Parents of Newborns Presented With Sick Survey
The younger a child, the more pliable. Consequently, LGBTification could never begin too early to suit social engineers. An astonishing questionnaire confronts the parents of newborns at Inspira Health facilities in New Jersey.
Parents are asked whether the newborn identifies as female, male, “Transgender Female/Trans Female/Male To Female,” “Transgender Male/Trans Man/Female To Male,” “GenderQueer, neither exclusively male or female,” or some other gender category.
This makes sense to the extent that it is generally the parents who decide that a child is to be transsexual.
Then parents are asked, “Which of the following best describes your baby?” The options:
• Lesbian or gay
• Straight or heterosexual
• Bisexual
• Self-describes; please specify
• Questioning/unsure
• Prefer not to answer
Very open-minded of them to put “heterosexual” so high up the list.
Unfortunately, “Stay away from my baby, you disgusting creeps” is not listed.
In fairness to Inspira Health, this is too warped not to have been forcibly imposed by Democrats. Explains Inspira Health President and CEO Amy Mansue,
We are required to report this data to the New Jersey Department of Health, which shares it with the federal government. The goal is to carefully review how health care is delivered and to identify disparities and unconscious biases.
She says the survey “has been very well received by patients.” If New Jerseyans would vote for Murphy, maybe so.
On a tip from Barry A.
The post Parents of Newborns Presented With Sick Survey appeared first on Moonbattery.
Those that accept this bullshit and those that have created this survey are demon possessed. This needs to be stamped out PRONTO!!!! What really is going on is the mental hospital is loose. And they have gotten into government. They are now trying to force normalization of their sickness on society.