LIAONING AIRCRAFT CARRIER, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) — China has
successfully conducted flight landing on its first aircraft
carrier, the Liaoning, naval sources said.A new J-15 fighter jet
was used as part of the landing exercise.
After its delivery to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy on
Sept. 25, the aircraft carrier has undergone a series of sailing
and technological tests, including the flight of the carrier-borne
Capabilities of the carrier platform and the J-15 have been tested,
meeting all requirements and achieving good compatibility, the PLA
Navy said.Since the carrier entered service, the crew have
completed more than 100 training and test programs.
The successful flight landing also marked the debut of the J-15 as
China’s first generation multi-purpose carrier-borne fighter jet,
the PLA Navy said.Designed by and made in China, the J-15 is able
to carry multi-type anti-ship, air-to-air and air-to-ground
missiles, as well as precision-guided bombs.
The J-15 has comprehensive capabilities comparable to those of the
Russian Su-33 jet and the U.S. F-18, military experts
Yesterday 11:45 PM hk299792458 地区: France(法国)
I can understand that all of you, including myself, are very happy
of this news.
But, please, don’t post any more this kind of trolling messages,
the Chinese friends I know have a higher level than this.
Yesterday 11:50 PM Skull and Bones 地区:somewhere between Heaven and
Hell(天堂与地狱之间的某个地方) J-15 will be better than F-18SHs, not sure about
EW and avionics front.
Today 12:57 AM Aeronaut 地区: ??? ?? ???? Congratulations to Chinese
friends on this achievement.
对中国朋友取得这个成就表示祝贺。 Today 01:00 AM SHAMK9 地区:nowhere(无处)
congrats 祝贺!!
Today 01:17 AM A.Rafay 地区:Tabuk – Karachi(卡拉奇—塔布克 )
Congrats To Chinese friends, Hope it makes A visit to Karachi
Today 01:29 AM JonAsad 地区: @home whatt??? Damn thats a beautiful
Today 01:43 AM fab78 地区: france(法国) Congrats To China What engine
it uses ?
Today 03:37 AM hk299792458 地区: France(法国)
Originally Posted by fab78 Congrats To China
What engine it uses ? Among the seven J-15 known so far, only #554
and #557 have equiped with WS-10H (The version of WS-10 reserved
for naval use is called WS-10H, and not WS-10A)… In the photos of
Xinhua, we can see #552 and #553, they are both powered by AL-31F
(??), I don’t know if Chinese engineers have made some changes to
make them adapt to naval condition…
回复fab78 :
Today 02:44 AM HANI 地区: Pakistan(巴基斯坦)
congrats to our brotherss
Today 02:57 PM kafumanpk 地区: N / A
The Su-33 has been eliminated by the Russians. But China illegally
copied such a stale the aircraft. Because they can only plagiarism
design, their brain is unable to create a new design.
Today 03:20 AM Peregrine 地区: islamabad(巴基斯坦,伊斯兰堡)
Let me speak on some ones behalf……………….These are
Today 05:37 AM wanglaokan 地区:shanghai(中国,上海) 50 years of dream
finally come true, congrats China!
Today 07:23 AM jhungary
地区:Lund, Sweden(瑞典隆德)
Good day for China
Anyone know how many J-15 can Liaoning House? This information is
not disclosed anywhere but Varyag can house 18 SU-33 and i think
J-15 is a bit larger than Su-33 isn’t it (As it have more range)
anyone knows?
Today 07:36 AM BigDaddyWatch 地区:Belgium(比利时)
Originally Posted by jhungary
Good day for China
Anyone know how many J-15 can Liaoning House? This information is
not disclosed anywhere but Varyag can house 18 SU-33 and i think
J-anyone knows?
The J-15 and the SU-33 are the same size. The hanger deck of the
Liaoning has been enlarged by removing the P-700 Granit missiles
and their launchers. So perhabs between 20 to 24
jets. 回复jhungary :
Today 07:38 AM gessler
地区:Bharat Desh(印度)
Kuznetsov carries only 12 Su-33s and remaining 5 are the small
I dont think Kuznetsov can carry more than 15 Su-33s.
Today 08:23 AM Beast 地区:Australia(澳大利亚)
Originally Posted by gessler
Kuznetsov carries only 12 Su-33s and remaining 5 are the small
Su-25s. I dont think Kuznetsov can carry more than 15 Su-33s.
Please dont compare ours to russian. Their hangar is much smaller
wih granit missile compartment still around. We have remove it from
hangar so it more room for more J-15. With wing fold, 24 of them
can carried onboard.
Today 08:31 AM Icewolf 地区:Under your bed(在你的床下)
Why was my post deleted?
Today 09:12 AM SamranAli 地区: Pakistan(巴基斯坦) congratz….
祝贺。。。。 Today 10:43 AM PakistaniandProud 地区:Pakistan(巴基斯坦)
Congrats to the next superpower, China!
Today 10:50 AM Götterdämmerung 地区: Germany(德国)
Congratulation to China!
青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密
2012-11-26 05:46:21
Source: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4dacb4240102e2rx.html