A Sex Traffick Ring Is Hacking From Rooms Underground
Some are saying they thought the crime tip jobs sent 20 years ago in 05 where for the group of people named as thats what they all said, as they ran around all over towns saying they got big huge important crime tip jobs to do crime tips by proffesional spy cam equipment to save lives, and they said the job was sent for them because the letters they took said these following people named are suggested people to be hired, and they said they got a job for certain by taking mail and by writing their names on it, they said they voted some others in to do the Son of God save life on earth mission by texting thumbs up symbols, and said the mail they took, opened and read that was sent to Nancy Gail Fox, to her addresses in 2005 said that she might vote with her family and assign each other save life on earth psychic spiritual geru jobs as it said she may be too busy doing her angel board crime tip answers to solve crimes, and it really said Nancy Gail Fox and her two daughters could vote, the 3 of them amongst themselves, and if she had too many spirit of life questions she could assign them questios to answer, and they lied that meant that the people suggested that she might hire could vote when it did not mean that, as readings say they steal mail sent to my name and address by this gang stalker liar theif ring and they open it, read it, and change instructions, and follow what mail says that is not theirs to follow, and its not their business to be in at all in any way and never was. Readings say some were told in 2005 these investigators are doing the crime tip jobs instead by proffesional spy cam equipment by taking crime tip job mail sent to Nancy Foxs name and address and by assigning her jobs to us, and readings say they stole my sprit board channeling jobs sent in 2005 Feb and June July and for 20 years they steal my jobs sent to my name and address and my whole life as they did not want me reporting how they murder people and how they get people for human sacrifice murders and readings have said an angel board channeling job was sent for me in Feb 05 because I was told I was put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race in angel board reading I did that month of Feb 05 so a angel board job was sent to my name and two story address that they stole as they did not want me reporting how they get people to murder them for depopulation, and for FGM, and how they capture people to the underground where the run human slavery etc. so they stole psychic crime tip jobs sent for me to stop them and readings say stolen mail in Feb 2005 said Dear Nancy Please spell out crime tip words to solve crimes privately we heard you did an angel board reading this month and were told you are put on earth to save the human race, and this job is for your in born psychic gift to spell crime tip words for us, from a person in California who heard of the miracle on earth word or mouth, and readings say the killers heard about it lurking on bugging equipment and spy cams and by security camera stalking etc and snatched it right out of our mail box on a post in front of our two story house, and others heard they were named as suggestions to be hired, 80 peoples names in a letter in 2005 and they lied they got a big huge important Son of God save life on earth mission job when they did not, and they lied they could vote others in do be in to do the Son of God crime tip jobs, when they are for me because channel the Son of God, as the crime tip jobs would be for answers from heaven not from people on earth, as heavens angels fly around and see what everyone is doing, and they tell God and Jesus Christ the Son of God who tell me in angel board readings by my channeling their words as a medium, and by my channel writing for them by my open vessel medium since 2009, and the jobs would be for heavens crime tips and not for humans crime tips by machinery, and its a big trick as they are serial killers commiting the worst sex torture crimes in histroy, and they did not want me reporting how they kill everybody, and how they get the people, and that is by framing them, robbing them, and then pretend they are taking people to help them, and thats their system in a nut shell, and readings say they told some we are doing this big crime tip job sent because we are so much better suited for that utmost important job position to save life on earth, and the devils sons of satans lied they got important Son of God jobs to do crime tips when they did not, the jobs were sent to stop their crimes, and readings say they got many in their wicked theivery I D Theft two or more lied cospriacy in Feb 05 and that was some women many would not suspect, as they work with the men to do FGM illegal female genital mutilation, and their mission is to take people underground and to remove their genitals, as the readings say the serial kiler men got them in it years ago when they were youths, and told them they could lie the Son of God jobs are theirs by them taking mail and by pretending, and the women wanted to lie they got big important Son of God jobs to feel important for one thing, and the men told them they could do another mission with them, and lied to them in the 1970s etc and told them that removing genitals would save life on earth, and they said that would stop diseases and infections, and to find women by condom reciepts and pap smear Dr reports etc. and they told them later they would spy on peoples private areas in spy cams they place over beds to see if they orgasm, and those would be the Moms they set up to capture them and all their kids to do FGM to them, and brain washed the woman into thinking that is a Mom orgasms it means shes one who would spread diseases and infections, and told them thats the secret save life mission we are doing and you can take the mail sent thats for Nancy Gail Fox to do channeling crime tips and say her jobs are jobs are yours, and they told them their job is to ruin familys home lives, and to take their mail money etc, to make them appear like they cannot provide or are fit to be a Mom, to take custody of their babys kids and teens away,and the Moms to the underground, and thats for human sacrifice sex torture rituals, and for kiddy porn human traffick etc etc explained in my Medium For God Contributed Stories and when the women they got into this years ago heard an angel board job was sent for Nancy Fox in 2005, they told many to vote them in to do the crime tip job by proffesional spy cam equipment instead, and said they always planned to take the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family Save Life on Earth Mission jobs when they were sent for her and her children, and they said they were going to wreck her income, ruin her real estate business in Feb 05 when they got people to vote them in to do the crime tip jobs instead, and text many the end of Feb 05 and said ” hey guys vote us in to do crime tip work by proffesional spycam bugging hacking equopment and security cameras instead of Nancy Fox doing dumb supid word spellings on a game board as we got her mail that says to spell out words on a game board to solve dangerous crimes, and we say thats ridiculous to spell crime tips on a game board and what a laugh, so please say you tink we are better suited for that utmost important job positio, as other mail we took says she can vote with her Son of God family” which means children, and some lied they got Son of God jobs because they were named as suggestions to be hiard in letters they stole, and they said they are working fhe ones who are voted in instead as they are assigned the Son of God save life on earth crime tip jobs, to do the crime tip work by porffesional spy cam equipment instead of Nancy Fox doing game board crime tip wordds, and they say they all agreed in Feb 05 by texting one another thumbs up symbols, and they all agreed they would set up the nicest Mom earth to get custody taken away from her to make her look bad, and so they could run them out of town and take the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family mail and money and pretend its for them, and they were text ” we are going to set up Nancy Fox to rake custody from her first by lying to our CPS Secret Court hearings with fraud reports as we always do to nice moms we hate because of their personality, and because of the way they dress and look good, and so we are going to write really bad reports and send them to banks to take the Nancy Gail Fox money sent thats hers and her kids, so write a bad report and say she looked too sexy to be a nice Mom at a party she had, and then later we will set her up to our CPS Secret Court hearings and then by calling in at the same day ,same hour to set up a regylar case file as she had a AA party at their house and wore a cropped short guady sweater and low hip hugger jeans and had her hair and make up alll done up and did her skin and she had shiny gaudy tile done and put gold drapes in and we are saying she did all that so fast to have a hot time, so make her look bad to get her kids taken away who are 10 and 13 and she had a party today Feb 27 05 so write a rwally bad report and inlclude what I say as we are all taking her huge large imoortant Son of God crime tip save life mission jobs away by doing this, as shes not the type to do important crime tip in depth work as letters say as we say shes a dumb retard who could never do in depth crime tip work as shes too spaced out and thats how we see this and we do clitoral removals to save life on earth, and find sexy looking Moms to do them in, and our secret mission is to frame the nicest Moms to take custody from them to take them all away by master manipulation so vote us in, and say we are better suited to do the important crime tip work and you guys in on it could receive a whole lot of money later on as we are taking the money sent on bank trucks in the alley behid the market and saying thats for us because we are doing the important Son of God save life on earth work” when they mass murder the population as they are so dumb they think framing nice Moms to capture them and all their kids to do FGM to them is saving life, as they are stupid and mean as saving life means people are nice to each other, speak highly of each other, that familys stay together, that framing and slander is stopped so livelyhoods are not ruined, and that people are in sight in safe and not taken away anywhere by force, and that babys and children of every age are not taken from a nice good parent, that peoples mail and money is not stolen, and the do the opposite, and readigs say these two women waited and planned to snatch the job off, and sent the texts all over town, and lied about an AA party I had Feb 27th 2005 where I wore a light blue Free People spiritual geru looking swater from Nordstroms, and designer jeant that were mid rise, and my outfit looked nice, and not as readings say the lying theives describe, and we had muted old gold fabric curtains I got in 2000, we had them about 5 years, and the tiile I had done was off white Glazed Itialian tile from a tile store on Thousand Oaks Blvd, and it was expensive and looked classy, and I had that done to sell the two story house, and it was done in off white paint, and I had off white carpet put in and I had a long time sober AA party as I got sober in A A Feb 9 1985, and readings say they lied about a nice A A daytime party that was Feb 27 05 and they are still lying, and then when we moved in summer 2005 readings say this gang stalker group came zooming around our one stoty Mail Box on a post, and reached their hand in mornting noon and night and stole Angel Board jobs sent for Nancy Gail Fox and her daughters, and they do this for 2 decades, and started stealing from post offices and wrote their names on our mail, and sent it to the FGM I D Theft ring who sent them texts to vote them in for the job, and they lied they could assign them stolen jobs by them writing their name on the mail and by sending it to them, and they have stolen 2 decades of channeling crime tip questions says God, and I saw stalkers swarmig around our one story with my eyes who stalked the one story, and then they proceeded to the San Fernando Valley to steal my Medium For God channel writing jobs, questions sent for me to answer by Prophet channeling writing by my open vessel medium and my money and thank you Prophet gifts, and set up hacker rooms underground to rob me blind, and built them with stolen funds they robbed, and they have 900 hacking now the readings have said, and they say they were told to go to comptuer lab training, to learn to hack Nancy Fox, and when ever paypal is sent to take it fast, and to send it to the ones who pretend they got big huge important Son of God save life on earth mission commander jobs, and those are the ones from Feb 05 who sent texts and who told them to make slanderous reports about me, my readings say they lied about me when I was a real estate agent, a proffesional polite over honest ethical realtor, to ruin my income, to rob real estate insructions sent to Nancy Fox that said buy many massions with your owned money sent set up a Prophet camp, so you can pay people to live in properties you own, and they can fed ex your angel board channeled crime tip answers out for you, etc. and they stole lists that said we suggest you hire far off relatives if they wantt to relocate, and they could live in esates you should buy and you can pay them a salary from your money sent, and we suggest you have realtors do the home buyers work for you and you can delegate to them, and you might hire 100 realtors and mortgage brokers and 100 parents in the area and their kids to pay people a salary in your area, and you might hire Movie Business film crew wardrobe people you worked with as a Costume Designer, and you might hire neighbors from everywhere you have lived your whole life, and you might hire Grant High people class of 1970, and these are suggstions for you, as we feel you should hire thousands, and we suggest you leave mass voice mail system messages to 5,000 people in the end and give them simple save life crime tips to save familys in your area and all over the world, and readings say they follow stolen instructions, and lied to thousands they were hiring them for a Son of God job and pay them srolen money, weekly salarys, and leave fake wrong messaes on a real estate voice maill system as they follow custom designed instructions that were sent for me starting 20 years ago and I paid for the voice mail message system at a School as a real eatate agent and it said this message paid for by nancy Fox etc and readings say they called people I know or knew that were suggested for me to hire, and they they followed insructions that said we suggest you buiy many mansions in the areas you love wjhere you sell real estate since 1999 and named many streets and areas that I loved, North Ranch, Sherwood Gated Estates, etc etc all around the County line and readings say they bought estates with stolen money by following stolen Son of God Nancy Gail Fox Save Life On Earth instructions and set up their Secret Court on Golf Corse Road in garages, a laden Old Oak street, and they bought the CPS Secret Court case worker woman an estate with stolen money in a gated estate neighborhood etc etc etc. so they are running sex slavery from estates bought with stolen funds, that were named locations to save life on earth from, and they got many people named on stolen lists involved who probably are kids that graduated in 2009 and 2013, and their parents from different School districts in the County Line areas, and readings say in 2009 they told the kids to learn to hack and they went to computer lab training, and then startied taking freeway buses and steet buses to hack and steal from me in the San Fernando Valley, as in 2009 I was framed to DCFS by lies, and lies were dimsised in 09, and I moved back to Sherman Oaks my home town in the San Fernando Valley due to my daughters moving to the San Fernando Valley to their Dads in North Hollywood, as DCFS took them away unexpecetdly and this was after years of vandalism stalking theft etc went on as thats what Gang Stalkers do to Targeted Indivduals, and it appears as hate crimes when its done, and they ruined our happy prosperous wonderful life in the area where we had lived 12 years so I have experienced what this wicked cult does to people, and my angel board channeling in fall 08 spelled out you were lied about to a CPS case worker in a secret room by a group of liars, and I never heard of it, but my readings say thats what this devil did in Oct 08 and then they all plotted to lie about me to DCFS to set a nice Mom up, and that did happen, in around May 2009 anomymous liars lied about me, and the lies were dismissed withjout prejudice, so I piece facts of what was done with my psychitc Prophet tips and I have pieced their system together by 2 decades of information, and readings say the kids ran to the valey in 2009 to hack and rob my Medium For God money and gifts and lawyers money sent, and mortage money sent for my letters, and readings say they built hacker rooms under neighborhoods malls parks markets drug stores etc. and they sit hacking away stealing my money, and say they are taking all the gifts and pay and saying its for them because they are gettin it so wuick, and always say they can steal money if they rip it off fast, and readings say they sat under Sjherman Oaks when I moved there in 09 and started stealing my Medium For God ups fed ex deliverys and mail and money and my Medium For Goc channel writing jobs and car gifts as I was sending a million letters out that said stalking went on a car break in theft was done cats disapeared when stalkers had been there, and I am a nice Mom who was set up to DCFS, and I am a realtor they made broke and stuck I need a car I need money to keep my real estate business going. i need B of A mortgage money, and laywers money etc etc etc. and readings say they sat hacking and stealing everything sent for me, and car gifts, mortgage money etc. and looted ups fed ex trucks at the mall loading dock, as readings say hey hacked under the Sherman Oaks mall, as I typed there at the Apple Store, and at a mall Kiosk and at the Shjerman Oaks Library Kinkos etc. as I did not have a lap top cell or computer in 09 due to the tale down, and readings say they hacked in the Librrary parking lot, and everywhere I went and still are
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