Pontius Pilot’s Letter to Caesar on the Execution of Christ the Anointed One. The Year 1519 Was Very Extraordinary a Dawning of a New Age, Pisces
Pontius Pilot’s Letter To Ceasar On The Execution Of Christ The Anointed One. THE RESURRECTION FOLLOWED 3 DAYS LATTER WITH EXTRAORDINARY EVENTS ACCOMPANYING BOTH EVENTS! This Is A Little Of What They Were Hiding For Many Years. I Will Post Many More For Your Enlightenment. I Thank The “Most High” For This Knowledge.
Pilate’s Letter to Tiberius Caesar (Pontius Pilate’s Letter to Tiberius Caesar verifying his sympathy for Jesus Christ and exposing the treachery of the Jews.) From The Archko Volume, or The Archeological Writings of the Sanhedrin and Talmuds of the Jews, entered into the Congressional Record in the year 1887. Republished in 1975 by Keats Publishing Inc., 27 Pine Street, New Canaan Conn. 06840, USA.
To Noble Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of Rome. Noble Sovereign, Greeting: The events of the last few days in my province have been of such a character that I will give the details in full as they occurred, as I should not be surprised if, in the course of time, they may change the destiny of our nation, for it seems of late that all the gods have ceased to be propitious. I am almost ready to say, Cursed be the day that I succeeded Vallerius Flaceus in the government of Judea; for since then my life has been one of continual uneasiness and distress. On my arrival at Jerusalem I took possession of the praetorium, and ordered a splendid feast to be prepared, to which I invited the tetrarch of Galilee, with the high priest and his officers. At the appointed hour no guests appeared. This I considered an insult offered to my dignity, and to the whole government which I represent. A few days after, the high priest deigned to pay me a visit. His deportment was grave and deceitful. He pretended that his religion forbade him and his attendants to sit at the table with the Romans, and eat and offer libations with them, but this was only a sanctimonious seeming, for his very countenance betrayed his hypocrisy. Although I thought it expedient to accept his excuse, from that moment I was convinced that the conquered had declared themselves the enemy of the conquerors; and I would warn the Romans to beware of the high priests of this country. They would betray their own mother to gain office and a luxurious living. It seems to me that, of conquered cities, Jerusalem is the most difficult to govern. So turbulent are the people that I live in momentary dread of an insurrection. I have not soldiers sufficient to suppress it. I had only one centurion and a hundred men at my command. I requested a reinforcement from the prefect of Syria, who informed me that he had scarcely enough troops sufficient to defend his own province. An insatiate thirst for conquest to extend our empire beyond the means of defending it, I fear, will be the cause of the final overthrow of our whole government. I lived secluded from the masses, for I did not know what those priests might influence the rabble to do; yet I endeavored to ascertain, as far as I could, the mind and standing of the people.
Among the various rumors that came to my ears, there was one in particular that attracted my attention. A young man, it was said, had appeared in Galilee, preaching with a noble unction a new law in the name of the God that had sent him. At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day in passing by the place of Siloe, where there was a great concourse of people, I observed in the midst of the group a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those listening to him. His golden-colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between him and his hearers, with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt him by my presence, I continued my walk, but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. My secretary’s name is Manlius. He is the grandson of the chief of the conspirators who encamped in Etruria waiting for Cataline. Manlius had been for a long time an inhabitant of Judea, and is well acquainted with the Hebrew language. He was devoted to me, and worthy of my confidence. On entering the praetorium I found Manlius, who related to me the words Jesus had pronounced at Siloe. Never have I read in the works of the philosophers anything that can compare to the maxims of Jesus. One of the rebellious Jews, so numerous in Jerusalem, having asked Jesus if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar, he replied, “Render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, and unto God the things that are God’s.” It was on account of the wisdom of his sayings that I granted so much liberty to the Nazarene; for it was in my power to have had him arrested, and exiled to Pontus; but that would have been contrary to the justice which has always characterized the Roman government in all its dealings with men; this man was neither seditious nor rebellious; I extended to him my protection, unknown perhaps to himself.
He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and address the people, and to choose disciples, unrestrained by any praetorian mandate. Should it ever happen (may the gods avert the omen!), should it ever happen, I say, that the religion of our forefathers will be supplanted by the religion of Jesus, it will be to this noble toleration that Rome shall owe her premature death, while I, miserable wretch, will have been the instrument of what the Jews call Providence, and we call destiny. This unlimited freedom granted to Jesus provoked the Jews–not the poor, but the rich and powerful. It is true, Jesus was severe on the latter, and this was a political reason, in my opinion, for not restraining the liberty of the Nazarene. “Scribes and Pharisees,” he would say to them, “you are a race of vipers; you resemble painted sepulchres; you appear well unto men, but you have death within you.” At other times he would sneer at the alms of the rich and proud, telling them that the mite of the poor was more precious in the sight of God. Complaints were daily made at the praetorium against the insolence of Jesus. I was informed that some misfortune would befall him; that it would not be the first time that Jerusalem had stoned those who called themselves prophets; an appeal would be made to Caesar. However, my conduct was approved by the Senate, and I was promised a reinforcement after the termination of the Parthian war. Being too weak to suppress an insurrection, I resolved upon adopting a measure that promised to restore the tranquility of the city without subjecting the praetorium to humiliating concession. I wrote to Jesus, requesting an interview with him at the praetorium. He came. You know that in my veins flows the Spanish mixed with Roman blood–as incapable of fear as it is of weak emotion.
When the Nazarene made his appearance, I was walking in my basilic, and my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement, and I trembled in every limb as does a guilty culprit, though the Nazarene was as calm as innocence itself. When he came up to me, he stopped, and by a signal sign he seemed to say to me, “I am here,” though he spoke not a word. For some time I contemplated with admiration and awe this extraordinary type of man–a type of man unknown to our numerous painters, who have given form and figure to all the gods and the heroes. There was nothing about him that was repelling in its character, yet I felt too awed and tremulous to approach him. “Jesus,” said I unto him at last–and my tongue faltered–”Jesus of Nazareth, for the last three years I have granted you ample freedom of speech; nor do I regret it. Your words are those of a sage. I know not whether you have read Socrates or Plato, but this I know, there is in your discourses a majestic simplicity that elevates you far above those philosophers. The Emperor is informed of it, and I, his humble representative in this country, am glad of having allowed you that liberty of which you are so worthy. However, I must not conceal from you that your discourses have raised up against you powerful and inveterate enemies. “Nor is this surprising. Socrates had his enemies, and he fell a victim to their hatred. Yours are doubly incensed–against you on account of your discourses being so severe upon their conduct; against me on account of the liberty I have afforded you. They even accuse me of being indirectly leagued with you for the purpose of depriving the Hebrews of the little civil power, which Rome has left them.
My request–I do not say my order–is, that you be more circumspect and moderate in your discourses in the future, and more considerate of them, lest you arouse the pride of your enemies, and they raise against you the stupid populace, and compel me to employ the instruments of law.” The Nazarene calmly replied, “Prince of the earth, your words proceed not from true wisdom. Say to the torrent to stop in the midst of the mountain-gorge; it will uproot the trees of the valley. The torrent will answer you that it obeys the laws of nature and the creator. God alone knows whither flow the waters of the torrent. Verily I say unto you, before the rose of Sharon blossoms, the blood of the Just shall be spilt.” “Your blood shall not be spilt,” said I with deep emotion; “you are more precious in my estimation on account of your wisdom than all the turbulent and proud Pharisees who abuse the freedom granted them by the Romans. They conspire against Caesar, and convert his bounty into fear, impressing the unlearned that Caesar is a tyrant and seeks their ruin. Insolent wretches! They are not aware that the wolf of the Tiber sometimes clothes himself with the skin of the sheep to accomplish his wicked designs. I will protect you against them. My praetorium shall be an asylum, sacred both day and night.” Jesus carelessly shook his head, and said with a grave and divine smile: “When the day shall have come, there will be no asylums for the son of man, neither in the earth nor under the earth. The asylum of the just is there,” pointing to the heavens. “That which is written in the books of the prophets must be accomplished.” “Young man,” I answered mildly, “you will oblige me to convert my request into an order. The safety of the province, which has been confided to my care, requires it. You must observe more moderation in your discourses.
Do not infringe my order. You know the consequences. May happiness attend you; farewell.” “Prince of the earth,” replied Jesus, “I come not to bring war into the world, but peace, love, and charity. I was born the same day on which Augustus gave peace to the Roman world. Persecutions proceed not from me. I expect it from others, and will meet it in obedience to the will of my Father, who has shown me the way. Restrain, therefore, your worldly prudence. It is not in your power to arrest the victim at the foot of the tabernacle of expiation.” So saying, he disappeared like a bright shadow behind the curtain of the basilic–to my great relief, for I felt a heavy burden on me, of which I could not relieve myself while in his presence. To Herod, who then reigned in Galilee, the enemies of Jesus addressed themselves, to wreak their vengeance on the Nazarene. Had Herod consulted his own inclinations, he would have ordered Jesus immediately to be put to death; but, though proud of his royal dignity, yet he hesitated to commit an act that might lessen his influence with the Senate, or, like me, was afraid of Jesus. But it would never do for a Roman officer to be scared by a Jew. Previously to this, Herod called on me at the praetorium, and, on rising to take leave, after some trifling conversation, asked me what was my opinion concerning the Nazarene. I replied that Jesus appeared to me to be one of those great philosophers that great nations sometimes produced; that his doctrines were by no means sacrilegious, and that the intentions of Rome were to leave him to that freedom of speech which was justified by his actions. Herod smiled maliciously, and, saluting me with ironical respect, departed. The great feast of the Jews was approaching, and the intention was to avail themselves of the popular exultation which always manifests itself at the solemnities of a Passover.
The city was overflowing with a tumultuous populace, clamoring for the death of the Nazarene. My emissaries informed me that the treasure of the temple had been employed in bribing the people. The danger was pressing. A Roman centurion had been insulted. I wrote to the Prefect of Syria for a hundred foot-soldiers and as many cavalry. He declined. I saw myself alone with a handful of veterans in the midst of a rebellious city, too weak to suppress an uprising, and having no choice left but to tolerate it. They had seized upon Jesus, and the seditious rabble, although they had nothing to fear from the praetorium, believing, as their leaders had told them, that I winked at their sedition–continued vociferating: “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” Three powerful parties had combined together at the time against Jesus: First, the Herodians and the Sadducees, whose seditious conduct seemed to have proceeded from double motives: they hated the Nazarene and were impatient of the Roman yoke. They never forgave me for having entered the holy city with banners that bore the image of the Roman emperor; and although in this instance I had committed a fatal error, yet the sacrilege did not appear less heinous in their eyes. Another grievance also rankled in their bosoms. I had proposed to employ a part of the treasure of the temple in erecting edifices for public use. My proposal was scorned. The Pharisees were the avowed enemies of Jesus. They cared not for the government. They bore with bitterness the severe reprimands which the Nazarene for three years had been continually giving them wherever he went. Timid and too weak to act by themselves, they had embraced the quarrels of the Herodians and the Sadducees. Besides these three parties, I had to contend against the reckless and profligate populace, always ready to join a sedition, and to profit by the disorder and confusion that resulted therefrom. Jesus was dragged before the High Priest and condemned to death. It was then that the High Priest, Caiaphas, performed a divisory act of submission.
He sent his prisoner to me to confirm his condemnation and secure his execution. I answered him that, as Jesus was a Galilean, the affair came under Herod’s jurisdiction, and ordered him to be sent thither. The wily tetrarch professed humility, and, protesting his deference to the lieutenant of Caesar, he committed the fate of the man to my hands. Soon my palace assumed the aspect of a besieged citadel. Every moment increased the number of the malcontents. Jerusalem was inundated with crowds from the mountains of Nazareth. All Judea appeared to be pouring into the city. I had taken a wife from among the Gauls, who pretended to see into futurity. Weeping and throwing herself at my feet, she said to me: “Beware, beware, and touch not that man; for he is holy. Last night I saw him in a vision. He was walking on the waters; he was flying on the wings of the wind. He spoke to the tempest and to the fishes of the lake; all were obedient to him. Behold, the torrent in Mount Kedron flows with blood, the statues of Caesar are filled with gemonide; the columns of the interium have given way; and the sun is veiled in mourning like a vestal in the tomb. Ah! Pilate, evil awaits thee. If thou wilt not listen to the vows of thy wife, dread the curse of a Roman Senate; dread the frowns of Caesar.” By this time the marble stair groaned under the weight of the multitude. The Nazarene was brought back to me. I proceeded to the halls of justice, followed by my guard, and asked the people in a severe tone what they demanded. “The death of the Nazarene,” was the reply. “For what crime?” “He has blasphemed; he has prophesied the ruin of the temple; he calls himself the Son of God, the Messiah, the King of the Jews.” “Roman justice,” said I, “punishes not such offences with death.” “Crucify him! Crucify him!” cried the relentless rabble. The vociferations of the infuriated mob shook the palace to its foundations.
There was but one who appeared to be calm in the midst of the vast multitude; it was the Nazarene. After many fruitless attempts to protect him from the fury of his merciless persecutors, I adopted a measure which at the moment appeared to me to be the only one that could save his life. I proposed, as it was their custom to deliver a prisoner on such occasions, to release Jesus and let him go free, that he might be the scapegoat, as they called it; but they said Jesus must be crucified. I then spoke to them of the inconsistency of their course as being incompatible with their laws, showing that no criminal judge could pass sentence on a criminal unless he had fasted one whole day; and that the sentence must have the consent of the Sanhedrin, and the signature of the president of that court; that no criminal could be executed on the same day his sentence was fixed, and the next day, on the day of his execution, the Sanhedrin was required to review the whole proceeding; also, according to their law, a man was stationed a short way off on horseback to cry the name of the criminal and his crime, and the names of his witnesses, and to know if any one could testify in his favor; and the prisoner on his way to execution had the right to turn back three times and to plead any new thing in his favor. I urged all these pleas, hoping they might awe them into subjection; but they still cried, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” I then ordered Jesus to be scourged, hoping this might satisfy them; but it only increased their fury. I then called for a basin, and washed my hands in the presence of the clamorous multitude, thus testifying that in my judgment Jesus of Nazareth had done nothing deserving of death; but in vain. It was his life these wretches thirsted for.
Often in our civil commotions have I witnessed the furious anger of the multitude, but nothing could be compared to what I witnessed on this occasion. It might have been truly said that all the phantoms of the infernal regions had assembled at Jerusalem. The crowd appeared not to walk, but to be borne off and whirled as a vortex, rolling along in living waves from the portals of the praetorium even unto Mount Zion, with howling screams, shrieks, and vociferations such as were never heard in the seditions of the Pannonia, or in the tumults of the forum. By degrees the day darkened like a winter’s twilight, such as had been at the death of the great Julius Caesar. It was likewise the Ides of March. I, the continued governor of a rebellious province, was leaning against a column of my basilic, contemplating athwart the dreary gloom these fiends of Tartarus dragging to execution the innocent Nazarene. All around me was deserted. Jerusalem had vomited forth her indwellers through the funeral gate that leads to Gemonica. An air of desolation and sadness enveloped me. My guards had joined the cavalry, and the centurion, with a display of power, was endeavoring to keep order. I was left alone, and my breaking heart admonished me that what was passing at that moment appertained rather to the history of the gods than that of men. A loud clamor was heard proceeding from Golgotha, which, borne on the winds, seemed to announce an agony such as was never heard by mortal ears. Dark clouds lowered over the pinnacle of the temple, and setting over the city covered it as with a veil. So dreadful were the signs that men saw both in the heavens and on the earth that Dionysius the Aeropagite is reported to have exclaimed, ‘Either the author of nature is suffering or the universe is falling apart.’ Whilst these appalling scenes of nature were transpiring, there was a dreadful earthquake in lower Egypt, which filled everybody with fear, and scared the superstitious Jews almost to death. It is said Balthasar, an aged and learned Jew of Antioch, was found dead after the excitement was over.
Whether he died from alarm or grief is not known. He was a strong friend of the Nazarene. Near the first hour of the night, I threw my mantle around me and went down into the city toward the gates of Golgotha. The sacrifice was consummated. The crowd was returning home, still agitated, it is true, but gloomy, taciturn, and desperate. What they had witnessed had stricken them with terror and remorse. I also saw my little Roman cohort pass by mournfully, the standard-bearer having veiled his eagle in token of grief; and I overheard some of the Jewish soldiers murmuring strange words, which I did not understand. Others were recounting miracles very like those which have so often smitten the Romans by the will of the gods. Sometimes, groups of men and women would halt, then, looking back toward Mount Calvary, would remain motionless in expectation of witnessing some new prodigy. I returned to the praetorium, sad and pensive. On ascending the stairs, the steps of which were still stained with the blood of the Nazarene, I perceived an old man in a suppliant posture, and behind him several Romans in tears. He threw himself at my feet and wept most bitterly. It is painful to see an old man weep, and my heart being already overcharged with grief, we, though strangers, wept together. And in truth it seemed that the tears lay very shallow that day with many whom I perceived in the vast concourse of people. I never witnessed such an extreme revulsion of feeling. Those who betrayed and sold him, those who testified against him, those who cried, “Crucify him, we have his blood,” all slunk off like cowardly curs, and washed their teeth with vinegar. As I am told that Jesus taught a resurrection after death, if such should be the fact, I am sure it commenced in this vast crowd. “Father,” said I to him, after gaining control of my feelings, “who are you, and what is your request?” “I am Joseph of Arimathea,” replied he, “and am come to beg of you upon my knees the permission to bury Jesus of Nazareth.” “Your prayer is granted,” said I to him; and at the same time I ordered Manlius to take some soldiers with him to superintend the interment, lest it should be profaned. A few days after, the sepulchre was found empty.
His disciples proclaimed all over the country that Jesus had risen from the dead, as he had foretold. This created more excitement even than the crucifixion. As to its truth, I cannot say for certain, but I have made some investigation of the matter; so you can examine for yourself, and see if I am in fault, as Herod represents. Joseph buried Jesus in his own tomb. Whether he contemplated his resurrection or calculated to cut him another, I cannot tell. The day after he was buried [i.e., Saturday] one of the priests came to the praetorium and said they were apprehensive that his disciples intended to steal the body of Jesus and hide it, and then make it appear that he had risen from the dead, as he had foretold, and of which they were perfectly convinced. I sent him to the captain of the royal guard (Malcus) to tell him to take the Jewish soldiers, place as many around the sepulchre as were needed; then if anything should happen, they could blame themselves, and not the Romans. When the great excitement arose about the sepulchre being found empty, I felt a deeper solicitude than ever. I sent for Malcus, who told he had placed his lieutenant, Ben Isham, with one hundred soldiers, around the sepulchre. He told me that Isham and the soldiers were very much alarmed at what had occurred there that morning. I sent for this man, Isham, who related to me, as near as I can recollect the following circumstances: He said that at about the beginning of the fourth watch they saw a soft and beautiful light over the sepulchre.
He at first thought that the women had come to embalm the body of Jesus, as was their custom, but he could not see how they had gotten through the guards. While these thoughts were passing through his mind, behold, the whole place was lighted up, and there seemed to be crowds of the dead in their grave-clothes. All seemed to be shouting and filled with ecstasy, while all around and above was the most beautiful music he had ever heard; and the whole air seemed to be full of voices praising God. At this time there seemed to be a reeling and swimming of the earth, so that he turned so sick and faint that he could not stand on his feet. He said the earth seemed to swim from under him, and his senses left him, so that he knew not what did occur. I asked him in what condition he was when he came to himself. He said he was lying on the ground with his face down. I asked him if he could not have been mistaken as to the light. Was it not day that was coming in the East? He said at first he thought of that, but at a stone’s cast it was exceedingly dark; and then he remembered it was too early for day I asked him if his dizziness might not have come from being wakened up and getting up too suddenly, as it sometimes had that effect. He said he was not, and had not been asleep all night, as the penalty was death for him to sleep on duty. He said he had let some of the soldiers sleep at a time. Some were asleep then. I asked him how long the scene lasted. He said he did not know, but he thought nearly an hour. He said it was hid by the light of day. I asked him if he went to the sepulchre after he had come to himself. He said no, because he was afraid; that just as soon as relief came, they all went to their quarters. I asked him if he had been questioned by the priests. He said they had.
They wanted him to say it was an earthquake, and that they were asleep, and offered him money to say that the disciples came and stole Jesus; but he saw no disciples; he did not know that the body was gone until he was told. I asked him what was the private opinion of those priests he had conversed with. He said that some of them thought that Jesus was no man; that he was not a human being; that he was not the son of Mary; that he was not the same that was said to be born of the virgin in Bethlehem; that the same persons had been on the earth before with Abraham and Lot, and at many times and places. It seems to me that, if the Jewish theory be true, these conclusions are correct, for they are in accord with this man’s life, as is known and testified by both friends and foes, for the elements were no more in his hands than the clay in the hands of the potter. He could convert water into wine; he could change death into life, disease into health; he could calm the seas, still the storms, call up fish with a silver coin in its mouth. Now, I say, if he could do all these things, which he did, and many more, as the Jews all testify, and it was doing these things that created this enmity against him–he was not charged with criminal offenses, nor was he charged with violating any law, nor of wronging any individual in person, and all these facts are known to thousands, as well by his foes as by his enemies–I am almost ready to say, as did Manlius at the cross, “Truly, this was the Son of God.” Now, noble Sovereign, this is as near the facts in the case as I can arrive at, and I have taken pains to make the statement very full, so that you may judge of my conduct upon the whole, as I hear that Antipater has said many hard things of me in this matter. With the promise of faithfulness and good wishes to my noble Sovereign, I am your most obedient servant, Pontius Pilate.
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However will they escape?
Pilate’s Letter To Caesar.
It looks like wakeupmypeoplespiritrain took a little from it and then just added a dash of this and a dash of that and it ended up where else, but on B4IN.
Quote: I Will Post Many More For Your Enlightenment.
I think he meant “Entertainment.”
I am thinking this guy or girl can only be about 12 years old.
Its late for me, but will be laughing still in the morning.
Your source?
A really good question. We know it’s not really Jewish. Because we know what the Talmud says about Jesus, and this ain’t it.
The gospel of John tells us what happened. Pontius Pilate conducted a brief hearing, like the captain’s mast on a Navy ship.
This was an eyewitness account, by someone who was there. Not one of the male apostles, the leaders of Jesus’ organization. They were in fear for their lives. Mary Magdelene is likely “the disciple Jesus loved,”who stood by him during his trial by the Sanhedrin and the trial by Pontius Pilate.
Others later embellished the story, to include the dream of Pontius Pilate’s wife, the washing of his hands, the trial before Herod. As they added the kiss by Judas at the arrest. The gospel of John tells the story plainly and simply.
The idea that a Roman, who spent so little time on Jesus to begin with, would write a boat-load of commentary, is ludicrous.
Don’t know about the validity of this document. It sounds a bit contrived.
However, historian James Usshur cites Tertullian and Eusebius [6542,6543] who said. “Tiberius was informed from Palestine by Pilate about the matters involving Christ. Tiberius proposed to the Senate that Christ should be considered one of the gods. The Senate opposed this, but Tiberius did not change his mind and threatened that: ‘It would be dangerous to accuse a Christian.’
Tertullian was an early 3rd century Christian, and Eusebius was a 4th century Christian.
Their story about Tiberius is not supported by any of the Roman historians of Tiberius’ time.
I’m not saying it’s impossible.
The story is scabbed from the internet, easy to tell because it’s typed in his usual style using all capital letters in an attempt to hide his appalling grammar, no sources are available because it’s pure fiction.
Sweet Kisses
You are almost certainly correct; this does seem, to me at least, to be a tendentious forgery.
However, you should understand that many major writers of the time, and to the present day, *have* mentioned this man.
I speak of the Pharisees, and of their latter-day descendants, the rabbis, who spent and still spend an inordinate amount of their time, not in denying the miracles which he manifested, but in denying their source.
Had there been no reference made by these people to this man, then your apparent case would have been more secure, but as it is, I think we must draw the obvious conclusion.
There is not a single historical mention of Jesus.
There’s a video by 9nania that brings perspective to your statement. And by the way, this letter, if true-and I have no reason yet to doubt it’s authenticity, makes your statement invalid at least for now.
9nania reminds us and shows a list of the great world libraries that were burned, lost, or ransacked. These libraries contained knowledge and information that would probably amaze us today. It is extremely likely that there was much information about Jesus in those libraries.
Lastly, I am very, very suspicious that the books weren’t in fact burned, but were moved to another location. I won’t mention where as it’s just my opinion, but I’ll bet a lot of you think the same thing.
There are a number of ancient classical accounts of Jesus from pagan, non-Christian sources. These accounts are generally hostile to Christianity; some ancient authors denied the miraculous nature of Jesus and the events surrounding His life:
Thallus (52AD)
Thallus is perhaps the earliest secular writer to mention Jesus and he is so ancient his writings don’t even exist anymore. But Julius Africanus, writing around 221AD does quote Thallus who previously tried to explain away the darkness occurring at Jesus’ crucifixion:
“On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun.” (Julius Africanus, Chronography, 18:1)
If only more of Thallus’ record could be found, we might find more confirmation of Jesus’ crucifixion. But there are some things we can conclude from this account: Jesus lived, He was crucified, and there was an earthquake and darkness at the point of His crucifixion.
Tacitus (56-120AD)
Cornelius Tacitus was known for his analysis and examination of historical documents and is among the most trusted of ancient historians. He was a senator under Emperor Vespasian and was also proconsul of Asia. In his “Annals’ of 116AD, he describes Emperor Nero’s response to the great fire in Rome and Nero’s claim that the Christians were to blame:
“Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular.”
In this account, Tacitus confirms several historical elements of the Biblical narrative: Jesus lived in Judea, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and had followers who were persecuted for their faith in Christ.
Mara Bar-Serapion (70AD)
Sometime after 70AD, a Syrian philosopher named Mara Bar-Serapion, writing to encourage his son, compared the life and persecution of Jesus with that of other philosophers who were persecuted for their ideas. The fact Jesus is known to be a real person with this kind of influence is important. Mara Bar-Serapion refers to Jesus as the “Wise King”:
“What benefit did the Athenians obtain by putting Socrates to death? Famine and plague came upon them as judgment for their crime. Or, the people of Samos for burning Pythagoras? In one moment their country was covered with sand. Or the Jews by murdering their wise king?…After that their kingdom was abolished. God rightly avenged these men…The wise king…Lived on in the teachings he enacted.”
From this account, we can add to our understanding of Jesus: He was a wise and influential man who died for His beliefs. The Jewish leadership was somehow responsible for Jesus’ death. Jesus’ followers adopted His beliefs and lived their lives accordingly.
Phlegon (80-140AD)
In a manner similar to Thallus, Julius Africanus also mentions a historian named Phlegon who wrote a chronicle of history around 140AD. In this history, Phlegon also mentions the darkness surrounding the crucifixion in an effort to explain it:
“Phlegon records that, in the time of Tiberius Caesar, at full moon, there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth to the ninth hour.” (Africanus, Chronography, 18:1)
Phlegon is also mentioned by Origen (an early church theologian and scholar, born in Alexandria):
“Now Phlegon, in the thirteenth or fourteenth book, I think, of his Chronicles, not only ascribed to Jesus a knowledge of future events . . . but also testified that the result corresponded to His predictions.” (Origen Against Celsus, Book 2, Chapter 14)
“And with regard to the eclipse in the time of Tiberius Caesar, in whose reign Jesus appears to have been crucified, and the great earthquakes which then took place … ” (Origen Against Celsus, Book 2, Chapter 33)
“Jesus, while alive, was of no assistance to himself, but that he arose after death, and exhibited the marks of his punishment, and showed how his hands had been pierced by nails.” (Origen Against Celsus, Book 2, Chapter 59)
From these accounts, we can add something to our understanding: Jesus had the ability to accurately predict the future, was crucified under the reign of Tiberius Caesar and demonstrated His wounds after he was resurrected.
Pliny the Younger (61-113AD)
Early Christians were also described in early, non-Christian history. Pliny the Younger, in a letter to the Roman emperor Trajan, describes the lifestyles of early Christians:
“They (the Christians) were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food—but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.”
This early description of the first Christians documents several facts: the first Christians believed Jesus was GOD, the first Christians upheld a high moral code, and these early followers met regularly to worship Jesus.
Suetonius (69-140AD)
Suetonius was a Roman historian and annalist of the Imperial House under the Emperor Hadrian. His writings about Christians describe their treatment under the Emperor Claudius (41-54AD):
“Because the Jews at Rome caused constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus (Christ), he (Claudius) expelled them from the city (Rome).” (Life of Claudius, 25:4)
This expulsion took place in 49AD, and in another work, Suetonius wrote about the fire which destroyed Rome in 64 A.D. under the reign of Nero. Nero blamed the Christians for this fire and he punished Christians severely as a result:
“Nero inflicted punishment on the Christians, a sect given to a new and mischievous religious belief.” (Lives of the Caesars, 26.2)
There is much we can learn from Suetonius as it is related to the life of early Christians. From this account, we know Jesus had an immediate impact on His followers: They were committed to their belief Jesus was God and withstood the torment and punishment of the Roman Empire. Jesus had a curious and immediate impact on His followers, empowering them to die courageously for what they knew to be true.
Lucian of Samosata: (115-200 A.D.)
Lucian was a Greek satirist who spoke sarcastically of Christ and Christians, but in the process, he did affirm they were real people and never referred to them as fictional characters:
“The Christians, you know, worship a man to this day—the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account….You see, these misguided creatures start with the general conviction that they are immortal for all time, which explains the contempt of death and voluntary self-devotion which are so common among them; and then it was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, and deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws. All this they take quite on faith, with the result that they despise all worldly goods alike, regarding them merely as common property.” (Lucian, The Death of Peregrine. 11-13)
From this account we can add to our description of Jesus: He taught about repentance and about the family of God. These teachings were quickly adopted by Jesus’ followers and exhibited to the world around them.
Celsus (175AD)
This is the last hostile, non-Christian account we will examine (although there are many other later accounts in history). Celsus was quite antagonistic to the claims of the Gospels, but in his criticism he unknowingly affirmed and reinforced the Biblical authors and their content. His writing is extensive and he alludes to 80 different Biblical quotes, confirming their early appearance in history. In addition, he admits the miracles of Jesus were generally believed in the early 2nd century:
“Jesus had come from a village in Judea, and was the son of a poor Jewess who gained her living by the work of her own hands. His mother had been turned out of doors by her husband, who was a carpenter by trade, on being convicted of adultery [with a soldier named Panthéra (i.32)]. Being thus driven away by her husband, and wandering about in disgrace, she gave birth to Jesus, a bastard. Jesus, on account of his poverty, was hired out to go to Egypt. While there he acquired certain (magical) powers which Egyptians pride themselves on possessing. He returned home highly elated at possessing these powers, and on the strength of them gave himself out to be a god.”
Celsus admits Jesus was reportedly born of a virgin, but then argues this could supernatural account could not be possible and offers the idea Jesus was the illegitimate son of a man named Panthera (an idea borrowed from Jews who opposed Jesus at the time). But in writing this account, Celsus does confirm several important claims: Jesus had an earthly father who was a carpenter, possessed unusual magical powers and claimed to be God.
Hostile Non-Biblical Jewish Accounts
In addition to classical pagan sources chronicling the life of Jesus and His followers, there are also a number of ancient hostile Jewish sources describing Jesus. These are written by Jewish theologians, historians and leaders who were definitely not sympathetic to the Christian cause. Their writings are often very harsh, critical and even demeaning to Jesus. But there is still much these writings confirm:
Josephus (37-101AD)
In more detail than any other non-biblical historian, Josephus writes about Jesus in his “the Antiquities of the Jews” in 93AD. Josephus was born just four years after the crucifixion. He was a consultant for Jewish rabbis at an early age, became a Galilean military commander by the age of sixteen, and he was an eyewitness to much of what he recorded in the first century A.D. Under the rule of Roman emperor Vespasian, Josephus was allowed to write a history of the Jews. This history includes three passages about Christians, one in which he describes the death of John the Baptist, one in which he mentions the execution of James (and describes him as the brother of Jesus the Christ), and a final passage which describes Jesus as a wise man and the messiah. There is much legitimate controversy about the writing of Josephus, because the first discoveries of his writings are late enough to have been re-written by Christians who were accused of making additions to the text. So to be fair, we’ll examine a scholarly reconstruction stripped of Christian embellishment:
“Now around this time lived Jesus, a wise man. For he was a worker of amazing deeds and was a teacher of people who gladly accept the truth. He won over both many Jews and many Greeks. Pilate, when he heard him accused by the leading men among us, condemned him to the cross, (but) those who had first loved him did not cease (doing so). To this day the tribe of Christians named after him has not disappeared” (This neutral reconstruction follows closely the one proposed by John Meier, A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: The Roots of the Problem and the Person).
Now there are many other ancient versions of Josephus’ writing which are even more explicit about the nature of Jesus’ miracles, life and his status as the Christ, but let’s take this conservative version and see what we can learn. From this text, we can conclude: Jesus lived in Palestine, was a wise man and a teacher, worked amazing deeds, was accused by the Jews, crucified under Pilate and had followers called Christians.
Jewish Talmud (400-700AD)
While the earliest Talmudic writings of Jewish Rabbis appear in the 5th century, the tradition of these Rabbinic authors indicates they are faithfully transmitting teachings from the early “Tannaitic” period of the 1st Century BC to the 2nd Century AD. Scholars believe there are a number of Talmudic writings referring to Jesus, and many of these writings are said to use code words to describe Jesus (such as “Balaam” or “Ben Stada” or “a certain one”). But for our purposes we’ll be very conservative and limit our examination to the passages referring to Jesus in a more direct way:
“Jesus practiced magic and led Israel astray” (b. Sanhedrin 43a; cf. t. Shabbat 11.15; b. Shabbat 104b)
“Rabbi Hisda (d. 309) said that Rabbi Jeremiah bar Abba said, ‘What is that which is written, ‘No evil will befall you, nor shall any plague come near your house’? (Psalm 91:10)… ‘No evil will befall you’ (means) that evil dreams and evil thoughts will not tempt you; ‘nor shall any plague come near your house’ (means) that you will not have a son or a disciple who burns his food like Jesus of Nazareth.” (b. Sanhedrin 103a; cf. b. Berakhot 17b)
“Our rabbis have taught that Jesus had five disciples: Matthai, Nakai, Nezer, Buni and Todah. They brought Matthai to (to trial). He said, ‘Must Matthai be killed? For it is written, ‘When (mathai) shall I come and appear before God?’” (Psalm 92:2) They said to him, “Yes Matthai must be killed, for it is written, ‘When (mathai) he dies his name will perish’” (Psalm 41:5). They brought Nakai. He said to them, “Must Nakai be killed? For it is written, “The innocent (naqi) and the righteous will not slay’” (Exodus 23:7). They said to him, “Yes, Nakai must be kille, for it is written, ‘In secret places he slays the innocent (naqi)’” (Psalm 10:8). (b. Sanhedrin 43a; the passage continues in a similar way for Nezer, Buni and Todah)
And this, perhaps the most famous of Talmudic passages about Jesus:
“It was taught: On the day before the Passover they hanged Jesus. A herald went before him for forty days (proclaiming), “He will be stoned, because he practiced magic and enticed Israel to go astray. Let anyone who knows anything in his favor come forward and plead for him.” But nothing was found in his favor, and they hanged him on the day before the Passover. (b. Sanhedrin 43a)
From just these passages mentioning Jesus by name, we can conclude the following: Jesus had magical powers, led the Jews away from their beliefs, had disciples who were martyred for their faith (one of whom was named Matthai), and was executed on the day before the Passover.
Great comment! I shared the source on my Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/uncontrolled.opposition/
OBVIOUSLY, your an idiot, and not a SCHOLAR, like, ya know BOOK LURNIN?
There is “near universal consensus” among scholars that Jesus existed historically, although biblical scholars differ about the beliefs and teachings of Jesus as well as the accuracy of the details of his life that have been described in the Gospels. While scholars have sometimes criticized Jesus scholarship for religious bias and lack of methodological soundness, with very few exceptions, such critics do support the historicity of Jesus, and reject the theory that Jesus never existed, known as the Christ myth theory.
you, are a demon I see, here READ:
One of antiquity’s greatest historians, Cornelius Tacitus, affirmed that Jesus had suffered under Pilate. Tacitus was born around 25 years after Jesus died, and he had seen the spread of Christianity begin to impact Rome. The Roman historian wrote negatively of Christ and Christians, identifying them in a.d. 115 as “a race of men detested for their evil practices, and commonly called Chrestiani. The name was derived from Chrestus, who, in the reign of Tiberius, suffered under Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea.”8
The following facts about Jesus were written by early non-Christian sources:
•Jesus was from Nazareth.
•Jesus lived a wise and virtuous life.
•Jesus was crucified in Palestine under Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius Caesar at Passover time, being considered the Jewish king.
•Jesus was believed by his disciples to have died and risen from the dead three days later.
•Jesus’ enemies acknowledged that he performed unusual feats they called “sorcery.”
•Jesus’ small band of disciples multiplied rapidly, spreading as far as Rome.
•Jesus’ disciples denied polytheism, lived moral lives, and worshiped Christ as God.
Theologian Norman Geisler remarked:
“This general outline is perfectly congruent with that of the New Testament.”9
All of these independent accounts, religious and secular, speak of a real man who matches up well with the Jesus in the Gospels. Encyclopedia Britannica cites these various secular accounts of Jesus’ life as convincing proof of his existence. It states:
“These independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus.”10
There is “near universal consensus” among scholars
That there exists NOTHING historically credible about Jesus.
Biblical scholarship thus being a dead subject it became populated by Murican 52 varieties of mormon whose appeal to authority only works on neckbeard retards
God ‘n’ Jesus ~ Judges Son
God ‘n’ Jesus ~ Son Judges
I reckon Jesus was a politician who stirred up the romans
He pissed off his fellow JEW money changers when he over threw their tables and chased them out of the temple in a violent rage. 3 days later, the jew money changers had their henchmen the Romans eliminate jesus.
And don’t you think we should piss off our fellow British and American money changers again? I’d say it was overdue.
Correction: Jesus was not a Jew but a Galilean and so were his disciples, with the one exception of Judas. He never identified himself with the Jews.
sigh, there is not much point arguing with a flat-earther, you people are indicative of the times.
So you’re a muslim then? Incapable of any argument beyond what would work on / scare a post jewish neckbeard?
hehehe, silly little man, I posted above more than enough that a right-thinking person to understand, you however chose to ignore referenced historical quotes which any fool could look up on the internet, I do not comprehend what you wish to further argue about, as the argument is moot, proof could be provided ad infinitum, and it would not matter one iota, and, OUR Book, tells us of YOU, and YOUR KIND,
Jud 1:3 Beloved ones, making all haste to write to you concerning our common deliverance, I felt the necessity to write to you urging you to earnestly contend for the belief which was once for all delivered to the set-apart ones.
Jud 1:4 For certain men have slipped in, whose judgment was written about long ago, wicked ones1 perverting the favour of our Elohim for indecency, and denying the only Master יהוה and our Master יהושע Messiah. Footnote: 1See Mt. 13, 2 Thess. 2.
Jud 1:5 But I intend to remind you, though you once knew this, that יהוה, having saved a people out of the land of Mitsrayim, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.
Dont forget, the muuuslims, moehameddans, need to avenge their moongod, he caint do much alone, BUT, MY ELOHAY TAKES CARE O HIMSELF EH ,
Deu 32:35 ‘Vengeance is Mine, and repayment, At the time their foot slips; For near is the day of their calamity, And the matters prepared are hastening to them.’
Deu 32:36 “For יהוה rightly rules His people And has compassion on His servants, When He sees that their power is gone, And there is no one remaining, Shut up or at large.
Deu 32:37 “And He shall say, ‘Where are their mighty ones, The rock in whom they sought refuge?
Deu 32:38 ‘Who ate the fat of their slaughterings, And drank the wine of their drink offering? Let them arise and help you, Let it be a hiding-place for you!
Deu 32:39 ‘See now that I, I am He, And there is no Elohim besides Me. I put to death and I make alive. I have wounded, and I heal. And from My hand no one delivers!
Deu 32:40 ‘For I lift My hand to the heavens, And shall say: As I live forever,
Deu 32:41 ‘If I have sharpened My flashing sword, And My hand takes hold on judgment, I shall return vengeance to My enemies, And repay those who hate Me.
Deu 32:42 ‘I make My arrows drunk with blood, And My sword devours flesh, With the blood of the slain and the captives, From the long-haired enemy chiefs.’
Deu 32:43 “O nations, acclaim His people! For He avenges the blood of His servants, And returns vengeance to His adversaries, And shall pardon His land, His people.
SO, According to The Book, I just have to wait an see what happens to thee,
AND, one of the MAIN reasons I love Him so much, He LET you humans kill His Human Body, and now, 2000 years later, we He gives US , faithfull servants, HIS REVENGE, its in the Book, and we shall rip 2 BILLION to shreds and the slay stacks shall reach high, and smell of the gore, carnage far greater than any war, that is what gives me great joy, for in His Book, He promises, IF you do His Commandments, He shall grand you hearts fondest desire, and well, mine is to rend.
And the disciples that were with Him asked:
“Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?”
But He turned, and rebuked them, and said:
“Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save.”
You’re not supposed to be ravenous for blood, brother.
Psa 139:21 O יהוה, do I not hate them, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
Psa 139:22 With a complete hatred I hate them; They have become my enemies.
Psa 139:23 Search me, O Ěl, and know my heart; Try me, and know my thoughts;
Psa 139:24 And see if an idolatrous way is in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
Isa_34:6 “The sword of יהוה shall be filled with blood, it shall be made overflowing with fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams. For יהוה has a slaughtering in Botsrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Eḏom.
who is this “lord”??
Substituting the Name of יהוה with “LORD” or “Lord,” as has been done in most translations, is against all Scripture:
(1) It is a transgression of the Third Command(ment) which prohibits us from bringing His Name to naught, or falsifying it.
(2) It is a transgression of the command in Deḇ. 4:2 / Deu_4:2, “Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it.” This is repeated in Deḇ. 12:32 / Deu_12:32, Mish. 30:6 / Pro_30:6, Rev_22:18-19.
(3) יהוה reproves the prophets in Yirm. 23:36 / Jer_23:36, “You have changed the Words of the living Elohim…”
(4) “Lord” is not an innocent title. We trace it back to the Roman house-deity, and further back to the name of an Etruscan sovereign, Larth, not forgetting that in those days the sovereigns were deities! So this is a transgression of the clear command of Shem. 23:13 / Exo_23:13.
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you…”
Those are the words of your KING, Spaulding. Is that a suggestion or a commandment?
And the words of your Apostle:
“Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.”
Am I missing the part where we’re commanded to be bloodthirsty, curse-spewing, wrathful, vengeful firebrands?
To WHOM does vengeance belong?
These things you speak of I argue not against, for we are Commanded to turn the other cheek, and be meek, until the appointed time is over, I refer you to Psalm 82, and Ezekiel 21, for I have been told of Beef Supreme, and for him have I only admiration and respect, I would say, from what I gather, Abbadon shall deliver the Vengeance, and the wrath is a actual living person. And Im different, because my future has been revealed unto me, and I do as Commanded, as I give vent to the extreme fires that burn within. I tell them of what is to come, for none speak of it.
Isa 24:17 Fear and the pit and the snare are upon you, O inhabitant of the earth.
Isa 24:18 And it shall be that he who flees from the noise of the fear falls into the pit, and he who comes up from the midst of the pit is caught in the snare. For the windows from on high shall be opened, and the foundations of the earth be shaken.
Isa 24:19 The earth shall be utterly broken, the earth shall be completely shattered, the earth shall be fiercely shaken.
Isa 24:20 The earth shall stagger like a drunkard. And it shall totter like a hut, and its transgression shall be heavy upon it, and it shall fall, and not rise again.
Isa 24:21 And in that day it shall be that יהוה punishes on high the host of exalted ones, and on the earth the sovereigns of the earth.
I speak to my enemies here, YOU are not my enemy, many read, many see, seeds are planted, and when the fun begins, memorys will stir,and they shall say, O NO NOT HIM
If you are right then I will SLAY with you.
But I have been given no such order nor any command that I should wait for such an order.
The way I see things, there is a good deal of time yet to go before iniquity has been brought to the fullest. There is still time before the harvest. Shouldn’t the workers be about spreading Good News rather than unfurling banners of war?
War is coming. No doubt about it. But there is still time left to do the King’s work. And it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you display anything but rage.
HAIL BROTHER. Psalm 27 is our Orders, and we wait, I love you more than life itself, but you mistake RAGE for ZEAL, rage, has no control and is not focused, rage is bestial, These things I utter, are from a place of joy and not rage, of indignation and disgust, and I do bring good news, the news of our arrival, for you are most certainly one of the sons of fire, and it is our trial to sit and wait, how many times the cheeck turned? many, but not for long, for I blow a trumpet of WAR, for the sons of assur read here, and edom, moab and ammon are first to fall.
Joe 2:1 Blow a ram’s horn in Tsiyon, and sound an alarm in My set-apart mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the earth tremble, for the day of יהוה is coming, for it is near:
Joe 2:2 a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness, like the morning clouds spread over the mountains – a people many and strong, the like of whom has never been, nor shall there ever be again after them, to the years of many generations.
Joe 2:3 Ahead of them a fire has consumed, and behind them a flame burns. Before them the land is like the Garden of Ěḏen, and behind them a desert waste. And from them there is no escape.
Very well, brother.
But remember what happened when Jonah hated his enemy the way you hate yours? Jonah was aggrieved when Nineveh repented. Jonah was crestfallen that he didn’t get to see his enemy destroyed by the wrath of ELOHIM. (When we’re speaking English to other English speakers, I have no problem using the words GOD and LORD. It is the opinion of men that these words are insults to our Creator. It may or may not be so. I find it to be not so. The Most High knows who I intend if I say GOD or LORD. Only when we’re using Hebrew is it likely not a problem – unless the enemy has altered the words in that language as well. But it’s the same in Greek as it is with English. THEON and KERIOS are the translated variants of GOD and LORD. I am not in fear of these words. But I am well aware of the arguments which say I should be.)
And what did GOD say to Jonah at that time? He said in effect: Dude, WTF is wrong with you? These people don’t know their right hand from their left. They are thick-headed in the extreme. They are stubborn and stupid. And for THAT you would see them destroyed? Consider your ways.
Isaiah. Isaiah hated his enemy just as surely and as completely as you hate yours. Isaiah prophesied against the enemy for many chapters in his book. And what else? Isaiah was granted a vision whereby he was given the chance to SEE just what would befall that enemy in the latter days. What did Isaiah do after he got to see the judgment of his enemy? Did he rejoice? No. Isaiah wept.
I only see you looking at these matters from a single perspective, brother. I do not see you trying to look at matters from the multi-perspective, the way our King does and the way He has taught us to view things.
Even the Apostle has spoken, saying:
JUDGE NOTHING before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring light to the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts…
I hear what you say, brother. Just consider what I am saying.
I cannot argue, The answers from Beef Supreme, be spot on, yet I also see the Inner Meaning, behind the choice of avatar, a man in charge of humorous public execution, how ironic, and yet how apt, even I who fears not sheol, cannot argue with you, only an idiot would, these days hold such joy and wonder, because we roll by the Code of Conduct,
Jud 1:22 And show compassion toward some who are doubting,
Jud 1:23 but others save with fear, snatching them out of the fire, hating, even the garment defiled by the flesh.1 Footnote: 1See Gal. 5:19-21, Rom. 8:5-10.
I do not want that hot wind that burnt jonah, and to be CORRECTED by Beef Supreme, is actually a great honor, I can only abide, for I know who Beef Supreme serves, and to Beef I shall yield, with a smile infact, anyday, for we servants of he Most High, are in a competetion, “who can be nicest to each other” and where, STATUS is appointed by “what hast thou given away” . conversely, there is also a competition, “who can be nastiest to the sons of belial” and some of us are pretty nasty, and off we go, helping, an sharpening each other, o woe, woe to the world when we are all assembled.
“…woe to the world when we are all assembled.”
…will RULE with Messiah with a ROD OF IRON.
My bet is your rod will be very rusty and will have great spikes at the end and be wrapped loosely with barbed wire.
Hopefully no one ever asks you to collect a bag full of 100 foreskins. Laws knows you’d probably return with 50 THOUSAND.
HAIL, brother!!!
Beefy back on the block!
yes,, there is. look first.. before you babble
There is one. By the Pharisee Josephus Flavius, the personal historian and pet piggy bank of Roman emperor Titus Flavius, famous for crushing the rebellion in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Judea, that ended when he raised Jerusalem in Judea to the ground and slaughtered every last man, women, child, suckling baby, their livestock and burned their crops and homes. It was nothing exceptional, Titus Flavius did the same to the British Celts and Germanic people when they rebelled against Rome.
But what they don’t tell people is that Titus had his own living god cult, and he had a large following. The story of Jesus as he enters the so claimed holy land, expelling demons etc, is the exact same story of Titus as he entered the holy land, etc.
The Pharisees was a political party of money lenders and traders who invented Judaism after Titus crushed the rebellion in 70 CE. And most probably by the most influential Pharisee of them all, Josephus Flavius. Note; they have the same surname, that is not a coincidence.
In reply to DamnEI “There is not a single historical mention of Jesus.”
Flavius Josephus wrote about him. He was a Jewish historian for the Romans at the time of Jesus and up to His crucifixion
Successful deception … keeping you from Heaven … are the stunning lies against Catholic Dogma.
Lies by a heretic cult … pretending and claiming to be the Catholic Church since 8 December 1965.
Undeniable proof including photographic > > > http://www.Gods-Catholic-Dogma.com
Catholic writing of Romans 9:27 >
“If the number … be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.”
Catholic writing of Saint James 2:10 >
“Whosoever shall … offend in one point, is become guilty of all.”
The Roman Catholic Church is the largest cult in the history of the world. We’re saved by faith alone in Christ alone guided by the Bible alone. We’re not saved by infant baptism, good works, and obedience to man made church rules.
You shouldn’t pray to statues or to patron saints or to Mary. Pray to God and Jesus only.
Catholics aren’t Christians. They believe in a false gospel.
Roman ~ Or Man
Caesar ~ As Care
America ~ I Am Care
Who is pontius pilot ???? Some fighter pilot from way back?? Do you mean pontius PILATE??
Pilot?! Was wondering the same thing. I don’t really read their crap. Could somebody, who doesn’t care what they introduce into their brain, clarify if this article is a belated review of Top Gun, or about gel pens?
Only at beforeitsnews… “the click factory of the wannabes”… At least this article doesn’t seem to be bait for suckering YouTube video views from the gullible, videos Ed Wood would hold his nose over.
Pontus Pilot is one of the crew on the plane that landed on the Hudson River. His name is similar to Pontius Pilate affiliated with Rome in the Bible
Hesitant ~ The Saint
Loud Voice ~ OI! Could’ve
God does nothing random — all was planned from before creation to the second. If no physical evidence can be found that Jesus Christ existed — that is according to plan..that is by design.
The Jews of the day demanded proof He was the “Deliverer” they all looked for. They were given one sign “I will be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth i.e. in the tomb.
When He was — they still refused to believe. —- even today 99.9% of so called christians do not even accept that ONLY sign. They all agree Christ was in the grave one day and 2 nights.
Even today if bones, or a piece of cloth or a hang nail were found and some fool “proved” they were of Christ they would be worshiped. Look what they do in Rome with the old bones of their special dead ones.
The Proof will Come when HE returns — and even then the whole world will turn to fight HIM.
So funny cause you are the one who is being fooled haha satan has got you by the balls by not believing,so you go to hell with him….
The sun is god- without it you, me and all life here is 100% dead.
How on earth is that the ONLY sign? And most Christians DO accept it. And that He was crucified on the friday before the saturday sabbath.
Let me know if you can’t understand what Christ is clearly stating here — because He — DID NOT say —one day and two nights —which is what those that call themselves Christians espouse.
“Are there not 12 hours in a day”" three days are 36 hours plus the 3 nights.
38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.
39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
But hey — you ARE in agreement with 2 billion others — doesn’t that alone make you right?? I believe Christ and not the 2 billion.
You seem to be making up a tradition that doesn’t exist.
You have to form your reading of the Bible based on what you know:
When do you think he was crucified?
On the (tuesday) eve of the Great Sabbath (wednesday)?
On the Great Sabbath (wednesday)?
On the (friday) eve of the weekly sabbath of passover week (saturday)?
Heres something to consider: there were not 12 hours in a day on the day Jesus was crucified (friday). 3 hours of darkness occurred.
address the 3 days and 3 nights or drop it!
Im not the one claiming that this is the sinle sign of Christs messiahship. I dont need to address a non or separate issue for me. You do.
So when was he crucified? Tuesday night? Was that when the 3 hours of darkness occurred?
That should be wednesday night.
“All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry.”
― Edgar Allan Poe
Yes this is very true. However the pursuit of a personal, spiritual relationship with the Divine (Father – Holy Mother – Child / son / Christ / etc.) is utterly essential for the continued development of oneself.
Of course with the advent of Patri-centric, exclusive, male-only religious dogma; the Holy Mother was UN-diefied, and relegated to becoming the “holy spirit”. But let’s face it, last time I checked, guy’s could not reproduce, especially by themselves.
This is just one example, look at Mary Magdalene. The name Magdalene is in itself, testament to her nobility. At that time, Magda was one of the wealthiest provinces in Judea, and the Magdalene family was its ruling dynasty (Magdalene roughly translates to “those whom rule Magda”). Then there is the fact that Jesus WAS the high priest of the Hebrew temple…… HINT: (think about money changers and the inner temple sanctum — specifically the fatal implications for a nobody-person to enter and trash the place).
The reason all the state as God trolls (which INCLUDES the churchless eunachs) attack religion is because being vegetables they have internalized statists hatred of religions. There is no freedom of God recognized by anyone. God is a matter of opinion while religion is a fact. It is peoples religion that others attack. So EVERYONE, God botherers included, attacks the religious. Because they want the state and the 1% and the 1%’s pressure groups to be their only religion.
I believe if the 3 predominate ones Judeo-Christianity, Islam, and Judaism cannot all 3 get along which they never have completely- then they either must all give up their religious beliefs or cease to be all together for if religion is not killed soon, it will soon kill all of the people. But they all must stop saying ‘ I am right, no I am right- no you are both wrong for I am right.’ It has to stop before they end up killing everyone all of those they say- you are all there wrong and do not impose your beliefs upon me. An army of naturalist’s must rise up and put an end to all 3 once and for all or the human race cannot advance any further.
You believe in what you are told. There is no such thing as religion.
I’m assuming you’ve never read Flavius Josephus. Plus, the Bible isn’t considered “historical?” Modern archeology has certainly proved it to be spot on. Enjoy your Darkness…
“Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever ’til the end of time!
But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money!”
― George Carlin
“Oh…I was wrong….I guess you are real….I didn’t mean what I said back there on Earth.”
George Carlin
Standing in front of God.
Really now, which god is he standing in front of then. Clearly you never read the hebrew bible. Your god of the hebrew bible openly states that there are other gods and he does not want you worshiping them because he is jealous of them( Exodus 34:14.) Perhaps you should you read that book- written by jews – that the jews themselves do not even believe in beforehand.
This letter is obviously a phony. The Jewish year, according to the Dead Sea Scrolls, commences on the day AFTER the vernal equinox. Therefore, the Ides of March (15 March) would NEVER coincide with Passover (14 Abib); see http://www.haderech.info/DSS/Calendar/QumranCalendar.pdf. BTW, Christ’s Name is Yehoshu’a (Joshua) and NOT Jesus, and His ministry was NOT three years but one. Some scholars state it was three years due to the mention of three Passovers in the Gospels. But, if they had studied Numbers, they would realize there is a SECOND Passover every year! Idiots…
First clue this is a phony: His name is PILATE not Pilot. Idiot!
yes- like the work out equipment guy PILATES. So we pronounce Pontius Pilate incorrectly in the first place. It should not be pronounced pilot but- just like the work out crap PILATES.
Whoever created this story was very clever.
This letter is bs and a fraud. This was written in 1928 by British Journalist William Percival Crozier as a what if. What if Pontius Pilot met and wrote about Jesus to Tiberius Caesar? Crozier thought his argument was supported in the gospels. He was wrong. http://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2013/05/the-fraudulent-letter-of-pontius-pilate.html
Apparently, Wakeupmypeoplespirittrain is as diligent on researching as the MSM. Not!
‘They’ know not what they do.
What an amazing find! I want to research it further to see if it really is a true letter. Jesus is coming back soon.. maybe I’ll just ask him personally
God created you to know him personally. Psalm 139:13-14 “You created every part of me and put me together in my mother’s womb.”
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life.”
Jesus Christ is God’s only solution for our Sin.. For the wages of sin is death. He died in our place
Romans 5:8 “But God showed hsi great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while were still yet sinners.”
He rose from the dead:
1 Corinthians 15: 3-6 “Christ died for our sins.. he was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day…He was seen by Peter and then by the twelve apostles.. After that he was seen by more than five hundred”
Through Jesus alone we can know God personally and experience God’s love.
John 4: 6 “Jesus said to them, ‘ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
We must believe in and receive Christ.
John 1:12 “to all who received him, he gave the right to become children of God. All they had to do was to trust and believe in Jesus to be saved.”
We receive Christ by FAITH
God promised eternal life to all who receive Christ
1 John 5: 12-13 “Whoever has God’s Son has life; whoever does not have His Son, does not have life. I have written this to you who believe in the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”
Not long after I started to read, I knew that this was either a phony or an original that was lying but whoever or whatever wrote this was not telling the truth. One must only have a strong grasp of the bible and a readiness to recall what you have learned in order to know the Truth. That is why God commands us to STUDY to shew ourselves approved unto God (see 2 Timothy 2:15) WORKMEN who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
[His golden-colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between him and his hearers, with their black beards and tawny complexions!]
This is contrary to how the Prophet describes Him: “For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.” Isaiah 53:2
Perfect, timing.
According to this fake letter Jesus said “I come not to bring war into the world, but peace, love, and charity.”
“Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division;” LUKE 12:51
So go take a flying leap
More jewish fables – simple as that!!
If it comes from Wakeup, look out because it’s out there in the twilight zone.
Ah yes, the infamous “they” always putting their grimy hands all over everyone’s business.
angela merkel – the jewess
I recognize this document.
source is the “ARCHO Volume,” or the archaeological writings of the sandhedran and talmuds of the jews
translated by Drs McIntosh and Twyman of the Antiquarian Lodge. Genoa, Italy
from manuscripts in Constantinople and the records of the senatorial docket taken from the vatican at rome
published as early as 1887, copyrighted in 1975 by Keats Publishing
“Pontius Pilot’s Letter to Caesar on the Execution of Christ the Anointed One”
Very good. No such letters exist.
If it were possible even the Elect would be deceived. For true historical research see http://www.rheisenman.com Many University course vides available. Also check out http://www.jacksonsnyder.com/yah/2014/NTC/index.htm Blessings to you!
Wipe the Slate. – November 8 ( God Calling )
One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark. – Phil. 3:13.
Forget the past. Remember only its glad days. Wipe the slate of your remembrance with Love, which will erase all that is not confirmed in Love. You must forget your failures, your failures and those of others. Wipe them out of the book of your remembrance.
I did not die upon the Cross for man to bear the burdens of his sins himself. “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree.”
If you forget not the sins of others, and I bear them, then you add to My Sorrows. http://jahtruth.net/
EXODUS 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
The Hebrew word in Exodus 34:14 is קַנָּא, “jealous” (qanna’; Strong’s 7067), from קָנָא (qana’; Strong’s 7065), “jealous, zealous or envious.”.
A jealous god? How pathetic. Exactly who are all of these other gods that the vain, jealous favorite playing (deuteronomy 7:6) and first born egyptian make baby killer Hebrew god jealous of?? An almighty god would not be jealous of anything- let alone “other gods”. Let “us” go down and confuse their tongues. Who is “us” again. What sorry ass excuse for a god. A jealous god? You can keep that piece of shiite all to yourself. I expect a lot more out of a personal god than some jealous insecure egyptian male baby killer that choses the money changers over his “only son’ what a goddamn joke. Why anyone would a childish, killer, jealous jew preffering hebrew “god of israel’ is beyond me. The jews themselves do not even believe in the hebrew bible- and they sufre aren’t going to any “hell” they are “the chosen ones’ above everyone else on the planet (Deuteronomy 7:6) Nothing like a jealous god that discriminates.
It’s known as The Fraudulent Letter of Pontius Pilate, it was written in 1928 by journalist William Percival Crozier. Usually the story claims that the letter is held in the Library of Congress, and / or claims that somehow it was ‘covered up’ or ‘hidden’ by whatever group the writer is trying to anger people at.
The Library of Congress issues the following statement regarding this; ‘The Library of Congress has received a number of inquiries over the years about a purported letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar concerning Jesus Christ. The Library does not have such a letter in it’s collections.’ Interestingly Pilate extensively wrote about everything pertaining to his governorship to Seneca and others (not Tiberius) yet even though he mentions every instance of capital punishment being used he never mentioned any Jesus Christ, or king of the Jews, or the confrontation in the temple, or any other event purported to be about Jesus Christ.
The history of that period of time is well documented as the Roman’s took intricate record keeping to heart, especially of current events, political intrigue, and court cases. Yet there is zero records of Jesus Christ or anything pertaining to Christians prior to 100-200 AD. Most early Christian tradition is mislabelled Mithraism.
There is zero evidence of Jesus Christ’s existence outside of gospels written centuries after his death, and he probably didn’t exist. But that’s no surprise to sane people not born into a cult.
They try to hide Me still. I am here for revenge. I am the Lion of Judah! My enemy is the RCC and my family, the Ashkenazis. See Our fight here: http://www.wheretofromhere.org