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Update 1/30/2020: Coronavirus Prevention & Treatment, Take These Precautions

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Update 1/25/2020: A Chicago resident has been diagnosed with a case of the respiratory coronavirus infection, the second confirmed case in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.(More Below)

UPDATE 1/30/2020 - Live Stream Updates Below

Well, it’s here, a virus that is mutating out of control all across the world, the Coronavirus!

Many reports from CDC, WHO, and China, are warning that this will soon turn into a full blown, world wide, pandemic.

From the CDC

There are currently no vaccines available to protect you against human coronavirus infection. You may be able to reduce your risk of infection by doing the following

  • wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • avoid close contact with people who are sick

For information about hand washing, see CDC’s Clean Hands Save Lives!

There are precautions you can take to ensure that you and your loved ones are safe.

But there is also one proven element on earth that is all natural and has been used for over 2000 years to kill Viruses, Bacteria and Germs, Silver. 

Silver has been used as an antimicrobial for thousands of years.

Over the past several decades, it has been introduced into numerous new venues such as in the treatment of water, in dietary supplements, in medical applications, and to produce antimicrobial coatings and products.

Silver is often used as an alternative disinfectant in applications in which the use of traditional disinfectants such as chlorine may result in the formation of toxic by-products or cause corrosion of surfaces.

Silver has also been demonstrated to produce a synergistic effect in combination with several other disinfectants.

Many mechanisms of the antibacterial effect of silver have been described, but its antiviral and antiprotozoal mechanisms are not well understood.

All viruses change once they enter the human body. 

Silver has a long history as a natural mineral that can super-charge your immune system and help you stay healthy.

Silver Prevents and kills virus’s: Martin Hum, from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, lists silver as one of the natural remedies to stop viruses.

How Silver Can Help Your Health and Why It Prevents Colds and Flu.

Silver Destroys antibacterial bacteria in the body: The mineral silver is has the amazing ability to fight and destroy antibiotic-resistant super-pathogens.  While employed at UCLA Medical School in the 1980s, Larry C. Ford, MD, documented that silver can actually kill over 650 bacteria, fungi, parasites, molds and fungi that have the potential to sprout diseases. At the same time the tests established that silver has no known side effects.

Silver Prevents and kills virus’s: Martin Hum, from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, lists silver as one of the natural remedies to stop viruses. The colloidal silver used in modern supplements is a suspension of pure metallic silver in water. It is thought to work by interfering with the enzymes that enable viruses, bacteria and fungi to utilize oxygen. In other words, it suffocates and kills them.

Silver Treats and prevents the common cold and flu’s: Small amounts taken daily can boost your immune system and help to prevent colds and flu’s. In 2011 the NIH took 100 children under the age of 12 suffering from the common cold and nasal congestion and assigned them into two groups; the first group was treated with a solution of silver and beta glucan, and the second group with saline solution. Even though both groups benefited from the treatment, 90% of the people in the silver group completely recovered.

Silver Purifies water: Using two teaspoons of silver with a potency of over 30 ppm can purify one gallon of water shown at recent studies at UCLA.

Research has shown that consuming silver daily is both safe and effective for boosting and maintaining a healthy immune system.

Better than an antibiotic: When an individual uses too much antibiotics over a course of time they can develop a resistance to it. Silver, doesn’t create resistance or immunity in the organisms that are killed by it.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reporting that more than 2 million people in the U.S. suffer illness every year as a result of antibiotic-resistant infections and 23,000 die from these infections.  With this said, individuals should seriously consider looking into using silver as possible substitute for antibiotics.

With the movement toward fighting disease and infections with natural substances, many are turning toward silver supplements as an alternative to conventional medicine.

So why am I bringing this topic up?

Apex Oxygen Infused Silver “kills’ viruses. Apex Oxygen Infused Silver has a success rate when exposed to any virus/fungus/bacteria/parasite. There is no known pathogen that can exist in even trace amounts of silver colloid.

APeX Water’s Direct Oxygen Infusion Protocol.

APeX Water’s Direct Oxygen Infusion Protocol was originally formulated in the 1950′s, and was perfected to its current formulation in 2000.  The nano-size particles of silver, wrapped completely in oxygen molecules, with its negative charge, continues to be held completely in suspension, with a shelf life of 19 years and counting.

The basis of this amazing breakthrough is the valid hypothesis that the lack of oxygen, or hypoxia, is the key driver in the start and spread of many health issues, including cancer.

Essentially, the formulation consists of encapsulating a nano-sized silver nucleus, within a cluster of oxygen molecules. APeX Water is made by attaching large numbers of oxygen molecules (clusters), to each silver particle, forming what might be best referred to as a Silver-Oxygen Nano-Cluster.

The inevitable attraction, like north and south poles of a magnet, between the negatively charged APeX nano-clusters, and the positively charged pathogens, allows the nano-clusters to enter into the larger molecular structure of the pathogens.  

Pathogenic cells become oxidized, and cease to be viable.  They disintegrate instantly when they come in to contact with APeX Water. When this happens, the architecture of the pathogen collapses. It is as if a bomb has gone off inside the cell.  Destruction of hypoxic pathogens is precise, inexorable, and unavoidable.

Oxygen therapy is not new to traditional therapies, however what is different about APeX Water is that it delivers oxygen directly into the cell, to reverse hypoxia, and this is not easily done.

APeX Water’s nano-technology is unrivaled in its therapeutic power as an anti-pathogen, anti-bacterial and anti-viral health alternative. Start your Cold and Flu Prevention Today!

To Order Your APEX Water Direct Oxygen Infused Protocol, Click Here!

Live Blood Cells Before & After Using APeX Water

NOTE: This video is captured in extreme slow motion, because the destruction of the pathogenic cell happens so quickly, it is impossible to capture at normal video speed.

At the 30-second mark you can see where we set the microscope to start viewing. You can see that the live blood cells are looking sluggish and stuck together, also known as Reuleaux. At the 45 second mark, we added the one drop of APeX Water.

You can see that some cells are so unhealthy that they are sticking as the APeX Water is added, but at the 1:17 mark you will see that the APeX Water has caused the unhealthy cells to cease to be viable.

At the 2:54 mark you can see that the white blood cells are also disintegrating from whatever pathogens they were carrying inside. We continued to move the slide to see what APeX Water had done for the blood, and at the 5:32 mark you can see that the blood is still moving freely.

APeX Oxygen Delivery System Features & Benefits

  1. Superior to other silver products, due to its unique oxygen carrying capabillities
  2. Seeks out and destroys pathogenic cells
  3. Reverses hypoxia (Lack of oxygen at the cellular level)
  4. Helps to build bigger, healthier blood cells
  5. Doesn’t harm gut bacteria (Negatively charged)
  6. Will not cause Argyria, unlike colloidal silver
  7. Odorless, tasteless and non-toxic
  8. May assist in lowering cholesterol

Be Proactive, Order Your Apex Today!

Global News WHO convenes emergency meeting on China coronavirus outbreak

The World Health Organization held an emergency committee meeting on the novel strain of coronavirus on Jan. 22, in Geneva, to determine whether the outbreak constitutes a public health emergency and how to manage the spread of the virus.

The outbreak originated in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, and since then more than 300 cases of the coronavirus have been reported in China and elsewhere, including Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Thailand, and now the U.S. American officials announced Tuesday that they had detected a case of coronavirus in Washington State, the first U.S. case connected to the ongoing outbreak in Wuhan, China.

As of Jan. 22, WHO officials have not declared an international public health emergency and are carefully considering the information on whether or not to do so.


Now, the second case of the respiratory illness in the United States has been confirmed to be in Chicago.*****************

A Chicago resident has been diagnosed with a case of the respiratory coronavirus infection that has killed at least 26 and sickened more than 850, the second confirmed case in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The first case was confirmed Tuesday, in Washington state, after the outbreak began last month in the city of Wuhan, China.

More than 2,000 people across the United States had been screened for the virus as of Thursday, and 63 patients in 22 states were being investigated Friday because of possible signs of the virus, according to the CDC. Illinois officials Friday morning refused to say whether any of those 63 people are here.

A Chicago woman in her 60s returned from a trip to Wuhan, China on Jan. 13 and a few days later began experiencing symptoms and was admitted to the hospital where infection control measures were taken, according to the CDC. After getting information about where she had traveled recently, her doctor worked with the CDC to have the woman tested for the coronavirus.***

China Virus: 169 Dead, 7,187 Cases – LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE 1/29/2020 Streamed live 6 hours ago

Potential Cases Of Coronavirus Are Starting To Pop Up Literally All Over The United States

Up to this point, the coronavirus outbreak has been primarily confined to China.  Yes, there have been isolated cases all over the globe, and that has mostly been from people flying from China back to their home countries.  But overall, the vast majority of the confirmed cases have been in urban areas inside China. 

However, that could potentially now be changing.  Alarming reports are starting to come in from all across the world, and the number of “potential cases” in the United States is definitely quite startling. 

As you will see below, all testing for the coronavirus is currently being done at the CDC, and this is really slowing things down. 

So for the moment local officials all over the nation have “suspected cases” that they are monitoring, but they can’t confirm anything officially until they hear back from the CDC.

So you will see the words “possible” and “potential” a lot in the stories that I am about to share with you.  In the end, it is quite likely that many of these cases will be confirmed by the CDC.  But we won’t know for certain until the test results are made public.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the reports that have come in over the past few days.

#1 One of the very first confirmed cases in the U.S. was in Chicago, and now it appears that they may have a second victim

The Chicago area has a potential second victim of the coronavirus.

Someone is hospitalized in isolation in Porter County with symptoms like those of the virus. County officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are awaiting test results to confirm a diagnosis.

#2 You wouldn’t think that Arkansas would be one of the first places where a coronavirus case would emerge, but authorities there are telling us that they have a “possible case” on their hands…

The Arkansas Department of Health is investigating the state’s first possible case of the new coronavirus, a department spokesman said.

The spokesman, Danyelle McNeill, said tests are being performed to determine whether the person’s illness is due to the virus first identified in Wuhan, China. She said results are expected within a few days.

#3 Not to be outdone, Oklahoma is actually monitoring two potential cases right now…

Oklahoma health officials announced Wednesday they are awaiting coronavirus testing results from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for two people in our state under investigation.

Health officials announced Monday they were coordinating coronavirus testing for two people in Oklahoma who meet the criteria for persons under investigation.

#4 Over in Nevada there is a potential case as well.  If this virus were to actually start spreading around Clark County on a widespread basis, what would that mean for Las Vegas tourism?…

The Southern Nevada Health District announced Wednesday that they are investigating a possible case of coronavirus in Clark County.

SNHD said patient in question was placed in isolation at a local hospital, but wouldn’t specify which hospital. The patient will be monitored and under medical supervision while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducts testing, SNHD said.

#5 On the other side of the country, a possible victim in Delaware has officials there quite spooked

The Delaware health department is investigating a potential case of coronavirus in a Kent County resident, officials said Wednesday.

The Division of Public Health would not release any information about the resident, other than that a “review of the patient’s travel history” and symptoms led to the determination that testing should be performed, officials said.

#6 And all the way on the other coast, authorities in San Diego are waiting to see if their worst fears will be confirmed

Local health officials said Wednesday they are still awaiting test results to determine if a San Diego County patient is infected with the potentially deadly coronavirus that has killed 170 people, but the patient remains isolated at home.

The official numbers coming out of China are being greatly suppressed.  In fact, Breitbart is reporting that the Chinese government “is significantly limiting access to testing kits”…

The Epoch Times, a U.S.-based newspaper that often focuses on human rights abuses committed by the Communist Party of China, cited interviews on Monday with an unnamed “insider” and an “independent journalist” within Wuhan, both of whom said that Chinese doctors were not testing people who requested it showing symptoms of infection. The party is significantly limiting access to testing kits, which makes it more difficult to confirm cases of novel coronavirus — thus suppressing the official number of known cases of the disease.

“Medical personnel at these hospitals [in Wuhan] have said that the number of kits they are supplied is less than 10 percent of what they need to test patients,” the Epoch Times noted. “Now these hospitals claim that their responsibility at present is to provide treatment only, and they will not perform any diagnoses. Patients who are seeking a diagnosis are unable to get one and find themselves in a desperate situation.”

This confirms what others have been reporting as well.  Hordes of sick people have been flooding the hospitals in Wuhan, but many of them are being turned away without ever being tested.

In addition, multiple reports indicate that the death toll is being greatly understated as well.  One journalist that has been reporting on this is William Yang

In many cases, the cause of death is being recorded as “severe pneumonia” in order to keep the official death toll down.  We aren’t being given accurate information, and that should make all of us very angry.

According to researchers at the University of Hong Kong, the true number of coronavirus cases in the city of Wuhan alone is probably “closer to 44,000”

Due to the poor handling of the situation, University of Hong Kong medical researchers warned on Monday that the true number of people infected could be closer to 44,000 in Wuhan alone than 5,000. Gabriel Leung, the dean of the university’s medical school, told reporters that the virus could continue spreading into the summer and that world governments must consider “draconian measures” to contain it, particularly in China.

And according to a study of actual patients at a Wuhan hospital, if honest numbers were being used the true mortality rate would be about 11 percent…

The latest clinical report on 2019-nCoV: 99 patients from Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital. Important: a key group of patients progress rapidly to ARDS, septic shock, and multiple organ failure. 23% ITU admission, 17% ARDS, 11% mortality.

So instead of “170 deaths”, the truth is that the actual death toll has probably already surpassed 4,000.

Streamed live on Jan 24, 2020

LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE - Agenda-Free TV China Virus: 41 Dead & Counting,1,307 Cases Reported!

Apex Oxygen Infused Silver “kills’ viruses. Apex Oxygen Infused Silver has a 100% success rate when exposed to any virus/fungus/bacteria/parasite. Ensure your families safety. Don’t wait to long to order yours, Click Here!

Blazing Press UPDATE on “China Coronavirus Pandemic” 20 + Million In Quarantine - Video direct from China hospitals shows gripping footage of people, doctors, nurses, over whelmed with patients, contains video footage of people dropping like flies in the streets. People will not realize how bad this is until they see it for themselves. 


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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 22 comments
    • MyTwoCents

      Maybe there is an antedote. Maybe it’s called Extranavir.

      Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation & Others Predicted Up To 65 Million Deaths Via Coronavirus – In Simulation Ran 3 Months Ago!

      The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a pandemic exercise in late 2019 that simulated a global coronavirus outbreak.
      They also just happen to fund the group who owns the patent to the deadly virus and are working on a vaccine to solve the crisis.

      On June 19, 2015, the UK government-funded Pirbright Institute filed an application for a patent for the live coronavirus, which was approved on Nov 20, 2018.

      Suspiciously, a Pirbright Institute “primary funder” is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

      In his own words – depopulation through vaccines

    • Firmament Does Exist

      Fear porn for the masses….the real disease will be in the shot, then there will be millions die.

      • Rockledge

        I’ve already beat the damn thing.
        I know the exact cure.

        The cure is another illness, an allergy.

        I am allergic to bullshit.

        The fear mongering just doesn’t work on me.

    • GuitarLots

      All fake, every animal would die as well. B.S. detector reads off the charts. This shows how China, and the world press are in on the hoax, total psychological warfare on the masses, then get ready for forced vaccines. Just say you went to Walgreens and got one for free :grin:

    • Eagle

      The Dem’s are at it again! Russiagate didn’t work, impeachment didn’t work, so now we see the latest deadly scam to keep their control over us! Even if it kills people everywhere, they don’t care! Soon there will be more evidence that this is so! These people need to be removed from office NOW! They are coming for your guns under the cover of a medical Martial Law! Just wait and see!

      • Eagle

        What are coronavirus infections?
        Coronaviruses are a group of common viruses. They are named for the crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus. Some coronaviruses only affect animals, but others can also affect humans. Most people get infected with human coronaviruses at some time in their life. This usually causes mild to moderate upper-respiratory infections, like the common cold. But they can also cause more severe illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

    • Josey Wales

      Let me say that my job has me out in the public arena 8 hours a day and the area I live in, the Ozarks, everyone is sick with the flu or knows someone who is sick with the flu right now.

      I have been taking Apex Water since July 2019, I have yet to be sick, I have not had a cold, fever, or the flu yet this year and I shake 20 to 30 hands a day in sales, maybe more….

      I always get sick in the fall and the spring, like clock work, but not this year, not while taking Apex Water. This is the primary reason I wrote this article, Apex Kills Viruses, period! (or maybe I’m just fortunate?)

    • Anonymous

      I think you should triple your intake of Apex, immediately.

    • Rockledge

      If there was a real danger, our ports and borders would be locked up like a chastity belt on a wayward nun.

      Just like all the cheney fear porn about terrorist and their silly “level orange” and all that shit back in the retard years.

    • Don - 1

      Five years ago 2 of my friends took a vacation in China and came home VERY sick. China is a very dirty country. Everything is very crowded and millions of people are always sick. China is a very risky place to visit….stay away.

      • Rockledge

        So , in other words, China is like american cities.

        • Josey Wales

          You mean American Cities run by Democrats?

    • James Rathey

      Process the Coronavirus Wuhan using Keshe GANS Science and Technology.

      • MyTwoCents

        I smell a scam.

    • Anonymous

      Sorry to interrupt your REGULAR “BrainWashing” – But pop on the THINKING CAP – Engage BRAIN NOW.

      A Bio-Weapon ….. that has done what ?????
      >>>> Killed 161 people – out of >>>> 1 BILLION PLUS Chinese People

      in less than a MONTH ….. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah panic head for the hills – LOL


      Every year >>>> 500 Americans …. get Struck by lightning – say 40 a month
      - do the math – you have to wait – for ONE American – to be …. struck by lightning
      - before JUST 4 Chinese die of this – BIOWEAPON !!!!! LOL

      Remember EBOLA was going to sweep the world – whole countries – would have to be vaccinated AND …….
      Piff Paff Poof
      Straving people with totally blitzed immune systems wracked by wars, civil wars, famines – die …. from a final straw infection.

      Well fed nourished people have strong immune sytems and just shrug it off – it’s why IT never …. spreads out the 3rd world

      Use common sense – its easy – don’t fall for BIG PHARMA GOVERNMENT PROPAGATED – BULLSH!T Propaganda

    • Anonymous

      EBOLA Fear Porn Finally Ran Out
      …. and it never got out the immune blitzed 3rd World …. did it.

      - time for another RINSE & REPEAT from the Big Pharma & Gov Puppets Propaganda Machine
      and so ……

      Sorry to interrupt your REGULAR “BrainWashing” – But – once again – pop on the THINKING CAP >>> Engage BRAIN NOW.

      Oh & It’s even being descibed as …. A Bio-Weapon …..
      & it’s ….. done what ?????

      >>>> Killed 161 people – out of >>>> 1 BILLION PLUS Chinese People

      in less than…. a MONTH ….. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah panic…. head for the hills – 161 LOL & ROFL


      To Put It In Perspective … Every year >>>> 500 Americans …. get Struck by lightning – say 40 a month

      - do the math – you have to wait – for ONE American – to be …. struck by lightning
      - before JUST …. 4 Chinese …. die of this – BIOWEAPON !!!!! LOL

      Remember Months Of Fear Porn Hype …. EBOLA was going to sweep the world – whole countries – would have to be vaccinated AND …….

      Piff Paff Poof

      Starving people with totally blitzed immune systems wracked by wars, civil wars, famines – die …. from some final straw infection or other

      Well fed nourished people have strong immune sytems and just shrug it off

      – it’s why IT (Ebola) >>> never spreads out the 3rd world
      - & never will

      Use common sense – its easy – don’t fall for BIG PHARMA GOVERNMENT BACKED & PROPAGATED – BULLSH!T Propaganda


      REMEMBER THE 2009/10 WORLDWIDE … SWINE FLU PANDEMIC …. much much worse than this little CHINA jobby in progress

      QUOTE FROM THE HEAD OF THE UK NHS …. Sir Liam Donaldson

      This was a well-conducted investigation …….into all deaths …. in England
      - attributed to …..swine flu…. up to November.

      It found that there were >>>> 138 deaths

      REPEAT 138 (out of 60 Million People) ….Read it yourself on the UK National Health Service Website

      THAT – was the effect of a W.H.O Declared WORLD WIDE PANDEMIC VIRUS …. ON A WHOLE COUNTRY – 138 DIED !!!!!

    • Mathew

      The world became mad. Who would imagine that 5 years ago? Feels like we all live in some weird movie now. If it is going to be the same for few more years psychiatrist will be one of the most popular profession probably. Here what i do keep myself in a good shape (physical and mental):
      - drink tons of water. Not sweet juices or other drinks, not coffee or tea, just pure water
      - use antibacterial products very and very often – here is a great article about those –
      - do exercises few times a week
      - yoga and meditation – the best for both mental and physical health.

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