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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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Satanic MAD Scientists Are Fighting Retro-Viruses With Retro-Viruses. This Is So Stupidly Deceptive But Many People Are Very Gullible. However, Please Be Aware That Millions Of People Still Have Retroviral Foreign Invaders Lurking Around Inside Their Vulnerable Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies Waiting To Cause Massive Widespread Monstrous Cellular Mutations (Which Will Soon Be Activated Covertly Via WEAPONIZED High Amplitude Extreme Low Frequency-E.L.F. Plus Ultra-Low Frequency-U.L.F MICROWAVE Radiation Signals). Remember The Cryptic Predictive Programming Intro To The Illuminati Movie Called "I Am Legend", Primarily About A So-Called Miracle Cure-All For Cancer (Actually Involving The CAR T-Cell Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retroviral Nanotechnology Cellular Immunotherapy Protocols) Which Caused Horrific Mutations In A Multitude Of Hosts And Subsequently The Government Military Scientist Cunningly Portrayed By Will Smith Tried To Come Up With Another Retroviral So-Called Miracle Cure-All To Put A Stop To The Spread Of The Highly Communicable Krippen Virus That Was Mutating People Into Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimeras. But Actually It's The Other Way Around Because The FINAL PHASE Of *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Involves The Sinister UN Regulated Non-Peacekeeping Militarized ENFORCED MANDATORY VACCINATIONS-INOCULATIONS-DNA INFUSIONS Program Primarily Consisting Of The CAR T-Cell Vampire DNA Modification Of The Immune System Plus CRISPR Gene Manipulation-Splicing-Alterations Including The VMAT 2 Gene Which Alters Cellular Brain Functions Coupled With *Black Goo 666 Carbonic Liquid Crystal Synthetic Melanin Graphene Nanoparticles Infusions Of Programmable Matter Nanites Cunningly Designed To Provide Limited Sunscreen Protection Against The Gradually Amplifying SUN's Intensifying UV Light Energy Radiation Plus Limited Repair Of Their Snow White Leprous Cursed Feeble Flesh Because Beastly Vampiric Chimeras Quickly Burn In The SUN. Please Be Aware That Satan's Irreversible CURSED *Genetic + Mental* MARK Will Be Deceptively Cunningly Fast Tracked-Pushed-Implemented-Adminstered As A *FAKE* So-Called Miracle Cure-All For All That Ails You Which Will Cause Spiritually Unwise Gullible Ignorant Feeble Minded People-Sheeple-Civilians-Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Who Erroneously But Willfully Accepted Or Took It To Gradually Mutate-Turn-Evolve Into Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimeras Embedded With Satan's Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN Nanotechnologies That Can Be Tracked-Monitored-Modulated-Controlled-Regulated Via Satanic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals/Evil DNA Programs. So, If You Erroneously Think That The Highly Deceptive Satanic Retroviral MRNA Mutative Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Are A Cure With No Side Effects, Then You're DUMB-GULLIBLE-IGNORANT-SPIRITUALLY UNWISE Sheeple With A Lack Of Right Knowledge, Because Its Actually The Opposite. Don't Fall For Their Lies Because The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic NWO Powers That Be Are Currently Deceptively Claiming That The Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Have Decreased The Spread Of The Coronavirus/COVID-19 Which Is Still Running It's Course With Different Variant Mutations/Strains (Everything Will Unfold As The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Intended Concerning Endtime Prophecies And The Manifestation Of Severe Wrathful Plagues-Pestilences-Wars-Various Fiery Hellish Judgements That Will Befall The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens). Please Be Aware That There Are Two Primary Forms-Types-Kinds Of The Coronavirus/COVID-19, The First One Which Was Intentionally Spread By The NWO Cronies That Was Cunningly Genetically Engineered From Ancient Anthrax/Biblical Murrain Of The First Exodus Plagues Primarily Designed (As The Weaponized Flu) To Severely Infect The Lungs Which Also Negatively Affects Other Organs While Breaking Down The Cellular Immune System And The Second One (The Other Form-Type-Kind Of The Coronavirus/COVID-19 Mutative Retrovirus Consisting Of MRNA Nanotechnologies) Which They Cunningly Genetically Engineered To Highjack Or Covertly Take Control Of People's Vulnerable Cellular Receptors/The Main Entry-Exit Gateways Of The Cells Purposely Designed To Forcefully Open Up The Receptors Via Microwave Signal Activation (Without Any Adverse Immune System Response Rejections) In Covert Preparations For The Sinister Fallen Angel DNA Insertion Of The *FINAL PHASE* Concerning Complete Cellular Hybridization Including Total Satanic Takeover Of The Severely Compromised Vulnerable Flesh Body-Vessel-Temple-Cells-Brain-Mind-Spiritual EYE/HEART-Soul Involving Satan's Highly Deceptive Irreversible LUCIFERASE Glowing Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Nanotechnology Embedded CAR T-Cell Chimeric Antigen Receptor/VAMPIRE DNA Cellular Immunotherapy Protocols Of Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Of Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN Nanotechnologies, As Foretold In Revelation 13th Ch., Ahman. So, In Actuality Millions Of People's Cellular Receptors/The Main Extry-Exit Checkpoint Gateways Of Their Vulnerable Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes Have Been Covertly Highjacked Or Taken Over (Remember Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Will Be Covertly Utilized To Activate The Coronavirus/COVID-19 Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions While Causing Cellular Mutations And Negatively Rebuilding The Vulnerable Cells) In Evil Preparations For The *FINAL PHASE* Insertion Of Satan's Irreversible LUCIFERASE Glowing Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming CAR T-Cell Chimeric Antigen Receptor VAMPIRE DNA Cellular Immunotherapy Nanotechnology Embedded Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Of Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN Nanotechnologies, As Foretold In Revelation 13th Ch., Ahman (DOUBLE WARNING ISSUED - I HOPE YOU CLEARLY UNDERSTAND What's Being Explained Because Its A Life Or Death Situation). So Please Be Aware That The Spiritually Unwise Ignorant Gullible Feeble Minded People Who Have Been Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused Are Now CARRIERS Of The 2nd Genetically Engineered Infiltrative Coronavirus That Was Cunningly Designed To Turn Off Or Disrupt The Protective Plasma Forcefields (CORONA Energy Barrier) Around The Cells And It Also Covertly Highjacks The Vulnerable Cellular Receptors/Main Entry-Exit Gateways Of The Cells Making Them More Vulnerable To Highly Intrusive Satanic *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Plus Sinister Fallen Angel VAMPIRE-CHIMERA-BEAST DNA Insertion, While These Infected People Also Spew Out Unseen Retroviral MRNA (ALIEN) Nanotechnologies Into The Fluid Medium We Call Air And Your Proximity In Relation To These CARRIERS, Including Your DNA Type Indigenous Or Non-Indigenous HaploGroup, Primary Genetic Ancestry, Blood Type Either Positive + Or Negative -, Plus Immune System Integrity Are Main Determinant Factors Concerning The Communicability Of Satan's NWO ALIEN Retrovirus Plandemic That's Quickly Leading To The *FINAL PHASE* Of His Total DNA Corruption Ultimate Eugenics Program Which Will Be Deceptively Fast Tracked-Pushed-Implemented-Administered-Enforced Worldwide Under Sinister NWO * UN Non-Peacekeeping Militarized Protocols Covertly Guided By Satan With The Evil Assistance Of Fallen Angels, Demons, An Their Wicked Fleshly Cronies In Secret Preparations - Purposely Planned For Populating His Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar With Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimeras (Highly Mutated Hybridized People-Sheeple-Civilians-Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress) Embedded With Satanic Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN Nanotechnologies (Making Them Technological Upgrades Of His Son Cain Who Was The First Murderous Bloodthirsty Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimera To Exist On Earth), As Foretold In Revelation 13th Ch., Ahman. So, REMEMBER That So-Called Herd Immunity Is Actually Herd Infection - They Are Manipulating The Plandemic To Achieve A Preset Average Number Of Infected People Which Will Make The *FINAL PHASE*/The Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Easier To Insert Into Their Vulnerable Opened Cells Involving This Multistage Covert Satanic Complete Attempted Takeover Of The Human Domain (But The Righteous Ones Will Not Fall For The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Strong Delusions)! PLEASE Don't Let The Sinister NWO Cronies Deceive You Into Willingly Giving Up Your Humanity-Love By Unwisely Falling For Satan's Ultimate Eugenics Program Primarily Targeting Us Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Israelites And The Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children. REMEMBER Revelation 22nd Ch. - Don't Wilfully Tamper With Your Primary DNA/Genes/Record BOOK Because Its Irreversible Once Done - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! SELAH

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Satanic MAD Scientists Are Fighting Retro-Viruses With Retro-Viruses. This Is So Stupidly Deceptive But Many People Are Very Gullible. However, Please Be Aware That Millions Of People Still Have Retroviral Foreign Invaders Lurking Around Inside Their Vulnerable Flesh Temples-Vessels-Bodies Waiting To Cause Massive Widespread Monstrous Cellular Mutations (Which Will Soon Be Activated Covertly Via WEAPONIZED High Amplitude Extreme Low Frequency-E.L.F. Plus Ultra-Low Frequency-U.L.F MICROWAVE Radiation Signals). Remember The Cryptic Predictive Programming Intro To The Illuminati Movie Called “I Am Legend”, Primarily About A So-Called Miracle Cure-All For Cancer (Actually Involving The CAR T-Cell Chimeric Antigen Receptor Retroviral Nanotechnology Cellular Immunotherapy Protocols) Which Caused Horrific Mutations In A Multitude Of Hosts And Subsequently The Government Military Scientist Cunningly Portrayed By Will Smith Tried To Come Up With Another Retroviral So-Called Miracle Cure-All To Put A Stop To The Spread Of The Highly Communicable Krippen Virus That Was Mutating People Into Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimeras. But Actually It’s The Other Way Around Because The FINAL PHASE Of *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Involves The Sinister UN Regulated Non-Peacekeeping Militarized ENFORCED MANDATORY VACCINATIONS-INOCULATIONS-DNA INFUSIONS Program Primarily Consisting Of The CAR T-Cell Vampire DNA Modification Of The Immune System Plus CRISPR Gene Manipulation-Splicing-Alterations Including The VMAT 2 Gene Which Alters Cellular Brain Functions Coupled With *Black Goo 666 Carbonic Liquid Crystal Synthetic Melanin Graphene Nanoparticles Infusions Of Programmable Matter Nanites Cunningly Designed To Provide Limited Sunscreen Protection Against The Gradually Amplifying SUN’s Intensifying UV Light Energy Radiation Plus Limited Repair Of Their Snow White Leprous Cursed Feeble Flesh Because Beastly Vampiric Chimeras Quickly Burn In The SUN. Please Be Aware That Satan’s Irreversible CURSED *Genetic + Mental* MARK Will Be Deceptively Cunningly Fast Tracked-Pushed-Implemented-Adminstered As A *FAKE* So-Called Miracle Cure-All For All That Ails You Which Will Cause Spiritually Unwise Gullible Ignorant Feeble Minded People-Sheeple-Civilians-Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Who Erroneously But Willfully Accepted Or Took It To Gradually Mutate-Turn-Evolve Into Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimeras Embedded With Satan’s Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN Nanotechnologies That Can Be Tracked-Monitored-Modulated-Controlled-Regulated Via Satanic Microwave Energy Radiation Signals/Evil DNA Programs. So, If You Erroneously Think That The Highly Deceptive Satanic Retroviral MRNA Mutative Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Are A Cure With No Side Effects, Then You’re DUMB-GULLIBLE-IGNORANT-SPIRITUALLY UNWISE Sheeple With A Lack Of Right Knowledge, Because Its Actually The Opposite. Don’t Fall For Their Lies Because The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic NWO Powers That Be Are Currently Deceptively Claiming That The Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Have Decreased The Spread Of The Coronavirus/COVID-19 Which Is Still Running It’s Course With Different Variant Mutations/Strains (Everything Will Unfold As The MOST HIGH POWER Of YISRAEL Intended Concerning Endtime Prophecies And The Manifestation Of Severe Wrathful Plagues-Pestilences-Wars-Various Fiery Hellish Judgements That Will Befall The Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens). Please Be Aware That There Are Two Primary Forms-Types-Kinds Of The Coronavirus/COVID-19, The First One Which Was Intentionally Spread By The NWO Cronies That Was Cunningly Genetically Engineered From Ancient Anthrax/Biblical Murrain Of The First Exodus Plagues Primarily Designed (As The Weaponized Flu) To Severely Infect The Lungs Which Also Negatively Affects Other Organs While Breaking Down The Cellular Immune System And The Second One (The Other Form-Type-Kind Of The Coronavirus/COVID-19 Mutative Retrovirus Consisting Of MRNA Nanotechnologies) Which They Cunningly Genetically Engineered To Highjack Or Covertly Take Control Of People’s Vulnerable Cellular Receptors/The Main Entry-Exit Gateways Of The Cells Purposely Designed To Forcefully Open Up The Receptors Via Microwave Signal Activation (Without Any Adverse Immune System Response Rejections) In Covert Preparations For The Sinister Fallen Angel DNA Insertion Of The *FINAL PHASE* Concerning Complete Cellular Hybridization Including Total Satanic Takeover Of The Severely Compromised Vulnerable Flesh Body-Vessel-Temple-Cells-Brain-Mind-Spiritual EYE/HEART-Soul Involving Satan’s Highly Deceptive Irreversible LUCIFERASE Glowing Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Nanotechnology Embedded CAR T-Cell Chimeric Antigen Receptor/VAMPIRE DNA Cellular Immunotherapy Protocols Of Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Of Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN Nanotechnologies, As Foretold In Revelation 13th Ch., Ahman. So, In Actuality Millions Of People’s Cellular Receptors/The Main Extry-Exit Checkpoint Gateways Of Their Vulnerable Flesh Cellular DNA Bearing Genes Have Been Covertly Highjacked Or Taken Over (Remember Weaponized Microwave Energy Radiation Signals Will Be Covertly Utilized To Activate The Coronavirus/COVID-19 Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions While Causing Cellular Mutations And Negatively Rebuilding The Vulnerable Cells) In Evil Preparations For The *FINAL PHASE* Insertion Of Satan’s Irreversible LUCIFERASE Glowing Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Total DNA Corruption *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming CAR T-Cell Chimeric Antigen Receptor VAMPIRE DNA Cellular Immunotherapy Nanotechnology Embedded Highly Mutative Retroviral MRNA Vaccinations-Inoculations-DNA Infusions Of Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN Nanotechnologies, As Foretold In Revelation 13th Ch., Ahman (DOUBLE WARNING ISSUED – I HOPE YOU CLEARLY UNDERSTAND What’s Being Explained Because Its A Life Or Death Situation). So Please Be Aware That The Spiritually Unwise Ignorant Gullible Feeble Minded People Who Have Been Vaccinated-Inoculated-DNA Infused Are Now CARRIERS Of The 2nd Genetically Engineered Infiltrative Coronavirus That Was Cunningly Designed To Turn Off Or Disrupt The Protective Plasma Forcefields (CORONA Energy Barrier) Around The Cells And It Also Covertly Highjacks The Vulnerable Cellular Receptors/Main Entry-Exit Gateways Of The Cells Making Them More Vulnerable To Highly Intrusive Satanic *Genetic + Mental* Reprogramming Plus Sinister Fallen Angel VAMPIRE-CHIMERA-BEAST DNA Insertion, While These Infected People Also Spew Out Unseen Retroviral MRNA (ALIEN) Nanotechnologies Into The Fluid Medium We Call Air And Your Proximity In Relation To These CARRIERS, Including Your DNA Type Indigenous Or Non-Indigenous HaploGroup, Primary Genetic Ancestry, Blood Type Either Positive + Or Negative -, Plus Immune System Integrity Are Main Determinant Factors Concerning The Communicability Of Satan’s NWO ALIEN Retrovirus Plandemic That’s Quickly Leading To The *FINAL PHASE* Of His Total DNA Corruption Ultimate Eugenics Program Which Will Be Deceptively Fast Tracked-Pushed-Implemented-Administered-Enforced Worldwide Under Sinister NWO * UN Non-Peacekeeping Militarized Protocols Covertly Guided By Satan With The Evil Assistance Of Fallen Angels, Demons, An Their Wicked Fleshly Cronies In Secret Preparations – Purposely Planned For Populating His Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Full Of Uproar With Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimeras (Highly Mutated Hybridized People-Sheeple-Civilians-Remaining Desperate Survivors Under Extreme Duress) Embedded With Satanic Extreme Transhumanism ALIEN Nanotechnologies (Making Them Technological Upgrades Of His Son Cain Who Was The First Murderous Bloodthirsty Snow White Leprous Cursed Beastly Vampiric Chimera To Exist On Earth), As Foretold In Revelation 13th Ch., Ahman. So, REMEMBER That So-Called Herd Immunity Is Actually Herd Infection – They Are Manipulating The Plandemic To Achieve A Preset Average Number Of Infected People Which Will Make The *FINAL PHASE*/The Mark Of The Beast-Chimera-Vampire 666 Easier To Insert Into Their Vulnerable Opened Cells Involving This Multistage Covert Satanic Complete Attempted Takeover Of The Human Domain (But The Righteous Ones Will Not Fall For The Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Strong Delusions)! PLEASE Don’t Let The Sinister NWO Cronies Deceive You Into Willingly Giving Up Your Humanity-Love By Unwisely Falling For Satan’s Ultimate Eugenics Program Primarily Targeting Us Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Hebrews-Negroes-Priests-Kings-Israelites And The Indigenous Spiritually Melanated Gentiles-Our Humble Servants-Our Future Spiritual Children. REMEMBER Revelation 22nd Ch. – Don’t Wilfully Tamper With Your Primary DNA/Genes/Record BOOK Because Its Irreversible Once Done – YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! SELAH

By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain on Fri, May 28, 2021, 1:34

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