Jesus - The Breakup continues..
He’s very good at pointing out to us WHAT needs to change before the End of Time, when the Heaven and the Earth will be as one. Earth ascends in frequency; Heaven doesn’t descend in frequency. It’s our minds that have to change, so that we direct the creative forces rightly, in love and not in ignorance (Yoga) or in blindness (Mary).
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Falling on deaf ears, blind eyes, calloused hearts…truth is lost as falsehood, deception and discontent take its place. Truth finds no place within the citizenry of America. An ego-driven society; filled with madmen, obsessed, misguided, in search of truth they roam, and the church of the 21st century offers the solution to the problem. Ignoring sin, ‘truth’ hides deep within the darkened folds of ecumenical robes of unrighteousness and heresy – ‘the more you give, the more you’ll get,’ a rosy future without sickness or suffering await those who ask Jesus into their heart’, ‘a pardon from sin without need of the Saviour, and a wide road leading to a heavenly home’ – all promised to the unrepentant, unregenerate sinner as millions continue to live in a fools paradise, surrounded by delusion and false hope masquerading as truth. ‘All day long I have held out My hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations – a people who continually provoke Me to My face…Isaiah 65:2′
Motivated by liberalism and unrestrained passions, pressure from within, pressure from without; led by radical reformist, normally lucid balanced men and women now find themselves plowing fallow ground producing a nation of ill informed, self-serving men and women; peace alludes as anarchy and tribal unrest gain more and more ground. ‘…but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke The Word, and it becomes unfruitful. Mark 4:19′ Americans have traded amber waves of grain and peaceful neighborhoods for battle zones of discord and civil disobedience as they watch the breakdown of America on the 6 o’clock news. ‘…there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Sovereign LORD who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. 2 Peter 2:1-3′
Mary’s messages
Jesus’ messages
ah more insane babble from the tiny tower of babble,cara—the bible,the book of wrath and judgement,satan’s best work–why insane bible humpers can not see god has no wrath nor judgement..oh,they are insane!-take for example when a mother murders her child by abortion.. god has much sorrow,no wrath nor judgement…god knows exactly what we are,who we are,even a nut job like cara..childish gibberish–keep that fantasy going you bible humper nut job–i prefer santa claus,easter bunny,more fun….
more insane bullshett from your average nut job bible humper who is just another agent of the devil while pretending to know god——>
all religion is the anti-christ–god would not touch any of it with a billion mile long pole–you will never find god in a church,only satan-nor does god ever read the bible or ever will–delusional men wrote the bible–the word of men,not god-another bible humpers wet dream coming all over themselves with the usual propaganda,cliches,nonsense from the bible humpers handbook of petty immature bullshett-god pays zero attention to your crap-it begins in your very tiny brain and ends in the same tiny space–god is way above your very small world,fool,way above….humans have zero knowledge of god’s world because they are distracted by satan’s greatest work ,the bible,the book of wrath and judgement–god has read not one word of it and never will–it was written by insane old men living in caves,the word of men,not god,massive jibberish by fools–only stupid humans have wrath and judgement–god is love which most humans know nothing about-so rant on about your judgement,only like minded fools hear your bullshett–jesus gave everybody salvation,no hail marys or forgiveness needed,sorry you ignorant christians,keep touting your nonsense and your massive self righteousness-you make the devil very happy–god does not need you to kiss god’s ass–god knows exactly who,what we are–maybe in 2000 years humans will mature enough to really know god but that is a big maybe with morons like cara talking all their nonsense,bullshett