Marilyn Monroe was used and abused by Hollywood, just like Britney Spears. Oh wait, what is this?
Marilyn Monroe was used and abused by Hollywood, just like Britney Spears. Oh wait, what is this?
Death of Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe died of a barbiturate overdose late in the evening of Saturday, August 4, 1962, at her 12305 Fifth Helena Drive home in Los Angeles, California. Her body was discovered before dawn on Sunday, August 5. Wikipedia
My word Obama and the Queen Mother’s birthday is August 4th, same date Marilyn died on a Saturday = 6+8+4 = 18 = R = JFK Jr. Her address 12305 – 123 # of JFK Jr. death certificate, 5 = Gods Grace / Victory. Even the year adds up to 18.
More Britney Comms. #EndConservatorship #HumanSlavery #SlavesNoMore
What colour where Marilyn Monroe’s eyes? Where they blue or brown?
I ordered a bunch of #Q swag from Veronica Wolski #PeoplesBridge #TiffanyBlueQHat
“That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” ~Abraham Lincoln
Once the world learns to change their perception, read symbolism, control their emotions, check their egos at the door and meditate, take back your real power, it’s over for them and only then will real change happen.