Are Voo-Doo Cult Haitians really eating Pets in Ohio City?!?!? [updated Oct 9]
Jon Kahn – Fighter (Official Music Video) #TrumpVance2024
First, yes, sorry in advance, many say my writing-style is “different” and indeed it is, but “NO” not going to change it! LOL But also “NO” my books are not like my online articles – Editors get paid good money to be sure my Published Internationally available fare (up to 5 drops now) are more “traditional” to not drive people Crazy.
LOL [ feel free to reach-out to me via ]
Second, let’s address the IMMIGRATION STATUS of the Haitians in Ohio… The Left and #ENEMEdia would like you to believe they are FULLY LEGAL IMMIGRANTS – that is, of course, LIE/SPIN. They also are NOT fully by definition ILLEGAL ALIENS. They were/are, at least for now, been granted TEMPORARY LEGAL STATUS under endless Immigration Law loopholes and desire by The Left, BiDUMB, The KAMALunist, to try pretend this has ZERO to do with their Open Borders Policy!
#FACTSmatter #CONTEXTmatters #democratLIESmatter
Next, and yes sorry, it is a long “2nd” item but necessary for logical and legal set-up of what follows: let me jump right to the bottom-line/conclusion and then we’ll get into the details and nitty-gritty. THE LIARS telling you this has NOT HAPPENED EVEN ONCE and I heard a clear Left-wing propagandist, liar, CLOWN activist not “Journalist,” on Radio say IT IS THE MOST DEBUNKED THING ON THE INTERNET are the LIARS and of course PROJECTED their lying onto others to DISMISS (ignore EYE-WITNESS TESTIMONY) those actually REPORTING THE FACTS as Liars and we’ll get into the “CREDIBLE SOURCES” Dodge down-thread. It is EXACTLY LIKE those who STILL claim THERE WAS NO VOTER FRAUD in the 2020 Election – they IGNORE all the REAL STORIES of REAL COURT CASES of people that REALLY BEEN CHARGED AND CONVICTED of engaging in VOTER-FRAUD/ELECTION-INTERFERENCE. The Cases are there, THEY JUST REFUSE TO BOTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THEY EXIST (again, they play the CREDIBLE dodge (just like the NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD dodge, as if ANY Fraud is OK, and they know damn well some Elections are decided with less Vote margin (and that Fraud levels, proven, people CONVICTED for, keeps GROWING) than MARGIN OF KNOWN/PROVABLE FRAUD which means they cannot be Certified and Courts have Ruled such and in many Cases Ordered NEW ELECTIONS because) as if Court Filings/Rulings people sentenced to Jail ARE NOT CREDIBLE in their mind cuz they REFUSE to DEAL IN REALITY and use that dodge/scam/con/play/ploy). NOW, whether there was ENOUGH FRAUD to SWAY A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION (like 2020) IS DEBATABLE since Ballots are SECRET you can PROVE x number ballots fraudulent (even though everyone knows) you cannot PROVE they were all cast for Biden in that case or whomever in other Cases (but THAT is NOT the BURDEN OF PROOF REQUIRED, just that ENOUGH FRAUD proven that Election cannot legally/properly be Certified as UNDENIABLE VICTOR (as will discuss further COURT PRECEDENTS PREVIOUSLY SET as the Case)) AND THERE ARE/IS LEGAL/COURT PRECENDECES where enough Fraud shown (Fraud Ballots exceed Margin-Of-Victory, therefore Election NOT CERTIFIABLE, the very merit of the Tx v Battlegrounds that ONLY SCOTUS could hear but cowardly REFUSED cuz again THEY KNEW what the result would be in advance and wanted to skirt the CLEAR PROBLEMS it would have unleashed with Inauguration day getting closer and closer the more they DELAYED and played games) to TOSS ELECTION AND COURT ORDER A WHOLE NEW ELECTION — The SCOTUS knew that and that would indeed be the ONLY RECOURSE in the 6 States in Question as Ruling therefore played the DISMISS ON BOGUS NON-STANDING grounds game (again, something LEFT refuses to deal in the Reality of, EVIDENCE EXISTS they just REFUSED TO HEAR THE CASE AND HAVE IT RECEIVED AS EVIDENCE/PROOF). But, of course, THE LEFT, always refuses to DEAL IN REALITY and take all evidence, all factors, etc., just want to (on FEEWINGS and PREFERENCE want to dismiss what is inconvenient to/for them).
Hey gang another “ODD” piece from me no doubt, but I thought this was a necessary BREAK-OUT from another piece need addressed as the overall WEIRD BUT REAL, Reality stranger than Fiction, going on needing addressed. This WOULD NOT BE AN ISSUE if not for THE OPEN BORDER SITUATION…..
[ Sat. Sep. 14th 2024 quick/insert/update: They have managed to get ONE WITNESS to now say "he started rumor" but HE was not the only Witness that made claims to Pet eating in the Town --- ARE THEY GOING TO SOMEHOW CONVINCE THEM ALL TO RECANT?!?!? The ONE supposed "admission" (aka: recant) is to allow #ENEMEdia (and sadly even seeing it on NEWSMAX scrawl) to DISMISS THE WHOLE THING! You Buying what they're now trying to Sell? ALL OF THIS is DEFLECTION to keep discussion away, we cannot forget, the HUMAN VICTIMS OF THE ILLEGALS ALL ACROSS THE USA... BOTTOM LINE, if you want to just IGNORE the icky parts that make you squimish UNDENIABLE 20k ILLEGALS overwhelming a Towns RESOURCES/INFASTRUCTURE and sooner/later SOMEONE IS GOING TO BE DEAD (ACCIDENATLLY or PURPOSEFULLY, will it TAKE THAT before people will get SERIOUS about the ILLEGALS ISSUE and the many Americans that already DEAD at hands (or cuz actions of) ILLEGALS that should never been allowed here in first place)!!! This has ZERO to do with anyones SKIN-TONE or WHICH CONTINENT they came, there are folks flooding our Border from 2/3 of all Nations on Planet (including TERRORIST NATIONS - not matter IF but WHEN). We return back to the original piece... ]
I know, I know, you see/hear ALL THE LEFTIST MEDIA say this is FALSE… IF you think this is the first time the #ENEMEdia is LYING to protect FASCICRATS, stop reading you’re stupid and just love your DELUSION and will never let it go…. KEEP READING….
What follows is SUB-SECTION (with some “this article” exclusive additions) of/from following other B4IN piece…
UPDATE on the media LIES about the Harris v Trump Debate….
Thursday, September 12, 2024 0:27
There are CREDIBLE REPORTS by Newspapers ALL ACROSS OHIO (I am in Michigan, we know, we see them bleed over into our area Media (well, HONEST media, what little of that is remaining)) about ILLEGALS capturing Ducks (in Parks) and PETS (Cats/Dogs) that they then Slaughter and use for Food.
THE ABC MODERATORS LIED, as they did ALL NIGHT LONG (as did #HilariousHarris)! Well, let me be Charitable here, something, giving GRACE, they would NEVER, EVER, GIVE ME!!!! Let us just say THEY WERE MISTAKEN and at that EARLY POINT IN THE BREAKING STORY un-informed…. ARE THEY REPORTING THE FACTS NOW? No, course not, they know, THEY REFUSE TO REPORT THE STORIES….
They (Leftist #ENEMEdia Moderators) looked for any/every EXCUSE to interject with something Trump said and put forth the DNC Talking-Points SPIN/LIES to counter Trump’s FACTS (including ACTUAL/REAL JOURNALISTS in Ohio having covered what he was putting forth properly as FACT).
NOW, LET ME ALSO STATE — DO NOT DARE GET CAUGHT UP IN LYING, The Left Lies, WE must deal in FACTS/TRUTH. It is a FACT that it was/is happening. BUT again DO NOT DARE try EXAGGERATE IT and engage in HYPERBOLE or you sound like a LOON and CONSPIRACY NUT and will be treated as such. Again FACT – does it matter if it is, whether it is, 1 a month, 1 a week, 1 a day, 1 an hour – FACT, it happened PERIOD they LIE in saying NOT HAPPENED AT ALL. Period. Is ONE animal Sacraficed and Eaten IN HAITIAN VOO-DOO CULTURE STYLE acceptable. NO, that is NOT allowed here, we are NOT going to let you get away with that here, and we certainly are NOT going to let the Left DISMISS THIS AS FICTION!!! Or as I just said on MAVERICK NEWS (Thu. 9/12 19:30 by phone follow-up conversation) it is now NOT about the numbers but about them TRYING TO DISMISS TRUMP AS SPEWING FANCIFUL FICTION – he did not, we are not, POLICE REPORTS and LOCAL OHIO NEWSPAPERS CONFIRM that IT DID (whether, IS, continuing or not irrelevant) happen and Left again LYING to try to accuse Trump of Lying as REALITY is that it is another exposure of Downside of unfettered OPEN BORDERS UNCONTROLLED ILLEGAL MIGRATION… As I said on MavNews – THE BETTER POINT would be, still is, more than 1,000 people on TERROR WATCH LISTS have been CAUGHT but then ORDERED TO BE LET GO INTO COUNTRY ANYWAY and with 9/11 just passed – TERROR THREAT IS OFF THE CHART right now. Folks from 2/3 ALL NATIONS on Planet (not just Central or South America) ARE FLOODING OUR NATION (including MANY from TERRORIST NATIONS that openly call for DEATH TO AMERICA)!!! They WANT the Cat/Dog distraction, PIVOT FROM IT to the more important but indeed do not let them dare CALL TRUMP A LIAR ON THIS when he was FACTUAL. And the HUGE JUMP in illegal Drugs KILLING AMERICANS flowing across our Border. DO NOT LET THEM DEFLECT all the other important points, by them trying to FOOL PEOPLE that the Cats/Dogs (AND YES, TRUE TOO, DUCKS/GEESE IN PUBLIC PARKS) thing in Ohio is a HOAX (it is not, but, also, again, DO NOT EXAGGERATE THE STORY EITHER (The Left LIES, we cannot) if it happened ONCE (which it is a larger number than that) MATTERS and makes the Story FACT not FICTION and as they say FACT STRANGER THAN FICTION which is why many REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS STORY cuz it is TOO ICKY to think/talk about and people JUST DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE THE FACTS as again so icky to think about).
Engaging in HYPERBOLE is NEVER GOING TO GET PAST PEOPLE’S PROGRAMMED INDOCTRINATION BY LEFT – you MUST BE HONEST/REAL and able to point to EVIDENCE rather than only play to EMOTIONS (as Left does). FACTS, EVIDENCE, TRUTH, REALITY, LOGIC, REASON, COMMON-SENSE….. YOU must not LIE like The Left ALWAYS DOES, Honor, Integrity, etc., need to matter on our Side – and, yes, EXAGGERATION and HYPERBOLE can/will harm your reputation!!!!
NOW, how about the CONVERSE!!! In WARTIME hard-choices have to be made and terms like ACCEPTABLE LOSSES dealt with. SO, let me, let us, JUST FOR SAKE OF ARGUMENT, cuz again THIS IS ICKY and NOT NICE to contemplate and why MANY just refuse to even entertain the notion SOME PETS (not huge numbers, but WHAT IS ACCEPTABLE LOSS then – seriously, WILL YOU CONFRONT HONESTLY THAT QUESTION AND WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER?!?!). FURTHER, again, cuz it is ICKY to contemplate let us FOR SAKE OF ARGUMENT just DISMISS and IGNORE the actual Reports of Cats, Dogs, Ducks, Geese, BEING EATEN. DOES IT SOMEHOW BECOME MORE PALATABLE AND/OR ACCEPTABLE IF they are just MURDERING SUCH FOR “JUST” (if you will) VOO-DOO SACRAFICE RITUALS. Seriously, again, all those who REFUSE TO DEAL IN REALITY, how about that/this Question – IF it is indeed NOT EATING but “JUST” being PETS CAUGHT AND KILLED FOR SACRAFICE IN VOO-DOO RITUAL. No, really, seriously, WILL YOU HONESTLY CONFRONT THE QUESTION does that (killed, but not eaten) somehow lessen the CRIMES?!?!? You, of course, WILL NEVER, EVER, get Leftards to Answer ANY QUESTIONS they will forever maintain their DENIAL AND DELUSION none of this happens. NOT ONE REAL INSTANCE, despite many Reports (now, yes, of course, a Report or two here and there may be FALSIFIED, but THE LEFT, The #ENEMEdia, want you to believe EVERY REPORT OF ANY OF THIS IS ALL JUST CRAZY PEOPLE OR LIARS! Not the level of HOLOCAUST DENIAL, and I know many will call me names, and also just TRY DISMISS ME as a NUT, but MURDER DENAIL is going on with ALL on The Left. YOU OK WITH THAT?!?!? Cover-ups are OK with you! Burying FACTS/REALITY is OK with you?!?!? just cuz it is INCONVENIENT FOR THE LEFT/Denialocrats?!?!?!?
OK, let us go even further down the DENIAL hole…. Let us, for sake of argument, say ALL THE ABOVE IS SOMEHOW FABRICATED…. Well, YOU ARE OK WITH A TOWN BEING VIRTUALLY OVER-RUN AND 20,000+ ADDED IN (about 1/3 extra regular) SIZE in such quick fashion cannot possibly be handled. YOU ARE OK with all the RESOURCES diverted from ACTUAL LEGAL RESIDENTS in order to take care of ILLEGAL INVADERS ever growing the Homeless ranks roaming all over the Town?!?! Anyone and everyone can see that REALITY on daily, hourly, basis, no WELL HAPPENING ONCE IN AWHILE SO YOU MIGHT NOT SEE IT – and the FASCICRATS want you to IGNORE THAT ENTIRELY ALONE!!!! The Administration FLOODING that town (and many others in many States to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM the Neighborhoods) with countless ILLEGALS over-loading the System – on purpose, no way ACCIDENTAL and THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON!!! NO, SERIOUSLY, YOU OK WITH THAT ALONE?!?!? I am NOT!!!
But, sorry, I am NOT going to give you the easy out, IT IS ALL TRUE (again, not in huge numbers, but WHAT, how is ANY OF IT, ACCEPTABLE???) and time for you to DEAL WITH REALITY rather than be COMFORATED BY DENIAL to maintain your Delusion!!!
But I guess the EXTENDED SEGMENT that NEWSMAX did on it, showed interviews with Residents willing to put their reputation on the line by going ON CAMERA for all the World to see, show Springfield CITY COUNCIL MEETING with many Residents (The Left would have you believe making all this up while) talking about all this, several Guest experts, etc…. ALL JUST RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY… I can tell you, if I wanted to create a Conspiracy to help Trump — I could think of many FAR EASIER TO BELIEVE FALACIES ——– again, TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION!!!!
AND UNDERSTAND THE TRICK OF LANGUAGE BEING USED BY LEFT TO TRY DISMISS THIS, just like #ENEMEdia Moderators did during the Debate “NO CREDIBLE REPORTS” they DISMISS those Reporting such to POLICE (and is in Springfield Ohio Police Reports) and talking about such (CAN SEE ON VIDEO) those at City Council Meeting to REPORT THE INCIDENTS — they will CALL THEM CRAZY PEOPLE and therefore attach NOT CREDIBLE to the. THAT is how the Left LANGUAGE bullshit Game is played (more: /education/2024/07/language-use-and-abuse-2464215.html). KNOW how The Left LIES by omission, engages in SPIN (again, THEY pretend they are NOT CREDIBLE so they can claim the “NO CREDIBLE ACCOUNTS” bullshit), and more!!!!! AND NOW if they want to continue their DENIALISM they will have to claim all NEWSMAX showed, what?, DEEP FAKE?, NEWSMAX (as well as FOXNEWS, OAN, many non-National News agencies also covering) who has covered FACTS also with eyewitnesses, just RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA ALL MADE UP?!?!?) is Crazy, duped, NOT CREDIBLE?!?!? LOL
LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THEIR WORD CHOICES TO DODGE WITH – they “deem” they “decide” they “FEEL” (rather they KNOW these FACTS are INCONVENIENT to/for The Left —- so, pretend those reporting are “NOT CREDIBLE” and can use the SPIN/DISTORTION/DEFLECTION of “NO CREDIBLE REPORTS!” (pure FICTION on their part then at that point by “their definitions” they will claim THEY are the ones Reporting only FACT – they know they are LYING and do so purposefully, willfully, and malice aforethought) WAKE UP PEOPLE TO THE WOKETARDS/LEFTARDS GAMES!
WE TOO, if we were dishonest like The Left, PLAY THAT GAME. WE ALL KNOW with certainty with all the Left #ENEMEdia exposed #LIES that THEY ARE NOT CREDIBLE SOURCES and indeed say such about THOSE NETWORKS/PLATFORMS/STATIONS! ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBCiles, Google, YouCENSOR (err. Tube), and on and on are NOT CREDIBLE SOURCES they peddle LEFT PROPAGANDA (only until they are so cornered and FACTS SO EVIDENT they cannot deny them anymore, and occasionally REPORT TRUTH to try feign CREDIBILITY – they have no honor or integrity AT ALL.
What I am about to SHARE (Thu. Sep. 12th 2024 19:50ET) via my 12+ social-media platforms about this…. and this update….
I was JUST ON LIVE with Rick and Maverick News again (just briefly, by Phone, not Zoom on Camera today) cuz the CATS/DOGS BEING EATEN (FACTUAL STORY) not dying down. SO, I have UPDATED THE FOLLOWING PIECE to present the points I made to Rick (ONE has to understand that in Haiti there is a lot of VOO DOO CULTURE that does indeed Sacrafice Animals and Eat them — The Left trying to POO POO (sorry, no Voo Doo rhyme intended, but there it is LOL) that very FACT cuz it is then EASY for most to understand the HOW/WHY it is indeed HAPPENING FOR REAL IN OHIO. LEFTARDS never deal in Reality and always try to frame things in terms of US Culture, this is (again) HAPPENING FOR REAL HERE NOW because of the Haiti Culture and unfettered ILLEGAL MIGRATION rather than INSISTING they knock on the front door and DECLARE/SWEAR/OATH to wanting become part of USA CULTURE (or just stay where you are if you want to IMPORT shit like this here (we still have enough VOO DOO nonsense, but not EATING OUR PETS, in NOLA that we Fight)).
more in…
“UPDATE on the media LIES about the Harris v Trump Debate….”
Thursday, September 12, 2024 [with many updates since initial posting]
DO SOME OF YOUR OWN RESEARCH, AND FROM “ACTUAL CREDIBLE REAL NEWS SOURCES” not Leftwing propaganda sites (that includes GOOGLE, which I cover their CENSORSHIP ACTIONS manipulating (to bury down many many many pages of results, they hope you then don’t dig through all) results TO HIDE FACTS/TRUTH The Left doesn’t like you to be INFORMED OF THE REALITY, TRUTH, FACTS, EVIDENCE, LOGIC (not feewings), REASON, COMMON-SENSE, etc….)!
OK, next to last update…
Multi-Millionaire Singer JOHN LEGEND took to social-media with Video pleading that Springfield should LET THEM IN (embrace and Welcome more and more above the 20,000+ already DUMPED into their Community by the Biden/Harris admin. Well BACK-FIRE (Streisand effect) everyone fired back with images of his MULTI ACRE MANSION ESTATE and “How about YOU take them onto your Property and into YOUR Mansion?!?!?”
LASTLY, cuz I know what some on The Left will try use as DODGE.
If a Tree falls in the Forest, and no-one there to hear/see – does it make a sound?
[I know, but The Left will have that go over head, THINKERS will get it]
Just cuz there are “supposed real pictures” of the Loch Ness Monster, does that make it Real?
Just cuz you have NO PICTURES (or video, nor audio) of Me taking a Piss – does that mean it never happens that I must NEVER EVER take a Piss?!?!?
OK, you get it, or you DO NOT WANT TO GET IT!
Presence, or lack there-of, of any one kind of certain kinds of evidence MAY OR MAY NOT EXIST, does not DISPROVE!
OK, here’s another quick update insert (Thu. Sep. 19th) food-for-thought (from my social-media I just posted before coming here to insert….
OK, I gotta ADD something about the HAITIAN Illegals story.
HAVE PEOPLE FORGOTTEN how the #Clintons raised #BILLIONS for #Haiti #Earthquake relief and sent only a few pennies there and only to those with CONNECTIONS to the Clintons?!?!?!?
IF they had DONE A DAMN THING IN #HAITI with those Billions, #HAITI may have actually been able to get on its Feet and NOT be the #ShitHole it is and why so many FLEEING FROM THERE!!
more in…
Suddenly many NOT CONCERNED about others’ Health – pure Politics….
Health | Sep 12 2024 [RFK Jr. connection]
Additional other recent odds/ends from me…
Is the number SIX always better than number THREE – just cuz 6 is bigger than 3?!?!
Economics and Politics | Sep 10 2024
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – time to Harden (Security in) Schools NOT confiscate Law Abiding peoples Guns
U. S. Politics | Sep 10 2024
Debate Tonight Will Be REAL PREDICTABLE… SneakPeek, know before you tune-in at 21:00ET….
U. S. Politics | Sep 10 2024
9/11 Somber Remembrance Time Again – 2024
9/11 and Ground Zero | Sep 08 2024
ALSO, just added BREAKING NEWS over in the other piece this subsection from but tacking on here too….
Reports are now emerging that ABC insiders WHISTLEBLOWERS leaking that the Questions (just like Donna Brazile did in the Hilary v Trump CNN Debate) WERE LEAKED TO THE HARRIS CAMPAIGN —- Sound Right??? Did it not seem TOO PERFECT how Harris had all her PRE-REHEARSED SOUND-BITE TALKING-POINTS ready for every Answer and ZERO PUSH-BACK on any LIES she told in Response to said LEAKED AHEAD QUESTIONS?!?!?
Matters not what you know true, but what can convincingly demonstrate others true…
S1E32 NOTES ( listen (Jan 27 2024 and after) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E32) “Red-Pill Strategy (aka: ‘the Conspiracy-Theories show’)”
Matters not what you know true, but what can convincingly demonstrate others true…
Understanding that many things can be true, but are just not strategic to share (at first) with those only just now becoming Politically Awakened from their WOKE stupor. You do not start a Child reading War And Peace but introduce “digestible” fare and eventually they will build up to being to handle the more complex.
Also, Peter Serefine (Author of forthcoming book: “Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal”) joins the Show to discuss this, Liberty Lighthouse, Google censorship (as they try to block visitors to his site), and his previous books.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: N/A
Episode related pieces…
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(S2ESepSpecial1 Audio: 56m 48s Wed Sep 4 2024)
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from August 10th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
August 10 – S2E60: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities
August 17 – S2E61: Hate
August 24 – S2E62: Finding the Sweet Spot
August 31 – S2E63: Neighborliness
September 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
September 14 – S2E65: Stand Against Tyranny
September 21 – S2E66: WOKEists Warping Words (Twisting Language part 3)
September 28 – S2E67: Strategically Stupid
October 5 – S2E68: School Shootings
October 12 – S2E69: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1)
October 19 – S2E70: Micro vs Macro
October 26 – S2E71: RFK Jr. Trump’s HHS Secretary?
November 2 – S2E72: How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
RePlays of LIVE Shows I’ve been on:
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material there-in.
TODAY (Fri. Sep. 13)…
Good on #Trump, good pivot, take what The Left SPIN and turn-it-back on them…. “They said I was #ANGRY during the #Debate – they’re Right I AM ANGRY about 20m Illegals flooded in The Lefts’ #OpenBorder, ANGRY about them destroying the #Economy, etc….” GREAT JOB, NOW…. LEARN and PIVOT on other things….
ANOTHER DEBATE??? Trump already AGREED TO THREE, he showed up FOR THREE already — FASCICRATS didn’t…. IT HAS TO BE SAID, TRUMP AGREED to another Debate already before THE FOXNEWS DEBATE that Kamala REFUSED (cuz she must have only 100% in the tank for her Network and Moderators) and he then had a TOWNHALL (that Kamala could have also shown for, to Debate) that same night on FOXNEWS — THEREFORE, IT WAS KAMALA ALREADY REFUSED “ANOTHER” DEBATE. That can, could, should, be Trump Team’s stance if he decides to skip having another Debate (cuz THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN three Debates (the one with/vs BiDUMB, the Shit-Eating-Grin-Kamala loss one, and the FOXNEWS DEBATE/TOWNHALL Kackles REFUSED).
Did it not seem REAL CLEAR after the #ABC #Moderators had the #Springfield* #Ohio “#City #Manger” #SPIN-#CHECK (carefully crafted language) ready to go THE WHOLE #DEBATE WAS A #SETUP (and yet #Trump still WON, cuz people who are #THINKERS and have #CommonSense SAW what was going on – they were so obvious; and IT IS BACKFIRING ON THEM)?!?!?
YES, #Whistleblower #insider from #ABC confirms #ABC leaked the Questions to #Harris, and #ABC had back her PRE-REHEARSED PLANNED RESPONSES, and “potential” that #Trump would take any number of the BAITING w/ that Story.
* more specifics and breakdown WHY the #ABC #ENEMEdia Team had that exact CAREFULLY CRAFTED (keyword: CREDIBLE, spin, twist, dodge) response outlined in (that exact #verbiage was NOT COINCIDENTAL):
OK, I gotta ADD something about the HAITIAN Illegals story.
HAVE PEOPLE FORGOTTEN how the #Clintons raised #BILLIONS for #Haiti #Earthquake relief and sent only a few pennies there and only to those with CONNECTIONS to the Clintons?!?!?!?
IF they had DONE A DAMN THING IN #HAITI with those Billions, #HAITI may have actually been able to get on its Feet and NOT be the #ShitHole it is and why so many FLEEING FROM THERE!!
more in…
Everyone stop and think , what do hungry people in 3rd world countries eat when food is scarce ??? It’s called anything they can get their hands on !!! It ranges from bugs like the Gates foundation is pushing , worms , animals , but when animals get scarce because everyone has eaten them , then focus is onto the richer people’s pets , and when that gets scarce because they are all eaten , it is even pushed to a far more extreme levels were humans even make the food list like Satanist are doing in America .
Like Hillary Clinton with Anthony Wenners snuff video that the FBI has of her and Huma Abadin having sex with a child and then cutting of her face and eating the child and drinking the childs blood !!! Yes it’s real I saw part of the video that was shown on Beforeitsnews , look it up , then wonder why the FBI has not proicuted Hillary and Huma . Oh that’s right Hillary died of Codos ( eating humans ) . So what we have now is doubles acting the part ! I say you want to play the part you get the same penitaly as the real one got , death !!!
Other recent items here on B4IN by ME (author of this piece)
Every Black Life Matters
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Micro vs Macro
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Iran allied with Russia, yet some want to try the Russian Collusion idiocy card against Trump again?!?!?
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Gods Not Dead: In God We Trust, Reagan, Forge, Am I Racist, more, films out now…
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Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere)… Highlighting Derek Reimer Canadian DeepState Political Prisoner…
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Do you REALLY want the DMV controlling your Health-Care?? That is what MediCAIDforall would be..
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