The Chosen People Love Raping Children
One crucial detail that has been observed by even the most grug-brained people as a result of the Jeffrey Epstein and #MeToo debacles is that Jews have an extremely perverse and demented genetically-based sexual degeneracy when it comes to the most vulnerable people in society, including children.
From the Forward (a publication for Jews by Jews):
On August 14th, the Child Victims Act was passed, reviving cases previously time-barred by the statute of limitations.
— The Forward (@jdforward) August 26, 2019
It used to be that the hardest part of my job was talking to survivors — as director of community organizing for ZA’AKAH, an organization dedicated to advocating for survivors of child sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community.
They’d call me up, tell me their horrific stories of being abused by relatives, acquaintances, or teachers, and how the community covered it up, and in most cases there was nothing I could do for them. The conversation would end when I asked them their age because invariably they were over age 23 and therefore barred by New York’s statute of limitations from seeking justice. “If you want, I can help you find a therapist,” is not what they were calling me to hear.
Ryan Dawson has done extensive work on Jewish subversion and their anti-White animus on his website called The AntiNeocon Report .
This is an excerpt from Ryan’s site on how the ADL was founded:
Many of you know that a B’nai B’rith organization gave birth to the ADL while defending its Atlanta chapter president Leon Frank. Frank raped and murdered a 13 year old girl who he was also employing along with many other teens, against child labor laws. Leon Frank ran a pencil factory sweatshop and often flirted with his illegal underage employees. The ADL was formed to defend him when he murdered and raped Mary Phagan. The details were disgusting. Her underwear was ripped and bloody and she was strangled to death with a wire. Her head had also been pummeled with a pipe. She went to get her paycheck of a meager $1.20 and never returned home. She was raped and murdered and then her body was dragged to the basement. Police found strands of her hair and blood on the floor above right across from Frank’s office. Frank nervously revealed the victims name in front of police before they had given him any such details.
The ADL was going to get him released based purely on the fact that He was Jewish and a high profile crime made Jews look bad. Arguably a Jewish organization trying to get a child murderer off the hook, makes Jews look worse. They would like one to believe that he was innocent with fake news history and will tell you so on Wikipedia which has Israelis paid to edit it. Leon admitted on the witness stand to the jury that he was “unconsciously” at the scene of the crime when the murder occurred.
What we don’t know, is if he raped her before or after killing her. The grand jury voted 21 – 0 for indicting him. Four of those jurors were Jewish. That shouldn’t matter, but it does because later the ADL would try to argue that the jury wrongly convicted him because of antisemitism rather than because all the evidence showed that he did it in everyone’s eyes. He was convicted. After the Judge, Leonard Roan, rejected all the appeals, he ordered Leon to be hanged on his birthday April 17, 1913.
However Frank who was unanimously elected president of the B’nai Brith Chapter again even after being convicted of rape and murder had one last method to weasel out. He with Jewish pressure groups, appealed to the Governor. The lame-duck governor, John M. Slaton, in a very Clinton-esk move, commuted Leon’s sentence his last week in office. He changed it from the death penalty to life in prison.
This is the same ADL that ruins the lives of our people and their families for noticing the Great Replacement and writing innocuous and mundane Tweets like, “It’s Okay To Be White.”
The ADL also trains law enforcement throughout the USA:
There is no doubt that pedophilia has a long and storied history in the Jewish community, and it is well-documented in the Talmud.
The Pharisees Endorsed Child Sex-
The rabbis of the Talmud are notorious for their legal hairsplitting, and quibbling debates. But they share rare agreement about their right to molest three year old girls. In contrast to many hotly debated issues, hardly a hint of dissent rises against the prevailing opinion (expressed in many clear passages) that pedophilia is not only normal but scriptural as well! It’s as if the rabbis have found an exalted truth whose majesty silences debate.
Because the Talmudic authorities who sanction pedophilia are so renowned, and because pedophilia as “halakah” is so explicitly emphasized, not even the translators of the Soncino edition of the Talmud (1936) dared insert a footnote suggesting the slightest criticism. They only comment: “Marriage, of course, was then at a far earlier age than now.” 3
In fact, footnote 5 to Sanhedrin 60b rejects the right of a Talmudic rabbi to disagree with ben Yohai’s endorsement of pedophilia: “How could they [the rabbis], contrary to the opinion of R. Simeon ben Yohai, which has scriptural support, forbid the marriage of the young proselyte?”
Because Israel refuses to extradite the thousand of Jews who flee there to escape justice around the world, the Jewish pedophiles are also taking advantage of that fact as well.
From ChristiansForTruth:
An apparent “safety net” is in place for jewish pedophiles who want to escape justice in their home countries and flee to Israel, where they will never have to worry about being deported for their sick crimes:
One of [Israel’s] founding pieces of legislation, the Law of Return allows any Diaspora Jew to receive citizenship in Israel. But child rights activists contend there is a dark loophole to the law which allows Jewish pedophiles to effectively flee court-mandated supervision in their home countries and move to Israel with a clean slate.
“There’s a danger that Israel is becoming a safe haven for pedophiles and alleged perpetrators,” said Manny Waks, a survivor of child abuse and the founder of Kol V’Oz, an advocacy group addressing child sex abuse in the global Jewish community. “Of course, any criminal can flee to another country, but it’s about getting the visa to remain there. Because Israel welcomes all Jews, they’re protected from that perspective,” he said.
How easy is it for sex offenders to make aliyah?A registered sex offender under supervision in their home country will not have that supervision transferred to Israel when they receive citizenship. A convicted criminal can make aliyah if the Interior Ministry approves their application, especially if the person has already served their sentence or the crime was a misdemeanor.
Jewish Community Watch says that 32 pedophiles in their database have moved from countries around the world to Israel in the past decade. By contrast, during the same period it has tracked just 12 Jewish pedophiles that have moved abroad from their homelands to countries other than Israel.
…In another, related issue, alleged pedophiles — suspected but not formally charged with any crime — sometimes flee to Israel before authorities get involved. In close-knit Jewish communities, especially among the ultra-Orthodox, a distrust of authorities and tradition of keeping problems “within the community” means that allegations of abuse can arise well before victims notify law enforcement. This gives the purported pedophiles ample time to flee to Israel and apply for aliyah.
Diaspora pedophiles increasingly use Israel as ‘a haven,’ activists charge
— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) November 28, 2016
The repulsive and subversive nature of the Jewish people can no longer be ignored. They promote all forms of sexual degeneracy, and now they have made it abundantly clear that they are coming after our children.
UPDATE: The Leander, Texas City Council voted to end public library room rentals after outcry over a Drag Queen Story Hour presentation.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) August 26, 2019
The one and only hope the world has is for Israhell to be nuked – simple as that. And I believe it’s only a matter of time before that happens, turning the faith of millions of professing Dispenationalist Christians to mush.
You would also have to nuke Switzerland which is also rife with fallen angel/ET bloodline rulers who also rape,torture, and sacrifice children to Moloch.
The Pharaoh Show; [Serpent hybrid] Alien Predators in Human Appearance – Swiss Secret Symbols in Switzerland
This is like the Holy Grail of SUPPRESSED TRUTH!
- [Important 5 min Intro]
The Royal Scandal Of The Century – Prince Andrew Caught On Video in Epstein’s House!
Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton [and ALL USA Presidents] Connection To The British Royalty To [Serpent hybrid] Pharaoh Bloodline
[The practice of child sacrifice to Moloch goes all the way back to ancient Egypt. The dollar bill displays the Egyptian pyramid in honor of the FACT that this Serpent hybrid/Pharaoh bloodline is still in full power today]
Remember, “Trump admits in his autobiographical book ‘Way To The Top’ that he attends Kabbalah classes” [which ONLY JEWS are allowed to take] – BIN user mothman777.
Also remember that Trump has admitted on video that his Luciferian Kabbalah ‘Tree of Life’ Award represents EVERYTHING he believes in/stands for [= Judaism]
Both Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, as ALL Zionist Talmudic Jews, apparently believe in sacrificing children to Moloch [An on-going elite serpent blood-line ritual dating all the way back to ancient Egypt!]
Burning children to the demon Moloch is permitted today by the supreme legal authority of the so-called “Jewish” religion, which is the Babylonian Talmud, and, in particular, the Talmud book of Sanhedrin, Folios 64a-64b.
We recently learned that Zionist Jew Jeffrey Epstein is Deeply into Moloch worship here:
Epstein Raped Me in Underground Facilities! Survivor Exposes it All!
- /v3/new-world-order/2019/8539.html
[Jews] Trump/Kushner Plan To Behead Christians In The Name Of Peace!
- /v3/christian-news/2019/2580229.html
And of course they wear the same Illuminati symbols in the Vatican and in ALL Freemason Lodges around the world. Most if not ALL 501c3 churches are led at the top by Freemasons as well.
Originally, and even to this day in the Ethiopian Christian Bible, there were far more than 66 books, but it was the Freemasons who removed just enough books to leave “66″ for ALL MODERN DAY BIBLES. The 5 books of 1 Enoch were one of the casualties.
HypothesisFree – GREAT insights. Thank you for the links as well !!!
This info exposing Pharisees’ prime role in pedophilic abuse of children and trafficking goyim cattle for organs, sex and raw materials is why the Pizzagate mob has suddenly grown quiet over the crime. ZioXtian Transvestite Lisa Haven screeches daily w/ a new fear porn vid- but funny how she wont touch the real stuff. She’s too busy peddling her Trump Cyrus 3rd Temple AntiChrist coins. Quayle, hodges, Jonestown… these are the real enemies of God and the underminers of Jesus Christ.
Because they are sick fucks. Why is that even a question?
Hypofull don’t tell me you support this crap? I have lost the very little respect I had for you
Incest, pedophilia, bestiality was practiced by all TURD world countries and even goes on to this day. It’s actually NOT a Jewish thing but something they were WARNED about by the most High.
That is why YOU take a note of it with the Jews but not any TURD world nation and its peoples.
“There is a visible, obvious, verifiable occult connection between nearly all major religions today, especially with Freemasonry”
Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry
Freemasonry [a branch of Jewish Luciferianism] Conceals Its Diabolical Secret from Members
“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end. ” – Rabbi Isaac Wis
Zionists/Luciferians have “completely infiltrated the Christian church” – Ex Occultist Reveals The Truth! [AMAZING and will leave a lasting impression on you – Who better than an ex-Luciferian to recognize Luciferianism in today’s churches – it is no longer safe to bring your children to church!]
“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the grand Architect of Freemasonry.” [until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion] – General Cornwallis, 1781.
Rabbi Finkelstein amazingly gives honest answers about world Jewry’s control of banking, media and governments, their creation of communism, their founding of the Jesuits (to infiltrate the churches), their holocaust hoax, their human sacrifice rituals and many more jaw-dropping subjects.
They are Asians I rest my case; I mean I don’t feel guilty at all. (60% of the American people after the independence war was of German decent = real white.; because the Hesse, Hessians soldiers (hired guns) they choose to stay.
Eustace Mullins said that. It added to the already European White. Not any Ashkenazim (Mongol (out of east Asia) Hun (out of China); Turkish; Asian blend of peoples on their Mothers side; even the Mafia been infiltrated.
To clarify: What is Ashkenazim? = Mongol (out of east Asia), Hun (out of China), Turkish; a blend of peoples including Asian. And it all is on their Mothers side, then there is all; every race on the Male side; but all Blacks are resented out of Israel, they are not allowed to stay there; but Europe has to take them in numbers (Kalergi Plan) (a scam)
Today the Ashkenazim are working for the Roman Empire . gone Religious- the prominent families behind the Roman Empire and it is them that are pushing us around today; Agenda 21; 2030; post industrial; smart cities; trans human; post human; it is the same psychopaths behind it all.
When the Vatican “embraced” Islam; some 40 Cardinals converted to Islam according to Leo Zagami; they play both (*1) sides (*2)) , always.
I call it The quest of the wrongfully placed Joachim and Boaz (*3), because they have placed them pillars all on the left hand from inside of the picture; of them goats (politician led). They the wanna be Demiurge on the right; wolves in sheep’s clothing. (The right side is of the free; anarchy; the sovereign; king of kings – it means king over his own domain; not over several tribes (that is of them; wanting/ lust to own; materialistic); a real man it means; a man of Honour.)
* 1.) The only seemingly sides; false extremes/ false sides.
* 2.) Of socialism; worker bee; standardization; hmm moulding; forever new; change and that doesn’t mean a change for good, rather the opposite.
* 3.) Not placed on Mother Justice’s scales.
Illuminati is just a tool in their tool-box;
“See, my lord, from this room – from this room I govern not only Paris, but China:
not only China, but the whole world, without any one knowing how “tis managed.”
- Michael Angelo Tamburini, 1720, General of the Jesuits (The Black Pope), Speaking to the Duke of Brancas.
The Secret Behind Secret Societies / Total Onslaught Mini Series – Walter Veith
The Superior General of the Society of Jesus, In command of:
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Scottish-Rite Shriner Freemasonry, The Order of the
Illuminati, The Knights of Columbus, The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, B’nai B’rith, The Nation of
Islam and its private army called “The Fruit of Islam”, The Mafia Commission and Opus Dei along
with a host of lesser Brotherhoods. (Anti-Defamation League)
The Black Pope, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolical Plan for a New World Order.
1. The Superior General of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas* and his 6 generals control the “White Pope” Pope Benedict XVI
and the
* today in 2019 it is Arturo Sosa a Venezuelan; In Venezuela, he was strongly committed to left-wing politics, and was critical of the
country’s representative democracy in the 1990s. He supported the two coups d’état of Hugo Chavez.
2. The Illuminati, Zionists,globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil
Council of Trent.
3. The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta.
4. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by
5. The Jesuits have infiltrated all governments & Leaders like Obama, Rudd, Blair, Jintao, Sarkozy, Peres are only puppets that carry
Jesuit orders.
About the Illuminati:
A cancer infects mankind. Central bankers who control the economy belong to a Cabalist Satanic
cult called the Illuminati. It originated in the Sabbatean-Frankist Jewish heresy of 17th and
18th Century Europe. This occult movement is behind the “Enlightenment, “revolution,”
“secularism” and “modernity.” It is behind socialism, feminism, Zionism, communism and fascism.
Communism is a Satanic cult that is conspiring to enslave the world.
Until liberals wake up to what the Protocols refer to as “the true nature of things,” they will
continue to embrace their own destruction and that of Western civilization.
The Illuminati control government, education and media by subtle networks like Freemasonry and
intelligence agencies. They use these levers to degrade humanity to be cattle and serve them and
their god, Lucifer, in a “New World Order.” Mankind is on the receiving end of their hate, the
victim of a cruel hoax of cosmic proportions.
Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
The Vatican “embraced” Islam; some 40 Cardinals converted to Islam; them “Jews” are being dethroned as managers of what I call a
Satanic system; basically the world we are living in today.
The real right from inside of the picture = The right side is of the free or freedom; anarchy; the sovereign; the stand alone; king of kings – it means king over his own domain; not over several thousands of tribes (that is of them; wanting/ the lust to: -own, -enslave, -make a servant, – make one to bow down to them; it is all materialistic; because they got nothing else; they are inter-generational psychopaths.); a real man it means; a man of Honour.
Front men for the 1000 years old 500 Trillion Dollar Vatican Bank – The Rothschilds – funded Adam Weishaupt, founder of the ILLUMINATI died on November 18, 1834. Mazzini was appointed head of the ILLUMINATI in 1834. In 1859, Mazzini chose the leader of the U.S. Scottish Rite Masonry, “Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry” Confederate General Albert Pike to coordinate secret ILLUMINATI activities in the United States.[32] Pike designed the secret Satanic Masonic initiation rites and rituals to create a secret super elite blood oath hierarchical “order within an order” of Freemasons elevated to the ILLUMINATI.
(Only here are we about to speak about the “Black Nobility; the dark hearted.”)
Payseur Family [P] Owns it All! They own everything that supposedly the Rothschild family owns, they even own Jekyll Island (FED 1913).
I am told by someone who had first hand knowledge that the Ashkenazi Jews lived among the Mongolian Khazars, but looked nothing like them.
Semi Black Nobility; are they behind this World of today or are they Passive Owners by FORCE =Victims?
We really needed some Good Active Owners. Perhaps that is Trump and Queen Elisabeth
in their workings? What to think? (Nahh the Military is in control. But they perhaps got some creed to their names.)
Payseur Family [P] Owns it All! They own everything that supposedly the Rothschild family owns, they even own Jekyll Island (FED 1913).
Its a Satanic thing: raping , even shooting unarmed women and children,
Its what these Luciferian chosen ones do, its how the synagogue of Satan works, with the satanist gate keepers; (rabies) sucking the blood from children who have been circumcised.
They are after all the sickest of the sick.