454 Cassull vs. 45-70 Govt: Is One Better Than the Other?
While both are large .45 caliber cartridges with rimmed cases, comparing the 454 Casull vs. 45-70 Govt is odd for one primary reason: the 454 Casull is a revolver cartridge, but the 45-70 Govt is a rifle cartridge.
As you continue reading this article, you’ll discover how their differences affect real-world performance, enabling you to choose the better cartridge for your situation.
What Are the Differences Between 454 Casull and 45-70 Govt?
I just touched on one of the significant differences between the 454 Casull and 45-70 Government; the 45-70 is a rifle cartridge, while the 454 Casull is a handgun cartridge. However, there are specific instances when the 45-70 Govt is chambered in a revolver (Magnum Research BFR), and the 454 Casull is chambered in a lever-action rifle (Rossi R92).
The cartridges have some similarities, which we’ll discuss in the specifications section. Then we’ll compare their recoil, trajectory, stopping power, and several other factors to help you determine which round is better for you.

Cartridge Specs
The 454 Casull is based on the 45 Colt. Its bullet diameter is 0.452”, and its neck and base diameters are 0.480”. Its case length is 1.383”, making the overall length 1.770”. Its capacity is 45.5 grains H2O. Thanks to the 454 Casull’s longer case, 45 Schofield and 45 Colt cartridges can both chamber in a 454 Casull firearm (but not vice versa).
The 45-70 Govt was a unique design, without a parent case. It uses a bullet with a 0.458” diameter. Its neck diameter is the same as the 454 Casull’s (0.480”), though its base diameter is wider (0.505”). The 45-70 case is significantly longer than the 454 Casull case at 2.105”, translating into an overall length of 2.550”. The 45-70 Govt’s case capacity is substantially larger at 81.8 grains H2O.
Some might be surprised by the maximum pressure difference. The 45-70 Govt has a max pressure of 28,000 psi – much lower than 65,000 psi for the 454 Casull.
Let’s see how these cartridges’ different specifications affect their relative performance, starting with recoil.

Recoil: 454 Casull vs. 45-70 Govt
When comparing cartridges, it’s wise to begin with their recoil. The cartridge that kicks harder is often more powerful and causes more muzzle rise, which can lead to less accurate follow-up shots.
The softer your firearm kicks, the less discomfort and fatigue you will feel. Gentler recoil can also help you avoid losing accuracy due to reflexive flinching.
“Felt recoil” is subjective. Two shooters may agree that one round kicks harder than another, but their agreement wouldn’t be measurable. “Free recoil” is the opposite. It can be calculated based on four variables: projectile weight, propellant weight, muzzle velocity, and firearm weight.
Both cartridges are known for their heavy recoil. The 454 Casull is thought to have more recoil than the 45-70 because it is most often fired from a revolver which is lighter and absorbs less recoil, whereas the 45-70 Govt is most often fired from a rifle. Truth is, the 45-70 Govt has more recoil than the 454 Casull. It just isn’t noticeable in most cases.
When firing a 260 grain bullet at 1,798 fps, with 16.85gr propellant from a 3.5-pound revolver (like the Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan), the 454 Casull generates 27.58 ft-lbs of recoil energy.
When firing a 250 grain bullet at 2,025 fps, with 25.3gr propellant from a 4.5-pound revolver, the 45-70 produces 28.22 ft-lbs of recoil energy. When that same load is fired from a 7.4-pound rifle (like the Henry Lever-Action X Model), recoil energy equals 17.6 ft-lbs.
When fired from firearms of similar weights, these cartridges have nearly identical amounts of recoil energy. This section is a tie because the average shooter won’t be able to distinguish between the two (unless they’re firing one from a rifle and the other from a handgun).

A projectile’s trajectory is its flight path as it travels downrange. It is often measured in inches of bullet drop or minutes of angle (MOA). A bullet’s trajectory typically resembles an arch, as it must rise and fall to compensate for the effect of gravity.
A flatter trajectory is generally preferred for firing across longer distances, because it requires the shooter to make fewer adjustments to remain accurate. Many factors contribute to a bullet’s trajectory, so the trajectory varies from load to load.
The 45-70 Govt isn’t known for having a flat long-range trajectory like the 6.5 Creedmoor or 308 Winchester. Neither is the 454 Casull. Even so, it’s challenging to compare the rounds apples-to-apples since one is a handgun cartridge designed for optimal performance within 200 yards (454 Casull), while the other is a rifle cartridge with an effective range of 1,000 yards (45-70 Govt).
When sighted in at 100 yards, a 454 Casull Hornady Backcountry Defense 300 grain bullet will drop -14.4” at 200 yards and -52.1” at 300.
When zeroed at 200 yards, a 45-70 Govt Hornady LEVERevolution 325 grain FTX bullet will drop -23” at 300 yards.
The 45-70 wins this section because it can have a flatter trajectory.
Accuracy: 45-70 vs. 454 Casull
A cartridge’s accuracy depends on several variables, including the shooter, rifle, ammo, and atmospheric conditions. Too many factors are at play to declare one cartridge “more accurate” than another at close range. However, the 45-70 will be more accurate at longer distances thanks to its flatter trajectory.
The 45-70 wins this section because most shooters will find it more accurate at longer ranges.
Stopping Power

“Stopping power” is difficult to define because it means different things to shooters. We could argue about the definition forever. To complicate the issue further, shot placement is more critical than stopping power. A poor shot (e.g. to the foot) from a cartridge with more stopping power will likely prove less effective than a good shot (e.g. to the vitals) from a cartridge with less stopping power.
For the sake of time, let’s agree that penetration depth, wound column diameter (size of the hole created), and kinetic energy transfer are the primary determinants of stopping power. Since both rounds fire a .45 cal bullet (varying in diameter by a mere 0.006”), the wound column diameters will be virtually identical. This means penetration depth and kinetic energy transfer are the primary differentiators.
Penetration depth will ultimately depend on the type and weight of the bullet you choose. For example, a Hornady FTX (polymer-tipped bullet) typically penetrates deeper than a soft-point (SP) bullet, and a heavier bullet will penetrate deeper than a lighter bullet traveling at the same velocity.
Considering all this, the 45-70 typically has more striking energy. The 454 Casull has about 1,474 ft-lbs of energy at 100 yards, whereas the 45-70 Govt has about 2,049 ft-lbs of energy at 100 yards.
The 45-70 Govt generally has more stopping power than the 454 Casull, but neither is lacking in knockdown power.
Which Is Better for Hunting, .454 Casull or .45-70?
Both cartridges are often used for hunting. However, each one shines in differing scenarios.
The 454 Casull is better for hunting large and/or dangerous game like bears or moose at close range. The 45-70 Govt is better suited for a wider variety of game (e.g. deer, elk, and caribou) at moderate to long range.
The 45-70 Government edges out the 454 Casull because it offers hunters a little more variety and farther effective distances.
I would not recommend either cartridge for home or self-defense. They are far too powerful, more likely to endanger innocent bystanders by over-penetrating, and firearms chambered for them are cumbersome.
However, for bear defense, the 454 Casull is the better option. It wins this section.
Cost and Availability: 45-70 Government vs. 454 Casull

The cost of firearms and ammo for each cartridge are typically very similar. However, 45-70 is more abundant, as it’s more popular than 454 Casull.
The 45-70 Govt has a wider variety of firearms and more ammo options (although some of those options are much more expensive than the average 454 Casull ammunition).
The 45-70 Govt wins this section because it is more readily available than 454 Casull.
Reloading spent cases is a great way to save money on factory ammo. It also gives you more control over the quality of ammo you’re firing, because you can craft the perfect round for your firearm.
However, reloading is time-consuming and expensive because of all the required equipment and supplies. These hurdles often deter people from starting.
Many 454 Casull shooters claim you can get more reloads out of the 454 Casull cases, whereas the 45-70 Govt crowd argues that it is “so easy a caveman can do it.”
Both cartridges can be handloaded and have benefits that the other doesn’t, so this section is a tie.
The team at Ammo.com has gathered the ballistics for each cartridge so you can quickly compare them, below.
454 Casull Ballistics
Note: This information comes from the manufacturer. The actual ballistics obtained with your firearm can vary considerably from advertised ballistics. Ballistics can also vary from lot to lot within the same brand and load type.

45-70 Ballistics
Note: This information comes from the manufacturer. The actual ballistics obtained with your firearm can vary considerably from advertised ballistics. Ballistics can also vary from lot to lot within the same brand and load type.

Take a deep dive into 45-70 Govt ballistics for factory loads.
454 Casull Brief History
The .454 Casull was originally a wildcat cartridge developed in 1958 by Dick Casull, Duane Marsh, and Jack Fullmer. In 1983 it went mainstream when Freedom Arms created a 454 Casull single-action revolver.
Several other firearm manufacturers followed suit, including Ruger and Taurus. However, it’s never taken off among the broader shooting community. It has a small but dedicated fan base, which keeps it just relevant enough for ammo and firearm manufacturers to continue production.
The 454 Casull is still a top choice for hunters and guides venturing into bear country, though few people enjoy regularly firing it due to its tremendous recoil.
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Source: https://freedombunker.com/2025/03/04/454-casull-vs-45-70/