The devil cult has trained groups of kids all over the Country to help get people for them to sex torture and murder them
The groups of 89 young women doing this say they started when they were 9 and 10 years old in 2005 summer and some were 13 and 14 years old who got in on it, and they were told to zoom past the mail box on a post with their parents and to reach in and take the Son of God save life on earth crime tip mission mail and to send it to some who pretended they got the big huge important Son of God in depth crime tip job, they said they assigned it to themselves by taking Nancy Foxs angel board channeling jobs from mail, and that they planned to set her the nice Mom up to make her look bad to make it look like shes not the type to do a spiritual Son of God in depth crime tip job on a game board as I sat there living my moral value spiritual life praying to God all night and day and channeling he God and Jesus the Son of God on my angel board each night by a white candle light in our one story house I bought because it had a spiritual ambiance with Church bells chiming every hour in the day and there I was being so spiritual as I am and devils snatched my jobs I earned by advancing my psychic ability and by my spiritual life I lead right out of our mail box on a post, and readings say they were many bratty lying theif kids with their bad parents who drove past and snatched my earned jobs out of our mail box, and their names were on lists they stole that said perhaps Nancy Fox might hire kids her daughters go to School with and who they take lessons with, and she might hire 50 to 100 of them in the area and their parents to be assistants on her Son of God save life on earth spiritual mission, and readings say some who plotted to steal my jobs since the 1970s text them and said ” hey everyone we are pleased to inform you we are doin the big Son of God job instead as we say Nancy Fox is not the type by the way shes dressed in her life and because we say shes a dumb stupid retard idiot whos not the type to do in depth crime tips and it says for her to spell words out on a game board what a laugh she could not do important in depth crime tips that say you guys, so are ya in ? we are takin her Son of God big important jobs away by setting her up so dam bad to our CPS Secret Court hearing we hold privately and then to DCFS cap YES to do that to her, to take custody away and sayin its by her dress as she wore a short cropped sparkly sweater to her AA party in Feb 05 and she wearing low cut jeans that cost alot, see the photos we got at the stores from security cameras, and we say someone dressing this way is not the type to be a Son of God commander to save life on earth, we say that important job is for us becsuse we are outdoor Son of God types and dress right in high necks and conservative and not in sexy looking clothes like she does and she does this in her life sometimes periodically so see the shots from her life in similar clothing so we are planning to set her up based on dress and by saying she bought too much too fast all at once, and becaue she did new carpet paint and tile to the two story so fast we say to look so important at her 20 year sober AA party Feb 27 05 and we say thats wrong because she took pain medication for c sections we say she did not need to have at all in any way, and we say she did that to keep her vaginal canal tight okay guys ? are ya in? you could all receive a whole lot of dam money later on for being in on it, as it says money might be awarded to some who save the Nancy Fox Son of God family, her and her kids and we say thats for us whatever is for them we say applies to us by taking her jobs and by setting her up to take custody away as she just got a dam divorce, and ran and spent too much updating the family home and lost weight on a diet so fast and did her hair and make up all up and that makes us sick to our stomachs so we are setting her up and saying her important Son of God save life on earth mission jobs are for us okay dokay guys? send the mail” when readings say Angel Board channeling jobs were sent because I was told ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” in an angel board reading in Feb 05 by a divine intervention from heaven and I live a moral value spiritual life since I got sober in 1985, and I had two needed c sections in 1991 and 1995 because I did not dilate, and I was was in labor 2 days, induced labor in 1991 and did not dilate so I had to have a c section, and then had another one due to not dialating when my 1st daughter was born so they were needed, and so was prescribed pain medication and my ex and I split up Jan 2000 by a legal seperation like divorce and 5 years later I got the two story house ready to sell to buy a one story for my Mom to live with us as a good person, and I bought stylish clothes in local boutques in 2005 that many women wore at that time after I lost weight on a diet, and I am a L A County person who dresses stylish in my life, as a past Costume Designer, artistic free spirited creative person who likes fashion, and readings say conservative types lied a person dressed like that is not the type to do a Son of God job when I channel the Son of God Jesus for almost 20 years in whatever I am wearing and wherever I am is being spiritual is an inside job, its how you are inside, and its being connected to God and depending on God and not people places or things and thats my way of life by my spiritual 12 step programs and sinners who steal gossip speak ill of others dig up old photos to ruin their prosperous happy life are not God people who would ever have a Son of God job as being spiritual is an inside job, and they are narrow minded judgemental conserative biggets the readings say and they are opposite of me, as I say live and let live let people be who they are pray they have the best in life, and I am one to not harm a flea but to help people into the AA program in my life, and they are ones to ruin lives on purpose my readings say and what I experienced says as proof as stalkers swarmed sneared vandalzed stole and lied, and ruined our lives years ago, and readings say the ones stealing the jobs lie they save life on earth by setting people up and by trapping them by master manipulation, and manipulation alone is a sin to me and to God and Jesus Christ and they got many children and teenagers in their wicked game in 2005 the readings say by texting them to steal mail, and readings say its 89 girls who got in it in summer 05 with their conservative judgemental theif sinning parents, and the 89 girls were told go take the mail and send it to others, and they said they would send them a $200 hand written check for stealing the Son of God jobs from the mail box then upped it to $300 then $500 and they told them write thier names on the mail in red sharpie lettering for the gifts and pay sent to Nancy Fox and that they were following the instructions that said write in red shapie lettering in bold caps FOR NANCY FOX ONLY, and it said if you dare touch her mail you go to 89 prisons in America and 5 abroad, and they lied that applies to them because they assigned themselves the important Son of God job, and that they were doing important in depth crime tips by proffesional spyware equipment instead of her doing crime tip word spelling on a dumb stupid game board, and said we are all setting her up for buying so much crap and stuff so fast as thats bad to us, are ya in ? when I just decorated and updated a house I bought and bought clothes after loosing weight on a diet in 05 and they sat there with stolen letters and bank deposit slips they stole from the mail box on a post that said Nancy Fox your owned money is sent for Nancy Fox deposit only we suggest you pay off your house you just bought with your owned money sent, and gate the driveway to keep the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy out, and readings say one snatched the ups fed exed angel board jobs off the porch July 2nd to the 9th and all the time in 2005, and lied my Son of God crime tip job was hers, and readings say she put spy cams on the Oak trees to case the house out on Oct 8th 05, and on the garage door, mail box curb and Stop Sign and lied she got the big important Son of God job to do because she dresses conservative and because she lives in a nice community, and lied shes doing it with her great groups of people from Grant High class of 1977, and 1970 people in it for years, and readings say she saw money being sent on the street in her spy cams and stole it by calling the driver by spy cam cell hacking equipment, and did this many times so did others, and they lie the funds are for a Son of God job we are doin, and therefore their were many from classes of 1970 and 1977 on on it from different Schools, and mostly from Millken Jr High, and others were realtors they told go take funds and they could buy properties, so many got in on it and went and got a Real estate liscense to get real estate commisions, to buy properties with stolen funds, and the conservative house wife Mothers got in on it and were told they would follow a check off list and set up Moms to take custody from them and do this their kids, and readings say they had actual meetings in their tract home neighborhoods years ago from 2005 to 2009 and were told okay kids and Moms and Dads we are setting up Moms we say are not fit to be a Mother, and doing this by checking shopping reciepts and to see who buys an awful lot at once and for themselves at one store, or a mall even in a day as we say thats a floosy type whos getting all done up to have a hot sexy time with a new man or old flame we do not say man from the past ever or that its true love as we go for the juggler and set them up if they own a strapless bra and black especially and a bra and underwear set, and if they buy those in matching sets and colors they are marked down to loose custody and if they buy make up and primp and dance around the house as they are not like you nice Moms who are dressed in nice nutrral tones, with only high necks, and we are judging Mothers by receipts and you and your kids can keep notes on a spiral pad and on a jot pad note pad to compose a file, so go to the market, and stores and write down what they buy, and tally it up and say my oh my a very bad Mother spent too much too fast and thats reason to take custody away, and you may be paid for each day of working as a top secret agent for us in home investigators, and you can receive more income by getting custody taken away, $100,000.00 for each person even on the back end, and thats for each of you Mothers and your girls and they said whatever a Mom does say she looks hot and sexy, and say she went out to have a hot time in logs, and say she got done up with new bras and underwear and make up she bought fast to have a hot sexy time and they told 89 Realtor women to do this framing, and for 5 conservative judgmental mean realtors an hour to go ON PATROL to zip around homes and lie, 5 an hour in 5 shifts to set up nice Moms to take custody away, so readigs say from 2005 to 2009 it was 89 kids who got in on it, and 89 real estate women,mortgage broker women, and the kids Mothers and Fathers, with the people from Milliken Jr High from the 1970 classes, and they started framing nice Moms with recepts and write notes like the Mom did not even look around to see what else to buy, she just ran in the store so quick and bought eye pencils and other make up and spent 9 bucks, and would say nine smack a roos you guys so fast thats really dam bad, and they say the Moms spent too much too fast all at once, and they hate them for that, and set them up and say they are bad Moms for doing that as thats money they need for food and clothes for their kids when they do not need the money for that, they are Moms who own nice homes or who have nice apartments, and their kids have nice clothes that are in style and great food to eat, and always have, as they target people with money to rob them, and entaupuner types to steal from them, and they frame Moms with things they have always done, as most probably always own a strapless bra as a necessity to them for a strapless outfit that may be a sun dress with thin straps or a fancy evening dress, and to them its a must have if needed, and so are matching bra and underwear sets and they are ones to always run and buy their eye pencils if they are out of them, and the kids would write notes on jot pads tapping away 89 girls and their Mothers, and would write ‘ a very bad Mom ran in a store and bought things for herself again so fast without looking around and spent too much on herself nine bucks, and they may lie fifteen smack a roos to look so hot to see a man is why and thats how they see it since they were 9 as they were told a Mom who buys alot so fast is named a very bad person for being like that number one as they should shop all around first before spending one dime on anything as that means they got frivilous spending and that means they spent far too much on things not needed or necessary and thats frivilous spending on too many expenditures to write it like that the mortgage broker told the girls then, and said thats ridiculous to spend alot at once at one time in a store and to sift through every item and try 20 things on is nuts to her and to her friends as they go to a shop and buy 1 top only, and never heard of trying 10 to 20 things on at one time in a dressing room so we are setting them up for spending habits they have as its seen as bad as they should stroll around with a friend have lunch and buy 1 thing each, and then go home and wear it immediately, and they never heard of women who try alot on and then who try everything on they bought at home in the day with their other clothes to put outfits together and to make a new shopping list for what they need, as they buy 1 top at a time and some buy one complete outfit a month or every two to four months, and head to toe complete are some a set outfit with a matching purse and shoes flats only, and we are setting this type up by receipts we tally up okay kids? as your Moms do not do that ever, they buy one nice outfit thats casual wear and conservative, and flat shoes and high neck collars and loose blouses, so jot down what a Mom buys you 89 girls, and tally up receipts as we never heard of this buying 4 to 10 items at once, and those are the ones we are setting up by how they spend money, then we are tying all their hands, and taking every f in penny so they cannot have one dime ever in their life, as they are sick to us and we thin they should not have a penny ever again for buying alot of jeans at once, and for decorating a new place so fast and so shop with lists as we wear old grubbys to meetings some said and say, and we wear one matching set outfit that was displayed on a hanger for 2 months usually then throw it away and buy another, and say thats normal so we hate Moms who try 10 to 20 things on to look their very best it makes us sick to our stomachs, so we set them up to take custody away with hatred for the way they are and by followiing the list we check off, and learned to do this evaluating in meetings we held in our neighborhoods, and set them up to banks and post offices the same exact way we write on logs and forms so sorry but the following individuals may not have their own earnings due to their spending habbits as they spent far too much too fast in one spot and so we tied their hands at banks and post offices, and say one dollar too much puts them on our long list of individuals and we make them seem gravely disabled by taking every penny away and thats 99.9 % of their income earnings, then get hacker devices from City Halls locker storage rooms and lie we need to hack to cover gravely disabled persons typing, and really steal online payments that are the persons we do this to, and then the kids who started at 9 who are 29 now to 34 mostly shoot them up with forced shots, and 89 young women and 9 older woman say they are monitoring case files and gravely disabled persons and past and current case file people and people we are setting up to be a not needed case file, so they start at 9 years old and as teens, and they pay 1000′ s of 9 year olds a day to lie about nice Mothers all over America in park and mall and everywhere, and say thats the mission they are a doin they hate Moms who spend one cent on themselves, and say that means they are selfish and should loose full custody for a shopping cap YES on that sentence the lying brats say who destroy lives in this land is your land say God and Jesus
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