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By JLenardDetroit
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Examining the Social-Security ENTITLEMENT System.... Yes, we USCITIZENS, not Foreigners, are ENTITLED to it.... It isn't going Broke it is being DEFRAUDED into Bankruptcy...

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[This is now going to be my, every B4IN article, standard opening (as of Dec. 19, 2024):
I get it, I really do, all these outlets are operating as a business… And how do they make money? Advertising! (more continues: /media/2024/07/click-bait-here-click-bait-there-everywhere-click-bait-2515961.html )
Yes, sorry, frankly I TOO find especially the initial Ads (they pile up, to be able to get them viewed in case someone doesn't read the whole article) here interrupting a nice/natural Read flow and are ANNOYING (but it keeps the Site FREE FOR VIEWING no Pay Wall to have to BUY your way past) and conversely their annoyance may indeed keep some from wanting to bother (so, Please, there is some GREAT CONTENT here on B4IN, keep reading the entire pieces despite the annoying Ads) and note if you engage an AD BLOCKER often I have found it/they can cause issues with seeing all the intended article content --- don't want you to miss any of mine, nor anyone else who posts here entire content as intended! The authors images (some or all), videos (some or all), their intended cross-reference links (vs Site produced Ad links, the easy Share-At/On buttons, and more, might also get "blocked" from viewing. And so now, to catch any NEW Readers, I too adding to annoyance having to repeat this over and over. My apologies. I endeavor to always give you DETAILED WRITINGS (and cross-reference related links with other rabbit-holes you can go down) hopefully you'll deem worthy of putting up with the annoying Ads to engage in/with.
I am NOT fond of the changes, but I have been with B4IN a long time now - certainly not looking to leave.
Lastly, note: I also wrote for TheLibertyBeacon (, where I dropped pieces (normally weekly) on Saturdays for the last 3 years (and even RedState back when) and now joined and dropping pieces via SUBSTACK (]

Examining the Social-Security ENTITLEMENT System…. Yes, we USCITIZENS, not Foreigners, are ENTITLED to it…. It isn’t going Broke it is being DEFRAUDED into Bankruptcy…

OK, I wrote something on this DECADE+ AGO for RedState (and yes even before that in 2000 on my own Website under an Alias for reasons at time had to write under)… Time to revisit… Been saying I’ve been wanting/needing to for a long time and NOW is the convenient time as I do not need create this piece from scratch as ALL NIGHT TONIGHT (over on #TruthSocial, Sun. Mar. 23rd) we’ve been going back-and-forth so I WILL COPY/PASTE that thread here-in…


[image above source: TruthSocial screen-shot —- Note: if you are viewing this on BeforeItsNews vs SUBSTACK, as this appears both places, B4IN strip images after 1 years time as articles are sent to Archive Server and stripping images allows them save Server space: The image shows a Billboard with the wording “Why am I entitled to SOCIAL SECURITY?? Because I’ve contributed to it from every paycheck I’ve EARNED my Life!”]


My response to Tim


I have covered this OVER AND OVER AND OVER
SS and MediCare are #ENTITLEMENTS we as #USCITIZENS (not Foreigners, even non-working USCitizens as Spouses and Parents pay-in, in-part, for such who may not be of working age or do not work in order to raise Families) paid into them for us and other #USCitizens ALONE!!!


There is NO “UnEmployment Tax” of our Checks but Employers pay into a System so one can call LIMITED U/E BENEFITS an entitlement but that System IS NOT MADE TO FLOAT THE LAZY FOREVER either (it is a TEMPORARY STOP-GAP measure only).

There is NO SUCH MediCAID, or WELFARE, or whatever else ENTITLEMENT those are General Budget “Gifts” as/when “afforded” as a PRIVILEGE – again NOT ENTITLEMENTS (NOT A RIGHT) and subject to ELIMINATION let-alone some minor ADJUSTING we are trying to do now The Leftards FREAK OUT ABOUT cuz those are all VOTE BUYING PROGRAMS for them.

I had a REDSTATE article on all of this done maybe around 2010 or so (later I will mention a piece goes back to 2001 that I wrote about SocSec issues) but don’t have the link handy, I need to do an more modern UPDATE on/at BeforeItsNews, TheLibertyBeacon, SUBSTACK or Blogspot, one of these days soon.

SS and MEDICARE are NOT GOING BROKE, but indeed will be BANKRUPT SOON if we do not fix them for #USCitizens (booting off all the FRAUDSTERS on it that the Program WAS NOT CREATED FOR) because of #FRAUD and Leftards STEALING FROM IT for other things – like they did #obaMAOcare and more. (B4IN) (TheLibertyBeacon)
an old REDSTATE piece archived is:


NOT IN RESPONSE there, but let me add here…

And as for those 18.9M people collecting SS supposedly all over age 100. Now, sure, happily SOME PEOPLE can/do Live over 100 – but even nowadays IT IS RARE and certainly NOT 18.9M peeps. THOSE ALL SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED by SS. PLUS, likelihood many of them are #FRAUD and also likely filing FRAUD TAX RETURNS to claim “CREDITS” (another false name, as many of them amount to WELFARE CHECKS well above anything, if they paid #Taxes at all to begin with, paid in) stealing yet MORE FROM #TAXPAYERS. We need an #IRS TASK FORCE, no not of NEW HIRES, but transfer 2.5k existing Auditors OFF of Auditing Law Abiding Citizens and AUDIT/INVESTIGATE all on file filing over age of 100. Determine the LEGAL FOLKS 100+ vs the MILLIONS committing #FRAUD.

WE SHOULD ALL WANT THE FRAUD WEEDED OUT in order to preserve the System for those SUPPOSED TO BE ON IT! Therefore NONE OF US should have an issue if SocSec would send a notice to any/all supposedly 100+ (due process, not just drop and see if they squeal) saying YOU ARE REQUIRED to send in copy of your Driver License, Passport, or Birth Certificate, as a more or less “proof of Life” LOL but realistically speaking PROOF YOU ARE AT LEAST ABLE to react to such a simple/basic “investigation” of real/fraud in order to STAY ON SYSTEM. As the other thing is that the SocSec System CAN HAVE ERRORS IN IT and someone listed as “200 years old” just a database error and these should be CORRECTED (if that is, and would likely only be, A VERY SMALL/FRACTION OF A PERCENT of the Cases) and the rest REMOVED AS FRAUD.


[Mon. Mar. 24th 2025 update: As discussed/addressed there-in [referring to the EXTENDED Substack version of this piece (link)] many would like are screaming “just give ME back all I paid in and let me deal with it” – but we can deal in PIPE-DREAM DELUSION that will never happen (MOST do CARE about others, it is in-line with our #JudeoChristian Biblical Foundations, and SS is NOT GOING ANYWHERE even as it nears Bankruptcy) or we can deal in WORKABLE REALITY?!?!? I choose to deal in REALITY! As I said IT IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE so we can DEAL IN REALITY and try FIX IT or keep kicking Can down the Road to the INEVITABLE LEFTIST SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING to then just DOUBLE THE TAXES to keep covering the #FRAUD rather than deal with the Fraud and The Left habitually raiding the Program for NON-RELATED-PURPOSES!
I have been one of Millions DEMANDING that the Fraudsters be not just kicked off the System, to save/preserve it for those supposed to have/get it, but these CRIMINALS NEED BE LOCKED UP for the Criminal DeFrauding they’ve been allowed for so long to commit….
continued in…. ]




Tim further responded


There was a leftist oriented meme floating around for the longest time stating SS and medicare were NOT entitlements. I posted corrections to it dozens of times, but finally got tired of it.

My response to Tim about that


as with everything with LEFTARDS
Bassakwards, and indeed all about their Lawless agenda
they want people to NOT UNDERSTAND the Language as they purposefully WARP IT.

with following (about “Left Warping of Language” and “You Can Lead a Liberal to the Facts, but You Can Not Make Them THINK!” images about TheLibertyBeacon and RedState related pieces (which, again, in B4IN version will VANISH after 1 year time as article is archived)…


btodd77 chimed in with

Yeah, it’s a Ponzi Scheme, older people who are drawing Social Security are being paid with money we’re paying now.

as well again Tim with

The biggest problem is that life expectancy is 20 years longer now than at the inception.


My response to them both, on those fronts


Yes, it always was from start PONZI SCHEME
that does NOT change FACT we paid in and therefore ENTITLED back. [exclusive added content: NOR that now almost 100 years since it was started we are going to TERMINATE IT unlike Dept. Of Ed FAILING and returning that to the States under 10A as it was always intended and existed before Carter and the Dems created it as a TOP/DOWN DICTATORIAL FASCIST EDICTS UPON STATES (unfunded by any Special Tax, as FICA does for SS/MediCare) and to use as their #CommieFasciSocies control to DEMAND STATES FOLLOW the strings attached or NOT GET THE FED. GEN. BUDGET FUNDS handouts to them rather than keep fully funding via Property Taxes within States at Local level as originally designed. And we can still BLOCK GRANT to States funds without the strings once DOE is gone!]

HOWEVER, does not mean it cannot be MEANS TESTED for those getting over $100k in 401k’s or Pensions supplements as it was ALWAYS INTENDED AS BOTTOM WRUNG SAFETY NET and again while “entitled” to getting something back does not mean we cannot TIER (we already do, not everyone GETS THE SAME SIZE PAYOUT, Check amounts) the System to assure it is preserved going forward to/for those MOST WILL FALL DEPENDENT UPON IT (full disclosure, I am on SS Disability RIGHT NOW, I was expecting to Work another 20-25 years when I went on it, therefore the 401k monies I had were NOWHERE NEAR READY/ABLE to sustain the rest of my Life as my buy-in time was CUT SHORT unexpectedly and therefore burned through all that QUICKLY and now solely reliant on the SS THAT I PAID INTO and the Contractual return OWED).

THAT ALSO doesn’t mean we cannot ALLOW younger folks working now want to INVEST THEIR SHARE (their part of FICA withdrawn, while rest of Empolyers MATCH of FICA into main system still) Privately and CONTRACTUALLY if they do better they REAP THAT EXTRA REWARD but IF THEY SQUANDER THEIR SS INVESTMENTS they only get a bare minimum (not full) return from the System they PARTIALLY OPTED OUT OF which would ALSO PRESERVE THE SYSTEM going forward.


Tim further added….


The biggest problem is that life expectancy is 20 years longer now than at the inception.


I further responded…


That is true, but again, IF the FRAUD were rooted out even THAT would not be mattering!!!! And as LAST RESORT we could up the age by a few years (over time, add 1 mo more til allowed on every 3 mo’s for the next several years which will GRADUALLY raise the retirement Age to qualify for SS giving folks nearing their Retirement time to be GRANDFATHERED IN, more or less, and those who will not Retire for 20+ years PLENTY OF TIME TO ADJUST to the new Age requirement).

SIMPLE STUFF, this does NOT need be complicated….


NOT SAID ON TRUTH let me add: It isn’t going Broke it is being DEFRAUDED into Bankruptcy… BY DESIGN by Alinsky Left trying to DESTROY USA via BANKRUPTING us with endless ever-increasing Deficits now exponentially increasing our Debt and EXACTLY WHY we have DOGE to get a handle on things and CONGRESS MUST ENACT IN BUDGETS real Cuts going forward to dwindle the current $2T Deficits (and, LET ME BE CLEAR: I am NOT a HACK – I called out Trump (as I did obaMAO, GW, Clinton, HW, and even yes Reagan, before him) for his/their FAILURE TO VETO (or case of POTUS45) even threaten Veto) of ANY/ALL SPENDING BILLS sent to his Desk in his first term and WAY TOO LARGE DEFICITS THEN TOO! #PrinciplesNotPersonalities – I AM A CONSISTENT CONSERVATIVE #CHRISTITUTIONALIST!!!



POST-POSTING of this piece [update]… Over on GAB Sdevo chimed in


I wish they would just go back and give me every penny I paid in. I can manage by money myself. Give us back what we paid in no less!!!


My response to him


NEVER HAPPENING, but there is at least SOME REFORMS we can Fight for that MIGHT BE WORKABLE (we MIGHT be able to FORCE THROUGH despite the resistance we will get every step of the way, as noted by I and others have been DEMANDING a SAVE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT for decades now and still have ZERO done to preserve it – Leftards create a crisis and refuse to act upon the crisis they create)!!! Like, as I point out there-in, allowing folks to invest their portion of the FICA and IF you do better you get the rewards but IF YOU PARTIALLY OPT OUT and fuck yourself with bad investments TOO BAD ON YOU and you do NOT then get FULL ENTITLEMENT (but a smaller, “safety-net” stipend, from the Employer portion of FICA paid on your behalf)! Bottom line is SYSTEM CAN BE EASILY FIXED without ANY NEED TO RAISE #TAXES but getting those NOT LEGALLY ENTITLED to the System Left let on THE FUCK OFF THE SYSTEM!!!! I may not LIKE the limitations we may be able to get in compromise, but I DEAL IN REALITY and THE REALITY of that we are dealing with CROOKS, THIEVES, CORRUPT BASTARDS, that will only allow tweaks and certainly not anything what would be deemed “DRASTIC” (it is your money, it is NOT DRASTIC to DEMAND you get to keep it, work it, etc.) or at least of course #ENEMEdia will PAINT AS #DRASTIC! But ANY REFORM we know damn well they will SCREAM IS DRASTIC and UNWORKABLE as they’d prefer it continue as a VOTE BUYING FUND for NON-CITIZENS for The Left until COMPLETE BANKRUPTCY which is drawing more and more near.



[NOTE: Some EXCLUSIVE additional content exists to/in/at the version of this piece over on SUBSTACK: and the images will always remain visible there past the 1 year there-after B4IN will strip them from here-at/in. If you are NOT a Paid-Subscriber of me there DO NOT WORRY you'll have option of the ONE-TIME "get past the PayWall" chance to read on to/for the full Paid-Subscribers extended piece there.]



RELATED…. WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND LIST (now up to 53 items, we are DONE ASKING POLITELY this time WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND actual ACTIONS vs all the empty-promises about many of the things listed there-in and we will NOT REST THIS TIME until Congress ACTS) and while I have NOT ADDED “Fix the SS System” officially to it YET it is an item I HAVE BEEN DEMANDING for DECADES NOW (long before I was on it) – I called for REFORMS even back in 1990’s when I myself was RUNNING FOR OFFICE AS A REPUBLICAN – a REAL ONE, not a CINO or RINO!!!






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  • Anonymous

    It’s even worse for the self employed. If you work for your self FICA is an automatic 15% right off the top.

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