Congress, Biden Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill
US Special Op forces recovered bodies, body parts and at least a hundred surviving children from a tunnel system beneath the White House and Capitol Building in Washington DC on Fri. 29 Jan. In the early morning hours as body bags were being delivered, multiple troops were seen coming out of the White House with at least a hundred children in tow.
The children were believed to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed by political elites in an elaborate tunnel system that ran beneath Capitol Hill and connected to other systems for 200 miles. All was thought part of an international Child Trafficking Ring run by global and political elites with ties to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island – that lay next door to Joe Biden’s Water Island.
A couple of days later in the early morning hours of Mon. 1 Feb. and with the US functioning under Martial Law, Joe Biden and 464 elected government officials were said arrested and released inside the Capitol Hill area. Capitol Hill had been surrounded in eight foot high barbed wire fencing since Inauguration Day 20 Jan. Washington DC remained guarded by over 30,000 National Guard troops.
Lines of buses with darkened windows took the children away. On Fri. morning 5 Feb. Dr. Charlie Ward confirmed from his people on the ground at Capitol Hill that the Military did, in fact, rescue children found in rooms and tunnels constructed underneath the White House. Black vans and buses with darkened windows picked up the children for medical treatment and de briefing. Evidently they discovered multiple corpses and a lot of body bags were going into the area. See video: Pedophile Ring Investigation Centers Around White House, Capitol Building as Children Surface! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News
Since Oct. 2019 tortured, malnourished children and corpses in the tens of thousands have been found in a sophisticated network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Asia and across Europe. For over a year US Special Forces had been in training for the rescue missions which began on Oct. 16 2019 with the rescue of caged babies and children beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California.
A military operation of 10,000 Marines and Navy Seals rescued an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at China Lake. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their Adrenichrome. Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children, Teens
Other military operations have recently taken place to rescue children:
Oct. 31 2019: Thousands of Children Rescued From Torture by Global Elite Pedophiles
April 9 2020: Over 35,000 Malnourished, Caged Children Rescued Out of US Tunnels by Military
April 21 2020: April 21 2020: Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities
May 6 2020: Thousands of Tortured Children Rescued and Found Dead by US Military
Aug. 28 2020 /politics/2020/08/trump-heads-rescue-of-thousands-of-tortured-children-from-underground-tunnels-3210569.html
Sept. 24 2020 /politics/2020/09/vatican-pedophile-network-closed-as-gold-repatriated-to-us-treasury-3213118.html
Sept. 8 2020 /politics/2020/09/military-continues-child-rescue-out-of-underground-tunnels-across-the-globe-3211555.html
biden’s been arrested so many times on beforeitsnews that it’s making osama-bin-laden’s arrest look like only a single arrest happened. i don’t think tptb understood the negative impact on their supporters when they began playing this game of who won and did trump actually sign the insurrection act and who is really president and who is really in charge and everything just seems out of control but we’re all supposed to trust the plan that we can’t know about because then the enemy would know the plan presuming there is a plan to trust that we never knew about. a lot of theater going on here.
Awwhhh! Lookie! Here is another Criminal News Network watcher! Only believes what comes out of the dumb box. Zero comprehension about the fact that the dumb box is controlling his mind by design. Thank you for validating that Operation Mockingbird is alive and well!
Give me a break. Stuff like this completely ruins the credibility of this website.
If you think this site is/was credible, you have some discernment problems.
Oh, please. This site hasn’t had any credibility since it’s inception. This is an entertainment site, just like Fox entertainment. Only Fox has a lot more truth that BIN.
To that I would add that most of the articles don’t even measure up to decent speculation. It’s as if they don’t even think or wonder “what would I think if I read this?” Its just inane and they are even embarrassed at all when they read the comments either I bet.
They just want clicks and their $2.00 check, that’s all. They don’t care what they spout off.
BRAVO! Many of us come here to try and convince the hopium addicts that follow this crap that its’ only fantasy and poor tabloid journalism. Judy has never posted a single verifiable hint of proof for a single thing she has speculated on. Yet she states everything as if it is common knowledge. Much like her other CIA Shill partners here. Just whopper after whopper to appease the Q Balls thirst for BS. When I feel like being lied to, I call my Lawyer…..
Nobody has been arrested except for Trump supporters! This is still a part of the Operation Truth scam they are still pulling on the weak minded! There is no plan except for arresting all of the Trump supporters! Wake up and smell the coffee! Anybody that believes this crap is just like Linus waiting for the great pumpkin!
Massive arrests been made /This is all Truth/ Didnt you see anything Since Jan in Dc? wake up Thousands of Children were bought sold raped Tortured. its noit The Trump supporters Most of Congress man and women were arrested. Time to pay attention to the Truth and Facts,
You are living in a paranoid delusion lady. You need some serious psychiatric therapy!
How many doubles, does he-Biden get? has had multiple arrest by now? and still lose writing EO’s Very great to see children rescued, but how did they get into the tunnels, by UFO? OR MISSING 411 ? Why is our crack FBI not knowing ? OH, they didn’t care cause Hillary was funding their parties.
I thought this site said b4, it was 1/1/21, and tunnels under his house. 3 Other sites also say it was 1/1/21, and tunnel under his house. So many lies from this site, which lie should we believe?
None. Duh.
C’mon, Judy. The people being rounded up and arrested are the Trump supporters, stirred into a frenzy by writers like you, who stormed the Capitol building. The dead body that everyone saw carried away was Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter who believed many of the FALSE conspiracy theories that you peddle! Your unsupported accusations are causing the deaths of those who trust you. Have you no honor? Have you no shame?
Ms. Byington is a total fraud.
Her information would do well in THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER.
I it is fatiguingly incomprehensible how this pseudo political journalist , publishes bullshit constantly.
She is on Twitter and never has she published the outrageous claims that she urinates here.
This is telling. She’s a hack disinformation artist seeking attention or being paid by the SLEEP STATE.
Stupid as a bot!!
Either way, She’s a moron.
This article and everything in it is COMPLETELY FALSE, yet it is published and believed. Unfortunately, it’s VERY easy to MISLEAD people in the U.S., so many millions of people are racist, THEY ARE VERY EASY TO MISLEAD because of their shared prejudices. Feed their prejudices, feed their false beliefs, and they form ‘friendships’, with like-minded people. Anything that reinforces their false belief is accepted. Anything that contradicts their false belief, they reject. Sadly, this site publishes TONS OF FALSE INFORMATION disguised as news.
How is Race involved with the belief that children have been rescued from the Tunnel systems, under the WH? Your comment makes little sense from the jump!
I know this is hard for the common sheep to believe
They see it hear it and still not believe, what will it take to wake people up.
Some proof would be nice.
It’s interesting to read the negative comments from those trying to discount that an international child sex trafficking ring run by global and political elites actually exists. You would think they had a motive to try to discredit the article. And, perhaps they do. These same appear under all my articles. One would wonder why?
Told y’all that she’s just horny
I do not deny that it exists but your articles are simply not true. There is no evidence of this at all but some buses with darkened windows pulling away in DC. That does not automatically prove that this is happening. You are quoting heresay for clicks and with your crazy headlines must be aware you are doing this. Wanting this to happen and it actually happening are two different things.
Perhaps if you provided any proof of the information you provide then people would not question it . . .
Proof provided in BIN? Are you OK or are you just brand new here?
What is there to discredit? This article is a sick joke. Everything on this website is a sick joke. You want to bring light on sex trafficking? Great! Why not try writing a credible article with credible sources and facts? This nonesense you are pushing only hurts real victims.
Well said Grimlock. Nailed it.
Thank You, Grimlock.
Credible sources and facts in BIN? *SNORT* LOLOLOLOLO!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! OK.
I don’t discount the existence of evil in high places! It’s all the sensationalism, without one shred of proof that I find appalling! We see the same claims made by different people, at wildly different time, made on BIN! It makes ME wonder about the motive of people who compile such as yet unproven drivel!
I have no problem believing in criminality, perversion and general corruption of those in high places. I do however expect a standard of proof before I am willing to accept an idea. This piece is not an article. There’s no evidence of research. You just make unsupported claims that can be readily countered with logic. You provide nothing to support your claims then criticise people for questioning what are some pretty wild statements. Isn’t that precisely what the likes of AOC and the democrat impeachment perpetrators are doing? Should we blindly agree with them just because they say so even when our critical thinking clearly contradicts their claims? If you want to be respected as a journalist rather than regarded as a purveyor of propaganda I respectfully suggest you put out material worthy of the title. If what you say is true, support it. If you can’t then don’t say it.
Charlie Ward lies.
Why do you assholes bother reading or commening, all a waste of time!
Any yet here you are commenting . . .
you can’t make this stuff up, but judy can
Just garbage! Do you think people really BELIEVE this crap? This is worse than the National Enquirer.
So they let an arrested person still sign EO’S and run the country down? Say what, it his double now running the country? This kind of BS NEEDS TO STOP !! until it really true. Oh he was released on his own cognizance? He doesn’t have any of that.
Man with a mask, silly- that isnt Joe Biden sugning EOs.
Nothing but lies biden is on my TV right now, stop lying BIN you guys have zero credibility. I can see website going bye bye
This was her headline on Jan.29,2021 US Under Military Law, Congress Arrested, War With CCP Won and No One Knows It
Friday, January 29, 2021 14:31
Judy Fruit, take your meds. You are not well in the head.
Judy was sexually abused when she was a little kid and this is what happens. She is trying to work out her own issues by posting slop stories regarding trafficking but it isn’t working.
Warning this site for entertainment purpose’s only any resemblance to real life is a accident and not to be take as fact.
And it’s not even entertaining! It’s just the same old recycled crap day after day!
I see you need back up brave lady so I shall,i know you occultist scums m.o’s across the web all your tactics I teach worldwide perps and yes their are tunnels all over washington I witnessed myself under comet ping pong that led into the kill room then the tunnels led to the buildings all along that city block but I didn’t look further like say to the white house but yes this report of children being rescued worldwide is true been covertly helping on this for over a year,nonetheless I have turned on coumi too due to the children under central park that no one reported on but now I understand why!even the major media the world over are involved and I have boycotted all of them due to it and are all under official investigations for crimes against children and babes the world over along with the fact I want to know if they are creature people too like Elizabeth windsor!!
Interesting I can’t seem to vote here..hmmm and the post I put up has not come up..who owns you before itsnews??you haven’t betrayed the cause have you??Judy speaks truths for the children I adore her she is a hero to me for a white person anyway. I wish to defend this lady hero from the occultist scum who troll this site.I am a seer I am a empath I am a living lie detector I am a spiritual investigator and a remote viewer I specialize i weather wars or assistance tread carefully and choose wisely y’all I am not one to be enemies with!now I am here to help either it be back up for truth bringers tech support to military support to security support even medical if I were you befoeitsnews I would put EVERYTHING I put up lest I am forced to investigate you and your head office location for I assure you I will turn the entire region on you and your head office just to stop my storms and events this is not for the public just you beforeitsnews!I like you don’t force my hand!
Mill valley cali owned and operated by a single individual put my shit up lad it just ain’t worth it you’ll lose like everybody else does with me nowadays maybe just maybe you should see why california firemen wear red and do briefings wearing red caps like I said I am a Shaman and it’s been me helping you I said lad put my shit up!! I am a far worse enemy then any bad guy you got out there the only difference is I ain’t a bad guy I am the boggie man to the boogie man you have one hour to comply if not your location will be the next target for the next big event in the area this is to big for you now either join my cause for the world’s children or be fckn joke boy!!!
Steve Steve Steve….it is better to have a powerful ally then a powerful enemy check in on the morrow..tick tock tick tock johnson!!!
Until we actually see Biden in a jail cell this is just a dream and a bunch of crock. If he was actually arrested why is he still free doing EO’S etc.