Jesus - Millions are Heading to HELL !
A Watchman on the Wall:
After reading the powerful dream Brother Marty Breeden shared, Holy Spirit spoke boldly to me.
“Hell is real, make no mistake. The road is narrow yet millions choose the wide road, the road that ends in eternal separation, the road that delivers unimagined suffering to those who have rejected the Salvation of JESUS Christ. Millions care nothing for the things of God, their lives reflect the choices they have made. O, that man would see the fallacy of his choices and come to repentance before his road ends in destruction. For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment…yet choices have been made, the course will not be altered for man languishes in rebellion, stubborn, enjoying the things of the world. Millions will not survive for they yearn for the things of the world and not the things of God. God is far removed from their hearts and minds. Evil reigns in those who reject the gift of Salvation; evil spews forth from the mouth of those traveling the wide road.
It has begun; God’ righteous judgment of the nations…‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell…(Matthew 10:28)’ Those who thought they had ample time to repent, those who chose to have just one more day to party instead of pray, another day of revelry instead of repentance. Great heartache and grief await those who die in their sin, unimagined pain, remorse and sorrow as the fires of hell burn hotter; living for all eternity aware of what was lost and the eternity that lies ahead.”
message given October 8th 2019
Mary’s messages
Jesus’ messages
Sleepy Christians
As has been said, ‘Consciousness doesn’t end when life leaves the body at death..’
You are a bullying religious psychopath. I don’t know how you can live with that.
I just hope you have no children, to threaten them with burning in hell for ever if they don’t sing to your invisible man in the sky.
You would be comical if you were not so absurdly evil.
Why do you read what you do not want to hear, planogod? I don’t make up these things, I’ve read them over and over again.. heaps of videos of people’s experiences in hell.. in different words and at different times. Jesus even said, After His Second Coming, Heaven, Earth and Purgatory will no longer exist, that there will be only two places to go.. either ‘The Kingdom’ when Heaven and Earth are joined as one, or Hell.’ These are not my thoughts, but they come from the Master Himself. He has tried everything to try to get people to TURN AROUND and not remain in sin, including telling them straight. Either they attain their higher mind or they do not…. The ones who do attain are the saved ones, and the ones who do not attain are the fallen…. into HELL, this time around !
This is the END OF TIME, planogod! Don’t you get it?
We are at the end of a 52,000 year cycle (Archangel Michael), and always there is this test at the end, before the beginning of a new and much higher cycle. ‘You pass from one frequency range to another frequency range’ (the Archangel Anael).
They’re telling us, and it’s not just Jesus who is telling us..
Cara I’m sorry to say this is all in your mind. There is not a single speck of evidence for any of this.
You have constructed a fantasy world in your head,and somehow convinced yourself it’s true.
Personally,I do not care if you sing and talk to any moth-eaten medieval invented deity,or even chat with santa claus or the tooth fairy. However you just can’t keep it to yourself can you? You have to try and peddle it to others,and in particular,poison young minds with it.
You have bought in to a wicked and evil cult which,along with others,have been responsible for the death of millions of people. It was not me who posted threatening messages,it was you,and I will continue to fight your dreadful ideas which should have been consigned to the garbage bin a long time ago.
For anyone desiring a teaching on the true salvation gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the faith which was once delivered unto the saints (and now blotted out by the modern church, causing the vast majority of Christians to miss out on heaven, just as Jesus said):
The Dark/Light Series (PDF) (1Cor 13:12) – A Guide to Authentic Salvation:
The Lord will show the truth to anyone who will DO what He said and search him out with all of our heart and soul, and continue in His doctrine to the END (salvation comes ONLY at the END of the narrow way):
Matt 7:13-14:
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: (Matt 7:13)
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matt 7:14)
Fare well.
Why don’t you quote the quaran or the hindu texts?
Ah, because you were born in a country that has the ‘right’ god!!
How dumb human beings can be.