Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: GITMO Tribunals Begin. Gold Redistribution Restores Wealth to the People. Arrests Skyrocket as the Golden Age Unfolds. Special Intel Report 11/17/24 (Video)
by N.Morgan
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I may not agree with everything from the content producers I share. Apply critical thinking and use discernment to come to your own conclusions regarding the content in the videos.
Compiled Sun. 17 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.” HOME | Judy Byington (judy-byington.com)
GITMO Tribunals Begin
Gold Redistribution Restores Wealth to the People
Arrests Skyrocket as the Golden Age Unfolds
Pray For The Children
Pray For The Youth of Ohio Foster Care
Pray For Katilynn
Fight To Save Our Constitution
Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court:
Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
You Raise Me Up | The Tabernacle Choir (youtube.com)
JUDY NOTE: Update Kaitlynn Hunter as of Sun. 17 Nov. 2024:
Even though Foster Child Kaitlynn Hunter was in critical condition and under hospital observation for a concussion, her alleged abusers, the workers of Ohio Child Protective Services, showed up in the middle of the night to abscond her from the Children’s Hospital in Dayton Ohio.
Ten days ago on Wed. 6 Nov 2024 Kaitlynn had undergone a severe beating at the Ohio CPS Dimensional Phases Group Home where she had been placed (45 Oxford Avenue Dayton, OH 45402), but she had yet to receive medical treatment for it.
They also took away her phone – which was a lifeline for an abused, lonely and scared sixteen year old. Throughout her medical crisis and to add to her abuse, she had been deprived of communication with her mother.
As of Sunday 17 Nov. 2024 her worried mother still had no idea where, or how, she was.
Kaitlynn was defiantly in a health crisis showing all kinds of head and body trauma from current and past beatings during her six long years in Ohio Foster Care. It was obvious she needed to be in hospital for diagnosis and treatment, which as of today ten days later, she has yet to see.
Why? Kaitlynn maintained that the Dimensional Phases Group Home attendants had not only observed and encouraged her beating on Wed. 6 Nov, but were egging on the abuser.
The general consensus was that some wanted to get rid of her because she was an intelligent court witness as to CPS abuse of herself and other youths in Foster Care. There was even talk of tortuous mind control and a lucrative Child Sex Trafficking Ring throughout the broken Ohio Foster Care System. (See the below article for details).
She had already endured six long years of an unneeded stay in Ohio Foster Care. She was only there because six years ago her mother made the decision to home school her – and the State didn’t like that.
After a multitude of readers of this Update called and emailed authorities all over Ohio, and after enduring pain and discomfort for nine days, she was taken to Dayton Children’s Hospital on Fri. 15 Nov.
There she was finally diagnosed with a brain concussion, given a Cat Scan and was going to stay overnight for medical observation – until the Ohio State people who were paid to protect her appeared to want to cause her more harm and duress.
Now ten days later the teen in critical health condition was scared, alone and still not treated for various injuries from past and present beatings. There was word that Ohio CPS was planning on soon moving her out of state – and further away from her intelligent and very caring Mom.
Numerous referrals have been made to various agencies for investigation and help to save her, but the bottom line was that as of Sun. 17 Nov, Kaitlynn was still in the clutches of her abusers and had yet to be saved. No one seemed to care.
You do, and you can help those children and youth imprisoned in the abusive Ohio Foster Care System. Tell their abusers what you think:
Shame on Ohio Governor Mike DeWine: Contact Us | Governor Mike DeWine
Shame on Ohio Attorney General David Yost: Individuals and Families – Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost
Shame on Ohio Child Protective Services: 740-439-5555
Shame on Ohio Guernsey County Child Protective Services Nicole Caldwell: 740-439-5555
Shame on Ohio Ombudsman: 1-877-649-6885
Shame on Guernsey County Sheriff Jeff Paden: 740-439-4455 [email protected]
Shame on Guernsey County Commissioners: 740-432-9200
Shame on the Ohio Ombudsman: 1-877-649-6885
But mostly, Shame on the administration of the Dimensional Phases Group Home Nicole Caldwell, Ladona Herd and Deirdre Grennan: 937-469-2907
Alert! Alert! Alert! God’s Children Are Not for Sale! Rescuing Ohio’s Foster Children from International Trafficking – A Cry for Help! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: BREAKING!! New Leaks Reveal NESARA’s Rollout: Secret Military Operations Target Elites, GITMO Tribunals Begin, Gold Redistribution Restores Wealth to the People, QFS Activation, Arrests Skyrocket, and the Golden Age Unfolds! – Gazetteller
· Fri. 15 Nov. 2024: Dr JAN HALPER explains that the court HAS IN FACT RULED IN BRUNSON’S FAVOUR (albeit with some reservations… let’s see what those are…) https://x.com/argosaki/status/1855475017804656640?s=12
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! We Live in an Evil World That is Rampant in Child Sex Trafficking. Pray For The Children. Pray For Kaitlynn… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via
· Fri. 15 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/15/24 DEMOCRAT COUP & SHADOW GOV., TRUDEAU STEPS DOWN, VT INTEL,
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/14/24 “GAMING OUT DEMS NEXT MOVES, TRUMP DREAM TEAM, EBS COUNTDOWN, BRUNSON & MORE”
JUDY NOTE: IF YOU WERE READING THIS UPDATE ON, OR FROM OPERATION DISCLOSURE OFFICIAL’S WEBSITE, BE AWARE that the information has been redacted. For a complete UN-REDACTED VERSION, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official’s Website, you can download it OR you can read an UN-REDACTED VERSION on the Rumor Mill News Website. Go to rumormillnews.com You will be in the Reading Room, then scroll down looking for Agent Seawitch’s posting titles, the UN-REDACTED VERSION for “RESTORED REPUBLIC” is there.
Sat. 16 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “NESARA AND GESARA. Frank Gonzalez Solis just now said, WE HAVE ALREADY EXCEEDED! Accounts Already Funded. Money Already Allocated and Available for All Projects. Wait for Notifications. NESARA, GESARA Blessings to all.” Wolverine
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: The Pentagon fails its seventh consecutive financial audit, unable to account for $824 billion of its budget.
· The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Re-inhabited Republic For These United States (rumble.com) How To Save America | Republic for USA (republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org)
Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic? https://members.republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org
Deep State, Treason, Military Tribunals, List of Indictments …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy
· Guantanamo Military Federal Prison, Gitmo, could be the final stop for some of the most prominent names in American politics. It’s rumored that Hillary and Bill Clinton, Obama, Biden, Bush, and others are headed for military tribunals. The names circulating are shocking, but sources insist these individuals are among the worst criminals on the planet.
· Gitmo and the Elite: The whispers have grown into a roar. VIP figures from the so-called Deep State—a shadowy group of elites controlling the global stage—are reportedly being rounded up by U.S. Special Forces. Allegations of human rights abuses, corruption, and crimes against humanity are driving this massive sweep, which aims to send them to Gitmo.
· Guantanamo’s Upgrade: In recent years, Gitmo has been upgraded, allegedly in anticipation of these VIP prisoners. The prison, long a symbol of secrecy, has been the center of international debate. Now, it may become the stage for an unprecedented drama of justice against high-level figures who’ve eluded the law for decades.
· Sealed Indictments and Special Forces: Sources claim there are over 71,000 sealed federal indictments, which include high-profile politicians and powerful figures in business and intelligence. U.S. Special Forces have been tasked with investigating and detaining these individuals, executing what many believe to be the start of military tribunals. The accusations of child trafficking, corruption, and involvement in Satanic rituals have rocked the political landscape.
· The Deep State’s Collapse: The Deep State has infiltrated all levels of government, from the UN to local police departments. Now, they face the reckoning they’ve long evaded. As military law takes over, this will be a battle between the American people and the elites who’ve abused their power for far too long.
· What Does This Mean? As more VIPs are detained, the Deep State’s power begins to collapse. This opens the door to unveiling suppressed technologies and information they’ve hidden from the world. The truth is on the brink of being exposed, and this revolution could reshape the future of America and the world.
· The Names on the List: Reports point to many notable figures being involved. Rumored names include: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Bush Jr., John Brennan, James Comey, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff. These individuals could face military tribunals at Gitmo. The sheer magnitude of this operation is staggering.
· Conclusion: Gitmo may become the setting for the end of the Deep State. The elite’s grip on power is slipping, and military justice will prevail. The time for accountability has come, and America is ready. The storm is here.
· This woman is still out with a team helping Hurricane Helene victims, she says “FEMA just tried to take our volunteer camp. I’m f*cking pissed. Like severely pissed. I am livid. — They took all of the medical supplies. The camp we rolled into has volunteers, it’s on a private piece of land and we were volunteering and you just kind of like go out, find your own stuff. If there’s people who come in, we help them, but it’s all private. Nobody’s making money off of here. Everyone’s here on their own dime, their own time, using their own resources to get here. Everyone’s been using all of the donations to go towards these victims and there’s not a ton of us, but there’s enough to make a big difference. We had three people roll into this exact camp and start kind of wanting to dictate what things were supposed to be and what they were going to do with all this stuff. They took all of the medical supplies. I’m like, that’s weird. They took all the medical supplies. They wanna dictate what’s going on around here. They want us to check in with them. — We come back. Turns out these mother f*ckers were from FEMA. Motherf*ckers were from FEMA. Coming in on private land, taking advantage and taking supplies from donations and volunteer work. — They took some of the sh*t that was donated. — I am livid. Just like all the other volunteers here so they were kicked off property.”
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024 FEMA Setting Up Around New Madrid Fault Line. Are They Going To Set It Off? /prophecy/2024/11/fema
· Fri. 15 Nov. 2024: BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court Delivers Crushing Blow to Biden Administration’s Immigration Policy! VIDEO – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 15 Nov. 2024: BOOM! Putin’s Explosive Blow to Rothschilds: “Our Future Generations Will be Born Without Rothschild Chains Around Their Wrists and Ankles.” – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 15 Nov. 2024: BOOOM!!! The Video Freemasonry Doesn’t Want You To See! FEMA Death Camp – FREEMASON EXECUTIONERS! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: SOROS: TRUMP IS UNSTOPPABLE! ELON: JOIN TEAM HUMANITY! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: Military Tribunals: “The Only Way to Cleanse the Corruption” – Trump Orders Military War Crimes Trials Against Fauci and Other WEF Traitors! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: Breaking: Russia Cuts Off Natural Gas to Austria! A Shocking Move That Shakes Europe’s Energy Security! Russia’s Energy Gambit: Retaliation – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024:The Shadow Government of Our Time: BlackRock Is Building a World You Don’t Own – And It’s Already Here! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 15 Nov. 2024: EXPOSED: Dutch Gov’t Admit Pandemic Was Military Psy-Op To Prepare Public for Extreme Depopulation! Watch The People’s Voice Video – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Fri. 15 Nov. 2024: PIZZAGATE SCANDAL: Secret Underground Tunnel Network Unearthed, Exposing Dark Secrets of Pizzagate, Podesta, The Clintons, and Alefantis – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024:UPDATE: Alert! Alert! Alert! God’s Children Are Not for Sale! Rescuing Ohio’s Foster Children from International Trafficking – A Cry for Help! – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: Disturbing! The Elite’s Greatest Cover-Up—Epstein’s Blackbook and Diddy’s Role in Manipulating Hollywood Through a Global Blackmail Network Holding the Elite Hostage! – Gazetteller
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: White Hats LAUNCH MULTIPLE RAIDS on Hollywood’s Elite: Trafficking Networks, Blackmail Operations, Abuse, and the DARK SECRETS of Hollywood’s Stars EXPOSED! – Gazetteller
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: CDC employees are reportedly preparing to submit their resignation letters in large numbers following the announcement that RFK Jr. will head the Department of Health and Human Services.
· NESARA was signed into law by President William Jefferson Clinton in 2000, at gunpoint because the Military forced him to sign it. He wasn’t going to, and was to be announced by Alan Greenspan on Sept. 11, 2001, at 10:00am. This was prevented by the destruction of the World Trade Center by then President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and others involved with this great deception. They murdered 7,000 innocent Americans that day and stole billions in Gold and Silver from Building 7.
· In early 1993, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on charges by the Farmer’s Union that banks in the U.S. were fraudulently foreclosing on farm mortgages and that the U.S. Government was in collusion with these banks. The testimony and proof brought into court by a retired CIA Agent let to further evidence and proof that Farmer’s Union claims were legitimate. It also led to evidence that the 16th Amendment, the Income Tax Amendment, was never properly ratified by the required number of states and therefore, declared that income taxes were unlawful.
· Almost unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled in favor of Farmer’s Union.
· The Justices recognized that overwhelming evidence proved the U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve Banking System were perpetrating FRAUD in many ways upon Americans.
· The Justices recognized that to remedy this situation, massive reformations would be required. When rulings were made by the U.S. Supreme Court, one or more of the justices are assigned to monitor the process by which rulings are carried out.
J. SAT. 16 NOV. 2024: PRESIDENT TRUMP’S NEW BORDER CZAR, TOM HOMAN, has shared an update on the operation to locate over 300,000 missing children amid the chaos of the Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies. Homan explains that the task will be challenging since children leave no digital trace, so the focus will shift to investigating their sponsors. NGOs like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society are the primary financiers of illegal immigration into the U.S., even going as far as advising migrants on how to navigate their way across the border.
· BQQQM!!! President Trump’s 2nd Declaration of Independence!!!
· BREAKING: The time has come for a new Declaration of Independence! Just as the founders fought against tyranny in 1776, we now rise against a foreign-owned corporate government that has infiltrated and enslaved our nation since 1871. The United States Corporation, secretly established through lies and treachery, stole America’s sovereignty and turned it into a puppet state for global elites.
· In 1933, America was bankrupted and handed over to private foreign investors. Since then, we’ve been ruled under Admiralty Law, our gold confiscated, and the American people reduced to mere assets of a shadowy corporate regime. Taxes, inflation, and debt are their weapons to control and oppress us. Even the Constitution was replaced with a corporate copy to deceive and dominate.
· This is the greatest heist in history.
· The Deep State, funded by this corrupt system, manipulates every aspect of our lives—our economy, education, media, and government. Their agenda? To dismantle America, dissolve its sovereignty, and impose a New World Order where freedom is extinct. They spread division, fear, and chaos, using false flags and propaganda to weaken resistance. But their time is up.
· WE THE PEOPLE are taking back our country. This 2nd Declaration of Independence rejects the fraudulent corporate government, exposes their crimes, and reclaims America for its rightful owners—the people. This is not just a fight for independence; it’s a fight for liberty, sovereignty, and the future of humanity.
· We declare: America shall remain a sovereign nation, free from globalist control. No longer will our labor, wealth, or land serve foreign masters. The corporate stranglehold is breaking, and the storm of justice is here. This is a call to action. Stand united. Fight for freedom. Trust the plan. THE PEOPLE ARE RISING. THE WORLD IS WATCHING.
· Underground Operations: Military units have overtaken underground DS facilities in major cities worldwide, including Washington D.C., London, and Berlin. These strongholds, full of surveillance equipment and servers, are now under control. For the first time, the cabal’s backbone has been crushed.
· Media Blackout: Major news networks, tech giants, and social media are under military control. Propaganda will be wiped out, making way for unfiltered truth. CEOs in these networks have resigned or vanished in the past few weeks, knowing what’s coming.
· Strategic Power Outages: The power grids in urban centers are primed for controlled shutdowns, ensuring DS operatives can’t use backup systems to interfere with the broadcast. Expect intermittent outages—these aren’t accidents; they’re steps to secure EBS integrity.
· What Will the EBS Uncover? Revealing the Cabal’s Operations: The EBS will broadcast hidden files—over 50 terabytes of classified documents, eyewitness testimony, and more. You’ll see evidence of how the WEF, Bilderberg, and other elite circles manipulated global economies and governments for their sinister goals.
· Human Trafficking Networks: Shocking truths will expose global trafficking rings. Tunnels beneath major cities, similar to those near Epstein’s properties, were uncovered. Military raids in locations like Ukraine, Haiti, and Antarctica have saved thousands. Get ready for sickening details the DS tried to bury.
· Election Manipulation Unveiled: Evidence of 2020 election fraud will be revealed, showing the DS’s reach in rigging elections and keeping Trump from office. The same people behind this have also been meddling in elections worldwide. Some are already in custody as we speak.
· Pandemics as Control Tools: EBS will expose documents proving pandemics were engineered by DS-linked groups like the WHO and CDC to keep the world in fear. Bio-labs have been uncovered—proof of lab-created viruses used to enforce lockdowns and strip away freedoms.
· Mass Arrests and Tribunals Begin High-Profile Arrests: Since Trump’s return, arrests have escalated. Military tribunals are underway, with over 500 DS figures detained. Justice is imminent.
· Financial Kingpins Seized: Elite families, including Rothschilds and Rockefellers, have been captured, facing charges from currency manipulation to funding black ops. Their role in market crashes and laundering will be exposed.
· Hollywood’s Collapse: Executives, directors, and actors have been implicated in DS rituals. With evidence seized, Hollywood’s web of deception is disintegrating.
· Global Takedown Underway: Leaders from DS-aligned countries, like Canada, Australia, and Germany, are under investigation, some reportedly under house arrest. Military takeovers are happening quietly, ensuring DS networks crumble.
· EBS Launch Imminent: The world will momentarily go dark, but soon 10 days of unfiltered truth will broadcast to every home. Prepare for a cascade of revelations that will change everything.
· Military Action for Secured Transition Neutralizing Bio-Labs: Special forces are actively dismantling hidden labs preparing bioweapons. Labs in Eastern Europe and Asia have already been seized.
· Cybersecurity Dominance: Military hackers have seized DS servers, nullifying their grip on stocks, crypto, and infrastructure. Digital warfare is under control.
· Preventing Civil Unrest: Military checkpoints will prevent organized DS-led riots. Patriots, remain vigilant—this is a temporary but necessary action for safety and order.
· Stay Alert. The Final Storm Is Here.
· A coalition of White and Red Hats launched a surprise assault on federal forces at an abandoned air force base in Michigan, where FEMA, FBI, and ATF agents were preparing for a “mass casualty” response to crush civil unrest in the event of a coup. According to sources, Gen. Eric M. Smith and his team became aware of federal presence after FEMA claimed it was “assessing the viability of sites for future disasters.” Yet, behind the scenes, FEMA was readying the base to suppress American citizens.
· This wasn’t an isolated maneuver; FEMA management secretly attended an October 28 meeting in Oscoda Township, discussing plans to stockpile trucks and equipment at the airbase. Only online sleuths caught wind of FEMA’s hidden intentions, revealing a growing concern: was FEMA gearing up for a domestic crackdown?
· On Saturday, a four-man White Hat scout squad flew drones over the 2,200-acre base, uncovering FEMA’s hidden tactical trucks and armed agents. Shots were fired at the drones, but the White Hats had seen enough. By that afternoon, Gen. Smith mobilized a Marine task force—veterans who had faced FEMA on battlefronts like Lahaina. Red Hat leader Colonel Kurtz joined forces, saying he had “scores to settle.”
· The Battle Begins: Arriving under the cover of darkness, the Union forces found FEMA had downsized, leaving 20 tractor-trailers and four tactical trucks. But the remaining agents, caught off-guard and unprepared, couldn’t stand against the onslaught. Undercover of night, White and Red Hats breached the base’s perimeter, taking down patrols with ruthless precision. Blood filled the air as tactical agents attempting to reach vehicles were stopped mid-action.
· FEMA had repurposed an old hangar as a barracks, where agents scrambled to dress as Union forces smashed in, unleashing a barrage of gunfire on the drowsy agents. The assault left two survivors: a FEMA supervisor and an FBI “advisor.” They revealed that most FEMA forces had relocated to Canada, possibly coordinating with Justin Trudeau’s government at the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge.
· Weapons Cache and FEMA’s Dark Agenda:Union forces discovered a massive weapons cache and impounded FEMA’s trucks. FEMA’s nefarious actions came under scrutiny recently, with a supervisor reportedly instructing agents to bypass the homes of Trump supporters affected by Hurricane Milton. FEMA employee Marn’i Washington admitted on a podcast to practicing targeted discrimination.
· White Hat sources declared, “We’re taking out FEMA’s trash,” vowing to press Trump to dissolve FEMA entirely. With every operation, the message grows louder: Never trust FEMA.
SOURCE: https://realrawnews.com/2024/11/white-and-red-hats-crush-fema-at-michigan-air-force-base/
· White and Red Hats have set aside their differences to face a common enemy: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a corrupt institution that has terrorized and robbed patriotic citizens for decades.
· Over the past six years, White Hats have battled FEMA in disaster zones ravaged by fires, floods, and storms. Each time, they’ve uncovered FEMA agents tormenting and pillaging innocents whose lives have been destroyed by these disasters. According to sources from Gen. Smith’s office and U.S. Army Special Operations Command, White Hats have neutralized over 860 FEMA personnel, including high-ranking officials, while current director Deanne Criswell awaits a military tribunal at GITMO. But the Deep State, using AI, CGI, and holography, keeps her in the public eye.
· In 2022, White Hats attacked FEMA’s stronghold, the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, a fortified underground bunker packed with enough firepower to start a war. While they seized the facility, FEMA’s grip on power remains unshaken. White Hats say FEMA’s evil runs deep, with its structure designed to survive leadership losses. Only a mass culling can bring FEMA to its knees.
· Following geoengineered hurricanes Helene and Milton, Red Hats—composed of active-duty, retired military, and non-federal law enforcement—launched their own offensive after FEMA’s armed presence in North Carolina went unanswered. Led by Colonel Kurtz, they stormed Asheville to halt FEMA’s takeover. There, they witnessed FEMA and ATF agents breaking into homes, stealing firearms, jewelry, and cash. When an elderly woman protested, she was thrown to the ground, and a FEMA agent declared, “This ain’t your property anymore.” He was immediately shot dead by Red Hats. Similar incidents occurred across the region.
· Instead of helping, FEMA confiscated relief supplies, leaving the wounded and displaced to suffer. Red Hats retaliated, wiping out dozens of feds infringing on citizens’ rights, though they suffered losses as well.
· The battle escalated at Chimney Rock, where Red Hats confronted FEMA forces protecting the area’s valuable lithium deposits. After FEMA ambushed and killed 12 Red Hats, Col. Kurtz made a desperate plea to Gen. Smith for unity. Following an emergency meeting, White Hats agreed to join forces, and together they drove FEMA off the mountain, even shooting down a FEMA helicopter.
· Yet the fight is far from over. The next day, a federal convoy, under orders from “President Harris,” blockaded Chimney Rock. Union forces, refusing to surrender, began picking off federal agents from elevated positions. The battle continues, with Union forces using their tactical advantage to hold their ground.
· Elsewhere, Union troops have engaged FEMA in Florida, and more updates on that front will follow.
· In closing, our source said Gen. Smith and Col. Kurtz have united in their shared mission to crush FEMA. As one source said, “Sometimes uniting against a common enemy brings people closer together.”
· My sister lives just outside of Orlando & has been without power for the past 24 hours. I have been telling her for months “I don’t want to move to Cape Canaveral, Florida for work because Disney is the Human Trafficking MK Ultra Hub of the CIA”. I have also been telling her “Blackout Necessary for the Quantum Switch” for months….She is oblivious, this is all random weather she insists.
· 611 days from today October 10, 2024 on Feb 7, 2023 a new Florida bill was introduced to end Disney’s government. That Disney clock makes a lot more sense now doesn’t it⁉
· The Untold Power of Disney: A Tale of Autonomy & Energy: In a quiet corner of Florida, what supposedly started as a dream to create an entertainment utopia turned into a story of unprecedented corporate autonomy and a battle for control. Here’s how Disney not only built its magical kingdom but also engineered its own government and power system:
· The Birth of a Self-Governing Kingdom: Back in the 1960s, Disney, through a series of strategic land acquisitions via shell companies, amassed vast tracts of land in Florida at rock-bottom prices. This wasn’t just for theme parks; it was the groundwork for something far more ambitious. In 1967, the state of Florida granted Disney a unique privilege: the ability to govern itself under the Reedy Creek Improvement District (RCID). This meant Disney could build roads, manage utilities, create its own police force, enforce its own laws, and even maintain its own emergency services, essentially operating as a private government. When children go missing at Disney it does not make headlines world wide because Disney’s government prevents it, everything stays in house and underground many believe thanks to the hands of Club 33.
· A Power Plant of Its Own: The magic of Disney doesn’t just run on fairy dust. In its quest for independence, Disney established the Reedy Creek Energy Services (RCES), a wholly-owned subsidiary responsible for operating the electric and utility systems for what is now known as the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District. This includes a power plant located just north of the Magic Kingdom, which, alongside purchasing power from the grid, ensures the lights of Disney World never dim. Moreover, Disney World embraced renewable energy with large solar facilities, including a whimsically designed solar array in the shape of Mickey Mouse’s head, showcasing its commitment to sustainability. They were given the green light to create their own nuclear reactors, but this would tarnish their wholesome image if it was done publicly.
· The Political Storm: Fast forward to recent years, and Disney’s self-governing oasis has become a political battleground. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has taken aim at this special status, pushing for state control over what was essentially Disney’s private fiefdom. The contention peaked when legislation was introduced, hinting at stripping Disney of its long-held powers over the RCID, a move that could redefine the relationship between Disney and the state. The district also would no longer have the ability, if it wanted, to own and operate an airport, stadium, convention center or nuclear power plant.
· The Quantum Switch & Blackout Theories: Amidst this political tug-of-war, conspiracy whispers began to circulate. Theories suggested that a significant event, like a hurricane, could lead to a blackout designed to reveal “evil underground” activities at Disney, flooding the tunnels and lining the streets with the “bodies of missing children”, & destroying cloning factories. Some speculate about a “quantum switch” that could be activating that will remove Disney’s powers completely. Others believe this is Disney & the powers behind it showcasing their power & warning the white hats not to continue to mess with them. What do you think, random weather or a battle of Power using systems like HAARP to cause frequency and weather wars
The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m. Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.
The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, 3,100 still displaced over a year later.
Every day since the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day and support to their now 3,100 still-displaced fellow victims. The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has cut funding for those victims.
Donations were still needed, but the AKUA Foundation Website has been compromised and cannot accept monies until things are straightened out.
P. TIM BALLARD has worked undercover in the US and multiple foreign countries to infiltrate child trafficking organizations. In this effort, he has successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued countless children from sex slavery. Today in Sept 2024 Tim continues to dismantle child trafficking rings and save children in South America. With his own organization embedded in governments all over the world, he is literally saving the World’s Children. Just as a film about Ballard’s work, “Sound of Freedom,” was released, Tim suddenly became embroiled in a number of law suits. Powerful entities within the government appeared to be working to discredit and take him down, perhaps to silence his anti-trafficking work. Tim is a true hero and his wife and nine children continually support and pray for him. If you would like to support Ballard’s unjust persecution, contribute here: Ballard Family Defense Fund on GiveSendGo Here;
Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living. He was arrested almost a year ago and has been sitting in jail without the ability to file an appeal because he won’t be sentenced until next Feb. 2025.
· Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards. White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-written is the only thing accepted at the jail. Paul Cromar #567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130 Donations for commissary and other needs can be made at: https://www.miraclesingodwetrust.com/contact/
Venmo to: @Talmage-Cromar OR mail to: The Cromar’s PO Box 942 Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 (you will receive a gift for your contribution)
In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what? The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom’s very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse of children to share with Utah governmental powers. No sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.
Jenny Hill and I spent 20 years writing her biography, “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming based in torture, rape and child sacrifice that was so rampant in our Global Society. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
“22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.
When the first edition of “22 Faces” was released the biography was immediately brutally attacked by the very pedophiles who, in their worship of Satan, regularly raped, tortured and killed children in exchange for their own sick definition of power and glory.
Through these Satanist’s negative comments and one star reviews of “22 Faces” on Amazon, the pedophiles were effective in plunging book ratings.
“22 Faces” was now re-published and it wouldn’t be a surprise to find those same perpetrators organizing another attack on the book – all designed to cover up their own crimes and make people believe that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children does not exist among us – in our own neighborhoods – right next door.
It would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.
The more we can expose those Satan worshipping perpetrators who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse on our children, the more innocents can be saved from what Jenny and so many others had to endure.
If you would like more information or order “22 Faces” please visit our website:
Judy Byington (judy-byington.com)
Watch out for: Anyone advertising they will reimburse you for the TRB Trump Products, or set you up on a Quantum Account asking for money to do it. (They use fake accounts and AI to make you think you are dealing with Trump, Tucker Carlson, etc.) Also watch out for the HSBC Quantum Token/Bitcoin Scam, the TRB Trump Products Scam, the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam, the Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and any other website that asks that you give them your personal identification to register for a QFS Account and/or receive a pay out on TRB products.
DO NOT exchange currency or ZIM Bonds anywhere but at a licensed Redemption Center where you will get the highest rates possible.
Upon implementation of the Global Currency Reset the Cabal will be losing their money supply and they are hot and heavy to SCAM anyone in any way they can.
The HSBC Quantum Scam: They claim they’ve successfully applied “quantum technology” to buy and sell tokenized physical gold. The trick is when you buy the tokens or Bitcoin they keep the gold and have complete control over your bank account.
Report your Scam experience to:
Victims of the TRB Scam, Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and/or the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam are urged to type up their experiences including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign four notarize copies of your complaint, keep one, and give the other three notarized copies to:
1. Present a notarized copy of your TRB complaint to your local law enforcement and ask they open an investigation. Write down your complaint number and include it in your information sent to Alan Garten and the US Inspector General of the Air Force.
2. Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization so they can refer such on to their FBI, Secret Service and New York PD investigations. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.
3. Inspector General of the Air Force’s Office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals. Email: [email protected]
Victims of International Crime: Trial International is a non-governmental organization fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice. Who We Are – TRIAL International Contact TRIAL International Email: [email protected] General Questions: https://trialinternational.org/contact-us
Phone: Call +41 22 321 61 10 Postal Address: Rue de Lyon 95, 1203, Geneva, Switzerland.
Online Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on their website to address specific queries directly at TRIAL International Contact Form. https://trialinternational.org/contact-us Social Media: Connect with them on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! We Live in an Evil World That is Rampant in Child Sex Trafficking. Pray For The Children. Pray For Kaitlynn… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
· Sat. 16 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-november-16-2024/
· Fri. 15 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/15/24 DEMOCRAT COUP & SHADOW GOV., TRUDEAU STEPS DOWN, VT INTEL,
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Sat. 16 Nov. 2024: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! We Live in an Evil World That is Rampant in Child Sex Trafficking. Pray For The Children. Pray For Kaitlynn… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
Sat. 16 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-
Judy Byington Special Intel 11/16/24 ~ Q Drop! The White Hats Storm That’s Brewing | Blogging/Citizen Journalism | Before It’s News
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 16, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Fri. 15 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/15/24 DEMOCRAT COUP & SHADOW GOV., TRUDEAU STEPS DOWN, VT INTEL,
Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 15, 2024 – The US Military News
Fri. 15 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! President Trump Has A 2nd Declaration of Independence – 1,000 Bank Branches Set to Shutter by End of 2024… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
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(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF FRIDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248409 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 15, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/14/24 “GAMING OUT DEMS NEXT MOVES, TRUMP DREAM TEAM, EBS COUNTDOWN, BRUNSON & MORE”
Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! TICK TOCK TIME IS UP! Q CLOCK ENDED WED. 13 NOV. 2024. – amg-news.com – American Media Group
Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/14/24 “GAMING OUT DEMS NEXT MOVES, TRUMP DREAM TEAM, EBS COUNTDOWN, BRUNSON & MORE”
Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Tick Tock Time Is Up! Q Clock Ended Wed.13 Nov. 2024. POTUS, EBS Alert Countdown Has Begun! Special Intel Report 11/14/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF THURSDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248371 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 14, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Wed. 13 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 13, 2024 – The US Military News
Wed. 13 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! IT’s TIME. Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System Activation. Ten Days of Communication Darkness During Mass Arrests… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
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Tues. 12 Nov. 2024: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Mon. 11 Nov. (11:11): A New Beginning. The Golden Age is Here. Public Awakening Well On It’s Way. Fed Dead… – amg-news.com – American Media Group
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Tues. 12 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Public Awakening Well on It’s Way. Fed Dead. Game Over! Thank You for Playing! President Trump. Special Intel Report 11/12/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF TUESDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248295 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 12, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/11/24 “BIDEN SABOTAGE INTERNET, BRUNSON CASE, FEMA CAMPS”
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Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): /alternative/2024/11/brunson-case-bombshell-trumps-mass-arrests-plan-begins-now-video-3824459.html
Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Countdown Has Begun To a Worldwide Blackout. The Greatest Military Intelligence Operation Now in Progress! Special Intel Report 11/11/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF MONDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248242 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 11, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Sun. 10 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/10/24 “BLUE CITY RIOTS, POISONING MAGA, DS SUBVERSION, MASS ARRESTS”
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Sun. 10 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: White House Covered in Gold Signifying Beginning of the Golden Age! Where We Go One, We Go All! Special Intel Report 11/10/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SUNDAY 10 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248215
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 10, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR Update November 9, 2024 – The US Military News
Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! All Is Now Active. Trump’s Global Military Alliance Sting Operation Is Going Full Force! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 – amg-news.com – American Media Group
Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: All Is Now Active! Trump’s Global Military Alliance Sting Operation Is Going Full Force! Special Intel Report 11/9/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
(NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SATURDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=248178 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 9, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
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LINK: rumormillnews.com/Seawitch
SOURCE: https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2024/11/17/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-as-of-november-17-2024
Stories Contributed by N. Morgan
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I really wish that all this talk about military tribunals to judge and condemn traitors and millions who committed crimes against humanity anywhere were true. However, while the most evil criminals that we know of are still running free continuing with their crimes and busy planning the culling of humanity, I am very skeptical that arrests of these criminals are being made and even more skeptical about military tribunals. With years of narratives that justice is coming, what are we seeing in the real world? Criminality at levels higher than at any other time with criminals running free and innocent have their life destroyed if not also arrested and left to die in jail (a clear example that everyone knows are people arrested for not even being present at the Jan 6, 2021 Capitol setup).
If the military are in control as it is often mentioned in social media, they too are complicit with crimes against humanity being committed since they would have the means to avoid them, but are letting it happen to “wake up the people”!