CTP podcast (S1E5) "Let’s go to Theater Lobby & get ourselves some Snacks, & Politics…" (Movies and Politics part 1)
[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES: TerrorStrikes.info/reviews
includes section on 1ST AMENDMENT assaults & advocacy & the assault on Christianity in America!
see too: TerrorStrikes.info/quotes <ISBN: 978-1-955043-66-3>
Plus, my latest book (about writing and publishing): https://JosephMLenard.us
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ROAR - Restore Our American Republic
Enemies of the Left/State
and Principles Not Personalities
Hopefully my TERROR STRIKES book will hit the SilverScreen soon
see: https://www.storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
S1E5 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 22 2023 and thereafter) at: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E5) “Theater Lobby for Snacks & Politics”
Topic TheLibertyBeacon.com “Let’s go to Lobby & get ourselves some Snacks, & Politics” piece!
We all been seeing trend of WOKE encroaching into most Films that hit Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics – some current, some from the past (mainly my love of “The Thirteenth Floor” (A Matrix Film, before the Reeves version) from great visionary Roland Emmerich (Stargate, The Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day, Moonfall, others)), and what about future including planned reboot of Logan’s Run forerunner (pun intended, for those who get it) to modern dystopian-nightmare movies of today. + Mary Vaughan (TRC-MI) visits.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/lets-go-to-the-lobby-get-ourselves-some-snacks-politics/
- Beyond The Mask: imdb.com/title/tt2433040/
- JLenardDetroit StoryRocket movie project: storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- thelibertybeacon.com/the-enemy-of-my-enemy-notion/
- tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- thelibertybeacon.com/free-speech-yelling-fire-in-a-theater/
- tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview
- web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate
- dropbox.com/s/j362qem1gi04az4/WAAM-ART-08142021-You%20must%20become%20a%20Delegate%20to%20effect%20real%20change%20and%20take%20back%20the%20GOP.mp3
- dropbox.com/s/ewk7wd4lxn58997/WAAM-YAH-Sat09252021-YOUMUSTBEADELEGATE.mp3
- tinyurl.com/TRCMI
- web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/www.12cdrc.org/clubs
- Cancel Culture again, CMT pulled Video: https://youtu.be/b1_RKu-ESCY
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
- tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
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- CTP Official playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E5 Audio: 43m 23s, Sat Jul 22nd 2023)
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.
see too:
The following from the ChristiTutionalistTM Politics podcast Season 1 Episode 5 show transcript (Transcription Services via: https://converter.app/)…
[CTP S1E5 opening/intro]
Welcome to “ChristiTutionalist Politics” Over time the fancy high-production items will come, but for now, for starters, it is just you as a listener that I can barely begin to express how much appreciate from the bottom of my Heart you tuning in — as I know you have alot of options as ListenNotes the podcast platform Reports there are about 168.9 MILLION available Podcast show episodes you could choose from and I appreciate YOU taking the time to listen to ME. As indeed it is just me on the podcast out side (at least for the initial episodes), all substance no muss no fuss, no fluff, no fancy or flahsy high-production intro or inserts – just straight to key discussion points. A show that looks at variety of topics, mostly Politics, through a Christian U. S. Constitutionalist lens (hence ChristiTutionalist Politics Show name). This is S1-Exx ”SHOW TITLE HERE.” I am your Host Joseph M. Lenard (and last-name is spelled L-E-N-A-R-D, like most pronounce Leonard but without the “o”), an Author of a very “non-traditional” but Christian none-the-less “Christian book,” co-host of SAVAGED UNFILTERED podcast, and for purposes of this Show most notably blogger for TheLibertyBeacon.com from which most of the content for this Show will be derived. These are NOT going to be long-drawn-out episodes, just the highlights and food-for-thought you can then delve deeper into via my online articles and reach your own conclusions. As Graham Norton would say: LET’S GET ON WITH THE SHOW!
[CTP S1E5 Segment 1]
Season one Episode five titled “Theater Lobby, for snacks and politics — mainly going to
discuss and be based on my TheLibertyBeacon.com piece titled, “Let’s go to the Lobby and
get ourselves some Snacks and Politics.” So not going to do this often, but let me start by singing.
Let’s all go to the lobby. Let’s all go to the lobby. For those of you old enough to remember
that in theater, intermission or opening segment, the cartoon hamburger or hot dog and popcorn, things of raisenets dancing across the screen to try to get you to go to the concession stand. For those of you tuned in via my YouTube or Rumble channel to catch the video sneak peek before the release of the audio episode or behind the scenes look of the recording of the episode, will see my background is my local MjR theater, their Epic Theater (Screen 1, like an IMAX), which I love that place MjR theaters here in Michigan. And also, you’ll notice I’m wearing my “Beyond the Mask” theater captain shirt. That’s right, Beyond the Mask, which came out ages upon ages ago from Burns Family Christian Studios here in Michigan. Great movie, since we’re going to be talking about movie and politics today. Great movie on the premise, like my book, “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You,” historical fiction, or as I call it faction, a blend of fact and fiction, “Beyond the Mask” is set in the American Revolution, on the premise of someone having escaped the clutches of the law and gets involved in stopping an assassination plot against George Washington. Really good film, highly recommend it.
But mainly today, I wanted to start off talking about films and my favorite film of all time,
“The Thirteenth Floor,” which was kind of a matrix film before the Reeves trilogy now quadalogy,
who knows if there’ll be a fifth more on that coming type Matrix film based on the book
Simulacron-3, a sci-fi book from the 60s – “The Thirteenth Floor” movie is from the great director Roland Emmerich, who brought us the likes of Stargate, the Independence Day films The Day After Tomorrow, Moonfall, of late, great blockbuster films, not to say he hasn’t had a couple stinkers here and there, it happens at times, and looking forward to hopefully soon he will be able to release Stargate trilogy of films reboot back at the theaters, but he’s been fighting MGM who has the final yay or nay, they own the the trademark and the rights to the Stargate franchise at this point, even the Stargate spinoff TV series, so they are nixing so far for the last decade,
potentially even two decades he’s been working on re-bringing a Stargate trilogy of films
back to the theater, but the political aspect of it is that people preferring delusion,
a bubble over reality, a desire to escape into a matrix like The Thirteenth Floor is and
in my mind is far more theoretically possible than the Matrix series films, because think of it
like this with modern technology and me being a former IT guy and the author of Simulacron-3
would have never known that we got to today in advanced Tech, he was a visionary, but think virtual 3D goggles and the Sim City game where you could put on your 3D goggles and download yourself into your Sim City and interact with the Sims, that’s kind of the premise of the 13th floor, a very realistic take on a Matrix in my opinion, the escapism, the delusion, the bubble, the wanting and preferring another fictional non-real place to interact in rather than our own reality, and I get that, right? Crime rampant in the Streets and the destruction going on around us politically and literally at times in the streets with Antifa and BlackLyingMarxists groups wandering around, burning down communities, so I can get the notion that someone might want to download themselves into their Sim game and interact with them for a while rather than deal with reality.
Other movies I want to talk about are like Guardians of the Galaxy 3, in that film there’s a great line, Rocket says, and this isn’t a big spoiler because this is shown in the trailer, most of the trailers, Rocket says of the villain, he promised perfection, but what he really wanted was that he hated things the way they are now, that’s true of all tyrants, whether it be communist, fascist, socialist, whatever, they all promise some new utopia, but what they really want, they promise perfection, but they just hate things the way they are, and they want to be the one who lords over the imperfection, they promise different, but like The Who sings, meet the old boss, same as the new boss, and also as my friend Ed Bondaranka of your American heritage, WAAM Radio, Saturdays, 2pm to 3pm, you could go to WAAMradio.com, check out the Saturday shows, Abolitionists RoundTable in the mornings at nine, Trigger Talk (2A / guns, show) from 11 to
1p with Dick Cupka, one to two is Moment of Clarity with Pastor Rick and Ed, usually co-hosts,
Ed Bondaranka is the host of your American heritage from 2p to 3p (all times Eastern US), and I’d like to say about the Marvel films, the political message of Thanos thinking about that, it really relates today to today’s Davos (Klaus Schwabb and his ilk) people of the world, the New World Order types, and this is not Conspiracy Theory, you could go to their own website and look this stuff up, I mean they meet in Davos every year, it’s not some Dr. Evil hidden volcano layer where the leaders of the world secretly meet, they meet right out in the open now, and some of them do have a depopulation agenda, do you remember the Georgia guide stones that someone recently blew up, and they had to be dismantled, talking about trying to limit the population of the planet to around 500 million or 1 billion people at some point, so this isn’t fantasy, so Ed I’d always thought had a great analogy there on the Thanos and his snapping his fingers and people vanishing throughout the universe’s to reduce population, you could look at that as a climate hope agenda, right, the we need to depopulate to save the planets or save the universe nonsense, but as in Rocket style, they promised perfection but they just hate things the way they are, they want to be lords over the imperfection and guess what, you’re some of the imperfect people they want to eliminate, as has happened all throughout history, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Che, ideologies, and they are left wing, whether they are communist, fascist, socialist, monarchy’s, have eliminated their
opponents, and the masses inconvenient to/for them, like we see happening today, not outright murder like Putin using Polonium tablets to murder his opposition, and spare me the Saudi Arabia killing Khashoggi, Khashoggi was an al-Qaeda terror sympathizer apologist and propagandist for terrorists not a Journalist, he was an enemy of the state of Saudi Arabia, just as America,
I’m sorry, hate to break it to you, we assassinate enemies of the state here too, and now under Biden, they’ve legalized, they have weaponized like Obama did, the IRS during his terms, now the left is weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI and all the other alphabet soup agencies to come after Americans, the mama bears at the school boards demanding their rightful parental rights and that school boards are supposed to answer to them, not the unconstitutional department of education that has to go, it’s unconstitutional, schools in education are a 10th amendment states rights
and a we the people local rights issue, but back to films in general, we’ve all seen it,
the wokeism in films of late, you see it all over social media when a new film comes out and the
complaints about the wokeism agenda going on in all these films, especially from Disney of late
and people boycotting Disney, I want to go back here though then to the Matrix, because a lot of
people sadly don’t recognize this and at theelibertydeacon.com, I do have an article from back when the enemy of my enemy notion where I discuss the Matrix film, so the 13th floor piece, the let’s all go to the lobby, get ourselves some snacks and politics, is not the only article I’ve employed, the movie vehicle to discuss politics, most people don’t know that the Matrix 4 is quote a trans allegory film and that’s from the creator of the Matrix films himself that made Matrix 4,
think of the character, the character’s name is Switch, Switch as in trans, as in switching
transitioning genders, if you didn’t get that and there are other hidden, wokest messages in Matrix 4, as well as conservative trope that they try to trot out and accuse us as stereotypical
right-wingers in that film and the reason that was is because the original creator and the
director for Matrix 4 got into a dust up with Elon Musk on Twitter and Twitter, Elon, not
Twitter itself, Elon used the red pill meme that so many of us do, the creator of the Matrix
freaks out because he of course never intended for that to become blue pill delusional leftist,
right-pill right-wing reality people as it has become, so to push back, to fight back,
he made Matrix 4 a wokest film and beyond that I get it, you know, I go to the movies a lot.
I like going to the movies, I like watching movies, mindless escapism on occasion is a good thing,
it’s an important thing to clear our minds on occasion, the problem comes in where we do it far
too often and we’re permanently trying to escape reality, we have to get off our count to not just
go to the theater, stop watching the ball games, right, oh what’s on TV? Politics, I can’t be involved
in politics, I don’t have time. The “I’ve got a Reality show to watch” excuse – which really has nothing to do with reality, they’re not directly scripted but they’re outlined and guidelineed in such
certain directions, they’re not reality TV, but I have a TheLibertyBeacon piece from a while back
on the mindless escapism, the title being, breaks and distractions, not just okay but healthy from
time to time, so I hope you’ll check that out and we should be putting a copy of that link in the
show notes for this, but mindless escapism is good, you’ve got to clear your hand on occasion,
the problem comes in is when you’re like the 13th floor constantly escaping into some delusion
away from reality to avoid reality and pretend it doesn’t affect you, while you choose not to decide,
you still have made a choice as the Rush tune says, if you leave things up to others, what the
others do puts an imposition on you, you have to sow in order to reap, otherwise you let others
sow rotten fruit food for all that force to choke down.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
ChristiTutionalist Politics
by Joseph M. Lenard
Giveaway ends September 15, 2023.
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I recently seen the new Jennifer Lawrence film No Hard Feelings, just a mindless escapism film, I knew in advance it was like a John Hughes remake of Can’t Buy Me Love for those of you who remember McDreamy Patrick Dempsey when he first got his start, that was one of his early films, but the John Hughes different films, the romantic teen comedies, the No Hard Feelings is kind of a remake of The Can’t Buy Me Love that people seem to reboot to John Hughes’ genre films every decade to catch the new generations of moviegoers, another recent one I seen of late was The Flash, I was really surprised at how good that was, I don’t watch that TV series, but The Flash was really good and issues of the Butterfly Effect for those who remember that 70s show Ashton Kutcher played in the original The Butterfly Effect, great film about yes, if we become inter-timenal (as I coined the term, because we have interstellar, we have inter-dimensional, it should be inter-timenal in my opinion, not time travelers) go back, what do we change, what happens, what do we affect that may change things, the Flash movie deals with that and there’s a lot of great cameos, and of course another of my favorite films, Back To The Future trilogy, anything that deals with inter-timenal (time travel), I love to watch, but sometimes distractions are okay and they’re needed.
I walked out of the Fast 10, oh my 15 minutes in, like they should have stopped at Fast 6,
left it about the family after Walker’s death left it, and here comes a bad pun,
Fast X, X, X, Fast 30 will be coming right down the road, they won’t stop making these movies,
Fast X, X, X – X, not an X-rated film, 30 as in how fast can Dom give his Walker going,
get it Walker, Paul Walker, okay I know, that probably in poor taste – Rest in Peace Paul,
you were great, Sad, you left us way before your time, and another article I have on the
TheLibertyBeacon.com, it’s also about needing to keep a sense of humor, which is why movies can be helpful, to keep our sense of humor, to go see an occasional comment on occasion, no matter how serious things get, we need to keep our sense of humor, and with that I’m 20 minutes in, I’ll run down on perhaps some other pieces you may not have known, because I wish I would have started the Christitutionalist Politics podcast long ago to coincide with my the
TheLibertyBeacon.com pieces, because there are now so many past ones, some will come up during like this episode and future episodes, I’ll reference back to, I’ll try to remember to include them in the show notes.
The first one ever I wrote for the TheLibertyBeacon was an old BeforeItsNews.com
article that I had written several years ago about “today’s federalism versus original intent
federalists,” basically original federalists versus today’s fasci-federalists, the Fascicrats, the deep
state establishment hacks, not the Uni-Party stuff, there are plenty of good Republicans, I call myself a ChristiTutionalist, by choice a Republican only by necessity, there are a lot of good Republicans just not enough of us, see https://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives, see that article, we need to recruit more ChristiTutionalists into the Republican Party, take it back, bring it back to the solid constitutional platform that the Republican Party still has, yes fighting the RINOs and the
CINOs in the spring, spring is RINO season, the fall is Jackass season, you fight the RINOs and
the CINOs in the spring and the primary and elect Republicans up and down the ticket in the fall,
but yes, fight the RINOs and CINOs as hard as we do the FASCICRATS in the spring.
“Election reforms, common sense protections needed now” “School reforms, parental control,
choice needed now” “Can we trust polling results” I go into that, another one is “brace yourself,
I’m about to agree with the Democrat sort of” you, you really want to read that, “the overblown
right wing extremist terrorism narrative” “The death of global warming” again another repurposed
BeforeItsNews piece, I brought over to TheLibertyBeacon. ”The party of no” which is again
about taking back the GOP to the platform from the RINOism, the establishment hackism, and again, RINOs and CINOs along with FASCICRATS make up the deep state, it’s not a uni-party thing, there are a lot of good Republicans, there are next to no good dumb-ocrats, those comprise the deep state establishment hacks, we need to get our language correct because I have a couple
TheLibertyBeacon pieces on that, “the left constantly twisting and warping of language”
look for those, we have to be precise in our words, and the 2022 election, “the ugly only mildly wet
red drizzle” “Time for new GOP leadership” piece, “I demand my equity as a male to murder for my convenience” Wow did that one set the internet a light, yes if women have this supposed right to murder their child in the womb for convenience, then I want my equity like the left constantly
talks about correct, I demand my right to murder for my convenience, roe v wade was based on privacy, why therefore do I not have the right to murder you with the privacy of my basement,
chop your body up and sell off the body parts like planned slaughterhood does, another piece,
“US Patriot and Marine Paul Weyland remains in Russia” which is close to our hearts here in Michigan, since Paul was from Michigan, I don’t have a piece on the border guard, Brian Terry that was murdered by the fast and furious Eric Holder Obama guns, they let the Mexican cartels have,
but that is of course an issue close to us since Brian Terry was originally from Michigan,
his family still lives here, “free speech yelling fire in a theater” well we’ve just had the recent
SCOTUS ruling about you cannot compel speech, I spoke about that already, “free speech yelling
fire in a theater” yelling fire in a theater is a dumb example, it’s always been stupid,
stop using it because fire is either a fact or a fraud, if you incite an unrest by yelling
fire where it doesn’t exist, that’s not opinion, that’s not free speech, you can be charged with
fraud and you have to defend yourself for that incitement of unrest, as I really really thought
there was a fire, I wasn’t just trying to incite a panic, on and on, a fun piece right, I talked
about “needing to keep a sense-of-humor” With Biden the liar in chief, well I wrote “George Santos for potus 2024 a parody” if we’re going to go up against Biden maybe shouldn’t we nominate our biggest liar too, and instead of a debate we have a lie off, and the best liar is the one that wins.
“Bumbler-in-Chief Biden wears his blinders to the border” and “latest wokeism cries of racism, white supremacy and cultural appropriation” as well as “release the Kracken, or I mean IRS agents” 87,000 new IRS agents, you expected less, you think they’re going after the rich, what were you born yesterday, they are here to go after the middle class and the poor who can’t afford the expensive lawyers and tax accountants to wiggle out of paying the taxes, to knuckle under stealing more from the middle class, where the majority of the tax base, the tax revenues into the treasury come from, that’s where the money is, you could take all the money from the billionaires and trillionaires in the United States, it would not cover the US budget for one year, not one year, that’s not where the money lies. “Twisting, warping of language” part one and part two. ”are there aliens, not the open border kind, the ET kind” a little bit fun and tongue-in-cheek with some serious undertones to it there too, dealing with ETs/ ”The enemy of my enemy notion”
that I mentioned that deals with the matrix quadology of film. ”Crime criminals, the left strain lacking credibility” and “the trump trumped up legal attacks continue” “Introducing the latest superhero, aluma baby” again going back to the pro life cause “brace yourself I’m about to agree with a democrat sort of part two” another fun one to read, and on and on and on they go, I’m up to 46 pieces there now they drop every Saturday, as does the ChristiTutionalist podcast, they will be inexorably linked here going forward, so thank you all for tuning in, take care, God bless, please go to thelibertybeacon.com in the search bar put Joseph M Lenard, again that’s Leonard without an O. L E N A R D
[CTP S1E5 Segment 2 / Sub-section discussion with Mary Vaughn of TRC]
JOSEPH M LENARD: I’m joined now with Mary Vaughn of the Taylor Republican Club in Southeast Michigan. We’re going to have just a short conversation about club and being a delegate, things like that. Rather than my going into your background, why don’t you give us a brief background, including about your church over in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, for anyone that might be tuning in in Ontario, Canada. Give us a brief bit about your background outside of becoming Taylor Republican Club President.
MARY VAUGHAN (TRC): I’m a precinct delegate, first of all, and I enjoy doing precinct delegate work. And I am also a church member of the Remington Park Tabernacle in Windsor, Ontario. The actual address is 604 Charles Street, and it’s near the Devon Charmole. And I conduct Bible lessons there each week on Sunday morning at 1030. And we have the Taylor Republican Club, which we’re very pleased with here in Taylor, Michigan. And it is for all communities in the downriver area. It is not just for Taylor. We have all of the communities represented in our membership. And we’re very pleased that each month that I have been able since 1994 to be able to get a speaker each month for our meetings. This is very, very special to all of our membership, because we get ideas from so many different candidates and other groups of people, such as human trafficking. And that’s a going thing at this time, because of the sound of freedom movie. And if you haven’t seen it, it’s a good one to see, but prepare yourself with some clinics, you won’t need them.
JOSEPH M LENARD: Yeah, I’m going to be talking about sound of freedom in not the episode that you’re going to be on, but the weekend after that. I’m planning that I lost my note. There it is. Saturday, July, the 22nd, I’m expecting you will be on season one, episode five. Season one, episode six will be a follow up movies and politics podcast. And I will be mentioning sound of freedom in that. And in my article that goes with it. Before we go further, so I don’t forget, we’re going to mention your website. You can go to www.trs.co.com slash t r c m I, which is obviously short for Taylor Republican Club, Michigan, tiny URL.com slash t r c m I. You mentioned you’re a delegate, which is important. I wanted to discuss that with you. And before I say that, though, the Taylor Republican Club is not an establishment Republican Club. It is for mostly conserved. It’s open to anyone, as you said, but it is mostly been a conservatives club, or as I’ve come to start to call myself. And obviously you are one to a ChristiTutionalist, short for Christian, constitutionalist. So that is the main focus of the club. We call out of liberals, whether they be in the Democrat party or the Republican Party. We call out of Republican Party, partisan politics. We are about principles, not personalities, right? And getting the Republican Party back to the platform. And you mentioned you’re a delegate. And I wanted you to go ahead and say the importance of being a delegate, because it doesn’t do any good to scream at the cheerleaders, the coaches, the players, the water boy. And you can get on the field to affect the game, right? And that’s being a delegate.
MARY VAUGHAN (TRC): Being a delegate involves your activity in the community. You must, from time to time, deliver literature for different candidates. The other reason for being a delegate is so that you can persuade people to get to the polls and vote. And if that is also from time to time, candidates will need you to go door to door for them and get people’s ideas as to why they are not voting or why they would like something else to happen. And I want to tell you one of the things that I want to talk about is the information about the candidates that you know about and the reason that they’re running on the Republican ticket.
JOSEPH M LENARD: Right. Well, it’s important. Everybody’s level of involvement will, of course, be different. I’m older now. I have a heart valve issue. I’m not a door thing. It’s one of the reasons why I wrote my book, Terror Strikes Coming Soon to a City Hear You. And one of the reasons why I’m doing this podcast to reach more people and outside of Michigan, even outside of the United States, is that we’re going to be able to reach more people globally to reach everyone with a constitutionalist message about freedoms and our rights. And as Franklin said, a republic, if you can keep it, which means you have to sew. If you keep what you sew. If you don’t sew anything, somebody else can sew rotten fruit that we’re stuck dealing with. Right. So another thing about being a delegate, then it is easier. The Republican committee meetings are generally open under the Opens meetings. You can go, but as a delegate, you can go to the county convention and get yourself on a committee and being on a committee. You then help recruit candidates. So if you’re upset with the quality of candidates, we have the spring to vote for in the primary. Guess what? Get off your butt, become a delegate. You then help get better candidates so that we have a better candidate in the spring, which means we have a better candidate in the fall to vote for rather than as some people, I get tired of hearing people say, Oh, I helped my nose and voted for the Republican. Well, even a rhino. I’m going to use that term as much as it upset some people. But even a mit rhino me as I call him, or a Lisa Murkowski, or a is bad as they are. They are still better than the best Democrat, like Joe Manchin, who has got a lot of people bamboozled. You look at Joe Manchin, he talks a good game, but at the end of the day, he’s 99.9% Biden Pelosi Schumer vote. So even even a Murkowski is better than a mansion, because it counts for control of the body. So, if we would have got Herschel Walker elected in Georgia this last term, we would have still have a split Senate and power sharing as opposed to Chuck Schumer having full control of the Senate right now. Please, we got to stop with. I’m holding my nose. If you got to hold your nose in the fall, you’ve got to vote for the Republicans. As the saying goes, spring is rhino season. Fall is Jackdass season, right? You vote for the best candidate in the spring and the primary, and then you vote straight GOP in the fall. And yeah, some bad ones get in, but it’s still better than Pelosi, better than Schumer, better than AOC for God’s sake. I mean, I’ll have some people that figured this out. But yeah, thank you for mentioning about being a delegate. The other thing is you could go to state convention. And if you’ve got the time and money, you could potentially become an elector and go to the national convention. Weren’t you an elector one time?
MARY VAUGHAN (TRC): Yes, I was. I voted for Donald Trump and Michael Spence. Spence, I meant to say. And I went to Minneapolis. It was a very, very lovely trip. And it was worth every penny that I spent to get there. And there that the thrill of being an elector is unbelievable. Oh, I can only get to do that once in a lifetime. Yeah, yeah. And again, let me make clear though for people listening to become a delegate is free.
JOSEPH M LENARD: You just have to sign in half a David to get your name in your precinct on the ballot. And most precincts have only one delegate, some none, some two, and usually three or more are allowed. So if you get on the ballot, you vote for yourself. You usually become a delegate unless if your, your precinct happens to be crowded with several that already exists. But we’ve got to fill these delegates slots. You do not do not have to plan on spending thousands of dollars going to a national convention. You don’t have to go that far. You can stay involved locally. But it’s important to be a delegate, because without being a delegate, you’ve got no vote. You’ve got no say in the Republican Party. I’m sorry, Republican Party, Democrat Party, Reform Party, Liberal, Terry and party, US taxpayer. They are all under the law, a private club. And the only way the fall elections are open to everybody, but in a primary, the party gets to decide its own rules. And for the only way for you to have a say is to come out of those cheap seats, put on the equipment, which is being the delegate and getting on the field to have a say to affect the outcome of the game. All right. Anyway, thanks for joining me today, Mary. I appreciate that. We went kind of longer than I thought we would even, but I didn’t know what rabbit holes we would go down.
[CTP S1E5 closing/outro]
Thank you for having tuned-in for “ChristiTutionalist Politics” Show. If you haven’t already please check out my primary internationally availble book “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” (available anywhere books are sold, if you have locally run book store they can order it for you, or Autographed copies are available online direct from me via TerrorStrikes.info/shop. Also please tune-in to SAVAGED UNFILTERED podcast of which I am a co-host, and be sure to check out more about today’s discussion at TheLibertyBeacon.com where my articles drop every Saturday. And let me remind: Over time the fancy high-production items will come, but for now, for starters, it is just you as a very appreciated listener by me, indeed just me on the podcast side/end, all substance no fluff, no fancy high-production intro or inserts – just straight to key discussion points. A show that looks at variety of topics, mostly Politics, through a Christian U.S. Constitutionalist lens. Take Care and God Bless!
Transcription Services above from: https://converter.app/
S1E5 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 22 2023 and thereafter) at: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E5) “Theater Lobby for Snacks & Politics”
Topic TheLibertyBeacon.com “Let’s go to Lobby & get ourselves some Snacks, & Politics” piece!
We all been seeing trend of WOKE encroaching into most Films that hit Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics – some current, some from the past (mainly my love of “The Thirteenth Floor” (A Matrix Film, before the Reeves version) from great visionary Roland Emmerich (Stargate, The Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day, Moonfall, others)), and what about future including planned reboot of Logan’s Run forerunner (pun intended, for those who get it) to modern dystopian-nightmare movies of today. + Mary Vaughan (TRC-MI) visits.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/lets-go-to-the-lobby-get-ourselves-some-snacks-politics/
- Beyond The Mask: imdb.com/title/tt2433040/
- JLenardDetroit StoryRocket movie project: storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- thelibertybeacon.com/the-enemy-of-my-enemy-notion/
- tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- thelibertybeacon.com/free-speech-yelling-fire-in-a-theater/
- tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview
- web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate
- dropbox.com/s/j362qem1gi04az4/WAAM-ART-08142021-You%20must%20become%20a%20Delegate%20to%20effect%20real%20change%20and%20take%20back%20the%20GOP.mp3
- dropbox.com/s/ewk7wd4lxn58997/WAAM-YAH-Sat09252021-YOUMUSTBEADELEGATE.mp3
- tinyurl.com/TRCMI
- web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/www.12cdrc.org/clubs
- Cancel Culture again, CMT pulled Video: https://youtu.be/b1_RKu-ESCY
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
- tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter: jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest): podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout podcasts: buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- CTP Official playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E5 Audio: 43m 23s, Sat Jul 22nd 2023)
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.
BONUS MATERIAL… [from TLB piece discussed above]
BONUS MATERIAL below… [ from: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-enemy-of-my-enemy-notion/ (portion of article) ]
I said all that, to say this…
Is the Enemy of my Enemy my Friend? NO, but can be useful… And how it relates to MATRIX: RESURRECTIONS….
First: Dispelling the old adage/notion that: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend. NO! That phrase needs an update, like I will point out below…
If you are unfamiliar with the very misapplication of a temporary alliance between otherwise opposing groups – “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is an ancient proverb which suggests that two parties can or should work together against a common enemy. The exact meaning of the modern phrase was first expressed in the Latin phrase “Amicus meus, inimicus inimici mei” (“my friend, the enemy of my enemy”), which had become common throughout Europe by the early 1700s, while the first recorded use of the current English version came in 1884. And, yes, I cover the obvious situation where we cozied up to equally pathetic Russia (who was occupying Ukraine and invaded Finland before Hitler invaded anyone, and invaded Poland along with Germany (and slaughtered Millions both in and out of Russia)) and General Patton properly warned about, and everyone knew were just as evil and going to be a problem, in my book.
Next how this applies to/with “MATRIX: RESURRECTIONS” movie…
[if you do NOT care, at all, about movies in general, though this applies in the Political senses, scroll down to next section]
[Warning: contains spoilers]
A brief break from Politics… Well, not really, because Politics is steeped in all the newer Matrix drama on and off screen…
Matrix: Resurrections
Yes, Effects A+
But, you’ll see the #BernieBros pot-shots lines at real World #RedPill folks following co-creators, in full control of this script (own admission is a Trans-allegory), following his dust-up with Elon Musk on Twitter.
I recommended then, still do now if you’ve not seen it yet, see it for free if you can via streaming somehow/someway. If IMO he wants to peddle FASCICRATS-ism in real life, deprive him of his expected revenues of this Film.
I will give credit where credit is due in so far as the cleverness of aspects of the script and making this both a true sequel and yet still a reboot at the same time. This is aside from on the Lefty loon inserts (some of them being very overt thinking he is being clever and distracting you from then paying attention to the actual indoctrination attempts by the more subtle left wing propaganda or woke ism in other parts of the film (including the usual left-wing diatribes about the patriarchy (and caricature/stereotyping of the Conservative perspectives on such about “Women’s roles” not our actual positions (of course, usual STRAWMAN manure of the left) and gender/sexual norms that would otherwise be subtle but if you know about them in advance may appear to be far more overt when you see the film)) that you will just have to roll your eyes about. Including the aspect of the beginning of the film where there’s a bit of a pot shot at Warner Bros and even poking fun at itself as the matrix itself, I like and appreciate not taking oneself so serious type jokes/humor/references. May not make sense as I just said it but I had to say it in that way as to not include any spoilers in so far as this part of the article goes and that will then make sense though if you do indeed see the film.
Do not get me wrong, ELON MUSK sure isn’t 100% Conservative Constitutionalist, playing with his Electric Cars to make Millions (including by, with, subsidies) etc…. but the enemy of my enemy (while not necessarily my friend) can be a useful idiot and temporary ally! (more on that in a Post of mine on MICD12GOP site that I am the Webmaster of/for, but now that I realize it isn’t in my original BeforeItsNews version I’ve put at as part of this Article below))!
VIDEO (1m 03s): NYPost: is Elon Musk Conservative (according to the Left, if you’re not stark raving WOKE 24×7 you must be):
And, for the record, let me state I still prefer THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR (c) 1999 (TTF) that came out just before Matrix. It is based upon the Book SIMULICRON-3 and frankly deals with the subject matter far more realistically. In TTF people enter and exit the MATRIX for entertainment. It is a realistic view of where we will get not too far off in VIRTUAL REALITY (the evolution of SIM CITY to the point where we will be able to download our consciousness into the game and interact with the characters.
VIDEO (1m 03s): The Thirteenth Floor:
TTF is from The great Roland Emmerich, founder of Centropolis Productions, who was also behind Stargate, Independence Day, The Day after Tomorrow, 2012, and recently Moonfall, and so many other great projects!.
While I discourage paying to see MATRIX-4, it is worth seeing. Along with my mention of TTF above, I also highly recommend FREE GUY with Ryan Reynolds if you’ve not seen it yet. It is kind of a Matrix twist. Reynolds plays a video game character named “Guy” who discovered, becomes self-aware, and that he is a character in a video game. There are aspects of that in the newer matrix movie just says that concept was in the original matrix movie becoming self-aware that you’re not in actual reality and fighting to get out of the pretend universe.
VIDEO (3m 03s): Free Guy:
Back to MATRIX-4.dialog…
“Can’t you control her?” STRAWMAN (definition: an informal fallacy based upon misrepresentation of an opponent’s position. To ‘attack a Strawman’ is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting a superficially similar yet weaker proposition and refuting it, without having ever actually refuted the original position)!
Conservatives do not want to control anyone. Individual Freedom and Personal responsibility, is our credo – and, of course, individualism over collectivism in Martin Luther King Jr’s line the Left has long abandoned of “Content of One’s Character!” The Women in our Lives choose (are not forced by us, by anyone, not a Patriarchal society) to be with us, because we are not loons and morons like leftists. The Left must always make false narratives and stereotype what Conservatives are (based upon their moronic need to create the Strawman, or any or otherwise twisting of language/terms (and see too my TLB twisting/warping terms part 2). It is the only way they can Win any argument.).
VIDEO (7m 02s): New Rule: Straw Man Arguments | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO):
AND NOW, THE – IS THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY (as the old saying goes) MY FRIEND… extension/expansion….
[ above BONUS MATERIAL from: (partial cut from article, for more see) https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-enemy-of-my-enemy-notion/ ]
Leftist Snowflakes got Jason Aldean’s Video pulled from CMT: https://youtu.be/b1_RKu-ESCY
& what my #book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You) about, not just #Foreign #Terrorists but #USA #Leftist #Terrorism within & destruction of #WesternCulture (as whole, not just #US)
#JasonAldean #BoycottCMT
SNEAK-PEEK AT NEXT WEEKS TheLibertyBeacon (part 2 of this Set) PIECE….
[Plus additional sneak-peek, BONUS Videos in Video embeds down-thread to hint/tease at some of part 2 discussion]
Movies, Snacks, & Politics; part 2…
For those that remember the dancing candy and popcorn singing “Let’s all go to the Lobby and get ourselves some treats” was last week’s piece (about Movies and Politics) and this is basically a part 2 to that (and a prelude and partial foreshadowing to forthcoming #BIDENomics pieces (I let others speak on that first right after the idiot Biden press-conference on it/that, I prefer to let some items stew a bit and chime in later with the final word LOL))!
Last week I mentioned Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel Movie about Human-Trafficking; that took them years to film and even a few more to get distributorship to get it into Theaters – “Sound Of Freedom.” Certainly one of the most important Films of our time, on such an important topic as such is quickly growing and surpassing the Drug Trafficking Trade in illegal profits enriching the Cartels. Please support that. Studios like Angel Studios, do not have the big budgets for continual major projects such as this unless we support them and help them become BIG DEALS at the Box-Office when they do. Nor do they have big promotional Budgets and we need help them with word-of-mouth advertising (the best “review” one can give a Movie, is a personal recommendation to Friends and Family).
The Left, of course, who cheer the wholesale slaughter of Children in the womb, attack this Film (they never defend Children, ever, any-way-shape-or-form; more on protecting Children down-thread) calling it some “Q-Anon Conspiracy Film” cause far too many in Pedowood and other FASCICRATS Party donors are involved in Sex-Trafficking; and of course this is not from one of their “favored” Big-Hollywood-Studios. Sadly too though, to provide proper and FAIR analysis and true Journalism (unlike the #ENEMEdia MSM “Reporters” that just spew the Leftist FASCICRATS Party Talking-Points only and always) there are some on the Right that try to discredit the Film. These are MORONS that decry the Film because Tim Ballard (whom the TRUE-Story is based) is a Mormon – as if that has ANY BEARING ON THE TOPIC WHAT-SO-EVER. This is a Factual Film not anything to do with “selling Mormonism” in any-way-shape-or-form! And I’ll repeat as I often do, my “issues” with Mitt RINOmney are that he is a MORON (and his China/CCP ties enriching himself while selling out USA and American Workers) and nothing to do with his MORMON Faith…….
SEE TheLibertyBeacon.com next week for the the rest of the article and be sure to listen to the corresponding CTP S1E6 episode.
SATURDAY JULY 30th 2023 UPDATE: S1E6 (part 2 of Movies now out)
S1E6 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 29 2023 and thereafter) at: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E6) “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)”
Topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)” piece!
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some additional current (Sound of Freedom, Oppenheimer), as well as some from the past (They Live 35th Anniversary, An American Carol, The Patriot), and what about the future (The Domino Revival)?
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/movies-snacks-politics-part-2/
- savagedarmy.com/listing/restore-our-american-republic?product=2
- thelibertybeacon.com/are-there-aliens-not-the-open-border-the-et-kind/
- thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) Movies throughout the Ages: open.spotify.com/episode/1cVqDEuEtszwUFd9YZuBaa
- JLenardDetroit StoryRocket movie project storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview
- thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- Cancel Culture again, CMT pulled Video: https://youtu.be/b1_RKu-ESCY
(S1E6 Audio: 34m 03s, Sat Jul 29th 2023)
below/continuing from: https:// beforeitsnews . com / christian-news/2023/06/the-christitutionalist-politics-podcast-is-now-on-the-air-finally-get-your-news-from-a-purely-christian-u-s-constitutional-perspective-2616429.html . . .
Born and raised a Catholic; but as Friend Pastor Richard Deitering of “Moment Of Clarity” (WAAM Radio Show Host) says: not the “average” Catholic as having studied many of the other Christian sects (as well as many other of the World’s Faiths/Religions), and having coined the term “nincomPOPE” for Francis whom seems far more interested in spreading Communism than Catholicism most of the time; coined the new term: ChristiTutionalist to better describe Political philosophy (with many trying to make “Conservative” a slur) and fitting under the 1st Amendment protection of Freedom of Religion (not Freedom from Religion) and Freedom of Association. As mentioned in “Will REAL Christians save America” piece, see too the great book from Neil Mammen “Jesus IS was involved in Politics, why aren’t you? Why isn’t your Church?” as well as other important Christian related books as discussed in “Will REAL Christians save America” piece. Also spreading the word, minted by Joseph decades ago, about modern FASCICRATS (yes, DNC, has 28 NSDAP planks in their Platform); as bad as GIJIA (another Joseph M Lenard coined term) destroying America from within (as outlined in Joseph’s “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You“). And therefore the need for the “ChristiTutionalists Politics” podcast to discuss all the above and more!!! See too what is a “Conservatarian?“
LEARN MORE about being a ChristiTutionalist at:
New episode of #ChristiTutionalistTM Politics podcast drops Sat. July 1st 2023, catch up the previous one before then…
[also shared as focus on SCOTUS2023 via shortcut: https://tinyurl.com/SCOTUS2023Rulings]
ChristiTutionalistTM Politics podcast (Subscribe) -
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast. Weekly (weekends) News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter: jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest): podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout podcasts: buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- CTP Official playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
“ChristiTutionalistTM Politics” S1E1 “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via JosephMLenard.us CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.
(S1E2 Audio: 29m 55s, Sat Jul 1st 2023) S1E2 SHOW NOTES:
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” S1E2 “‘Already a correction?’ and “Ranked Choice Voting!”
Thank You for considering listening to this Show, as ListenNotes Reports you have about 168.9 Million+ PreRecorded Podcast Show episodes (and growing daily) to choose from. In S1-E1 “Introductions” Show was mentioned “ChristiTutionalist Politics” would air monthly – and now, only few days later, time to announce pivot/change already (a correction, and it is a good/positive thing). “ChristiTutionalist Politics” will now air weekly dropping a new Show each weekend which will coincide with new article dropping each Saturday at TheLibertyBeacon and there-by primary topic of week with “other surprises” added in! This week’s TLB piece “Ranked Choice: Great, except way AK RINOs did it.”
(also discussed on: WAAM ART Sat 6/24: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/phil-stargell/episodes/Abolitionist-Round-Table-6-24-2023-e265lut)
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter: jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest): podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout podcasts: buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- CTP Official playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit
(JosephMLenard.us - TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
Future TLB articles and ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast Show topics will be…
4th Of July (parts 1 and 2, remembering our FREEDOMS, RIGHTS, and those who PROTECT THEM, beyond one Holiday (and similar to existing/past “Honoring the Fallen beyond Memorial Day” TLB piece))
The Thirteenth Floor (update to older B4IN version)
#BIDENonmics hilarity/farce DETROYING AMERICA (based upon recent Social-Media posts across my 15 Social-Media platforms)
Will REAL #CHRISTIANS Save North #America? It is why The Left wants REAL #Christianity destroyed (preserving the Left’s Biden, Pelosi, et al twisted/warped Bible version, and yes too Save Canada from Leftists like Premier BlackFace Justin and his ilk) – as REAL Christianity helped found America, help destroy the #Soviets, etc…
Left’s motto: Separation FROM Church TO State!
(aka: https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords)
https://tinyurl.com/forgreatergood – https://tinyurl.com/LeftTwistsLanguage
Alumi-Baby joins the PRO-LIFE Cause!!
Really the 2 “Twisting/Warping language items below, part 2 & 3 to GREATER GOOD above)
Saturday July 8th update (today’s release, and several upcoming Shows already “in-the-can” as they say, and releasing soon)…
S1E3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 8 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 (Subscribe))…
ChristiTutionalistTM Politics (S1E3) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights beyond 4thOfJuly”
Main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday” piece!
Plus, first Guest appearance from/with Pastor Robert Thibodeau, about his background, his PodcastersForChrist organization, as well as his latest FaithCasters podcasters project and discussion of TakingTheRainbowBack project to reclaim the (full 7 color) Rainbow back for God from the (fake 6 color) Rainbow Alphabet Mafia crowd (and, yes, difference between “tolerance” Gays and “Rainbow Alphabet Mafia” #GAYtivists engaging in #GAYtivism and recruitment as well as trying to legitimize and legalize Pedophilia.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-beyond-the-4th-of-july/
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings (tribute)
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists: https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists
- more related links will be added into actual podcast episode Show notes
(S1E3 Audio: 35m 14s, Sat Jul 8th 2023)
S1E4 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 15 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 (Subscribe))…
ChristiTutionalistTM Politics (S1E4) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday (part 2)” piece!
No-one I know wants total Anarchy, most agree we need some “limited” Government since Human-nature is such that Rules are necessary to maintain a degree of peace and allow for us to exercise our GOD given Rights to Pursue Happiness (but not infringe upon others to do same). Founders along those lines gave us the “Articles Of Confederation” but not long after it was determined a slightly more encompassing “Federal Union” and the “United States Constitution” was born that would still (but over time been weakened) Sovereign States’ Rights and reserving all else to “We The People” within States or Constitutional Amendment – and we will discuss the full/proper Political Spectrum and “Overton Window” USA lurch Leftward towards FASCICRATS-ism. US / Western “Republic” limits Govt affords, demands it protects, “We The People” Sovereign God given Rights, unlike Republics in East (China, Iran, N. Korea, Russia) whose “Republic Constitution” grant the Ruling Party and Government Power to give or take Rights to/from their Peoples.
I discussed some of this with Bruce and Phil, Freedom isn’t free and we must work to keep it; as Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one Generation away from extinction!”
And I am ALL FOR those who want to Legally Immigrate and assimilate, NOT those looking to infiltrate and undermine our Culture!
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-part-2/
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists: https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists
- more related links will be added into actual podcast episode Show notes
(S1E4 Audio: 33m 30s, Sat Jul 15th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – NEXTDOOR text from TLB RemFreedomPt2 piece AND SCOSTUS Rulings B4IN piece
S1E5 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 22 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 (Subscribe))…
ChristiTutionalistTM Politics (S1E5) “Theater Lobby for Snacks & Politics”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Let’s go to Lobby & get ourselves some Snacks, & Politics” piece!
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some current, as well as some from the past (mainly my love of “The Thirteenth Floor” (A Matrix Film, before the Reeves version) from great visionary Roland Emmerich (who brought Blockbusters like: Stargate, The Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day, Moonfall, and many others)), and what about the future (will Roland finally get MGM allow him Stargate reboot planned Trilogy for Theaters?) including planned reboot of Logan’s Run the forerunner (pun intended, for those who will get it) to all the modern dystopian-nightmare movies of today.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/lets-go-to-the-lobby-get-ourselves-some-snacks-politics/
- Beyond The Mask: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2433040/
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project: https://www.storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-enemy-of-my-enemy-notion/
- https://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/free-speech-yelling-fire-in-a-theater/
- https://tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- https://tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- https://tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview (plus Overcomer, Harriet, more)
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- more related links will be added into actual podcast episode Show notes
(S1E5 Audio: 30m 01s, Sat Jul 22nd 2023)
S1E6 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 29 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 (Subscribe))…
ChristiTutionalistTM Politics (S1E6) “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)” piece!
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some additional current (Sound of Freedom, Oppenheimer), as well as some from the past (They Live 35th Anniversary, An American Carol, The Patriot), and what about the future (The Domino Revival)?
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.savagedarmy.com/listing/restore-our-american-republic
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/are-there-aliens-not-the-open-border-the-et-kind/
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1cVqDEuEtszwUFd9YZuBaa
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project: https://www.storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/free-speech-yelling-fire-in-a-theater/
- https://tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- https://tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- https://tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview (plus Overcomer, Harriet, more)
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- more related links will be added into actual podcast episode Show notes
(S1E6 Audio: 34m 03s, Sat Jul 29th 2023)
S1E7 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 5 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 (Subscribe))…
ChristiTutionalistTM Politics (S1E7) “#BIDENomics (#BIDNEflation & #BIDENrecession)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “#BIDENomics, “working” (Alinsky and ClowardAndPiven planned USA destruction)” piece!
All the games and gimmicks, wordplay and twisting of terms, the Left employs (no “EMPLOYment pun intended) to paint a Unicorn delusional picture of the current disaster Biden Economy. Also, Michael Gardner of Savaged Unfiltered joins the show to talk about podcasting and #BIDENomics (runaway #BIDENflation) and everyone pinching pennies to get by (even High-end Movie Production Sets he’s been on as an Actor or Tech).
#BIDENomics = #GASlighting — Warping terms, fudging numbers/stats, and misrepresenting Reality for complete Unicorn delusions.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/why-i-a-christitutionalist-oppose-proposed-fair-tax-scheme/
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- https://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- deflections: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/latest-wokeism-cries-of-racism-white-supremacy-cultural-appropriation/
- distractions: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-savaged-unfiltered-with-mi-102268347/
- save on Food/Gas: https://upside.app.link/
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1cVqDEuEtszwUFd9YZuBaa
- My Kmart (now worthless) Stock: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pvd8f5rhijabmqr/Kmart%20Stock.jpg?dl=0
- more related links will be added into actual podcast episode Show notes
(S1E7 Audio: 30m 48s, Sat Aug 5th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – “The NAZI label gets tossed about, let’s examine the claim”
S1E8 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 12 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 (Subscribe))…
ChristiTutionalistTM Politics (S1E8) “Norton v Shelby County TN Case”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Norton v Shelby, and Government over-reach / usurpation” piece!
An old Case many are trying to bring back to the fore and attach as part of supportive arguments of “Government overreach (usurpation)” challenge of Alphabet Agencies acting far outside their purview (designed, and legitimately “authorized” by Congress scope) case to the SCOTUS. An “in the weeds” discussion for advanced Patriots looking to Restore Our American Republic. Not a topic for “casual conversation” and to broach “strangers at the local Supermarket!” Often, those able to be awakened from their woke stupor, need to be taken in baby-steps and at their “digestable” own pace (often slowly) and therefore this topic is one that can/may overwhelm someone early on in their “new Political awakening journey!”
Episode related pieces…
- https://tinyurl.com/RedPillStrategy
- https://www.savagedarmy.com/listing/restore-our-american-republic
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/
- /christian-news/2023/04/will-real-christians-save-america-it-is-why-the-left-wants-christianity-destroyed-it-helped-found-america-help-destroy-the-soviets-etc-2614952.html
- Klaus Schwabb and Agenda21/2030/whatever: https://anchor.fm/moment-of-clarity/episodes/Moment-of-Clarity-11-14-2020-emfvav
- EPA and other AlphabetAgenices overreach: https://rumble.com/v2xi7e6-joseph-talks-to-sadia-on-the-epa.html
- DOEd must go: Norton v Shelby: https://rumble.com/v2xeo1y-savaged-unfiltered-livestream-saturday-norton-vs-shelvy.html
- https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords
- Clearly William Wagner (Constitutional Scholar) discusses related issues during WAAM “Your American Heritage” Show (Sat. 7/8/2023)
listen at: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/your-american-heritage/episodes/Your-American-Heritage-7-8-2023-with-Professor-Will-Wagner-e26n9ug
as our Founders INSISTED there must be checks-and-balance, today’s Fasci-Federalists do everything to avoid them
- Our Little Polish Genie: https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings
- more related links will be added into actual podcast episode Show notes
(S1E8 Audio: 37m 53s, Sat Aug 12th 2023)
Later in August a Show will include a discussion with Founder of TheLibertyBeacon Roger Landry (A Patriot – who I keep trying to get him to write a book I tease should be called “Landry’s Laundry List of Grievances: A New Declaration for Independence”).
Some time going forward a Show will include a discussion with Mary Vaughn who is current President of the “Taylor [MI Conservative] Republicans Club” about her Ministry both at her Church and with the Club to promote Godliness in US Governance! As well as, perhaps, not a certainty yet, a discussion with Debbie Bloomfield of “MI UD-RTL” and “Susan B. Anthony’s List” organizations about PRO-LIFE issues.
The ChristiTutionalistTM view on the recent SCOTUS Rulings…
The WEBSITE DESIGN CASE would NOT have even been necessary or an issue for the last several years if the MORONS (mainly, Chief Justice Roberts) would STOP the limited rulings bullshit and make the broader Constitutional Rulings in the first place (like here, the previous CAKE BAKING case, and the overall issue of NO COMPELLED/COHERCED SPEECH should have been made clear THEN or ANY of the other countless SPEECH CASES they’ve heard)!!!
more: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/free-speech-yelling-fire-in-a-theater
But, of course, you will hear LIES from the Left, as they cannot have any discussion based upon merits, and in order to keep their EMOTIONALLY HYSTERICAL (rather than logic/reason) base of DUMBocrat Voters ENRAGED with tripe and bullshit (cannot make a “SOUND REASONED CASE” why THEIR DEMOKKKRAT RACISM and IDENTITY POLITICS should not be allowed to continue) they try to pretend this is about AN ATTACK ON THE LGBTQ+ Crowd. This ZERO to do with the #GAYtivists engaged in #GAYtivism RAINBOW ALPHABET MAFIA (related: https://tinyurl.com/GayPrideMoDiscussion ) as the LOGIC/REASON in the case applies across board — YOU CANNOT still discriminate based upon Race and other protected Class under the 14th Amendment. Would they defend NEO-NAZI to DEMAND a Baker make a customized HITLER’S BIRTHDAY Cake?!?!? Would they DEMAND that a BLACK BAKER have to make a custom Cake for a demoKKKrats KKK Clan Rally?!?!? Their folly and empty argument is easily exposed. This has ZERO to do with any GROUP but about 1st Amendment Rights and YOU CANNOT COMPELE SPEECH!!!
Same with the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION case from yesterday, that the SCOTUS FAILED to make clear ANY DETERMINATION OR CONSIDERATION ON RACE IS VIOLATION OF 14A in the UofM AA policy having been challenged years ago — and MORON ROBERTS in his comments did it again, instead of saying WE SHOULD HAVE WENT FURTHER IN THAT PREVIOUS CASE AND THIS ONE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN NECESSARY the moron made mumblings and hints they could REWORK the programs AND STILL DISCRIMINATE… So, of course, and I was just on w/ Rick Walker and MAVERICK NEWS last night discussing, the Left will get the University Deans, some Prof’s, the Lawyers, Leftwing pandering Politicians; as they all PROFIT off the DIVISION scam/con/game; and decide WHAT DO WE CALL THE NEW SCAM/CON that will be exactly the same as the OLD SCAM/CON but with a different name — and will be put in place and last for decades as NEW COURT CHALLENGES made all the way to SCOTUS (AGAIN) cuz moron Roberts “moderates” the Court and wants “limited scope” Rulings THAT DO NOT FULLY/REALLY/ACTUALLY RESOLVE the Constitutional aspect forever AS THEY SHOULD AND IS THEIR FU****G JOB to do so.
MLK is finally able to look down from Heaven and Smile as his Dream of indeed ABSOLUTE EQUAILITY (not bullshit Marxist “Special Privileges” for some over others, and END to RACIST Laws/policy) and CONTENT OF CHARACTER indeed be the Mark of all Men/Women (both, and the only two, Sexes/Genders) rather than the prism of their Skin-Tone finally achieved. Meanwhile the newest Justice, idiot appointed by #JoeBiDUMB (Liberal/FASCICRATS Activist, NOT #RuleOfLaw and Constitution Judge) Jackass… er… I mean… “Jackson” in her rants and raves DEMAND she get SPECIAL RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES for her Skin-Tone and others (NOT everyone’s own Merits). The STUPIDITY of the Left Marxist Pathetical Corruptness WOKEist manure to DIVIDE and DESTROY USA from within.
Yep, we in Michigan have been calling it DIE (NOT “DEI” – cuz it is about KILLING our Culture)… Often repeated during our WAAMradio.com (listen live on w/e’s 9a, 1p, 2p, shows)…
DIVERSITY (we already have that in THE GREAT AMERICAN MELTING POT (we BLEND, it’s NOT “Cultural Appropriation” you morons, USA is the most Diverse Nation on the Planet (E Pluribus Unum – from many one – we blend many Cultures into our own unique INCLUSIVE Culture)), INCLUSION (ditto), EQUITY (NO THANKS, keep your bullshit Commie Equity term, we have EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW here in USA already)!
So, as I just put forth, THEY DON’T BELIEVE THE “DI” PART in their bullshit talking-points, cuz they are trying to DESTROY THE “DI” with Black only Dorms, Black only (SEGREGATION) Ceremonies, etc…
And like I often say during interviews discussing my #book ( https://TerrorStrikes.info/quotes | https://TerrorStrikes.info/reviews | https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews ) if ORWELL were alive today about ANIMAL FARM (which I mention in my book, to bolster the additional points to Orwell) writing a sequel – the line would be: “Some Animals get more EQUITY (Special Rights, Special Privileges, rather than EQUAL) Rights than other Animals!”
more/related: https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalsists
vs the Left FASCI-FEDERALISTS of today.
PLUS, of course, thinking people know, regarding COLLEGE ADMISSION DISPARITIES; which has to do with URBAN vs RURAL Educated people (regardless of Black, White, Pink, Purple, or Transparent). Want to FIX THAT? Simple FIX THE DAMN FAILING K-12 URBAN EDUCATION INDOCTRINATION FACTORIES but the Left does NOT want Educated people, they want dumbed down more easily manipulated people, and also THEY DO NOT WANT TO FIX K-12. The Left OPPOSES all efforts to FIX K-12. They only care about funneling more money to Teacher’s Unions the PROTECT FAILURES IN THE CLASSROOM and misEducation of Children – they REFUSE “School Choice” even though majority of DUMBocrats Voters support them to be able to use THEIR OWN MONEY (otherwise confiscated from them via Property Taxes) to send (via Vouchers, NOT Tax Credits, as “Credits” means you have to have it and spend it in order to recover it via Tax Return) Children to Schools of our own choosing — TO FORCE PUBLIC FAILURES TO COMPETE for the dollars. That is the ONLY FIX as all they know or care about IS THAT THEY WOULD LOSE MONEY!!
This is BASIC COMMON SENSE, want those unable to “qualify” due to lack of Education (and if/when you give those without sufficient and proper Education to be ready and capable to succeed in College, a pass into College they cannot handle, THEY DROP OUT (that is why there is a high drop-out rate)). Want to fix both the don’t qualify and high-dropout rate??? FIX K-12. And most, even DUMBocrat Voters, AGREE as Poll after Poll after Poll shows (and, yes, in these cases the Polling is correct, it is usually/mainly POTUS and CONGRESSIONAL polling they FUDGE to shape Candidate opinion rather than Report on Electorate thoughts).
ON PEDOPHILES, DEPRAVITY, LIBRARIES/SCHOOLS and BOOK AGE RESTRICTION (for Age appropriateness) vs Leftist Banning and Censorship, ANTI-AMERICAN VALUESISM being taught in Western Cultures these days…
Like normalization of depravity/pedophilia in Schools, Libraries, etc…!!
More and more Classic literature (including Seuss and AEsops fables (can’t have “morals” and “good lessons” taught)) replaced in Kids sections of Libraries REPLACED WITH PORN AND LEFTIST INDOCTRINATION MANURE.
Yup, see related RETALK discussion about Libraries: https://retalk.com/c/books/jlenarddetroit-1672676498
I responded (in-part, see the thread link for entire conversation):
It, of course, matters on who is in charge at any given Library* just like the Schools*.
if you got the purple-hair-brigade in charge, they pull books with factual content for those they favor peddling left-wing narratives (including the PORN BOOKs (you hear so many Parents at School Board meetings railing against targeting Grade-School age Children)) in the Kids section rather than Seuss, AEsops Fables, etc…
I’ve had trouble getting my book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You), historical-fiction (or as I call it FACTion) into some because it just doesn’t call out foreign terrorists but US FASCICRATS destroying Western Culture from within — that, of course, despite the evidence/facts, triggers them and they try to Cancel Culture (cuz they cannot refute their fascist tactics ( related: https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS ) and must try to censor/silence).
Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Author “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”
and “How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques”
addl. links: https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit
—- further, about the Left “choice of BOOKS to peddle to Children”….
response to a post ( https://retalk.com/c/general/white-slavery-the-scottish-slaves-of-england-and-americas-there-were-hundreds-of-thousands-of-scots-sold-into-slavery-during-colonial-america ) over on ReTalk…
You said it.
Seriously, sadly Education is so da** poor in the Western World these days, people know no History…
In the USA the Indoctrination factories (and other supposed FREE SOCIETY systems) are peddling Radicalism, Raunch/peRversion (tRans, pedophilia), Racism (cRt), and anti-ameRicanism – the new “R’s” – to our Entitled/lazy, participation tRophy overblown self-esteem buffoons, know nothing brats; meanwhile China is teaching their Children the traditional/core “R’s” of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, scRience (see what I did there, cuz our kids are so dumb they wouldn’t know the R doesn’t belong there), biRology (not fake gendeRism), honoR, Respect, woRk-ethic, etc…
Yep, they aren’t “FIXING” anything, they are just making people DUMBER, as Leftists/Marxists always want to do. The PATHETICAL CORRUPTNESS (as I call it) is NOT about “tolerance” and “understanding” it is about trying to make a Nation HATE ITSELF rather than LEARN FROM IT’S HISTORY (as any and every Nation has blemishes) and we should be TEACHING THINGS AS THEY WERE and have HONEST DISCUSSIONS of how or if things could/should be better. You don’t have those HONEST DISCUSSIONS by just rewriting/destroying the Past (this is the whole DESTROYING STATUES bullshit all over again)!
And ask a FAT person if they think “ENORMOUS” is somehow “a better phrase for them?!?!” LOL So that part, actually, is the LEAST OFFENSIVE CHANGE they are making as they are not white-washing the whole IF YOU ARE OVERWEIGHT IT IS UNHEALTHY and you’re likely to Live a shorter lifespan; unlike all the UNNATURAL AND UNHEALTHY FAT NORMALIZATION/GLORIFICATION going on so many other places.
A response from Mary White over on MeWe where I posted about SOME of this…
Get the fed and the unions out. Give the power and the money back to the states. Get real teachers back in the classrooms and teach kids reading writing science math and governance. Get the woke out. No more quitting school before they graduate with passing grades. No moving kids up without passing.
And, yes, my book deals with how even Ruth Bader Ginsberg said ROE V WADE likely to be overturned eventually based upon the FARCE of “PRIVACY” (thereby do I have THE RIGHT to MURDER you and sell off your Body-parts as Planned Slaughterhood does, if it is in the PRIVACY of my own Basement? Yes, RVW logic was THAT STUPID and clearly ILLEGAL under other Laws and Constitution) scope by which it was decided and that RVW DID NOT CREATE A “RIGHT TO ABORTION” and frankly the Dobb’s decision IMO did NOT go far enough – nice they discovered the 10th Amendment all of a sudden but the Ruling completely IGNORED the 14th Amendment and CENTURY OLD PRECENDENCE of Killing a Mother and Child in Womb as long-established DOUBLE-HOMOCIDE (MURDER) and that a Child in Womb has RIGHT TO LIFE under all outlined above.
more: https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/492388/bestselling-author-joseph-m-lenard-who-predicted-overturning-of-roe-vs-wade-in-historical-fiction-novel-terror-strikes-issues-statement-on-supreme-courts-recent-rulings
[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES: TerrorStrikes.info/reviews
includes section on FIRST AMENDMENT assaults and advocacy
and about the assault on Christianity in America!
see too: TerrorStrikes.info/quotes <ISBN: 978-1-955043-66-3>
Plus, my latest book (about writing and publishing)
see too: https://JosephMLenard.us
See related Merch:
ROAR - Restore Our American Republic
Enemies of the Left/State
and Principles Not Personalities ]
#ROAR – Restore Our American Republic
our Judeo/Christian Foundations Republic and ALL CONSTITUTION PROTECTIONS
ROAR – Restore Our American Republic
Left’s motto: Separation FROM Church TO State!
(aka: https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords)
https://tinyurl.com/forgreatergood – https://tinyurl.com/LeftTwistsLanguage
Alumi-Baby joins the PRO-LIFE Cause!!
Really the 2 “Twisting/Warping language items below, part 2 & 3 to GREATER GOOD above)
Plus hear Joseph M Lenard (co-host) on SAVAGED UNFILTERED podcast.
see the SAVAGED UNFILTERED recently started and growing Rumble Videos feed.
Or check out SU via AmazonMusic, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and the 100,000+ other listeners virtually anywhere and everywhere podcasts are found.
Subscribe to ChristiTutionalistTM Politics podcast
SOME of the following is STILL IN THE WORKS so not all information available at time of this (Sat Jul 15th) update about my new CHRISTITUTIONALIST POLITICS podcast show/episodes…
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” (S1E1) “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via JosephMLenard.us CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
S1E2 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 1 2023 on) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E2) “Already a correction?” and “Ranked Choice Voting! (Good, Bad, Ugly – #TheRestOfTheStory, then you reach your own conclusions)”
Thank You for considering listening to this Show, as ListenNotes Reports you have about 168.9 Million+ PreRecorded Podcast Show episodes (and growing daily) to choose from. In S1E1 “Introductions” Show was mentioned “ChristiTutionalist Politics” would air monthly – and now, only few days later, time to announce pivot/change already (a correction, good/positive thing) now airing weekly (dropping a new Show each weekend) which will coincide with new article dropping each Saturday at TheLibertyBeacon and there-by primary topic of week with “other surprises” added in! This week’s TLB piece “Ranked Choice: Great, except way AK RINOs did it.”
Episode related pieces…
also discussed: WAAM ART Sat 6/24: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/phil-stargell/episodes/Abolitionist-Round-Table-6-24-2023-e265lut
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E2 Audio: 29m 55s, Sat Jul 1st 2023)
S1E3 before edit 38m10s…
S1E3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 8 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E3) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights beyond 4thOfJuly”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday” piece!
Plus, first Guest appearance from/with Pastor Robert Thibodeau, about his background, his PodcastersForChrist organization, as well as his latest FaithCasters podcasters project and discussion of TakingTheRainbowBack project to reclaim the (full 7 color) Rainbow back for God from the (fake 6 color) Rainbow Alphabet Mafia crowd (and, yes, difference between “tolerance” Gays and “Rainbow Alphabet Mafia” #GAYtivists engaging in #GAYtivism and recruitment as well as trying to legitimize and legalize Pedophilia.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-beyond-the-4th-of-july/
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings (tribute)
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/shop (promocode: 4thOfJuly2023 for 20.23% off)
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists: https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
- https://tinyurl.com/SCOTUS2023Rulings
(S1E3 Audio: 35m 14s, Sat Jul 8th 2023)
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E4 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 15 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E4) “Remembering Freedom and our Rights (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond #4thOfJuly Holiday (part 2)” piece!
No-one I know wants total Anarchy, most agree we need some “limited” Government since Human-nature is such that Rules are necessary to maintain a degree of peace and allow for us to exercise our GOD given Rights to Pursue Happiness (but not infringe upon others to do same). Founders along those lines gave us the “Articles Of Confederation” but not long after it was determined a slightly more encompassing “Federal Union” and the “United States Constitution” was born that would still (but over time been weakened) Sovereign States’ Rights and reserving all else to “We The People” within States or Constitutional Amendment – and we will discuss the full/proper Political Spectrum and “Overton Window” USA lurch Leftward towards FASCICRATS-ism. US / Western “Republic” limits Govt affords, demands it protects, “We The People” Sovereign God given Rights, unlike Republics in East (China, Iran, N. Korea, Russia) whose “Republic Constitution” grant the Ruling Party and Government Power to give or take Rights to/from their Peoples.
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-part-2/
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/shop (promocode: 4thOfJuly2023 for 20.23% off)
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- Originalists vs today’s FASCI-Federalists: https://tinyurl.com/OriginalistFederalists
- I discussed some of this with Bruce and Phil, Freedom isn’t free and we must work to keep it; as Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one Generation away from extinction” as quoted during WAAM ART Sat July 1st conversation – listen at: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/phil-stargell/episodes/Abolitionist-Round-Table-7-1-2023-e26eda9/a-aa2ublb
And I am ALL FOR those who want to Legally Immigrate and assimilate, NOT those looking to infiltrate and undermine our Culture!
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/xtras-christian-references
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/will-real-christians-be-able-to-save-america/
- /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E4 Audio: 33m 30s, Sat Jul 15th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – NEXTDOOR text from TLB RemFreedomPt2 piece AND SCOSTUS Rulings B4IN piece
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E5 before edit 33m31s w/ Mary 48m 45s
S1E5 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 22 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E5) “Theater Lobby for Snacks & Politics”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Let’s go to Lobby & get ourselves some Snacks, & Politics” piece!
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some current, as well as some from the past (mainly my love of “The Thirteenth Floor” (A Matrix Film, before the Reeves version) from great visionary Roland Emmerich (who brought Blockbusters like: Stargate, The Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day, Moonfall, and many others)), and what about the future including planned reboot of Logan’s Run the forerunner (pun intended, for those who will get it) to all the modern dystopian-nightmare movies of today. Plus a brief discussion with Mary Vaughan of TRC-MI.
Episode related pieces…
- Beyond The Mask: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2433040/
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project: https://storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-enemy-of-my-enemy-notion/
- https://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/free-speech-yelling-fire-in-a-theater/
- https://tinyurl.com/SCOTUS2023Rulings
- https://tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- https://tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- https://tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/https://www.12cdrc.org/micd12gop-take-action-as-a-delegate
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/j362qem1gi04az4/WAAM-ART-08142021-You%20must%20become%20a%20Delegate%20to%20effect%20real%20change%20and%20take%20back%20the%20GOP.mp3?dl=0
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewk7wd4lxn58997/WAAM-YAH-Sat09252021-YOUMUSTBEADELEGATE.mp3?dl=0
- https://tinyurl.com/TRCMI
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230315045552/https://www.12cdrc.org/clubs
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E5 Audio: 43m 23s, Sat Jul 22nd 2023)
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E6 before edit 38m30s
S1E6 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jul 29 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E6) “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)” piece!
We all been seeing the trend of WOKE encroaching into most of the Films that hit the Movie Theaters of late. We will discuss Movies and Politics in this episode – some additional current (Sound of Freedom, Oppenheimer), as well as some from the past (They Live 35th Anniversary, An American Carol, The Patriot), and what about the future (The Domino Revival)?
Episode related pieces…
- https://savagedarmy.com/listing/restore-our-american-republic?product=2
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/are-there-aliens-not-the-open-border-the-et-kind/
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1cVqDEuEtszwUFd9YZuBaa
- Joseph M Lenard “Terror Strikes” StoryRocket movie project: https://storyrocket.com/terror-strikes-coming-soon-to-a-city-near-you
- https://tinyurl.com/HollywoodHatefest
- https://tinyurl.com/Maleficent2Review
- https://tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E6 Audio: 34m 03s, Sat Jul 29th 2023)
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E7 before edit 33m10s
S1E7 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 5 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E7) “#BIDENomics (#BIDNEflation & #BIDENrecession)”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “#BIDENomics, “working” (Alinsky and ClowardAndPiven planned USA destruction)” piece!
All the games and gimmicks, wordplay and twisting of terms, the Left employs (no “EMPLOYment pun intended) to paint a Unicorn delusional picture of the current disaster Biden Economy. Also, Michael Gardner of Savaged Unfiltered joins the show to talk about podcasting and #BIDENomics (runaway #BIDENflation) and everyone pinching pennies to get by (even High-end Movie Production Sets he’s been on as an Actor or Tech).
#BIDENomics = #GASlighting — Warping terms, fudging numbers/stats, and misrepresenting Reality for complete Unicorn dellusions.
Episode related pieces…
- < ADD TLB BIDENflation LINK >
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/why-i-a-christitutionalist-oppose-proposed-fair-tax-scheme/
- https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS
- https://tinyurl.com/RecruitConservatives
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/
- deflections: https://thelibertybeacon.com/latest-wokeism-cries-of-racism-white-supremacy-cultural-appropriation/
- distractions: https://thelibertybeacon.com/occasional-breaks-distractions-not-just-ok-but-healthy/
- https://iheart.com/podcast/269-savaged-unfiltered-with-mi-102268347/
- save on Food/Gas: https://upside.app.link/MNTYU
- Michael/Joseph (Savaged Unfiltered E314) talk: Movies throughout the Ages: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1cVqDEuEtszwUFd9YZuBaa
- Joseph on Chris Hood show discussing “Consumer behavior” changes: https://chr.rs/3n7sa7w5
- My Kmart (now worthless) Stock: https://dropbox.com/s/pvd8f5rhijabmqr/Kmart%20Stock.jpg?dl=0
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E7 Audio: 30m 48s, Sat Aug 5th 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – “The NAZI label gets tossed about, let’s examine the claim”
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E8 before edit 43m03s
S1E8 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 12 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E8) “Norton v Shelby County TN Case”
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “Norton v Shelby, and Government over-reach / usurpation” piece!
An old Case many are trying to bring back to the fore and attach as part of supportive arguments of “Government overreach (usurpation)” challenge of Alphabet Agencies acting far outside their purview (designed, and legitimately “authorized” by Congress scope) case to the SCOTUS. An “in the weeds” discussion for advanced Patriots looking to Restore Our American Republic. Not a topic for “casual coversation” and to broach “strangers at the local Supermarket!” Often, those able to be awakened from their woke stupor, need to be taken in baby-steps and at their “digestable” own pace (often slowly) and therefore this topic is one that can/may overwhelm someone early on in their “new Political awakening journey!”
Episode related pieces…
- < **** ADD TLB NVSC LINK **** >
- https://tinyurl.com/RedPillStrategy
- https://dropbox.com/scl/fi/x6q5sx5hf6avkqvfqojvz/Norton-v-Shelby-Ct-9-Most-Important-Points-regarding.doc?rlkey=nebly1lr3cnklwoue3s4wh8vt&dl=0
- https://dropbox.com/scl/fi/v27fdwbufghu1jsw39shc/Norton-V-Shelby-County.doc?rlkey=t0plekzgp3rrsoeu89ld5rgz2&dl=0
- Savaged Unfiltered full Video LIVESTREAM: https://rumble.com/v2xeo1y-savaged-unfiltered-livestream-saturday-norton-vs-shelvy.html
- https://savagedarmy.com/listing/restore-our-american-republic?product=2
- https://thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/
- /christian-news/2023/04/will-real-christians-save-america-it-is-why-the-left-wants-christianity-destroyed-it-helped-found-america-help-destroy-the-soviets-etc-2614952.html
- Klaus Schwabb and Agenda21/2030/whatever: https://anchor.fm/moment-of-clarity/episodes/Moment-of-Clarity-11-14-2020-emfvav
- EPA and other AlphabetAgenices overreach: https://rumble.com/v2xi7e6-joseph-talks-to-sadia-on-the-epa.html
- DOEd must go: Norton v Shelby: https://rumble.com/v2xeo1y-savaged-unfiltered-livestream-saturday-norton-vs-shelvy.html
- https://tinyurl.com/SomeTwistJesusWords
- Clearly William Wagner (Constitutional Scholar) discusses related issues during WAAM “Your American Heritage” Show (Sat. 7/8/2023)
listen at: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6QUmsCSPcQsCUsGeUo3n6p?si=34531b1fbdfd4982
as our Founders INSISTED there must be checks-and-balance, today’s Fasci-Federalists do everything to avoid them
- Our Little Polish Genie: https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings
- /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E8 Audio: 37m 53s, Sat Aug 12th 2023)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics podcasts can be found via my @JLenardDetroit Rumble/YouTube channels
S1E9 before edit XXmXXs
S1E9 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 19 2023 and thereafter) at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E9) ”BIDENomics part 2″
Today’s main topic is Saturday’s TheLibertyBeacon.com “BIDENomics part 2″ piece!
Deeper dive into the destruction caused by #BIDENflation, #BIDENrecession, and other disasterous FASCICRATS #EpicFail policies. What is ESG and are you involved and “invested” without your knowledge, permission, will (looking for the Investor Group’s elites “Political interests” rather than your Bank Account’s best Financial best-interest (yes, “interest,” double meaning word-play intended))? We cannot just #BOYcott, but too should engage in #BUYcott of “friendly” (or at least, NOT HOSTILE) to our principles and values and various “Conservative” Marketplaces are popping up all over to aid in doing just that – like MammothNation, AlignUs App, PublicSq, and more. As I discuss how the #BIDENrecession has destroyed my Budget when/as my Furnace (thankfully during Summer, not Winter) decided to bite-the-dust and need replacement. How the UPSIDE App can save you in this belt-tightening times!
Episode related pieces…
- https://joseph-m-lenard-media.myshopify.com/
- https://alignusapp.com/listing/joseph-m-lenard-media
- https://mammothnation.com/partners/terror-strikes-by-joseph-m-lenard
- https://app.publicsq.com/marketplace
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/why-i-a-christitutionalist-oppose-proposed-fair-tax-scheme/
- /financial-markets/2022/12/massive-inflation-unsteady-cryptostock-markets-gold-your-ira-to-protect-your-retirement-4351201.html
- /tea-party/2022/07/michigan-taxes-and-our-migop-migov-candidates-in-this-2022-election-cycle-2710485.html
- time to strengthen the STOCK Act: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/brace-yourself-im-about-to-agree-with-a-democrat-sort-of/
- https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2017/01/04/entitlement-reform-back-table-n236045
- https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2009/09/21/mandates-n187141
- https://redstate.com/diary/jlenarddetroit/2011/09/22/freedom-to-work-mi-n187200
- https://tinyurl.com/ForGreaterGood
the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP). Weekly/weekends News/Opinion-cast from Christian U.S. Constitutional perspective w/ Author/Activist Joseph M. Lenard.
- CTP: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles discussed: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Newsletter: https://jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster as Podcaster or Guest: https://podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts via a buzzsprout podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- ChristiTutionalists Official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – https://linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (https://JosephMLenard.us / https://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E9 Audio: XXm XXs, Sat Aug 19th 2023)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics podcasts can be found via…
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit
In addition to seeing the corresponding TheLibertyBeacon.com piece referenced in any episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast, see too the Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout at https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist) for additional bonus material there-in.
S1E10 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 26 2023 and thereafter) at: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E10) “BiDUMB tries to flip-off SCOTUS (‘Student Debt transfer’ edition)”
Today’s main topic TheLibertyBeacon.com “BiDUMB tries to flip-off the SCOTUS (Student Debt transfer edition)” piece!
You’ve heard the rest ramble about the SCOTUS Rulings, now here the best breakdown of the Cases and more importantly what others have not, are not, will not, cover about the latest Leftist attempts to tell the SCOTUS to GO TO HELL as the FASCICRATS quickly move to twist and warp more language to create “NEW AND IMPROVED” programs that are exactly the same as the ones struck-down by the Courts and reset the countdown clock so they can ignore the Constitution and RuleOfLaw a while longer forcing more/new needed challenges in the Courts that will need elevate to SCOTUS just ASAP we can return them for yet another SCOTUS smack-down of the Left antics/violations – and if you missed the “Norton v Shelby” (S1E8 August 12th) Show for how that all relates!
Episode related pieces…
- TerrorStrikes.info/charity
- tinyurl.com/DefineFAIR
- tinyurl.com/SCOTUS2023Rulings
- buzzsprout/NVSshowLink
- thelibertybeacon.com/NVSlink
- Cancel Culture again, CMT pulled Video: https://youtu.be/b1_RKu-ESCY
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter: jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest): podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout podcasts: buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- CTP Official playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E10 Audio: 30m 05s, Sat August 28 2023)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
YouTube: youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.
S1E11 before edit XXmXXs
S1E11 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Sep 2 2023 and thereafter) at: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E11) “BiDUMB tries to flip-off SCOTUS (Affirmative Action edition)”
Today’s main topic TheLibertyBeacon.com “BiDUMB tries to flip-off the SCOTUS (Affirmative Action edition)” piece!
What are you New? Were you Born last night?? This is not over as Leftists attempt to tell the SCOTUS to GO TO HELL as the FASCICRATS quickly move to twist and warp more language to create “NEW AND IMPROVED” programs that are exactly the same as the ones struck-down by the Courts and reset the countdown clock so they can ignore the Constitution and RuleOfLaw a while longer forcing more/new needed challenges in the Courts that will need elevate to SCOTUS just ASAP we can return them for yet another SCOTUS smack-down of the Left antics/violations; as Chief idiot… er… “Justice” Roberts hints at back-door Affirmative Action himself!
Episode related pieces…
- thelibertybeacon.com/PART-1-LINK
- tinyurl.com/DefineFAIR
- tinyurl.com/SCOTUS2023Rulings
- Cancel Culture again, CMT pulled Video: https://youtu.be/b1_RKu-ESCY
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast (Show long-form description)
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487/supporters/new
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter: jlenarddetroit–podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-newsletter/
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest): podcastersforchrist.thrivecart.com/faithcasters-connections-join-us/partner/284130/
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout podcasts: buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2185512
- CTP Official playlist: open.spotify.com/playlist/1jyi88nx2dLpkO4CeXtN3s?si=gkJxl6OnQQ6cmNk-2cOPzQ
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1E11 Audio: XXm XXs, Sat September 2nd 2023)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
YouTube: youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.
& what my #book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You) about, not just #Foreign #Terrorists but #USA #Leftist #Terrorism within & destruction of #WesternCulture (as whole, not just #US)
#JasonAldean #BoycottCMT
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