Major War With Iran/Pakistan Is Imminent: This Ancient Endtime Prophecy Is Foretold In Daniel 8th Ch.
WAKE UP SOON, A New Solar Power Renewable Energy Order And New Satanic Mark Of The Beast/Chimera 666 Economic Order Under Horrific Nightmarish DNA + Genetic + Mental Corruption Reprogramming Protocols Is Set To Emerge In The Year 2020, So THEY Will Forcefully Make Sheeple Stop Using Oil, Gas, Petroleum Fuels, And Coal Beginning In This Year 2019. Please Be Aware That Major War With Iran/Pakistan Is Imminent: This Ancient Endtime Prophecy Is Foretold In Daniel 8th Ch. And Jeremiah 49th Ch., Concerning The Goat/The USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Against Their Nuclear Equipped Enemy The Ram/Iran*Pakistan/Descendants Of Elam, Which Will Cause The Already Volatile Middle Eastern Powderkeg Region To Go Boom In Very Catastrophic Ways As This Fiery Contagion Spreads Quickly To Syria Damascus When It Gets Covertly Destroyed By A US EAGLE Government Funded Solar Powered Tesla Technology Solarus D.E.W. Directed Energy Weapon Stealthily Located Within InnerSpace Which Can Simulate An Intense Nuclear Blast But Without Radioactive Fallout Or A Lasting Radiation Signature So UN + US Troops Can Move In To Take Over Areas Quickly, And This Fiery Hellish Event, Also Foretold In Isaiah 17th Ch., Will Cause Russia To Strategically Retaliate By Striking The US EAGLE Government’s Strong Middle Eastern Allied Nation Saudi Arabia, All Which Will Cause Oil And Petroleum Fuel Prices Plus Goods, Food, And Merchandise Prices To Rise Sharply Over A Short Period Of Time Due To These Highly Disruptive Events. They Want Control Over Your Souls And Bodies. The Sinister Powers That Be Are Trying Desperately To Instigate Full Scale WW3 And Many Foreign Nations Will Be Cunningly Blamed For False Flag Mega-Terrorist Attacks Within The USA/Babylon And Among It’s 12 Strong Allies/12 Strong Wings. However, After The Supernatural Fiery Hellish Utter Burning Of NY City The Whore Of Babylon Which Will Be Cunningly Blamed On Russia And It’s Strong Allies In Order To Officially Instigate Full Scale WW3, These Foreign Nations Will Finally Come Together To Defend Their Countries And Interests/Assets Which Will Ultimately Lead To Them Striking The USA/Babylon With A Massive Widespread Barrage Of Nuclear Missiles, As Foretold In Jeremiah 50th – 51st Chs. And 2nd Esdras 15th – 16th Chs., Concerning The Fiery Hellish Destruction Of The USA/Mystery Babylon The Great Leading To The Establishment Of A Sinister Satanic Dystopian Temporal NWO Kingdom Of Beasts By The Year BeWAR3 2020 *VISION* After The World Bully EAGLE Government Of Esau-The Edomites-The Idumeans-Edom-Mount Seir-The New Age Roman Empire-The Brutish British Fall Into Supernatural Fiery Hellish Oblivion, Also As Foretold In The Book Of Obadiah. BeWAR3 $ WAR-ning, We Must All PREPARE NOW Because Time Is Definitely Growing Short, Please Let’s All REPENT, HOSEA 2:16. SELAH
World War 3: Iran pushes France to FURIOUS reaction – ‘STOP nuclear weapon activity NOW’
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has announced the launch of two satellites (Image: GETTY)
FRANCE has called on Iran to immediately stop all activities linked to ballistic missiles that could carry nuclear weapons after Tehran said it could put two satellites into orbit in the coming weeks.
PUBLISHED: 12:23, Fri, Jan 11, 2019UPDATED: 18:13, Fri, Jan 11, 2019
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Foreign ministry spokeswoman Agnes von der Muhll issued the demand after President Hassan Rouhani announced two satellites would be sent into space using Iran-made missiles. Ms von der Muhll said: “France recalls that the Iranian missile programme is not conform with UN Security Council Resolution 2231. It calls on Iran to immediately cease all ballistic missile-related activities designed to carry nuclear weapons, including tests using ballistic missile technology.”
Hassan Rouhani (Image: GETTY)
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He said the international gathering would be held on February 13 and 14 in Poland to “focus on Middle East stability and peace and freedom and security here in this region, and that includes an important element of making sure that Iran is not a destabilizing influence”.
Mr Pompeo is visiting a number of Middle Eastern countries this week in an effort to shore up support in the region amid a number of ongoing fronts, from the US troop withdrawal from Syria to the Saudi-Qatar rift to the killing of US-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
He said Washington was ”redoubling” its efforts to put pressure on Iran amid growing concerns about its influence in the strife-torn region.
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