Discussion w/ "Bullseye The Clown" (Bullying, Humor, Health, Healing, more)
A discussion with ”Bullseye The Clown” (Bullying, Humor, Health, Healing, Medicine, more)
[as like I have a chapter called "Comic Relief" in my "Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You" book to make the point of the importance no matter how serious things may be or get to keep a sense-of-humor, while I was in Karmanos Cancer Center (discussion w/ Talaya on "Surviving Cancer Together" Show) for treatment I was the one always cracking Jokes]
Hello Friends, a bit of a disclaimer. I, Joseph M Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit here on BeforeItsNews and across most Social-Media Platforms) am engaging in a bit of a cheat, a short-cut, in the delivery of this piece. However, I felt it important enough that it should be shared. What is the cheat? Well, I spoke with Brian (aka: Bullseye The Clown) on my ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast Show (episode S1EMarSpecial3, Audio version to drop Wed. Mar. 27th 2024 (buzzsprout where the files are hosted, but also on iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Spotify, and about a dozen additional/other podcast platform services)) about so many things, and as part of the process of putting together my Shows (this one no different) I run the Audio through a Transcription Service (will be mentioned below) and I will embed the Behind-The-Scenes / Sneak-Peek YouTube Video version of the Show (best way to view, rather than listen as Brian appears in full “Bullseye The Clown” gear) I will also be including the (less than perfect) Transcription of the Show below (the Transcriber Service provides atrocious punctuation, mis-interprets and therefore some of the words said, etc.; but overall, presented as it is delivered, is what it is as also a way of “providing fair/honest review” (you get to see, good, bad, ugly) of the particular Transcription Service Provider (should you find yourself in need of such a Service and you can/may consider their use)).
[S1EMarSpecial3 BTS/SP Premiers on YouTube Tue. Mar. 26th 20:00ET
Premiered on Rumble Tue. Mar. 26th 13:00ET -
S1EMarSpecial3 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Mar 27 2024 and thereafter) at: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487 )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EMarSpecial3) “Clowning around with Bullseye (Humor & Health)”
I am so proud and happy to have the great Bullseye the Clown (part of Clowns On A Mission) join the Show. As you’ve heard me say “No matter how serious things get, it is important for us to keep a Sense Of Humor” and Brian… er… Bullseye (in full Clown gear and paint (which you can see on/at @JLenardDetroit BitChute, Brighteon, Rumble, and YouTube, channels BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video)) takes us through so many things: Importance of Humor to maintaining Health and in Illness Recovery physiology as well as his book about dealing with Bullying called “Bullseye On Bullying.” His Rubber Chickens in Prison story. A recent “Value of even Forced Smiles” Study discussion. His Bachelor of Farts… er… I mean… “Arts” (Theater) Degree from Ashland University Ohio. Giving back, Charity, Helping others. More…
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript Bonus this episode!
Episode related pieces…
- No corresponding TLB Article this coming Sat
- https://BullseyeTheClown.com
- https://ClownsOnAMission.com
- https://YouTube.com/@ClownsOnAMission
- info@ClownsOnAMission.com
- see this episode on Video: https://youtu.be/Xd9FmtSpQIQ
- https://TerrorStrikes.info/charity
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- Joseph M Lenard – linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (JosephMLenard.us / TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1EMarSpecial3 Audio: 35m 47s, Wed Mar 27 2024)
Transcription Services below from: https://converter.app/
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]
Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with TheLibertyBeacon.com and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that’s L E N A R D CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let’s get on with the show
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1]
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Joining me today is bullseye the clown now I’m not not normally in the habit of telling you to tune out of my normally audio only show But today is very good reason that you should head over to at @JLenardDetroit on BitChute, Brighteon, Rumble, or YouTube to see the behind the scenes sneak peek episode version video version of the show because Bullseye is here in full regalia and Why do I have bullseye the clown on the show? Well, it’s about humor and health Because even in my terror strikes coming soon to a city near you book I’ll be very deep heavy topic There’s a whole lot more going on in there, too There is a comic relief chapter about this very point no matter how serious things get We need to keep a sense of humor because it’s good for our health and I normally also don’t do this But rather than read a bio. Let me just turn it over to you tell us a little about yourself You know how you became bullseye the clown
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Well, this is a long story. No, so my name is bullseye the clown I actually became a clown later in life I mean if you had told me that 10 years ago that when I was in my 50s I would become a clown. I would have told you you were crazy But you would have said stop clowning around right exactly exactly But no actually how I got started my father passed away in 2018 and one of the things I always remembered I had seen a movie years ago called patch Adams and While I was watching that movie I I found out that patch Adams is actually like a real person I’m not just a movie that they made and so I went to his website and I found oh he does like these clown tours all over the World and I kind of I guess put that in the back of my mind Well, well my dad passed away He left me just like a little bit of money and I didn’t want to waste it on like paying for a bill so I remember that patch Adams was doing these trips and so I got on his website and I looked and he was doing a trip to Russia and that was in 2018. It was a two-week trip. It was a clown trip I really I was a stand-up comedian at the time. I really had no idea what but a clown trip was or how to really be a clown But on a whim I thought you know what I’m just going to throw caution to the wind I signed up for the clown trip and I went on this clown trip with patch Adams And honestly, I really never expected to clown once I got back I thought this is gonna be a one and done kind of thing
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Something that could help your stand-up career
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Yeah, yeah, give me give me some stories to talk about and things like that So that was kind of the idea But then when I started going on the trip and I started seeing like the impact that clowning had not only on myself But on the people that we were clowning with I thought you know there’s something to this humor and healing kind of thing and so once I got back from the trip I decided you know what I need to figure out a way to kind of continue doing clowning and doing clown tours And so I mean I’ve done about four or five trips now with patch Adams And I’ve actually done one of my own I just completed one of my own actually in Guatemala So we just got back from there a few weeks ago. So that’s kind of how the whole thing started
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah, yeah, I have in the notes here since you mentioned patch tours You started clowns on a mission kind of yes, you know
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Well clowns on a mission is a little different than what patch has patch goes and we do the tours with patch and you know We take love and compassion and you know we clown around we have fun and then we leave We don’t we don’t really leave anything behind and I thought you know How wonderful would it be if you know we left something behind depending on what it was? Whether like at the orphanages if you left you know food or clothes or socks or whatever So when I started clowns on a mission we decided originally we were going to go to Guatemala And we were going to do a backpack program We were a lot of the children in Guatemala can’t afford to go to school if their parents can’t afford their school supplies So we decided we were going to take 200 backpacks into Guatemala and hand those out to the poor children So that the poor children can get into school well what happened once we got there as we realized that There was also a need for a lot of these families to have food So while we were there we actually bought 200 pounds of rice and 200 pounds of corn We bought juice boxes for the children and we also bought cookies and then so everywhere we went we passed out the juice boxes cookies the rice and the corn Everywhere we went so that not only were we clowning around and having fun with them that at the end of our visit We left them something that they actually could use While we were gone
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah, that’s good cookies of course won’t last
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): No, they didn’t last passed our visit, but that’s okay
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): But rice rice is one of those things like this will be an odd segue or mentioned but in the most recent Godzilla movie I mean they were talking about right in World War two Tokyo or a Hiroshima after the blast right the need for rice because that was something that then Couldn’t would last for a while as opposed to so many other things that would be a short-lived item So you were definitely thinking ahead there. What are you thinking ahead or did you just happen stance on that?
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Well, well actually, you know, I wasn’t even playing to get food until we got there then one of the ladies who was hosting us She said you know the the folks really do need food and so it was kind and so we just kind of started looking at them And I would but what amazes me is how poor they are and how cheap there’s food and stuff really is there and yet They can’t afford it. I mean I bought you know 200 pounds of corn for $50 Wow, I mean, you know I was like, well how much is you know because I was thinking about well, you know We raised just a certain amount of money for the backpacks and everything and for our trip And so I was like, well, I don’t know how much is this how much is this corn gonna cost me? Well, she said it’s $50. I was like, well, yeah, yeah
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Given inflation in our country right now one corn on the carpet a restaurant will cost you $50 Exactly a serious and joking point at the same time
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): So then we kind of decided, you know, what what what can uh, what as you said, what can last and then Uh with rice, you know, they can make quite a few meals out of the rice And uh, we actually had a little bit of rice left over one of the last places we visited was a as it was a nursing home And this was a place where um families just kind of took their old parent and they just dropped them off You know, and then they ended up taking their homes and their money Um, and so the the nursing home doesn’t charge like the residents to live there But then they don’t really fund it either Um, they give like some workers to work there But if they want food they have to get food by donation only So when we went to visit them, we took every one of the residents a meal And since we had a little bit of rice and corn left over from the the rice and corn that we bought Then the week after we had already left, um, some of the locals also went and they’re using the same food Um, and made them another meal again. So, um, even though we’re gone Um, we’re still being able to continue the mission there even though we’re not there
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): That’s great. That’s great. I have in my notes because I don’t script things, but I do do notes One thing I wrote down this will be a bit of a setup to get to your reaction It’s won’t really be a question, but I want your reaction Okay, we’re recording on march. I’m not exactly sure when this show will drop It may not drop till like june or july Gaimoli So nothing too time, uh, you know dependent here But uh, I was listening to the snark factor the other day with fingers meloy and seara smith another show They’re also on a wam radio local station And they were talking about Uh, a study about things not to say to a woman I’ll I’ll segue this to why i’m asking you in a second And one of the items was never tell a woman to smile more, right? Uh, that’s a big no, no, but my immediate thought was Well, you know, we really need to tell everybody To smile more and what i’m giving it is that there was a study on newsmax Amorekenberg, I think mentioned it about even Forcing the smile can have benefits and my thoughts and what I want to get your reaction to was It’s not the forced smile that’s of the benefit It’s that you likely get smiles back in return that are genuine That then help them and help you your thoughts
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Actually, that’s exactly exactly 100 correct in that Um, that’s kind of what happened when I went to russia So when I went to rush with this on this very first patch trip Um, I was dealing with the death of my father I had spent years being bullied as a kid and even into adulthood And so I had like a lot of you know Junk that I was taking with me and so um patch had one rule. He was actually had two rules It was be happy happy happy everywhere you go and there’s no whining so
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Except the crush grape kind right exactly
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): And so You know, we were forced basically everywhere we went to be happy while you know Some of us were dealing with other personal things And so it was you know, you can’t be happy and sad at the same time So what I found was everywhere we went we were happy jolly happy jolly happy jolly And then when I came home, I realized that all of the baggage that I took to russia with me I was no longer there, you know, you saw how you saw how just the interactions with people Um, changed them You know, what one instance in particular that would happen on the very first day We were traveling to an orphanage and we were there are 35 pounds in a bus traveling through russia And so And so we stopped at a stoplight and I peaked out the window. Um, there was a bus station or a Bus station right outside the window. Um, and so the light turned red And so I just started picking on the window I saw a little lady sitting out there holding a bag of groceries and there was other people there But nobody was really paying any attention to this lady And so I just started picking on the window and I waved at her and she looked at me She’s like, I don’t know what she thought but She she kind of like waved and so I waved a little faster and then she waved a little faster And then all the clowns on the bus saw what I was doing and they turned and they all started waving at the woman But then the light changed and the bus started to pull away And as we pulled away the old woman sat down on the park bench and she cried Oh No, why she cried. I don’t know. Maybe she was just glad we didn’t kidnap her Or Or maybe, you know We should for that moment in time for that 30 seconds that we were sitting there somebody saw her that day You know, maybe nobody notices her. Maybe nobody sees her But just in that moment Um, and I saw the power that clowning had on people and just like as you mentioned the smiles And how the smiles are contagious and then how you know as we pulled away Then the smiles are leaving and then of course she’s left with whatever thought she has Yeah, it was just everywhere. We went things started happening like that. Um, and we saw how And of course I couldn’t speak Russian. So I’m an American So I could not speak any Russian at all. I had no idea what any of these people were saying to me Um, and so we didn’t have language So most of the clowns could not speak Russian So we didn’t really have the language that we could communicate So it really had to be all through smiles and hugs and love and um, you know Trying to make as much humor as we could um with whatever we could find that we had there
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Or pantomiming and yeah and and uh like carrot top uh prop
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Yeah type things and yeah, yeah, and just you know just taking up like a banana and moving Hello, you know
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Right, right Hello, they would understand right and yeah exactly Uh, those could have been tears of depression because she was depressed or again Someone showed attention They could have been tears of joy and hopefully they were
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Yeah, and like I said, so It was it was those moments that whenever I got back home I started thinking about those and like okay I need to figure out how I can continue doing that more So then that’s why I just after that I I signed up to go on a trip to morocco and went to mexico and went to uh Costa Rica and then we said we just went to Guatemala so um You know, I just and of course now I also clown Um here at the United States. I also clown like in a lot of nursing homes So I go into a lot of nursing homes and I do clowning there because you know I like to find people who are kind of I don’t know isolated I guess I that yeah Um, and so that’s kind of my thing is I try to find people who feel like they’re locked away and You know and I try to try to be as much to each of them as I can
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah clowns and service dogs are good Yeah I did I I’m not trying to directly equate you to a dog But I think you know what I’m saying
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Yeah, most clowns are a little less fuzzy, but that’s yeah
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): And you mentioned bullying I have that in my notes to uh quote unquote in your profile a bullying expert So I yeah, I mean, I think we all understand where you would go But go ahead and expound upon that. Well, like I said, you know, uh, I actually wrote a book
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): A couple years ago called bullseye on bullying Uh, and it’s kind of like a little handbook really for like people who are bullied to carry with them, you know Um, and ideally believe it or not I was when I started to write the book. I wasn’t planning to write it really for kids even though I’m a clown But my my whole my whole purpose really was I saw like a lot of people who are bullied as kids who Um, when they became adults, they’re still carrying all of that stuff with them You know all of their hurt the anxiety and all that kind of stuff and the um, so I thought you know What makes some people who are bullied? You know carry all that with them and then not them not do the the work that they wanted to do, you know Um, like I really thought that by this point in my life. I would be like this really famous actor, you know Uh, like robin wooley is or something and as you can see, I’m rules had to clown So It didn’t quite work out as I had hope Uh, but then you have other people who are bullied like say lady gaga, susan voil Uh people who’ve gone on to do like, you know, these these amazing things and I was so originally when I started to write the book That was kind of my ideas Why do some people live out? You know kind of become successful in spite of the fact that they were bullied and then some people kind of Um, don’t amount to what they had hoped for Um, then it just as I was writing the book, of course Then things just kind of started to morph and um, I had some kids were reading what I was writing And they were getting a lot out of it too. So then it just kind of was like, okay Well, you know, apparently this is a book that you know, all people can really read and understand and kind of um, get to the crux stuff. So, um, my my whole point wasn’t to necessarily eradicate bullshit For a person who is bullied. Um, how do they react to them and how do they they get away from them and how do they? Um, move on from that. So that was kind of the whole point. Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to eradicate it
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): And this may sound controversial and upsetting to some I don’t think we want to entirely it’s a part of life And we just need to make people understand the bullying isn’t about you It’s about their lack of self-esteem and self-worth And sometimes people may take that bullying and it’s like, uh They become something because of it. It’s I’m going to show you I’m going to amount to something whereas I know you won’t So Yeah, we need to understand not to take that bullying as somehow we’re inadequate in whatever way
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): That’s exactly but anyway a lot of times what I have found from just Just believe it or not as I was writing the book of a person who believed me actually Was going through a 12 step program and actually wrote me a letter and actually the letter is in the book Uh, and so I just kind of continued to talk with and you know, you do find out that you know It had really nothing to do with me, you know, the the one who believed me He was a mixed race And so he was in with a group of friends and in order for him to fit in with this group of friends He bullied me so that they wouldn’t bully him. Um, so you just never know what kind of dynamics is working in the head of the bully as well and it could be that the bully is You know a battered child at home And so they’re lashing out when they get to school because they have that outlet there Um, and so that’s part of it is that a lot of times the bullies don’t have an outlet They’re just trying to get their emotions out and unfortunately it just happens to be on someone um who is You know unsuspecting and innocent, you know at the time, you know, um, yeah, yeah, you’re absolutely right So it really um and that’s what I say in the book too, you know, bullying isn’t about you who is being bullied It’s really more about the bully. Um, and what’s going on in their life
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Exactly to them in a way. It’s just a coping measure or um a steam let off measure and in in many respects again controversial Uh, we’d rather somebody verbally abuse somebody Then it go to a physical Abusiveness, which of course, I mean in some cases it is with bullies, you know fighting and her Physical harassment. So there’s you know, it’s all gray areas You know, it’s not all the same we have to look at them different and indeed understand And not just Maybe why we’re a target but again more that we might just be random That’s really indeed more about them But I also see down here a bachelor of arts and comprehensive theater and communications From ashland university. Well, my first thing is I didn’t look it up Where is ashland? When did you go? When did why did Was this later in life when you decided to become a clown or did that start your stand up or
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): No, actually that I went I went right after right after high school. So I went right from high school right into college Uh ashland university was in ohio ashland ohio all
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): It’s so it’s being in binging michigan. I should know that but again
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Yeah, it was it started off as ashland college. So uh while I was actually going it switched from ashland college to ashland university Um, and the only thing that I really noticed that change was the cost
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Which was not at all funny
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Right And of course I was at theater major. Um, and I thought I have no idea what i’m ever going to do with this degree
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Well, better than a gender study
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Or a botanist or something like that, you know So yeah, that’s kind of how it all started and I and I picked ashland out of it You know, I had a list of colleges that I wanted to go to but a lot of the colleges They would not allow like theater majors to be in a play Until they were a junior. Um, and so I thought well, that’s kind of pointless You know how you’re gonna learn to act if you don’t act until you’re two years into your program So I picked ashland actually because they allowed you to be in plays right from the beginning So, um, that was kind and there was a couple famous people that you know Like at Amy stock who was in the bill in ten movies and she was on the tv show dallas and Dwyer brown who was in field of dreams. So there were there were few people who I knew who had gone on to do other things So that’s kind of why I picked it. Um
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): And do you stay at are you Do you have connectivity to those people at all? Yeah, no or No, I won’t forgotten about you
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Well, but I forgot about me. They don’t even know about me. So These were people who had gone there and who had graduated way before I even went oh, oh you weren’t there at the same time Oh, no, no, no, yes So I had known about these and so that’s kind of what kind of drew me in. I was like well at least they have a few success stories So, you know, um, I’ll see what happens with me and then I found out nothing
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah Yeah, I I dabbled in everything through high school. I was one of those I I was in theater production for a semester because I knew people who Were going to go into arts and that sort of thing they were my friend So I was involved in play production in high school and that and that was fun I that was not something I was interested in long term, but But uh, you know, there’s often this argument about schools now I’m definitely one that says we need to get back to the core Right. I say these days. It’s all about the new art radicalism branch And and and racism and we need to get back to arithmetic writing and history and the core arts But obviously too, not everybody is that Intellectual hemisphere thinker. There are people who are more artistic So obviously there is still a need and a place for arts, but I think Uh the emphasis now since we got away from it needs to get back to those core teachings Would you agree with that?
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): I would and I mean, I really think that uh, I really think that theater is a as a as a good outlet for a lot of people Which it was for me. Um, unfortunately, like even at my high school. Um, I found out like years later Um that they they’ve dropped the drama program so they no longer have the drama program based on budgets or whatever Um, you know, because you know, football and basketball are more profitable than theater So of course that football team and the baseball team and the basketball team they all get the the money Um, and yeah, I mean, I was never one of those kids that likes uh, I liked math was okay I arithmetic was fine writing was fine spelling. I love spelling in english Uh history. I could have given a hoot about Uh, you know, my whole thing is if I want to know what happened back then I’ll watch a movie about it, you know And maybe I’ll be in the movie about it, you know, who knows? Um But yeah, it’s like you even when rice all the movie the Titanic I like I had no idea how the movie was going to end so
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): That’s funny that’s funny. That’s a good one. I like that
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): That’s probably the only one in the theater who had no idea where this was going but my
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Okay, um, I I don’t do a long show Uh Seeing as i’m still in my first season This might actually drop in my second season by the time it does Well, I’m still building an audience. So I don’t want to go too long people see a new show And if it’s for three hours in no, I don’t think so, but you know shorter shows They might tune in to give us a try right So and hopefully now knowing you’re here they’ll really want to tune in
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): And so my is the interviewing a clown what the hey
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): This is a christian show And i’ve interviewed an aceus twice So, you know, I i’ll talk to you know, they all relate in some way again with this show humor and health is an important thing There’s no faith no religion no none of that involved but A very important topic. So is there anything you want to share wrapping things up?
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Well, no, but I do want to ask you a question so you mentioned okay So you mentioned that you had a passage about patch atoms in your book
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Have you ever met patch atoms or what means no your book no no it’s a comic relief chapter Just making that point about the need to keep a sense of humor and that humor and health Connection it was just easy to mention patch because indeed most people know At least his name because of the robin william’s movie Like you even previously mentioned because a lot of people know the movie
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Those were So if you you want me to have some like little ending wisdom and I always say the the best thing you can do for yourself is to do Good things for other people because in doing things for other people
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): And there’s there’s there’s our christian tie-in Right do one to others as you like have done unto you
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): I mean, I live by uh, I just have to find this scripture what it actually was it was very Very much the way I feel and I think it’s proverbs 11 25 It says a generous person will prosper and whoever refreshes others is refreshed or something to that point And that’s kind of the way it is I mean, I I really was not looking for the clowning tours to help me in any way I I was just there to have fun with other people and then in turn it just really did wonders for myself So I mean if you’re going through a really bad day and you want to do something that’s going to uplift yourself Um, go do something nice for somebody else. I mean it can be just as simple as make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and go down to the Street corner and hand it to a homeless person just do some and and their reaction has nothing to do with The deed that you did, you know, don’t expect anything in return. They may not want to hug you They may not even take the sandwich. That’s not the point The point is that you did it and how it made you feel when you gave it to someone. So right?
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): I I hear you. That’s great. That’s wonderful Now if people want to reach out to you, do you have a website? Where do people find you?
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): I do I have a bullseye the clowns calm and also clowns on a mission calm So if you want to learn about the mission that we do I think our next mission we’re planning hopefully to go to italy That’s our that’s our goal. Um because two of our clowns that were on our last trip were from italy and they wanted to host a trip So that’s hopefully where we’re going for the next trip
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Yeah, that’ll be nice. I hope you definitely schedule some time for sightseeing I I’m harking back to you mentioned morocco. Uh, did you get to see the nice parts at least too? Why you were there?
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Uh, we did we we we spent the first we did it was like eight days So we spent four days in casablanca and then we spent four days in marrakesh Um, and then of course we had the way it was set up to where we had usually two big clowning things per day But usually the evenings are opened up for us to kind of do other things So, you know, like when we were in uh casablanca, we went to like ricks cafe Which was the cafe that was in the movie casablanca Uh-huh And then um marrakesh we got to do a few sightseeing things But like I said a lot of times we were spent, you know In orphanages or prisons or rovers the patch had us going Uh, you know mexico we went to a few prisons and that was kind of that was an interesting
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): I I’m not but you’re watching that end then yet Let’s let’s experiment Uh, because you mentioned prison in a medium of my mind. I mean like, uh There are a lot of musical artists too that will go and I I bet your experience was probably actually pretty good there
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Right? It was actually, you know Uh the prison that we went to It was a prison for women and then women if they had children They were allowed to have their children there up until they were six and then at six The children either had to go live with family or if they had no family then they were put into like the orphanages Um, and so we happened to go on like visitation day where like family members were coming in Um, and so we kind of entertained like the children and then when the family member was with the children Uh, then we entertained their family Um, and then they pulled me and a few other clowns aside They said we want you to go into this other yard Not sure what I’m not sure why they picked me to miss us though they go into the other yard
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Um, you you look like you were okay for the high security yard
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Yeah, it must have been so then they moved us over to this other little yard where we kind of were hanging out And uh, the prisoners who weren’t allowed to come out because they had misbehaved that day or whatever that week Um, they were behind these concrete walls and the walls had like little holes about oh about that big in them And so they could kind of peek out these little holes and for those on audio you’re
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): By the size of a softball. Yeah. Yeah
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Uh, enough for them to reach their arm out so they could reach age and they were a bunch of the holes all over the wavy So it was just like lines and lines of these little holes. So I guess it was ventilation Um, and then also they could they had like they could hang laundry out on the thing and they um, well, somebody said well The ladies up there they want um, they want you to send them a balloon up there and i’m like, I don’t know how i’m going to get a balloon through that hole Because i’m pretty know But I had these I carry these little things with me and I know your people at home can’t see them Um if they were listening, but I had these little rubber chickens Oh And these are and these little chickens are slingshots And so what I would do is I would take these little slingshots and I would shoot these chickens up into the little holes I’m surprised they let you do that because that could you they didn’t see me do it. Oh, yeah
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Because then they could use them as a weapon or
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Not a very effective one, but Oh, I didn’t think of that at the time, but yes, once I left and I told people about this experience as he They said they kind of tied these things together and choked somebody as well. Yeah
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Or choking hazard for a child. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we learn it as we go, right?
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): That’s right. What would I do it again? Probably
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): Oh, you probably shouldn’t but I could see the yeah, the guy can see the guards being pissed off at trying to round them all up
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): And where they’re like where the hell do you take us from?
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): All right. Well, thank you bullseye the comp you want to share your real name or you strictly stand character
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): My new my real name is brian. I go by my real name But yeah, bullseye the clown and people a lot of people ask, you know, why did you choose that name and And actually it came from bullying. You know, I used to say like when people would call me names It was like they were shooting arrows at me and everyone’s oh what they would say would hit the bullseye And so that just kind of resonated with me. And so that’s why I came up with the name bullseye the clown
JOSEPH M LENARD (HOST): and yeah, that reminds me I was actually a Local friend Independent franchise owned big boy restaurant that’s in white in wind out where I live And I was talking to them about I something came what they said so I stepped over and told a joke And that led to me talking about the podcast and that I was going to have you on And they mentioned yet that they love that name. So people who never heard of you. I mentioned you and they said oh I love that name. So hopefully they’ll tune in when the show drops and hey big boy Customers you I didn’t get their name. So I can’t give them an actual shout out, but here’s your shout out All right. Thank you brian bullseye the clown for stopping by Take care and have a great day.
BULLSEYE THE CLOWN (Clowns On A Mission): Thank you for having me
[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]
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