UPDATE on the media LIES about the Harris v Trump Debate....
[ FIRST, yesterday was 9/11 (as I type this into B4IN at 00:25ET Thu. 9/12) - see related:
9/11 Somber Remembrance Time Again - 2024
9/11 and Ground Zero | Sep 08 2024 20:30
and CTP S2ESepSpecial2 9/11 episode (dropped just a few hours ago):
BTS/SP Video of episode at bottom of this piece
and more below/here-in about my 9/11 Maverick News appearance
ALSO see dropped today (Might RFK Jr. be Trump's HHS Secretary?!?!): /health/2024/09/suddenly-many-not-concerned-about-others-health-pure-politics-3059209.html ]
[ feel free to reach-out to me via https://JosephMLenard.us/contact ]
DEEP STATE is TERRIFIED if Trump Elected he would actually DRAIN THE SWAMP this time! There are many Thu. Sep. 12 updates below — DETAILS, FACTS, VERIFIABLE ITEMS if one BOTHERED TO DO ANY REAL RESEARCH VIA CREDIBLE SOURCES (more on “Credible Sources in a few places down-thread, it will be a now ongoing/recurring theme)…..
And short/simple update (other updates below) but Trump is now WAFFLING on his I WILL DO THREE DEBATES PLEDGE it was BiDUMB and KACLES that REFUSED TO AGREE TO THAT PLEDGE. I understand reasoning behind trying to BACK OUT of THAT PROMISE as he Won that Debate and the Boxer that LOSES a bout (no matter how much they whine and moan and demand cuz they lost) is not assured an immediate rematch. But, AGAIN, HE PLEDGED, AND HE NEED KEEP THAT PLEDGE and destroy her on/with POLICY DISCUSSION AGAIN (as he did in that Debate, while Kackles tried Dancing/Dodging to AVOID talking at all about HER RECORD, HER POLICIES, HER FLIP-FLOPS OF CONVENIENCE (aka: LIES), etc….
BUT, IT HAS TO BE SAID, TRUMP AGREED to another Debate already before THE FOXNEWS DEBATE that Kamala REFUSED (cuz she must have only 100% in the tank for her Network and Moderators) and he then had a TOWNHALL (that Kamala could have also shown for, to Debate) that same night on FOXNEWS — THEREFORE, IT WAS KAMALA ALREADY REFUSED “ANOTHER” DEBATE. That can, could, should, be Trump Team’s stance if he decides to skip having another Debate (cuz THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN three Debates (the one with/vs BiDUMB, the Shit-Eating-Grin-Kamala loss one, and the FOXNEWS DEBATE/TOWNHALL Kackles REFUSED).
“I had agreed to THREE DEBATES, the first one was with Biden, the 2nd on FOXNEWS Harris was No Show therefore I did a Townhall on FOX, and the 3rd was the one just complete with the #KAMALunist.”
I get it… I ran for various Political Offices in DEEP BLUE Wayne County (yes, County with Detroit in it) and obviously FASCICRATS are automatically favored and likely to Win in Wayne County (not always, but 95% of time) so it is DIFFICULT to get them to want to Debate as they think they have built in advantage, are ahead, have MORE TO LOSE letting their Challenger take Shots at them during a Debate. TRUMP is in that position DESPITE it Polling wise a statistical tie – the internals show something different that INDEPENDENTS reject (at least 60/40) Kackles attacks and dancing/dodging any REAL SUBSTANCE about herself and her unbelievable flip-flops when she does talk about them —- THEREFORE, again, I GET IT, Trump has MORE TO LOSE with another Debate and HARRIS IS DESPERATE hoping if given another Debate she can PIVOT to a better set of LIES Strategy to try FOOL THE MASSholes. To not Debate gives them THE HIGHER GROUND ARGUMENT on HE IS AFRAID OF HER (complete bullshit) when again TRUMP had agreed to 3 both BiDUMB and Harass are the ones never agreed to 3 (THE NORM, the modern, like 50+ years, standard). Cuz morons (who do not THINK, but EMOTE only instead) can (sadly many will) fall for THAT DODGE!
READ THIS ALL THE WAY THROUGH, AND YOU WILL KNOW ALL THE FACTS THAT THE ABC MODERATORS KNEW BUT WOULD NOT ADMIT TO ON-AIR…. READ and be ARMED with the KNOWLEDGE (Facts, News (REAL JOURNALISTS Reports, not Leftist #ENEMEdia Propagandists), many including LINKS for you to go further down those rabbit-holes of FACTUAL INFORMATION The Left will never ever look at cuz they don’t want to LEARN, and more – but this isn’t about MORON LEFTISTS but real/actual INDEPENDENTS that need to be BROUGHT TO TRUTH rather than be useful-idiots to Leftist LIES all the time) to counter every Leftist moron Talking-Points LIES…..
Well, I sure think Trump Won the Debate (but, of course, looking for actual POLICY POINTS, I would), #GroundHogHarris (who finally came out of her Cave for an appearance to actually talk (correction: TELL LIES TO) the American Public (not a Teleprompter Rally, and only that one Dana Bash Interview while Trump and Vance done 50+ total) the #HarrisHarem will declare HER the Winner (as She did what they needed Her to do ATTACK TRUMP (despite the calls that Trump is a Bully and need to stop with PERSONAL ATTACKS, was mostly all #kamELE (Extinction Level Event if she elected) did and when not doing that DANCING and DODGING from her Record and additionally spewing LIE after LIE after LIE the #ABC #ENEMEdia Leftist (in tank for Harris) Moderators did not call her out ONCE on, while SPINNING (pretending it Fact Check) how what Trump said is NOT the “preferred” #ENEMEdia (Leftist, FASCICRATS) narrative) no doubt (again, the #HarrisHarem) thought She Won (as they would, they wanted and got DELUSIONAL pre-rehearsed manure talking-points that evaded all the Questions), but both indeed DID what they set out to do.
The Moderators let Kamala tell every debunked LIE: Charlottesville, Project 2025 repeated lie when Trump’s website has his TRUMP 47 AGENDA clearly outlined, Dictator on Day 1 (JOKE, they will never, EVER, SHOW THE VIDEO, cuz then, like when Brandon Straka (former Gay White Male Democrat, now REPUBLICAN cuz we are the Party of FACTS and TRUTH and accuracy saw the Charlottesville HOAX full Video would know THEY LIE AGAIN (and also, Brandon knows WE DO NOT HATE GAYS (and HATE the Sin but LOVE the Sinner (see: /awakening-start-here/2019/06/pridemonth-gaypridemonth-some-in-lgbtq-community-ask-where-is-the-real-hate-words-vs-actions-deeds-12308.html)) and moron QUEERS FOR PALESTINE are just AntiSemites (that would be STONED TO DEATH in Palestine, but not here in USA) pretending he was serious about an OBVIOUS if you look at the Video A JOKE), and every other Left False-Narratives HOAXES with ZERO CORRECTION by Moderators. NONE. NOT ONCE!
I am AMAZED that the FAKE “BLEECH” narrative didn’t come up again. And, indeed, THE LIES over and over about CRIME DOWN (when Left legalized up to $1k THEFT) meaning THOSE THEFTS NOT REPORTED. And as for MURDERS, many BLUE CITIES refuse to send the stats to/for THE FBI to then have ACCURATE STATS – but you read the Local Papers (where they REPORT HONESTLY) and you know AS FACT that Crimes of all kinds WAY UP across the Country due to #DemocratsCoddleCriminals policies!
Now, what follows, IS SOME HONEST COMMENTARY, as I was social-media platforming it (I am on 15+ platforms) LIVE during Debate last night. HONEST, while I am Voting #TrumpVance2024 I am NOT GOING TO JUST give you RAH, RAH, RAH GO MY GUY; GO MY TEAM; Partisan-Hack manure; I am on many different Podcast/Radio/TV shows cuz I can and do give HONEST ANALISYS); but all you get from moron clapping FASCICRATS (not hyperbole, see the link for the irrefutable details how morons on Left support Fascism (backed by FACT and Evidence they cannot refute)) seals do (RAH RAH RAH, never say ANYTHING HONEST) for/about Harris! HONEST ANALYSIS….
EVERYTHING about Kackles WAS FAKE and PLANNED and REHEARSED and the Liberal Harris DNC loving #ENEMEdia Moderators probably KNEW in advance ALL the planned lines (Talking-Point FALSEHOODS) she would tell. But not ONCE did they call out any of Her LIES (and they were ENDLESS) meanwhile anything Trump said (FIVE TIMES) they went out of their way to “FACT CHECK” (NO, those were HERE IS OUR LEFTIST #ENEMEdia SPIN on that, to counter his TRUTHES). And the KACKLE was replaced with the SHIT-EATING-GRIN Poker Tell (one does NOT have to be a BODY LANGUAGE EXPERT, just someone that understand Human Nature to ANY COMMON-SENSE DEGREE, to understand what was happening to/with her) every time Trump spoke FACTS she got Nervous, couldn’t Kackle, did the embarrassing PokerTell GRIN again and again – probably pre-arranged que to Moderators HELP ME HERE PLEASE DO ANOTHER SPIN-INTERUPTION!!!
Do you want a sometimes INARTFUL SPEAKING TRUMP (who is REAL and trying to SPEAK TO US ALL AS A NORMAL PERSON) or the 100% FAKE/FRAUD/REHEARSED Lie spewing Polished Politician (that Kackles is)?!?!?
You want someone THAT IS REAL (and, yes, I am NOT a Cultist, I wish he WASN’T HIMSELF all the time LOL (I do LOL, but I am serious) would like him to have LEARNED a bit more about POLITICAL POLISH) or (again) #KAMALunist who is 100% FAKE ALL THE TIME always grasping for WAY TO PANDER AND NEVER HONEST!
Do you want OUR REPUBLIC TO CONTINUE or become VENEZUELA NORTH?!?!? That was the RICHEST NATION on the South American territory and in A FEW YEARS OF COMMIE LEADERSHIP now the POOREST in all the Americas!!! And #KAMALunist wants SAME FOR HERE!
In order of my postings…. OBVIOUSLY, there is a lot more worthy of commenting on, but THESE are the things that I did indeed feel ABSOLUTELY HAD TO BE ADDRESSED during the Trump vs ABC/Harris farce of a Debate last night and then some commentary I posted Post-Debacle… err… Post-Debate…
While waiting for Moderators to STOP with their opening bullshit… And having just seen the Harris Hilarity called a “Political Campaign Ad” ….
FUCKING HILARIOUS…. Have you seen the latest obaMAO for HARRIS Ad about “CROWD SIZES” ????
The Left can never, will never, ever, BE HONEST.
They show ONE RALLY where people were PROMISED to get Singer or other Celebrity to Show and they Show up for that and they Show that Crowd size SNAPSHOT right when Kackles takes the Stage (to appear FULL) but they will never, EVER, show you the crowd 5 minutes later as they are RUNNING FOR THE EXITS and then again 10 minutes later when HALF the crowd has fled.
AND, of course, NOTICE (obvious TELL of their LIE) Trump venues HOURS ahead before Trump starts speaking and location JUST STARTING TO FILL to make “appear” (ILLUSION, DELUSION) that people are not there — THEY WILL NEVER, EVER, SHOW YOU THE CROWDS WHEN TRUMP IS ACTUALLY SPEAKING (for the whole 90+ minutes) PACKED TO FULL CAPACITY (not matter Arena, Stadium, or Outdoor Venue!!!
Again, more STYLE AND NO SUBSTANCE ON ISSUES manure from The Left.
#obaMAO / #BiDUMB years: #HOPE AND #CHANGE (lies)
#Harris / #Walz: #Dope and #Deranged (delusion)
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#Harris and #Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 16:12
#obaMAO promised to side with #Islamists (aka: #GIJIAS)
[put it in Print in the initial edition of his "Audacity of a Dope" book]
and the entire Left now does
( https://TerrorStrikes.info/GIJIAS )
And that whole #Kamalot (that I #Joestradamus predicted was coming) manure (#ENEMEdia deflections, attempt Style over Substance (cuz #Fascicrats Policy Sucks)) in…
Trump had more people packed across a Field in Butler PA (where they ATTEMPTED TO MURDER* HIM) than Kackles has had at any 3 of her Events (pick em) COMBINED!
I, me, not Running for POTUS, have done more MEDIA APPEARANCES TODAY ALONE than Kackles has done in the whatever how many days since she was ELEVETED (Without a Single Vote from State Primaries) TO POTUS!!!
#kamELE (Extinction Level Event) 77 second soundbites to Reporters at Airport and zero Questions (as well as same zero substance as her Parroting same manure Teleprompter appearance to another) and just that one Dana Bash SOFTBALL appearance
vs Trump facing 77 minutes of ALL COMER Questions (as does JD also)
#HidinHarris just like #HidinBiden
They pull #GroundHogHarris out of cage long enough for TELEPROMPTER READ and now that Softball Network interview with whatsherface probably handed Questions in advance FARCE!
Harris and Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks same Ticket…
Many don’t want History taught in U.S.Schools – might LEARN from Bradford Colony early fail (if full truth taught)….
as well as
Military, Republic, REAL Military men/women running for Office (not Tim #AWALZ (abandoned his unit before Combat))..
WELL that took NO TIME AT ALL before Kackles began the #LIES
Project 2025 FARCE, when anyone can go to Trumps website and SEE FOR YOURSELF his Trump 47 Agenda (NOTHING to do with Project 2025 deflection Left keeps LYING about)!!!
Opportunity Economy STOLEN from DJT’s First Term OPPORTUNITY ZONES he and Senator TIM SCOTT created and Biden eliminated. AND, of course, when MSM bothers to do their Job (if they can get #GroundHogHarris out of her Cave long enough to engage) and ASK “what does she mean by OPPORTUNITY ECONOMY” any “Specifics?!?!?” and of course SHE HAS NONE, just a “CONCEPT” while she’s attacking Trump for obaMAOcare “CONCEPTS” cuz HE KNOWS and IS BEING HONEST WITH ALL that it all HAS TO ORIGINATE AND GET THROUGH CONGRESS he as POTUS only has Option (well, yes, of course he can ADVOCATE for some things to be in Congressional Bill, but ultimately only options) of SIGN OR VETO.
Trump ABORTION BANS – Trump lives in FL and only has SAY in that State – PERIOD! EVERY STATE IS DECIDING ON THEIR OWN.
and more
As #Carville and #Clinton said in 2008 – IT’S THE #ECONOMY STUPID!
IF you cannot keep #Food on your Table for your #Kids, IF your Mom/Dad, Grandma/Grandpa, CANNOT afford to keep the ROOF over their Heads, LITTLE ELSE IS GOING TO MATTER. NOT NOW, now they want you to STOP BELIEVING YOUR OWN EYES, EARS, AND DWINDLING BANK ACCOUNTS!!!!
If #BiDUMBnomics is allowed be followed by #COMMUnomics (by the #Kamulist) unless you’re Earning over $500k/yr YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN DIRE STRAITS!
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Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET….
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
orig. 10:30ET updated: 15:32ET
HERE WE GO AGAIN…. The #Charlottesville #LIES yet again.
Debunked over and over, and anyone and everyone can SEE THE DOT PRESSOR WHEN/WHERE TRUMP MADE HIS STATEMENTS THEY LIE ABOUT (3 times said – NOT TALKING ABOUT NEO-NAZIs or WHITE-SUPREMECISTS) that is the EXACT LIE that Brandon Straka (Gay Democrat) HAD HIS EYES OPENED TO THE LEFT ENDLESS #LIES OVER AND OVER and then started doing more OF HIS OWN RESEARCH to expose ALL THE OTHER #LIES that the #ENEMEdia tells on behalf of #FASCICRATS)!!!!
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#HITLERY denied her 2016 loss and Democrats challenged the ELECTORS in Congress!
#GORE still claims he WON 2000 Election, and Democrats challenged the ELECTORS in Congress then too.
#Abrams STILL refuses to acknowledge HER DEFEAT in GA.
(where it all ramped up: https://tinyurl.com/VotingReform2008)
https://tinyurl.com/SCOTUSCowardice (EF2020D pt2)
For THE FOURTH TIME TONIGHT (ALREADY, barely in) both Kackles and the Moderators HAVE LIED
This one/time? THE DICTATOR ON DAY ONE —– JOKE, he tole A Joke and they know it
but they cannot stand on their Policy, so HAVE TO LIE about what, when, why, how, TRUMP said something
STRAWMAN ARGUMENTS like the entire 4 days of the DNC Convention I covered….
NC night 2 Coverage (I join) Maverick News 2000ET (Tue. Aug. 20th)
DNC Night 4 of LIES wrap-up (Thu. Aug. 22nd)
Maverick News – RFK Jr endorses Trump (Fri. Aug. 23rd)
LET US DISCUSS THE REALITY of how/why we are where we are with #UKRAINE…. Cuz BILL CLINTON convinced UKRAINE if they gave up their NUKES (that would have PROTECTED THEM AGAINST RUSSIAN AGRESSION) they would be admitted TO #NATO. A LIE (the Democrats quickly then cozied up to Russia about “SEE WHAT WE DID FOR YOU, WE GAVE YOU A NUCLEAR FREE UKRAINE TO INVADE) and now Ukraine is Defending against RUSSIAN INVASION! TWICE, once (Crimea) under OBAMAO and again expanded under BIDEN!!!
#FACTSmatter #HISTORYmatters
As far as the #Moderators and the #ENEMEdia is concerned #KACKLES Won just by showing up and they will REPEAT the pre-planned Leftist #LIES Talking-Points they KNEW IN ADVANCE she had memorized and would work in!
They already have WRITTEN their HEADLINES AND STORY OF LIES in advance just waiting to DROP in 10 minutes.
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Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET….
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Here go the SPIN #LIES again,
They Ask about a 2nd Debate
#TRUMP ALREADY PREVIOUSLY AGREED TO A 2nd DEBATE THE #KAMULIST refused. Trump agreed to 3 DEBATES, as has been traditional since the 1960′s.
KACKLES refused the FOXNEWS Debate because she cannot be before REAL MODERATORS that deal in REALITY and only can appear before Leftist Propagandist Moderators LIKE TONIGHT when they supposedly FACT CHECKED Trump 4 times to weigh in and back Harris’ #LIES. And Lie after Lie #GroundHogHarris told they stayed SILENT! #ABC was IN TANK for Harris to begin with. As I said in another post, THEY HAD THEIR STORIES WRITTEN IN ADVANCE TO DECLARE HER WINNER AND PRINT THE PRE-PLANNED LIES PRE-REHEARSED THEY KNEW IN ADVANCE SHE WOULD TELL.
It has been #GroundHogHarris, as I’ve been calling her the last 45 days as she is #HidinHarris just as strategy with #BasementBiden — SHE only does the same Teleprompter Speech (with just location name changed) meanwhile Trump every Rally he GOES OFF PROMPTER to PERSONALIZE every single location Speech DIFFERENT and UNIQUE (while still hitting the Teleprompter Greatest-Hits moments (as someone who ran for Offices myself I know you need a BASIC STUMP SPEECH to hit points everywhere and every time, BUT like Trump you need PERSONALIZE for every Audience (his Rallies are too large, but I was able to every appearance take at least a few Questions from those in front-row to “personalize” any/all stops)). And, yes, mentioned elsewhere here-in this overall piece — SHE hides, dodges Reporters, did only the one (with Walz by her side as her Crutch) the Dana Bash interview, where-as Trump and Vance have done 50+ interviews, podcasts, what-not, OPPORTUNITY TO BE CHALLANGED chances.
CNN Poll – Post Debate – Shows 55% trust TRUMP more on Economy — Harris’ LIES did not work —– THAT IS WHY the Harris Team is so worried about another Debate, they need another chance TO TELL LIES specifically targeted at THESE POLL NUMBERS because it portends (and will talk more, later, about) INDEPENDENTS SHIFT (break closer to Election, inside-speak) as Election will draw nearer BASED ON HISTORIC DATA…. DESPITE the PUSH POLL lies saying Harris is TIED most places, THEY KNOW THE REAL INTERNAL POLLS SHOW THEY ARE LOSING. More in: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/can-we-trust-polling-results/
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There are CREDIBLE REPORTS by Newspapers ALL ACROSS OHIO (I am in Michigan, we know, we see them) about ILLEGALS capturing Ducks (in Parks) and PETS (Cats/Dogs) that they then Slaughter and use for Food.
THE MODERATORS LIED, as they did ALL NIGHT LONG (as did #HilariousHarris)
NOW, FIRST (1st regarding this sub-section of items), let me jump right to the bottom-line/conclusion and then we’ll get into the details and nitty-gritty. THE LIARS telling you this has NOT HAPPENED EVEN ONCE and I heard a clear Left-wing propagandist, liar, CLOWN activist not “Journalist,” on Radio say IT IS THE MOST DEBUNKED THING ON THE INTERNET are the LIARS and of course PROJECTED their lying onto others to DISMISS (ignore EYE-WITNESS TESTIMONY) those actually REPORTING THE FACTS as Liars and we’ll get into the “CREDIBLE SOURCES” Dodge down-thread. It is EXACTLY LIKE those who STILL claim THERE WAS NO VOTER FRAUD in the 2020 Election – they IGNORE all the REAL STORIES of REAL COURT CASES of people that REALLY BEEN CHARGED AND CONVICTED of engaging in VOTER-FRAUD/ELECTION-INTERFERENCE. The Cases are there, THEY JUST REFUSE TO BOTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THEY EXIST (again, they play the CREDIBLE dodge, as if Court Filings/Rulings people sentenced to Jail ARE NOT CREDIBLE in their mind cuz they REFUSE to DEAL IN REALITY and use that dodge/scam/con/play/ploy). NOW, whether there was ENOUGH FRAUD to SWAY A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION (like 2020) IS DEBATABLE since Ballots are SECRET you can PROVE x number ballots fraudulent (even though everyone knows) you cannot PROVE they were all cast for Biden in that case or whomever in other Cases (but THAT is NOT the BURDEN OF PROOF REQUIRED, just that ENOUGH FRAUD proven that Election cannot legally/properly be Certified as UNDENIABLE VICTOR (as will discuss further COURT PRECEDENTS PREVIOUSLY SET as the Case)) AND THERE ARE/IS LEGAL/COURT PRECENDECES where enough Fraud shown (Fraud Ballots exceed Margin-Of-Victory, therefore Election NOT CERTIFIABLE, the very merit of the Tx v Battlegrounds that ONLY SCOTUS could hear but cowardly REFUSED cuz again THEY KNEW what the result would be in advance and wanted to skirt the CLEAR PROBLEMS it would have unleashed with Inauguration day getting closer and closer the more they DELAYED and played games) to TOSS ELECTION AND COURT ORDER A WHOLE NEW ELECTION — The SCOTUS knew that and that would indeed be the ONLY RECOURSE in the 6 States in Question as Ruling therefore played the DISMISS ON BOGUS NON-STANDING grounds game (again, something LEFT refuses to deal in the Reality of, EVIDENCE EXISTS they just REFUSED TO HEAR THE CASE AND HAVE IT RECEIVED AS EVIDENCE/PROOF). But, of course, THE LEFT, always refuses to DEAL IN REALITY and take all evidence, all factors, etc., just want to (on FEEWINGS and PREFERENCE want to dismiss what is inconvenient to/for them).
They (Leftist #ENEMEdia Moderators) looked for any/every EXCUSE to interject with something Trump said and put forth the DNC Talking-Points SPIN/LIES to counter Trump’s FACTS (including ACTUAL/REAL JOURNALISTS in Ohio having covered what he was putting forth properly as FACT).
NOW, LET ME ALSO STATE — DO NOT DARE GET CAUGHT UP IN LYING, The Left Lies, WE must deal in FACTS/TRUTH. It is a FACT that it was/is happening. BUT again DO NOT DARE try EXAGGERATE IT and engage in HYPERBOLE or you sound like a LOON and CONSPIRACY NUT and will be treated as such. Again FACT – does it matter if it is, whether it is, 1 a month, 1 a week, 1 a day, 1 an hour – FACT, it happened PERIOD they LIE in saying NOT HAPPENED AT ALL. Period. Is ONE animal Sacraficed and Eaten IN HAITIAN VOO-DOO CULTURE STYLE acceptable. NO, that is NOT allowed here, we are NOT going to let you get away with that here, and we certainly are NOT going to let the Left DISMISS THIS AS FICTION!!! Or as I just said on MAVERICK NEWS (Thu. 9/12 19:30 by phone follow-up conversation) it is now NOT about the numbers but about them TRYING TO DISMISS TRUMP AS SPEWING FANCIFUL FICTION – he did not, we are not, POLICE REPORTS and LOCAL OHIO NEWSPAPERS CONFIRM that IT DID (whether, IS, continuing or not irrelevant) happen and Left again LYING to try to accuse Trump of Lying as REALITY is that it is another exposure of Downside of unfettered OPEN BORDERS UNCONTROLLED ILLEGAL MIGRATION… As I said on MavNews – THE BETTER POINT would be, still is, more than 1,000 people on TERROR WATCH LISTS have been CAUGHT but then ORDERED TO BE LET GO INTO COUNTRY ANYWAY and with 9/11 just passed – TERROR THREAT IS OFF THE CHART right now. Folks from 2/3 ALL NATIONS on Planet (not just Central or South America) ARE FLOODING OUR NATION (including MANY from TERRORIST NATIONS that openly call for DEATH TO AMERICA)!!! They WANT the Cat/Dog distraction, PIVOT FROM IT to the more important but indeed do not let them dare CALL TRUMP A LIAR ON THIS when he was FACTUAL. And the HUGE JUMP in illegal Drugs KILLING AMERICANS flowing across our Border. DO NOT LET THEM DEFLECT all the other important points, by them trying to FOOL PEOPLE that the Cats/Dogs (AND YES, TRUE TOO, DUCKS/GEESE IN PUBLIC PARKS) thing in Ohio is a HOAX (it is not, but, also, again, DO NOT EXAGGERATE THE STORY EITHER (The Left LIES, we cannot) if it happened ONCE (which it is a larger number than that) MATTERS and makes the Story FACT not FICTION and as they say FACT STRANGER THAN FICTION which is why many REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS STORY cuz it is TOO ICKY to think/talk about and people JUST DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE THE FACTS as again so icky to think about).
Engaging in HYPERBOLE is NEVER GOING TO GET PAST PEOPLE’S PROGRAMMED INDOCTRINATION BY LEFT – you MUST BE HONEST/REAL and able to point to EVIDENCE rather than only play to EMOTIONS (as Left does). FACTS, EVIDENCE, TRUTH, REALITY, LOGIC, REASON, COMMON-SENSE….. YOU must not LIE like The Left ALWAYS DOES, Honor, Integrity, etc., need to matter on our Side – and, yes, EXAGGERATION and HYPERBOLE can/will harm your reputation!!!!
NOW, how about the CONVERSE!!! In WARTIME hard-choices have to be made and terms like ACCEPTABLE LOSSES dealt with. SO, let me, let us, JUST FOR SAKE OF ARGUMENT, cuz again THIS IS ICKY and NOT NICE to contemplate and why MANY just refuse to even entertain the notion SOME PETS (not huge numbers, but WHAT IS ACCEPTABLE LOSS then – seriously, WILL YOU CONFRONT HONESTLY THAT QUESTION AND WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER?!?!). FURTHER, again, cuz it is ICKY to contemplate let us FOR SAKE OF ARGUMENT just DISMISS and IGNORE the actual Reports of Cats, Dogs, Ducks, Geese, BEING EATEN. DOES IT SOMEHOW BECOME MORE PALATABLE AND/OR ACCEPTABLE IF they are just MURDERING SUCH FOR “JUST” (if you will) VOO-DOO SACRAFICE RITUALS. Seriously, again, all those who REFUSE TO DEAL IN REALITY, how about that/this Question – IF it is indeed NOT EATING but “JUST” being PETS CAUGHT AND KILLED FOR SACRAFICE IN VOO-DOO RITUAL. No, really, seriously, WILL YOU HONESTLY CONFRONT THE QUESTION does that (killed, but not eaten) somehow lessen the CRIMES?!?!? You, of course, WILL NEVER, EVER, get Leftards to Answer ANY QUESTIONS they will forever maintain their DENIAL AND DELUSION none of this happens. NOT ONE REAL INSTANCE, despite many Reports (now, yes, of course, a Report or two here and there may be FALSIFIED, but THE LEFT, The #ENEMEdia, want you to believe EVERY REPORT OF ANY OF THIS IS ALL JUST CRAZY PEOPLE OR LIARS! Not the level of HOLOCAUST DENIAL, and I know many will call me names, and also just TRY DISMISS ME as a NUT, but MURDER DENAIL is going on with ALL on The Left. YOU OK WITH THAT?!?!? Cover-ups are OK with you! Burying FACTS/REALITY is OK with you?!?!? just cuz it is INCONVENIENT FOR THE LEFT/Denialocrats?!?!?!?
OK, let us go even further down the DENIAL hole…. Let us, for sake of argument, say ALL THE ABOVE IS SOMEHOW FABRICATED…. Well, YOU ARE OK WITH A TOWN BEING VIRTUALLY OVER-RUN AND DOUBLED IN SIZE in such quick fashion cannot possibly be handled. YOU ARE OK with all the RESOURCES diverted from ACTUAL LEGAL RESIDENTS in order to take care of ILLEGAL INVADERS ever growing the Homeless ranks roaming all over the Town?!?! Anyone and everyone can see that REALITY on daily, hourly, basis, no WELL HAPPENING ONCE IN AWHILE SO YOU MIGHT NOT SEE IT – and the FASCICRATS want you to IGNORE THAT ENTIRELY ALONE!!!! The Administration FLOODING that town (and many others in many States to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM the Neighborhoods) with countless ILLEGALS over-loading the System – on purpose, no way ACCIDENTAL and THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON!!! NO, SERIOUSLY, YOU OK WITH THAT ALONE?!?!? I am NOT!!!
But, sorry, I am NOT going to give you the easy out, IT IS ALL TRUE (again, not in huge numbers, but WHAT, how is ANY OF IT, ACCEPTABLE???) and time for you to DEAL WITH REALITY rather than be COMFORATED BY DENIAL to maintain your Delusion!!!
But I guess the EXTENDED SEGMENT that NEWSMAX did on it, showed interviews with Residents willing to put their reputation on the line by going ON CAMERA for all the World to see, show Springfield CITY COUNCIL MEETING with many Residents (The Left would have you believe making all this up while) talking about all this, several Guest experts, etc…. ALL JUST RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY… I can tell you, if I wanted to create a Conspiracy to help Trump — I could think of many FAR EASIER TO BELIEVE FALACIES ——– again, TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION!!!!
AND UNDERSTAND THE TRICK OF LANGUAGE BEING USED BY LEFT TO TRY DISMISS THIS, just like #ENEMEdia Moderators did during the Debate “NO CREDIBLE REPORTS” they DISMISS those Reporting such to POLICE (and is in Springfield Ohio Police Reports) and talking about such (CAN SEE ON VIDEO) those at City Council Meeting to REPORT THE INCIDENTS — they will CALL THEM CRAZY PEOPLE and therefore attach NOT CREDIBLE to the. THAT is how the Left LANGUAGE bullshit Game is played (more: /education/2024/07/language-use-and-abuse-2464215.html). KNOW how The Left LIES by omission, engages in SPIN (again, THEY pretend they are NOT CREDIBLE so they can claim the “NO CREDIBLE ACCOUNTS” bullshit), and more!!!!! AND NOW if they want to continue their DENIALISM they will have to claim all NEWSMAX showed, what?, DEEP FAKE?, NEWSMAX (as well as FOXNEWS, OAN, many non-National News agencies also covering) who has covered FACTS also with eyewitnesses, just RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA ALL MADE UP?!?!?) is Crazy, duped, NOT CREDIBLE?!?!? LOL
LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THEIR WORD CHOICES TO DODGE WITH – they “deem” they “decide” they “FEEL” (rather they KNOW these FACTS are INCONVENIENT to/for The Left —- so, pretend those reporting are “NOT CREDIBLE” and can use the SPIN/DISTORTION/DEFLECTION of “NO CREDIBLE REPORTS!” (pure FICTION on their part then at that point by “their definitions” they will claim THEY are the ones Reporting only FACT – they know they are LYING and do so purposefully, willfully, and malice aforethought) WAKE UP PEOPLE TO THE WOKETARDS/LEFTARDS GAMES!
WE TOO, if we were dishonest like The Left, PLAY THAT GAME. WE ALL KNOW with certainty with all the Left #ENEMEdia exposed #LIES that THEY ARE NOT CREDIBLE SOURCES and indeed say such about THOSE NETWORKS/PLATFORMS/STATIONS! ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBCiles, Google, YouCENSOR (err. Tube), and on and on are NOT CREDIBLE SOURCES they peddle LEFT PROPAGANDA (only until they are so cornered and FACTS SO EVIDENT they cannot deny them anymore, and occasionally REPORT TRUTH to try feign CREDIBILITY – they have no honor or integrity AT ALL.
[for more on this sub-section, see just released (as of Fri. Sep. 13th 2024 00:35ET) break-out article (/immigration/2024/09/ok-seriously-lets-examine-the-cat-dogs-ducks-geese-eating-in-the-room-no-seriously-look-at-2476422.html) in B4IN IMMIGRATION category which will have some EXCLUSIVE UPDATES/COMMENTARY there-in than available in this sub-section of this piece.]
What I am about to SHARE (Thu. Sep. 12th 2024 19:50ET) via my 12+ social-media platforms about this…. and this update….
I was JUST ON LIVE with Rick and Maverick News again (just briefly, by Phone, not Zoom on Camera today) cuz the CATS/DOGS BEING EATEN (FACTUAL STORY) not dying down. SO, I have UPDATED THE FOLLOWING PIECE to present the points I made to Rick (ONE has to understand that in Haiti there is a lot of VOO DOO CULTURE that does indeed Sacrafice Animals and Eat them — The Left trying to POO POO (sorry, no Voo Doo rhyme intended, but there it is LOL) that very FACT cuz it is then EASY for most to understand the HOW/WHY it is indeed HAPPENING FOR REAL IN OHIO. LEFTARDS never deal in Reality and always try to frame things in terms of US Culture, this is (again) HAPPENING FOR REAL HERE NOW because of the Haiti Culture and unfettered ILLEGAL MIGRATION rather than INSISTING they knock on the front door and DECLARE/SWEAR/OATH to wanting become part of USA CULTURE (or just stay where you are if you want to IMPORT shit like this here (we still have enough VOO DOO nonsense, but not EATING OUR PETS, in NOLA that we Fight)).
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UPDATE on the media LIES about the Harris v Trump Debate….
Thursday, September 12, 2024 0:27
Hey everyone #KACKLES is BACK.
She’s back on the TELEPROMPTER RALLY circuit and the CACKLE is back!
[Her EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS ploy/play. She KACKLES as if to show the FACTUAL THINGS TRUMP SAID she is trying to dismiss, is indeed laughably false --- IT IS A TACTIC, to engage MORONS who will never RESEARCH ANYTHING for selves EMOTIONALLY cuz she CANNOT deal in TRUTH (like the Ohio situation, and if/when indeed even remotely WILLING to engage in THE VERY REAL STORY will pull the "NO CREDIBLE SOURCES" dodge/game/malicious-distortions as defined elsewhere)]
Gone is the FAILED replacement She used at the #Debate that was an even worse #PokerTell Shit-eating-grin she nervously showed every time #Trump brought up actual #Policy and INCONVENIENT #FACTS about #kamELE’s (Extinction Level Event if elected) actual Background and Record.
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UPDATE on the media LIES about the Harris v Trump Debate….
Media | Sep 12 2024 00:27
AND INDEED NOW (later in night, 21:30ET):
I am JUST NOW watching on DVR #TheFive from today….
#JessicaLefTardLov said “We are underdogs that can Win”
Here, let me FIX THAT for you to be more TRUTHFUL.
“The FASCICRATS are currently Underdogs this Election cycle (up/down ballot) BUT they can CHEAT ENOUGH AGAIN (in just enough of the places we know we always get away with such, and have been doing more and more ever since lost the Civil War) to potentially Win!”
[Hell, THE MOB in Chicago still brags to this day STEALING CHICAGO and therefore IL and THE WHOLE ELECTION for JFK (then helped Kill him cuz Robert was cracking down on Crime when they thought they had them in their pocket)]
There, fixed it.
And, again, difference between #TRUMP and #insider #DeepState stooge #Politician #kamELE….. She is running around KACKLING AGAIN about #Trump’s #HONESTY in saying about #obaMAOcare replacement he has “#CONCEPTS!” Well her KACKLING BULLSHIT may work with EMOTIONALLY HYSTERICAL SNOWFLAKES but #THINKERS that actually KNOW how LEGISLATIVE PROCESS WORKS know he was TELLING ABOUT LIFE IRL…. You can #PROMISE anything (and typical Lying Pol’s like Kackles will) but your #PROMISE and #PLAN STOPS at the Door of the #Congress cuz THEY WRITE THE #LEGISLATION (and Concepts recognizes HE IS NOT A #DICTATOR AND DEMAND A BILL BE 100% this or that, but what CAN BE GOTTEN THROUGH THE PROCESS AND PASSED IN #CONGRESS so #POTUS can SIGN OR #VETO!
FIRST CREDIBLE DATA (Thu. Sep. 12 update)….
Watching Hannity, which I usually don’t do, just flipped to FOXNEW in preparation for GUTFELD! come on at 22:00ET and he has on a INSTA-POLL TRACKER (like, I can’t remember his name, always did, but now he’s FULL ON TDS moron) and she had a group (Dems, Inds, Reps) to watch Debate and Trump’s Closing statement – WENT OFF THE CHARTS HIGH (like way outside normal “tentativeness” happens with Independents in these Studies) with Independents (like RFK Jr. was saying, and I was SPECULATING on Maverick News (my gut feel, my belief without any hard data behind my analysis yet at that time) when discussing Debate) but this first DATA seeing to back claim) and indeed EXACT OPPOSITE when Kackles was giving Her Closing statement and I HAVE NEVER EVER SEEN such a precipitous (sp?) DROP with seemingly ALL INDEPENDENTS in that Study. The Study person polled afterward and indeed said they said like I said – SHE DODGED AND DANCED and had NO REAL SPECIFICS while Trump (except when derailed, took bait) stated Policy and RECORD!!!! IT IS LIKELY THESE DATA SETS that Kackles Team saw and why THE DEMAND ANOTHER DEBATE (if they saw same/similar data, THEY KNOW that HarrASS lost that Debate, with those THAT MATTER) cuz as I’ve said over and over ONLY THING MATTERS IS INDEPENDENTS SWING IN BATTLEGROUNDS.
GUTFELD! show even did HARD NEWS showing a CBS (Left Biased Media) INDEPENDENTS FOCUS GROUP in one of the MOST IMPORTANT STATES (PA) and ALL said what I have been saying (not in same verbiage, but same) KAMALA DID ALL STYLE NO SUBSTANCE and they are LEANING TRUMP because of such — again, Kackles Team probably know this and why NEED DEMAND ANOTHER SHOT AT NEW LIES in a NEXT DEBATE to try undo the damage she did in that Debate “PERFORMANCE” (and, yes, everyone knows, saw, and also talking about, as I said, IT WAS CLEAR SHE WAS PERFORMING AND SPEWING ONLY PREREHEARSED BITS and attacks to get under Trump’s Skin but despite that Trump got in FAR MORE POLICY POINTS than Her). Reuters interviewed 10 “undecideds” and SIX in that TEN now plan to Vote TRUMP (sound familiar? I said IND’s likely breaking 60/40 our way on MavNews a couple times, and if so LIKELY TRUMP WIN). And they recognized that Trump clearly thought he was going to at least get the SAME GRACE that he got at CNN (they didn’t ATTACK HIM every 5 seconds, like the cartoon at top Moderators attacking and NO NEED for Harris to even be there, so he was caught off-guard a bit, flustered, frustrated, and indeed times ANGRY, and they RELATED WHY HE WOULD and therefore discounted that which The Left wanted try play up).
Just another DISTORTION and set of #LIES that so many things have ANYTHING WHAT-SO-EVER to do with #TRUMP!!! HOW is any of the many complaints anything to do with the Guy NOT IN OFFICE right now!!! WHY DO NOT YOU DO SOMETHING, YOU ARE IN OFFICE KACKLES. He should have LITERALLY used the Line, ask the Question: COULD YOU CLEAR SOMETHING FOR ME, WHICH OF US IS CURRENTLY IN OFFICE?!?!?
Just one of the MANY EXAMPLES of Trumps line WHY HAVEN’T YOU DONE ANYTING YET?!?!? That line should have been repeated at least 50 times in the Debate to remind over and over SHE IS THE INCUMBENT and INSIDER (and indeed WHY hasn’t she done anything?)!
MORE in…
Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET….
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
The Left created GUN FREE SLAUGHTER ZONES and then Feign CONCERN when yet another MASS MURDER EVENT happens in their GUN FREE SLAUGHTER ZONES!!!
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – time to Harden (Security in) Schools NOT confiscate Law Abiding peoples Guns
U. S. Politics | Sep 10 2024
BOTTOM-LINE: The Left created GUN FREE SLAUGHTER ZONES and then Feign CONCERN when yet another MASS MURDER EVENT happens in their GUN FREE SLAUGHTER ZONES and every time REFUSE to undo the situation THEY CREATED!!!
WHO WON?!?!? ….
I can sure tell you WHO LOST
ABC and the American CITIZENS that expected to see a REAL DEBATE and not 1 Honest Person (#Trump) and 3 #LIARS (#Harris and the #Moderators).
They told #LIES over and over and pretended it was #FactChecking and NOT ONE interruption of #GroundHogHarris who finally came out of Her Cave just to spew endless clearly PRE-REHEARSED #LIES/LINES that no doubt the #ABC #ENEMEdia knew coming but REFUSED TO REALLY DO #FactChecing on.
And, yes, they TRAINED #kamELE (Extinction Level Event) to avoid the #KACKLES but as in #Poker STILL A #TELL – that shit-eating-grin each time #Trump called her out on her #LIES, the clear TELL when she was nervous THE FAKE #ENEMEdia #MODERATORS didn’t come to Save Her in those instances.
more in…
Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET….
U. S. Politics | Sep 10 2024
[includes LIVE COMMENTS during #Debate in Article comments section]
I think TRUMP missed an opportunity on the IMMIGRATION issue… to call Biden/Harris on Open Borders and people from 2/3 of ALL NATIONS ON PLANET (not just S. and Central America( coming here including many from TERRORIST NATIONS and with TOMORROW (key, last night, now today) being 9/11 Somber Remembrance Day.
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Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET….
U. S. Politics | Sep 10 2024
[ Wed. Sep. 11th 2024 UPDATE (22:10ET) as I just got done with Rick Walker and MAVERICK NEWS tonight talking the Debate and 9/11 --- and made this point and others.... Rick said about taking off belt and shoes for Airport Security HOWEVER 1,000's of folks from TERRORIST NATIONS are roaming USA and CANADA let in across our Southern Border (MANY OF THEM CAUGHT DOING IT, BUT LET FREE IN OUR COUNTRY BY DUMBOCRATS, another 9/11 could happen ANY DAY). - see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjXLDJCtvz4 ]
AND about NAME-CALLING, didn’t come up during Debate but because LEFT LOST last night and cannot talk Policy they tonight (one caller into Show tonight did too) ABOUT TRUMP PET NAMES —- Here is what I keep handy whenever a LIBTARD whines about name-calling…
#Libtards whine abt #namecalling? HILARIOUS.
#Democraps ultimate name-calling SCREAM Every1 #RACIST, #SEXIST, etc, (#IdentityPolitics) cuz cant Win #POLICY Debate! Play #VictimCard 2 #dodge, #deflect, #distract, etc..
I am CONSISTENT, I have criticized Trump for the Pet names — and, yes, I use them, I create new PET NAMES and HASHTAGS for virtually every MavNews new Show I am on —- I AM NOT RUNNING FOR POTUS THOUGH!!! Yes, Trump, NEED DEAL MORE IN POLICY and HE TRIED last night and THEY (The #KAMALunist (see, there is one, but again I AM NOT RUNNING FOR POTUS) and the #ENEMEdia Leftist Moderators tried EVERY TIME to get under his skin and TAKE HIM OFF POLICY DISCUSSION because The Left LOSSES every Debate WHEN ABOUT POLICY!!!! But, again, FUCKING HILARIOUS that The Left that calls everyone NAZIs (see: https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS to see why that is 100% PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION on their parts) and RACIST and SEXIST and WHATEVERIST any DISTRACTION or DEFLECTION to avoid them LOSING A FACT BASED DISCUSSION.
Reports are now emerging that ABC insiders WHISTLEBLOWERS leaking that the Questions (just like Donna Brazile did in the Hilary v Trump CNN Debate) WERE LEAKED TO THE HARRIS CAMPAIGN —- Sound Right??? Did it not seem TOO PERFECT how Harris had all her PRE-REHEARSED SOUND-BITE TALKING-POINTS ready for every Answer and ZERO PUSH-BACK on any LIES she told in Response to said LEAKED AHEAD QUESTIONS?!?!?
OK, NOW BELOW, WHAT I SAID YESTERDAY MORNING IN PREP FOR DEBATE DAY…. [ below from: /u-s-politics/2024/09/debate-tonight-will-be-real-predictable-2615882.html ]
Trump had a GREAT – “I’m Talking – does that Sound familiar” moment after weeks leading up to Debate and would The #Kamunist be able to pull that off again.
But, Trump missed having only ONE “There She goes again” moment in rebutting/rebuking her endless Parade of LIES – every refutation of her FANTASY SPEWINGS should have been met/repeated “THERE SHE GOES AGAIN!”
Another great line – HOW ABOUT WE STOP THE DEBATE AND I WILL FLY WITH YOU BACK TO DC AND YOU AND BIDEN CAN SIGN ORDER TO CLOSE BORDER – Perfect point —- they don’t want to, they undid all Trump CLOSED BORDER policies, perfect HIT about YOU ARE IN OFFICE go fucking do something NOW not bullshit promises of YOU WILL IF ELECTED which are ALL LIES.
WHY WAIT was PERFECT LINE – you are in Office now – WAIT, cuz you are LYING, you will not do it.
And now Post-Debate the other REAGANesque moments/lines were RUN SPOT RUN and the SHE IS COPYING MY POSITIONS SO I THOUGHT ABOUT SENDING HER A MAGA HAT!!!
Which leads to the Kamunist OPPORTUNITY ECONOMY Ad – another STOLEN FROM TRUMP PLATFORM —- Tim Scott worked with and already put in place OPPORTUNITY ZONES which Biden/Harris then REVERSED harming those communities and NOW She wants you to believe IT IS HER IDEA to reinstitute them (well, that is her EMPTY HOT-AIR PROMISE (Shall Know Them By Their Fruits — NOT bullshit LIES — ACTIONS, LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!))!!! LMFAO
NO STATE where allowing baby survives BOTCHED ABORTION to be set aside to Die. BUT is happening, documented several times in CO, Gosnell is in PRISON for it, and it was happening in VA (until Youngkin became Gov).
Again the CREDIBLE REPORTS dodge – just cuz (as it in INCONVENIENT FACT) you Leftists in #ENEMEdia refuse to cover it does not mean it is not happening. REAL JOURNALISTS all across the Nation are covering THESE FACTS you want to ignore and cling to your FALSE-NARRATIVES #LIES about. Just that GOOGLE (yet another Big-Tech operation NOTHING but an Arm of DNC now) BURIES said results and why using GOOGLE for SHOPPING is great – but if you’re looking for FACTUAL INFO you gotta go to DuckDuckGo (which is being co-opted now too as we speak (gobbled by GOOGLE)) FreeSpoke or GIBIRU.
IN TIM WALZ’s State – HER RUNNING MATE Reported in several papers and on several TV News shows —– For the calendar year of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, FIVE abortion procedures resulting in BORN-ALIVE infant were reported. (By HIS STATES HEALTH AGENCY STATS) and IN TWO INSTANCES, infant [was set aside] DID NOT SURVIVE [cause they had NO INTENTION of letting it LIVE]. Tim Walz as GOV OF HIS STATE signed NEW LAW removing REQUIRED TO RENDER AID TO LIVING PATIENTS language from existing Law TO ALLOW ABORTION CLINIC PERSONNEL (not even required to be MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS) to LEAVE A LIVING BABY TO DIE.
ABC LIED! They know THEY LIED. They did so WITH STRAIGHT FACE to prop up their preferred Commie-Candidate!!!
DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR ANY OF THIS – as Reagan said: TRUST BUT VERIFY (but be sure see section below on GOOGLE manipulation of Results to PROTECT LEFT LIES, the FACTS you would seek likely BURIED at least 50 pages down in hopes you will not bother click SHOW MORE 50 times to get to them (and/or see: /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html (article over 1 year old now, so IMAGES that were there-in now stripped since B4IN moved it to Archive Servers)).
And Reported OVER AND OVER and WHY Youngkin is now VAGov…. Dem Gov of VA admits born alive babies will be set aside to die: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-Vv4LuoV3k
SAME ARGUMENTS from demoKKKrats today about BABIES they used about SLAVES – NOT REALLY HUMAN!!! Really, has a Female HUMAN ever given Birth to anything other than another HUMAN?!?!? Is it a FISH, a BIRD, a CHIMP, but MAGICALLY BECOMES HUMAN only when passing through Birth-Canal (or removed by C-Section)?!?!? #leftards
And, more on LEFT CENSORSHIP, I spoke with SARDOR AKHMEDOV (Tech guy (like me, though I’m Retired IT, he is still very active and up-to-date on all the latest Tech insider knowledge as you’ll discover in the CTP episode listed below) and Business guru) about LEFTIST DNC ALLIED TECH manipulation of Search Results and any/all information NOT CONVENTIENT TO/FOR THE LEFT…
CTP S1E17 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Oct 14 2023 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/13774474-christitutionalist-politics-CTPS1E17-leftists-and-the-7-d-s )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (CTP S1E17) “Leftists and the 7 D’s”
Topic TheLibertyBeacon.com “Leftists and the 7 D’s” piece!
When a Leftist cannot refute evidence/facts someone on The Right lays down a Leftist will always resort to try to dodge, distort, distract, deny, deflect, deceive, and when all else fails Saul Alinsky style will start name-calling (attempt to DISCREDIT) and pretend to have won the argument (like trying to play Chess against a Pigeon, it will just knock over all the pieces and strut around as if the superior).
ALSO discussion with Sardor Akhmedov about Economics, Business, Investing – “Political forces” aside.
Sardor is the managing partner at Jafton.com and an angel investor at Fathom Al. Sardor has experience running a software development agency working with Fortune 500 companies. As for his public speaking background, he’s been the youngest speaker ever to perform on the biggest business forum called Synergy Global and the biggest podcast conference called Podcast Movement where he spoke among people like Mark Cuban, Gary Vee, and Richard Branson. He can share his experience bootstrapping tech businesses with minimum to no capital.
They (The Left) CAN LIE all they Like, folks LOOKING FOR FACTS/TRUTH can and indeed do find it — sadly NO LEFTIST wants FACTS just FANTASY DELUSIONS that fit their preferred narratives/feewings!!!
“THE LEFT – They don’t know and they don’t want to know cuz they know enough that if they really knew their feewings based delusional bubble would burst!” (ME) Joseph M Lenard
“Never before in the course of Human history [via online sources] has humanity had such easy access to facts and truth readily available at their finger-tips. Sadly, too, conversely, never before prolific access to falsehoods they can engage in confirmation-bias to feed delusions and preferred narratives. Many preferring lies.” (ME) Joseph M. Lenard (former IT guy)
CTP S1E38 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Mar 9 2024 and after) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14657334-christitutionalist-politics-s1e38-quotations-some-great-peoples-words-that-still-resonate-today )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics “Quotations (some great peoples’ words that still resonate today)”
Many people across time saw the days we’re living now. They tried warn, not enough people paid attention (especially to Orwell). Some of those famous people (and several less famous/known) Quotes that relate today and discussion of them.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for Transcript Bonus
AND CTP2 BOOK JUST DROPPED JULY THIS YEAR, consider getting a copy and its “QUOTATIONS” (yes, 99.9% Quotes from Famous folks through time, but a few rare ones you may not ever heard/seen before, and a few #JoeOriginal ones (like I shared above)) chapter and more!!!
And I think RFK Jr’s response was accurate, stating what I said: Leftists got the DODGES and AVOIDANCE of any real Substance from Kackles (but, again, that POKER TELL shit-smirk was HILARIOUS the Nervous tick where she would have KAMACKLED instead gave that TELL every time Trump cornered her with INCONVENIENT FACTS and her Record. THE TWO CAMERA VIEW/SHOTS GAVE AWAY for those that watched – and INDEPENDENTS could/should notice IF they were looking for SUBSTANCE rather than DODGES so RFK Jr gives WIN to Trump (maybe not by landslide, but only need 60-40 split our way) from/for/with Independents.
Again, IF indeed RFK Jr. is correct and they break at least 60-40 our way A LIKELY TRUMP WIN, if they break MORE THAN THAT OUR WAY —– especially in Swing States —– will surpass any/all MARGIN-OF-LEFTISTS-CHEAT and TRUMP WINS IN ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE!!!
ALSO, ANOTHER RELATED CTP SHOW, Since Kackles (as Left always does) trying play BUT I AM BLACK AND A WOMAN #IdentityPolitics bullshit Card which has ZERO to do with her BEING WHOLLY UNQUALIFIED for VP let-alone POTUS…
SHE is the one claimed to be INDIAN for years, NOW wants pretend African-American
[and you'll see me point out elsewhere here-in I SPEAK with a REAL AFRICAN-AMERICAN which will likely Air in January 2025 (Neil Mammen, born in Ghana Africa, lived in Yemen awhile, now a US Citizen (a REAL AFRICAN AMERICAN)), watch for that]
The Leftards are the ones OBSESSED with Skin-Tone and #IdentityPolitics manure!!!
CTP S1E28 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Dec 30 2023 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14222169-christitutionalist-politics-ctp-s1e28-can-one-generalize-about-women-voters )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (CTP S1E28) “Can One ‘Generalize’ About Women Voters?”
@FedDrone on GAB said “Millennial and later born Women are the worst threat to Democracy – emotional basket cases who are destroying America with their lack of thinking and dependency on “feeling” and buying the feminist bull fed them.” which prompted this episode/discussion/exploration.
Plus Andrea Putting (“Empowering visionary change-makers through Social Mission, Bridging divides, with chocolate and coffee”) joins the Show in Segment 2.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for “Episode related additional information.”
TRANSCRIPT BONUS – Transcript for S1EDecSpecial on Change Research Survey and Male/Female differences
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/can-one-generalize-about-women-voters/
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/13950897-christitutionalist-politics-s1e21-god-and-guns
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14103337-christitutionalist-politics-CTPS1Edecspecial-dating-in-this-woke-day-and-age
- corresponding BeforeItsNews piece: /republican/2023/12/leftist-indoctrination-making-a-major-impact-on-the-dating-scene-in-these-woke-times-2445165.html
- https://RepublicanSingles.com
- https://changeresearch.com/post/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men/
- https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/25/survey-64percent-of-men-say-this-is-a-dating-red-flag-.html
- https://newrepublic.com/post/175556/poll-men-women-red-flags-dating
- chart via @USA_Polling and @PopulismUpdates on X: https://twitter.com/PopulismUpdates/status/1701654305311449437
- CTP Official Coffee: https://tinyurl.com/BlackOutCoffees (promocode: JOSEL20 for 20% off)
- Hoping you all had a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and upcoming Happy New Year, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to ALL…
- https://AndreaPutting.com
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistBook
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: tinyurl.com/SubscribeToCTP
NOTE: I will be having on KEVIN MCGARY and NEIL MAMMEN of EveryBlackLifeMatters (as part of ALL LIVES MATTER, not only, and including those that Margaret Sanger called “Human Weeds” and wanted exterminated therefore she created Planned Slaughterhood and why still today most of their SlaughterHouses are in URBAN AREAS) Conservative alternative to BurnLootMurder Marxists group —- CTP Show dates still TBD!
#FASCICRATS bleeding USCitizen support (all shapes, sizes, colors, etc.)… So FASCICRATS Open Borders all about replacement Votes for USCitizens for the #FASCICRATS as many Citizens finally getting their Heads out-their-Asses and #WalkAway from #FASCICRATS Party…
see both related…
Watering down language, Left cannot be honest…
CTP S1E39 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Mar 16 2024 and thereafter) at: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E39) “Newcomers (The Left again with Orwellian Newspeak language twisting)”
Watering down Election Integrity, Left cannot Win w/o cheating…
CTP S1E42 NOTES ( listen (Sat Apr 6 2024 and thereafter) at: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E42) “Voter-ID (Devil in Details (and there are MASSIVE LOOPHOLES details most ignore))”
and that USSenate AMNESTY farce that would codify 5k/day flow making #ReplacementTheory into #ReplacementLAW. Actions speak louder than their DENIALS.
PROOF The Left despite owning and trapping Kids in (oppose School Choice) INDOCTRINATION FACTORIES our Youngest Generation IS PUSHING BACK and THINKING for selves rather than just EMOTING the way The Left wants them to…
CTP S1E48 NOTES ( listen (May 18 2024 and after) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/15091664-christitutionalist-politics-s1e48-let-left-keep-pushing-generational-shift-occurring )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E48) “Let Left Keep Pushing (Generational Shift Occurring)”
Generation after generation often “is concerned” about the generation/generations following them, and I’m not just talking about “tastes in Music” LOL. “Concerned” about erosion of what was considered “traditional values” our “Culture” and “Societal norms” prior. The point of this Show is to examine “changes in trends” toward the Right (away from The Left), backing away from lurch ever more toward Fascist dictatorial Statism and wanting to preserve Freedoms/Rights before they are erased forever. Studies are Showing, that many of our Younger people are resisting and rejecting The Leftist indoctrination attempted to be imposed upon them. Is there hope for America’s future after all? Major part of this Show topic/discussion.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: Remembering Our Rights and Freedoms Beyond The 4th-Of-July (TLB piece)
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/let-left-keep-pushing-generational-shift-occurring/
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-beyond-the-4th-of-july/
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/remembering-freedoms-rights-part-2/
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistBook
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: tinyurl.com/SubscribeToCTP
AND, of course, there is the DESPERATION to try reverse their losses among Youth with the Taylor [NotSo]Swift[AThinker] (but damn good songwriter/performer) to get her Fans to NOT THINK FOR SELF and just Register and Vote as (yet another Democrat demands their minions do) for #Kackles. But, there are tons of #SwifteesForTrump out there showing SOME OF HER FANS actually have BRAINS and CAN THINK (rather than only Emote) and did RESEARCH and therefore Voting for Freedom/USA/Capitalism (which Taylor HAS BECOME RICH OFF OF, and why She can) Vote for COMMUNISTS instead. Their IDOL has HER WEALTH but She want’s them to Vote against their own Self-Interest for them to EVER be able to MAKE IT AMERICA.
And the whole LAUGHABLE Kamala owns a Gun bullshit…. YES, Kamala is also becoming a MILLIONAIRE as part of the RULING ELITES, SHE/THEY will always GET THEIR MILLIONS and be ABLE TO OWN GUNS and if not ALWAYS SURROUNDED BY A DOZEN PEOPLE WITH GUNS TO PROTECT THEM but NOT YOU!!!
Debate Today Will Be SO PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET…. Read this (ALL THE WAY THROUGH) first and KNOW in advance the dodges, deflections, distractions, distortions, denials, delusions, etc., you’ll be hearing tonight….
[number 1 of 3 in "NO FUN WITH THEIR FUDGED NUMBERS" series, across B4IN - ECONOMICS AND POLITICS, PERSONAL FINANCE, and U-S-POLITICS categories [article last update: Tue. Sep. 10th 20:30ET]]
[25+ (FACTS filled) new/additional/updates paragraphs (and 20+ images (note, if you view this 1 year after initial posting you will see ZERO images as B4IN moves pieces after 1 year to Archive Servers and images stripped from Article)) added Tue. Sep. 10 15:25ET (original shorter version, adequate but better now, posted 5 hours ago at 10:30ET) and now includes more than 100+ cross-reference/drill-down LINKS (including more items here on B4IN of course plus: RedState, SSCE, TheLibertyBeacon, Rumble, YouTube, and more sub-sites) for more information/FACTS on any given other rabbit-holes. You will NOT FIND anywhere on the Internet a more FACT-CHECKED/CROSS-REFERENCE COMPREHENSIVE AND DETAILED (again, with FACTS) PIECE out there.]
And EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENTIAL CYCLE (that I have been Alive for, I turned 62 this year) the POTUS Candidates ALWAYS had THREE DEBATES, but Kamala STILL REFUSES ANY OTHER DEBATES (should be 2 more). SO, even if we COUNT the one where Trump did so well BIDEN had to drop out of the Race – WHY DOES KAMALA REFUSE ANOTHER DEBATE BEING SET TO DATE?!?!? BUT said we were going to talk about TONIGHT – SO let’s get to it……
FIRST, one has to understand the following (as one is Capitalist, one is Communist)….
HISTORY MATTERS – Shame so few know USA History: They CANNOT let people know the REALITY that COMMUNISM was tried and FAILED (as it always does) here in N. America long before MARX came along – The Bradford Colony and the Mayflower (COMMIE, Common-Wealth) Compact —- all were to EQUALLY share in the Work and get EQUITY in the Food, Shelter, etc… (you know, the usual EQUITY bullshit promises) but of course (HUMAN NATURE kicked in) more and more did less and less and wanted to DO NOTHING but be Pulled in the Cart by Others (and those that did finally realized why should they work so hard to provide EQUITY to others (unwilling vs unable, as Bible makes distinction (no obligation to unwilling (which is why CHARITIES are supposed to take care of “unable” as they are in the Community and know the difference vs endless Govt waste, fraud, abuse)) so less and less was being produced) and they almost all STARVED OUT until Bradford instituted Private Property, Individual Rights (vs Collectivism), Free Markets, etc… as Paul Harvey used to say NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY and The Rest WAS/IS History as USA went on to be established by Bradford’s BIBLICAL COMMUNITY (Free Will, Choices, Voluntary) standards NOT warped/twisting of Community (FORCED) COMMUNISM manure.
Very SIMPLE: You either are Voting TRUMP to #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic) or Kamunist Harris (Marxist) and aWalz (Maoist) to continue (Barack #obaMAO’s 4th Term) destruction of USA’s REPUBLIC!
Enough of the Pharrell HAPPY song JOY, JOY, JOY (trying HOPE AND CHANGE idiocy people fell for twice already, 3 strikes she’ll be out, now it’s DOPE and DERANGED #HidenHarris (MARXist) and XiWalz (MAOist) Campaign) zero substance bull (the unserious ignore you troubles and get in on our GOOD VIBES Campaign (delusion, when in these serious times we need REALITY BASED SERIOUSNESS)) – time for SERIOUS QUESTIONS (that I doubt friendly moderator will ask of her, certainly NOT follow-up on anything) AND SERIOUS SUBSTANTIVE AND SPECIFICS (no more vague generalities garbage) ANSWERS (but we all know she’s strictly angling for #IdentityPolitics moment soundbites she can use in Ads to keep the NO SUBSTANCE delusion Campaign going)!
“Real Leaders studied ‘Art of War’ by Sun Tzu, where-as Leaders doomed to failure; sadly far too many USA Leaders; seemed to have studied ‘Art of Stupid’ by Sun Burn” – (Me) Joseph M Lenard
more in my CTP2 #book ( https://www.amazon.com/stores/Joseph-M-Lenard/author/B09WFSY5KN ) #QOUTATIONS chapter (mainly #Quotes from famous folks, but yes a few #JoeOriginal creations there-in too).
COVER YOUR TV WITH A SHEET, just LISTEN – do not let the THEATRICS fool you — listen and listen very carefully (and compare to what you’ve already seen/heard/felt from both these Candidates!!!!
Harris will try pretend she is an outsider and nothing to do with the Biden Admin., but as VP for him SHE as President Pro-Tem of at the time 50/50 split USSenate SHE cast the tie-breaking Vote to Pass the INFLATION PRODUCTION ACT (see related: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14965134-christitutionalist-politics-s1e45-when-are-you-going-to-fight-bidumbnomics-part-3-lies-damn-lies-and-statistics) – which now Joe actually finally admitted was just another Money-Laundering CLIMATE CON Bill (which only about lining Donors, Family, Friends, of FASCICRATS‘ pockets – and of course get at least 10% KICKBACK to Fascicrats for passing it to their Campaign Funds). Are you better off then you were 3.5 years ago – only Illegal Aliens and Ruling Elite #CommieFasciSocies blend DNC folks (who got some largesse from the Bill mentioned above) are.
Tonight’s (Tue. Sep. 10th 2024) #Debate will be VERY PREDICTABLE… Just like #Harris at the #DNC #Convention #Kamunist and her after Debate #minions will be “#UNBURDENED BY #REALITY” and everything comes out Her mouth, like those #Convention 4 nights, will be #STRAWMAN arguments about #GOP and #TRUMP and outright #LIES about Her years as #VP and what She (#Harris the #MARXist, and #AWALZ the #MAOist) really stands for (as She said recently: #Values haven’t Changed and #Sanders admitted She is just LYING about Her #positions now to get #Elected).
The Rich are doing JUST FINE as they are able to absorb the REALITY that virtually everything now costs 20%+ (give/take, depending on Goods category) than they did 3 years ago — and FOR THOSE WITH TRUMP DEREANGMENT SYNDROME here are a few BASIC MATH NUMBERS (even those grown on Krugman CommuNomics rather than real world Sowell Economics) will be able to grasp.
So you are HAPPY that you got (on average, give/take a bit) 6% Raises during the Biden years! Yep, SIX is indeed a bigger number than THREE (the likely Raises (on average per year) you may have seen during the Trump years. NOW, HERE IS THE NUMBERS THAT MATTER PART – so too the number 9.5%+ ANNUAL INFLATION is far bigger than the 1.5% ANNUAL INFLATION during the Trump years. SO, that is why your Credit Card Debt keeps soaring while your Bank Account (Checking/Savings) balances KEEP SHRINKING because during Trump 3% Raise over 1.5% Inflation meant YOU WERE ACTUALLY GETTING AHEAD, GAINING ECONOMIC GROUND, unless you were greatly increasing your Lifestyle and Spending over those years. With Biden that 6% Raise LOSES GROUND to the 9.5%+ INFLATION — you actually are GETTING POORER when/where adjusted for Inflation Earning (PAY) dollars.
BiDUMBnomics bad enough, Kamala’s COMMUnomics (if Elected) will SPIKE INFLATION EVEN HIGHER THAN BIDEN’S PRETEND NUMBERS and soon you’ll need a Wheelbarrow for a Loaf of Bread (like Venezuela just a few years after Electing COMMUNISTS into power happened). These LEFTISTS care more about their PHILOSOPHY COME HELL OR HIGH WATER and TO HELL with what their Policies will actually do to you!!! They will NOT change, will NOT Pivot, YOU will just have to deal with the consequences (which are PREDICTABLE TOO) - AND THEY WILL NEVER, EVER, ADMIT THEIR FAILURE, THEY WILL FIND ANY EXCUSE TO BLAME YOU or anything but their FAILED COMMUNISM POLICY (which has failed OVER AND OVER FOR SEVERAL HUNDRED YEARS TIME AFTER TIME TRIED THEY WILL NEVER LEARN FROM (see: /power-elite/2024/08/its-why-many-do-not-want-history-taught-in-u-s-schools-they-might-learn-from-bradford-colony-early-failure-if-full-truth-taught-2453688.html))!
That is called BASIC MATH AND ACCOUNTING, having to UNDERSTAND both the INFLOW of dollars vs the OUTFLOW of dollars!!! SIMPLE – if one takes 5 fucking seconds to THINK (rather than FEEL) about the numbers. BOTH SIDES OF THE ECONOMICS/ACCOUNTING LEDGERS!!!!
So, again, UNLESS you’re an ILLEGAL ALIEN getting far more HANDOUTS (monies Stolen from TAXPAYERS to give them) or among the #CommieFasciSocies INSIDERS ELITES (esp. those living off your Tax dollars in DC, they always take care of the #DeepState freeloaders who couldn’t work a REAL JOB if their Life depended upon it) or AMONG THE RICH (those earning over $500k/year) — other than that, if you bother to pay attention, YOU (unless you got another Job, or moved up the Corporate ladder, and got yourself a 12-19% pay bump that way) ARE DOING FAR WORSE THAN YOU WERE 3.5 years ago.
For those of you, like me, can/do remember the Carter years, and now with Biden return of STAGFLATION – the Trump Ad (featuring Ronald Reagan, as just like then, now: only question matters is ARE YOU BETTER OFF THAN 4 YEARS AGO???)
See the “2024 Trump Campaign Ad: Are You Better Off? (featuring The Gipper)” at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY_lo6ymQG8
YES – YOU ARE READING THAT CORRECTLY, and read it at least 10 more times (THINK, NOT FEEL this Election: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities (in that link I call out President Trump also, cuz NO ONE is perfect, PERIOD! I am not a Cultist, and nor should you be Harris #IdentityPolitics fool, THINK, NOT FEEL), NONE OF US are Perfect! he made mistakes but nothing like Biden/Harris has these last 3 years)) – “U. S. INCOMES FALL FOR THIRD STRAIGHT YEAR” (how can that be when you got 6% Raise rather than 3% Raise? IF you do not know – reread the top of this paragraph: REAL WAGES, adjusted for INFLATION, HAVE FALLEN THREE STRAIGHT YEARS.
Unless you’re in the RARE AIR OF THE ELITE or LUCKY somehow (got that Promotion with a greater needed increase, rather than regular/standard increases (and do not even get me started about all on SOCIAL SECURITY who did not get COLA increases anywhere near Inflation rate and having to cut back on Food and any “Luxury” items in order to keep Roof over Head and pay the ever increasing Energy costs to Light and Heat that dwelling)), you are among the 85% of Americans that LOST GROUND these last 3 years!!!! SIMPLE PRINCIPLE – has America RISEN OR FALLEN in virtually any/every measuring stick/category last 3.5 years — NO!! With Joe and Kamala, put us on Highway to Hell at 250mph with no sign of slowing down let-alone TURNING AROUND — If you have TDS and allow The Left #IdentityPolitics to convince you TO IGNORE FACTS and deal in EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS instead the fast-track to HELL will continue!!!!
Remember at the end of the HWBush admin and the Carville/Clinton IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID line????? Well, if you cannot keep a Roof over your Kids head and Food for their Belly —- The #IDENTITY (Leftist #IdentityPolitics IDIOCY) will mean little as you explain why their Bellies will have to grumble for another 4 years – or perhaps you’ll all be CAMPING (Outdoor, not-so-fun, TENTING, full-time) for the next 4 years rather than live in an actual Home.
AND, GET READY FOR A TAX INCREASE!!! But, but, but, you say KAMALA SAYS SHE WANTS TO TAX MORE ONLY THE RICH! How many times have you fallen for that now from The Left?!?!?!? Seriously, is your memory as bad as Biden’s?!?!? EVERYONE (every Tax Bracket) GOT A TAX CUT DURING TRUMP’S FIRST TERM. They, in order to get past DEMOCRAT’s FILIBUSTER, had to be enacted as TEMPORARY CUTS and Schumer has been blocking ALL ATTEMPTS by USHouse (GOP Controlled) sending Bill to USSenate to Pass MAKING THEM PERMANENT. SO, can you THINK or JUST FEEL??
That means The Democrats are GOING TO BY DEFAULT RAISE EVERYONE IN USA (except Illegals’) TAXES by just letting those Cuts expire. THIS IS SIMPLE TO GRASP – IF YOU THINK (and examine REALITY and look back on your own Tax Returns during the Trump years AND SEE FOR YOURSELF when your Tax Bracket (% monies Taxed at) WENT DOWN, you got a Cut and got to keep more OF YOUR OWN MONEY in your pocket rather than let Washington DC morons have it and spend it) rather than just EMOTE!!!!!
AND just like with JFK Tax Cuts, Reagan Tax Cuts, GWBush Tax Cuts, and Trump Tax Cuts – MORE MONIES WENT INTO US TREASURY because when more people keep more of their own money and put it into Economy more people need be Hired (AND THEY THEN PAY TAXES ON HIGHER WAGES, as well as other REAL WORLD ECONOMIC (not Krugman Fantasy CommuNomics) factors) more monies are paid to Treasury (NOT LESS, despite The Left LIES and games/SPIN) but the reason why DEFICITS/DEBTS keep rising (even with more monies going to DC) is Democrat Run Congresses (or compromises in CONTINUING RESOLUTIONS to avoid GOVT SHUTDOWN) SPENDING GOES UP MORE THAN THE RATE OF THE INCREASED DOLLARS GOING TO DC.
Her RAISE OTHER TAXES PLAN (THE TAX INCREASES SHE ADMITS SHE WILL ENACT, the TAX THE RICH type AOC idiocy games, while trying to KEEP QUIET and HIDE those other increases ON ALL, ACROSS BOARD, coming by default and them having to do NOTHING just let the Trump Cuts expire) aside from having been tie breaker vote for 87k new IRS Agents and monies for them to institute a NEW TIPS TRACKING SYSTEM (she isn’t going to be the “NO TAX ON TIPS PRESIDENT” she Voted to create way for IRS TO COME AFTER YOUR TIPS easier) will of course cause Businesses (having their Taxes Raised) TO CUT CORNERS AND LAY OFF WORKERS putting far more people out-of-work (cuz, that REAL MINIMUM WAGE IS $ZERO and it may be what you’ll be getting an hour soon) and that is before we get into the more FED GOVT DICTATE REGULATIONS that will also cost more Jobs.
AND A BRIEF ASIDE REGARDING CONGRESS — Even if you Live in the Deepest of Blue States that The Kamulist is expected to Win that State by double-digits. YOU MUST STILL VOTE!!! They will say and do anything to KEEP YOU FROM VOTING by telling you your Vote won’t matter in DEEP BLUE WHATEVER STATE. NOT TRUE! There are PURPLE (as they say) Congressional Districts THAT MATTER and WE COULD WIN if you get off your Ass and Vote no matter if Kamulist or Trump will Win/Lose your State!! Cuz WE must have large number control of HOUSE and SENATE if we are to get the MAGA Legislative Agenda passed.
SEE how simple this is to understand WHEN YOU THINK rather than let some moron GET YOU UPSET WITH LIES and ACT EMOTIONALLY rather than RATIONALLY (looking at Facts and using LOGIC and REASON as well as dose of some COMMON-SENSE for a change)?!?!?
AND LOOK BACK, I do not CARE, nor should you, what EITHER OF THEM SAY tonight. SHALL BE KNOWN BY FRUITS – what has happened these last three years (and even Bernie Sanders accidentally TOLD THE TRUTH on CNN (see him for yourself at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxwJhNEhzmQ) the other day and said “Kamala is being PRAGMATIC and doing what she thinks will help WIN Election” – empty promises will have ZERO BEARING on how She will govern (and if you think #BideNomics is bad? Wait for KamuNomics!))? what had happened the first 2 years of Trump/POTUS45 (Economy was a ROARING 2020′s, just like had in the Roaring 1920′s) until Wuhan Hysteria and DEMOCRATS GOVERNORS SHUTDOWN THEIR STATES and we can, and will, with Trump in 2025 Oval Office, if given GOP controlled House and Senate (cuz it takes CONGRESS to get Legislation passed), quickly return to a GROWING ECONOMY. And, indeed, RISING TIDE LIFTS ALL BOATS as even JFK rightly said back when (JFK would be a Republican today) and study the FACTS (see related: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/15254064-christitutionalist-politics-s1e52-rising-tides-lift-all-boats) not the delusion others sell (as Companies have to PAY MORE in order to KEEP GOOD WORKERS and ATTRACT MORE NEW GOOD WORKERS to keep up with growing demands on Goods (if, and only if, when, A BOOMING/GROWING ECONOMY not Biden/Harris STAGFLATION times)).
And going past #obaMAOcare (as they said back then, JUST A STEPPING STONE) and eliminating ALL PRIVATE HEALTH-CARE for SINGLE-PAYER (full GOVT CONTROLLED, DeepState decides IF your Son/Daughter/Spouse get needed Care; and therefore have EXTORTION/COERCISIVE control over YOU) of MediCAIDforAll (which is NOT an entitlement, is NOT paid into, destroying MEDICARE which is a PAID INTO ENTITLEMENT)! YOU WERE WARNED THIS WAS/IS COMING, and until late (changing her tune to try Win Election, as Bernie points out) HARRIS IS CALLING FOR JUST THAT – make ILLEGAL any PRIVATE COVERAGE (which, guess what, will put more than a HALF MILLION PEOPLE out of Work that Work for the Private HC Coverage Agencies and instead, again, FASCICRATS will Hire MORE DEEPSTATE MORONS (from their Friends, Family, and Donors’, base) to TELL YOU NO YOU CANNOT HAVE THAT Specialist visit you need, or that Drug your son/daughter/spouse needs, etc. FROM WASHINGTON DC instead of a LOCAL OFFICE of your Insurance Carrier (often fought for Coverage BY YOUR UNION (to get you and your Family GOOD COVERAGE, not Govt bare-minimums) if you’re in a Union)))!
HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN all the LIES told to get #obaMAOcare? review them all ….
https://tinyurl.com/ObamaCare001 (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 1) (Dingell townhall)
https://tinyurl.com/ObamaCare002 (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 2) (more townhall hijinks)
https://tinyurl.com/ObamaCare003 (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 3) (Acting, Razzie to Peters)
https://tinyurl.com/ObamaCare004 (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 4) (Steny Hoyer)
https://tinyurl.com/ObamaCare005 (ObamaCare 2009 Mandates)
https://tinyurl.com/ObamaCare006 (ObamaCare 2012 Contraception deception)
You will hear THE LIE that PROJECT 2025 is Trump’s Platform, when easy/quick look at his Website you can see his TRUMP 47 PLAN. You will also hear Trump A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY from the FASCICRATS Candidate that was HAND PICKED BY THEIR PARTY ELITES (did not partake in a Primary for Party Voters to pick from) and who had not received even ONE DELEGATE ALLOTMENT when she ran in 2020 either. And, then there is that whole FACT about us being a REPUBLIC (Constitutionally Limited NOT A MOBOCRACY) thing (related: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-2/).
“Left will stand for, in fact want, anything; CLEPTocracy, MOBocracy, INEPTocracy; except MERITocracy!” – (Me) Joseph M Lenard
more in https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistBook
DNC night 2 Coverage (I join) Maverick News 2000ET (Tue. Aug. 20th)
DNC Night 4 of LIES wrap-up (Thu. Aug. 22nd)
Maverick News – RFK Jr endorses Trump (Fri. Aug. 23rd)
Maverick News – Derek Reimer (Political-Prisoner) joins and more Trump Rally in AZ tonight (Fri. Aug. 23rd) follow-up
“THE LEFT – They don’t know and they don’t want to know cuz they know enough that if they really knew their feewings based delusional bubble would burst!” (ME) Joseph M Lenard
more in CTP2 book Quotations chapter: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Joseph-M-Lenard/author/B09WFSY5KN
LMFAO, George Cloo[less]ney says #BiDUNG stepping down voluntarily was like Washington after his terms
HERE is the more proper comparison…
On 31 December 1999, Yeltsin announced his resignation, with his chosen successor, then prime minister Vladimir Putin, succeeding him as acting president who then was elected to his first presidential term following an election held on 26 March 2000.
YELTSIN was forced out too! If only Yeltsin was even half the Man Gorbachev was we might not be where we are today with Russia as is.
HAVE PEOPLE FORGOTTEN ALL THAT?!?!? And Thx to George it can/could/should be shared again everywhere with the BiDUNG kamELE comparison!!!
#Komradala worse than #BiDUNG, #AWALZ worse than #kamELE
#MAGA and #MakeAmericaFreeAgain
more in….
No moron #Waltz (German Socialist, not Polish kind) “One person’s Socialism is [NOT] another’s Neighborliness!”
THEFT (for redistribution) from Neighbors is NOT Neighborliness….
#Voluntary #Community (in BIBLE) vs (Harris / #AWALZ (so glad what I started on/via Social-Media now even being used on FOXNEWS)) #Forced #Communism
– there are big differences!
Sunday, August 11, 2024
So many FAKE #CHRISTIANS warping the #Bible
The #Scriptures do denote “unwilling” vs “unable” distinctions!
#MAGA and #MakeAmericaFreeAgain
more in….
No moron #Waltz (German Socialist, not Polish kind) “One person’s Socialism is [NOT] another’s Neighborliness!”
THEFT (for redistribution) from Neighbors is NOT Neighborliness….
#Voluntary #Community (in BIBLE) vs (Harris / #AWALZ (so glad what I started on/via Social-Media now even being used on FOXNEWS)) #Forced #Communism
– there are big differences!
Sunday, August 11, 2024
So many FAKE #CHRISTIANS warping the #Bible
The #Scriptures do denote “unwilling” vs “unable” distinctions!
#obaMAO / #BiDUMB years: #HOPE AND #CHANGE (lies)
#Harris / #Walz: #Dope and #Deranged (delusion)
more in…
#Harris and #Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 16:12
#obaMAO promised to side with #Islamists (aka: #GIJIAS)
[put it in Print in the initial edition of his "Audacity of a Dope" book]
and the entire Left now does
( https://TerrorStrikes.info/GIJIAS )
And that whole #Kamalot (that I #Joestradamus predicted was coming) manure (#ENEMEdia deflections, attempt Style over Substance (cuz #Fascicrats Policy Sucks)) in…
#kamELE (Extinction Level Event) 77 second soundbites to Reporters at Airport and zero Questions (as well as same zero substance as her Parroting same manure Teleprompter appearance to another)
vs Trump facing 77 minutes of ALL COMER Questions (as does JD also)
#HidinHarris just like #HidinBiden
They pull #GroundHogHarris out of cage long enough for TELEPROMPTER READ and now that Softball Network interview with whatsherface probably handed Questions in advance FARCE!
Harris and Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks same Ticket…
Many don’t want History taught in U.S.Schools – might LEARN from Bradford Colony early fail (if full truth taught)….
as well as
Military, Republic, REAL Military men/women running for Office (not Tim #AWALZ (abandoned his unit before Combat))..
Why are the FASCICRATS seemingly rooting for a #Michgain LINE-5 FAILURE and GREAT LAKES DISASTER??? Which would be a far bigger WATER PURITY ISSUE/DISASTER than Flint and Benton Harbor combined….
Watch the segment here: {https://video.foxnews.com/v/6281130082001#sp=show-clips}
The Left pretends to care about The Environment, but all they care about is their WAR ON OIL and even WAR ON NATURAL GAS by refusing to back CLEAN / SAFE NUCLEAR POWER and in this case actually OPPOSE PROTECTING THE GREAT LAKES!!!!!
A new LINE 5 UPGRADE to being in a TUNNEL UNDER THE LAKE rather than EXPOSED ON LAKE-BED which could rupture by a Ship Anchor, a Ship Wreck, unexpected and unforeseen wear-and-tear which would be DEVASTATING TO OUR FRESH WATER SUPPLIES.
{as reported in: https://www.12cdrc.org/forum/campaigns-and-candidates/we-have-several-great-options-for-migov-in-for-2022}
Left says: “GOP RACIST” but FACTS demonstrate otherwise…
You finally AWAKE or still FAKE WOKE? How dare those RACIST REPUBLICANS elect so many Black and Latino Candidates across USA in RedWave2021 .
I guess LARRY ELDER is no longer The Black face of WHITE SUPREMACY! Yes, idiots on both CNN and MSNBC kept repeating that.. I guess, now, given their ire and HATE aimed at WINSOME SEARS (Black, Legal-Immigrant, who served as a US Marine cuz she LOVES THIS GREAT LAND OF OPPORTUNITY (that the Left HATES), Woman) is now the face of WHITE SUPREMACY AND REPUBLICAN SEXISM that Republicans Elected as Virginia s LG?!?!?
more on Winsome specifically see: http://12cdrc.org/gop-values-in-speeches (includes Winsome s acceptance Speech and many other great Republican s Speeches (GOP Values in Speeches).
MORE ON — SERIOUSLY How much longer are People going to continue to tolerate this manure from the Left?!?!
see: /u-s-politics/2021/11/you-finally-awake-or-still-fake-woke-how-dare-those-racist-republicans-elect-so-many-black-and-latino-candidates-across-usa-in-redwave2021-2584783.html
You finally AWAKE or still FAKE WOKE? How dare those RACIST REPUBLICANS elect so many Black and Latino Candidates across USA in RedWave2024….
I happened to ask my Sister (Mon 10/18/21) if she s seen these STRAWMAN (“Neighbors Against HATE”) SIGNS on #FASCICRATS’ lawns?
Not only has she seen them, she saw a write-up in some local Paper about it. She is going to try and find a copy of where she saw it (upon my request) to give to me cuz I WANT TO RESPOND with the following Letter to the Editor of whatever RAG published it
I bet when you ran your attempt to be cute and clever story on these “Neighbors Against HATE” signs there couldn’t possibly be any push-back, well you were wrong…
1) how about… “LOVE” thru actual deeds NOT Virtue-Signaling Fake-Woke empty-rhetoric (literal STRAWMAN) Psychological-Projection slogans?
My response (Hand made “LOVE” sign) saying:
When was the last time YOU gave a Hungry Stranger a Meal?
When have YOU helped Veterans, in need?
When have YOU given to Homeless Shelters (plural) Charity?
When did YOU last give TO ANY CHARITY AT ALL?!?!?
2) but what I suppose this really is about?
I am a Christian, and me and every Christian I know HAS NO HATE IN THEIR HEARTS toward anyone, not overtly or covertly – PERIOD!
Is this yet another CRY #RACISM ploy? (Who founded the KKK? Who were the Confederate States run by? Who passed those “Jim Crow” HATE Laws? Sadly History is NOT TAUGHT, only SPIN now-a-days! Need we mention the Smollette and countless other HOAXES? Who is peddling SEGRAGATION YET AGAIN (Black only Dorms, Graduations, etc) … more/expounded-upon in: http://tinyurl.com/ActualLoveVsFakeHateClaims…
* or is this about * another LGBTQPxyz DODGE (even excusing Pedophilies, sexualization of Children, peddling Porn in Grade Schools, and even ignoring STATUTORY RAPE Laws)!
Either way – Why? They cannot have a real discussion, SO CALL YOUR NEIGHBORS HATERS (propaganda, DEFLECTION, with STRAWMAN projections))!
Words vs Deeds, and What “Religion” (and let me be clear it is NOT the entire Religion or Peoples of that “Faith,” but some EXTREMISTS within, but none-the-less who) is STILL STONING THOSE IN LGBTQ PEOPLE TO DEATH? OR THROWING THEM FROM BUILDINGS?!?! Where the real HATE is, they don’t bother to speak of/about. Just ask Dr. Zuhdi Jasser! If it has to implicity spelled out for you which, whom, where, then you are clearly CLUELESS to the real world living under one of those Rocks they would pelt you with.
Or ask Dave Chappelle about WHERE REAL HATE resides? His THE CLOSER special spends 15m on Daphne, Trans, HIS FRIEND, who committed Suicide likely due to LGBTQ ON LGBTQ HATE (and teaches EMPATHY). But they continue the HE IS TRANSPHOBIC cries and trying to get that Netflix Special pulled from the air.
As Paul Harvey used to say: NOW YOU HAVE THE REST OF THE STORY!
(find included/attached image of the Sign I made from scratch, not some pre-fabricated, pre-purchased, propaganda, strawman, virtue-signaling, signs)
… more/expounded-upon in: http://tinyurl.com/ActualLoveVsFakeHateClaims
#Harris / #Walz DOUBLED DOWN on his #StolenValor selling #HarrisWalz2024 CamoHat?!?!? ROTFLMFAO
But, to be fair, this is more #Hunting #Camo than #Military #Camo, but as IF #TimWalz is a big #Hunter and is not another #FASCICRATS #GunGrabber (2A has ZERO to do with Hunting).
#TimWalz #Military Record A JOKE (willing to put on Uniform as long as he was FAR AWAY from Combat, and went #AWALZ (more below) when clear he’d actually have to go into WarZone).
We need REAL MEN/WOMEN that Served as PATRIOTS,
basically call him #AWALZ (as he skipped out, before he would actually have to bother to see COMBAT, he was STRIPPED of the Rank he claimed while Running for Congress (aka: STOLEN VALOR, for the most part, went #AWALZ (new form of #AWOL, no different abandoned his outfit) before entering BattleZone yet claimed to be in Combat), etc…).
Our Military, our Republic, Military men/women running for Office…
Military | Jun 17 2024 12:12
see also:
Harris and Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Politics | Aug 06 2024 16:12
So, #KacklingKamala (the Destroyer, aka: #kamELE (Extinction Level Event)) picks Tim WALTZ…. er…. #TimWalz (no “t” in there)…. So now I can keep making my #Polish #Joke reference over and over and tout my https://TerrorStrikes.info/ThePolkaKings tribute page to/for my #Father’s #Polish #Polka Band! LOL
But seriously, have you SEEN the #Video of #KamaLotA’s (#Camalot, she is not, as I said of #Kamalot (as JOKE) on July 21st going forward before #NYMag did their farce #Kamalot cover on July 28th) no matter how much the #ENEMEdia try to #JFK-esque her make-over to avoid dealing in Substance and #Policy) pick saying “One Man’s #Socialism, is another’s Neighborliness” — what a complete bleeping #JOKE. It is not being a #Neighbor to STEAL THEIR STUFF TO GIVE OTHERS!!!
COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical
COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT
(which I discuss on my #Christian #podcast ALL THE TIME – hear at: https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist )
SOMEONE (elsewhere) quoted 2Chronicles7:14
If my people…. PRAY…. TURN FROM WICKED WAYS… heal land….
that means AN ACTION, WE at least try TURN OUR LAND FROM WICKED WAYS by OUR ACTIONS/DEEDS not just whining/words, then #GOD WILL HELP!!! NOT, wave magic wand, HELP US — IF we Act!!
more in my 2 CTP #books (CTP2 just dropped on June 1st 2024)…
… and as referenced many times in my #CTP #podcast ( https://tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist ) #Show episodes.
(just discussed with Christopher Armstrong Stevenson, episode (Special) will drop likely some time in Aug or Sep; as well as Book of Revelation discussion, if we HASTEN it (and inaction, is still an action, as songs says: Choose not to Decide, Still have made Choice) we are complicit in the #EVIL there-of/there-in)
COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical
COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT
#JesusWasNotASocialist ( #FreeWill and many on THE LEFT choose EVIL over GOOD)
Fake #Christians like to leave out the #ToughLove #Jesus parts!
and that relates to today’s #News…. The #Bible predicted future, not just talking #Revelations, but too today’s Left/Right #Politics paradigm (see KJV Ecclesiastes 10:2-3)….
more in…
#Harris and #Walz – Two ultra-leftists #CommieFasciSocies blend folks on same Ticket…
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 16:12
I have ZERO ISSUE with some putting together #Project2025
clear indication that most there-in (I haven’t read) is GOOD for America is that the moron Left again has to play #IdentityPolitics and call it #RACIST.
They (Heritage, and other Groups) have every Right to put forth their DESIRES just as all the LOONS on the Left have of being part of #AGENDA2030 (and continued destruction of USA) that The Left supports!
I’ll side with those behind #Project2025 over those (#FASCICRATS) with #WEF #NWO #AGENDA2030 any and every day of the week!
One thing I know is in #Project2025 is DISMANTLE THE #UNCONSTITUTIONAL #DeptOfEducation which we #CONSTITUTIONALISTS have called for since it was ILLEGALLY (in violation of #10A) since it was created.
#LocalControl #ParentalRights HELL YES!
IF you are a #Christian, you really should be listening to the #ChristiTutionalist (TM) #Politics #podcast #episodes (101 ”Regular” (65, Saturday, monologues) and (36) “Specials” total dropped to date (actually the image shared below, about and from back when the 8550th episode dropped, here a bit dated now)). Yes, of course, since it is my #Show I am “#biased” about how good… er… DARE I SAY: #GREAT it is?!?! LOL But seriously, If you are a #Christian and you are NOT listening I’d like to hear why (yes, I know, so many are busy these days working several #Jobs to get by and have less #time available for such, but is why I try keep my #Shows to about/around 30 minutes (some a little less, sometimes a little longer, occasionally an hour #episode )?? So, seriously, and obviously, you may NOT have heard #CTP yet but I ask you listen to a few episodes and IF you indeed (as fellow #Jesus follower, follower of #Christiantiy) I would REALLY like to hear from you WHY YOU WILL NOT CONTINUE TO TUNE-IN?!?!? There is (you should be able to see) a SEND US A TEXT link now atop each episodes’ Show Notes outline that you can use to reach-out AND if indeed you LIKE the Show please (of course) LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and if you feel PASSIONATE about things said (or something I may have missed in an episode in-your-opinion) also reach out and potentially you could come on CTP on a “Special” “Listener’s Feedback” episode!!
Again, please LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and help #ChristiTutionalist (TM) #Politics #podcast grow.
For EXPANDED #TRANSCRIPT of episodes, many containing #BONUS MATERIAL, checkout #CTP via #BuzzsproutPodcasts as #Buzzsprout is where CTP is Servered/Hosted.
I #Joestradamus said 7/21 before the 7/28 NYMag farce..
#KamaLot (she is NOT)
Perhaps should start calling #KacklingKamala (aka: #kamELE – Extinction Level Event if ever POTUS) a new name:
WHY? Simple, as #ENEMEdia tries to turn this LEMON into LEMONAID seems they’re trying to take page out of old #JFK yers playbook and turn her into #Kennedy-esque #CAMELOT style (but pure #fantasy) larger-than-life figure
All about #STYLE (and lie about her) over #substance (as we all know she has NO SUBSTANCE)
All about #IdentityPolitics (again, usual) and avoiding her speaking and yet another #WordSalad spew from her Lips
They must keep her comments to minimum, avoid her “attempting” (another #WordSalad will commence if) answering any questions (like #BiDUMB basement strategy)
She, like #BiDUMB, must kept to pre-planned #Teleprompter scripts controlled environments
also discussed in…
CTP S2E60 just dropped Sat Aug 10
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – time to Harden (Security in) Schools NOT confiscate Law Abiding peoples Guns
U. S. Politics | Sep 10 2024
Charity (Community (Biblical) vs Communism) – Neighborliness (Free Will) part 2….
Politics | Sep 07 2024
Charity (Community (Biblical) vs Communism) – Neighborliness (Free Will) part 2….
Politics | Sep 07 2024
School Shootings… TIME TO ACT and assure Children never again easy targets for mass murderers…
The Law | Sep 05 2024
Republican | Aug 31 2024
DNC – Please Stop, My Sides Hurt From Laughing at All Your BS. Lies, Hypocrisy, SPIN, etc…
Opinion – Conservative | Aug 22 2024
Economics and Politics | Aug 17 2024
The Fascicrats (claim to be about Democracy) now turn LAWFARE on RFK Jr to keep him off Ballots.
U. S. Politics | Aug 15 2024
Neighborliness?? Voluntary Community vs Forced Communism — there are big differences!
Awakening? Start Here | Aug 11 2024
Democrat (aka: #CommieFasciSocies blend) HATE….
U. S. Politics | Aug 11 2024
This isn’t the 1930′s where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce’s and Franco’s Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA)…
THERE ARE LITERALLY 28 PLANKS OF THE NSDAP IN TODAY’S DNC PLATFORM!! Have you looked?!?!? FACT, not hyperbole, not exaggerations, reality laid bare (despite The Left PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION of trying to call everyone else a NAZI) nonsense, irrefutable DETAILS they cannot refute and will (of course) do the usual CALL YOU A RACIST, SEXIST, WHATEVERIST, deflection …
trying take us back to time of all Governments run by RULING ELITES CLASS lording over all else.
Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering – and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.
irrefutable #FACTS in:
2024 ChristiTutionalist TM Politics Show Special Guest Appearances (Wed drops) Aug-Dec preview
Media | Aug 17 2024
See most recent JLD B4IN pieces at: https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles
JLD TLB pieces: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
Joseph M Lenard books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Joseph-M-Lenard/author/B09WFSY5KN
How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
Going further back….
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ (https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14431880-christitutionalist-politics-s1e33-brain-dead-folks-part-1-well-this-is-a-harsh-show-title-lol) was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bc5yiLorRF0 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6mb9cu63HA
or Rumble: https://rumble.com/v43n19c-ctp-s1e28-sneakpeekbts-can-one-generalize-about-women-voters-audio-show-dro.html
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfn0ZRqO2Ro
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3z8mij-ctp-btssp-s1edecspecial-midweek-12623-drop-dating-in-this-woke-day-and-age.html
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC3UBv1FFhU
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeDqy-vIL8A
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3zxj5a-ctp-s1e25-btssp-video-year-in-review-part-1-20231209-audio-podcast-drop.html
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_meLOD8yKg
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v40yiix-ctp-btssp-video-s1e26-year-in-review-part-2.html
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: https://vimeo.com/jlenardwyandotte
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
WHO IS BABY-SITTING WHOM? Wards of State, Slaves to State…
CTP S2E59 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 3 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/15523794-christitutionalist-politics-s2e59-who-is-baby-sitting-whom )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E59) “Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?”
“Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?” Are YOU the Parent, or just the Night-Sitter for WARDS OF STATE Children?!?!?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus
A myriad of Rabbit-holes (including how a recent #Joestradamus prophecy came true (#Kamalot Spin; Style over Substance, Personalities over Principles, #IdentityPolitics deflection from Policy (especially Biden/Harris admin #EpicFail policy disasters) that I (#Joestradamus) predicted (they would take my JOKE and try and make serious) almost a full week before NYMag decided to put the farce as A SERIOUS COVER? even though there is a REAL KENNEDY (descendant of #Camelot) in the Presidential Race), and another #kamELE prediction (ELE, Extinction Level Event)) ultimately culminating in how they all relate to how The Left wants your Children (the one’s that PlannedSlaughterhood doesn’t Murder) as Wards of Fascist State! How does Tyrus of GUTFELD! Show factor in this?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: TLB “Slaves To State” piece
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/who-is-baby-sitting-whom/
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/15174288-christitutionalist-politics-s1e50-slaves-to-state
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/i-demand-my-equity-part-2/
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/school-reforms-parental-control-choice-needed-now/
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/election-reforms-common-sense-protections-needed-now/
- https://tinyurl.com/DefineFAIR
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/continued-twisting-warping-of-language/
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/continued-twisting-warping-of-language-part-2/
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/rising-tides-lifts-all-boats/
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from August 31st) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
August 31 – S2E63: Neighborliness
September 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
September 14 – S2E65: Stand Against Tyranny
September 21 – S2E66: WOKEists Warping Words (Twisting Language part 3)
September 28 – S2E67: Strategically Stupid
October 5 – S2E68: School Shootings
October 12 – S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)
October 19 – S2E70: Micro vs Macro
October 26 – S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical
COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT
more in my 2 CTP #books (CTP2 just dropped on June 1st 2024)…
And WHY Jesus said: THE POOR SHALL ALWAYS BE AMONG YOU! That was NOT an Economics statement – it was a HUMAN-NATURE statement that there will ALWAYS be some that refuse to do for themselves and always look to others to take care of their every need and/or whim. Jesus did say WE ARE TO BE OUR BROTHERS KEEPER but THAT must be in CONTEXT with the distinction the Bible makes between “UNWILLING” and the “UNABLE” and you have ZERO OBLIGATION to UNWILLING low-lifes that won’t do for themselves. PERIOD!
Tune-in to my ChristiTutionalist TM Politics Show (Weds/Sats) EVERY WEEK (available on 20+ Audio platforms (check your favorite) and 4 Video platforms) for so many more IN FULL BIBLICAL CONTEXT discussions!!!! As well as 2 of my 5 Internationally available Published Books are CTP Show related (CTP and CTP2, with more on the way): https://www.amazon.com/stores/Joseph-M-Lenard/author/B09WFSY5KN
[ AGAIN, today is 9/11 - see related:
9/11 Somber Remembrance Time Again - 2024
9/11 and Ground Zero | Sep 08 2024 20:30
and CTP S2ESepSpecial2 9/11 episode (dropped just a few hours ago):
CTP S2ESepSpecial2 NOTES ( listen (Wed Sep 11 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/episodes/15734570-christitutionalist-politics-s2esepspecial2-welcome-back-ed-bonderenka-from-waamradio-your-american-heritage-show )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2ESepSpecial2) Welcome back Ed Bonderenka from WAAMradio Your American Heritage show
See buzzsprout Transcript for full Show Notes and Transcript Bonus
Yes, we discuss 9/11 to some degree (since dropping on 9/11, and Ed returns after having been on last 9/11) but the episode is not dedicated strictly to 9/11 discussion. And, yes, we are to Hate the Sin but Love the Sinner, but in no way do we have to AFFIRM (or Advocate, there are Red-Lines in the Scriptures) for someone's Lifestyle - So we can and do Love them, Accept them, but not Affirm them and as Meatloaf said: Two out of Three ain't bad.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links)
Transcript Bonus: "9/11 [somber] Remembrance Time Again” (from TLB Sep. 9, 2023)
Episode related pieces…
- No related corresponding TLB piece for this Wed. Sep. 11th Show/episode (TLB pieces will resume Sat. Sep. 14 “Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)” piece for CTP S1E65 Show)
- /9-11-and-ground-zero/2024/09/911-somber-remembrance-time-again-2024-2443405.html
- https://WAAMradio.com
- https://tinyurl.com/YAHArchives
- BTS/SP Video (9/8 release): https://youtu.be/FuGjbc04hzs
- https://patriotweek.org
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) recurring links…
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: tinyurl.com/SubscribeToCTP
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter: tinyurl.com/FaithCasterNewsletterSignup
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest): tinyurl.com/FaithCasterConnections
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: tinyurl.com/BuzzsproutSignup
- CTP Official Coffee: tinyurl.com/BlackOutCoffees (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Official playlist: tinyurl.com/CTPMusicPlaylist
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App
- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit
(JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S2ESepSpecial2 Audio: 35m 56s Wed Sep 11 2024)
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from August 31st) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
August 31 – S2E63: Neighborliness
September 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
September 14 – S2E65: Stand Against Tyranny
September 21 – S2E66: WOKEists Warping Words (Twisting Language part 3)
September 28 – S2E67: Strategically Stupid
October 5 – S2E68: School Shootings
October 12 – S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)
October 19 – S2E70: Micro vs Macro
October 26 – S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
YouTube: youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.
IF there were honest, real journalism, in this Country, Trump would be Winning by 30 points over The #KAMALunist in EVEN BLUE STATES! As pointed out here-in, 99% of all MSM is Leftist propagandists #ENEMEdia.
[ ALSO see dropped today (Might RFK Jr. be Trump's HHS Secretary?!?!): /health/2024/09/suddenly-many-not-concerned-about-others-health-pure-politics-3059209.html ]
more at: https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles
I just came back from #Movies #Theater
Saw #MattWalsh’ #AmIRacist
HILARIOUS, he masterfully engages the Leftist pseudo-Intellect, elitist word distortions, circle-jerk, non-logic, word-salads, to cater to EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS looking to join in a VIRTUE SIGNAL bandwagon.
related:#Movies #
Language Use and Abuse….
Education | Jul 22 2024
TODAY (Fri. Sep. 13)…
Good on #Trump, good pivot, take what The Left SPIN and turn-it-back on them…. “They said I was #ANGRY during the #Debate – they’re Right I AM ANGRY about 20m Illegals flooded in The Lefts’ #OpenBorder, ANGRY about them destroying the #Economy, etc….” GREAT JOB, NOW…. LEARN and PIVOT on other things….
ANOTHER DEBATE??? Trump already AGREED TO THREE, he showed up FOR THREE already — FASCICRATS didn’t…. IT HAS TO BE SAID, TRUMP AGREED to another Debate already before THE FOXNEWS DEBATE that Kamala REFUSED (cuz she must have only 100% in the tank for her Network and Moderators) and he then had a TOWNHALL (that Kamala could have also shown for, to Debate) that same night on FOXNEWS — THEREFORE, IT WAS KAMALA ALREADY REFUSED “ANOTHER” DEBATE. That can, could, should, be Trump Team’s stance if he decides to skip having another Debate (cuz THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN three Debates (the one with/vs BiDUMB, the Shit-Eating-Grin-Kamala loss one, and the FOXNEWS DEBATE/TOWNHALL Kackles REFUSED).
[ Sat. Sep. 14th 2024 quick / insert / #update: They have managed to get ONE #WITNESS to now say "he started rumor" but HE was not the only Witness that made claims to #Pets eating in #Springfield #Ohio --- ARE THEY GOING TO SOMEHOW CONVINCE THEM ALL TO RECANT?!?!? The ONE supposed "admission" (aka: recant) is to allow #ENEMEdia (and sadly even seeing it on #NEWSMAX scrawl) to DISMISS THE WHOLE THING! You Buying what they're now trying to Sell? ALL OF THIS is DEFLECTION to keep discussion away, we cannot forget, the HUMAN VICTIMS OF THE #ILLEGALS ALL ACROSS THE #USA... We return back to the original piece... ]
more in….
Are Voo-Doo Cult Haitians really eating Pets in Ohio City?!?!?
Friday, September 13, 2024 1:22
I deal in FACTS (normally, but yes at times conjecture/speculations, but try to be CLEAR betw. the 2)
I will NOT, as some, with ZERO, even ZERO flimsy circumstantial, EVIDENCE leaping to the IT WAS THE CIA DOING IT (Trump promising RFK Jr. he will ORDER (no compromise this time, all involved WOULD BE DEAD) Docs of JFK and RFK murders release HEIGHTENS CONSPIRACY POSSIBILITY LINKS/hysteria
HOWEVER, seems CLEAR, that IF CIA, FBI, whomever, not directly involved in PLOTS sure are not DOING TOO MUCH to potentially intercede ANY1 WANT TAKE SHOTS AT DJT
CLEAR, something going on, rather NOT GOING ON SHOULD BE, for now BOTH these PROTECTION (up front, how any1 w/ Rifle pass parimeters should been set) FAILURES happened
more in, as discussed with Rick, over I think FOUR SEPARATE PHONE CALLS with/on his Program
Had you heard the #President of #Mexico blamed #BiDUMB for increased KILLING of/by #Cartels in Northern Mexico —- guess what, he is IN MANY WAYS 100% CORRECT! #BiDUMB has clearly been the #Cartel MAN OF THE MONTH for every Month the last Three Years!!!! BiDUMB has enriched and empowered them with the #OpenBorder more than they ever had Power and MONIES flowing to them in History!!! #BiDUMB, and if The #KAMALunist gets elected will continue, the MOST DESTRUCTIVE USA PRESIDENT to/for ALL NATIONS ON THE PLANET (except our Enemies like #China, #Iran, #NoKo, #Russia, etc.m they have ALL been enriched, emboldened, empowered, etc.).
in the following piece
I talked about how they realized The #KAMALunist had to lose the #KACKLE at the debate and indeed got that but then she had the worse SHIT EATING GRIN idiocy POKER FACE tell every time she was uncomfortable as #Trump spoke #FACTS inconvenient to/for Her and the equally Lying Leftist ABC #ENEMEdia Moderators.
So, now, did you see ANY of the LOW LIGHTS of the #Oprah farce the other day and that the HYENA CACKLE is back including during serious talk about POTENTIALLY KILLING AN INTRUDER – no laughing matter. IF ANYONE is Voting for that moron, they reveal how even more STUPID and RETARDED they are – Harris is the most unserious and clueless Candidate to ever Run for DOG CATCHER let-alone President of the #USA.
Other recent items here on B4IN by ME (author of this piece)
Every Black Life Matters
African American News | Sep 21 2024 19:24
Micro vs Macro
Green Living | Sep 21 2024 10:46
Iran allied with Russia, yet some want to try the Russian Collusion idiocy card against Trump again?!?!?
Iran | Sep 19 2024 12:51
Interesting… NO ENDORSEMENT by Teamsters… Quick examination….
Economics and Politics | Sep 18 2024 16:46
Too Late? As Reagan warned: Now NATION GONE UNDER? Last chance #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic
U. S. Politics | Sep 17 2024 22:41
Everything Left/Democrats does is predicated on DOUBLE-STANDARDS…. This applies to former POTUS’ Protections too…
U. S. Politics | Sep 16 2024 16:18
SCOTUS must step in and STOP this BS of Activist Courts RULINGS in clear violations of own State Laws and Constitution….
The Law | Sep 16 2024 01:14
Gods Not Dead: In God We Trust, Reagan, Forge, Am I Racist, more, films out now…
Movies | Sep 14 2024 21:50
Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)… Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner…
Canada | Sep 14 2024 11:53
Do you REALLY want the DMV controlling your Health-Care?? That is what MediCAIDforall would be..
Healthcare | Sep 13 2024 23:43
SNEAK PEEK at upcoming/planned CTP Regular episodes…. SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from September 7th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
September 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
September 14 – S2E65: Stand Against Tyranny
September 21 – S2E66: WOKEists Warping Words (Twisting Language part 3)
September 28 – S2E67: Strategically Stupid
October 5 – S2E68: School Shootings
October 12 – S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)
October 19 – S2E70: Micro vs Macro
October 26 – S2E71: RFK Jr. as Health Secretary
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)