Prophecy News - 'A Lamb With Two Horns', given to William Brooks by Yahweh the Great I AM, November, 7th, 2024
On the surface, this message is about who is doing what, revealing what camp they are in. But under the surface, it is really about the Ascension we are in, which is a change of focus from the emotional plane, through the mind, to the buddhic plane – the first of the abstract planes of the solar system where the great rays are located, which like a prism, color the one energy of God. Where Colors of attention and trait emerge..Beyond thought.
In relation to the physical plane, it is like physiology in relation to anatomy, Achieved by loosening the ties to physical things, like sex, possession, judgment, and all that ties us emotionally to physical plane living, where is separation by form and conflict. When we begin to oppose the thoughts that hold us, the process goes quicker. In yoga the seeking of this freedom is called non-attachment. Archangel Michael in his talk on Cycles, calls it “abandonment”, but it is not to leave this Earth or to cease from caring for the things that are in our hands to care for. Rather, relationship is freed (freer), of thoughts of sex, of attachment and of judgment – which is sin.
And in steps we are shown a world of relationship that is very very close – closer than you have ever known, where the mind interacts but not on a physical level grasping for possession, but on a ‘live and let live’ level, the analogy is poor. Peace reigns over the mind and the mind expands – receiving, allowing, transmitting. We become part of the functioning of God, and not just a part of its anatomy. We flow to bring real functioning to the form. Physically we might be at risk for daring, but inside we are totally at home in God. So please read what lays ahead of us, and take courage in Who You Are, part of the functioning of all that is. The narrow way, in this world, is life giving, while attachment to form is the way of death. We are actors, not dummies in this process.
(JG Hallett)
A Lamb With Two Horns.
Written by: William Brooks
Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
Published: November 07, 2024
Created: November 07, 2024
From YHVH: The Great I AM!
Behold! Great deception has come from Secret Babylon and has captivated the earth in its deadly embrace! Step right up to understand the great deception, oh you who dwell on the earth, and understand the times you live, because the great deception is here, of which the earth is entertained because their world is a stage and their leaders are actors, even pretenders who pretend. And so I will now reveal the truth concerning their circus with which they use to enchant the masses.
Beware! The great deception has come upon you with many lying, signs and wonders and this great deception is intended harshly for the destruction of Jacob, even intentions that Esau has kept secret through the ages, but now will be revealed and exposed for all to see. And as my son, Jesus the Nazarene, told their Father’s in Judea these Jubilees past: “You are of your Father the devil and the lusts of your Father you will do” (John 8:44). And so I come to you O’ Israel so you may not be taken by this great deception, for you are the intended target (even though the earth will reel), “for what fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird” (Prov 1:17)?
And it is I, Yahweh even the Great I AM, who comes to warn my people by way of these Words that I have revealed and sent by my messenger and servant who is commissioned for these purposes. So I do come to those who are of the tribes whether they be near or far, whether they be in the land or scattered abroad, and I will gather all of my remnant to their Messiah and Chief Shepherd, Yeshua HaMashiach.
For he it is who will lead Israel to safety at the hand of my mighty 144,000, because Jesus the Nazarene have I made King of Kings and Lord of Lords! And he it is who will rule the earth in righteousness during his thousand year reign from the throne of David in Israel, which he has inherited. For so I promised your Fathers, and I AM he who fulfills every promise I make many many times over in my everlasting righteousness, that all may be yea and amen and “I am the everlasting God of righteousness who faints not” (Isa 30:28)!
Yet, so it is that the dragon will rise fully and the beast from the sea [BH Obama] has hidden himself away so that he may rise fully amongst those he will lead, and he will rise from the ashes in his appointed time. He has plundered and arranged for the full destruction of Secret Babylon, even working hand in hand with the beast from the earth [JG Hallett] to arrange and execute their destruction, and so I have given for them to accomplish. And the world is enchanted with the great harlot and can no longer imagine a world without the oppression of the great whore with which she has oppressed the peoples of the earth, and corrupts my creation with the filthiness of her fornication even given to the world from that abominable golden cup in her hands.
And so it is, that I do come to warn you, O’ Israel, of the great deception that is about to plunge the world into all-out war and chaos, even a deception they have rehearsed using their technologies, for they are all pretenders who pretend, and of their deception will their false prophet make his entrance to the land [Middle East] even as Esau’s false Moshiach [DJ Trump].
And Esau does mask and hide himself amongst Israel, even pretending they are Israel as they seek to blend themselves amongst Israel, even hiding their true nature from amongst whom they pretend. (They are tares amongst the wheat and the Lord of Harvest will root them out fully.) And so the dragon rises for it is his hour, and Christ Jesus will suddenly remove the faithful in Christ from the earth, (both the living and the dead) and then judgment will fully come onto Secret Babylon, even “that great scarlet whore” (Rev 17:1-2) foretold by John the Revelator these many jubilees past.
And I AM the Ancient of Days, even the Lord of spirits, and I do testify so all may understand my speech: “The thing that has been will come to pass again: and the thing that has been done, is done again, and there is no new thing under the sun” (Ecc 1:9). And so it is that the fallen ones have worked to destroy Adam from the earth since the beginning, that they may take it for themselves, even my garden of life where I tend and nurture the souls of men in order that I may redeem them from corruption in Christ Jesus whom I have created as the last Adam. And it is in your Messiah, O’ Israel, that the Israel of God will be fully gathered and redeemed “as one new man fashioned in like manner as your Lord and redeemer” (Eph 2:15), who purchased your redemption in his own atoning blood.
So understand O’ Israel that Jesus the Nazarene [a man] is Yeshua HaMashiach [messiah] who is also Christ Jesus [risen] (understand the emphasis of his names because your salvation is complete). So hear his Words in obedience, for the sake of your own souls, because you have no time to argue any longer with your creator nor do you have time to reject your true Messiah any longer.
And it is written the same as I declared, and so I had Yeshua HaMashiach reveal to his apostle Paul concerning him: “Wherefore, Elohim has also highly exalted him, and given him a name above every name, That at the Name of Jesus should every knee bow, both of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, unto the glory of God the Father” (Php 2:9-11). And so it is, that I YHVH, the great I AM, does once again certify the authenticity of these Words so that your faith may be unshakeable.
The great deception is here and many will be ensnared therein, and many will fall to the flames, even all those whose names were never written in the Lambs Book of Life from the beginning. Because I, El Shaddai, AM he who knows the beginning from the end, and although I give every soul the chance to live a righteous life before me, I do know who will choose to fill up their sins to the fullest from those who will come to Christ that they may be recreated in righteousness, and my judgments are perfect in my righteousness.
But you O’ Israel, you have no righteousness because you have rejected the everlasting God of righteousness, because you reject my only-begotten Son that I sent for remission of sins as the lamb of God, therefore, your sins remain. And so I counsel you, Israel, hear the Words of the Great I AM in this last time and accept my sacrifice!
Yes, Israel, I provided a perfect sacrifice for you because Adam was corrupted in perfection, and the life of the flesh is in the blood. And so sin is passed by the blood, which is the life of the flesh, from the Father to his offspring that whether they be male or female they inherit corruption because Adam is evermore corrupted. In my eternal mercy and love I provided that which is impossible for any other being to accomplish: “I created and gave my only-begotten Son, of whom Moses commands your obedience (Deut 18:15), for the sins of all mankind (John 3:16), whether they be Judean or Gentile, whether they be bond or free” (1Cor 2:13).
Yet so it is Israel that your enemies lust for your destruction because they do desire to have their golden age yet once again, even a golden age they will never again regain, because instead of their ante-diluvian, willfully sin filled golden age, where abominations of all sorts roamed, they will instead have harsh judgment and punishment as their kingdom is utterly destroyed. And it will shortly come to pass that the beast [BH Obama] and false prophet [JG Hallett] will be cast alive into that burning lake of fiery brimstone, and Satan will be bound for a thousand years in torment and great fear of his coming inheritance “in the eternal flames of punishment where their worm dies not” (Mark 9:44 et seq).
And the dragon is bound to the earth that they may enter into the heavens no more eternally, but are kept under the firmament bound to the earth for judgment, of which they lusted. And the dragon has great wrath in his defeat, because he is utterly defeated at the hands of Yeshua HaMashiach who is the promised seed of the mother of all the living. For so I promised Adam and Eve in my love for them. So it is that he is only allowed to fulfill my eternal purposes before he is evermore sent to the flames. “And I will set the seal, and they will not come to mind nor be mentioned” (Isa 65:17), for so is your future of promise, where you are freed from your oppressors forevermore and in eternal and perfect peace will you live, if you but bow the knee to your true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach, for there is no other way!
So it is that I will now give you to understand things that are about to happen, and surely the snare set by the fowler is to be revealed, even a snare set by the dragon who seeks to ensnare my precious doves, even my peculiar people whom I reserved for myself. And I AM he who caused Noah’s dove to return with an olive branch in its mouth, and in like manner, I AM he who has sent my eternal peace treaty in the face of Jesus Christ, your risen Messiah O’ Israel!
And so, understand the times you live. The synagogue of Satan moves with many lying signs and wonders, “and by deception they do war” (Prov 24:6). They perform their rituals openly and pass it off as entertainment and news and political rallies. They have completed their selection process, where Esau has now selected his lamb [DJ Trump] from amongst the Synagogue of Satan for their blasphemous deception with which they seek to ensnare. But the beast from the earth is not the Lamb of God that they foolishly and blasphemously mock, but their false prophet who they have now selected for themselves who has two horns like a lamb, but speaks like the dragon.
And so I had my Son, Jesus Christ the Righteous, reveal in ‘The Choice is Yours’ (study to learn) when Barabbas [DJ Trump] received a head wound as if it were to the death and that event had multiple meanings that he did not reveal at the time, but it was at this rally, even his selection ritual, “where they say that Yahweh himself bored a hole in his ear making him my divine servant” (Exo 21:6). And so it is, I do swear by my own name, even YHVH the Great I AM, that I have neither made him my bond servant, nor have I given any other Messiah except my only-begotten Son, even Yeshua HaMashiach, who is the only lamb of God I will ever send. And so his assassination attempt was used as one of many lying signs and wonders where this pretender does pretend. And of this pretender he is not of my nature nor my flock and he is my enemy.
Yet, many in Secret Babylon who pretend that Jesus Christ is their Lord have now abandoned their potential Lord [Jesus] in favor of Barabbas [DJ Trump], who speaks like a dragon and yet is a lamb with two horns. And yet many of those who have made Barabbas their Lord will be left to the refiners fire because their salvation was not fully complete because they did not come to Christ with faith filled and repentant hearts, but instead with the lusts the prosperity gospel does produce. Because the Synagogue of Satan corrupted their holy writings by their consent, and zionists they have now become. And yet many of these same souls, will be given the honor of martyrdom for their salvation “if they chose to accept salvation by calling on the name of their Lord Jesus Christ till the end” (Rom 10:13), and I will receive them eternally and evermore and their sufferings do not compare to the glory that is to be revealed in them.
So, this false moshiach does travel and preach while speaking as a dragon and does pretend and say many great and blasphemous things even before he rises fully [is inaugurated], and he will claim to rise. Understand my people that this false prophet who is also the beast from the earth [a forerunner of the antichrist] who serves the Synagogue of Satan has now been selected as their lamb. “And it will yet be that his head will appear as it were wounded to death, but his deadly wound was healed, and all the world will wonder and follow the beast” (Rev 13:3). And so this deceiver will rise.
At his rising he will claim he has sacrificed himself like a lamb of God bringing peace to Israel as their dove which brings them an Olive Branch! And not only Israel, but the earth itself, and will appear that he has now come back to bring peace, but the ways of peace he does not know. But at the judgment of Secret Babylon all out war will ensue. Because a false spirit of comfort from the Dragon has settled on the earth, “and I have even sent strong delusion so that all those who have pleasure in unrighteousness will believe a lie, that all might be damned who have pleasure in unrighteousness” (2Thes 2:12). “For when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction and they shall not escape” (1Thes 5:3).
And many in Secret Babylon, even those who believe his lies and follow his good words and fair speeches are captivated and ensnared by a false peace where they imagine that their delicious and sinful lives will continue where today is as yesterday and tomorrow will be the same as today. And many will scream, howl, and lament that their hope [DJ Trump] is now taken from them, and they will fight their countrymen to the death, and all the while their full surprise attack will be fully unleashed, even as my restrainer is lifted from the earth, “and Secret Babylon will fall to a double portion of one hour as many calamities fall” (Rev 18:6,10 et seq).
And the Synagogue of Satan will have their war [Middle East] with which they have genocided the innocent in their deception to incite , and those who worship their black cubes will exhaust themselves in slaughter, even a slaughter that is brought about purposefully by great deception. And from the ashes will they will rise, and the fallen ones will fully reveal themselves offering mankind seemingly benevolent help, but their ways and technologies are intended to ensnare all they can in their inheritance in the flames of punishment. Of which they will never escape, and where they will receive many times over for EVERY single sin they have committed, and justice will be done. “But what fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird” (Prov 1:17)?
So I give you to understand, that Secret Babylon’s judgment has been prepared and they stand at the ready. But first this false lamb with two horns will pretend to be virtuous when in fact he is a mangy shepherd, one of two horns to rule, “even the little horn of Daniel” (Dan 7:11 and 20-21). And he will appear that he has endeavored to save Secret Babylon by purging her corruption, but in truth he is a great corrupter who ensnared many that he will now purge and blame for his corruption with which he extorted many into submission. And now all that does not suit their purposes, or who can testify first hand of their evil, will be removed by the hands of this mangy shepherd and blamed for the sins they still partake, and of which they led others, and they will not escape.
And, also understand that many who are party to their crimes and who are tares like unto these mangy shepherds will move into their bunkers and hide themselves in the heart of the earth from the wrath to come, and they will destroy all evidence of the lives they assumed in Secret Babylon in great deceit, and they will not escape the wrath to come! Yet, so it is that their sins will be exposed hypocritically by this false prophet [DJ Trump], and he will appear to be just and upright, even a man sent by God for the salvation of Israel, and so the trap is ready to spring. And yet, every one of their deeds I have recorded in the books in the heavens, and I do personally remember every detail and I know all of their crimes and I will expose them and they will eternally pay forevermore for their vile sins.
And so the beast from the sea [BH Obama] is preparing himself to rise as their Mahdi and the beast from the earth [JG Hallett] is preparing himself to rise as a false lamb, for what lamb has two horns and speaks as the dragon. Yet Esau has prepared to receive him to themselves in the land he seeks to steal, and they will be utterly rooted out by the mighty hand of Yeshua HaMashiach whom I have empowered, even sharing my own throne with my beloved son, and he will utterly crush the head of the snake. “And all of his enemies will be made his footstool” (Heb 10:13), because it is the fallen ones who refused to bow the knee at my command in their rebellion and it is they who attacked my creation by craft and malice, and they will pay for all eternity.
And so I swear by my own name yet once again that, I YHVH the Great I AM, do swear that the only Messiah I have ever sent to Israel and truly ever will send is my only begotten son, Yeshua HaMashiach, of whom your Father’s rejected, and whom you reject on account of their lies you inherited from their hardened hearts passed down in your blasphemous Talmud. And so I come to you in my love for you O’ Israel so that I may expose to you fully the trap that is set for you by Esau who still seeks the destruction of Jacob.
The beast from the earth [JG Hallett] has enchanted you as your false prophet and he will rise and come to you as your sacrificial lamb who sacrificed himself for Israel and will pretend to be your true Moshiach. When in fact he is polluted by Esau, and no Moshiach will ever rise from Dan. Indeed, he comes for Jacob’s destruction, but the trap he sets will ensnare those who willingly follow him, and so they will be taken forevermore by his lies, and they will accept his mark that he will seek to force on the world for its enslavement and destruction.
And so I say to you O’ Israel bow the knee in obedience to your true Messiah who came to you as the Lamb of God, of which your Father’s rejected on account of Esau. Bow the knee to your Lord of Lords and King of Kings and accept my salvation that I may yet redeem you from the curse of the law, because no man is righteous who comes to me through Moses, except the man Christ Jesus who I have changed forevermore. “And after the flesh he is no more known” (2Cor 5:16), because, I have glorified him in similar fashion as Pharoah glorified Joseph and shared his throne, except in the throne he was greater than Joseph and retained his authority.
I AM he who is from everlasting to everlasting and there is none greater than the Great I AM!
I AM he who has sent these Words to my beloved people that I may come to you and remove your partial blindness when your hearts turn fully to your Messiah! Even your true Messiah, Christ Jesus the resurrected and glorified Lord!
I AM the Everlasting God of righteousness who faints not, and I ask, is there anything too hard for my mighty hand to accomplish?
So I implore you O’ Israel to obey the voice of YHVH, even your Elohim, who was shepherd to your Fathers by the hand of my servant Moses whom I had rescued when he was drawn from the waters of the Nile to the safety and kingly preparation in Pharoahs house, of which he defeated in obedience YHVH!
I AM he, even YHVH the great I AM, who swears by my own name and does certify fully in eternal truth that Yeshua HaMashiach did fulfill the law of Moses as the perfect Passover for all time, that I provided perfectly with my own hand, so there is no more need for sacrifice.
I AM YHVH the great I AM and I swear by my own name that it is I who raised Jesus the Nazarene from the dead after he sacrificed of himself as the Lamb of God, even a sacrifice that I accepted for all time and forever more for the redemption of Adam as a new man in Christ Jesus, who is Yeshua HaMashiach your true Messiah!
And I AM he who does certify the authenticity of these Words that I have sent in the Everlasting Gospel that has been revealed by myself, and Yeshua HaMashiach, to our mighty messenger who has been prepared by Yeshua HaMashiach in much chastisement and purification for my eternal purposes and faithfully has he returned to Yeshua HaMashiach and so he is restored!
And so I invite you my people, even Israel whom I do love with an eternal love, to join the Israel of God and come to Yahweh, even the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, by way of Yeshua HaMashiach that you may be gathered eternally in the Israel of God and return to me by way of your true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach. And I will receive you to myself and restore you to your inheritance and reward that is in Christ Jesus mighty hand.
There is no other name given whereby men may approach YHVH, the great I AM for so have I declared, so kiss the son lest he be angry and you perish from the way.
Behold! The times are now and the harvest of the firstfruits has come and they will be gathered to their Lord and they will be glorified for my eternal purposes.
I AM that I AM and I AM YHVH so obey my eternal voice and come to the Father of Lights who has already prepared your way.
A Lamb with Two Horns!
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