Children And Teenagers Are Gang Stalkers In A Two Or More Lied Conspiracy
In 2005 I was in my spiritual bliss state I reached by being sober in AA so long and by living a spirtual life with moral values and by praying to God all the time and lived this way for many years, since I got sober in 1985 and I studied many books before then starting at age 18 that got me in touch with heaven and that helped advance my psychic ability and intuition as I did this work for myself because I wanted to and therefore I worked hard to reach my spiritual intuitive state and felt so in touch with heavens realm and so spiritual in Feb 2005 because I did an Angel Board reading that month and was told ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” so I felt so elated and on cloud nine in Feb 05 by the reading message and by my years of spiritual work and by staying sober so long. My readings say due to all my spiritual work and my advancing my intuition and psychic ability an Angel Board job was sent for me to my name and address in Feb 2005 that devils stole, readings say some knew for many years a big Nancy Gail Fox Son of God job would be sent for my in born psychic gift, and they sat lurking waiting to snatch it up to do I D theft to lie my psychic crime tip job was their job to do by devils gang stalking spy cam equipment, and readings say they stole a big Angel Board job from mail that was sent to my name and address that said, for Nancy Foxs in born psychic gift to do word spelling crime tips to solve crimes on a game board, meaning an Angel Board spirit board by channeling in a medium trance as I have this gift since I was young, as I channeled on a spirit board when I was 10 and readings say they snatched up my earned psychic crime tip job I worked my whole life for and readings say they lied to people shes not the type to do in depth crime tip work when others in my life know I am like a detective, and called me Nancy Drew and so readings say devils stole my jobs that were sent for me to save life on earth, and readings say the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy who take people to sex slavery by lying lied the Son of God jobs were theirs, and they do I D theft for many years the readings say and readings say they got many in it the day I celebrated 20 years sober in Feb 2005 at a party we had on the 27th of Feb 05 from 2 to 5 pm as I sat there feeliing so spiritual on cloud nine in a spiritual looking Free People sweater with new paint and carpet I had done to the house, and readings say that devils ran around lying Nancy Fox has such problems shes wearing a hot cropped sweater and did the house all up to impress guests, and spent too much, and shes just doing that to act hot and bitchen when I am not that way, as I am a humble reserved low key type person and one who does not brag or bolster, and I did the house to sell it, and I lost weight by a low carb diet I started in 04 to get back to my normal weight, and all success to me loosing weight and doing carpet paint and tile to the house to get it ready to sell, and readings say they lied to hundreds of people on the phone and in person, and ruined my real estate income, and my years of net working and hard work I did as a realtor in the suburbs and right when my years of spirtual work and study would have been paying off to steal my earned angel board job sent to my name and adddress the readings have said they steal all of them and their devils hands wash over them with red sharpies markers changing the words on them, and readings say they say later that year they started saying go take the mail kids and mark it up with red sharpie lettering, and send it to us CIA Northern California who lied they got a big important Son of God job when its my job they stolem and readings say they did this with their counterpart the readings call their realtor gal and shopper who buys kids free new clothes to lie and local work apartment buildings with stolen funds the kids rob in bank parking lots for years, as readings say they say they all got in on it in 2005 when the realtor shopper gal called and text them and lied Nancy Fox is a very bad person for spending so much on her house so fast to look good to people and she spent too much for a single Mother, and did all that to have a hot time and thats why she lost weight so fast and did her hair and make up all up so we are taking her Son of God jobs away and saying shes not the type to do that work by the way she looks and by the way shes acting, as she did her skin and wore a cropped short sweater with sequins, and we say shes doing all that to have a hot time at the house she had painted and so on and thats how we see it and thats very bad kids, so listen to me you are taking every single piece of mail sent for her to do Son of God work as she looks hot and sexy and we say shes sick to do all that so fast, and to not even tell anyone about moving is wrong and that means shes a very bad person, so do not say one word to her, do not tell her we spoke just take the Son of God mail and send it to CIA Northern California and to me as I am keeping tract of what shes doing and I say she refinaced her two story house to do it all up to be with a new man and that means shes a very bad person so we are setting her up to take custody away and all agreeing with your folks by thumbs up texts to do that to her to set her up to our CPS Secret Court for being like that, for being all done up at a party with new carpet tile paint as thats shows shes a very bad person for spending money like that when shes a single Mother, so later said in mid 05 I am saying the big Son of God jobs and instructions sent that say for her to buy many properties with money sent to banks are mine, I am saying I got that big real estate job to over see buying properties, and I am getting a real estste liscense, and so are some or your Moms so we can say thats our big important Son of God job to buy properties okay kids? and you can receive a lot of gifts and pay for being in on it, so run take the mail from the mail box on a post in front of their house she bought that cost too much, she said to kids in summer 2005 the readings said, and readings say kids and their parents and realtors and many others stole my psychic Son of God crime tip jobs as I sat there channeling in a mediumt trance on my Angel Board each night after selling real estate in the day, and as I sat there praying to God living a spiritual life with moral values feeling like a Monk as a great parent and daughter as I bought the one story for my Mother to live with us, and in 2005 I had not been with any men for over 8 years, I had not had sex since my ex husband in 1997 and I was never with another man at the two story and never planned to be, and there I was a sexually abstinent person for almost a decade feeling so spiritual and so psychic and readings say some perceived a spirtual Free People geru sweater as sexy, and did not know the party in Feb 05 was to celebrate 20 years of sobriety and living a spritual life and there was being my nice down to earth self who does not lie cheat or steal or say an ill word about anyone, and living a life as a good Mom with moral values, and readings say devils say it all wrong as they are dishonest and steal and lie and have no concept of what a nice honest good person is like, so readings say they slandered me all over town and the state of California with false perceptions, and by their imaginations, and made up stories they fabricted and lied and sent a false impression about who I am as I sat there praying outloud all the time feeling like a Monk in 2005 by the spiritual plateu I reached, and felt so good inside as a spiritual person in 12 step programs that the devils have no concept of as they sin, gossip. lie harm people and steal and rob whats someone elses to lie they got important jobs, and in 2004 I planned to do a make over on myself, and planned it all out to diet and loose weight, and thats all positive for a person to do, and I got back to my normal size in 2005 and did my skin an did not change my hair or make up at all, and readings say the ones who stole my jobs in Feb 05 text all over town and said ” oh my God Nancy Fox did her hair and make up all up and wore a hot cropped sweater and spent too much on the house and did all that to have a hot time, shes a very bad person so we are taking her Son of God jobs away and setting her up to take custody away” and there I was feeling so happy and spiritual with weight loss and new paint and carpet celebrating 20 years sober in A A on Feb 27th 2005, and doing good positive things is how it should have been seen, and readings say they got the whole town in on it by texting them, and many kids who were 9 and 10 and teens who were 13 and 14 years old and their parents, and said ” we are taking that big important Son of God job away and saying shes not the type to do a spiritual mission because of the way she looks and is acting, as she ran around and got new clothes to look hot and bitchen and did the house all up and her hair and make up and we say thats not the type of person to do that work” as they stole my jobs sent that said For Nancy Foxs in born psychic gift to spell out words to solve crimes because she was told she was put on earth to save the human race in an angel board reading this month of Feb 05, and that was by a divine intervention from heavens realm a spritual miracle that God and Jesus produced on earth, as my neighbor I grew up next door to had died and kept spelling out on an angel board readers angel board ” I died I have to speak to Nancy Fox” and that was a Mom from School an acquaintance I knew she contacted, so I did an angel board reading with her in Feb 05 and it was spelled out ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” and the devils interfered with a divine intervention a miracle produced on earth by God and Jesus Christ who brought me this message to do save the human race work so there I was on cloud nine in touch with heavens realm in Feb 05 and devils snatched my save the human race mail away, and all plotted to frame me an over nice good Mother to do I D theft to lie my important save life on earth jobs were theirs when they are not at all, and they plotted to frame an over nice Mom to take custody of my daughters away in 2005 as they sat there so happily at ages 9 and 13 in our two story in our happy great suburb life we lead for so long, and they planned it out my readings say to destroy my happy loved childrens lives and mine to steal jobs that are not theirs at all, and to rob money, as readings say many jobs were sent to the one story home I bought in summer 2005 that they stole, readings say the mail they stole said for the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family for her and her two daughters to do spiritual geru work to save life on earth as the psychic Son of God family, and readings say other mail they stole said for the Son of God Family Compound, meaning the house she just bought that she plans to add on to, and they stole that mail, and lied thats for our big Son of God job we got when they are the Son of Satan who stole Son of God jobs, and readings say they stole money sent to banks that said for Nancy Fox Deposit only and 20 percent is her daughters money, and letters said we suggest Nancy Fox buy many mansions with her owned money so she can protect her family and own properties wherever they go etc. and the one lied that was a big important Son of God to over see buying properties that they got by stealiing the fed ex and ups deliverys off our one story porch by spy cams the devil placed on it, and readings say that woman put spy cams on our oak trees to steal everything, and sat lying Nancy Fox is not the type to do a Son of God spiriual mission because of the way shes dressing in True Religions with a Budda patch etc. and saw spiritual geru clothing as sexy with her warped perception, and lied shes the type to do a big important Son of God job because she dresses conservative, and because of her stature when shes not the type at all as anyone who steals gossips lies and makes trouble for others is not the type, and anyone who would plot to do a frame-up to take custody of happy loved children away is a real sinner whos so sick its hard to pathom as that is cruel beyond to plot to ruin childrens lives when everything is so good fine and wonderful, and readings say thats what a devil did who does it to many nice good wonderful Moms as this woman hates Mothers who look look sexy by their body they were born with, and shes a prude who hates Moms who show a tiny bit of their clevage, the readings say she frames a lot of Moms who are passionate about life, she hates Moms who like music and dancing and who have a zest for life, and they are many who are so over nice and sentimental and spiritual and creative artistic types, and ambitous persons who multi task, and she sets alot of Moms up who do alot at once, who shop and buy alot at once, and readings say she thinks single Moms should live in low income apartments so the bills are not as high and so they do not have as much to do, and she hates seeing them running around doing so much, she cannot stand the single Moms who are so happy being busy and getting a lot done who reach for the stars and she wants to tie their hands so they cannot spend a dime, and to ruin their looks, and her and CIA Northern California the son of satan devils say they stinken dam deserve it, as they are sick to them to buy alot at once, and they think its wrong for a single Mom to spend a dime on updates for the house, for furniture for clothes to look good it makes them so stinken dams sick and those two say they always target this type of Mother they hate, as they hate them for being divorced seperated and for being unwed, and thats who they pick as they think they do not deserve a happy life, as they see the good great wonderful Moms as very bad persons when they CIA Northern California and their counterpart who went and got a real estate liscene to steal Son of God property instructions are the very bad persons the sinning devils is who they are setting up alot of nice Moms to their CPS Secret Court, and they say they have done this for ages they got in on it as youths, and sat lurking in 05 waiting for the Son of God save life on earth mission jobs to snatch them up with devil hands, and to steal money sent on trucks, and readings say they stole money by spy cams one put on Oak trees on the one story house street and ran the plates, called the driver and lied thats our Son of God money for a job we got assigned to us when its personal money they robbed and when they stole Son of God family jobs and washed over them with their devils blood in red sharpie lettering, and called text kids and realtors and said go take the mail, mark it up send it to CIA Northern Cal, and readings say money was sent in fall 07 that said half a million to pay Nancy Foxs house down because shes been sent alot of Son of God jobs, and readings say they redirected that half a milllion in fall 07 to Charles Shwab Encino and called and lied thats our Son of God money sent for a job we got send it to us or something like this, and readings say they did this in 2009 2010 at U S Bank Sherman Oaks, readings say money was sent that said for Nancy Fox pay her mortgage up, and pay off the loan her Mom got, and readings say they took that in Sherman Oaks and lied thats for our Son of God job we got, and do it everywhere for 20 years and before by stealing mail I D theft by spy cam hacking bugging equipment, and readings say stolen mail said these are Nancy Foxs questions sent for her to answer on her angel board to save life on earth, to save the human race, to stop sex slavery internationally and so on, and it said rent an office on the waterfront, and hire a staff and pay them from your money sent, and we suggest you buy many mansions from your area to Sherman Oaks etc etc, and readings say they stole custom designed instructions and follow them and then in 2009 they started stealing Medium For God instructions to buy properites, and money sent and the kids from 05 started looting Medium For God Thank you prophet gifts in 2010 at the Sherman Oaks Fashion Square Mall as the devils sent the trucks there, and in April 2013 they started hacking my paypal and stealing it that is sent for my Medium For God work and my Fox-Taylor Family victims letters and readings say these kids got in on it in 2005 and in 2009 they were on al list to go to Juvy for lying, as readings say in fall 2007 some were caught for lying about me an over nice Mom to their CPS Secret Court, and readings say CIA Northern CA and their countpart who got a real estate liscense lied about me and were caught and notices said pay Nancy Fox slander fees or you are going to your County Jail for 1 year, and the notices to take them to County Jail were sent again in spring 09 that said Go to County Jail because you did not pay slander fees as ordered and it said the mortgage broker woman is going to prison, and the kids who lied are going to juvy for not saying I am sorry and paying fifty dollars in slander fees, and it said arrest the two or more lied sons of satan conspriracy this is demanded from five Nations, Russia, Nugenia, Sadia Arabia, South Africa, Japan, by the Japan stings framing slander proof, and CIA Northern CA text the two or more lied conspiracy and said ” lets not pay say we did and keep on lyin instead and set her up to DCFS as planned” and I was set up to DCFS by lies in spring 2009, and the lies were dismisssed without prejudice. Readings say they are not stopped yet, they are saying ” hey come on you guys its us the so coot mere quaint kids who send you guys lots of pay each day and really fine gifts” and they lie” those Prophet gifts are for us guys for a hackin as thats the deal we made in early 09 when we tore up arrest warrants sent to put us in Juvy, and we said no way we are goin to Juvy we said we will all keep lyin instead as some got prison time in Japan, and in prisons in America and County Jail it said for CIA Northern CAL and the counterpart who sends us free new clothes from Nordstorms for years, and who buys our local work apartment buildings with money we take from bank parking lots by spy cams we got on bank glass doors and on trees and stop signs on streets all around banks parking lots, and we are ones to run in a pack to unload money from trucks and the morgagge broker texts us okay kids go take the funds unload the money trucks others text and we yell yipppee hooray our Son of God job funds are here to dam day hey hey, and 15 of us gals go and get the funds and then its deposited in banks by the men we work with, and we say thats our money for our work we do and thats 199 of us in a group in many areas, and thats us 89 kids who started in 05, and our own parents who got in it then, and thats realtors who took mail in 05 to 09 and who still are, and we said fine we will do the opposite mission sent by CIA Northern Califonnia and we say they are the Son of God commander, and really its all just pretend.
Readings say they pay lots of 9 and 10 year olds everyday to lie and do this for years, so there are a million in the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy and thats many young kids who are 5 and 7 also, and 89 of in that age range are in many suburb Towns and Citys, and 1500 are 29 now and about 30 are many and 1500 are 33 to 37 years old, and 49 are realtors in 10 areas thats about 499 of them in 18 locations in dug outs underground, and 4900 were in AA meetings, and now some stopped says God, as this is the biggest I D theft ring in our time and they must be stopped as they have stolen about 20 years of money sent on trucks, and 20 years of psychic money from mail, and ups fed ex money since 2005 and paypal since April 2013 by hacking, and they stole many nice new Prophet cars, and pick them up at freeway off ramps and lie they are for a Prophet job they got when they hack and steal Prophet thank you presents and thank you Prophet pay, and they loot ups fed ex trucks all along what they name the banks of the Los Angeles River where many streets cross the LA man made river the wash basin they call it also and packs of the girls who started at 9 and 10 13 etc in 2005 loot ups fed ex trucks 20 years later that are 40 minutes away from their home towns in the suburbs, as in 2009 they started coming out to the San Fernando Valley to steal ups fed ex gifts that are Nancy Gail Foxs for her Medium For God work, and they rob them all by fraud false papers and by looting by spy cams security camera lurking and by bugging the whole worlds phones, and they send out Prophet plagerism , they steal what Nancy Fox wrote by I God and by my and your Jesus the Son of God by hacking, and they back space all over it, and make it look messsed up and lie they unscramnbled mish mosh a disabled person wrote when Nancy Fox is not disabled at all ever, and its a wicked game the devils still play, and rob the Medium For God and Son of God Prophet thank you gifts
Teenagers Are Gang Stalkers
My psychic medium readings say I am being hacked for many years by some who were lied to in 2005,my readings say they say they were in 4th grade and 7th grade in early 2005 when they were lied to and in fall 2005 they were in 6th grade and 8th grade so readings say they are gang stalker girls for almost 20 years who go into it by lies they were told in 2005 and they were lied to then 2 decades ago and the lies they were told my readings say were Nancy Fox has such problems she spent alot on new paint, carpet, and tile for their house and lost weight so fast and got all done up so keep an eye on her for us, when here I was a real estate agent then, a family real estate lady who sold many homes in our community, and I advertised in the Elementary School newspaper and paid for their voice mail system, and had no problems and alot of positive things were going on in 2005 as I did new carpet, paint,and tile to our two story family home where we had lived for 8 years so that should have been explained as Nancy Fox is doing great as a realtor, she had new carpet, paint, tile done to their house as that is positive and a good thing to do and would showed I was a successful realtor, and I lost weight by a low carb diet I started in 2004 and that should have been explained as Nancy Fox lost weight on a diet and looks great and I did not get all done up as my readings say thats a lie they tell, I let my bang grow out and had the same hair cut and weave and wore the same maybelline and cover girl make up, and to lie a realtor has problems when they don’t would ruin a realtors business and to lie doing paint, carpet, tile was a problem because it cost alot would ruin a realtors business, as that would have made people think I did not make enough money selling homes to have that done, and telling lies about that would have ruined my real estate income, as you would people to think she’s a good real estate agent she could afford that, because if people thought I did not make good money selling homes they may not have asked to me to list their home or to help them buy a home or referred me so any negative comments lies told would have affected my real estate income and everything was going good and positive in 2005 and I celebrated 20 years of sobriety and had an AA party Feb 27th 2005 at our two story with the new paint carpet tile I had done to get it ready to list and sell,and doing that and loosing weight should have all been seen as sucess, Nancy Fox’s life is going great and readings say they lied about it to many in 4th grade and 7th grade in 2005 and to parents where I sold homes, and in fall when the hacker gang stalker girls were in 5th grade and 8th grade and that a big lie started then that started ruining my real estate income even though I did 7 escrows in 2005 and worked away, lies would ruin a realtors business especially when I had an all referral business which means you are nice and friendly to everyone, and net work in your area and go above and beyond the call of duty for people so they refer you, and I built my business up starting in 1999 and I was always busy with Listings and Buyers and sold many homes and had no problems and readings say they lied she did so much to the house so quick, and spent too much money, and she did all that to impress guests at a party, when I am not the type to try to impress people, I am humble and never bragged to people in our area, and i did all that to List and Sell the house and not for the AA party, I decided to have the party because the house looked so good before I sold it, and it did not cost too much, I paid for it with my house earned equity money and I could have paid for it with my money in the bank I had from selling homes, so saying anything negative about a realtor would affect their income, and I did not talk about personal things as a realtor, I did not tell people I was in AA but a few people as its an anonymous program, and we had a small party with about 20 people in the day from 2 pm to 5 pm and there was nothing to tell about it at all and all anyone should have heard is their house looks great, Nancy had new carpet tile paint done, and she lost weight on a diet, end of story, Readings say gang stalkers called hundreds of people and gossiped, and lied and caused drama city making things up, and ruined my income, and alot more later as I have explained a million times over, and here I was a closed mouthed person, private, polite and professional and everything flowed along like clockwork and there were no problems at all until 2005 and readings say they lied she did all that to move out fast and said she hardly told anybody and they said keep an eye on her for us and let us know what she’s doing, and things like this, when I planned to sell the house and buy a one story in our area for years, and normally people do not tell everyone when they plan to sell their house, they usually wait until its listed and the sign it out front and its on to tell people, as a realtor I learned its best to hit the market all at once when listing and selling a house and to have everything come out on the same day on the broker caravan, and to have your photos and real estate flyers done, and to have it on the MLS and and your ads ready for newspapers etc and to get full exposure all at once, so for selling purposes I decided I am not telling people I am selling until its listed and also I learned in my 12 step programs you do not have to tell everybody everything, its your business, as its your life, and your house, and your decision, and my readings say they gossiped and lied and caused not needed drama all over town and the State of California when I am one who avoids drama like the plague, and there was nothing to tell about anything. Readings say many hacking me now were told that she did all that so fast and that it was wrong? and how could doing good things be seen as wrong? when its good and right to do, and they say they got paid money when they were at the end of 4th grade and starting 5th in the fall and others were in 7th grade in Feb 05 when they got in it and in 8th grade in the fall of 05 and many kids, teens, and their parents were told keep an eye on Nancy Fox for us please, we are concerned and worried so let us know what she’s doing, and they said they would make things up to make her look bad because they said that was wrong to spend alot and that it was wrong to not tell people about selling, when most Sellers dont tell anybody, and most buyers do not tell people when they are buying a house, as thats private, and as a realtor I did not tell a soul when I was listing a house or when I wrote an offer for someone, as its private business, and it would be wrong to tell people. Readings say they were lied to and told a single Mom cannot afford for that stuff to be done to a house, when I made a good income and should have been seen that way for my real estate business, and saying otherwise would have ruined my income, as with any proffesion people want to look like they are doing good in their proffesion, and people should have been charged for slander if they lied she could not afford that and readings say kids, teens and parents were told a lot of lies in 2005 20 years ago, and that they are hackers hacking me, and readings say then more dramatic gossiping went around after I bought a house and had a house warming party Oct 8th 2005, and readings say then they called and text lies all over the area and California and lied ” oh my God she bought a house that cost too much so fast without thinking and ran around spending money fast and alot at once so we gotta run them out, so make a bad report to help us out” when I did a regular real estate transaction and bought a one story with my two story equity money and with my real estate income and then ran around getting what I needed to update it and to furnish the family room, I did normal things a person does when they buy a home, and people should have seen it as Nancy Fox is doing great as a realtor she bought a million dollar home and decorated it so nice for their family home and they had a nice house warming party, call her to buy or sell she’s obviously doing well as a realtor, and thats what people should have said, and I should have been attracting more real estate business as it should have had a positive reaction and not a negative one, and readings say gang stalkers just lied and lied to ruin my income, and caused gossiping liar gossip all over town and all over the state of California in 2005 and still do this 20 years later, and readings say the kids and teens and their parents they lied to in 2005 are hacking me and stealing my money, and they are now in their late 20s to their mid 30s and mostly 29 and 30 and 33 and 34 years old, and they say they were told to run them out of the house and they say they were offered pay to do pranks and set ups, and to lie to people everywhere they went, when here I bought a house in an estate neighborhood, and planned to sell alot of estates there and to attract more business by where we lived as realtors normally sell in their neighborhood where they live and know people, as I sold 10 homes in our two story house neighborhood, and I sold 2 estates in our one story house neighborhood, and had a listing for almost 2 million I showed all the time, and I was working on another estate listing there, and I would have made at least an extra hundred thousand a year just by living there as realtors sell homes in their neighborhood, and I already sold many homes all around the one story house area for years, and I had sold estates in other areas, and living there would have increased my income, and that is what I thought, and planned, and said ” I will generate more income by living here and by selling estates in the neighborhood” and thats what would have happened if gang stalkers had not worked against my plan and they are robbing me now by hacking my readings say that packs of the girls and their mothers who were lied to in 2005 are piled in cars hacking me, and they were told to set Nancy Fox to make her pay the price for being like that, for acting like a hot shot in that house, for buying alot of furniture and for decorating it all up so quick and for buying alot of clothes after a diet, and they were told we are going to make her pay the price for doing that stuff etc when I move worked so hard and accomplished so much that I was so happy about and I was reaching goals I planned on and worked and persevered towards for years, and I did normal things people do when they buy a house, they often update the house or paint it and so on, and buy furniture they need, and decorate hang pictures and get all settled in the house, and that is all very normal to do, and I did this at other properties I owned, I did this to a house in Valley Glen we redid the hardwood floors before moving in, pulled up the carpet threw it away, bought a new couch and coffee table, and I had antique furniture reupholstered, and ran around to Calico Corners, to buy paint, wall paper boarder I hung up and plants to plant, and bought artwork I hung on the wall, and so on, and ran around and did that house happily and got it decorated and furnished ready set to live in and made the house a home and did that in 2005 to the one story home. Many of my buyers did the same things when I sold them homes, they would be up all night hammering nails hanging pictures and plate hangers on the wall, and unpacking and decorating the first night in the new house, and others knocked walls down, and ripped out shrubs and had painters standing on the sidewalk waiting for house to record, and this is all very normal to do when you move into a new property, and its also normal to do when you are going to List your house and sell it, and I was so busy in 2005 the busiest year of my life, and I accomplished to much and was so happy about it, and in 2004 I made a list and budget to update the two story to get it ready to sell, and added it up with a calculator paint carpet tile, and totaled my list and refinance the two story to take money out to do so I would not use the cash I had in the bank I made from selling homes, as I did not want to spend my reserves I kept for bills and be desperate to sell, as I did not want to take a low offer, i did not want to be in the position where I spent all my money and had to sell is why, as I kept reserves in my savings for the next months bills as a realtor single Mother who paid the bills alone, and I started working on my fico score in 2004 and got it up to 790 and got loan approval for the one story home that was about a million, and gang stalkers ruined everything, and readings say 20 years later they are hacking and robbing my paypal.
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Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules
Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.
Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.
