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By 50 Shades of Pissed Off
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The Train Crash Was a Hoax/False Flag!!

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What the hell?? Is everything fake nowadays? Apparently so… You guys cannot watch this and still think this was a real event.  They are straight HOAXING us again!! You guys need to wake up and realize that this is all a distraction.  The memo, the indictments,  Q-anon, draining the swamp…blah blah blah… so much freaken talk with no action. This is just another added drama to the fake soap opera they’re playing out before you to distract you and keep you subdued and content in these final days. ITS ALL A DISTRACTION!!! You cannot watch this video and then tell me this was a real event. They LOVE Hoaxing us… And this is just another one.

Why is the wrecked train different from the train that was in the train wreck? 

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    Total 34 comments
    • Anonymous

      50 Shades Of Idiocy. :smile:

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Oh Mitch..always the encourager. You must feel really good about yourself spending all day every day putting others down.

        • Anonymous

          Only 50 Shades can turn an accident like this into a WORLD WIDE CONSPIRICY. I do kind of feel good about trying to warn the BINNERITES regarding the BS that you spew. So, thanks! :smile:

          • plsnogod

            mitch51, you sure seem to have an awful lot of time on your hands…

            • Anonymous

              Nah, I’m just a professional troll. It’s just a job. I golf and bet sports on my off time. :smile:

            • plsnogod

              Nice one!

    • smoking gun

      i dont know where you got this guy 50, but he is awesome. You do such a good job…hopefully all this truth and disclosure will start to sink in. I figured by now most would have woken up…not sure what it’s going to take

    • holeshot

      Well, you gotta admit that it’s REALLY fishy that a train carrying THAT many important members of Congress wasn’t heavily escorted with point men ahead of it and EVERY crossing in its path guarded and shut down. Either the world’s worst security and planning or maybe there IS something to it.

    • Tedx

      Why do I get this message posted on every spot videos are published at
      Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension.

      Anyone else getting this?

    • Cerebral prolapse

      State of Virginia right? 6 days ago google told us that it was going to happen with the gif. Of Virginia woolfe. Wakey wakey.

    • JohnB

      I’m not saying this is not a false flag event with the intent to derail the Amtrak train with GOP members on board, but the different engines is easily explained if you would just think. Trains running at high speed can’t just stop on a dime even if they hit something. It’s my understanding Amtrak will run with two engines, especially short distances. One in front, and one in back.That way they can just reverse course without turning the train around, or having to swap the engine to the other side. Saves time. What we are probably seeing is the by time the train got stopped it was beyond the wreckage and the engine we are seeing is the engine that was in the rear pulling the train back thru the wreck sight going back to where it originated.

      • BAPatriot

        That would seem to make sense, but, as you say, if the rear engine is at the back of the train, facing back towards the East, from which direction it came, it should not have any damage to it. How can it be damaged, being the last car and be facing in the opposite direction?

        • JohnB

          It’s not damaged The engine at the other end is. Sometimes there are logical explanations for what appears to be discrepancies.


      “You guys cannot watch this and still think this was a real event.”

      Yeah right.. ONLY if you are gullible and lack discernment. This is absolutely WRONG.

      The photo of the FRONT of the train was tweeted by Rep. Jeff Dunham.

      That’s the origin of the photo that was then picked up by various media.

      What this youtube joker then shows you is the BACK of the train, next to the truck wreckage.

      The train traveled its full length past the collision point before coming to a stop. The train was later towed away on the track after the front had been UNCOUPLED, leaving it behind. The video of the wreckage scene from inside the train was shot as the train was pulling away from the scene of the crash.

      False Flag is possible, anything is.. but the train/truck crash DID occur.

      • Knarlydawg

        This is the comment I put under this video on You Tube, it’s directed towards the video producer !

        Your first problem in making your observations is your lack of rail accident investigation experience. Your assessment of what you are looking at is not accurate at all.

        1) The picture you show of the stationary train with the trash truck in the foreground is showing the trailing Unit (Engine, Locomotive Unit), which is often attached to the rear of passenger trains facing the opposite direction to help expedite the return trip. (Less switching movements involved to send the train back to where it came from.)

        2) The damage on the lead Unit is completely consistent with the vehicle debris in the pictures. The train would not necessarily derail upon impact, they are massively heavier than that trash truck and are designed to remain on the rails in such collisions. The picture of the damaged lead Unit shows most of the damage on the left front of the Unit (if sitting inside the Unit), on the head brakeman’s and fireman’s side of the Unit, which is perfectly consistent the debris and where it came to rest. The truck appears to have been about 2/3s of the way over the tracks coming towards the side it is sitting on. It appears to have been hit towards the back end of the truck thus throwing it outward and to the side it came to rest on with the rear of the truck facing the direction the train was traveling, from right to left in the picture of the damaged truck and the dissimilar painted rear Unit. Everything I observe in these pictures is consistent with an actual road crossing train / vehicle accident as it has been, thus far, described.

        3) The train moving while the Congressman is filming is not at all unusual. You don’t know how much time has elapsed since the collision happened and when the filming was done …… it could have been hours. The train was moving in (in the congressman’s video) the direction opposite of it’s original direction of travel suggesting that the rear Unit was being used to, perhaps, pull the train away from the damaged lead Unit so clean up and further equipment inspections could proceed after the preliminary investigation was completed. Getting the passengers safely underway would be a top consideration also so the train may have to back track to an alternate route on a different track.

        This may have been a genuine tragic accident. It appears quite real to me based on my years of experiences as a rail road conductor. The only BS here is this video producer’s assessment of a Railroad grade crossing accident.

    • BAPatriot

      Not sure if this is a false flag op, but you did bring up the interesting discrepancy between the two AMTRAK engines. Another boo-boo. If the train was heading due West from Charlottesville to W. VA, then the collateral damage to trash truck cab, strewn trash and rear trash container trailer is on the North side of the tracks (assuming road crossing train tracks is in a North to South direction. If that is the case, then the “damage” shown to the AMTRAK engine with the red/blue stripe is on the WRONG side of engine. Damage should not be on left front of engine. The damage would be on the right front side of engine. So, yeah, the photo of the damage engine is from some other train mishap. Oops………… :mrgreen:

    • TRUTHY1

      February 1 2018 the statute of limitations runs out on some of the violations of the law that the Secretary of State committed. Treason & Murder have no time limit.

    • HypothesisFree

      Both Democrats and Republicans, including Donald Trump, are Zionist Globalist puppets.

      Ron Paul Just Destroyed Trump’s Hypocritical Speech in an EPIC Tweet Storm
      Dr. Ron Paul, decided to grade President Donald Trump?s speech last night, in real time. The final result of his series of tweets is nothing short of incredible and highlights how blinded some have become to the grandiose persona of The Donald ? ignoring all his broken promises and audaciously excusing his championing of the police and warfare states…While applause rang out during the speech, those of us who are able to see through the lies saw the dog and pony show for what it is?a glorification of war and the fleecing of American people.

      Heads Explode As Julian Assange Exposes Trump’s “Subservience” to Terrorist Saudi Arabia
      If corporate media were actually interested in exposing the alleged crimes of Trump, then why are they spending so much time faking headlines and lying about Russia when they could easily expose his ties to terrorists in Saudi Arabia? Since Trump has gotten into office, he?s proven to America that he has no intention of making America great again. Every step forward he takes, like halting the flow of cash from the CIA to ISIS, he takes several more steps back.

      Trump worth ‘more alive to us [72 banks] than dead’ [Zionist banksters leveraging Trump as a good salesman to do their bidding - this is why they decided to keep Trump afloat, rather than bankrupting him personally]

      Babylonian Talmud, Zionism, NYC Mafia, Qanon? [Strong evidence that Donald Trump is compromised and BLOOD OWNED by the Zionist Jewish Banksters! His foreign policy has been more of the same, so is it only show on other occasions where Trump seems like a dog who bites its owner?]

      Operation Satan; War Generals IN the White House

      CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE on where the first Jews originated from

      The Word Jew Is NOT In The Bible
      But Blunt Publisher Manipulation Is
      “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” – Mark Twain
      The word “Jew” did not come into existence until the year 1775 A.D., whereas the occurrences in the bible took place from around 4000 B.C. to 70 A.D.
      The present generally accepted secondary meaning of the word ‘Jew’ is fundamentally responsible for the confusion in the minds of Christians regarding elementary tenets of the Christian faith.
      [also explained here is why it would be clearly blasphemous to state, for example to a Jew, that "Oh, Jesus was a Jew, too."]

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      The Babylonian Talmud – [Satanic Secret] Religion of the ZIONISTS (CREEPY) [10 min]

      The Church of Satan Experiencing Huge Swell in Membership as Satanism Goes Mainstream in America [and if you are a Zionist Christian you may as well add yourself to the list of Satanists since this is who you are supporting - Zionists are Luciferians - look it up!]
      - /global-unrest/2018/01/the-church-of-satan-experiencing-huge-swell-in-membership-as-satanism-goes-mainstream-in-america-2498906.html

      Zionists/Luciferians have “completely infiltrated the Christian church” – Ex Occultist Reveals The Truth! [AMAZING and will leave a lasting impression on you - Who better than an ex-Luciferian to recognize Luciferianism in today's churches - it is no longer safe to bring your children to church!]

      Even Jews Ask: Is Judaism a Satanic Cult?

      “Are Jews The Israelites Of The Bible? The Awkward Moment When Jews Realize They’re The Goyim” [and that is is actually the Palestinians and Blacks sold into slavery who are the chosen ones/decsendants of Abraham]

      In the final analysis, there is practically no distinction between politics and religion. And as an aside, government too is a religion:

      • Everette

        Sorry dude in the Bible the book of Song of Solomon , the black queen of Ethopia is writing about her love King Solomon in chapter 5 verse 10 she writes that Solomon king of Judea is White and ruddy ( able to blush ) . Other passages tell that King David was also ruddy , able to blush . Only white people can blush . So No the blacks was not actual Israel or Judea or even the Hebrews . The Hebrews trace their linage to the second chapter in Genesis where GOD after resting from making the universe , planet earth and the first white type O blood type man and woman , then forms Adam and Eve to place into HIS garden HE created called Eden . Adam according to the Hebrews ( who are White type A blood types ) trace Adams entrance onto planet earth 5778 years ago . Science traces White type A positive blood types entering earth to about 5800 years ago . And type O white man at about 150,000 years ago . Blacks come from White type O men after the flood with the curse Noah put on his step son Ham for sodomizing him while he had become drunk from the grape juice that fermented . But back to Adam entering earth at 5778 years ago according to Hebrew history and scientist guessing his entrance as 5800 years ago looking at White type A positive blood markers giving it a guessed age of 5800 years ago . So we have 22 years difference , not bad for guessing . So like I said No the Hebrews , Israel and Judea were not black people . Besides Arron and Mirion , Moses brother and sister fussed at Moses for marrying his second wife who was a black Ethopian woman . When you mix a black and white you get brown or lighter skin high yellow or red bone as blacks call them . India seems to be a good example of the mixture . But Moses was a White man . And if he had children by the Ethopian woman they were a mixed color children . When the gathering a few years back of the tribe of Judea into the land of Israel there were a few what you may say were blacks that Judea was bringing into to Israel that was supposed to be from Solomon and queen of sheba and Moses with his Ethopian wife linage children . But they had to have White type A blood types . True blacks are type O blood types and are descendant of Canaan , Hams son who received the curse from Noah and went into the land of Africa and Ehtopia . And as for the Palestinians the Bible tells us that when Israel ( America , Europe and Australia – lost 10 tribes of Ephraim Israel ) join Judea now living in Israel , they will join forces and drive the Palestinians out of Jerusalem towards the western sea ( Mediterranean sea ) and destroy them . So I don’t think that the Palestineans are Israel , Judea or the Hebrews . Sorry dude ! But that doesn’t mean that blacks won’t or can’t be saved also . Ask the LORD GOD to forgive you of your sins and ask HIM to come into your heart and save you and be your GOD , then you too can be part of the family of GOD .

        • plsnogod

          No evidence for ‘god’ dude..
          Never has been,and unlikely to be.
          It is all in your mind.

    • Anonymous

      Nahh I don’t see that people even care not really /then it was a useless distraction then.
      You see a garbage truck hit a train with lawyers, to the people they are one and the same.

      • Anonymous

        It could be an AI then, counting for my logic. But that is jumping to conclusions.

        • Anonymous

          The mafia did it, no proof at all, just a feeling.

          • Anonymous

            And same logic thinking
            garbage truck and lawyers =0

            • wheeties

              a garbage train hits a garbage truck—unbelievable!!!!

    • Twisted_Leads

      That blue and white engine looks like it was at the tail end of the train. jThe engine that hit was the red whit and blue one at the head of the train. It is common that a train have more than one engine. Do you know anything about railroads?

      The picture of the Blue and White Engine was near the Crossing. That’s because the train took that long to come to a stop with the tail end just clearing the Crossing.

      Trains have more than one engine many times and especially when it is carrying important cargo if something happens to the first engine.

      Not being argumentative, but keeping an open mind. Please prove me wrong.

    • Twisted_Leads

      I reviewed some footage. Here’s why there is a different engine. After the Red, White, and Blue Engine derailed, it was decoupled from the train The Blue and White Engine is an auxiliary sent out to move the passenger cars to clear the site. As I suspected, the Blue and White Engine is not the front of the train in the original direction of travel.

      I do agree that we must question every darn thing that we are presented with though. Keep asking the questions. Interesting hypothesis.

    • Global Agenda

      Awesome exposure. I am working on mine this evening. Love ya Sister!

    • Bob DD

      Where are the DC politician bums? Paul Ryan supposedly was on train, but no photo op? Yeah, right. He would have been bouncing in front of the cameras? WHERE WERE THE POLITICIAN VICTIMS?

      • Anonymous

        Yeah and Sessions acting like this was an assassination attempt right off the bat smells real bad. Who were they trying to assassinate, the Truck driver?
        Was anyone on the train even injured?

    • Tedx

      Exemplary post.

    • JohnB

      BAPatriot The train was heading West, the damage was to the left of the lead engine, the truck/debris was to the left of the tracks putting it on the South side. The other engine was attached to the rear, no damage, and is facing East putting the wreckage to it’s right side. Still the South side. All consistent. Real incident. No Hoax. Not fake. Curious how you concluded that the wreckage was on the North side of tracks? Unfortunate accident, or intentional. That’s the question that needs answering.

      • Don - 1

        Correct…..this whole sad incident was just what it looks like…a rail crossing accident with a truck being driven by some idiot and his 2 co-workers.

    • Occams Razor

      Engine 4 vs Engine 145? It doesn’t make sense what they said. They started changing the story. It it two trucks. blah blah. If it would have hit a garbage truck and drug it, trash would have been strewn for thousands of feet instead of a localized mess. Also, doesn’t appear to be much in the way of any hydraulic linkages between the truck chassis cab and the box that was supposively on it. No big master piston ripped and torn off? Just seems like a clean chassis cab with a rolled over cab.

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