Nibiru - Dr Sam.. 'Image of Nibiru in the Surround of the Sun', given March 9th, 2025
If you look closely now, it looks as if it’s glowing, beginning to glow, so that in itself shows it must be getting closer. I would be interested if anyone in North America or South America during the total lunar eclipse on the 14th of this month, can see it and photograph it. Early in the morning before sunrise, because the Nibiru rises then too, early in the morning before sunrise.. Nibiru in Capricorn, sun in Aquarius, lunar eclipse opposite in Leo.
Dr Sam.
In name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
In the evening of yesterday, day 5, Wednesday, at precisely seven hours and forty-eight minutes of the night, was observed and registered, a clear and sharp image of the astro with tail, known as the planet Tarek [one who knocks at the door] or Nibiru, through the field of observation of the solar corona, of the LASCO c2 telescope.
As everyone can see, the astro with tail, Planet Nibiru, appears with total clarity, exhibiting its enormous gigantic central mass, which equals approximately 7 times the mass of the planet Earth. It is visible in the field of observation of the solar corona, of the LASCO c2 telescope, with its characteristic and well-known form of elongated structure, with the tapered front part formed by a dense cloud of meteoroids, which precedes the central body of the star. Moreover, can be clearly seen its gigantic central body, which represents the central nucleus of the star, preceded by the dense cloud of meteoroids in the front part. Also are visible its two characteristic lateral extensions, which correspond to its lunar vortices, and its satellites.
Finally, appears with total clarity its gigantic and dense tail of meteoroids, composed of millions of large asteroids and space debris of different sizes, appears with total clarity. This tail extends for hundreds of millions of miles behind it, being dragged along in its trajectory.
The true promise of God is approaching.
Image of Nibiru in the Surround of the Sun
Second clear image of the Nibiru seen from the SOHO c2
Mary’s Messages
Google translate your speech
I do, truck driver, but then edit it to get it as close to the Portuguese as possible. Google sometimes abbreviates things a little too much, and some of the meaning- emphasis gets missed.