AMERICA IS NOT A BLESSED NATION - READ APOCALYPTIC REVELATION 18TH CH. AND THE APOCALYPTIC 4 HORSES OF WRATHFUL JUDGEMENTS BECAUSE IT'S ACTUALLY UNDER A SUPERNATURAL DOUBLE PORTION CURSE INVOLVING IMMINENT UNSTOPPABLE ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FIERY HELLISH WRATHFUL JUDGEMENTS WHICH CAN'T BE PUT OFF!: Please Get Ready For A Very Bad Week That Will Progressively Worsen For Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Who Love To Sin Against THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Who's Supernaturally Controlling All Things Above And Below Including Wrathful Judgements Excuted By HIM And What HE Allows Enemies To Do Against Enemies!: Please Be Aware That We Must All Righteously *REPENT* In Order To Be Saved And Spared From Wrath. Get Ready For Manifold Troubles To Suddenly Befall The Doomed Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great, Be Extremely Watchful From January 28th 2023 Through February 5th 2023 Because Massive Widespread Banking System Robberies (Fraudulent Electronic Funds Transfers By Barack Hussein Obama's Sinister Dystopian NWO Feds Is Imminent) With Subsequent Failures Are Going To Catch Many People Off Guard Leaving Them In Utter Astonishment - Aftwards Being Broke-Busted-Angrily Disgusted-Suicidal And On The Long List Of Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default Non-Paymeny "$QIUD GAME" Debtors To The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncrats Evilly Allied With The Vile Rogue UN Non-Peacekeepers Who Will Forcefully Takeover This Doomed Abominable Cursed Nation Of Abhorrent GAYDOM That Will Be Under National Martial Law With Militarized National Quarantines Including Enforced Curfews And Black-Ops Death Squads With The Forceful High-Tech *Terminator Style* Lockdown Of All US Borders As Millions Of Remaining Desperate Poor Survivors Of Extreme Duress Are Hurriedly Rounded Up And Quickly Transported To Satan's (Debtors' Prisons) Giant FEMA Imprisonment Camp Corrals Of Highly Mutative Death, Watch The Cryptic Predictive Programming Superbowl Commercial In Which They Forcefully Drag The Players Right Out Of The House With A School Bus Which Will Be One Of The Forms Of Transportation Evilly Used By The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Cronies Of Barrack Hussein Obama And Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton (Don't Forget Sneaky Smooth Talking Joe Biden/The Evil Sock Puppet Dummy And Their Highly In-FLU-ential NWO Finacier Oprah Winfrey The Insanely Idolatrous Whore Of Babylon That Will Deceive Many Spiritually Unwise People To Erroneously Willfully Accept Or Take The So-Called *FAKE* Miracle Cancer Cure-All Moon Shot VAXX Of Satan, PLEASE REMEMBER REVELATION 13TH/22ND CHS. WHICH WARNED US ALL ABOUT THEIR DIABOLICAL PLANS-AGENDAS-MISSIONS-PROTOCOLS (With Their Controlled PLANDEMICS Being Cunningly Activated To Cause Mass Deaths Evilly Giving Them Diabolical Bastards A Wicked Way To Quickly Pass Their Emergency Executive Order Mandatory Enforced Requirement Deceptively Designed) TO FULLY VAXX THE WHOLE WORLD WITH *FINAL PHASE* IRREVERSIBLE EXTENSIVE EVIL "GENETIC + MENTAL" REPROGRAMMING OF *BIOMETRIC* ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION PROTOCOLS UNDER SATAN'S ULTIMATE EUGENICS PROGRAM Cunningly Headed By His Murderous Vile Cronies - Primarily The Evil Gay Muslim Barack Hussein Obama/The Cloned Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Chief Antichrist That Will Soon Be Infused With The Cast Down Spirit Of Satan Himself And Sinister Fallen Angel Goddess Possessed Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton/The Matriarchal False Prophet Chief White Witch Plus His Mass Beheadings Commander) Who Are Covertly Spearheading This Attempted Forceful NWO Takeover Of Our Indigenous Earth With Murderous Plans For Mass Population Control Involving Satan's Wicked Worldwide Domination Over The Remaining Demonic Mind Controlled Evil Survivors, All Set For The *Dark Winter* Of 2023 BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Your Fragile Vain Lives Are About To Abruptly Change Drastically In Rapid Fire Succession Leaving Billions Dead Worldwide In The Diabolical Process Of Satan Getting His Vile Cronies To Forcefully Set Up His Temporal Sinister Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Full Uproar Amid Cunningly Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 In Which The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Will Horrifically Lose With Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Effects, So Say "Bye Bye Miss American Pie"! So BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because The Sinister Dystopian NWO Cronies Of Murderous Mass Death And Destruction Don't Want Us Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People To Inductively Activate Via EXTRA-SOLAR HEAVENLY CELESTIAL COSMIC SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD BEARING ENERGY WITH GREATLY INCREASED UV LIGHT ENERGY RADIATION (As Real gods Supernaturally Endowed By Our HEAVENLY FATHER With Christ Eugenes/Inherent Good Genes Of The Holy Crossing Of Heaven And Earth - Read Psalms 82:6 Involving Us Being In A Temporal Fallen State Of Spiritual Amnesia, But We Are Going To Get *SIRIUSLY* Fired Up From Within By THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL) To Undergo Our Vigorous Supernatural Spiritual Awakening Process Of Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension While Rising Up The Heavenly Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Ladder Into Our Glorified Shining Eternal Heavenly State Of Being Which The Cowardly Evil Bullies (Our Enemies) Are Greatly Terrified Of, But "They" Can't Stop-Hinder-Block-Retard The Glorious Manifestation Of The SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing DNA Of CHRIST/THE HOLY SPIRITUAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN That's Surely Within Us As Precious Children Of THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL, Please Remember Saint Luke 17th Ch., Which Will Be Supernaturally Metaphysically Spiritually Apocalyptically Coming Forth From Deep Within Our Souls And Bones Which Are Filled With HIS SPIRITUAL FIRE Waiting To Be Unleashed By CHRIST With Eternal Empowerment Through The HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-UNITY, AHMAN. WAKE UP - TAKE HEED - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE - DON'T FORGET TO SPIRITUALLY COME OUT OF WICKED PAGAN INSANELY IDOLATROUS ABOMINABLE WAYS OF BABYLON INCLUDING ABHORRENT SODOM AND GOMORRAH STYLE ASININE NASTY STANKY DISEASED UNNATURAL *GAYDOM*, YOU ALL NEED TO READ GENE-SIS 19TH CH. PEOPLE - PLEASE REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11TH CH. BECAUSE WE MUST ALL RIGHTEOUSLY *REPENT* IN ORDER TO BE SPIRITUALLY SUPERNATURALLY SAVED AND SPARED FROM THE WRATH TO COME + HOSEA 2:16 ABOUT TRUE SPIRITUALLY MELANATED GLORIFIED HEBREW NEGRO CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH-YISHIAH-YISHI + JOHN 3:16 CONCERNING US "ETERNAL SALVATION BE UNTO YISRAEL.WORLD WITHOUT END + 1ST JOHN 1:9 OPENLY CONFESS ALL OF YOUR SINFUL WRONG DOINGS UNTO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL AND RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT - MEANING BE FAITHFULLY OBEDIENT UNTO HIS HOLY LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS WHICH PLEASES HIM AND THIS IS HIS WILL FOR US AS SERVANTS + AMOS 9TH CH. (WHICH IS THE EXTRAORDINARILY ENERGETIC GLORIOUS LIFE CHANGING IMMINENT START OF OUR NECESSARY MULTISTAGE DEEP SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-SPIRITUAL REBIRTH-HEALING-REPAIRING-PURGING-PURIFYING-REFINING-FIRST RESURRECTION-METAMORPHOSIS-GLORIFICATION-FINAL COMPLETION OF THE ANCIENT HOLY GENE-SIS FIERY ASCENSION PROCESS) THAT'S DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO APOCALYPTIC REVELATION 12TH CH. + RIGHTEOUSLY GET READY TO VIGOROUSLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN INVOLVING *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* SEQUENTIAL SUPERNOVAS AND DYNAMIC *EARTH SHAKING* MULTIPHASE SOLAR AMPLIFICATIONS - READ LUKE 21ST CH. + MALACHI 3RD/4TH CHS. + ISAIAH 30:26 + ISAIAH 24TH CH. + ENOCH 79TH-80TH CHS. AND PLEASE REMEMBER THE ENTIRE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION BECAUSE WE ARE CERTAINLY IN THE EXTRAORDINARY PROPHETIC ENDTIMES WITH MANY PERILS THAT WILL SUDDENLY BEFALL THE MANY WICKED HEARTED UNREPENTANT PARASITIC CURSED RACES OF NON-INDIGENOUS GENETICALLY HYBRIDIZED MUTATED SNOW WHITE LEPROUS *CAIN LIKE* MAN-KIND HEATHENS CALLED TARES, SO PLEASE DON'T LIVE VAIN EXTREMELY EVIL PAGAN IDOLATROUS VILE WORLDLY LIFESTYLES INCLUDING *GAYDOM* LIKE THEM BASTARDS, PLEASE REMEMBER THE UNSTOPPABLE SUPERNATURAL ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FIERY HELLISH WRATHFUL JUDGEMENTS OF GENE-SIS 19TH CH. WHICH ARE IMMINENT, ALSO PLEASE DON'T GET SATANICALLY VAXXED FOR ANY REASON - DON'T DO IT AT ALL SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE BECAUSE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S INHERITED HOLY LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-UNITY OF CHRIST WITHIN US INDIGENOUS PEOPLE IS THE ONLY REAL MIRACULOUS SUPERNATURAL CURE-ALL PUT INTO ACTION THROUGH HOLY FAITH - TAKE HEED - WAKE UP - PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE - PRAY - RIGHTEOUSLY *REPENT* - WISE UP - STAY SOBER - OBEDIENTLY SHOW LOVE INCLUDING SACRIFICING WITH CHARITY TO HELP OTHERS, REMEMBER MATTHEW 25TH CH., AHMAN. SELAH
AMERICA IS NOT A BLESSED NATION – READ APOCALYPTIC REVELATION 18TH CH. AND THE APOCALYPTIC 4 HORSES OF WRATHFUL JUDGEMENTS BECAUSE IT’S ACTUALLY UNDER A SUPERNATURAL DOUBLE PORTION CURSE INVOLVING IMMINENT UNSTOPPABLE ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FIERY HELLISH WRATHFUL JUDGEMENTS WHICH CAN’T BE PUT OFF!: Please Get Ready For A Very Bad Week That Will Progressively Worsen For Wicked Hearted Unrepentant Parasitic Heathens Who Love To Sin Against THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL Who’s Supernaturally Controlling All Things Above And Below Including Wrathful Judgements Excuted By HIM And What HE Allows Enemies To Do Against Enemies!: Please Be Aware That We Must All Righteously *REPENT* In Order To Be Saved And Spared From Wrath. Get Ready For Manifold Troubles To Suddenly Befall The Doomed Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great, Be Extremely Watchful From January 28th 2023 Through February 5th 2023 Because Massive Widespread Banking System Robberies (Fraudulent Electronic Funds Transfers By Barack Hussein Obama’s Sinister Dystopian NWO Feds Is Imminent) With Subsequent Failures Are Going To Catch Many People Off Guard Leaving Them In Utter Astonishment – Aftwards Being Broke-Busted-Angrily Disgusted-Suicidal And On The Long List Of Eminent Domain Credit-Debt Default Non-Paymeny “$QIUD GAME” Debtors To The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncrats Evilly Allied With The Vile Rogue UN Non-Peacekeepers Who Will Forcefully Takeover This Doomed Abominable Cursed Nation Of Abhorrent GAYDOM That Will Be Under National Martial Law With Militarized National Quarantines Including Enforced Curfews And Black-Ops Death Squads With The Forceful High-Tech *Terminator Style* Lockdown Of All US Borders As Millions Of Remaining Desperate Poor Survivors Of Extreme Duress Are Hurriedly Rounded Up And Quickly Transported To Satan’s (Debtors’ Prisons) Giant FEMA Imprisonment Camp Corrals Of Highly Mutative Death, Watch The Cryptic Predictive Programming Superbowl Commercial In Which They Forcefully Drag The Players Right Out Of The House With A School Bus Which Will Be One Of The Forms Of Transportation Evilly Used By The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Cronies Of Barrack Hussein Obama And Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton (Don’t Forget Sneaky Smooth Talking Joe Biden/The Evil Sock Puppet Dummy And Their Highly In-FLU-ential NWO Finacier Oprah Winfrey The Insanely Idolatrous Whore Of Babylon That Will Deceive Many Spiritually Unwise People To Erroneously Willfully Accept Or Take The So-Called *FAKE* Miracle Cancer Cure-All Moon Shot VAXX Of Satan, PLEASE REMEMBER REVELATION 13TH/22ND CHS. WHICH WARNED US ALL ABOUT THEIR DIABOLICAL PLANS-AGENDAS-MISSIONS-PROTOCOLS (With Their Controlled PLANDEMICS Being Cunningly Activated To Cause Mass Deaths Evilly Giving Them Diabolical Bastards A Wicked Way To Quickly Pass Their Emergency Executive Order Mandatory Enforced Requirement Deceptively Designed) TO FULLY VAXX THE WHOLE WORLD WITH *FINAL PHASE* IRREVERSIBLE EXTENSIVE EVIL “GENETIC + MENTAL” REPROGRAMMING OF *BIOMETRIC* ALIEN-CHIMERAN-HYBRIDIZATION PROTOCOLS UNDER SATAN’S ULTIMATE EUGENICS PROGRAM Cunningly Headed By His Murderous Vile Cronies – Primarily The Evil Gay Muslim Barack Hussein Obama/The Cloned Beastly-Vampiric-Chimeran Chief Antichrist That Will Soon Be Infused With The Cast Down Spirit Of Satan Himself And Sinister Fallen Angel Goddess Possessed Hillary ISIS-ISHTAR-LILITH Clinton/The Matriarchal False Prophet Chief White Witch Plus His Mass Beheadings Commander) Who Are Covertly Spearheading This Attempted Forceful NWO Takeover Of Our Indigenous Earth With Murderous Plans For Mass Population Control Involving Satan’s Wicked Worldwide Domination Over The Remaining Demonic Mind Controlled Evil Survivors, All Set For The *Dark Winter* Of 2023 BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because Your Fragile Vain Lives Are About To Abruptly Change Drastically In Rapid Fire Succession Leaving Billions Dead Worldwide In The Diabolical Process Of Satan Getting His Vile Cronies To Forcefully Set Up His Temporal Sinister Dystopian NWO Small Kingdom Full Uproar Amid Cunningly Instigated Full Scale Nuclear WW3 In Which The Godforsaken USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Will Horrifically Lose With Nightmarish Ultra-Cataclysmic Fiery Hellish Wrathful Effects, So Say “Bye Bye Miss American Pie”! So BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple Because The Sinister Dystopian NWO Cronies Of Murderous Mass Death And Destruction Don’t Want Us Indigenous Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People To Inductively Activate Via EXTRA-SOLAR HEAVENLY CELESTIAL COSMIC SPIRITUAL DNA-WORD BEARING ENERGY WITH GREATLY INCREASED UV LIGHT ENERGY RADIATION (As Real gods Supernaturally Endowed By Our HEAVENLY FATHER With Christ Eugenes/Inherent Good Genes Of The Holy Crossing Of Heaven And Earth – Read Psalms 82:6 Involving Us Being In A Temporal Fallen State Of Spiritual Amnesia, But We Are Going To Get *SIRIUSLY* Fired Up From Within By THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL) To Undergo Our Vigorous Supernatural Spiritual Awakening Process Of Holy GENE-SIS Fiery Ascension While Rising Up The Heavenly Spiritual DNA-WORD Bearing Ladder Into Our Glorified Shining Eternal Heavenly State Of Being Which The Cowardly Evil Bullies (Our Enemies) Are Greatly Terrified Of, But “They” Can’t Stop-Hinder-Block-Retard The Glorious Manifestation Of The SPIRITUAL WORD Bearing DNA Of CHRIST/THE HOLY SPIRITUAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN That’s Surely Within Us As Precious Children Of THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL, Please Remember Saint Luke 17th Ch., Which Will Be Supernaturally Metaphysically Spiritually Apocalyptically Coming Forth From Deep Within Our Souls And Bones Which Are Filled With HIS SPIRITUAL FIRE Waiting To Be Unleashed By CHRIST With Eternal Empowerment Through The HOLY SPIRIT OF LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-UNITY, AHMAN. WAKE UP - TAKE HEED – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE - DON’T FORGET TO SPIRITUALLY COME OUT OF WICKED PAGAN INSANELY IDOLATROUS ABOMINABLE WAYS OF BABYLON INCLUDING ABHORRENT SODOM AND GOMORRAH STYLE ASININE NASTY STANKY DISEASED UNNATURAL *GAYDOM*, YOU ALL NEED TO READ GENE-SIS 19TH CH. PEOPLE - PLEASE REMEMBER JEREMIAH 11TH CH. BECAUSE WE MUST ALL RIGHTEOUSLY *REPENT* IN ORDER TO BE SPIRITUALLY SUPERNATURALLY SAVED AND SPARED FROM THE WRATH TO COME + HOSEA 2:16 ABOUT TRUE SPIRITUALLY MELANATED GLORIFIED HEBREW NEGRO CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE ISHI-ISHIAH-YISHIAH-YISHI + JOHN 3:16 CONCERNING US “ETERNAL SALVATION BE UNTO YISRAEL.WORLD WITHOUT END + 1ST JOHN 1:9 OPENLY CONFESS ALL OF YOUR SINFUL WRONG DOINGS UNTO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER THE MOST HIGH POWER OF YISRAEL AND RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT – MEANING BE FAITHFULLY OBEDIENT UNTO HIS HOLY LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS WHICH PLEASES HIM AND THIS IS HIS WILL FOR US AS SERVANTS + AMOS 9TH CH. (WHICH IS THE EXTRAORDINARILY ENERGETIC GLORIOUS LIFE CHANGING IMMINENT START OF OUR NECESSARY MULTISTAGE DEEP SPIRITUAL AWAKENING-SPIRITUAL REBIRTH-HEALING-REPAIRING-PURGING-PURIFYING-REFINING-FIRST RESURRECTION-METAMORPHOSIS-GLORIFICATION-FINAL COMPLETION OF THE ANCIENT HOLY GENE-SIS FIERY ASCENSION PROCESS) THAT’S DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO APOCALYPTIC REVELATION 12TH CH. + RIGHTEOUSLY GET READY TO VIGOROUSLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN INVOLVING *SPIRITUALLY POWERED* SEQUENTIAL SUPERNOVAS AND DYNAMIC *EARTH SHAKING* MULTIPHASE SOLAR AMPLIFICATIONS – READ LUKE 21ST CH. + MALACHI 3RD/4TH CHS. + ISAIAH 30:26 + ISAIAH 24TH CH. + ENOCH 79TH-80TH CHS. AND PLEASE REMEMBER THE ENTIRE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION BECAUSE WE ARE CERTAINLY IN THE EXTRAORDINARY PROPHETIC ENDTIMES WITH MANY PERILS THAT WILL SUDDENLY BEFALL THE MANY WICKED HEARTED UNREPENTANT PARASITIC CURSED RACES OF NON-INDIGENOUS GENETICALLY HYBRIDIZED MUTATED SNOW WHITE LEPROUS *CAIN LIKE* MAN-KIND HEATHENS CALLED TARES, SO PLEASE DON’T LIVE VAIN EXTREMELY EVIL PAGAN IDOLATROUS VILE WORLDLY LIFESTYLES INCLUDING *GAYDOM* LIKE THEM BASTARDS, PLEASE REMEMBER THE UNSTOPPABLE SUPERNATURAL ULTRA-CATACLYSMIC FIERY HELLISH WRATHFUL JUDGEMENTS OF GENE-SIS 19TH CH. WHICH ARE IMMINENT, ALSO PLEASE DON’T GET SATANICALLY VAXXED FOR ANY REASON – DON’T DO IT AT ALL SLEEPYHEADED SHEEPLE BECAUSE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER’S INHERITED HOLY LIVING WORD OF LOVE-TRUTH-PEACE-UNITY OF CHRIST WITHIN US INDIGENOUS PEOPLE IS THE ONLY REAL MIRACULOUS SUPERNATURAL CURE-ALL PUT INTO ACTION THROUGH HOLY FAITH - TAKE HEED – WAKE UP – PREPARE NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE – PRAY – RIGHTEOUSLY *REPENT* – WISE UP – STAY SOBER – OBEDIENTLY SHOW LOVE INCLUDING SACRIFICING WITH CHARITY TO HELP OTHERS, REMEMBER MATTHEW 25TH CH., AHMAN. SELAH
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