The Psy-Op Scam of 9/11
The Bloody Coincidences of 9/11
When I Remember 9/11, I Remember “Co-Incidence”…. by LCVincent When I pause to remember 9.11.01, my memories seem to drift from one scenario to another, from one atrocity to the next. Most of all, when I remember 9/11, my mind reels from the vast numbers of inexplicable coincidences which seem to revolve around this national tragedy. I remember that over 200 people jumped to their deaths from The Twin Towers, no longer able to withstand the suffocating smoke and searing flames.
I remember their heart-breaking, terrifying leaps into the empty nothingness of space — just to be free, to exist for a mere 10 seconds more, before suffering instant death on the concrete sidewalks of the World Trade Center below. I remember the thousands of fire fighters and rescue workers who died slow, lingering deaths, as many still do ’till this day, because our Environmental Protection Agency had falsely assured them that the air at Ground Zero was safe to breathe, despite the fact that all the workers from the EPA always wore full HazMat suits at Ground Zero.
I remember how the top of the South Tower was COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED from the lower portion of that building and was falling from it, yet we were told by the toads of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) that the tops of the World Trade Centers acted like “pile drivers” to collapse the structures beneath them– even though the structures beneath them were completely undamaged, and the structures above them weighed nearly the exact same amount as they did before the plane strikes. And whereas real ‘pile drivers’ must be raised far into the air and then dropped for any ‘pile driving’ effect to actually take place, it is my recollection of that day that neither top of either World Trade Center was lifted and then dropped onto the building below it.
However, I do remember that the designers of the World Trade Centers had stated that they had designed both World Trade Centers to survive multiple strikes from fully fueled 4 engine transatlantic airliners, and that somehow, all 47 of the steel core columns of both buildings disappeared even though neither plane struck either central core of either tower. I will also remember that jet fuel, with perfect vaporization, can reach approximately 1600 degrees Farenheit, while structural steel melts at approximately 2700 degree Farenheit. I also remember that the majority of the fuel from both planes burned outside of the buildings.
I remember that a fire broke out in one of the towers at the World Trade Center in 1993 and burned for over 6 hours without causing ANY structural damage to that building, just as I remember that nowhere else on the planet has any steel framed high rise building ever collapsed from fire, even from fires that burned for 18 hours straight. I definitely remember that the World Trade Center towers were the first — and only — steel framed buildings to completely collapse due to fire at any time, anywhere in the world, altho both of these fires lasted less than two hours. I do remember wondering how it was that 90,000 tons of hardened steel and re-enforced concrete could essentially be vaporized into a powder finer than talc, and spread throughout lower Manhattan; I wondered how unburned particles of military grade nano-thermite could be found in the residue throughout the World Trade Center, and dismissed because the samples had not come from “official government sources.”
I wondered about the psychic ability of the person who had arranged for the sale of scrap metal from the World Trade Center collapse to be sold and shipped to China, months in advance of the attack on the World Trade Center; just as I wondered how “Lucky” Larry Silverstein, who owned The World Trade Center and who ritually enjoyed breakfast every morning at the “Windows on the World Restaurant” on the top floor of The World Trade Center, had somehow decided not to do so on the morning of September 11th. I will remember that only a day after the World Trade Center Towers #1 and #2 collapsed, investigators discovered glowing hot spots of radioactivity under both piles of rubble; and that rivers of molten steel were observed running under both World Trade Centers as late as December 21st, over three months after their collapse; what sort of otherworldly jet fuel could do that?… I remember wondering.
I even remember that nearly all the gold and silver bars stored in the basements of the World Trade Center towers were removed the previous day, but that one truck was found stuck under the debris pile. Somehow, the custodians of all that gold and silver (nearly 100 tons of precious metals) had apparently moved it out on a hunch or a whim the day before 9/11, because, of course, no one other than the alleged hijackers and Osama bin Laden had advance knowledge of this event.
I will remember the denials of our government that the black boxes from the planes which struck The World Trade Center towers were not found at Ground Zero, when three of the four boxes actually were found at Ground Zero by firefighters Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, who publicly stated in 2004 that they had found them. I remember reading that Bellone and De Masi said that Federal agents told the two men not to mention having found them, and all the black boxes were immediately confiscated by the FBI. I remember that approximately one month before 9/11, both towers were shut down for an entire weekend, electrical power to both towers completely cut, and bomb sniffing dogs removed from both buildings, while anonymous “workers” in gray suits, hauling huge cables on their arms, moved in and out of both towers, doing “repairs” of an unknown nature, resulting in people returning to their offices the following Monday at The World Trade Center to find a 1/2 inch layer of dust covering everything.
I remember a few months prior to all this “cable” work and peculiar construction projects, that two teams of Israeli “art students” had been given free reign to work inside both Twin Towers, and that they had meticulously cataloged all the interior columns of the building, and had even had the permission of the buildings’ new owner, Lucky Larry Silverstein, to brag about their “art project” by lighting up sides of the building with the names of their two teams, one of them being named “The E-Team.”
I will remember that two seismographs in New York (separately) recorded deep, underground disturbances approximately 15 seconds before either plane struck either tower, which could indicate cutting charges severing both buildings from their foundations by explosives — or perhaps New York City coincidentally suffered two significant earthquakes precisely 15 seconds before either plane struck either tower. You do believe in coincidence, don’t you?
I vividly remember seeing photograph after photograph on the internet immediately after 9/11, of MELTED VEHICLES as far as six blocks away from the building site. Note, I said MELTED, not burned. These vehicles, including one half of a new fire truck, looked as if they had been made of candle wax and hot gotten too close to a fire. However, those photographs have been entirely scrubbed from the internet, and the only damaged vehicles you will find from that day show crushing and burning, but not the highly suspicious MELTING of steel six blocks away from the site. While these events are still fresh in my memory, I recall that Building Seven, a 47 story tower at the World Trade Center, collapsed later that same day, despite not being hit by any airplane, even though it only had 3 small office fires on various floors.
I remember that it fell straight down, perfectly and symmetrically right into its own footprint, almost as if it had been purposely collapsed by pre-planted explosives. I will remember that the collapse of Building Seven, which most Americans still know nothing about, coincidentally destroyed all ongoing security fraud cases against World Com, Enron and Global Crossing, which had been housed in Building Seven at the Security and Exchange Commission, which also house the local branch of the CIA.
I also remember that the BBC News Network had announced the collapse of Building Seven nearly a 1/2 an hour before it occurred, while the outline of Building Seven remained clearly visible in the TV background of this very same BBC reporter as she psychically reported its future demise as if it had already happened, as if it had somehow been pre-planned.
I also remember the video taped interview with “Lucky” Larry Silverstein, owner of the entire World Trade Center complex, where he plainly stated (re: building Seven) that he gave the order to “pull it” — which is the standard terminology used in the demolition industry to collapse a building and destroy it using pre-planted explosive charges. Just another amazing coincidence that day! I remember that the Israeli telephone firm Odigo had warned all 400+ of its employees hours before the World Trade Center was attacked to evacuate the building; just as I remember the 5 dancing Israeli’s who had set up a video camera on a tripod across the Hudson River, and who were video seen taping the planes as they hit the WTC Towers. They were seen laughing, celebrating and hi-fiving each other as the carnage unfolded before their eyes — until they were arrested. I remember, curiously, that their van featured a painted graphic of The Twin Towers with an airplane flying into them. Co-incidence, … it is an amazing thing!
I remember that the same 5 “dancing Israelis” had been spotted at that exact same spot the day before, scoping out their “line of sight” video camera shot, and were reported to the local police due to their suspicious activities. I also remember that when these five Israeli “art students” were arrested and their van was searched, the police found Arab style garments, fake passports, and the police bomb sniffing dogs reacted positively for explosives. I will also remember that they were allowed to return to Israel within a few weeks, with no charges ever pressed against them. I remember that when three of these video documentary revelers were interviewed on Israeli television (which were once available on YouTube, but now scrubbed and censored), and asked why they were in New York with their video camera that day at that location, they blithely stated quite simply that they “….were there to record the event…” — which, of course, begs the question as to how they knew that “The Event” of 9/11 was going to happen… and if they really knew in advance, which they clearly did, then why they do nothing to warn us, their ally?
I still remember Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s curious, spontaneous reaction to 9/11 when he was asked about it. He blurted that 9/11 “…. will be good for Israel.” Of course it was. Qui bono? One must have one’s priorities! I also must remember to ask why the U.S. lapdog Media is constantly complicit in ignoring any story which contradicts the official government conspiracy fantasy as outlined in the “official” 9/11 Commission Report.
I must also remember asking why The National Geographic (NatGeo) has done two hour long television specials debunking (or more accurately, trying to debunk) all skeptics of the official government fairy tale, while constantly referring to non-government investigators as “truthers” — thereby using the terminology of a psy-op (psychological operation directed against the public) to disparage those who wish to bring inconvenient truths to light, all the while NatGeo does its best to keep those truths from truly being revealed and understood.
I remember and still wonder why the magazine Popular Mechanics Magazine devoted an entire issue to supposedly debunking the “myths” of 9/11, without also admitting that the majority of their staff had been replaced by CIA operatives 6 months prior? Or that the author of the article on the debunking of 9/11 “myths” issue, Benjamin Cherthoff, just happened (coincidentally, of course!) to be the cousin of Michael Cherthoff, our first Head of Homeland Security, a relationship Benjamin Cherthoff had vehemently denied until being nailed with irrefutable proof!
And speaking of Michael Cherthoff, I also remember that Mr. Cherthoff, acting as Head of Homeland Security, secretly chartered 4 intercontinental airliners and filled these 4 planes with with all of Osama Bin Laden’s relatives who had been in the United States on 9/11, and then flew bin Laden’s relatives to the Middle East the day after 9/11, when no other planes were allowed to fly above U.S. air space; just as I remember that Mr. Cherthoff left his job soon thereafter to become the head promoter of RapiScan Technologies, which makes airport security X-ray scanners ($325K each) for all U.S. commercial airports to guard against terrorists. How fortuitous for Mr. Cherthoff…. but I’m sure that this was just a lucky coincidence as well.
While I remember this, I also remember that Osama bin Laden’s actual undercover (CIA given) name was Tim Osman, and that Mr. Osman was previously on the CIA payroll when he worked for the CIA in Afghanistan. As I do this, I am compelled to also remember that the Bush family and the bin Laden family, coincidentally, had business relationships that stretched back more than twenty years; and I find it ironic that while the majority of the hijackers reputedly came from Saudi Arabia, we did not attack nor invade Saudi Arabia, but instead chose to attack Iraq and Afghanistan.
I also remember that Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated because she would not stop mentioning the inconvenient truth that Osama bin Laden had died of kidney failure in a Lebanon hospital in December of 2001, and that all subsequent communications supposedly emanating from him taunting America, were actually created by the CIA to foment hatred against our so-called “enemies” who had nothing to do with 9/11, like Sadam Hussein, but whose presence was a great threat and inconvenience to our “Great Ally” in the Middle East — Israel.
Speaking of Iraq, I remember that The Project for the New American Century (P-NAC) was written in Israel a few years prior to 9/11 by Neo-Cons and eventual Bush II cabinet members and dual U.S./Israeli citizens Richard Perle, Lewis Libby, Douglas Feith, William Kristal (CFR), Elliiot Abrams (CFR), Aaron Friedberg (CFR), Donald Kagan (CFR), Robert Kagan (CFR), Stephen Rosen, Eliot A. Cohen, Paul Dobriansky, Fred C. Ickle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Norman Podhoretz — all Zionist zealots who had amazingly predicted that only a new “Pearl Harbor” type of event would motivate, outrage and energize Americans sufficiently to project our military power permanently to the Middle East in order to control (NOT extract) the Arab oil, gas, and mineral supplies from growing Chinese and Russian influence and protect their Israeli homeland.
In fact, I remember that according to former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O’Neil, that President Bush expressed his desire to invade Iraq in his very first U.S. Security Council meeting, 8 months prior to 9/11. I also remember the fact that the entire, monstrously misnamed “Patriot Act” (the law that helped eviscerate our Bill of Rights, our freedoms as Americans, and the very freedoms our troops are supposedly fighting to protect in the numerous wars throughout the Middle East) was written prior to 9/11, just waiting in the wings for the right “event” to be dragged out and sold to a panicked American populace as a pancea to be used against terrorists, when in reality it was designed to be used against The American People.
I remember that this so-called “Patriot Act” was not written by Osama bin Laden. It was written by Neo-Cons, globalists and internationalists serving George Bush II who conveniently masquerade as Americans, and yet who truly despise our freedoms, and value our Constitution as reverently as George Bush II, who once referred to The Constitution of the United States as “…. just a God-damned piece of paper….” .
I also remember how this despicable piece of legislation, The ‘Patriot Act’, was strongly endorsed and promoted by the Bush Administration. Yet even if one still naively believes that 19 Arabs with box cutters committed the atrocity of 9/11 because they “despised our freedoms”, as George Bush so often claimed, you must recognize and admit that it was President Bush and his administration which actively assisted them in actually destroying many of our freedoms enshrined in The Bill of Rights thru the crafting and promotion of The Patriot Act and its double-down offspring, Patriot Act II. Or do you care to remember that?
Continuing along this peculiar path, I even remember that despite the Pentagon being ringed by 86 video security cameras, the U.S. Government has seen fit to show us only four frames of video from one security camera that day, which does not show any airliner striking the Pentagon; it only shows an explosion. Skeptics are quick to point out that the 72 foot high tail of the alleged airliner would have been easy to spot, even in the four frames of video released, IF it had been there… but that airliner nor its towering tail is nowhere to be seen in these frames.
I will remember wondering, if our government has simply told the truth about an airplane strike on The Pentagon, why we cannot be shown full motion videos from the other 85 video cameras which ringed The Pentagon that day, and why the videos from those cameras are still classified? What is it that these videos could possibly reveal that would be considered a national security secret, or that we do not know already? After all, we already “know” (because our government told us so and would never lie to the American Public) that a plane struck the Pentagon, so what else could there possibly be to keep secret on these other 85 videos?
And why did the FBI visit all the businesses around the Pentagon and confiscate videos from any security camera that might have possibly recorded the “airplane” that hit the Pentagon? Unless, of course, it wasn’t an airplane…. But if the object that struck The Pentagon wasn’t an airplane, then it could have only been a missile. And if a missile did strike The Pentagon, then it raises the disturbing questions of who launched it, and from where was it launched? A mobile missile launcher, invisible to The Pentagon’s 86 video cameras? A huge, yet invisible truck? Another aircraft, unknown, invisible and not yet discovered after 23 years? Where could such a missile have come from? The caves of Osama bin Laden, perhaps?
I remember, ironically, that the ‘plane’ that allegedly struck The Pentagon flew directly into the offices of the accounting unit which had been tasked with the job of locating the missing 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS that The Pentagon had sheepishly revealed they had somehow lost the day prior during a press conference the day before, on September 10th. The explosion and death of those 31 Army investigators (Resource Services, Washington) permanently stopped that investigation. Just another coincidence.
I also remember that Israeli dual citizen, Rabbi, and Undersecretary for the Defense Department, Dov Zakheim, had been tasked with finding that missing 2.3 Trillion dollars; I also seem to remember that Mr. Zakheim was Vice President of a company called System Planning Corporation, an Israeli-based company whose specialty was designing and building remote control guidance systems for airplanes, boats and missiles. Can you say coincidence? I knew you could!
The reason I bring up the idea of a missile again, of course, is that I well remember the very peculiar trajectory of the “airliner” which allegedly struck The Pentagon. I remember puzzling over the fact that the novice “pilot” of this “airliner”, instead of choosing to simply dive into his target as any Kamikazee style attacker would have done, chose instead to perilously level off perfectly parallel to the ground, over a half mile away from his target, and then fly perfectly parallel to the ground and just four feet above the ground for over 3 football fields in length. Then this suicide “plane” (coincidentally) just happened to slam directly into the one suite of offices that had been tasked with finding that missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars! Why, it’s almost as if that “plane” had been aiming at this one particular spot in The Pentagon, almost as if it were somehow drawn or magnetically guided to this one particular area of The Pentagon by remote control… almost as if it really were a missile and not a plane… assisted, perhaps, by technology from a company like Mr. Zakheim’s…
Yet I will remember being amazed at how this fragile airliner and its even more delicate nose cone, covered by a thin plastic material which birds frequently destroy on impact, somehow penetrated thru three rings of The Pentagon consisting of granite, concrete, rebar and structural steel, leaving perfectly round 16 foot holes in every one of these massive barriers. Despite these very solid obstacles, the miraculous nose cone of this “airplane” never suffered any deterioration or deformity thru 3 layers of The Pentagon, and yet there were no remains of that very special, indestructible nose cone in the rubble.
I will also marvel that all the bodies, all the luggage, and all the hard parts of that airplane vaporized on impact, (including the tungsten-carbide jet engines turbines) leaving only one small scrap of aluminum on the lawn as an indication of an airplane strike. I also remember Donald Rumsfeld reporting that a missile had hit the Pentagon, before he quickly caught and corrected himself by saying that it was really an airplane. Of course, he misspoke. Just a coincidence.
And while I continue to remember the Pentagon attack, I will also remember that Vice President “Dick” Cheney was ensconced at The Pentagon, directly on the opposite side of The Pentagon “plane” attack, where he was directing 4 separate, independent military aircraft exercises on that very day, at the same time as the airplanes were flying into the World Trade Center and The Pentagon. And I remember, when I learned of this interesting juxtaposition, that I marveled at the incredible coincidence that these 4 separate military exercises (Operation Northern Vigilance, and Operation Vigilant Guardian among them) miraculously, and once again –completely coincidentally — involved hijacked airplanes flying into both The World Trade Centers and The Pentagon! What an amazing coincidence! What are the astronomical odds of such an event occurring? Perhaps almost as rare as the odds of the major media even mentioning this verifiable fact since it was first discovered!
Why is it that I distinctly remember that several hundred airline pilots, who fly these EXACT same aircraft on a daily basis, have publicly stated that the maneuvers reputedly performed by those Arab hijackers, (who had slightly more than 20 hours of experience flying a single engine propeller Cessna aircraft), would be nearly impossible for them to duplicate, even tho most of these pilots are combat veterans with 20,000 plus flying hours on jets? Why do I remember these professional pilots stating that it is physically impossible for a passenger jet to fly at 500 miles an hour 4 feet above the ground without that jet plane being forced to rise about 60 feet above that altitude, due to the ‘air cushion’ ground effect generated beneath the main wing by such close proximity? According to these veteran airline pilots, it would have been impossible for any jet aircraft to strike the Pentagon at such a low level with such a long flight path approach — impossible for a passenger jet, but certainly not for a guided missile.
Why is it that over 250 of these pilots have formed an organization called “Pilots for 9/11 Truth” which details the near physical impossibility of the maneuvers these jets were put thru that day? Why do I remember that over 2000 architects have formed an organization called “Architects for 9/11 Truth” which insist it is a physical impossibility for any of the THREE World Trade Center buildings to have collapsed due to the airplane strikes and fires in World Trade Centers One and Two, as described in the “Official” 9/11 Commission Report? And why did the “Official” 9/11 Commission report choose to totally ignore the collapse of the 47 story Building Seven into its own footprint? Why was the collapse of Building Seven simply omitted from the final “official” government report? Or was there was no valid explanation for the collapse of Building Seven because the lapdogs at NIST could not think of a good excuse.
Of course, I also remember the heroic passengers aboard Flight 93 who, we are told, crashed their airplane into the field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. And I remember wondering why, unlike every airline crash that has ever happened both before or after Shanksville, that there were no airliner parts, no engine parts, no landing gear, no bodies, no luggage — in short, NOTHING which one would find at any other airline plane crash that has ever happened– just a black hole in the ground. It also makes me remember asking myself why, if this airplane simply crashed due to the passengers trying to take over this airplane from the hijackers, that a debris field from this airplane actually starts 8 miles from the crash site. The only way that this could happen, of course, is if the airplane had started breaking up 8 miles prior to the fuselage crashing into the field.
And while I reminisce about the poor people on board this flight, and their magical ability to communicate with their loved ones via primitive cell phone technology while thousands of feet in the air, a feet that was proven to be impossible when others try to duplicate it, it would also mean that the entire scenario of passengers valiantly fighting against the terrorists on this airplane has been totally fabricated, just as the motion picture derived this fictional event (“Flight 93″) would have been made up out of whole cloth for public consumption as yet another psy/op on the American public by the CIA with an Israeli the purported “hero” of the story.
Perhaps related to the above mystery, I also remember that the direction of our nation’s air defense had been switched, for the first time in our history, from NORAD to the Secretary of Defense (Mr. Donald Rumsfeld) only a few months prior to 9/11, and then was immediately switched back to NORAD ONE DAY LATER, on 9/12. Coincidence, of course!
I will remember that Mr. A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard, formerly the #2 man at the CIA, had placed ‘shorts’ on multiple stocks affected by this tragedy a week before this event, and that this exact story, featured prominently in the San Francisco Chronicle for 3 days after 9/11, has completely disappeared from the media to this day. I will remember that George Bush II’s brother Marvin Bush, as well as his cousin, Wirt Walker, were on the boards of Securicom and Stratesec, and that both these companies had been tasked with the security at The Word Trade Center and, coincidentally, at Dulles International Airport, where the flights took off for the attack, a fact which the castrated lamestream Media is loathe to mention.
I will remember how 8 of the 19 “hijackers” turned up alive in the Middle East days after the attacks; and I will remember wondering why any hijackers who planned to attack both New York and Washington, D.C. would decide to drive from Florida, all the way to MAINE, passing both New York City and Washington D.C., their reputed targets, and instead hinge the success of their entire operation on catching connecting flights from Maine to Boston, where, we are told, they hijacked their planes….
I also remember wondering about the astounding navigational abilities of these novice flyers, who could barely fly single engine Cessnas to navigate to destinations that they could not visually see, and make maneuvers many airline pilots with military training said they could not do, and fly three planes into both the World Trade Center towers and The Pentagon. I will remember wondering why they did not fly directly out of any of the airports that are visible from their targets, like JFK, Newark or La Guardia airports, since doing so would have lessened the time that our air defense would have had to respond to their threat, and would have also allowed them to visually fly to their targets, rather than have to navigate to them. And exactly how did they manage to do that navigation — via instruments?… or “dead” reckoning? or what? Their advanced aircraft navigational skills which they apparently learned by piloting single engined propeller Cessnas are surely astounding!
Perversely, I also vividly remember a video posted to the internet which was shot from a sight-seeing helicopter by a mother who had taken her children on a tour of the New York City skyline that day. The video, now scrubbed from the Internet, clearly shows a MISSILE, not a “Plane”, striking the World Trade Center. If you think this a figment of someone’s imagination, I also vividly remember a photograph of the compressor blade from a jet engine found at the 9/11 building site. People are standing around the object, which is still fully intact. It is approximately 3 feet in diameter, right next to their feet for visual reference. The problem here is that the compressor turbines for a jet airliner of the size that reputedly struck the World Trade Centers would be well over six feet in diameter. This compressor is too small for a jet, but conversely it is the perfect size for a guided missile.
I also vividly remember discovering that there was a 17 second delay between the “live” feed of the 2nd plane “striking” the World Trade Center, because it provided our controllers with the ability to modify and cover up any screen errors which might be broadcast. Nevertheless, there was one error that did slip through. The delayed “live” video feed featured the computer generated outline of the “2nd plane” slamming into the World Trade Center, and then a second later, if one watched the video in slow motion, you could see the entire nose and nose cone of that same plane emerge, INTACT, out the other side of the building, to be IMMEDIATELY camouflaged by a visual world “crawl” at the bottom of the screen, hastily raised to cover up that glaring error!
All this was necessary because no “planes” ever hit the World Trade Centers. They were brought down by a combination of pre-planted explosive charges of military grade thermite, small nuclear explosives in the 6 story sub-basement to disconnect the buildings from their foundations, and Directed Energy Weapons (DEWS), which melted and pulverized them and turned 90,000 tons of concrete, steel and rebar into powder finer than talc. Both of the hijacked “planes” landed in a cordoned off and restricted area of the Cleveland International Airport that very day, which for some “inexplicable” reason, had been completely cleared of passenger traffic beforehand. Just another 9/11 “coincidence.”
I also vividly remember seeing a stooge wearing a Superman T-shirt being interviewed by a “man on the street” reporter a few minutes after the 2nd building collapsed, describing in perfect, pre-arranged detail how the buildings had “pancaked” and “collapsed” due to the “plane strikes” and jet fueled fires, adding credibility to his CIA supplied script.
Continuing my reminisces, I will remember that William Rodgriquez, the last man out of the World Trade Center, was on sub-level 4 when he heard a series of explosions below him, and when he ran out into the corridor, he saw fallen ceilings, collapsed walls, corridors strewn with rubble, and one his best friends walking towards him with his skin hanging off his body in sheets. I remember Mr. Rodriguez repeatedly stating that the plane hit the Tower where he was located nearly a minute after these explosions occurred.
I will also remember that William Rodriguez testified about these facts personally, not only to the 9/11 Commission, but face to face with President Bush about these strange anomalies; and yet his testimony is nowhere to be found in the “official” 9/11 Commission Report; instead, it has been completely omitted, obviously censored. I will remember how William Rodgriquez was courted by President Bush and the Republican establishment to run for public office, just as I remember how those Republican offers of support dried up when William Rodriguez would not change his truthful testimony which refuted the official government 9/11 conspiracy fantasy fairytale.
I will also remember that the “official” government 9/11 Commission Report only allowed evidence which supported the “official” Government conspiracy explanation while omitting everything and everyone else that did not; further, I will remember that the authors of the 9/11 report stated after the report was released that they were repeatedly delayed, misled, lied to and deceived by various branches of the government and the military.
I will remember that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and that the Commission considered recommending criminal charges for their false statements; that co-chair of the commission, Lee Hamilton, said the commission was set up to fail; that commissioner Timothy Roemer said that they were extremely frustrated with the false testimony they received from government officials; that commissioner Max Cleland said the 9/11 commission was a national scandal and that “…this (Bush) White House wants to cover it up….”; and that senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission, John Farmer, stated: “ At some level of the government, at some point… there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened.”
I will also remember that the 9/11 families had to move heaven and earth in order to get George Bush II to form a commission of inquiry into 9/11, a move he resisted with every atom of his being, and that when he finally, reluctantly agreed more than one full year later to the creation of the 9/11 Commission, he appointed globalist Henry Kissinger, who was immediately condemned and almost universally despised, as his choice to head the commission. It was Dr. Kissinger, of course, who had in the past said of the military and its members: “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” This is the man that President Bush hand picked to head the 9/11 Commission!
Yet most of all, as I remember the people, events, anomalies and unexplained mysteries of 9/11, I remember that there was not one single person, male or female, in government, in civil service, in the military, or in civilian life, who was in any way punished, reprimanded, demoted, censored, prosecuted, imprisoned or executed for dereliction of duty, sub-standard performance, lack of planning, collusion, collaboration, treachery or treason. In fact, I remember that not one single person in any way, manner, shape or form, was reprimanded or disciplined regarding the atrocity and mass murder of 9/11; yet I can point to hundreds of people who were, instead, promoted, given raises, and lauded, apparently for their incompetence!
These are just a few of my memories of 9/11. If you do not “remember” any of them, or are only dimly aware of a few of them, it’s because you have chosen to live in a fool’s paradise, spawned and created by the government-media complex which has misled you with lies that you thought to be true. It is because you are too lazy, too complacent, too simple minded, and too unpatriotic to question the lamestream Media, question your own assumptions, do your own independent research, and come to your own conclusions while being spoon fed your beliefs by this government-media Nanny state.
Unlike nearly every person, many of them professionals with advanced degrees or members of our military, who are committed to the revelation of the real Truths of 9/11 and the genuine conspiracy that it involves, you have chosen to be a part of the herd mind, the stereotypical “sheeple”, led by the “Good Shepherds” of the international, globalist, Neo-Con, New World Order.
If this is indeed where your blind faith and trust in the imagined beneficence of government has led you, despite the repeated warnings of our Founding Fathers to always be suspicious of the motives and actions of ALL governments; and if nothing you have read above stirs you from your complacent lethargy to separate yourself from those who continue to promote the fictional fantasy outlined in “The Official 9/11 Commission Report”, then may the chains of your eternal subservience, ignorance, and slavery rest lightly upon your soul.
If, on the other hand, you have discovered numerous mysteries which strike you as more than slightly peculiar; canned government-media “explanations” which simply no longer ring true; curious anomalies which make you question why The Media has never revealed or investigated them or worse — purposely hidden their existence from your consideration; and you find you are outraged that none of these verifiable truths have seen the light of day in the so-called “mainstream” media, despite the fact that each of these inconvenient truths have been well known for nearly a decade since 9/11… then you are ready to discover the real answers to those responsible for this criminal operation — both the mass murder at the World Trade Center and the larger crime, The Hijacking of The American Nation. I invite you to the join the growing ranks of the rest of us, truly Brothers and Sisters in The Spirit of Freedom, as we join in the quest for Truth and Justice for the victims of 9/11, to reveal the real perpetrators of this atrocity.
May those black-hearted assassins from every country which participated in this inhuman travesty be brought to Justice, so that every single needless death associated with 9/11, including the mass murder of the innocents in New York City, as well as every nation which has needlessly suffered death due to this premeditated false-flag operation, be ultimately and mercilessly avenged!
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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.
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