Greece Is A Picnic Incomparison To What We Will See In The News Headlines For Many Years From The China Meltdown And Contagion Now Spreading Around Asia And The World!!!
China may possibly recover quickly by turning into a service based economy internally as I posted last night, while the rest of the world experiences an economic depression far greater than the 1930′s…
The True Message Of The Plunging Commodity Prices – is that the Chinese government wasted $20 trillion worth of credit digging holes to ease the fallout from the Great Recession of 2007, primarily creating a huge fixed-asset bubble with little economic viability. And then China forced another $1.2 trillion in margin debt to engender a consumption-based economy, primarily by creating a stock market bubble after the fixed-asset bubble strategy began to fail miserably.
As China tries to cushion the demise of its equity bubble while maintaining the illusion of free markets, two delusional narratives have started to circulate on Wall Street.
The first such Wall Street-inspired delusion is that the collapsing Shanghai stock market will have no effect on the underlying Chinese economy. But even though China’s 260 million trading accounts may be a relatively small percentage of the country’s population, it’s also the richest and most productive portion, which also happens to be equal to the entire U.S. population in 1993. And Chinese GDP growth accounts for a third of total global growth…
The second fallacy is that Wall Street believes in the TV commercial that claims what happens in Las Vegas stays in Vegas. Or, in this case, what happens in the Chinese economy stays in China…
What Will This Mean For The World?