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Have You Ever Witnessed The Opening Of A SUN PORTAL? You Could Get Your Chance On August 21st 2017!




HOSEA 2:16, Let’s All Repent And Seek The MOST HIGH Before It’s Too Late. SELAH




Crucifixion darkness – Wikipedia


The Crucifixion darkness is an episode in three of the canonical gospels in which the sky becomes darkin daytime during the crucifixion of Jesus. …. The fourth century Gospel of Nicodemus describes howPilate and his wife are disturbed by a … The only total eclipse visible in Jerusalem in this era fell later inthe year, on 24 …


Full text of “The Gospel Of Nicodemus.pdf (PDFy mirror)”…/The%20Gospel%20Of%20Nicodemus_djvu.txt


3 GOSPEL OF NICODEMUS 4 Pilate then calling Jesus, said, thou hast heard ….. the miracle of the sun’seclipse, and the other 10 GOSPEL OF NICODEMUS …


President Obama Orders Government to Plan for ‘Space Weather ……/president-obama-orders-government-plan-space-weather-chaos…


Oct 13, 2016 - … healthcare and transportation,” according to an executive order Obama signed Thursday. “Space weather,” the order adds, “has the potential …


Obama Signs Executive Order to Deal with Space Weather – YouTube

▶ 0:33

Oct 13, 2016 – Uploaded by Wochit News

This Thursday, President Barack Obama has instructed the federal government to construct a plan to deal with …


Luke 21:25-27 KJV – And there shall be signs in the sun, – Bible Gateway…


And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the.


Isaiah 30:26 KJV – Moreover the light of the moon shall be – Bible …


Isaiah 30:26 King James Version (KJV). 26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light …





133K views3 years ago

Sunrise”Five college students explore an Aztec site. They carelessly knock over a jug filled with blood — and in an instant, the sun …


Inconstant Moon (The Outer Limits) – Wikipedia


Michael Gross as Professor Stan Hurst, Joanna Gleason as Leslie, Scott Swanson as Silver Haired Man, William deVry as Bartender. Episode chronology …

15 movies that feature eclipses

Posted by Michael Bakich

on Monday, August 18, 2014


Not every blog you’re going to read on this site is pure science. Some, like this one, are just for fun.

It was a dark and stormy night. My wife, Holley, and I were watching a movie. All of a sudden, a total solar eclipse appeared. I asked her, “Can you think of any other movies that have eclipses in them?” She came up with a few, and I came up with a few, and in the couple of weeks that followed I fleshed out the following list of 15 flicks by chatting with a few movie-loving friends. I list these in chronological order with only the briefest of descriptions. I’ll be following the “Comments” section to see if our astute readership can come up with others.

1. The Eclipse: The Courtship of Sun and Moon (1907)

The Eclipse appeared in 1907.

Not only is our first entry old, but it’s also strange with a capital S. The filmmaker viewed the eclipse as a consummation between the Sun and the Moon. My main take from this film is that I want a house like the one shown!

2. King Solomon’s Mines (1937)

This version is the first adaptation of the 1885 book. Here, a total solar eclipse plays a major role in the movie’s plot.

3. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1949)

It’s the whole court against poor Bing Crosby in this musical adaptation. At one point, Crosby demonstrates his magical abilities during a total eclipse.

4. Barabbas (1962)

Here’s the one thing you should know about this movie: Director Richard Fleischer delayed the shooting of the crucifixion scene in order to use a real total solar eclipse as background. Wow!

5. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

OK, I’m taking a bit of liberty here. The opening sequence shows a lineup of celestial bodies that I choose to interpret as an eclipse.

6. Dragonslayer (1981)

Dragonslayer is a 1981 fantasy epic.

If you’re not into fantasy epics, just fast-forward until near the end. The main characters encounter the dragon as a total solar eclipse is in progress.

7. Ladyhawke (1985)

This flick is a classic by Director Richard Donner. The total solar eclipse that occurs in it is a way to break a curse.

8. Eclipse (1994) Canada

Well, the good part is that the entire movie is about a kid who’s filming a documentary about an upcoming eclipse. The not-so-good part is how that event apparently influences certain individuals.

9. Dolores Claiborne (1995)

This film is dark, and it has nothing to do with the eclipse mentioned in it. Remember, I’m just listing — not recommending.

10. Almanach (1999) Canada

This movie’s more about the occult and the fantastic than science. Still, the director does include footage from the February 26, 1998, total solar eclipse.

11. Pitch Black (2000)

Pitch Black features an eclipse, just not one in our solar system.

Hey, I didn’t say that these movies had to include a total solar eclipse visible from Earth. Don’t look too deeply into the science of planetary motions here. Just enjoy the flick for the ride that it is.

12. Darkness (2002)

Well, the title sort of says it all. In this dark tale of satanic rituals, the eclipse represents the time when children must be sacrificed.

13. The Wild Thornberrys (2002)

This animated movie is a bit brighter than most of the rest on this list. The climactic scene occurs near the end during an eclipse.

14. Hellboy (2004)

Actor Ron Perlman plays the titular character who, near the end of the movie, has to open the gate of hell during a total lunar eclipse.

15. Apocalypto (2006)

This crazy film (all dialog is in the Mayan tongue) takes place during the Mayan empire some 500 years ago. The eclipse is part of a prophecy that implies the end of the Mayans.

NOTE: I’ve written three other “serious” blogs you’ll want to check out about the 2017 eclipse:

A solar eclipse glossary

Two dozen tips for the August 21, 2017, total solar eclipse

25 facts you should know about the August 21, 2017, total solar eclipse


9 movies starring solar eclipses

From musicals to thrillers, Hollywood loves an astrological plot twist.


August 8, 2017, 10:02 a.m.



Join Kathy Bates, Demi Moore, Bing Crosby and others in a genre-hopping cinematic celebration of eclipses. (Photo: Clive Mason/Getty Images)

Unlike other astronomical events such as shooting stars (a Spielberg trademark), full moons (stay away from the woods) and mega-asteroids (paging Ben Affleck), solar eclipses are more of a rare breed in movies. Still, movies with major, plot-driving solar eclipse scenes can be found across several genres, not just science fiction. Drama, thrillers, musicals, historical epics, deceptively terrifying Disney films — there’s truly an eclipse film for everyone.

Perhaps one reason that eclipses — specifically total solar eclipses — appear so sporadically in movies is because they appear so sporadically in real life.

This rarity is one of the reasons everyone is freaking out about the Aug. 21 eclipse, the first time a total solar eclipse will be viewable from the contiguous United States since 1979. After Aug. 21, America isn’t due for another full eclipse until 2045. With an average of only seven total solar eclipses occurring on the U.S. mainland per century, some American cities haven’t seen the moon fully obstruct the sun for decades, even centuries. (Don’t move to the Twin Cities if you ever want to witness a full eclipse.)

Cinematic eclipses are seldom seen because they carry with them a range of cultural connotations, mostly portentous in nature. Throughout history, they’ve acted as an astronomical bad omen. And besides, you can’t just casually throw a total solar eclipse into a scene. They’re too big.

Below are eight movies with solar eclipse scenes, one of them real. For those with a case of solar eclipse fever, many are worth watching; children of the ’80s might want to revisit a few of them for nostalgic purposes. But you shouldn’t watch any of these if you’re looking for insight into what to expect from the upcoming eclipse. That is, unless you’re into the ideas of being trapped in a mirror, fed to a man-eating plant, terrorized by a pre-adolescent and/or tasked with saving humanity from the quickly approaching apocalypse.

“Apocalypto” (2006)



When not serving as harbingers of doom and destruction, cinematic solar eclipses are also handy for getting oneself out of a pickle — a once-in-a-lifetime astronomical distraction.

Set during the collapse of the Mayan Empire in the early 16th century, Mel Gibson’s bonkers — and critically lauded — “Apocalypto” revolves around one such scenario. After being taken captive and forced to watch a parade of grisly ritual human sacrifices, protagonist Jaguar Paw avoids losing his head, literally, thanks to a fortuitously timed solar eclipse, a phenomenon rife with superstition in Mayan culture. Some have noted that a similar scene involving human sacrifice and a most-opportune eclipse was featured in the 1949 Tintin comic “Prisoners of the Sun.” The death-escaping scene in Mark Twain’s earlier “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” (the 1949 film musical is included in this list) also revolves around an eclipse — perhaps most importantly, prior knowledge of said eclipse.

All these works of fiction owe Christopher Columbus some credit. As legend has it, in March 1504 the explorer used an eclipse to calm tensions with a tribe of Arawak Indians while stranded for months on what is present day Jamaica. In order to keep the food and supplies coming from the increasingly uncooperative (for good reason) natives, the explorer tricked the tribal chief into thinking that he had conjured a lunar eclipse. This, of course, was after Columbus consulted and placed his trust in an ephemeris — a sort of celestial almanac — developed by German astronomer Regiomontanus some years earlier. You know. The old, “I’ll make the sun go black in two days if you don’t do what I say …” trick.

“Barabbas” (1961)



The solar eclipses depicted in most — if not all — films are, of course, simulated by talented scenic artists and visual effects teams. There is, however, one notable exception: the lavishly produced biblical epic “Barabbas.”

Starring Anthony Quinn as the titular character, the film’s opening scenes depict the crucifixion of Jesus Christ while a real-deal total eclipse of the sun unfolds. Visible across a swath of southern Europe on Feb. 15, 1961, the eclipse coincided with the shooting schedule and legendary producer Dino de Laurentiis was determined to take full advantage of it. There were concerns among the Italy-based crew that the eclipse could even be filmed considering the minuscule window of time involved. Yet in a technical and logistical miracle, the director of photography successfully captured the full spectacular totality. This cinematic feat proved to be a marketing coup for Columbia Pictures as many Americans had never witnessed a full eclipse, let alone one occurring during a big-budget crucifixion scene. Billed in promotional materials as the “Film That Stopped the Sun,” “Barabbas” proved to be particularly popular among astronomy aficionados.

“Bloody Birthday” (1981)



The astronomical phenomenon depicted in the opening sequence is the least exciting thing to happen in this low-budget early ’80s slasher, which can best be described as a hybrid of “Friday the 13th” and “The Bad Seed” with a special appearance by Linda Goodman’s “Star Signs.” It’s not big or dramatic. You kind of forget about it. Then things start getting weird.

The plot In a nutshell: “1970. Three children were born during a total eclipse of the sun. Now, 10 years later, they share a terrible compulsion to kill. And no one can stop them. If they decide they don’t like you, watch out!”

Featuring 85 minutes of shooting, stabbing, strangulation and astrological mumbo-jumbo about the moon and sun both blocking out Saturn, so-bad-it’s good “Bloody Birthday” is a well-deserved cult classic that got lost among the many horror movies of the era revolving around holidays or special occasions. (See also: “Silent Night, Deadly Night,” “New Year’s Evil,” “My Bloody Valentine,” “Happy Birthday to Me,” etc.) Just don’t let the babysitter see it.

“A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” (1949)



Mark Twain’s satirical 1889 yarn in which an engineer bangs his head and inadvertently travels back in time to the Middle Ages has been adapted numerous times on the stage and for the big screen. (The story’s time-traveling plot line has also famously been riffed on in numerous cartoons and cartoonish movies like Sam Raimi’s “Army of Darkness.”) While not the most recent adaptation, the 1949 film musical version of “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,” starring Bing Crosby, is perhaps the most beloved.

As for the solar eclipse, it plays a major role in the Camelot-set story, occurring at a most convenient time. Right as protagonist Hank Morgan (renamed Hank Martin in the film) is to be put to death, a total eclipse occurs. Frightened by the astronomical event, the court is convinced by smooth-talking, musically inclined Hank that he made the sun cross in front of the moon through his magical powers. (Hank actually knew the eclipse would happen thanks to history lessons back home in 20th-century Hartford.) Needless to say, Hank’s captors let him go, he’s reunited with his love interest and a big happy musical number ensues.

“Dolores Claiborne” (1995)



“American Horror Story” fans who can’t get enough of Kathy Bates’ knack for regional accents will no doubt relish her thick, semi-inscrutable Downeast Maine intonations in “Dolores Claiborne.” In her second Stephen King adaptation (following her star-making turn in 1990’s “Misery”), Bates plays a middle-aged housekeeper embroiled in a decades-old murder mystery. Yes, skeletons abound in “Dolores Claiborne.” But without a soupçon of the supernatural to speak of in this non-horror-offering from King, they’re all relegated to the closet.

A melodramatic thriller about memory, motherhood and unwavering devotion, “Dolores Claiborne” also features one heck of an eclipse in a harrowing, climatic flashback scene. The eclipse portrayed in the film is based on the total solar eclipse of July 20, 1963, a real astronomical event that’s also woven into the plot of another 1992 King thriller, “Gerald’s Game.” (More recently, the eclipse was featured in a season three episode of “Mad Men.”) Says Bates’ Claiborne: “The eclipse lasted six-and-a-half minutes. They said it was some kind of record. It was a hell of a lot more than a thunderhead passing across the sun. It was beautiful.”

“Ladyhawke” (1985)



Despite being directed by blockbuster-helmer Richard Donner (“Superman,” “The Goonies,” “Scrooged,” the “Lethal Weapon” films) and boasting an all-star cast including Matthew Broderick, Michelle Pfeiffer and the inimitable Rutger Hauer, “Ladyhawke” remains somewhat of a forgotten 1980s curiosity that’s often conflated with the slew of swashbuckling fantasy films released during the era.

Set in medieval France but accompanied by a score that couldn’t be more ’80s if it tried, “Ladyhawke” prominently features a solar eclipse during its climatic showdown between the protagonists and the evil Bishop of Aquila. Long story short, the bishop has cast a curse on ill-fated lovers, Etienne of Navarre and Isabeau d’Anjou. Ensuring that the couple are “always together; eternally apart” under the curse, Navarre turns into a wolf at night while Isabeau transforms into a hawk during the day. Inconvenient! However, the curse can be broken if the two confront the dastardly bishop during a solar eclipse, an event in which both Navarre and Isabeau both take on their full human forms, if only for a hot second.

“Little Shop of Horrors” (1986)



Ah, “Little Shop of Horrors.” Perhaps you’ve forgotten the origins of Audrey II, the “mean green mother from outer space” that sings and chomps his way through Frank Oz’s mostly faithful screen adaptation of the off-Broadway musical comedy.

To refresh your memory, the unusual-looking but otherwise innocuous houseplant was borne from a total solar eclipse and acquired by bespectacled floral shop assistant Seymour Krelborn (Rick Moranis) from a Chinese exotic plant merchant immediately after the rare astronomical event. How was hapless Seymour to know that the plant would grow into a blood-sucking horticultural monster (a space alien, technically) with the hots for his new fiancée? Sure, it’s implied that the eclipse, which came “suddenly and without warning,” wasn’t an eclipse at all but a passing extraterrestrial vessel obscuring the sun. But for a generation of movie- and theatergoers who grow up with this campy rock musical and its infectious score (courtesy Alan Menken and Howard Ashman of Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” and “The Little Mermaid” fame), eclipses are indelibly linked with flesh-eating flora.

“The Seventh Sign” (1988)



While not the most critically regarded movie to feature a solar eclipse on this list, “The Seventh Sign” is a fine example of an obscured sun playing heavily into the plot of a horror film that, in this case, revolves around the Book of Revelations and the battle over the soul of an unborn child.

The carrier of said child is a post-“St. Elmo’s Fire,” pre-“Ghost” Demi Moore, playing a California woman who finds herself entwined in some mighty stressful apocalyptic goings-on after a mysterious lodger rents a room above her garage. (Spoiler: the lodger is Christ reincarnate.) The eclipse appears later in the film as the sixth seal — aka the sixth sign of the apocalypse — when the “sun became black as sackcloth made of hair” is revealed and followed by a cataclysmic earthquake. In his review of this “all over the map” thriller, Roger Ebert praised Moore’s performance as a pregnant woman trying to save the world from impending doom. “… she has a genuine charisma, an aura of intelligence and resolve, reinforced by her throaty voice. I was not sure at first, however, that she was the correct choice for this movie. I thought she was perhaps too strong, and that the role required more of a screamer.”

“The Watcher in the Woods” (1980)



The notorious PG-rated live-action Disney release that traumatized an entire generation of children, “The Watcher in the Woods” features, among other things, séances, creaky English manor houses, mist-shrouded woods, a near-drowning, alternate dimensions, doppelgangers, alien possession and a septuagenarian Bette Davis. And, of yeah, there’s a full solar eclipse to boot.

While geared toward teenagers and young adults, the intended audience of “The Watcher in the Woods” largely eschewed the film due to its Disney associations, not realizing this highly atmospheric occult horror yarn was legit scary. At the same time, traditional Disney audiences (read: little kids) were introduced to the film as many otherwise cautious parents let their guard down at video stores across the nation. It sounds a little spooky but how bad can it be? It’s Disney! It’s in the kids section! This all said, most kids in the early- and mid-1980s exposed to “The Watcher in the Woods” didn’t even make it to the rather spectacular climatic eclipse scene, which happens toward the end of the film. The nightmares had already begun.

Photo credit: “Dolores Claiborne” poster: Columbia Pictures/Wikimedia Commons


Solar eclipses in fiction

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of fictional stories in which solar eclipses feature as an important plot element. Mere passing mentions are not listed.



Written works[edit]

 This literature-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.



1984 eclipse and Witness[edit]

While director Peter Weir was filming Witness (1985) in the Amish region of Pennsylvania, a genuine solar eclipse occurred on May 30, 1984 at his location. Weir filmed several of his actors in costume, responding to the eclipse, with a vague intention of revising the film’s storyline to include a solar eclipse.[citation needed] Ultimately, however, the eclipse footage was not included in the final edit.


  • An episode of the 1980s science-fiction comedy/drama The Edison Twins when the twin siblings foiled a bank robbery attempt in a major city bank when employees are focusing on the solar eclipse.
  • Sailor Moon: In season four, two eclipses grant power to the villainous Dead Moon (Circus).
  • Heroes features eclipses prominently within the continuity and symbolism of the show. The title card and logo, for example, both feature an eclipse. An eclipse occurs in the pilot episode, “Genesis,” described as a “global event” and commonly understood to be the catalyst that activated the characters’ abilities. Another eclipse appears in the first episode of season two, during which Hiro Nakamura teleports to 1671 feudal Japan. The two-part season three episode, “The Eclipse” deal with the consequences of a third eclipse which removes all the characters’ abilities as well as the unknown connection between eclipses and evolved humans.
  • The Recess episode, “Outcast Ashley,” partly revolves around Gretchen’s attempts to view the solar eclipse occurring that afternoon, and whom she views it with.
  • In one of his cartoons, Bugs Bunny accidentally travels through time to the Middle Ages. While there, he tricks everyone into believing that he has put out the sun with a spell. This was a parody/homage to Mark Twain‘s novel, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.
  • In an episode of Darkwing Duck, the title character accidentally travels to the Middle Ages and is about to be executed as a warlock when he remembers that his execution is timed exactly with an eclipse. He threatens everyone that he will black out the sun unless released and begins to speak gibberish, pretending to put a spell on the sun. However, he has misread the date of the solar eclipse by one day, and stands on the gallows for 24 hours, continuing the gibberish until the eclipse happens.
  • In the 1993 first season of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, evil witch Rita Repulsa causes a solar eclipse to drain the Megazord’s power in the five-part episode, “Green With Evil.”
  • The opening credits of Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001) feature a CGI-generated solar eclipse.
  • The 2001 TNT miniseries The Mists of Avalon features a solar eclipse during the death of Viviane, suggesting the Mother Goddess‘ grief at the event.
  • In the 2001-4 Samurai Jack animated series, Aku is able to escape the tree he is sealed in due to an eclipse.
  • In the 2007 Avatar: the Last Airbender episode, “The Day of Black Sun Part 2: The Eclipse”Aang and his allies plan for the day of the invasion of the Fire Nation capital on the day a solar eclipse would occur, leaving the firebenders without firebending for about 8 minutes. The plan was expected to end the war. The plan fails because Azula, the princess of the Fire Nation, learned of the upcoming invasion beforehand.
  • The 2007 Sci-Fi channel miniseries Tin Man is centered on a “double eclipse” which will give power to one of the two princesses of the O.Z.
  • The CSI: Miami episode “Sunblock” features a murder in which the killer struck during a solar eclipse due to an allergy to the sun.
  • The final two episodes of Berserk, “The Great Eclipse” and “Time of Eternity,” take place during a solar eclipse, which in the series universe happens only once every 216 years and marks the birth of a new member of the Godhand. During these episodes, Griffith, once the leader of the Band of the Hawk, betrays and sacrifices his men in order to become the fifth member of the Godhand, Femto.
  • The Mad Men episode “Seven Twenty Three” features the solar eclipse that occurred in July 1963.
  • The final three episodes of Raven the Island. An eclipse allows the warriors to enter Nevar’s fortress.
  • In the third season of House of Anubis, a ceremony to re-awaken someone cursed by Anubis to sleep for eternity could only be performed during a total solar eclipse. Robert Frobisher-Smythe, who was central to the series’ back story, had been cursed by Anubis in this manner. As an eclipse approached, an attempt was made to re-awaken Robert. One of the people who performed the ceremony, Caroline Denby, was impure of heart and caused Robert to be re-awoken evil.
  • Episode 61 “He Who Would Swallow God” in the anime series Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood empowered stone fragments are activated by the eclipse’s umbra.
  • In the Sixth Season of The Vampire Diaries, episode 4, Black Hole Sun, an eclipse presence in the missing dimension in 1994 when Damon and Bonnie are trapped.


A solar eclipse on the cover of Tangerine Dream’s 1972 album Zeit.



Executive Order — Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for ……/executive-order-coordinating-efforts-prepar…


Oct 13, 2016 - Executive Order – Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space …. (iii) support the transition of space weather models and technology …

Preparing the Nation for Space Weather: New Executive Order ……/preparing-nation-space-weather-new-executi…


Oct 13, 2016 - Today, President Obama signed an Executive Order that seeks to coordinate efforts to prepare the Nation for space weather events.

Executive Order to Prepare Nation for Space Weather Events | NOAA …


Mar 9, 2017 - An Executive Order to coordinate efforts to prepare the nation for space weather events was signed by President Obama on 13 Oct. Read the …

Obama expands his executive power beyond Earth – USA Today…/obama…executive-order-space-weather/91990316/


Oct 13, 2016 - President Obama has expanded his use of executive power beyond … also ordered the release of federal data on previous space weather …

Obama Orders Government Plan for ‘Extreme Space Weather’


Oct 14, 2016 - Executive order warns massive solar flares can significantly disrupt critical infrastructure on Earth.

President Obama Orders Government to Plan for ‘Space Weather ……/president-obama-orders-government-plan-space-weather-chaos…


Oct 13, 2016 - … healthcare and transportation,” according to an executive order Obama signed Thursday. “Space weather,” the order adds, “has the potential …

Obama Signs Executive Order to Deal with Space Weather – YouTube

▶ 0:33

Oct 13, 2016 – Uploaded by Wochit News

This Thursday, President Barack Obama has instructed the federal government to construct a plan to deal with …

Obama Issues Executive Order to Coordinate and Spur Space ……/obama-issues-executive-order-coordinate-and-spur-space-weat…


Oct 19, 2016 - In a new executive order, President Obama has directed federal … Obama’s order is the capstone of a six-year focus on space weather within …



Oct 27, 2016 - So many people sent me articles about President Obama’s recent Executive Orderregarding space weather that to neglect the story would …

President Obama Issues Order to Help Prepare Nation for Solar Flares…/president-obama-issues-order-for-nation-to-prepare-for-solar-flar…


Oct 15, 2016 - On 13 October 2016, President Barack Obama issued an executive order … Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation …


Crucifixion darkness – Wikipedia


The Crucifixion darkness is an episode in three of the canonical gospels in which the sky becomes darkin daytime during the crucifixion of Jesus. …. The fourth century Gospel of Nicodemus describes howPilate and his wife are disturbed by a … The only total eclipse visible in Jerusalem in this era fell later inthe year, on 24 …

Was Jesus crucified during a solar eclipse? – Kansas City Star

Aug 7, 2017 - During the crucifixion of Jesus, darkness “came over the whole land” because of … Guest commentary · Syndicated columnists · Submit a Letter … certain that it was between 26 A.D. and 36 A.D when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea. … Jesus was killed at Passover about the 14th day of Nisan on the …

Was Jesus crucified during a solar eclipse? NASA … – News & Observer

All Opinion · Columnists · Dwane Powell · Editorials · Letters · Opinion Shop Blog · Other … Did an eclipsedarken the skies during the crucifixion of Jesus? … that it was between 26 A.D. and 36 A.D when PontiusPilate was governor of Judea. … at earthquake data along with Biblical clues — for example, Jesus waskilled at …

Oxford Bible Church – The Day The Sun Stopped Shining!…/763-the-day-the-sun-stopped-shining


Furthermore, no eclipse of the Sun can last more than 7 and a half minutes in any one …. The sun was darkened during Christ’s death along with a great earthquake. ….. ARCHIVES IN PAGAN ROME AND OFPILATE’S LETTER TO TIBERIUS:.

The Darkness During the Crucifixion – Geocentricity


Feb 11, 2005 - An eclipse of the sun can only occur when the moon is between the earth and the sun. … Reports of Pontius Pilate to Augustus and to Tiberius … Justinius is reported in one of the letters to have written about Christ whereas … alive: it is written for them, that the sun set not on him that hath been put to death.8.

NON-BIBLICAL Evidence for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ … › … › General Chat › Politics & Religion


Oct 19, 2011 – 20 posts – ‎10 authors

Biblical evidence: (Matthew 27:45) From noon until three in the … The purported Letter from PontiusPilate to Tiberius claimed the … solar eclipse that occurred at the moment of the death of the LordJesus Christ by Crucifixion.

9. appendix 1 — the catastrophe at the crucifixion of jesus, ad 33…/first-church-rome9.html


Peter implies that the reddening of the moon in eclipse had, indeed, been visible …. Arimathaea toPilate, the inquiry into and confirmation of the death of Christ, and the … The content of the letter, inpart, is quoted by Michael Syncellus (in ed.

Evidence For Christianity: Evidence 8 Astronomy Darkness on the Cross.


C. The Letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius claimed the darkness had … the eclipse which took placeduring the crucifixion of the Lord Christ, and no other … Biblical prophecies- It mentioned that darkeness would occur at the Messiahs Death

Letter from Pontius Pilate – The Creators Calendar


In this historical letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar of Rome, there are some … Jesus was dragged before the High Priest, and condemned to death. …. Perhaps there had been a solar eclipse at Caesar’s death, but in no way could it …

Does quake reveal when Jesus died? – Technology & science ……/quake-reveals-day-jesus-crucifixion-researchers-believe/


May 24, 2012 - Jesus, as described in the New Testament, was most likely crucified on … The latter period occurred during “the years when Pontius Pilate was …

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Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules

Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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    Total 2 comments
    • Jeffery Pritchett

      I hope a swarm of alien ships fly out and disprove all religion.

      That would be neat.

      • Psp

        Youll think “neat” when you find out you just bought into a satanic lie dipstick!

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