The Number 17 Equals Endings In Illuminati Code. Why Does The Date October 17th Keep Coming Up In The Codes?!
October 17th is inventory time, as mentioned in the intro to the movie “Back to The Future”. Things are about to go into overdrive after the Asteroid Strike in the Pacific Ocean which will spawn a massive tsunami that will hit Hawaii and the upper west coast region of the USA with extreme force, inundating Seattle Washington. It’s not over folks, and the worst is yet to come before the year is out. They will put the whole West Coast Region under martial law after this event and start early round ups by getting people who are in desperate need, after the natural disasters & man made disasters, to unwisely check into the Fema Camps, most taking the RFID Tracking Chips just to receive long term support from our wicked government. People with kids will suffer the most and will be more liable to accept the RFID chips & Nanotechnology DNA Chips during the Mark of the Beast which occurs during the Great Tribulation just to survive through the hands of wicked men & women, thus denying the “MOST HIGH”, not a good idea. An economic tusnami is about strike the entire USA and most are not Spiritually or Physically prepared for this severe economic downturn. Don’t be deceived by the little boost that will occur or by the cheap goods, its a deception to make you think that everything is alright, but trouble is definitely brewing. They are trying to deceive you as long as possible into believing the USA is going to make it through this storm, but I assure you that it will not and not one person will be left in the USA after its all said and done, Jeremiah 50 & 51. We all need to prepare our hearts, souls, and minds now for what’s about to come upon the USA shortly because its going to be like HELL! John 3:16, Hosea 2:16 Selah.
“Why Does The Date October 17th Keep Coming Up In The Codes?!”
Because typically you’re grasping at straws. Why not go the whole hog and create a ‘the end of the world is night, we’re all doomed’ BS article for every day of every year, and be done with it. That way at least you’ll be right eventually, on the same basis that a broken clock is right twice a day.