Radiation Output, But The Satanic NASA Space Agency Will TryTo Counter Its Increased Intense Output By Covertly Utilizing The Parker Solar Probe Antimatter Triggered Dirty Elemental Fusion Bomb Weapon Detonation Due To Occur Shortly Targeting The Thinner Brighter More Vulnerable Higher Resonance CORONAL Edge-Ring Of The Pure Elemental Vibratory Carbon Solar Orb (Shield Shaped – Concave Backside – Convex Frontside) Celestial Energy Convertor Cosmic Loudspeaker Structure Known As The SUN, Subsequently The Spherical Nuclear Powered Giant L.E.D. Array Artificial Sun Structure Then Gets Covertly Activated In The Process When Our Sun Strangely Goes Dim And The Sky Wierdly Turns Dark In Broad Daylight Around Noonday, As Foretold In Micah 3rd Ch. (REMEMBER The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic NWO “Dark Sky Project” Cunningly Designed To Attempt To Make The Indigenous Earth A Dimly Lit *Low Vibe* Low Powered Environment More Suitable For Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Highly Mutated Genetic Hybrids Including Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran People Who Have Been Fully Vaxxed, A False Flag Massive Widespread UFO Invasion Occurs, As Foretold In Zechariah 5th/6th Chs., And The HOLY ANGELS Will Be Sent Out To Supernaturally Protect The Righteous Indigenous People Located In The North Country/North America And One Located In The South Country/South America, But The This False Flag Massive Widespread UFO Invasion Event Will Be Coupled With The Covert Activation Of The ”Project Blue Beam” Holographic Light Show Deceptively Implemented To Confuse Sheeple Into Believing In The So-Called Return Of The gods Including The Low Frequency Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Induced “god Speaker Technology” That Can Inductively Input godlike Voices Into People’s Vulnerable Heads In Highly Deceptive Preparation For The Return Of The So-Called gods-Aliens Which Are Actually Cast Down Sinister Fallen Angels And Their Demonic Cloned Mutated Genetically Hbridized Extraterrestrial Biological Entities Known As E.B.E.s Who Wickedly Aid In Doing Their Dirty Work Including Piloting Various Larger Ancient Antediluvian UFOs-Electromagnetic FREE ENERGY Space Ships Including Smaller Lower Powered Modern Day Retro-Engineered Light Ships With Various Energetic Propulsion Systems, Also During This Ultra-Catastrophic Time In The Near Future Natural Earth Portals-Gateways-Doors-Wormholes-Windows Will Continue To Sequentially Open Up As The Earth Receives More Unstoppable Incoming Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial*Cosmic SPIRITUAL ENERGY Influx-Flow Originating From The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL In The UPPER HEAVEN, REMEMBER AMOS 9th Ch..Involving The Unstoppable HOLY SPIRIT TRAIN, With This Greatly Increased SPIRITUAL POWER Gradually Increasing Its METAPHYSICAL FLOW Throughout The Earth’s Vast Nervous System Energy Grid Network Of Vibratory Elemental Watery Oscillating Ley Lines-Energy Vortexs-Deep Underground Giant Resonant Elemental Crystalline Relay Junctions-Energetic Intersection Points-Electromagnetic Axioms With Once Dormant And Semi-Active Natural Earth Portals Gradually Becoming Fully Active Again As People And Things Get Swallowed Up Into Other Dimensions While Strange Cryptid Creatures Emerge Into Our Dimension Causing Much Terror Among Spiritually Unwise Ignorant Gullible Feeble Minded People Who Erroneously Listen To Their Sinister Government, But Keep In Mind That This Is Just “The Beginning Of Sorrows And The Star Of Our Necessary Spiritual Labor Pains” As We Righteous HOLY SEED Bearing Indigenous People Undergo Our Extraordinary Supernatural Multistage Deep Spiritual Awakening-Rebirth-First Resurrection-Glorification-Ascension Process As The Earth Simultaneously Undergoes This Necessary APOCALYPTIC FIERY ASCENSION Process, REMEMBER The Entire Book Of REVELATION, Ahman. Please Note That I’m Just Scratching The Surface Of Many Extraordinary Endtime Prophecies Which Will Definitely Manifest In A Short Span Of About 4 Years As The Current Celestial Age Of Warring Pisces, (READ The Book Of Enoch And REMEMBER The Twelve 500 Year GEOSTORM Zodiacal Cycles Which Have To Be Completed In Order To Close Out Or Finish The 6,000 Years Of Our Temporary Fallen State), Ultra-Cataclysmically Transitions With An Epic Record Shattering GEOSTORM Of Horrific Nightmarish Proportions Increasing In Severity During The 3.5 Year/1260 Day Great Tribulation Of Supernaturally Controlled Fiery Hellish Wrathful Judgements Leading To The Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful Celestial Age Of Aquarius With The Start Of The 7th Day Grand Sabbath Day Of 1,000 Years Of Holy Rest Including Further Spiritual Ascension Involving The GLORIOUS OUTPOURED HOLY SPIRIT Of The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Which Will Ultimately Manifest HEAVEN On Earth After She Is Supernaturally Renewed Above And Below, REMEMBER Luke 21st Ch. + Revelation 12th Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Matthew 24:27-35 + Acts 2nd Ch. + Joel 2nd Ch. + Hosea 6th Ch. + 2nd Peter 1:19-21 + Isaiah 30:26 + 2nd Peter 3rd Ch. + Isaiah 60th Ch. + The Book Of Enoch + The Entire Extraordinary APOCALYPTIC Book Of REVELATION, Ahman. Please Let’s All REPENT, REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16, John 3:16, 1st John 1:9, And AMOS 9th Ch., The WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN Is Definitely Coming Soon, AHMAN. SELAH
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The above is truly annoying: only capital letters, badly worded sentences and no chance for the eye or mind to rest. Geesh.