The Titled question: “Who Perpetrated 911?” is a question that’s been answered with an ongoing (if largely and cowardly ignored) avalanche of Truth for nearly two decades ongoing….
To those who are long accustomed to playing sadistic ”games” with their fellow humans, 911 was, like many, many other ‘operations’, justified to themselves as something ‘holy’ or “ritualistically necessary”. This is how the psychopathic mind operates, and it’s much worse when that mind is a hive mind, or ‘mob’ mentality, if you will. They can, do, and have, treated such ‘operations’ as cavalier as a child’s game. (911 isn’t the only time the perpetrators have been caught laughing, even dancing, as their victims die.) The myriad ‘human’ pieces on their worldwide ‘game board’ are as meaningless to them as their cardboard ‘counterparts’ in a board game of “Risk”. Only those pieces actually STAND UP for themselves during the “game”…..
Tag….You’re IT!
Whether it’s a children’s game of hide and seek, kick the can, or even the kinds of games of cat and mouse that the hidden hands of the nations play with each other….we’ve all been ‘tagged’ for some reason or another at some point in our lives. But it’s getting more serious these days, is it not?
Odds are, the powers that be will want to tag us next. True enough.
But how many of us are ‘tagged’ already?
Why has MalWart changed it’s logo to a six pointed ‘star’? Why does every checkout line have the six pointed logo with advice to every customer to “think six?” Even all three registers at the customer service counter have 3 large 6′s on them, each promoting the fact that the charge to cash a personal check is 6 dollars.
Why is MalWart testing guard towers at several locations throughout the southeast U.S.?
What exactly is the history of the six pointed star and why is it on our Nation’s money, the foreheads of officer hats of U.S. Military, foreheads of MalWart employee hats, etched on the hilt of officer swords of all U.S. military branches?
Why does the company, “Digimarc”, that designed driver’s licenses and state I.D.s for several U.S. states, have as it’s company logo, 3 Six pointed stars? Pretty clever, notice the color key and the 3 six pointed stars?….
You see, the HEXagram, or six pointed star, is linked with ritual magic, spells, and satanism the world over for eons. It is a geometric representation of a 6 within a 6 within a 6. Solomon of the bible, when he fell away from God, took the six pointed star as his own personal ‘seal’, which became known as the “seal of solomon” for many years. Only in relatively modern times did it become known, falsely, as the “star of David”; for it has no link to the David of the Bible. Here is it’s history:
Have a look for yourselves…here’s a 19th Century Toronto, Canada Public Building…
Officer swords:
Officer Hats:
Money: At one end of the dollar, a hexagon made of stars sits above the eagle, the symbol for America. At the other end is the pyramid with all seeing eye. When one completes the hexagram by drawing the inverted pyramid, the points land on letters which spell, ‘mason’. Conincidence? It is their way of displaying just who rules ‘over’ the U.S.A.
Walmart Hats:
MalWart RFID:
So….If you ever find yourself in an economic situation where just about the only place “too big to fail” that still has food on it’s shelves is MalWart, and you are required to submit to a six pointed mark to buy or sell, using money that has the six pointed logo, under the military supervision of those bearing the six pointed logo….
Be reminded that such is not a coincidence.
God’s word states:
“Here is Wisdom. Let him that hath Understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:18
I’ve capitalized the words “Wisdom” and “Understanding” to show that Christ is referring to a specific individual. What man was the wisest of his day and age? Who had more God given understanding than his peers? That man was Solomon.
“Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,” 1 Kings 10:14
So we see that the man to whom the mark of the beast is linked, is Solomon, whose seal, the HEXagram, is a mark which bears the 666. Which secret and not so secret societies today highly revere the fallen solomon?
The movies coming from ‘Hellyweird’ are filled with satanic symbology, much of it hidden and much of it on open display. Here is one image taken from the movie, jack reacher: (one among countless examples)
Of course, the examples that permeate our society from top to bottom tell the story. A story written long ago about the exact eventualities unfolding the world over today. hollywood’s war on God…
Google, the search engine and tech giant, has the number 666 right in it’s logo, and the corporation not only collects huge amounts of data on every individual it can, but it also cleverly displayed 666 in a recent video commercial; and also funnels approximately 11 Billion dollars a year through a private mailbox in the bahamas on it’s way to the UK. It’s mailbox number? 666
Monster energy drinks also cleverly displays the 666 and other antiChrist messages on their packaging. One wonders what other ‘clever’ ingredients are inside the can…
It is not strange nor is it peculiar that all of these things were foretold to the letter ages ago. Not when one realizes that our Creator is just Who He says He is…
In these critical times, there are 7 groups, seven spiritual conditions in which Christ finds His children. He has some reproof for all but two. These two are Smyrna and Philadelphia. These two groups share something in common, they are both materially poor, but spiritually rich! And both suffer at the hands of a certain group of people. Of all the potential oppressors, who does Christ name? Those who ‘call themselves Jews’ and are NOT, but of the synagogue of satan. Who holds the reigns of power over much of the world today? And what is their chosen means of expression of that power, and the symbology of that power?
More importantly dear reader,
Which group of the seven do you want to be found in upon Christ’s return, and are you willing to give up the cares of the world for the Work of God at this late hour?
Happy is he whose Master, upon His arrival, finds him giving His sheep their food at the proper time.
“The harvest is great, but the laborers are few”…
Christ tells us that He would rather have us hot or cold. His friend or His enemy. For if we are lukewarm, He will spit them out of His mouth. Dear reader, I ask you, “When is the best time to decide just Who’s side you are on?” Time is short to prove convincingly, just where you stand.
Be Hot then, or be cold.
Remain indecisive and you are lukewarm, wavering in the middle. And the middle is the worst place to be, especially on the battlefield between good and evil. For then, one is an enemy to both sides.
Choose wisely then, Whom you will serve….
Just FYI,
Blessings in Jesus Christ and good Journeys