Orionis - The Coming of a vessel of light, Yerushalaim, now Merkabah, is accompanied by the Nibiru
While Orionis gives some dates the thrust of the message is to our interior orientation. Remember: the universal energy radiates from the interior of us and affects the environment. If we color it dark, through interior division, anxiety, fear compensated by stealing, that gives us conflict on the outside of us. On the other hand, if we keep it bright, or brighter, through our awareness of others as equal to ourselves, then that too radiates. The cause is within us, the effect is outside of us. Hence the emphasis Orionis places on us reaching INNER PEACE which is universal.
Dates: Orionis gave this talk on Aug. 8th 2008 (8/8/08); Jesus was born on Aug. 8th, 8 BC (8/8/08 BC), Phoenix Journal #9, pg 144.
“August 15th” was not in 2008, but rather in 2009 when the Archangel Michael announced the Warning of Mother Mary: “Those who maintain the Illusion, the manipulation, receive, today, a first warning which is not yet the warning of Marie. This will occur just after the period of my festival. At that time, there will be no more going back possible.” autresdimensions – Mikael, #43
part of Marie’s WARNING
2009 also marked the beginning of the Last Week of the ‘Seventy Weeks’ prophecy of the Prophet Daniel, which later ended with a ‘Mutable Grand Cross’ alignment on June 4th 2016,
Thereafter, according to Orionis (see Q’s and A’s after the message) we enter/or have entered a thirty month (2 1/2 year) period of “Confrontation”. This appears to be being fulfilled with the Presidency of Mr Donald Trump who is ‘confronting’ the Deep State (the Khazar influence) within the United States government and within its institutions. This infiltration is not only in the U.S. but across multiple countries of the world. Perhaps it is here, or now, that is our time of choosing one way or the other.
What comes next?
August 8, 2008
Fraternal greetings. I present myself to you. My true name is Orionis. I am Master and Regent of this solar system since eons. During the different comings, in the process of walk-in, having long since passed the doors of the incarnation, I have been called many times Melchizedek. This name stuck. My last conscious walk-in goes back to the guidance and radiance of the entity who has been called Benca Deunov. I come to speak to you about the planetary and solar period which you live. As you all know it, as you all sense it, as you see it, hear it, perceive it, you have come to end of cycle. To end of cycle of your solar system, to end of cycle of your incarnations, to end of cycle of this third dimension. The signs forewarning of this end of cycle have been hidden from you not by the Light but by those who have known these cycles for a very long time, in order to take advantage of the situation but this cannot be tolerated by the Intergalactic Confederation.
The period which this planet traverses, the planet that you traverse in this incarnation, corresponds to the initialization of a process of dimensional change written for a very long time in the celestial movements as cycling and reproducing itself every 52 000 years. You have arrived in the last instances of this transformation. The time which is given to you to realize your own transformation is now less than 5 years of your terrestrial time. You must have accomplished by then a total revolution, a total transformation. I specify that this transformation is a transformation of Light, whatever your rulers would want to have you believe, whatever the movements of your Earth would seem to have you believe. All this partakes of the Light and only this. There exist no means to take part, for the forces of the Shade, in what comes to you.
The time is counted. This is effectively a countdown which must allow you to liquidate your karmic arrears in order to present yourselves totally new to this new vibration which comes towards you, to this new state of life in which the solar system has returned. This will not be able to be hidden for long. You have returned, as the Archangel has said it to you and as other speakers have said it to you, in the stage of the revelation and the stage of the confrontation. Revelation of the cycles of 52,000 years existing and installed in a very ancient way in this solar system. 52,000 years ago was created a civilization which today you call mythical: Atlantis. It was created and initialized (on my request and on my order) accompanying the coming of a vessel of Light called formerly Yerushalaim which you call today Merkabah or vessel of Light or ascension vessel. Each coming of this vessel of Light signaled a number of changes, of upheavals and of important modifications of the conditions of life in incarnation, but also outside of incarnation, on other dimensions.
The coming of this vessel of Light is accompanied by the coming into your sky (and in a manner visible very soon) of a particular planet called in the very ancient Sumerian scriptures, Erkobulus. This planet is the sign, is the marker that the changes come to their term. You must not point to be afraid or terrified. Only the ignorant will be terrorized by the images, by the medias such as you call them in your world, aiming to distort the luminous reality of what comes towards you. Whatever are the manifestations and the convulsions of the Shade, in you and over this solar system, they must in no way alarm you. The passage from one dimensional state to another dimensional state (previewed for those who wish it and are able) will be accompanied by a formal protection in precise places on the planet in order to live in the best conditions, this period of transition which will last 132 days.
The final countdown is set to start from 15 August. All will be achieved before the end of your year 2012. There is no time now to think, even if it has been true, that it needed a sufficient number of awakened human beings to reach this new dimension. This has been the case before the planet Erkobulus penetrates your solar system. This giant planet (far superior to the size of the largest of the planets in the solar system) accompanies its coming by modifications in the orbits of the planets, by important modifications of the planetary masses and by the distribution of what you call continents. Do not forget that the dimensional change must make you pass from an exteriorized dimension of the life to an interiorized dimension of the life. This is accompanied by the passage from an exterior mode to an interior mode. You are not without knowing, for certain of you, that the life that you live is a life exteriorized in relation to the Source. The Life in a new dimension that comes towards you will be accompanied by a life interiorized in the interior of this planet which you call Earth. This is so for each change of vibratory state: what has been exterior becomes interior and what has been interior passes to another field of conscience escaping from even what you call the 5th dimension.
It is time to prepare yourselves. This preparation is absolutely not an exterior preparation through rituals, through provisions of any sort. It is an interior preparation exclusively aiming to make you find (as the Archangel Jophiel has shown you in vibratory manner) the equilibrium and the interior peace, alone guaranteeing a transition intact and autonomous. You will very obviously be helped, guided, accompanied in many ways. Those who you call still brothers from space or extra-terrestrials will manifest themselves in numbers more and more important starting from the moment when Erkobulus will be visible to the eye. This is written, once again, in the logical cycles at the same level as your life is written between a birth and a death. It is thus the same for the dimensions: they are born, grow and die.
This third dimension (initialized by myself as planetary regent) must now leave the place to a new paradigm, a new life and a new dimension. For this we must accept the principle of the death of the old to permit to arise the new. What is asked of you (ndr: reference to the exercises proposed during the stage) is an interior work in the manner which the Archangel Jophiel has shown and demonstrated to you, aiming to stabilize you and prepare you for this new state of being, for this new stage of growth of the soul. The only sign that you must watch out for is the apparition of Erkobulus and, of course, to be conscious and attentive to what happens in your interior, in all the relations, in all the communications that you establish with what is exterior to you. A certain number of things must die: the ties of the past.
A certain number of new things must appear in keeping with the liberty of the future. You must cultivate in you this vibratory state which has been shown by the Archangel, which is the only state favorable to the realization of what you are. You must no longer be attached to whatever it is. You must be capable, from one instant to the other, of accepting the change which is imposed upon you but that you have the liberty, of course, to accept or to refuse. But it is nevertheless imposed upon you even by the cycles of this solar system. It is no longer possible to hesitate. It is no longer possible to shilly-shally. What has been called by the Archangel Jophiel “the meeting with the Angel” is the meeting with your intimacy. Once this meeting will take place it will be necessary to accept the changes, whatever they are. Even if they seem to you difficult, impossible, arduous, you need to go in the sense of the least resistance and the total acceptance of them. Only important is the Light that you harbor inside this body and to which I address myself. All the rest are only constructions which have been necessary to experience the separation from what you are. Today it is terminated in a manner irrevocable. Nevertheless you conserve the absolute liberty to recommence the cycles in this dimension, but you can no longer hesitate from one world to the other, from one decision to the other. You are obliged to decide in total liberty for one choice or for another. That belongs to you but know, of course, that the lines of least resistance, those which go in the sense of the requested change, have the least suffering, the most joys in the end. Do not allow yourselves to divert, to pollute, to deviate with whoever it is.
Your conduct must be dictated solely by your interiority, by what you feel in the most profound of your being as right for you because this is the solution to what you seek from this cycle of incarnation in which you are. You are invited to the cosmic weddings. You are invited to the grand reunions but no one can go towards these reunions by being attached to the old systems, whatever is your degree or your level of seniority. The experiences of this life, in this instant, push you sometimes to where you do not want to go and yet that is just. If you go in the sense of your interiority the synchronicities will be accentuating, the fluidity will be more and more facile, things will be more and more simple in the interior of you, whatever is the degree of complexity which will manifest itself at the exterior of you. Do not forget that you will be guided, helped, accompanied. The meeting of the Angel with your intimacy has already taken place for certain of you. From this meeting you have noticed that things are not necessarily in the sense that you want but that this is necessary for your good, to be in accord with the choices that you have formulated, whatever is this choice. Exceptionally I want very much to give you the complementary information which you judge useful to ask me and to which I will judge useful to respond.
Question: Erkobulus is in the third dimension?
Yes. It is known and recognized by those who pull the reins of the governments of your planet. It will be hidden up to the last minute but it will not be able to be hidden from the human regard, from the naked eye.
Question: is it the planet about which we hear speak for several weeks, near the sun?
It is effectively this one. It bears other names but the name of origin is Erkobulus.
Question: In which period will it appear?
Between now and, at the latest, in one year.
Question: what is it necessary to do when it will appear?
Avoid the confrontations and the rumors of the world, turn more and more towards the interiority, go in the sense of what is asked of you by what accompanies you in the form of dreams, of intuitions, of presentiments or of sensations.
Question: what do you mean » formal protection in precise places ?
This is not useful for the moment. Know simply that all is previewed and programmed for the convulsions of childbirth of the planet.
Question: these convulsions are directly linked to the visibility of Erkobulus?
They are linked, of course, to the presence and to the approach of this planet.
Question: Is it true that the earth will tremble for 8 hours leading to the reversal of the poles?
That is exactly right.
Question: how to articulate the famous 3 days?
That is the same thing. At the end of the convulsions, occurring in this country during a cold night, the Earth stops its rotation. It will therefore be exposed, for the so-called occidental countries on this side of the globe, to 3 nights of darkness. During this transition the planet Earth, as well as the other planets of the solar system, will change orbit. The important thing, I repeat it, in what concerns you in incarnation on this world, is only to be preoccupied with your interiority. As that celestial body becomes amplified, it will be convenient more and more to turn towards your interior being.
Question: the planetary modifications will they bring changes upon our corporeality and our conscience?
These are changes extremely important from your DNA up to your form.
Question: will that require specific practices to best adopt?
In the precise moment of the three days you will be placed in a state of maximum protection (which is not the gatherings or the regroupings) where your body and your conscience will be totally protected, totally in Light. You absolutely do not have to worry about the material conditions of these events. The only preoccupation must be spiritual and concern your interior Light.
Question: how to develop this interior Light?
By being ready to listen. By being attentive. By being conscious of what happens and lives in the interior of you.
Question: this of which you come to speak will happen when?
All will be accomplished the 21st December of the year 2012. All will be achieved.
Question: from this date what will be the configuration of the Earth?
Nothing will remain of what you know now, except yourselves.
Question: how to articulate the period of transition of 132 days with the 3 days?
That will happen after. That is a phase of education and of preparation for the new life in the interior of the Earth.
Question: are the people who accompany this transition already in fifth dimension?
The response is very complex. Those who will accompany you, those who accompany you already, belong to the multidimensional spaces which do not know the corporeality. Only one precise class of participants will keep a certain corporeality necessary to the physical processes. But that is very little important in relation to what I have asked of you, that is to say to turn yourselves towards your spiritual being. Remember that this event is first of all the return of the Light.
Question: Why did you create the third dimension?
Because the experience of the division, because the experience of the separation permits the human soul to grow stronger in Light. The move away from the Source, the move away from your interiority makes it possible to develop in the material the qualities of Light which do not exist there. You have therefore a role of transcendence of the material, of ascension of the material in order to spiritualize, of course by a return to your own Source, your material and the material.
Question: are there not other means than to pass through the division?
There are very many ways to arrive there but for reasons which I cannot explain now that has been made necessary by the path even of this solar system.
Question: Is it necessary that the division continues in the new cycle?
It will last necessarily for those who will wish to continue.
Question: What is the objective of all that?
Only one: to grow the Light.
Question: Then how do you explain so much distortion in the Light?
It would be very long to explain because the explanations are numerous. The 3rd dimension is a world of duality, a world where the Light must be sought, where it does not manifest spontaneously. The Light, such as you see it, is only the reflection of the solar Light. Its exteriorized aspect, if you prefer. The experience of the incarnation in this dimension is a privileged means for the soul to reinforce itself in its Light.
Question: the period of 3 days of obscurity will be after or before the period of confrontation of 30 months that you have mentioned?
The confrontation is very obviously earlier. You have entered into the period of confrontation.
Question: the atomic disasters would be part of this?
The disasters are not the work of the human but of the cycles in themselves. These disasters are only the reflection of the birth of the Light and nothing else. The form is sometimes obliged to be destroyed to allow the Light to appear.
Question: what is the purpose of the Light?
The Light is. It does not have a purpose. It has need only to radiate. That escapes the comprehension of a brain. There are no words approaching, even remotely, the reality of the evolution if such is the way one can speak of the Light.
Question: In what way is the period from next 15 August important?
It is important at more than one level. It signs the entry of the solar system, in its totality, under the direct radiation of Erkobulus which gets nearer to the plane of the ecliptic. From this date, the vibratory influence of Erkobulus will manifest itself.
Question: how will it become a reality in the 3rd dimension?
The response to the impulse of Erkobulus will be profoundly different according to the beings and the regions. That would lead to an extremely fastidious description. By contrast it will be lived, in the interior of the human being, as a major impulsion to go towards its liberation for those who accept or, on the contrary, to a major impulsion towards the forces maintaining the 3rd dimension.
Question: is a soul who has chosen the Light, in fact, fit to ascend to 5th dimension?
No. It will pass to fifth dimension but with or without the body.
Question: what is the importance of ascending with or without the body?
None. Simply we have need of a maximal seeding of souls with their bodies in the 5th dimension in a manner to assure a sufficient procreation and a more rapid repopulation.
Question: if there exist other planetary systems and other dimensions, what is the interest in making the system of the Earth endure?
To permit to those who wish it to continue the experience because no one, at the level of the Light, can go against the free will.
Question: absolutely no entity, from any dimensional plane, can go against the free will?
Absolutely not. On your dimensional game, which is the experience of the 3rd dimension, the forces of the Shade exist. They cannot exist in the superior dimensions because their vibration constrains them to remain in the inferior vibrations.
Question: the ascension without the physical body supposes the death?
In 5th dimension the death no longer exists. There is transition from body to body without interruption of the conscience. Thus, those who will enter the fifth dimension without the body no longer fall into the oblivion linked to the death. Moreover it is no longer called the death, but the transition.
Question: How long is the time between each transition?
How do you want to speak of time when the time is not counted in the same way.
Question: how does the ascension process happen with the body?
There is no single process of ascension with the body. I urge you simply to stay centered on your interiority and wait for what comes.
Question: the passage to 5th dimension with the body happens with the same body?
No, because in 5th dimension disappear what you call the physical defects, the diseases and the abnormalities. The vibratory climb of the elevation and of the ascension does not permit the dense vibrations to reach these levels.
Question: From where comes Erkobulus?
But it is part of your solar system, but it travels a much more elliptical orbit which is situated on the sagittal plane and therefore is found permanently behind the sun.
Question: why have our scientists not seen this phenomenon?
But it is known.
Question: Why is it unseen?
Imagine the world in which you live at the moment when you will see in your sky, each day, a star which grows from day to day and which approaches you.
Question: the crop circles are they messages from the extra-terrestrials?
They are. Their sense is to inform you of what arrives. It requires a technology linked to the Intergalactic Confederation.
Question: What is the role of the extra-terrestrials?
Multiple. It is difficult to go into the details. Certain ones will have functions more directly linked to you, to your mechanism of elevation. Others will be there, also, to guard against certain types of danger but others, also, profit from this period to introduce a dimension, I would say, of confusion but that must not preoccupy you unduly.
Question: how to identify the » good « extra-terrestrials?
Only your interior perspicacity, your interior judgment, your interior feeling will be worthwhile.
Question: Is it true that the guardian’s corps has been disbanded?
That is correct. We no longer have need of these persons, in the sense incarnate. They are no longer guardians.
We no longer have questionings, we thank you.
I transmit to you my brotherly salutations. Keep present in the Spirit, in each minute of your lives, for no exterior circumstance must come to alter your interior conscience. This is true of the planet about which I have spoken to you as of events which arise right now in your lives. You must be firm in your choices, in your Light. I transmit to you salutations and blessings and I say to you until another day.
http://www.autresdimensions.info/p/orionis.html , see #4
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