Trump's Silence On the Pending 2nd Amendment Violating Virginia Gun Control Laws Speaks Volumes
I use two recent videos from lawyer and NRA Activist and Spokesman Colion Noir and add text regarding the pending (negative) gun control changes coming to the State of Virginia as they are being asked to use a new Gun Registry and give up their assault weapons. In November 2019 the state went full blown Democrat in electing 21 seats in the Senate, while Republicans won 19 and in the House Democrats won 55 seats, enough for a majority, while Republicans won 45 seats giving them control of both houses and the governor’s mansion in Virginia for the first time since 1994. The 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election will be held on November 2, 2021. Incumbent Democratic Governor Ralph Northam is unable to run for re-election, as the Constitution of Virginia prohibits the state’s governors from serving consecutive terms. With that said it looks like anti-gun Governor Ralph Northam is on a mission to bring in draconian Gun Control Legislation before he leaves office now that the Democrats have taken both the house and the state Senate. Many people on line and in Social Media are asking why hasn’t President Donald Trump come out and spoke out against the new 2nd Amendment Violations being dished out by the anti-Democratic governor of Virginia.
trump has already hinted the feds will take over the state national guard and declare the state government to be a treasonous body of tyrants so i do not know wtf you are talking about–
What’s your source for that comment?
I have read thousands upon thousands of comments by b4 over the years and do not recall even ONE time where a source was provided. “b4″ is one of the TOP DOGS when it comes to spewing HOT AIR derogatory comments towards truthers!
You can say that again. b4 a total butthole.
Here are some sources I have provided on the subject showing that Trump is on the side of the DemonRats:
Update September 4, 2019 – Trump Considering Using A Social Credit Score Tied To Data From Smart Devices To Monitor American Citizens To Decide Who Gets To Own Guns
After New Zealand’s 911 false flag, Trump is about to sign the worst PATRIOT ACT gun control bill ever:
Trump Sets Precedent For 100% Gun Confiscation With His EO for Funding a Border Wall:
Gun-grabber-in-chief’: Conservatives turn on Trump as threat to confiscate guns prompts Second Amendment-related outrage
‘He’s a fraud and has betrayed us twice now’
It could hardly be more clear that Donald Trump is a FULL-ON DemonRat RINO Z-Ion-mist Lucy-Fair-Eon Glow-Ball-List!
CFR Members And Bilderberg Attendees Appointed By Donald Trump (Taken from the CFR membership and Bilderberg participant lists)
March 8, 2019 Donald Trump on video described the [Zionist/Luciferian led] Democratic Party as an “anti-Israel party” [WTF - Is Trump now even MORE ZIONIST than the Zio-Demorats? Is that even possible?]:
Donald Trump [German-Jewish name Drumpf] is a knighted 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Jesuit “Red Dragon” [Luciferian Freemason]:
Trump has admitted on video that his Luciferian Kabbalah ‘Tree of Life’ Award represents EVERYTHING he believes in/stands for
[Trump] Kushner, Chabad, & Alex Jones EXPOSED w/ Matthew North [Trump seeks
guidance from the Luciferian Jewish Kabbalah]
“Trump admits in his autobiographical book ‘Way To The Top’ that he attends Kabbalah classes” [which ONLY JEWS are allowed to take] – BIN user mothman777.
‘I am the chosen one’: [Anti-Christ] Trump again plays on messianic claims as he embraces ‘King of Israel’ title
- [Trump on video claiming this]
On the heels of Trumps recent rally in Texas promising YET AGAIN to take the troops out of Syria [and getting HUGE applause from his useful idiot base of followers] Trump now admits US troops are staying in Syria to take its oil. “The only reason establishment power structures dislike Trump is that he’s always saying the quiet part out loud. Otherwise he serves them well.”
- /politics/2019/10/we-want-to-keep-the-oil-trump-only-disliked-by-nwo-because-he-says-quiet-part-out-loud-3147126.html
Pedophile Protector Mike Pence: Proof and Sources
For more information see my 4 cornerstone reports:
- /v3/new-world-order/2018/8235.html
- /v3/new-world-order/2019/8539.html
- /v3/religion/2019/2546470.html
- /v3/christian-news/2019/2580229.html
Additional posts/reports by HypothisFree:
I was wondering when somebody would ask that most obvious in your face question.
Silence can say much more than words.
Great video until the very end. As a fellow Military veteran, member of the Oath keepers & CSPOA I stand with you brother but that “Trump busy with Terrorist” bullshit insulted out intelligence. Assassinating that Iranian diplomat was the greatest utter mistake that Israeli owned, carnival barking clown could have possibly done. Though I did support Trump the “Candidate” I stopped listening to his bullshit & started watching what he actually does. That lying fraud supports red flag laws, has broken every promise he ever made & has turned the Executive Branch over to Israel . Yes, AIPAC owns our Congress & every department of the US Government has been infiltrated by dual Israeli citizens & America has been captured. We are under a foreign Zionist Occupation & our enemy is within but Trump has done more damage than Bush, Obama & the Congress could even dream of. If you think Bush & his Zionist PNAC false flag 911 was bad or Obama’s Benghazi to create ISIS sucked, those Zionist Jews have not even started yet with their “Greater Israel project”.. Oh just listen to those Chabbad Rabbi’s in NY & Israel, they don’t just want the “Greater Israel Project” they want to bring in their Moshiac, establish the Noahide Laws & rule the damn world. Just imagine if Obama sign the Islamic “Sharia laws” you would have lost your damn mind yet Trump sat there signing the “Noahide laws” without even a whimper. Tose talmudic Nohahide laws are far worse than Sharia laws & signing either one was unconstitutional yet america did not even blink. Guess who the Zionist Chabbad dual Israeli citizen is that not only has access to the White house running the US Government but has a Top Secret Clearance? Yep you got it, now you know who controls Trump & our foreign policy.. Do not expect any help from Trump pal he is in enemy camp…
Think the Lolita Express has something to do with all of the lies?